lethargicsunlight · 2 years
Dabi XSpookyQuirk!Reader 'No Happy Endings' (Part 16)
Due to the shear amount of 'Parts' to this series, I will be doing some overall organizing moving forward.
In short, this will be the last part of this series. (Read all the way to the end to see an epilogue ;) )
I never expected this story to go as far as it has, but I've loved the entire trip of it. It's nice to let loose and just write how I want to and what I want to, and this story in particular is an example of that shear joy. I hope everyone continues to follow along, to see where our SpookyQuirk!Reader ends up! <3
Read the other parts here: LINK
Join the Tag List here: LINK (leave a comment here or there)
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WARNINGS: Spicy themes, Spooky vibes, a little fluff, not edited. The usual.
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Neither you or the League could have anticipated the consequences soon to come from your appearance in their latest squabble with the pro-heroes of Japan.
The Hero Commission had released statement after statement, making presumptuous claims about your quirk being 'illusionary' 'nightmarish scare tactics'.
But the people of Japan had a different perspective.
Similar to the rise of Stain's cultish followers, the demonstration of your power inspired unlikely questions and investigations among civilians--some of which recognized the ghosts you'd temporarily made corporeal. Names and pictures were compared to the apparitions, staking allegations against the Hero Commission for their attempt of crowd control through manipulating the truth, and not being transparent.
After your 'audience' with All for One, you'd returned to the League's base with a numbness in your chest and glaze over your vision. Dabi, still coping with his dimensional feelings on the matter, stayed in your shadow. Close enough to open doors, provide meals, and ground you to the room--but far away enough that he seemed hesitant to touch. Considering the revelations that seemed to just keep playing on the damn T.V. in the lobby, the two of you had little alone time.
The news had become a constant noise. The lights of the television would dance across Shigaraki's features as he leant in with hands folded over his chin, elbows on his knees, constantly evaluating the public view and figuring out how to manipulate it. He'd task one or two people with something, an errand or espionage, and send them out. Small and inconspicuous things, like listening to rumors in dark places.
But, not you.
"You need to lay low a while." Shigaraki had warned, eyeing you over the back of the couch. "Even other villains are going to seek you out right now. To ask questions, maybe try to use you."
He turns back to the screen, skin a little smoother than usual, his hand apparatus missing from over his face. "We can't let them have you."
You had stared at the back of his head for a while, feeling strange in the air of it all. For once, you really didn't mind being cooped up at the base--the outside felt foreign now. But some kind of hurt tugged at your heart, reminding you that you remained more of an asset than a friend to him and his superior. Though, even if that were to change, you doubted it would be something Shigaraki would verbalize.
Twice had a tendency to linger. Objectively different than Shigaraki, he was both rude and not-rude about wanting to be in your presence for extended lengths of time, and admitted it verbally. Accompanying you and Dabi to the kitchen to eat, sitting nearby in the lobby, offering to fetch things. Compress, Toga, and Spinner too had spent a few mornings discussing everything before going away to work, patting your shoulders awkwardly and expressing delight on how you'd really become 'a part of the League'. (They were also particularly interested in their new resident ghost: Haga, whom now lingered in a cleared out basement of the building. You've promised to decorate it for him, for as long he decided to stay.) The last week had been hectic and moving, filled with strange emotional conversations and observations--mostly to do with you.
However, this particular morning, with your hands wrapped around a beverage, the kitchen is suspiciously empty.
And, you take that time to dwell. To, marinate in everything that had happened all too fast.
It makes you smile.
Not for having changed the public view, not for having expressed your abilities to a large audience and feeling validated in the face of it (though, you won't lie, that's kind of nice too), but for the strange and awkward and wonderful assurances of the League. Of your friends.
Like you, their social skills had suffered in the shadow cast by society--but unlike society, you didn't have to interpret their emotions through verbal or even non-verbal communication. With a flip of a switch, you knew.
And joy was a vibrant yellow.
Something like static over your left shoulder draws you out of your daydreams, followed by a hand grazing your upper arm. Instinctively, you lean into the warmth with your eyes closed and your crown meet's the rivets of Dabi's coat. There's a warm hum that comes from his chest, and the comfort of it is immense.
"Good morning." You say, almost accusing, searching for him as your eyes reopen.
