lethargicsunlight · 3 years
Dabi XSpookyQuirk!Reader 'No Happy Endings' (Part 16)
Due to the shear amount of 'Parts' to this series, I will be doing some overall organizing moving forward.
In short, this will be the last part of this series. (Read all the way to the end to see an epilogue ;) )
I never expected this story to go as far as it has, but I've loved the entire trip of it. It's nice to let loose and just write how I want to and what I want to, and this story in particular is an example of that shear joy. I hope everyone continues to follow along, to see where our SpookyQuirk!Reader ends up! <3
Read the other parts here: LINK
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WARNINGS: Spicy themes, Spooky vibes, a little fluff, not edited. The usual.
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Neither you or the League could have anticipated the consequences soon to come from your appearance in their latest squabble with the pro-heroes of Japan.
The Hero Commission had released statement after statement, making presumptuous claims about your quirk being 'illusionary' 'nightmarish scare tactics'.
But the people of Japan had a different perspective.
Similar to the rise of Stain's cultish followers, the demonstration of your power inspired unlikely questions and investigations among civilians--some of which recognized the ghosts you'd temporarily made corporeal. Names and pictures were compared to the apparitions, staking allegations against the Hero Commission for their attempt of crowd control through manipulating the truth, and not being transparent.
After your 'audience' with All for One, you'd returned to the League's base with a numbness in your chest and glaze over your vision. Dabi, still coping with his dimensional feelings on the matter, stayed in your shadow. Close enough to open doors, provide meals, and ground you to the room--but far away enough that he seemed hesitant to touch. Considering the revelations that seemed to just keep playing on the damn T.V. in the lobby, the two of you had little alone time.
The news had become a constant noise. The lights of the television would dance across Shigaraki's features as he leant in with hands folded over his chin, elbows on his knees, constantly evaluating the public view and figuring out how to manipulate it. He'd task one or two people with something, an errand or espionage, and send them out. Small and inconspicuous things, like listening to rumors in dark places.
But, not you.
"You need to lay low a while." Shigaraki had warned, eyeing you over the back of the couch. "Even other villains are going to seek you out right now. To ask questions, maybe try to use you."
He turns back to the screen, skin a little smoother than usual, his hand apparatus missing from over his face. "We can't let them have you."
You had stared at the back of his head for a while, feeling strange in the air of it all. For once, you really didn't mind being cooped up at the base--the outside felt foreign now. But some kind of hurt tugged at your heart, reminding you that you remained more of an asset than a friend to him and his superior. Though, even if that were to change, you doubted it would be something Shigaraki would verbalize.
Twice had a tendency to linger. Objectively different than Shigaraki, he was both rude and not-rude about wanting to be in your presence for extended lengths of time, and admitted it verbally. Accompanying you and Dabi to the kitchen to eat, sitting nearby in the lobby, offering to fetch things. Compress, Toga, and Spinner too had spent a few mornings discussing everything before going away to work, patting your shoulders awkwardly and expressing delight on how you'd really become 'a part of the League'. (They were also particularly interested in their new resident ghost: Haga, whom now lingered in a cleared out basement of the building. You've promised to decorate it for him, for as long he decided to stay.) The last week had been hectic and moving, filled with strange emotional conversations and observations--mostly to do with you.
However, this particular morning, with your hands wrapped around a beverage, the kitchen is suspiciously empty.
And, you take that time to dwell. To, marinate in everything that had happened all too fast.
It makes you smile.
Not for having changed the public view, not for having expressed your abilities to a large audience and feeling validated in the face of it (though, you won't lie, that's kind of nice too), but for the strange and awkward and wonderful assurances of the League. Of your friends.
Like you, their social skills had suffered in the shadow cast by society--but unlike society, you didn't have to interpret their emotions through verbal or even non-verbal communication. With a flip of a switch, you knew.
And joy was a vibrant yellow.
Something like static over your left shoulder draws you out of your daydreams, followed by a hand grazing your upper arm. Instinctively, you lean into the warmth with your eyes closed and your crown meet's the rivets of Dabi's coat. There's a warm hum that comes from his chest, and the comfort of it is immense.
"Good morning." You say, almost accusing, searching for him as your eyes reopen.
"Mm," is his response, as he dips down to rub his nose into your hair. "Finally, no one's fucking around this morning.."
You grin, a tingle of excitement running down your spine at his closeness. Your eyebrows cinch in, and you lift away to turn towards him proper, examining him. He moves back just enough, expression unreadable.
You want to comment on his hesitancy with you, but you're also afraid to ruin the moment.
"You're looking good." You say, reaching out toward him. He seems to flex a moment with indecision, before leaning in so your index could trace the flesh above the staples in his cheeks.
"Good huh?" He asks, mocking, with a new and steady grin. "You do too, I guess."
You roll your eyes, "I meant, you're healing well. You look amazing."
His eyes light up a little unexpectedly, but his grin begins to fade out. One of his hands chases yours, fingers teasing at your wrist. "Y/n." He says it like he's addressing you, formally. Your heart skips in your chest, though you're unsure why.
He leans forward. Expecting a kiss (long overdue), you close your eyes.
But his face moves to the side, and you can feel the cooled metal of his staples as they graze your brow-bone. Instead, his lips meet your ear, "You don't have to stay.." He whispers, and now his fingers shift up so his thumb is in your palm. He wraps your hand up, pulling it to his chest. "You can still get away from all of this."
Despite how serious his questions were, you chuckle.
He draws back, brows set. "I'm serious." He says, expecting you to freeze.
But you shake your head, "So am I. What gave you the impression I was afraid?"
"You…" His voice drifts, "I didn't mean you were. But this--this situation isn't good for you. I mean, the League and I yeah, but All for One?" He shakes his head, "He's got shit going on in Shiggy's brain that I don't really much care for, especially anything to do with you."
"And how are you different?" You ask, voice level. Even you had been asking those questions, seeking those apprehensions in the past week or so.
"Being different isn't the point. Being in very real danger is the point."
"We've always been in danger; every time we step outside, and it just keeps getting worse." You shrug, "Yes, sure, you're right. I could run away. Hide, you know, like I used to."
He blanches a bit, mouth producing a thin line.
"Or, I could be right here." And you swallow as emotions begin to choke you. "I could be right here, standing for something, being someone. Even if that means I'm 'Necromancer', or whatever, and I'm a big scary villain; just like you."
You move yourself forward, breaking the connection between your hands so your chest is flush with his instead. "I may deal in ghosts Touya, but I've never felt more alive then I do right now."
Brightness returns to his eyes. A boyishness you remember, one night in the street, with flames engulfing the scenery in his anger. The spirit of the fire you dreamed so much about, with smoke in your lungs and embers sizzling in your veins. It's painful, the hurt, the suffering--but pain means you're alive. And though he wouldn't be brave enough to say it right now, you'd managed a similar effect upon him; in resurrecting the perished version of himself, the one lost on the mountain he'd turned to cinders that night so long ago. Touya.
And Touya, the child, had been so deprived of what you offered. Not a night of sin, but a life of care. A life, no matter how short, of your fiery and argumentative spirit that inspired change within him, that forced alternative perspectives and made the world feel bigger, brighter. The selflessness he'd never experienced--that which caused him to contemplate pushing you away so many times--was not exclusive to heroes. It was exclusive to love.
There are no happy endings for villains. You were going to be in danger, just as he was, and though he had yet to fulfill his aspirations--part of him simply didn't care. The world could burn outside that room, and he wouldn't care. Ten minutes of bliss would be worth eternal damnation as far as he was concerned. He just needed to reach out and grab it; be selfish again, with you. Happy, with you.
A grin breaks out across his face, stretching the staples. "You're right." His arms cage you suddenly, pulling in as he steps backwards. You gasp, but laugh with the break in tension. A few more steps back and his arm leaves your waist, going behind him--to lock the kitchen door.
"We are villains. Both of us.." He draws you in tighter, lips catching on your jaw. "So fuck everybody else.."
