wolfish-trickster · 2 months
Unknown, Uni, Us
University AU
Choso x female!reader
Word count: 2,6K
Summary: after entering university and taking down your rose tinted glasses you saw how ugly your highschool friends' personalities really were. You even start to think you'll spend the rest of your university life all alone. Little did you know you caught the eye of a quiet goth guy with a reputation. Will your heart be ever able to trust someone, anyone, again?
Warnings: typos, angst, fluff, slowburn, slow beginings, slightly ooc
Taglist: @onebatch--twobatch @theirlgarfield
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Next day rolled around faster than you expected. Thankfully today's classes aren't starting sooner than noon so you have enough time for yourself. And also to mentally prepare yourself for a certain someone.
After spending some time with Choso's actual friends you didn't see him as threatening as before, rumors about him be damned. He introduced you to his younger brother Yuji, told you about Yuji's twin Sukuna, and after seeing how much love he holds for both of them you quickly forgot about everything you heard about him from others. Almost.
His resting 'I'll kill you if you even sneeze in a way I don't like' face still causes shivers to run down your spine. And you've only known him for what, a day? You got to be careful.
After laying in your bed and thinking about the goth guy for about an hour you finally decided to get up and properly start the day. You locked yourself in the bathroom for nearly half an hour. It didn't bother anyone since both of your parents were in their jobs anyways. You didn't mind, you liked being alone. Or rather, were conditioned to like it. It's the only thing you've ever known.
You brushed your teeth, scrubbed your face with one of your mom's gels, you even attempted to style your hair. Stuff you usually didn't bother to do unless you were going outside among other peaople. This was just school. You saw people walk in ripped sweatpants on the regular, you yourself wasn't better, prioritizing comfort over looking pretty. So why were you standing infront of your wardrobe and for the first time in your life thought 'damn, I got nothing to wear'. Was this because you had someone you were hoping to see? Or hoping for him to see you?
You shook your head in an attempt to throw all of these unwanted thoughts about Choso out of your head. He's only being nice to you, nothing else. You can't get this attached to everyone who shows you common decency.
"Fuck it," you exclaimed and threw on your go to whenever you wanted to look nicer than usual: beige wide pants and fluffy striped white and blue sweater. It started to snow outside, that sweater will warm you up nicely in the freezing auditorium.
In the end it was a good deciosion not to style your hair. When you finally arrived at school your hair was not only damp from the melting snow but also blown to all directions. Next time you'll bring a hat as well and won't rely only on your jacket's hood.
There wasn't a single person infront of the auditorium. You arrived ridiculously early again. At least it gave you some time to groom yourself in the bathroom. As nasty as uni's toilets were they had mirrors. Using your fingers you combed your hair down and shook out the wetness as much as you could. Hopefully it'll dry up before anyone can see you.
Returning back to wait for the class yoh noticed a small group of people already standing there and chatting. Maybe they had a class prior to this one. You shrugged and sat down. You didn't know any of them. No need to socialize.
Before you could even pull out your sketchbook you felt someone sit down next to you. "Hey."
You jumped. Did you do something wrong? You looked up and saw Choso. His hair and clothes were completely dry. He must be part of that group of people standing afar. "Oh, hey," you smiled at him.
"Killing time again?" he tapped your empty pages.
You nodded. "I got here a little too early, so."
He hummed. "I guess you had nothing before this class, huh?"
"Yeah, do you belong to them?" you pointed behind him at the chattering group.
"Unfortunately? Why?" you tilted your head. "They look okay."
"Half of them are going on my nerves and I hardly know the other half," he leaned his forearms on his thighs. "I don't know how I'll survive the next few years with them."
"Oh don't worry," you patted him on his bent back, "the group arrangements are changing every semester."
"Oh thank fuck," he threw his head back and finally smiled. Such a cute smile on such a scary looking face looks both uncanny and to die for at the same time. Such a shame you can't take a picture right now.
Suddenly he turned his head to you and you quickly pulled your hand from his back. "Maybe we'll be in the same group next semester?"
You chuckled but knew you didn't have that kind of luck. "Yeah, maybe."
Still softly smiling he fully leaned against the backrest. He really was cute for a goth. In the corner of your eye you saw the group pointing at you and him and whispering to eachother. You looked at them fully which made them form a circle showing you their backs, still whispering. Quickly before Choso could hear you asked him: "are you leaving for the Christmas?"
He opened his eye and looked at you. "No, why?"
You shrugged. "No reason, just wanted to know more about you."
"That's sweet," he remarked and sat up straighter, no longer leaning back. "I live here so I'm not going anywhere."
"Oh how nice, me too!" you turned your whole body to face him, "maybe we've met eachother before. Which elementary school did you attend? You didn't go to ky highschool, that's for sure," you thought outloud. How funny would it be if the two of you have played as children a long time ago.
"Oh I didn't grow up here," he corrected. "My parents lived on a completely opposite side of the state. I moved here after Yuji and Sukuna started attending highschool."
"Oh," you cringed at how stupidly mistaken you were. "What happened to your parents? You don't talk anymore?"