"Mm," is his response, as he dips down to rub his nose into your hair. "Finally, no one's fucking around this morning.."
You grin, a tingle of excitement running down your spine at his closeness. Your eyebrows cinch in, and you lift away to turn towards him proper, examining him. He moves back just enough, expression unreadable.
You want to comment on his hesitancy with you, but you're also afraid to ruin the moment.
"You're looking good." You say, reaching out toward him. He seems to flex a moment with indecision, before leaning in so your index could trace the flesh above the staples in his cheeks.
"Good huh?" He asks, mocking, with a new and steady grin. "You do too, I guess."
You roll your eyes, "I meant, you're healing well. You look amazing."
His eyes light up a little unexpectedly, but his grin begins to fade out. One of his hands chases yours, fingers teasing at your wrist. "Y/n." He says it like he's addressing you, formally. Your heart skips in your chest, though you're unsure why.
He leans forward. Expecting a kiss (long overdue), you close your eyes.
But his face moves to the side, and you can feel the cooled metal of his staples as they graze your brow-bone. Instead, his lips meet your ear, "You don't have to stay.." He whispers, and now his fingers shift up so his thumb is in your palm. He wraps your hand up, pulling it to his chest. "You can still get away from all of this."
Despite how serious his questions were, you chuckle.
He draws back, brows set. "I'm serious." He says, expecting you to freeze.
But you shake your head, "So am I. What gave you the impression I was afraid?"
"You…" His voice drifts, "I didn't mean you were. But this--this situation isn't good for you. I mean, the League and I yeah, but All for One?" He shakes his head, "He's got shit going on in Shiggy's brain that I don't really much care for, especially anything to do with you."
"And how are you different?" You ask, voice level. Even you had been asking those questions, seeking those apprehensions in the past week or so.
"Being different isn't the point. Being in very real danger is the point."
"We've always been in danger; every time we step outside, and it just keeps getting worse." You shrug, "Yes, sure, you're right. I could run away. Hide, you know, like I used to."
He blanches a bit, mouth producing a thin line.
"Or, I could be right here." And you swallow as emotions begin to choke you. "I could be right here, standing for something, being someone. Even if that means I'm 'Necromancer', or whatever, and I'm a big scary villain; just like you."
You move yourself forward, breaking the connection between your hands so your chest is flush with his instead. "I may deal in ghosts Touya, but I've never felt more alive then I do right now."
Brightness returns to his eyes. A boyishness you remember, one night in the street, with flames engulfing the scenery in his anger. The spirit of the fire you dreamed so much about, with smoke in your lungs and embers sizzling in your veins. It's painful, the hurt, the suffering--but pain means you're alive. And though he wouldn't be brave enough to say it right now, you'd managed a similar effect upon him; in resurrecting the perished version of himself, the one lost on the mountain he'd turned to cinders that night so long ago. Touya.
And Touya, the child, had been so deprived of what you offered. Not a night of sin, but a life of care. A life, no matter how short, of your fiery and argumentative spirit that inspired change within him, that forced alternative perspectives and made the world feel bigger, brighter. The selflessness he'd never experienced--that which caused him to contemplate pushing you away so many times--was not exclusive to heroes. It was exclusive to love.
There are no happy endings for villains. You were going to be in danger, just as he was, and though he had yet to fulfill his aspirations--part of him simply didn't care. The world could burn outside that room, and he wouldn't care. Ten minutes of bliss would be worth eternal damnation as far as he was concerned. He just needed to reach out and grab it; be selfish again, with you. Happy, with you.
A grin breaks out across his face, stretching the staples. "You're right." His arms cage you suddenly, pulling in as he steps backwards. You gasp, but laugh with the break in tension. A few more steps back and his arm leaves your waist, going behind him--to lock the kitchen door.
"We are villains. Both of us.." He draws you in tighter, lips catching on your jaw. "So fuck everybody else.."
You shiver, temperature rising to hellishly warm. "Dabi--" He shifts back, a finger going to your mouth. He prods your lower lip, "Touya." He corrects you with one hot breath. "Call me Touya."
Though, he expected this bliss to last much longer than ten minutes; much to the chagrin of anyone who might want a morning coffee.
"I don't trust him."