You shiver, temperature rising to hellishly warm. "Dabi--" He shifts back, a finger going to your mouth. He prods your lower lip, "Touya." He corrects you with one hot breath. "Call me Touya."
Though, he expected this bliss to last much longer than ten minutes; much to the chagrin of anyone who might want a morning coffee.
"I don't trust him."
You peer at Touya over your shoulder, still crouched behind the ruined brick of an abandoned school building. "What?" You ask, not completely aligned with the topic of his conversation. Your brain was still fuzzy from walking around in your 'spirit form'.
Oh. At the mention of it, you turn your head to see the League's Pro-hero agent high in the sky, surveying the area. "You think he's playing us?"
"I don't know." He adjusts his coat, rolling up the sleeves to combat the heat. "Crusty trusts him, but--shit he's turning back."
Angling in the air like a falcon, Hawks descends at an alarming speed. He lands somewhere nearby and uses the building's remnants as cover to make his way to the two of you. He does a little wave, a sign everything was clear, and you both stand to approach him.
"Hey you two," He shoves his hands into his pockets, slouching a little. "I got a lay of the land, looks like you're free to roam. I'd take a look due east, I think a lot of the damage took place there."
"Thanks." Touya says quickly, "That all?"
Hawks blinks a few times, "Yeah. That's all. I mean, I would totally keep a look out for you guys--but being gone for too long might get a little suspicious."
"Right, got it. You're free to leave."
Something about Touya's tone hinted he might actually be happier of Hawks did leave.
"Well hold on, let me take a break first," Hawks holds his hands up, then twists to start stretching one of his arms. A wing follows the motion in the opposite direction.
Touya turns away, heading further into the rubble. "Yeah whatever."
"Besides," Hawks continues, eyes drawing towards you. "I want to see what the fuss is all about. I heard you could summon ghosties, right?"
You can hear when Touya's footsteps cease, kicking pebbles up with his boots.
"Uh-" Feeling the air shift, you try to dodge the question. "It's, well--"
"You know, the news really made it sound scary. But you're not really scary at all. I bet it's pretty cool to see--"
"No." Is Touya's resounding answer, to no question in particular, as his hand suddenly braces your arm and starts dragging you away.
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peculiarinsomniac · 3 years
Since one of my walls in my bedroom is completely blank and is not hidden by any furniture, I decided to cover my wall with drawings, starting with Todoroki:
Day 1, 17th August, 2021:
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WIP, hopefully my relatives allow me to hang it up.
Posting this here, since I don't want to tell my friends at school about this yet, but I have no one to talk about this except for my best friend and my sister
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moeruhoshi · 4 years
23. soft ask
mochi - favorite studio ghibli film
AAAAH okay okay so #1 haaaas to be Whisper of the Heart
it embodies all the shit I fucking love in the most shoujo way ever pfft
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levis-hazelnut · 3 years
AOT guys when you randomly say "I love you"
characters: Levi Ackerman, Connie Springer, Eren Jaeger, Jean Kirstein, Armin Arlert
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Taglist (fill out this form) or send in an ask: @rintomoj @jeanscowboyhat-levisteacup @notgoodforlife @jean-prettyboy-kirschtein @ackerluvr @taybird @moonyy-writes @beautiful-is-boring @iworshipyelena @svftackerman @subjecta13-thefangirl @universallychaoticpan @purplecandygerl @peculiarinsomniac @xoxohollands @resonancesoul @ruthbestboi @leiriswhore @levisbrat25 @may-machin @awkwardllama1 @kiyakemi @kpostedsum @day-sii @levisblackbabe @mattsunsbitch @oh-theseus @lavenderdaisyhoney @roralore @aalijoli @hanges-gf @punch-a-hole-in-me @jeagersruletheworld @putmeinyourdeathnote @soranihimawari @bratckerman (crossed out names can't be tagged)
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hopeless-ro-simptic · 3 years
Familiar Cerulean Eyes - Finale (Part 23)
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Click here for the Masterlist. 
The Finale is finally here! So sorry it took for freaking ever. There may or may not be a spin off and there may or may not be a sequel but I am not promising either of those things right now, because ya girl can’t stick to deadlines. I hope you guys enjoy this and thank you so much for getting me to nearly 1k followers! Maybe we can hit it by the end of the night! 
Want to show your support? Buy me a coffee!
Warnings: Depictions of violence, blood, injuries, head trauma, fighting, you know the drill by now. 
Word Count: 5.4 K
Taglist:  @superblyspeedydragon @jparra4587 @flyingowls @emrysaf @imuziawi @sheedaabee @peculiarinsomniac @littlelovebug98 @plutoneu @giftofwonder @kitty-kat-ash @fukyouthink @anarchys-bnha-mess @threbony @orenjineki @toobsessedsstuff @bamf-barnes @x-a-delama-x @inanabsentia @reallyshey @godsblesstheboi @drownedbytears @emilymikado @fluidfandoms  @mikasackrmann @bohica160 @andrastesbeard  @percabethismyotp14 @celestiallustre @moon-spirit-yue @hecatve @bakugoshrimp @vanillanjin @toshiuwuu @rxinbowrena @kamisamaundercover @callmepopcorn @xxdumb-bitchxx @medicinalkiwis @kat-unzel @headfirst-halo @capricorn-nightmare @annie-daetris @skumtrash @totorotoni @kst-chernish @itsmysticalmystery @the-occasional-artist1125 @beautifulparisiangirl @stanzastic @helena-way07 @aurorahoneybuns @cth-l @nightlygiggless @filledasaf @hailstorm888 @ozzy-bozzy @girrawr13 @hawkssnugget @ilovdabi@over-grown-emo-kid @sasageyowrites @littledustyflame @h0wab0utw3d0ntd0that @thefirewasfriendly @babayaga67 @kiegosbby @foxes-and-arrows @confessorkahleesi @nosequeponeraun @warcrimesforsumcoochie @zea-is-amazing @kunaigirlx44 @black-rose-29 @erensbbg @alexis-boooooi @dabinoir @rosemirrors @insane-without-delirium @archdag @thechroniclesofawriter @maggiecc​ @cjcuniverseworld​ @dabis0bitch​ @simping4the2dbowos​ @thefirelordm​ @swaggy-peep​ 
Dabi nudged you forward out into the crisp night air, following closely behind and pulling you into the shadows of the night as the two of you took in the battle scene in front of you. Spinner and the Dragon hero Ryuku were the two closest to you, whereas Endeavor, Shigaraki, Aizawa and Kurogiri were all fighting on the other side of the torn apart parking lot. You barely caught a glimpse of ice slicing through the air, met by blue flames just around the edge of the building as Dabi guided you forward and into the hiding space behind some bushes that had yet to be disrupted. Dabi was silent as he pointed to a building down the street, a warehouse just two blocks away. If you two could get over there, Dabi could get you to safety and then go provide help for the others
There wasn’t much coverage between here and the building though. You would have to sprint and hope that no one noticed the two of you. Dabi’s eyes were fixated on the battle, a slightly worried look crossing his features when you both noticed that the heroes seemed to have the upper hand. Reaching out your hand to intertwine with his, getting his attention on you, you pressed a quick peck to his lips, your fingers squeezing around his briefly before you nodded towards the warehouse in the distance, tugging on him lightly.
You needed to get to safety. If you could get away, then Dabi could go back and help the others. Everyone could still get out of this. Especially if your decoys got their jobs done.
With one look back to the battlefield, Dabi nodded, giving you a short count down with his fingers, waiting for the opportune time for Spinner to get the dragon-heroes back to the both of you before the two of you took off down the street.
Your feet pounded against the concrete as you forced your legs to move as fast as they could, Dabi racing along just behind you glancing behind himself every few feet to see what was going on. You were halfway there! So close and you’d be safe, at least for the moment. You barely turned your head to look at Dabi, hope blooming in your chest only to come crashing down as you were tackled to the ground, a flash of ice and fire flying past you, the bunny hero blocking your vision as she held down your struggling body.