"They died."
You could die too, but from embarassment. "Oh, I'm so sorry," you covered your mouth, "I didn't mean to," you mumbled into your palms.
"Don't worry," he rubbed your shoulder reassuringly, "you didn't know. It's fine."
His touch was spreading warmth all over your body. Having a thick winter jacket on was no longer comfortable, you were practically melting underneath. Not in a good way. You unzipped it to cool down. Choso's eyes drifted down on your sweater. "That colour suits you."
"Really?" all the heat from your body traveled to your cheeks, "thanks, it's my favourite."
"I can see why," he smiled and unzipped his own coat to reveal a knitted black and purple sweater with some holes patched by safety pins here and there, "this is my favourite."
"Doesn't look very warming," you said and pinched it between your fingers. Whoever knitted it used needles way too big. Or was this a gothic trend?
Choso shrugged. "I don't get cold. Me, Gojo and Geto have been swimming in freezing waters for few years. Since then I forgot what being cold feels like."
"Cool," you said and Choso chuckled at your unintended pun. "I didn't mean it like that, "you jokingly punched his chest. It was rock hard. You gulped.
"Hey, it was cute."
The longer the two of you talked the more and more people arrived. Thankfully most of them ignored both of you, or intentionally avoided you. Either way you were happy. It gave you more time in this small bubble you created with him.
Soon enough your bubble moved from the couches to the auditorium. The two of you sat to the very front row. Ironically the only row the professor didn't really notice, despite how close to him it was. It gave you enough freedom to exchange small notes. Something you've always wanted to do with someone.
You talked about all sorts of things during the class, barely paying attention to it. You told him your plans for Christmas holidays, he told you about all sorts of mischief Sukuna always did while their parents were still alive, you even offered him to meet up and study for finals if he wanted.
I'll think about it, was his answer. Not an outright no. You could live with that.
Eventually the class ended. It passed by way sooner than any other class you were on. Usually the classes drag on and on and by the time they finally end you're extremely close to sleep. But this one flashed by like a lightning. It was a shame. You could've spend more time with him.
"By the way," he started as he wrapped his coat around him, "are you busy on New year's?"
You gave it at a thought. Your mom's colleague and your dad's brother and his family were invited. Both of them are giant jokers, meeting with either of them meant a lot of fun and laughter for everyone involved. They never met before and you were beyond excited for these legends to meet. But if Choso's suggesting what you assume he's suggesting... "My parents have something planned but I'm not really needed, why?"
"Gojo's planning a New year's party. Everyone you've met yesterday will be there, plus two more guys if Gojo persuades them. All of them gushed about you and wanted to spend more time together," he added.
His words made your heart flutter. His friends liked you? Is this what being wanted feels like? You couldn't stop the wide smile from blooming on your face. "I'll ask my parents about it."
"Great," he said and pulled out his phone, "can you write your number here? So we can keep in touch."
Embarassed you had to pull your own phone out. "Sorry, I don't have my number memorized," you apolgized as you found it in your contacts and typed it into Choso's phone, "no one asks me for it. Usually just my instagram..."
He hummed. "No worries, I'll find you there as well if that makes you more comfortable."
Both of you stood up and made your way to the exit. Your good mood got spoiled by a sight of your old highschool school mate. Stella was once again sitting at the back of the room. She spotted you and you wished you could teleport home. "Hey girl," she greeted and you plastered a smile on your face.
"Hi, how are you?"
"Just great, the semester is almost ending. Oh and Sasha is coming back for holidays. We can go somewhere like we used to!" she chattered happily.
That's the last thing you want though. "I'm sorry Stell," you interrupted, "but I'll be studying for finals."
"All holidays?" she asked looking you up and down suspiciously.
"Yeah, you know how long it takes me to learn stuff," you said sheepishly and resisted the urge to hide yourself in your jacket.
In the end she just shrugged nonchalantly and trailed outside. "You'll change your mind. See ya!"
"Bye," you said weakly and sighed. This meeting was the last thing you wanted.
Choso was still standing behind you, confused as all hell. He looked at you, million questions in his eyes.
"Later," you told him. He nodded and both of you walked out the school. You felt a little guilty. He told you about his dead parents and you can't even tell him about the subtle betrayals you recieved from your old friends through the years.
A group of familiar people were standing among the falling snow infront of the school. It was just Choso's older friends today though, his twin brothers and their classmate were missing.
He smiled and raised his arm to greet them. You pulled up your hood, both to shield yourself from the snowflakes and from their gazes.
"Hey you too," Gojo greeted. With his all white outfit and his white hair he looked like a snowflake himself. An overgrown one. With shades. Those were still a mystery for you. It wasn't even that sunny outside.
Choso chatted with them abyout whatever while you stood aside awkwardly. You had nothing to talk about or say to them. They were basically strangers to you. Slowly you tried to sneak away. Unfortunately someone noticed. The medical sophomore Shoko. "And where do you think you're going?"
"Oh, uhm," you stuttered, "home?"