You peer at Touya over your shoulder, still crouched behind the ruined brick of an abandoned school building. "What?" You ask, not completely aligned with the topic of his conversation. Your brain was still fuzzy from walking around in your 'spirit form'.
Oh. At the mention of it, you turn your head to see the League's Pro-hero agent high in the sky, surveying the area. "You think he's playing us?"
"I don't know." He adjusts his coat, rolling up the sleeves to combat the heat. "Crusty trusts him, but--shit he's turning back."
Angling in the air like a falcon, Hawks descends at an alarming speed. He lands somewhere nearby and uses the building's remnants as cover to make his way to the two of you. He does a little wave, a sign everything was clear, and you both stand to approach him.
"Hey you two," He shoves his hands into his pockets, slouching a little. "I got a lay of the land, looks like you're free to roam. I'd take a look due east, I think a lot of the damage took place there."
"Thanks." Touya says quickly, "That all?"
Hawks blinks a few times, "Yeah. That's all. I mean, I would totally keep a look out for you guys--but being gone for too long might get a little suspicious."
"Right, got it. You're free to leave."
Something about Touya's tone hinted he might actually be happier of Hawks did leave.
"Well hold on, let me take a break first," Hawks holds his hands up, then twists to start stretching one of his arms. A wing follows the motion in the opposite direction.
Touya turns away, heading further into the rubble. "Yeah whatever."
"Besides," Hawks continues, eyes drawing towards you. "I want to see what the fuss is all about. I heard you could summon ghosties, right?"
You can hear when Touya's footsteps cease, kicking pebbles up with his boots.
"Uh-" Feeling the air shift, you try to dodge the question. "It's, well--"
"You know, the news really made it sound scary. But you're not really scary at all. I bet it's pretty cool to see--"
"No." Is Touya's resounding answer, to no question in particular, as his hand suddenly braces your arm and starts dragging you away.
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Woop woop I officially starting this meme this october! Gonna be catching up and posting question 2 this afternoon! Also because of self-indulgence (and certain demands...not lookin at anybody but you know who you are), I’ve decided to include Jaz as well, see if I can push myself to do two characters per question, but it’s still mainly going to be Moki.
1.) Describe your character’s relationship with their mother or their father, or both. Was it good? Bad? Were they spoiled rotten, ignored? Do they still get along now, or no?
Jaz -
“Ya favorite kind of cake can’t be birthday cake, daz like sayin’ your favorite kind of toast is breakfast toast.” Vo’jambo laughed good-naturedly as he dragged along three raptors by their reigns.
Jazali’s eyes took on a dreamy look as she hummed “Mmmm breakfast toast...daz mah favorite too!”
“I think you’re missin’ da point Jazali.” Vo’jambo shook his head with a chuckle before he looked around curiously and asked “Hmm...I believe your brother should be around here?”
They both were making a delivery for Jen’zuri for the new raptor breeds from Orgrimmar, and Jazali was more than happy to help their favorite brother. She met this robed Sandfury troll at the meeting point and both headed down to the smaller island of the echo isles where the raptor pens were to hand the new breeds over to her twin.
The little troll looked around, her eyes squinting as she couldn’t spot his familiar flowing mane of orange.
She sniffed “Huh...daz odd, ‘e usually be pretteh puntooal.”
Vo’jambo raised a brow confusedly “...don’t you mean ‘punctual’?”
“Correctin’ her be a lost cause fella.”
Jazali froze. When she turned around she immediately felt her entire demeanor sour as he lips settled into a salty frown. Vo’jambo blinked and turned to find a tall elderly blue female troll in a casual leather garb that looked to be more suited for sleeping in than to be waltzing around in. The Sandfury troll looked away from the revealed cleavage politely and his eyes widened when she saw the similarities between this old woman and Jazali; the same wild hair, same green glaring eyes…
“Oh...it ju.” Jazali glared before turning away and forcefully yanking the duffel bag off her shoulder before rummaging around in it angrily.
The old woman had a rather bored expression on her face that tightened slightly as she grunted around her pipe “‘Ello to ju too.”
“This a relation o’ yours Jazali?” Vojambo jutted a thumb at the older woman, who simply deadpanned at him before looking to Jaz.