“Stop struggling- damn omega’s.” She roughly rolled you onto your stomach pinning your arms behind your back despite your kicking and scratching at her skin, hisses leaving your lips as you spit at her. Your resistance didn’t matter though, the alpha rabbit hero was much stronger than you were, pressing her knee to your back to hold you down as she spoke into the coms.
“I’ve located and captured the omega. She’s unharmed but she’s fighting.”
You could hear a staticky voice speaking through the other end of the line from the comms in her ear but couldn’t understand it. You tried to focus, searching your field of vision for ice or fire, any sign of Dabi or Shoto, but you couldn’t see them. Could only hear the sounds of fighting in the distance and a persistent ringing in your ear.
“Got it, I will evacuate the omega and come back to assist.”
“No! Let go of me!” You screamed, thrashing about as the alpha picked you up throwing you over her shoulder, with ease, a glimpse of blue catching your eyes in the distance, followed by a flash of orange light.
The alpha ignored your hits and struggles, shifting so she had a good hold of you preparing to take off with her enhanced rabbit like speed. You couldn’t help the sob that broke out from your lips, feeling the panic of the situation starting to take over. If she got you away, you might never see Dabi again. Or Shigaraki, or Kurogiri, Spinner, Toga, Twice-
“Let her go. Now.” Twice’s voice rang out making the hero take pause, both voices agreeing for once with a matching ferocity. Twice’s normally confusing mixed scent was sharp and heavy in the air. Gone were any notes of sweetness coming from the beta, all that remained was a rotten scent that burned your nose, making your eyes water.
You felt the sudden stiffness in the rabbit hero, felt the second she tensed up, a shift in her own scent making you freeze as well, glancing around with what little movement you still had while she still clutched you tightly. In a circle, all around you, trapping the rabbit hero in place, stood the copies of the same figure, his face no longer comically switching from emotion to emotion, a matching look of hatred on each face, his black and grey uniform tattered and soaked in blood in the exact same place on each clone.
“Shit.” You heard the hero mutter under her breath, shifting her stance as she took in the same information you did. Twice had duplicated himself, not once, not twice, but six times and it looked like he was still going, all his anger converged onto one spot, the rabbit hero.
“Hawks… Hawks come in. I need assistance… Twice duplicated himself. Hawks!” The hero screeched into his comms unit as she twisted this way and that, narrowly dodging the nimble attacks coming at her from all sides. But she couldn’t dodge all of them, she was very much so outnumbered at this point, and one solid kick to her gut had her loosing her grip on you, one of the duplicates catching you before you slammed against the ground, pulling you away from her grasp as the rest of them converged onto her.
Shigaraki took in the scene around him, anxiety creeping up his throat making him itch as he met eyes with the flame hero in front of him. He was trapped. Kurogiri was all but caught and there was no way out this time. The flame hero wasn’t giving the villain any chance to get near him let alone touch him. At first Shigaraki had the upper hand, with his speed and reactions, but Endeavor proved himself to be better in drawn out battles. The scrannier alpha was already wearing out, growing frustrated. Whereas Endeavor, while he wasn’t in the best condition, he was definitely still ready to fight, still madly grinning and taunting the villain opposite him.
Watching the fired up alpha in front of him, ignoring his rants, Shigaraki couldn’t help but compare him to the blue flamed alpha that had become one of his closest friends. He wasn’t sure how he didn’t see the similarities before, they both were so full of themselves, yet both had, annoyingly, the strength to back it up.
With his back to the building behind him, fire on either side of him raging, the only place Shigaraki could go was straight forwards. Straight to Endeavor. He barely registered the pain from the scratching at his neck. This wasn’t at all how this was supposed to go. What should he do…
A million thoughts ran through his mind as he tuned out the sounds of Endeavor insisting the villain just give up, just turn himself in, but Shigaraki’s brain kept looping back to the same one, the briefest of sad smiles that had crossed his omega’s lips when she had seen the Lilly he left on her window. He had only paused briefly, looking back in the dark night, seeking out her pale face in her window. Her eyes searched the ground for his shadowy figure, but he knew she couldn’t locate him. He was just about to turn away when her eyes landed on the little white flower, delicate fingers wrapping around the stem, he lips tilting up ever so slightly before a choked sob rang out through the night. He had stood there for far longer than he planned, listening to the sounds of her crying, his fingers scratching away insistently at his neck before he finally forced himself to leave.
He knew she was here. He wasn’t stupid. While she was decent enough at hiding her scent to others, he had always been hypersensitive to it, picking it out of a crowd blocks away. It had exploded in his mind the second that the walls had come down, sticking to the outskirts of the battlefield. He couldn’t help but be furious at the fact that she was here, at the fact that she was being put into danger again, because of him, again.
If he was able to get out of here, he had half a mind to snatch her up and force her to go with him, it worked for Dabi so why couldn’t he try it?
Because she would hate him even more than she already did.
But Shigaraki wasn’t sure he would care if it meant she was safe.  
He couldn’t control the deep inhale he took, how her scent filled all of his senses, seeming far closer than it was before, and he couldn’t help but revel in the solace he found in that honey soaked scent. If he did die here today, at least he got to be near her one more time. Just being near her was enough.
No one even saw it coming, the blast that took Endeavor off of his feet, embedding him into the concrete wall of the building across the street. Nor did they know what to do when they saw where the blast came from, the fighting on the field pausing as everyone watched in shock.
The yellow swirling shockwaves fizzled out, leaving deep blue eyes staring into flaring red one’s, a look of angry determination on her face. Without hesitation she propelled herself forward with her quirk, closing the distance between herself and the villain in front of her, dropping to her feet just a few feet away. A challenge in her eyes.
“Nejire stay back! What are you doing!” Her mentor yelled, pushing off of the ground and into the air, flinging Spinner away from her using her tail as she raced to get to her sidekick.
She was too slow though. It all happened so fast, one heartbeat and Shigaraki was staring at the periwinkle-haired heroin in front of him, a feral smile breaking across his features as understanding flit across his face, words floating through a silent bond between them, the next his hands were around her throat, all ten fingers touching as he pulled her against him, his thumbs tilting her head up to meet his lips against hers.
The shriek of agony that left the dragon heros mouth as Nejire’s palm moved up, her quirk shooting out to blast the dragon away as she neared the two echoed throughout the entire block, her focus remaining on the alpha in front of her, fingers of her other hand sliding into his hair as he pressed further against her a growl of approval rumbling through the air.
Finally, they separated, but Shigaraki’s fingers stayed around her throat, mist surrounding the two, Shigaraki smirking wildly as Aizawa slumped to the floor, tears filling his eyes as he struggled to keep them focused on the villain in front of him, anger flashing through his face as he took in the scene of his previous student, promising young hero, and the UA traitor.
It wasn’t until the mist almost swallowed them whole did Shigaraki drop his hold, instead moving three fingers to caress the young omega’s cheek looking down at her with something that made Aizawa’s blood boil.
The shock that crossed Shigaraki’s face, however, was worth it, as Aizawa’s binding cloth tightened itself around Nejire’s waist, yanking her from the villains grip and back towards the ground out of the mist. A shriek of pure agony leaving her lips as she fought against his hold. Shigaraki reaching his hand out towards the omega only to be swallowed whole by the mist and disappearing completely.  
Your feet ached, your lungs burned, your eyes were filled with tears making it hard to see, but none of that would stop you. Forcing yourself to ignore the pain you shot forward, you had to go faster, you had to make it in time.
There. Fifty yards in front of you, a mixture of blue and red flames, ice slicing through the air as they danced around each other. The two alphas were ruthless with each other, neither of them holding back as they fought. Their scents tainted by the metallic scent of blood in the air, the smell only spurring you to push your legs faster as your chest constricted in fear. Fear for your mate, fear for your friend. Fear for them both.