"Let me guess," she puffed out a cloud of smoke away from your face, "to study?"
You nodded.
She smiled and threw the finished cigarette to the snow covered ground. "I used to be like you too. Always studying, not taking a break because I felt like I was falling behind."
"Yeah, exactly. Let me give you advice Y/N," she hugged you around the shoulders and lead you after the boys who already started walking, "your brain needs time to recharge. There are two ways your nervous system works," she held up two fingers. "Sympathetic, which deals with flight-or-fight, and parasympathetic, which deals with relaxation. If you push sympathetic one way too far you risk breaking your brain. You'll be plagued by anxiety, unwillingness to eat, insomnia," she counted down on her fingers.
"Don't scare the poor girl Shoko," Geto scolded her.
"I'm not! I'm just warning her to not end up like me. Do you remember how many sleepless nights I had after my first semester?"
"How could I forget? You were calling me and Gojo every night, as if we could knock you into unconsciousness."
"Well and as a good doctor I'm trying to protect a mental wellbeing of our new friend."
You smiled. They are already concidering you a part of them.
Gojo's white hair snapped from Choso to the two of you. "Hey maybe you shouldn't. If insomnia ever haunts Y/N she could just call up Choso, right?" he nudged his gothic friend who groaned.
"That's right," Shoko mused, "his sleeping schedual is already wrecked and I'm sure he wouldn't mind if it's you."
You blushed at their teasing. But also took Shoko's prior advice to the heart. You really do need a break.
It was only then you noticed you were walking up the hill instead of down to the tram station. "Sorry, but," you unwrapped Shoko's arm from around you and stepped back, "I should go."
"Didn't you hear what I just told you?" Shoko pouted. Even Choso looked a little saddened.
"I did! I'm gonna go home, make myself a cup of tea and relax. I won't even touch my notes, I swear."
Choso narrowed his eyes. It was evident he didn't believe you. "We're going to pick up Yuji, Sukuna and Nobara and go to our favourite bar. Wanna join?" he said instead.
You thought about it. Bar? The only thing people your age dk in bars is get extremely drunk and bitch about stuff they barely understand. All your bar trips ended in utter disappointment so far. But that was with old friends. These people were older, more mature. Even Choso looked few years older than you. Besides you will be taking highschoolers with you too. With that responsibility there won't be a room for getting sloshed.
Plus your fingers were freezing and your body started to tremble under all of your layers of clothing. "Okay, sounds fun."
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geeky-politics-46 · 1 month
Pairing: Doctor Stephen Strange x Reader, America Chavez
Summary: You & America watch Kamala's DNC acceptance speech.
Warnings: Not much it’s mostly fluff. Story is political in nature. A little inspiration from Rogue One.
I'm back, baby! This is just a short little blurb, but there will be more & longer new stuff soon.
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You knew you were staring at the future in more ways than one. Your heart was feeling lighter, and the dark storm clouds of what could be receding in your mind. The sunshine warmth of hope once again present as you watched the awe struck look on America's face as she watched Kamala Harris accept the Democratic nomination for President of the United States.
A woman, and not just any woman, but a woman of color, standing poised and ready to lead the country. You remember watching Hillary accept the nomination in 2016 with a sense of solidarity and the thought of “it's about damn time” planning in your head, but even then, it didn't feel like this. Why was it different this time? Why was the thought of a female president so energizing?
Maybe it's because now you and Stephen essentially had a teenage daughter to raise. Or by New York's phrasing, that you were legal guardians of. Maybe it's because of the fall of Roe and having to once again fight for rights that had been legally protected for nearly half a century. Maybe it's because of all the other rights and freedoms that were now openly under attack from the right and the Supreme Court. Maybe it's because you were technically a childless cat lady, at least by the other parties own wording, and you wanted to make damn certain Vance knew you did in fact have a direct stake in where your country was going. You just wouldn't be going back to the past.
You were both unaware of the sorcerer standing in the doorway, carefully studying both of you. His movements towards the loveseat you were sat in eventually making you turn your attention to him. A soft, sweet smile on his face as his lowered himself to sit next to you. Immediately putting an arm up for you to settle in under. Your body instinctively curling into his as your attention drifted back to the television. 
The sound of applause and cheers erupted from the convention crowd, and balloons came toppling down on both the stage and the crowd. Kamala Harris now stood with her family, her husband, and two step-children on one side of her. On the other side was her vice presidential pick, Tim Walz, and his family. Smiles and laughter filling the screen.
Their joy was palpable, and their smiles were contagious. America wore a matching one, and now so did you. Even Stephen was smirking as he watched you both. 
He leaned in and placed a kiss on the side of your head, brushing your hair back to see your face clearly. Seeing the wheels turning in your mind, he couldn't help but posit a question. A serene smile on your face as you moved to snuggle into Stephen's side.
“What's going on in there?”
Without looking away from your adopted daughter and her elation, you answered. 