“D’is a new boytoy o’ ya’s girl?” She grunted, making Jazali go bright purple.
She whirled upright and barked “Ma’!”
Her eyes glaring beams of indignation at the old woman who simply rolled her eyes. Vo’jambo chuckled slightly and waved a hand politely; so apparently this old woman was her mother. Intriguing.
“Guess not then…” Za’ini muttered as she blew a ring of smoke at them both.
Jazali’s heated gaze narrowed as she crossed her arms “Is dere a reason fo’ ju comin’ here?”
Her daughter’s apparent aggression didn’t seem to faze Za’ini as she shrugged and replied noncommitedly “Ya brodah can’ make it, ‘e says ‘e ‘ad ta take care o’ some shit or odah back in Thundahbluff. So ‘e asked me to take dis batch fo’ him.”
Vo’jambo smiled amicably, albeit his brow quirked awkwardly at the apparent tension “Well..that be very generous of y-”
“Great okay, here be ya raptors, have a shitty day, BYE.”
Vo’jambo blinked as in less than a second Jazali yanked the raptor leashes from him, marched over to her mother and practically threw them onto the floor again before marching away with a wave of her hand.
“O-oh...I suppose...that’s that…” The tall Sandfury muttered, scratching the back of his head. ...Where did that come from?
Za’ini simply smirked dryly and grunted “Kids huh.”
The younger troll simply smiled nervously at her but took a step back when she suddenly leaned in very close to his body.
“So...ju come here often?” Za’ini leered all over his body with a lascivious smirk, making Vo’jambo chuckle nervously as he coughed “Uh...I’m..actually in a bit of a hurry hah, sooo…”
The blue Darkspear hummed and shrugged “Suit ya’self.”
As the Sandfury troll hurried to catch up to Jazali, he found her still marching in a huffy manner, her eyes continuously glaring at the horizon. Vo’jambo was ever so curious about what had just occured and tried to think of a way to ask subtly.
He slowly inquired “So...are you and your mother i-”
“I don’t wanna talk about it.” Jazali growled in such a way that immediately told Vo’jambo that he was better off shutting up.
Moki -
An old tauren woman was weaving a basket outside of a large tent, her hands moving so precisely and expertly that the small tauren baby in her lap was hypnotised by the swift dance of disappearing and reappearing straw. She had a pure white pelt, except for the spots of light brown on her face and mane, which was very long and shaggy, covering nearly half her face. Her eyes were a rich dark brown, reminiscent of a dark tree trunk.
As the wind swept her hair, she caught sight of another pair of smaller hooves that shuffled nervously on the grass. She smiled and looked up to find her son standing there nervously with his hands behind his back. He had icy blue eyes that standed out immediately from his brown pelt, which was short and scruffy and the ends were starting to form dreads.
“Why hello there my little breezechaser.” The older woman chuckled as she put down the small basket to the baby, who immediately started to try and fit it in his mouth.
The smaller child shuffled forward and slowly pulled out both his hands which were balled up into fists, holding tightly onto a rather dead bouquet of dirt, grass and daisies.
The mother’s eyes brightened as she smiled kindly “Oh! Are those for me?”
When her child shyly nodded, she slowly reached out a hand to take the bouquet from him, her smile never fading as she gazed at it “They are very pretty my child, I shall cherish it always.”
Her hands glowed and the drooping daisies slowly started to rise up and bloom brighter, the magical sight made the child gasp in delight.
She reached out her hand and hugged him closer, pressing a kiss to his forehead as she hummed “Someday you’ll be as talented as your tribe, just you wait.”
The little child in her arms blushed and tried to wipe away the kiss with a disgusted pout. But his smile gave away his secret delight.
He jolted out of his reverie and looked up to find Jazali staring at him worriedly “...ju okay? I was askin’ if ya wanted ta take da shift, but ya wasn’t respondin’...”
The old tauren looked down at the bright display of colourful daisies that were coincidentally growing right by his bed mat, the sight making his old eyes hood again.
“Yeah...yeah I just...remembered something I guess.” He grunted and hurriedly looked away before Jazali could notice the funny glisten to his eyes. The little troll kept staring at him curiously, but she eventually thought it better to let it go.
She also did not notice Moki roll over on his mat and subtly place a glowing hand on the daisy patch, making more of them grow and bloom brighter before he went to sleep.