Dabi narrowly dodged a spear of ice sent his way, only to spin around and throw a column of his blue flames towards the younger alpha, only to be met with Shoto’s own flames, the colors meeting in the middle just for Shoto’s flames to quickly become overpowered by Dabi’s, Shoto having to quickly slam an ice barrier in place before he was engulfed in blue fire.
Shoto moved quickly, shooting ice from his right hand, sliding on it and looping around Dabi, circling him as he threw ice attack after ice attack with deadly accuracy. Dabi countered with his own attacks doing little more than simple melting the ice spears before they could land a hit, before he got fed up, slamming his fist to the ground blue fire erupting out from him in a wide circle, melting Shoto’s ice causing him to trip and tumble to the ground.
Neither male slowed at all, Shoto rolling out of the way of a shot from Dabi, only to jump to his feet and throw his own attack back, countering Dabi’s fire with his own once again meeting in the middle. You could see it now, the way that it was taking incrementally longer for Dabi’s flames to overcome Shoto’s. Dabi was still stronger, still at the advantage at this point, but he was quickly wearing down. You were growing closer, fear striking your heart as you noticed the single streak of blood dripping from the staples under his eyes. He was going to burn himself up if you didn’t stop them.
You weren’t the only one noticing he was being run down though. Shoto’s eyes lighting up with a newfound determination as he sent blast after blast, ice spear after ice spear towards the dark haired alpha, creating new pathways for him to slide along in a wide circle around him, Dabi barely keeping up now as he melted the ice while still countering the fire attacks at the same time.  
All at once everything shifted, time feeling like it slowed down to a crawl as you watched Shoto shift from sliding on ice, to standing still his stance wide. You felt like you were running through molasses watching as Shoto brough both of his hands together, his right-hand curling into a fist minus his first two fingers, pointed directly at Dabi, his left curling around the outside of his other hand as he aimed, bracing himself. Your heart plunged at the sight, as you lunged forward. You had only seen him do this move once before, back in a training session, and Shoto had immediately ruled it as too dangerous to be used in a fight, only to be used as a last resort. It wasn’t just dangerous; it could kill a person.
He didn’t care at this point if he hurt the villain in front of him. To him, that villain had kidnapped his omega, had hurt them, forced them into a bond. Shoto wasn’t going to stop, not without knowing the truth.
You had to tell him.
You saw the second that the ice started growing, only to be consumed by red flames, blue flames building from behind you as you forced yourself in between the two, holding out your arms to make yourself as big as you could, closing your eyes to ignore the fear gripping your heart at the fire surrounding you, as you were engulfed in a swirl of red and blue light, something hitting you right under your ribs, stealing your breath away as pain bloomed in your abdomen and chest the force knocking you back, both fires dying out quicker than they started at the sound of your cry of pain. [MF1] Dabi had quicker reflexes, sliding to his knees and catching you in his arms just before your head would have smacked the ground. Shoto on the other hand stood frozen, shock clear on his face as he took in the scene in front of him.
Tears streamed down your face as you whimpered, Dabi immediately tearing at your clothes to check the damage, noting the already purple bruise just under your ribs. It spread across half of your upper body some places growing darker than others, especially you’re the last three ribs on your left side. The damage would have been worse if the ice hadn’t of melted at the touch of your quirk. If it was Dabi, or anyone else, it would have pierced straight through, skewering them.  You took in a rattling breath, another cry forced out from the pain as you tried to sit up only for Dabi to tense his hold on you, softly telling you to stay still, don’t move, you’ll make it worse.
It didn’t stop you from reaching up and gently placing your hand against his cheek, wiping away tears of blood slipping down his face.
The stunned sound, like a choked growl, that left Shoto’s lips had both you and Dabi tensing up, blue flames erupting around you like a protective bubble, Dabi’s lips curled back in a snarl as he stared at the two toned alpha mere feet away.
“I’ll kill you.”
“No don’t, don’t hurt him please.” Your voice was meek, but Dabi still glanced towards you, a look of frustration and a hint torture in his eyes. He would have to hurt Shoto if the two of you had any chance to get away and his quirk was already overused.
You heard a blast followed by shouts come from the parking lot, a scream followed piercing the air in a sound of pure anguish. The sound made you all pause, Dabi’s fire flickering out, your stomach turning as you tried to discern whose wails of agony were echoing around the block.
Those sounds were quickly forgotten though, Shoto dropping into a fighting stance once again though hesitating slightly as he took in how Dabi curled more protectively around you, fire burning in his eyes threatening to overcome him. He wouldn’t let Shoto take you.
“Let her go Dabi.”
“Not a chance, brat.”
You forced yourself up into a sitting position, Dabi letting out a strangled sound as you wavered like you were going to pass out before you steadied once again putting yourself between the two brothers, your voice shaking as you pleaded softly.
“Stop. Shoto stop. Let us go.”
“Move out of the way y/n.” Shoto’s face was guarded, his hands up and prepared to attack at a moments notice.
You didn’t.
“Y/n please. Move out of the way.”
You stared him down, your fingers reaching back and curling around Dabi’s hand, feeling the radiating heat coming from inside him. You knew he couldn’t fight much longer. Not without killing himself. But he would if he had to if it protected you.
“Y/n he’s dangerous! A villain! He will kill you.” The exasperation was showing on his face, the frustration and confusion in his voice. The betrayal. Part of your heart felt like it broke as you watched him.
“He won’t hurt me.”
“Y/n,” Dabi’s whisper had your eyes flicking over as to where the swirling black mist was growing a mere few feet away from you, relief drenching your system as Dabi carefully stood behind you, helping you up as well, tense and ready to block any attacks from Shoto who no doubt had taken notice of the mist as well, growing restless as he started to raise his voice at you.
“How can you know? How can you be so sure?” He was already shifting to put himself between the two of you and the portal, as Dabi tried to counter by guiding you in a ever moving circle.
“I just know, you have to trust me Shoto.” Two toned eyes looked back at you with disbelief, almost disgust as he matched you step for step, staying between the two of you and the portal, Dabi’s grip on you tightening, ready to snatch you and run at the blink of an eye.
“Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? How crazy? How stupid?! Even if he doesn’t hurt you, he’s a villain! I can’t just let him go! He kills people Y/n! For fun! And you want to be with that?”
“I love him!”
Shoto snorted, his calm and rational demeanor seeming to be stripped away as he glared at you. This time there was no doubting the disgust crossing his features as he sneered back.
“What would Touya think of you now?”
“He is Touya! You snapped, a snarl leaving your lips that rivaled that of an alpha, pulling away from Dabi and stepping towards Shoto who took an incremental step back, your fists curled. You felt like you were seeing red, your usually sweet scent that you had grown used to hiding flaring out and turning rotten and burnt flooding the area.
Dabi froze the second the words came tumbling out of your mouth, and you could feel the shock radiating off of Shoto as what you said processed. Could see the moment where things clicked in his mind as his gaze shifted to the dark haired male behind you that was littered with scars and held together by staples, taking a deep inhale of his familiar scent which you could tell Dabi was allowing to leak out more than normal.
“You’re supposed to be dead”
“My death was … greatly exaggerated.”
You watched as the two males stared at each other, both with guarded expressions, stances tense, ridged. A fight blooming behind Shoto’s features as he warred with himself on what to do. It almost looked like he was about to say something, but stopped short, the portal behind him dissolving away and a new one appearing at Dabi’s back. Kurogiri must have a visual on you.
You felt Dabi’s fingers wrap lightly around your wrist, pulling you back to him which you allowed, your eyes focused on Shoto’s form, your own expression wary as you watched him struggle within himself. Just a few more second and you two will be gone. Safe.
Just when you felt Dabi relax, the portal almost completely covering your vison, red flames flared to life, hurtling towards the two of you as Shoto let out a roar that echoed throughout the streets. You reacted quicker than Dabi, shoving him back and using your body to block the flames, feeling something stirring in your mind as they disappeared around you, clenching your fist as Shoto marched towards you, a look of determination on his face.