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Stephen Strange Taglist: @starkiller-queen @glitterylokislut @verycollectivecreator @chatampr @maskmare931 @lovecleastrange @wheredafandomat @mkixx @evelynrosestuff @katefullerrr @littlepinknightmare @foofarny @stygianoir @saturnsbabe69 @blaxdet @blackrose-92 @ironstrange1991 @rindulacre @nancy-thompsons @wolfatheartandsoul @dangerouslittlefairy @n0obmaster-69 @oliveoilthoughts @onebatch--twobatch @yourmajesty13 @blondekel77 @lil-sweater-slut @gwephen @taramaria @sinceimetyou @slashersrus @coeurgrenaty @cc13723things @just--a-magpie @supervengerslock @strangelock @dont-feel-so-good-peter @kingsmanperfecthartwin @ghost-lantern @inlovewithloki16 @thefalconandthewinterwidowshield @itssmaugtheterrible @katherinemaximoff @veryfancydoilies @cute-angi @mochacake2016 @prix19 @alexfanficnook @anotheroddfish @namor-is-the-way @xourownsidee @baes-x @dreamingsmile @negar77rd @imaginesfreetotake @ppatricia34me @rougepetale @tis-vereon @divinearchangel @sherlux @hiddlechive @ginnykate @thatesqcrush @friendofplenti @yuugenmomo @holdmyowos @the-royal-petals @lokislov3 @captaincarmel164 @lucimorningst4r @mydearalmira @petalcranberry @singhfae @emotionsareforuglypeople @trappedinlimbo15 @veryladyqueen @icytrickster17 @kentucky-criedfricken @briefhandsstudenttoad @calamityismyspecialty @sinisterstrange616 @patbrdac @trojanaurora @azu21 @massivehahaao3tree @strangesgirl @rmoonstoner @aphroditesdilemma @asgards-princess-of-mischief @aphroditesdilemma
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Part 2
To Part 1:
Finally, I finished part two! I hope you like it liked the first one! I just did not anymore head canons: I wrote scenarios. Or written out head canons.! Still, hope you like it.
@ani-girl (Because you wanted more xD)
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Shinya is defintily the cool uncle who always teases you and Guren. He is absolutely supportive of you two what means having literally million of photos from you like a family. So, whenever Guren acts all cool, he likes to break the ice and embarrass Guren with some real Dad pictures.
"Ahhhh! Look here. You are looking like a real father of Yuu!" " There! You could mean that you two are married and Yu is your real son!" "Remember when you smiled warmly at them..."
Yes, Shinya is a real pain in the ass for Guren. More likely, he loves to make him jealous. Sometimes, you have missions with other soldiers and Shinya takes pictures of you with other persons in very misleading positions.... "Wow, the new partner of Y/N looks really amazing, don't you think...?" " Aren't they a perfect team? They understand each other without words."
Guren never shows jealously, but somehow he is very curious with who you work. And likes to talk them down....
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Before Yuu enters your life, you knew Guren as a high ranking soldier who is arrogant. You thought, he is an ass. Both of you, worked already together when you meet Yuu the first time in the cold. You respected Guren as a strong soldier and listen to his commands. Without Yuu, you would never become so close to this man. Like a magnet or a red thread, you always drawn back to him or he is to you. Moreover, Yuu symbolize the red thread. Of course, this means you two start to worry for each other. Of course, you kinda get that Guren has a soft spot.
You were ready to sacrifice yourself for the sake of humanity. At least, you were ready. The mission could fail without finding someone, playing the decoy yet nobody signed up freely. You sighed and walked to the center of the group. You explained your plan and how you distract the nobles for their safety. You gulped down your own knot in your throat. And definitely, not thinking about Yuu.
"ARE YOU INSANE?!" The voice sounded raspy and pitched high at some vocals. You head flew towards the said man. "That is never gonna happened and the stupidest plan I ever heard. We get here out together!" Guren yells at you like he wants to make his point clear. "Then, tell us, how are we making it out alive without sacrificing one...?" You were angry that he screamed unnecessarily at you and start provoking him more. In the end, Shinya helped Guren with a plan to get you out alive so you both survived.
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It was reckless for Yuu to intervene with a noble vampire yet he saved you and Guren. Somehow, you killed the Noble as a team. In the end, Guren pats Yuus head with side comment. „Reckless but you did well!“
"I am proud of you, Yuu! Amazing Job!" The boy could not feel more proud, energetic and loved.
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The fight between Guren and Mika is stopped by you. You recognise the old friend Yuu has always talked about.
“What the hell? Get out of my way, Y/N!”
“No, Guren! Don’t you see it ? It’s Mika !”
“Yes, all I see, is a Vampire!”
Mika was ready to lunge at you when he overheard a particular name….
“Yes, a Vampire yet Yuus old friend Mika!”
Mika: “Yuu?”
Guren: “Come on, he is changed and a blood sucker!”
“Still his friend and family!”
You are the only person who can stop Guren. He sinks his sword and scoffs at your attempt.
"Thank you, Guren!" You said with a slight smile.
Yuu knows that he can trust you and such actions brought more and more bond towards you. After all, you and Guren belong to his family.