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lethargicsunlight · 2 years
Dabi X SpookyQuirk!Reader "Necromancer" (Part 15)
(I'm finally getting over the #bigsick and I'm so glad to be back into writing. I might have something else SpookyQuirk! coming out soon.. promise this story's still got a lot coming though :P )
THIS SERIES HAS A TAG LIST!~ Leave a comment on this post, or on the tag list itself here: LINK! if you would like to be added!
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WARNINGS: Light gore, SFW, creepy/spooky vibes, SPOILERS
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Haga decided to stick around.
You were surprised he wanted to, and normally you might've tried persuading him to 'move on'. But honestly, you appreciated his company. Especially now, as you stood before a tall and ominous metal door.
It reminded you of standing in front of the principle's office when you were in school.
"You trust this guy?" He asks from beside you.
"...He's the first person that ever really acknowledged my quirk as something useful."
"That doesn't mean you trust him." Haga retaliates, taking a few steps forward. "I'll be around. Let me know if you need me."
You give him a nod as your heart strings are pulled. You couldn't fathom why he wanted to stay, why he wanted to help. But knowing you had an ace in the hole made you feel a lot better about this interaction. For the all the good All for One's done you, he was still..
"You may come in, whenever you like.."
You flinch as the intercom comes to life. "R-right."
In a room a few hallways down..
Dabi paces the floor like a carnivore.
"Please sit down?" Mr. Compress tries again, leaning into a pillar nearby. "You were only just attended to moments ago, you should rest. Y/n will be fine."
Why doesn't it feel like it?  Dabi asks in silence, giving the masked man a look.
"If anything, maybe he wants to offer praise? That stunt was unlike anything the world's ever seen. The Dead coming to life..?" He shakes his head to draw emphasis. "He'll have big plans for that, I wager."
"That." Dabi says, pointing in Compress's face. "That is what I'm afraid of."
"Pray tell, Touya, what would you have the Master do then? Lock Y/n away? With that kind of power, they could change everything for the League. Is that not why you're here? To change the world?"
Dabi groans in frustration, "Yes." And he thinks on it for a moment before he answers again, "But I don't want to lose my friends in the process."
You were surprised by the amount of tubing and wiring that existed in the space supposedly housing All for One. It was also dark, only back-lit by strangely placed television screens and component lights.
He was indeed a villain, and his lair looked like it belonged to such.
"Ahh, there's the villain of the hour."
You take an involuntary step back as the tubes and wires twist beneath some mechanical arm, revealing a dais as it swivels to face you.
It's All for One. He doesn't look any different from the last time you'd seen him, although in a different place. His face still gave you the creeps, in the way that it really didn't look like a face at all. Just, skin stretched uncomfortably over mangled bone.
He put some of the corpses you've seen to shame.
"How have you been?"
You have to suck in a breath at the realization he expected you to answer. The pressure that mean could exude was terrifying. "Ah--I'm, fine. Good."
"Yes? According to Shigaraki, it sounded as though you'd been through the ringer. I heard you died." He stands from his chair of tubing, approaching the end of the dais. "And came back, of course."
You swallow.
"O-oh, yes, right--I did. It was, unpleasant, but.. I need to test out what I was able to do."
"Right you are." He says, an arm extending out and taking hold of a handle. Pulling it forward, he reveals a screen. "Not only that though... it seems as though you caused quite a scene during our attack in Esuha."
The screen flashes rainbow pixels when he  turns it on, before settling on the image of a city-scape. You can see smoke in the sky, despite the poor resolution. Before you even have the time to feel put on the spot, his presses a button that causes the video the play.
It's a broadcast from the Esuha City's local news station.
"Can you get in closer?" Someone says, presumably the spokesperson. From the whirring you could tell they were in a helicopter.
The camera zooms in and out of focus over the sky-scrapers and business towers until, finally, the image clears. You can see a fiery outline of Endeavor on the street, and a dark blotch you could only assume was your Dabi.
"It looks like some kind of face off between the Number One Pro-Hero Endeavor, and League of Villain's Dabi--wait.."
The camera zooms in and out of focus again as it moves.
"Who is.. there's someone else approaching." The anchor says, and does so in a way that adds suspense. (Despite how dire the situation was actually supposed to be.)