You didn’t give him the chance to attach again, swinging your fist, you felt it when you connected with his jaw, saw the surprise crossing his features. Not at the fact that you punched him, not at the fact that it clearly hurt. But at the fire that accompanied it, red flames dancing from your skin, red flames that matched his perfectly. Like you had somehow stolen them. No… like you had absorbed them.
You couldn’t help the smile that broke across your face, turning your hand and watching the flames move across your skin, bending to your will. You glanced over to Shoto, confusion covering his face before something else, maybe awe mixed with slight terror as he stumbled back from you, ice coating his body instantly as you hurled the fire at him again and again, forcing him to back up step by step, further away from you, from Dabi.
You advanced on him, watching as he stumbled the the ground, looking up at you, anxiety clear in his scent as you glared down at him, feeling that same ice he used against you earlier prickle at your fingers until it grew into a spear like shape that you held to his throat, warning clear as day in your voice.
“Leave us alone. You will not tell anyone that he is alive or I swear to god I will hunt you down myself. He’s mine. And you will not hurt him.” The growl that ripped through your throat had Shoto tensing up all over again, Ice sticking to his skin as he built up a protection against his own powers used against him.
You paused for a moment, feeling the ice shard melting in your hand, like the power behind it was dissolving, snarling at the Alpha beneath you one more time before you released the hold on the ice spear, it landing in a watery splash acrossed his chest as you spun and stalked back towards a stunned Dabi, waiting by the portal.
“They will come after you, you know! You’ll be labeled as a villain now.  They will hunt you down like the rest of them.”
“Let them. Being a villain doesn’t sound so bad. Besides, we both know who the real villains are.” You threw over your shoulder, pausing once you reached Dabi and the portal, one foot in before you glanced back to one of your oldest friends, ignoring the ping of pain and guilt that gripped your heart at the sight. “Tell Endeavor I’m coming for him, and I won’t be silenced anymore.”
Stepping out onto the rooftop high above the city scape below, you couldn’t help but curl up again Dabi for heat the wind whipping your hair around you wildly. You were careful to not move too much, the pain that you were able to ignore back in full swing, Dabi holding up most of your weight as you shuffled closer to your pack. Spinner was sitting on the roof, looking exhausted as he watched from afar the jumbled mess that surrounded the two beta’s.
Twice had Toga laid out on her back on the roof, several of his doubles surrounding her including one of Toga’s own self, looking just as beat up as her original, a blood transfusion already started between them as Twice took care to wrap her head as delicately as he could, several other doubles of him tending to her other wounds. One double, or maybe it was the original, caught your eye, a short nod to confirm she would be okay.
You breathed a sigh of relief, eyes moving over to where Shigaraki stood at the edge of the roof, looking down, his face a mask that you couldn’t read. Dabi and you made your way over to him, Kurogiri waiting nearby for orders.
“What’s the plan boss? We can’t stay here for long, they will be searching the area all night for us.”
Shigaraki wouldn’t tear his eyes away from the scene below and you stepped forward, peering down below the flashing lights of the police below as well as first responders. Heroes scattered the area, many already seeming to be searching around the rubble for any information they could gather, other’s being tended to with first aid. Endeavor was no where to be found for the time being. Neither was Shoto.  
But you knew within a second that none of that was what had Shigaraki’s attention. Your eyes zeroing in on the blue haired female that was currently being shoved into a police car, her hands cuffed behind her back; spitting, and kicking wildly. You don’t think you recognized her, but judging by her outfit, you had a feeling she was a hero, at least up until tonight.  
Once the door to the car was closed, the girl out of view, Shigaraki snapped his eyes up, them snagging on your own for a brief moment, emotions swimming in the sea of red before he turned to his crew his voice gruff and annoyed sounding.
“We need to assume all of our safe houses have been compromised. Need to restart. Build up our inventory again, make a new base. Somewhere fresh. Any ideas?
“It has been two weeks since the battle between our heroes and the group known as the league of villains. What had started out as a rescue mission for what was believed to be an omega hostage, quickly went south as it was confirmed that the omega hostage was in fact a member of the league. After a gruesome battle in which the building was collapsed and both number 2 hero Hawks and number 5 hero Miriko were injured, the league unfortunately got away. Not much is known about the new mystery omega member. Hero Endeavor has shared in his speech this afternoon that police believe the omega was an orphan who grew up on the streets who goes by the name ‘Y/n L/n’. Her quirk is reported to be a kind of nullification quirk that only works on herself, though there is not a lot of information on it. It is believed that Y/n has been working with the league for some time now in the shadows and that they are considered to be a dangerous threat. Any information about her whereabouts or sightings would be appreciated if handed over to the authorities immediately.”
Dabi’s snort at your side had you punching his shoulder lightly. You heard him grumble something about how you were as dangerous as a mouse and couldn’t help but roll your eyes as your attention fell back to the screen in front of you, your fingers resuming their braiding of Toga’s blond hair as she sat on the floor in front of you.
It seemed as though Shoto had kept quiet about your fight, either that or the media wanted you to believe that. You weren’t sure.
“In shocking news, after many speculations, the UA traitor has been officially confirmed as third year student and intern Nejire Hado, also known by her previous hero name –“
The TV cut off, much to Toga’s complaint, the dark screen reflecting your packmates faces, a pair of narrowed red eyes appearing behind you from the hallway. Sensing the other alpha in the room, Spinner turned and shot a barely veiled concerned smile towards him, holding up a glass with a dark brown liquid swirling in it.
“Boss! Did you hear? Y/n is officially considered dangerous! Cause for celebration don’t you think?”
“I’ll consider her dangerous when she stops jumping every time someone comes around a corner. How is her training coming Dabi?”
“She’s getting there, her quirk is definitely different than what we thought, but still testing out the limits. Still not sure if her ability to use the absorbed powers are based on a time limit or amount of stored energy.” Dabi looked over to you and you nodded. You didn’t want anyone to get their hopes up yet, but the two of you had been practicing a lot and noticing different things about your quirk that you never stopped to pay attention to before. Like the surge of power you felt after being hit by someone’s quirk. You hadn’t been able to control it as well as you did that night, but yesterday you were able to light Dabi’s cigarette with his own flames. Small progress was still progress.
“Good, whatever it is keep going, I need her in fighting condition sooner rather than later. We’ve got a big mission coming up and I need all players in the game.”
“What’s the mission?” The question came from Twice this time, his attention being piqued.
The smile that broke across Shigaraki’s face was maniacal. Not for the first time did you seriously wonder about this man’s sanity. But it all clicked into place as his words came out.
“We are going to break into the prison.”
Thank you all again so much for the love and support on this series! Reading y’all comments is always the best. Thanks for sticking with me for this. Love you all! 
Want to show your support? Buy me a coffee!
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reidslefteyebrow · 2 years
Forget me not: Part Ten
Coming next week
@thatsonezesty13 @peculiarinsomniac @mizelophsun11 @colorfulsunflowerx @bweakmybonez @hoeforquinnhughes @yoongi-holland @silverhetdanes @stumbleonmywords @coalsmind @bakugouswh0r3 @actually-y @jenna-jd @spencersmagic @wifeyofeveryone @emxry-astxr @dreamerwasfound @baby-bi-bi-bi-yeah @dancingddays @matthewswhorennnn @hamagafaimshelbaruch @chocolovelp @aperrywilliams @runningoutofmotivation @navs-bhat @kneelforloki @reylo-hope @avidreider @venomsvl @flipperpenguins @lonley-nightmare @singularityjc
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slytherdor-artfics · 3 years
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Not exactly proud of how this came out but oh well :)
I'm working on one for every hybrid so I'll get to everyone eventually. Bakugo is next :))
@neesssie @fandomsgotmefucked @kamalymaly @loveot7lovebts @lanaxians-2 @miruqi @sunsethw4 @xxangelofpunkrockxx @xxangelofpunkrockxx @kiwanna @thrillingtalesofthedead @sunsethw4 @maddie-white15 @immadoggo @peculiarinsomniac @Fuzzyslimeclodscissors @fantasycantasy @melodysakura @sillygoof @anime-simps-blog @sleepyslebus @gigglyscribbles @friendlytacosyumyum @Ravensfeathersuniverse @aris-818 @@beautifulgrungekid @imaginethepossibilities @coffeejellylover @tinalovesmusic95 @itszero16
MYIYH Masterlist
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torilovestowrite · 4 years
Dabi x Reader; Try Again pt. 9
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Synopsis: Years ago, (Y/n) was left by her villain boyfriend, Dabi after discovering an unexpected news. Ever since then, she never had a lover— focusing on her only son, Yuta. Later on, she meets Todoroki Touya— a new co-worker who seem to be persistent towards winning her heart and attention.