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Yuu loves you with all his heart. Wherever he sees you, he has to smile and talk to you. He appreciates how nice, strong, independent, pretty, warm, motherly you are and definitely can kick Gurens ass. He knows that he can be a bit arrogant too or too motivated to fight vampires but you regularly get to him when you say: "You have that from him! Don't imitate Guren so much!" Yuu deny this fact with all he can. "I am not like him!" "You are..:" "Never...!" "You totally do..:!" "Do not!" You bicker a bit until you pat his head lovingly which makes him stop and enjoys your touching. You smile warmly at him and just say he should behave now. Of course, he listens to you. In emotional moments, you hug him without a warning. He needs it and just let his body rest on yours. There are more moments than he can count, he would love just to say 'I love you, mom' and often almost had this word on his tongue.
Later, when Yuu joins the Japanese Imperial army, you start to be the stressed out person. You worry too much even though you look like to him the chillest person. After he got injured real bad, you killed the vampire who hurt him and stood at his side on the bed for hours until he wakes up with teary eyes and still your weapon in your hands. Still dizzy, he slipped the ma word without realizing it as he sees you. "Mom...?" You caress his cheek and mumble a soft: "Yes, mom is here, dear." A few tears slipped from your eyes.
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The time were you couldn't save Guren and he was dragged away by a Noble. You don't know why you felt like shit. But he sends you a gaze that you should leave. You both know that Yuu would freak out and wants to save you both if you fail. So you should retreat and calm Yuu down.
Before you left him, you delivered Guren your threat that you kill him again if he dies before you save him. He just lies on the floor with a painful smirk. "I guess that is my only fear..."
Of course, Yuu was furious yet you talked some sense to him. Walking with Yuu alone home, if gives you a feeling how single mothers have to feel. However, this showed you how important this idiot became to you.
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Yes, Yuu is a big fan of your fighting style. He loves to brag about you in front of his friends. Sometimes, he tries to imitate you but Shinoa lost it as shakes hair for the hairflip.
„You are such a mamasboy!“
„Did you see her ? How she got very vampire?! Cool, right?“
Of course his male friends were impressed, too. They are your own little Fanclub. Congratulations.
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Sometimes, you overhear Guren talking about you in front of Yuu… More like :
“Well, she is a good archer but she lacks sharpness in a fight. She is too emotional and diverted…”
“What did you just say about me?”
Every time, both gained a heart attack!
“Who saved your ass last time from the vampire chick before she could sank her teeth in your-!?”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah! No need to speak out details! That was close I know!”
Yuu loves when you two bicker and laughs heartily. He knows you two show affection by teasing each other.
“Don’t laugh! It happened only this time!”
“Only this time?! I believe Shinya has a whole album of How Y/N saves Guren from silly situations. "
"From what does he not have an album..." The colonel groans.
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onebatch--twobatch · 1 year
My favorite photos from my playthroughs
Feel free to use, credit @onebatch--twobatch if you please!
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🌸 Five comfort characters, five tags🌸
Thank you for the tag @softlyspector this should be… interesting.
Current Line Up:
1. Din Djarin
2. Roy Kent
3. Moon Boys (yes all of them fuck off)
4. Luz Noceda
5. Wrath (from Kingdom of the Wicked trilogy)
Also yes two of these aren’t real people but I can not explain the comfort I get thinking about them 😂
NP tagging: @starryeyedstories @firemedicdiaz @fireladybuckley @onebatch--twobatch @ofstarsandvibranium
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lethargicsunlight · 3 years
Dabi XSpookyQuirk!Reader 'No Happy Endings' (Part 16)
Due to the shear amount of 'Parts' to this series, I will be doing some overall organizing moving forward.
In short, this will be the last part of this series. (Read all the way to the end to see an epilogue ;) )
I never expected this story to go as far as it has, but I've loved the entire trip of it. It's nice to let loose and just write how I want to and what I want to, and this story in particular is an example of that shear joy. I hope everyone continues to follow along, to see where our SpookyQuirk!Reader ends up! <3
Read the other parts here: LINK
Join the Tag List here: LINK (leave a comment here or there)
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WARNINGS: Spicy themes, Spooky vibes, a little fluff, not edited. The usual.
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Neither you or the League could have anticipated the consequences soon to come from your appearance in their latest squabble with the pro-heroes of Japan.
The Hero Commission had released statement after statement, making presumptuous claims about your quirk being 'illusionary' 'nightmarish scare tactics'.
But the people of Japan had a different perspective.
Similar to the rise of Stain's cultish followers, the demonstration of your power inspired unlikely questions and investigations among civilians--some of which recognized the ghosts you'd temporarily made corporeal. Names and pictures were compared to the apparitions, staking allegations against the Hero Commission for their attempt of crowd control through manipulating the truth, and not being transparent.
After your 'audience' with All for One, you'd returned to the League's base with a numbness in your chest and glaze over your vision. Dabi, still coping with his dimensional feelings on the matter, stayed in your shadow. Close enough to open doors, provide meals, and ground you to the room--but far away enough that he seemed hesitant to touch. Considering the revelations that seemed to just keep playing on the damn T.V. in the lobby, the two of you had little alone time.