When the camera's image becomes clear again, it's you. You're standing in front of Dabi, and it's surreal to see yourself through the camera's lens.
"I can't make out what they're saying. Closer?" The Anchor asks again, and it does appear that whoever is driving the helicopter makes a valiant attempt at just that.
You already know what's coming next. It causes a pit in your stomach, and you aren't sure why.
The air comes dense around your form on the screen; much like a fog. The anchor complains about it for a moment, but the helicopter drops enough in altitude that the image was no longer disrupted.
"I'm not sure what this new villain is doing, everyone be careful.." The anchor chimes, probably directed at the pilot. "It looks like mist or.. some kind of illusion perhaps or--what is.. what is that? Are those people?"
The anchor cannot see as well as the camera can shoot, it seems. Zoomed in, the camera picks up a crystal clear image of the walking corpses you remember from the fight before you blacked out. All of the ghosts you had managed to call to your aid seemed to walk into existence as though stepping out of a wall of water.
"Corpses?!" The Anchor exclaims, finally catching on. The camera shakes as it zooms and pans, following some of the more grotesque in appearance as they drag themselves in Endeavor's direction. "That's impossible.."
"It's like one of those things.." Another voice pipes in from behind the camera. "A Necromancer, out of a video game.. Bringing the dead to life."
The screen goes black and All for One pulls it away. You're left breathless--you hadn't realized you'd been holding it.
"Necromancer." He tests it on his tongue, following it up with a wide smile. "I don't think I could've come up with anything better."
Chills erupt down your spine.
I'm supposed to want to be here. You remind yourself, trying to steel those unruly nerves.
"I'll admit, I wasn't prepared for such a revelation." He continues, turning away from you on his dais. "I had only considered your quirk for things like espionage. But this.." He chuckles darkly, large shoulders jostling beneath the pressed line of his suit. "This is so much better. You've really changed things, you know?"
Forget steeling your nerves, they're jelly now.
"H-how?" You ask, voice unapologetically wavering. "How have I changed things?"
"You are a voice." He says, a white gloved hand gesturing in your direction. (strange considering he doesn't have eyes, and you only now noticed he's completely aware of where you are--and where everything is in this room.) "The Dead speak through you. And the Dead know the truth. They know of the injustice that has plagued our society better than any underdog could. Better than anyone alive could."
You glance off, catching an image of Haga among the electronics at the side of the room. You wondered how he felt about all of this.
"You may be the catalyst the League always needed."
Strange, you think as takes a moment to press something into his chairs mini-keyboard. I still don't understand how that changes anything..
But you weren't about to ask!
"For now, continue to improve your abilities as you aid the League. While our mission went without any notable gains, it was not all in vain." He pulls forward yet another screen to show you, which has a selection of images that flash across them rather than a video.
"This is the Pro-Hero Hawks. We've managed to strike a bargain, and he'll be our eyes within the Pro-Hero ranks. He's going to be working closely with Twice and Dabi for the foreseeable future."
The image is of a man, close to Dabi's age, with sandy blonde hair and very noticeable giant red wings. You'd definitely heard of him before. He was in the Top Three--at least before the time you were.. brought here.
"I want you to keep an eye on him while you work alongside Dabi."
Fear flashes across your eyes as you glance at him, and it causes him another chuckle.
"Oh, I know about you two." He leans away, mouth still bared in a grin. "But, conviction to one another is a powerful tool if you ask me. I won't get in the way of that."
Another breath of relief leaves your lungs. Yeesh does this man have presence.
"I will check in on occasion to see how you're improving."
You nod, "Understood."
"You've done well today, Necromancer. I expect great things from you. Just do me one favor.."
You stare towards him, but find it hard to place your gaze without eyes to inspect. You settle on the collar of his suit. "Yes sir?"
"Don't die." He grins, "Again."
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lethargicsunlight · 2 years
Dabi X SpookyQuirk!Reader "Post-Mortem" (Part 14)
For those of you still along for the ride, thank you for Reading!
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If you're interested, I now have a tag-list started for this series! You can comment below, on the taglist here: LINK, or DM me if you would like to be added!