Ship: Dabi x Fem! Reader
❗❗❗Content Warning: Mentions of Abortion, Unplanned Pregnancy, Manga spoilers, Dabi is a Todoroki theory
🖤 chapter navigation 🖤
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It's been... what, 3 weeks? 3 weeks since that incident wherein Y/n has blown Touya's cover. A huge fight between them happened after that night— the day she returned his belongings. The young woman didn't even waste her time confronting him. It wasn't the most delightful reunion; but a tragic and hurtful one for the both of them— especially to Y/n.
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"Here's your stuff." Y/n spoke while she was trying to hand out Touya's black leather wallet. He grabbed it from her hands and stared at her face— meeting her emotionless eyes; still in-shock from what she discovered. It was something that's hard to swallow for her.
"Thanks." Touya attempted to leave, immediately going towards the door after she gave his things.
Y/n rolled her eyes as she began to become shady, sneering at him with her words. "You're so used to running away as if nothing happened, aren't you? Then tomorrow, you'd come back as if nothing happened again."
Touya closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh as he was stopped from his tracks. Yes, he knew that this moment would come— the day she discovers the truth behind his identity. But still, he never knew that it would come too soon— and that it would be this tragic. He felt his guts tightening from stress and pressure; until small flames began to appear on his skin. Ah, it's been a long time ever since his quirk was used; the sensation that the blue fire left on his skin was purely nostalgic to him.
He turned to Y/n and began to face her direction. The young woman's eyes slightly widened but a stoic expression was still displayed on her face. Isn't he used to running away? What is he doing?
"I'm sorry." Touya apologized, coming towards her and attempting to hold both of her hands. Y/n's eyebrows furrowed at his gestures as she began to look away. "I-I know I couldn't come back as someone who I used to be. That's why I did everything so—"
"And you think you can come back just like that?" Y/n's voice was shaking as hot tears began to dwell on her eyes— falling and staining both of her cheeks. "Dabi, you really have no idea how hard it was for me, don't you? You have no idea how difficult it is to find happiness after what you did to me, right?"
He couldn't cry— despite going through a massive surgery, his tear ducts were still burnt. And so, blood came out from his eyes; which caused a bit of panic to Y/n. But they were both crying now— and she didn't know what to do.
"P-Please." Y/n pleaded, removing his hands from her skin. "Stop seeing me and Yuta. Just leave, Dabi."
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After that fight, Touya couldn't be seen anywhere. He stopped appearing from work and he also stopped visiting Y/n and Yuta from time to time. It was painful for the both of them— but Y/n knows that she needed time to think; to absorb everything that has unfolded right before her eyes. And as for Touya, he needs to reflect on what he did— and to ask for Y/n's forgiveness. It was bittersweet— but shouldn't it be like that?
Y/n could still remember the disappointment in Yuta's face when she said that he'll never come back. The young boy would always look at the windows to see if his beloved Uncle Touya was there— but of no avail, no one came. She felt bad for her son. Perhaps, it was too harsh for her to decide on her own without even asking her son? Y/n didn't know. But what she knows is what she did— would be the best for all of them right now.
It was a typical Sunday morning for the mother and son duo— Y/n was cooking lunch for the both of them while Yuta was in the backyard playing alone. While the young woman was cooking, loads of questions began to float in her mind.
How did Dabi survive? How did he change his name to Touya? Why did he decide to come back? Just... how did everything turn out to be as it is right now?
It wasn't too long until her thoughts were interrupted after hearing a child-like scream from the area where Yuta was playing. She immediately turned off the stove and rushed towards the scene with her mind filled with panic. Her eyes met her unconscious son who was laying on the ground with light blue flames appearing on his frail-looking body. His skin was bruised— and it was quite obvious that he was trying to catch his breath. Did Yuta perhaps... try to train himself?
Despite the high temperature surrounding his body, Y/n's maternal instincts didn't care. She carried the young child in her arms and rushed him towards the nearest hospital.
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"I know I was the one who told you to never come back. But I really need your help this time, Dabi." Y/n guiltily looked at her toes as she spoke to the red-haired man right before her eyes; meeting his blue unreadable orbs.
It's been two days since Y/n and Yuta returned from the hospital. He was unconscious for at least 5 hours— but Y/n decided to confine him in order to assure that his body is in the right track before they could be released.
"Just call me by my real name, Touya." He spoke as he took a sip from the cup of tea that Y/n prepared for him when he visited. The young woman rolled her eyes in return and said, "Whatever, Touya."
"Anyway, I know we're not okay right now... but you have to stick around. At least not for me, but for Yuta." Y/n swallowed before speaking— just like how she'd swallow her pride just for her son to feel more better about his quirk.
"Apparently, Yuta's body was too frail for his quirk— which is why he was left unconscious while trying to train himself on how to control it." She explained, showing him papers in order to prove her point— which Touya immediately read once he received it.
A small smirk appeared on his face as he began to look at the records. "Guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree, huh?"
"Train him please." Y/n spoke in a soft tone as she pleaded. "Y-you're the only person I could ask about this. You have the same quirk as him."
A moment of silence wrapped around the room. It was uncomfortable for Y/n, considering that she can't really determine what Touya was thinking.
Meanwhile, the young man was drowning in his thoughts too. His hands were shaking— that old trauma once again came back. What if he becomes like the older man who raised him? What if he ends up hurting Yuta? What if Yuta ends up becoming a young man who claimed the innocent lives of 30 people? What if he ends up becoming like Dabi? But suddenly, these negative ideas began to disappear as he felt a pair of warm hands hold his'. It was Y/n— oh god, did he miss the feeling of those hands.
"Once everything becomes fine, I'll introduce you as his father." Y/n claimed as she squeezed his both hands tightly. "Compensate for your loss now, Touya."
And eventually, without even having any second thought, these words came out from his lips— almost like a slip.
"I will do it." He spoke in a deep tone, "I will not be like my father."
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Taglist [OPEN]: @babayaga67 @marydragneell @xxtrash-kingxx @paranoiac-666 @velvet-kissesss @orenjineki @mermaid-starlet @ikita454 @yo-girl-lunar @pansexual-booknerd @daimiyu @marvelousbakugou @peculiarinsomniac @cutesnakemum @sam-i-am-1025 @lawlesshedgehog @sonderkook @miss-buttersworth @threbony @noonewouldlisten25 @missalicebaskerville
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rainy-day-gracie · 4 years
America’s Sweetheart 1
This was an idea I had that I couldn’t walk away from, more chapters to come :)
YFN YLN catches the eye of a Dr. Spencer Reid. The only thing is... he has no idea she’s America’s Sweetheart, Oscar winning actress, and a Hollywood phenomenon. Truly a tinsel town tale of love, crime, and gossip.  
I was on a beach. Just some random beach. The waves lapped against the sand, and no one was there but me. 
A storm rolled over the ocean, sheets of rain beating down on me, giant waves crashing against my body. I tried to run, but my feet were sinking into the sand, and saltwater stung my eyes. 
Just as I was about to drown on the water beating down on me, I wake up in my own bed in Washington DC. 
In the few weeks after I had moved to DC, I would give the city a 7 out of 10. It was a good random place to hide from the flashiness of Hollywood, but it was honestly overrated. That was until I met Dr. Spencer Reid. 