The news had become a constant noise. The lights of the television would dance across Shigaraki's features as he leant in with hands folded over his chin, elbows on his knees, constantly evaluating the public view and figuring out how to manipulate it. He'd task one or two people with something, an errand or espionage, and send them out. Small and inconspicuous things, like listening to rumors in dark places.
But, not you.
"You need to lay low a while." Shigaraki had warned, eyeing you over the back of the couch. "Even other villains are going to seek you out right now. To ask questions, maybe try to use you."
He turns back to the screen, skin a little smoother than usual, his hand apparatus missing from over his face. "We can't let them have you."
You had stared at the back of his head for a while, feeling strange in the air of it all. For once, you really didn't mind being cooped up at the base--the outside felt foreign now. But some kind of hurt tugged at your heart, reminding you that you remained more of an asset than a friend to him and his superior. Though, even if that were to change, you doubted it would be something Shigaraki would verbalize.
Twice had a tendency to linger. Objectively different than Shigaraki, he was both rude and not-rude about wanting to be in your presence for extended lengths of time, and admitted it verbally. Accompanying you and Dabi to the kitchen to eat, sitting nearby in the lobby, offering to fetch things. Compress, Toga, and Spinner too had spent a few mornings discussing everything before going away to work, patting your shoulders awkwardly and expressing delight on how you'd really become 'a part of the League'. (They were also particularly interested in their new resident ghost: Haga, whom now lingered in a cleared out basement of the building. You've promised to decorate it for him, for as long he decided to stay.) The last week had been hectic and moving, filled with strange emotional conversations and observations--mostly to do with you.
However, this particular morning, with your hands wrapped around a beverage, the kitchen is suspiciously empty.
And, you take that time to dwell. To, marinate in everything that had happened all too fast.
It makes you smile.
Not for having changed the public view, not for having expressed your abilities to a large audience and feeling validated in the face of it (though, you won't lie, that's kind of nice too), but for the strange and awkward and wonderful assurances of the League. Of your friends.
Like you, their social skills had suffered in the shadow cast by society--but unlike society, you didn't have to interpret their emotions through verbal or even non-verbal communication. With a flip of a switch, you knew.
And joy was a vibrant yellow.
Something like static over your left shoulder draws you out of your daydreams, followed by a hand grazing your upper arm. Instinctively, you lean into the warmth with your eyes closed and your crown meet's the rivets of Dabi's coat. There's a warm hum that comes from his chest, and the comfort of it is immense.
"Good morning." You say, almost accusing, searching for him as your eyes reopen.
"Mm," is his response, as he dips down to rub his nose into your hair. "Finally, no one's fucking around this morning.."
You grin, a tingle of excitement running down your spine at his closeness. Your eyebrows cinch in, and you lift away to turn towards him proper, examining him. He moves back just enough, expression unreadable.
You want to comment on his hesitancy with you, but you're also afraid to ruin the moment.
"You're looking good." You say, reaching out toward him. He seems to flex a moment with indecision, before leaning in so your index could trace the flesh above the staples in his cheeks.
"Good huh?" He asks, mocking, with a new and steady grin. "You do too, I guess."
You roll your eyes, "I meant, you're healing well. You look amazing."
His eyes light up a little unexpectedly, but his grin begins to fade out. One of his hands chases yours, fingers teasing at your wrist. "Y/n." He says it like he's addressing you, formally. Your heart skips in your chest, though you're unsure why.
He leans forward. Expecting a kiss (long overdue), you close your eyes.
But his face moves to the side, and you can feel the cooled metal of his staples as they graze your brow-bone. Instead, his lips meet your ear, "You don't have to stay.." He whispers, and now his fingers shift up so his thumb is in your palm. He wraps your hand up, pulling it to his chest. "You can still get away from all of this."
Despite how serious his questions were, you chuckle.
He draws back, brows set. "I'm serious." He says, expecting you to freeze.
But you shake your head, "So am I. What gave you the impression I was afraid?"
"You…" His voice drifts, "I didn't mean you were. But this--this situation isn't good for you. I mean, the League and I yeah, but All for One?" He shakes his head, "He's got shit going on in Shiggy's brain that I don't really much care for, especially anything to do with you."
"And how are you different?" You ask, voice level. Even you had been asking those questions, seeking those apprehensions in the past week or so.
"Being different isn't the point. Being in very real danger is the point."
"We've always been in danger; every time we step outside, and it just keeps getting worse." You shrug, "Yes, sure, you're right. I could run away. Hide, you know, like I used to."
He blanches a bit, mouth producing a thin line.
"Or, I could be right here." And you swallow as emotions begin to choke you. "I could be right here, standing for something, being someone. Even if that means I'm 'Necromancer', or whatever, and I'm a big scary villain; just like you."
You move yourself forward, breaking the connection between your hands so your chest is flush with his instead. "I may deal in ghosts Touya, but I've never felt more alive then I do right now."