Read the other parts of this series here: LINK
WARNINGS: SFW. Ghosts/Spirits, spooky, slow burn
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He's stumbling closer, loose at the seams, spilling over.
It had all hinged on the slight possibility, the smallest chance, that you might actually come back.
And you did.
But now as he moves, he feels stranded in a sea. He swears there's water up to his knees and he's wading through it--you must be a mirage, an island he can't reach. He'd done everything with hope in his lungs, but somehow he still doubted you were real.
Why were you looking at him like that?
There's a warning tone to your voice and it tightens his chest. Did you not want to be here?
"Dabi I need you to run."
Did you not want to see hi--wait, run?
He turns back once he realizes your eyes had actually been locked behind him. He sees nothing.
The breaking pitch of your voice jolts his heart and pulses adrenaline through his veins. His exhaustion is left in the wake of his pounding feet as he weaves through the tombstones to your side, where he grabs ungracefully at your waist and pushes you both forward.
He can't see what he's running from, but there wasn't a lie in the fear that captured in your eyes.
"Twice!" He yells out, not even slowing down. A masked face then pops up from behind a row of graves, sleepy but bright-eyed once he realized the occasion.
Well, until he realized Dabi had meant for him to run too.
And you? Well, you felt heavy. Working your physical form after an almost five hour out-of-body experience was.. An experience.
It felt like your legs were made of the heaviest jell-o in existence.
"Go, go, I'll catch up--" You go to plead with Dabi as you fall behind, but the glare you receive is world stopping. He slows to your pace and settles in at your side, using the broad of his arm to corral you forward.
"My ass." He growls.
"GuYs, WhAt ArE we RuNninG From?!" Twice calls out, making ground as you and Dabi (And Haga) make it to the road outside the cemetery. You don't answer him, too occupied by the need to breathe--returning much needed oxygen into your post-mortem body.
"I think it's gone.."
You hear him as he peeks at you from around the corner, bangs in his eyes. Haga had been kind enough to volunteer as look out while the three of you rested in an alley, thankful the car that was unceremoniously parked there had been unlocked.
Everyone was still taking their deep breaths. In through the nose, out through the mouth, but the cold still felt like daggers in your sternum.
Dabi sat in the driver's seat, but after having tried to start the engine manually and realizing the wiring (and probably the engine) had been removed from the chassis, he now had his boots on the dash and his head leaning back and over his seat's head-cushion; stretching his throat like it could bring in more air.
You give Haga and appreciative look, "Thank you."
"Don't mention it."
"Guys, I think we're safe.." You announce, but you don't move for the car door. The thought of walking absolutely stunk.
"What was it?" Dabi asks, voice even more hoarse than standard.
Twice's head and shoulders appear from the backseat, eyes dead on you. It mounts a great deal of pressure--how do you explain this?
"It, um.." You look to Haga for some help, but he just looks off somewhere else. You remember, then, that talking about it in their world could make it appear. Thank goodness he's a smart kid. "It's not a ghost. It's something else. Something they're afraid of, but we aren't sure what it is or what it's originally called. They're really superstitious about them. Like monsters superstitious."
"Ghosts are superstitious?" Dabi asks with a hint of laughter in his voice. The sound causes a squeeze to your stomach.
"Can it hurt us?" "So it can't hurt us?"
You give Twice an apologetic look. "Honestly, I don't know if it can or not. But I didn't want to take that chance. It looks.. pretty scary."
"Either way, I'm glad you're--"
Before Twice can finish what he wants to say, his cell phone rings. His shoulders visually slump as he reaches for it, looking at the I.D.. "It's Shigaraki, I'll tell him you're back." He announces, pulling himself back into his seat and reaching for the car door. "Thank goodness for the interruption!" "What poor timing."
As the door closes with Twice's exit, the air in the car suddenly grows thick.
"So," you look down, picking at your hands so as to avoid peeking the colors of Dabi's aura. "Sounds like everyone's okay?"
You clear your throat awkwardly.
"Dabi.. Thank you. For what you did."
"Yeah, don--"
"I mean really, because I--I don't think I would have made it back. No one knew where you guys went and, and I did see the heroes but they didn't know anything either, I walked around for hours and hours and hou--"
He silences you with a palm on your jaw, forcing your face towards his.