I kept my eyes low as I ordered my coffee, pulling my baseball cap down over my face even though it wasn’t very sunny outside. As I went to pay, the barista shook her head. 
“Someone’s already paid for your drink, ma’am.” She pointed to a tall man slouched over a book in a booth, seemingly not paying very much attention to anything else in the coffee shop. 
“Um, thank you anyway,” I said as she handed me my coffee. My feet carried me hesitantly towards the man in the booth, studying him as I approached.
“Um, excuse me?” The man looked up, and my breath almost caught in my throat. Dark brown eyes peered up at me, and soft brown curls made him look extremely youthful. I cleared my throat, trying not to get distracted by his beautiful high cheekbones. This man was gorgeous even with the elevated standards Hollywood had given me. He could be a movie star if he wanted to. “Thanks... for the coffee.”
He looked confused for a moment, then he smiled. “Oh, of course. Um... anything for a lovely lady.”
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, waiting for him to ask for a picture. But he didn’t. He just peered at me, trying to read my face as I tried to read his.
“What’s your name?” I asked, surprising even myself. 
“Spencer. Just... Spencer. What’s yours?”
He was being vague, and I wasn’t completely sure he knew who I was, even though that sounded completely vain. “YFN. Just YFN...” I waited for him to put the pieces together, but he didn’t. Instead he just nodded with a small smile on his face. 
“Well YFN, I hope to see you getting coffee around here more often.”
A strange smile came to my face. “Yeah, I think I will be.” I took a napkin lying on the booth, quickly scribbling my personal number down and tucking it into Spencer’s jacket pocket flirtatiously. “Well… call anytime, I guess.”
The BAU 
Spencer didn’t realize leaving his phone unattended at the BAU was such a risky decision. The team had noticed Spencer’s upbeat mood and buzzing phone the past few weeks. One day, when Spencer left his phone on his desk while he got coffee, JJ glanced over to see who was making the good doctor so happy. 
JJ gasped when she saw the contact name come up on Spencer’s phone, and immediately ran to Garcia’s office. “Penelope!”
“Ah! What- what do you want?” She spun towards JJ in her chair. 
“I think... I think Spencer is going out with YFN YLN.”
Garcia’s jaw dropped. “Like... the YFN YLN? The most renowned young actress in Hollywood right now? The Oscar winner?”
“That’s the one.”
Garcia looked around her office, not totally sure on what to do. “Well, we have to tell him right? Reid doesn’t keep up with the modern day Hollywood stuff, there’s no way he knows who she is.”
JJ nodded. “We need to tell him.”
“Tell who what?” Morgan asked, walking in the room with a stack of files. 
JJ and Garcia looked to each other then back at Morgan. “Spence’s dating YFN YLN.”
Morgan dropped the files on the floor in shock. “Reid? As in pretty boy? Dr. Spencer Reid dating Oscar winner YFN YLN?”
The women nodded, and Morgan just stood there, the files on the floor completely forgotten. 
Later that day, the team was lounging around the office, Spencer smiling at a text he received on his phone. “Hey, Spence?” JJ asked from across the desks. 
“Hmhmm?” Spencer said, not looking up from his phone. 
“Who’re you talking to?”
“This girl I met at a coffee shop… she’s amazing. Beautiful, kind, intelligent...” 
JJ took a deep breath. “YFN YLN?”
Spencer furrowed his eyebrows. “How did you know that?”
“She’s… famous. Like really really famous. Movie star, award winner, America’s sweetheart famous.” JJ broke the news softly, not wanting to raise a big scene. 
Spencer just looked more confused then he was before. 
Reader’s POV
We had met for coffee about five times in the last two weeks, and I learned there was much more to Spencer than a lanky handsome exterior. He was definitely a genius, a doctor three times over, and worked for the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit. I thought I was impressive, but he takes the cake.
But today something was wrong with Spencer. I could see it in the way he fidgeted with his hands more than usual or how he couldn’t seem to meet my eyes for more than two seconds. “Alright, Spencer, what’s wrong?”
He was also a minor technophobe, which probably explained how he didn’t recognize me. 
Spencer seemed startled by my question. “Well, my friend… she saw your name come up on my phone yesterday and told me that you were some kind of celebrity. You told me you worked in the film industry, but the way my friend told it… you’re super famous, like a household name famous.”
My heart sank and I subconsciously pulled my baseball cap lower on my head. “Yeah, I guess you could say that.”
“Is that why you always wear a baseball cap? So you won’t be recognized as easily?” He asked, and I nodded softly while keeping my eyes down on my coffee.
Spencer looked downtrodden. “Then why are you interested in me?”
“Are... are you kidding?” I asked incredulously. Spencer shook his head, and I almost laughed. “I’m interested in you because you don’t have this preconceived opinion about me. You don’t want anything from me. We can just be normal people, I can be a normal person. Do you know how rare that is in my line of work?”
“That sounds... lonely. And stressful, not knowing who to trust.”
An image of my dream came back to me, my feet sinking into the sand and drowning in waves of seawater. “It is. But... I think I can trust you.”
He still looked confused, but a glimmer of a smile appeared in his eyes. “Why are you in DC?”
I rolled my eyes. “To disappear a little while from all the cameras and flashiness of Hollywood. I’m staying in a town house until I have to fly out to wherever my next project is, and who knows when that’s going to be.” 
Spencer looked completely mesmerized. “Tell me more… about Hollywood, movies, award shows, everything. I want to know everything.” His hands touched the tips of my fingers, and he grinned ear to ear. Leave it to Dr. Spencer Reid to want to learn about the ins and outs of shallow Hollywood life. 
I laughed, thinking maybe once in the four years I’ve worked in Hollywood, someone was truly honest with me. 
The rest of the day went by in a blur. Photoshoot across town, meeting with my agent, talking over movie roles I may or may not get. 
My mind kept coming back to Spencer. Spencer with his wild curls and thoughtful brown eyes and astonishing brain. My heart fluttered and I smiled just thinking about him, the impressive doctor with a heart of gold and mind like no other’s. 
My mind and body were completely spent from the long day, and I practically sleepwalked up the steps to my house. I was so tired, I almost missed the gift waiting for me. Flowers were left for me on the front porch, blood red roses with a note tucked inside of the petals.
I wonder if all of your fame and awards will protect you from a knife between the shoulder blades, Miss America's Sweetheart?
Part 2 !!
TAG LIST : @squirrellover1967 @yomama-umbridge @tiktokslut @sknnymnne @pinkdiamond1016 @vixengustin88 @lexshead @briannareneea985 @thatsonezesty13 @april-14-blog @baby-i-am-fireproof @mollyann14 @andiebeaword @oldspirit @rottenearly @cyndagoaway @peculiarinsomniac @ithinkilovetruecrimetoomuch @mjloveskids666 @aberrant-annie @stardream14 @radkryptonitepeanut @sercyan  @deni-gonzalez @matthewreid @emilouu
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Overwhelming Thoughts (Spencer Reid x BAU!Reader)
Summary: You and Spencer have a soulmates, and can now read each other’s minds, but you’re both a little overwhelmed at the new connection.
Warnings: nothing, i think
Notes: I finally wrote the thing! It’s a little dialogue heavy, but I wanted to really show how little control they have right now so sorry about that. This one takes place a week after Rogue Thoughts, which is the part where they met. This one is just short and sweet :) Let me know if you have any ideas for other soulmate connection plots!!
Word Count: 1k
Soulmate Series Masterlist
Full Masterlist
For your entire life, everyone has told you how amazing it is to finally find your soulmate. They talked about how immediate the connection would be, how it would feel like your world was finally complete. And they were right; from the moment you laid eyes on Spencer, it was like your whole world made sense. It was like every rogue thought you’d ever heard in your head, from the very first when you were a kid to the one you’d heard just before you saw him, they all suddenly made perfect sense, because they belonged to Spencer. Your Spencer.
No one ever told you about the next part though. No one ever warned you how… awkward this would be. You were prepared to share your thoughts with Spencer, but you didn’t know it would be every thought. Every. Single. Thought.