Brightness returns to his eyes. A boyishness you remember, one night in the street, with flames engulfing the scenery in his anger. The spirit of the fire you dreamed so much about, with smoke in your lungs and embers sizzling in your veins. It's painful, the hurt, the suffering--but pain means you're alive. And though he wouldn't be brave enough to say it right now, you'd managed a similar effect upon him; in resurrecting the perished version of himself, the one lost on the mountain he'd turned to cinders that night so long ago. Touya.
And Touya, the child, had been so deprived of what you offered. Not a night of sin, but a life of care. A life, no matter how short, of your fiery and argumentative spirit that inspired change within him, that forced alternative perspectives and made the world feel bigger, brighter. The selflessness he'd never experienced--that which caused him to contemplate pushing you away so many times--was not exclusive to heroes. It was exclusive to love.
There are no happy endings for villains. You were going to be in danger, just as he was, and though he had yet to fulfill his aspirations--part of him simply didn't care. The world could burn outside that room, and he wouldn't care. Ten minutes of bliss would be worth eternal damnation as far as he was concerned. He just needed to reach out and grab it; be selfish again, with you. Happy, with you.
A grin breaks out across his face, stretching the staples. "You're right." His arms cage you suddenly, pulling in as he steps backwards. You gasp, but laugh with the break in tension. A few more steps back and his arm leaves your waist, going behind him--to lock the kitchen door.
"We are villains. Both of us.." He draws you in tighter, lips catching on your jaw. "So fuck everybody else.."
You shiver, temperature rising to hellishly warm. "Dabi--" He shifts back, a finger going to your mouth. He prods your lower lip, "Touya." He corrects you with one hot breath. "Call me Touya."
Though, he expected this bliss to last much longer than ten minutes; much to the chagrin of anyone who might want a morning coffee.
"I don't trust him."
You peer at Touya over your shoulder, still crouched behind the ruined brick of an abandoned school building. "What?" You ask, not completely aligned with the topic of his conversation. Your brain was still fuzzy from walking around in your 'spirit form'.
Oh. At the mention of it, you turn your head to see the League's Pro-hero agent high in the sky, surveying the area. "You think he's playing us?"
"I don't know." He adjusts his coat, rolling up the sleeves to combat the heat. "Crusty trusts him, but--shit he's turning back."
Angling in the air like a falcon, Hawks descends at an alarming speed. He lands somewhere nearby and uses the building's remnants as cover to make his way to the two of you. He does a little wave, a sign everything was clear, and you both stand to approach him.
"Hey you two," He shoves his hands into his pockets, slouching a little. "I got a lay of the land, looks like you're free to roam. I'd take a look due east, I think a lot of the damage took place there."
"Thanks." Touya says quickly, "That all?"
Hawks blinks a few times, "Yeah. That's all. I mean, I would totally keep a look out for you guys--but being gone for too long might get a little suspicious."
"Right, got it. You're free to leave."
Something about Touya's tone hinted he might actually be happier of Hawks did leave.
"Well hold on, let me take a break first," Hawks holds his hands up, then twists to start stretching one of his arms. A wing follows the motion in the opposite direction.
Touya turns away, heading further into the rubble. "Yeah whatever."
"Besides," Hawks continues, eyes drawing towards you. "I want to see what the fuss is all about. I heard you could summon ghosties, right?"
You can hear when Touya's footsteps cease, kicking pebbles up with his boots.
"Uh-" Feeling the air shift, you try to dodge the question. "It's, well--"
"You know, the news really made it sound scary. But you're not really scary at all. I bet it's pretty cool to see--"
"No." Is Touya's resounding answer, to no question in particular, as his hand suddenly braces your arm and starts dragging you away.
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slicedblackolives · 4 years
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no-droids · 5 years
T O M O R R O W @9pm EST
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unless usps fucks up like usual, we’re goin fuckin my dudes
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bolontiku · 4 years
Pass the happy! When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the most recent people in your notifications! 💕
1. The puppy
2. Friends that tag me stuffs
3. Food
4. Music
5. A nice long hug
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fics-not-tragedies · 5 years
Lord have mercy on my soul bc I don’t know how I’m going to finish this month 😳😳
Bro, I am writing those... so me neither 😂
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kylorengarbagedump · 5 years
Welp I totally stayed up way past my bedtime to read all of Fix and lemme say... I loved it. So emotional and real and well-written and amazing and and and 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 Now that the sequel trilogy is done, would you consider writing a sequel or follow up to it? If you did, I would cry from excitement
Dude, I read every single one of your comments. They made my NIGHT. Thank you so much. As mentioned earlier, I do have thoughts for one, but... Idk. I’m also proud of that work and am afraid of sullying it with a shitty sequel, lmao. Can’t decide if I want to do a single-chapter epilogue type thing or a full sequel.
ANYWAY. Thank you SO much, again, I feel so fucking grateful and happy whenever I receive comments like this. I will never stop feeling lucky that my work had the ability to have any impact at all on another person.