Despite having been rambling, you were suddenly choked for words. You stare at him openly, catching the vibrancy of his cerulean, crimson, velvety aura.
He looks like roses on fire.
"Everything's fine." He reassures you, and maybe him too, considering your choice of words hinted that there could have been a much less favorable outcome. Yet, now as the moment presses in, he remembers some of the more.. finite details.
Suddenly a finger is shoved towards your face.
"But you are not allowed to risk your life like that ever again."
Despite the fact he was totally serious, you snicker.
"Wha--I mean it!" He growls, voice thick. "Especially not for me."
"He was going to kill you."
"Yeah, and that's my business. Not yours."
"Seeing you die is my business."
"And how do you think I feel?!"
"I didn't know that was going to happen!"
He exaggerates a sigh, pressing a thumb into his temple and turning away like he's upset.
But you can see his hidden smile in the way the staples along his face rise up to meet his cheek bones. It makes you grin too.
"...I heard what you said." He says quietly, eyes glued to the cracked glass of his car window.
"To my father. You know, before the... Walking Dead thing that you did."
You process that for a moment. What was it--
'Because I love your son.'
Suddenly, everything was hot. Pretty sure your physical body was getting plenty of oxygen right now, as blood rushed through just about all of it. You could feel sweat beading on your forehead.
"O-oh." You verbalize the realization, finally, clearing your throat a second time.
A few moments of silence pass, both of you unsure of what to say. No longer reserved about it, you watched his aura--but it only flickered with the same colors.
It's the missing colors that made you relax. No regret, no disdain, no displeasure.
"I meant it." You choke out.
"I know."
You give him a droll stare. Once he finally catches it--he laughs.
"Wha--I literally died, and you're laughing?"
"Woah, hey, don't joke about that, I was just teasing."
"Oh? I mean, I figured a declaration like that, you could at least give me some kind of a--"
This time when he silences you, it's with a kiss.
And every kiss before paled in comparison.
The glass had been too full for too long, and now the surface finally ruptured over the glass's edge; pouring out the emotions between you as he slides you over the armrest and cup-holders. He folds you against him, bruising close,  and you react in kind with cold hands that slide down the collar of his burnt and torn coat. There's desperation in the quickening breaths and digging fingers that had tingles rolling down your spine, and a growl rolling from his tongue before you find it in your mouth.
And he stops for a moment, palm pressed to the side of your face, where he finally, breathlessly, whispers: "I love you too."
It's not very ceremonious--it's in the front of a broken down car after all.
But you were going to think about that for weeks.
"Hey guys?" It's Twice's voice, somewhere outside the car.
The trance was effectively broken; but as your embarrassed eyes search over the dash, Dabi greedily leans in to nibble at your lip. You sheepishly try to push him away, but he grins and nuzzles at you anyway.
Despite yourself, you giggle feverishly. Embarassed, overwhelmed, giddy.
Dabi finally stops when Twice literally leans into your window. Either the streetlight across the way had managed to disguise your little make-out, or he was pretending not to notice.
"We need to head back, boss wants to talk to you."
You nod, adjusting your clothes and sliding back into your seat. You give Dabi a little warning look, like an inside joke between you, and his lidded eyes are cat-like as he watches you leave.
"I think that was it." "Oh, he said something else!"
You and Dabi (and Haga, you notice, lingering at the corner) give Twice full attention. While his voices spoke essentially in opposites, one of them still had something else to say.
Even before he spoke, there seemed to be a pit in your stomach.
"According to the news, you've been given a new name!"
"Uh oh," Dabi drolls, but he's grinning. "Hope it's a good one.."
You swallow, "What is it?"
"They're calling you the Necromancer."
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lethargicsunlight · 2 years
SpookyQuirk!Reader X Dabi TagList!
Eyyo <3
This is also a reminder for everyone following along, if you want added to this taglist you can comment here (or anywhere, or DM me, idc I read everything) and I'll get you added straight away!
(Also, feel free to DM if you want to be removed! It does not hurt my feelings, we all change preferences as we grow <3)
Directory: LINK
This fic doesn't really have a summary, but I had some fun creating a 'hodge-podge' cover. If you have any ideas for a better one, or a summary, hit me up! I'd love to see it <3
(I shortened SpookyQuirk!Reader in the image)
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