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themangolorian · 4 years
Hi hello yes I’m absolutely shooketh by As You Wish so can I please be tagged in future parts? 👉🥺👈 and maybe added to your forever taglist bc I want to read everything of yours?
Omg! Your comments earlier made me smile ear to ear!! 🥺🥺 I’m so so so glad you liked it this much, you are the sweetest!! Yes of course I’ll tag you 🥺🥰 I appreciate you so much bb! 💕💜❤️
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geeky-politics-46 · 1 year
Fluffy Sinister Strange Playlist
Sinister Strange x Reader
Songs that are either referenced directly in my Fluffy Sinister Strange series, or make think of our naughty & sweet spooky boy.
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I wanted to give a little snippet of some of the songs I picked for this playlist. So I've included the song title, artist, & a few lines that I feel fit the story. There are more that aren't listed here. These are just my personal faves.
"Rescue Me" by: Chris Young
This one is one pretty much all of my Marvel playlists.
"Who is gonna rescue me? Cause it sure feels krytonite how you got me on one knee with my hand out begging for mercy. What's a happy ending if I can't get the girl? What's it matter if I save the world? If you don't promise me, before you take this ring & rescue me."
"I Wish I Was The Moon" by: Neko Case
This one is for Stephen before you fell into his universe.
"Last night I dreamt I had forgotten my name. Cause I had sold my soul, but I awoke just the same. I'm so lonely. I wish I was the moon tonight."
"A Thousand Years" by: Christina Perri
I can't hear this song without bursting into tears. It's like a Disney fairytale.
"I have died every day waiting for you. Darling, don't be afraid. I have loved you for a thousand years. I'll love you for a thousand more."
"Feel Again" by: JLV
"Been so long that maybe I forgot how to love. I've been running. I've been running. Somehow, you reminded me with only a touch. Make me wanna feel it again."
"At Last" by: Etta James
I firmly believe this song is overused, but it still fits very well here.
"You smiled. Oh, & then the spell was cast. Here we are in heaven. For you are mine at last."
"Ablaze" by: Alanis Morrisette
This one is for little Donna from her parents.
"To my girl, all your innocence & fire. When you reach out, I am here hell or high water. This nest is never going away. My mission is to keep the light in your eyes ablaze."
"Ain't Nothing 'Bout You" by: Brooks & Dunn
"Once I thought that love was something I could never do. Never knew that I could feel this much. But this yearning in the deep part of my heart for you is more than a reaction to your touch. It's a perfect passion, & I can't get enough."
Songs directly referenced in stories & moodboards:
"In A Different Light" by: Doug Stone
"Spooky" by: Classics IV
"Can't Help Falling In Love With You" by: Elvis Presley
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Back to Fluffy Sinister Strange masterlist
Stephen Strange Taglist: @starkiller-queen @glitterylokislut @verycollectivecreator @chatampr @lovecleastrange @wheredafandomat @mkixx @evelynrosestuff @katefullerrr @littlepinknightmare @foofarny @stygianoir @moonroyalt @saturnsbabe69 @blaxdet @blackrose-92 @ironstrange1991 @rindulacre @nancy-thompsons @wolfatheartandsoul @dangerouslittlefairy @n0obmaster-69 @oliveoilthoughts @onebatch--twobatch @yourmajesty13 @blondekel77 @lil-sweater-slut @gwephen @taramaria @sinceimetyou @slashersrus @coeurgrenadiine @cc13723things @just--a-magpie @supervengerslock @strangelockd @dont-feel-so-good-peter @kingsmanperfecthartwin @ghost-lantern @inlovewithloki16 @thefalconandthewinterwidowshield @itssmaugtheterrible @katherinemaximoff @veryfancydoilies @cute-angi @mochacake2016 @prix19 @alexfanficnook @anotheroddfish @mando-is-the-way @xourownsidee @baes-x @dreamingsmile @negar77rd @imaginesfreetotake @ppatricia34me @rougepetale @tis-vereon @divinearchangel @sherlux @hiddlechive @ginnykate @thatesqcrush @friendofplenti @yuugenmomo @holdmyowos @the-royal-petals @lokislov3 @captaincarmel164 @lucimorningst4r @mydearalmira @petalcranberry @singhfae @emotionsareforuglypeople @trappedinlimbo15 @veryladyqueen @icytrickster17 @kentucky-criedfricken @briefhandsstudenttoad @calamityismyspecialty @sinisterstrange616 @patbrdsc @trojanaurora @azu21 @massivehahaao3tree @strangesgirls
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intothespiderbottom · 5 years
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ginwhitlock · 5 years
*hugs you real tight* would you please send this to the first 10 people in your dash? Make sure someone gets a hug today and stay safe!
Oh my that’s so sweet! Yeah of course.
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Tagged by @softlyspector
Rules: list eight TV shows for your followers to get to know you better 
In no particular order:
1. The Mandalorian
2. Moon Knight
3. Murder She Wrote
4. Stargate SG-1
5. Stargate Atlantis
6. BBC Merlin
7. Charmed
8. The Owl House
No pressure tag: @firemedicdiaz @fireladybuckley @onebatch--twobatch
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