To be fair, you shouldn’t have been completely surprised. Spencer himself had told you that this would be the hardest part of your new relationship when you’d met last week. Just as he’d said, neither of you had found the “off” button on your trains of thought. Even though Spencer had been out of town working a case, and you’d been finalizing your final case with Crimes Against Children, you knew every detail of the case he’d worked. In fact, you’d been able to give some insight in the case when Spencer had been lost. As much as you love being connected to Spencer, the downsides were evident. It was like you never got a moment to yourself anymore. You heard his thoughts at every moment, He even woke you from sleep on multiple occasions. It’s not like you could be mad at him for it; He couldn’t help it, and your thoughts were affecting him just as much.
For example, right now you’re getting ready for your date, and Spencer was planning to pick you up soon...until he heard you were still getting ready.
“You know it really doesn’t matter what you wear, right?” He thought from his apartment. In your bedroom, you were trying to decide between two dresses.
“Maybe it doesn’t matter to you, but I’d like to look good for our first date. Purple or Green?”
“Purple. Don’t you think it’s weird, calling this a first date?”
You wished you could choose your words more carefully, but you don’t really have that luxury. “Yes! I feel like we’re simultaneously complete strangers and a married couple.”
“I just mean, like,” It felt like your brain short circuited, “Even though we just met, it feels like I already know you so well…”
“No, I got that. I just didn’t expect you to suggest-” You accidentally interrupted Spencer with your next explanation.
“I wasn’t suggesting anything! Like you said, it’s just our first date, I wasn’t think- well, I was thinking but, y’know what I mean.” For the first time in a week, you were met with silence. “...Spencer?”
“Sorry- I think I figured it out.”
“Figured what out?” As the conversation continued, You slipped he purple dress over your head, and tried smoothing out all the wrinkles
“How to turn it off. I mean, I only did it for a second, but, when you really focus, it’s possible.” He demonstrated the newfound ability by pausing for a moment. “I understand if you want to turn it off, but I’d rather you don’t”
“Are you sure? I’ll probably just scare you off with my thoughts again…”
“Y/N, you’ll never scare me off. But this is the hardest part. I’ve been reading about soulmate connections, and how getting through this part is so important to development-”
“Spencer, I know, I listened to you read it.”
“Right. Sorry. What I mean is, I don’t think you should try and turn it off all together, but if you just need a moment to collect your thoughts, or to just be alone… all you have to do is focus. Our connection is meant to be a blessing, not a curse.”
You took a deep breath, and tried to do what he said. You just wanted a moment, even a single second to be alone in your own head. “Y/N? You’re doing it, I can’t hear you.” You smiled, letting out a small giggle. “I’ll give you some time alone. I’ll pick you up in 15 minutes for our date.” 
For the first time all week, you aren’t worried about Spencer. You’re free to think about him without the worry of scaring him away or losing him forever. You tried to get a grasp on everything you felt for him already. You love his random facts, and how passionate he was about knowledge. You love listening to his mind race, thoughts flying through his head a mile a minute. Even though you don’t know him that well yet, you’re excited to learn more. You’re excited for life with him, but also terrified of your feelings at the same time. 
As you’re putting the final touches on your look, you can’t help but miss Spencer. Yes, you’re relieved to have gotten this time on your own, but you’re curious. You didn’t realize how you’d gotten used to his thoughts. Just as you decided you wanted them back, you heard a knock from your front door. You immediately ran to open it, and found Spencer smiling on the other side. Your arms quickly found their way around him.
“Hi.” He whispered into your ear.
“I missed you.” You thought, opening your mind back up to him. It felt like a weight being lifted from your shoulders, no longer having to focus on keeping Spencer out.
“It was only a week.” He laughed lightly as his thoughts entered your head.
“I know,” You spoke out loud this time, “But that’s not what I meant. I missed your thoughts.”
“So did I. I know they’re overwhelming, but I’d rather not do that again.”
“Good. C’mon, I’m ready for our first date.”
“You mean our wedding?”
“Shut up.”
“Technically, I’m not speaking right now, so-”
taglist: @dr-reid-ismyspiritanimal @la-vie-en-amour1 @random-thoughts-003 @peculiarinsomniac
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abcreid · 4 years
The Other Woman (3)
Spencer Reid x Reader
sorry for inactive in months. i honestly busy with my life and now i have time to continue my story. Disclaimer: im not fluent in english so my grammar is bad. and im sorry if this story turned to be something awful and far for your imagination.
Part 1, Part 2 ••• Who Requested, Who Requested
You and Spencer walked together without knowing where you two headed. Silent has been the company since you and him out from his apartment building.
“How are you, YN?.” He Finally break the silenced. His voice were soft. Soft enough to notice that he was nervous.
You smiled. “Never been better.” Obviously, you lied to him. You were on your worst. “So... you and Jennifer?” You dare yourself to asked him this kind of question. Because why not?
He didn’t respond for a while. Honestly you understand how he felt. His ex fiancé showed up after weeks they didn’t speak and now she asked a very random question.
“You don’t have to answer that. It’s none of my bus-“
“There’s nothing between me and JJ.” He cut off your words fast before you could ever finished it. “YN please, there’s nothing between me and Jennifer.” He held your right hand and you froze. His eyes were staring at yours. You couldn’t resist but staring at his as well. “YN YLN, please believe me.”
You nodded. “Yeah i believe you, Spence. You said it two times already.” He chuckled and you two walked again.
“So you and my mom,” he said it while we walked in silenced for 10 minutes. You could see from corner of your eye that he smiled. “What were you guys talked about?”
“About...,” you paused. “About her life, her disease, you.” When you said ‘you’, the memories about you and Diana talked popped out in your head. She remembered everything that happened weeks ago. She remembered snapped you, she never approved your relationship with his son, she hurted your feeling. She kept comparing you with JJ and she said she didn’t know you were his fiancée until last week Spencer told her that you returned back the ring and he lost it in the ditch. She even apologized to you. That moment few hours ago was the craziest thing ever happened in your life.
You still keep watching him over your eyes’s corner. He smiled. Like he was the happiest person on earth. “She apologized to me for what happened, Spence. She realized she was wrong and there’s no beef between us anymore.” “But i don’t think it will last forever.”
“Please don’t say that. That’s a progress for us.”
A month after Diana and you make up a new relationship, You and Spencer were in a good term. As a friends of course. You still love him, but the situation were different now. He looked healtier, better than before you and him still in fight. You could see from his eyes that he was disappointed he couldn’t get back with you. But... there’s nothing you could do.
And a month after that event, JJ and Spencer were getting closer than before. You don’t know if that was a real thing or they just faking it so you would be jealous.
“Hey kid you okay?” Morgan approached you. You were sitting at your desk watched JJ and Spencer stood together at pantry. “So you good with them together?”
You shrugged. “You tell me. You’re a profiler.”
“YLN, I’m so sorry for what happened to you. But if you fight harder maybe his mom will welcome you.” Morgan gave you a useless suggestion. You did nothing but sighed.
“I’m done with fighting, Morgan. The last time i did that, i lost Spencer. And If i did that, again, i might lose my life.” You crumbled the paper you held. Then you tossed it to trash can. “He looked happy when he was with her.”
“I’m guarantee you that Reid is happier with you.”
“I know. But what matters now that he’s happy with JJ. And i hope someday i will find my own.” Morgan couldn’t argued more with you so he left you alone.
You leaned on to your chair and closed your eyes. You and Spencer would never be a thing. You touched your ring finger. You still forgot you had no ring in it anymore. You remembered last week you met his mother and she completely kind to you. She liked you more when you were friends with his son. And she incredibly praised JJ whenever she around her. The chance to get Spencer back is zero.
“Hey YN?” Someone’s calling your name. You opened your eyes and Spencer stood before you.
“Yeah? What happened?” You stood up and faced him.
“Can we talk? In private? I need to tell you something.” His face looked so worried and nervous. You nodded and followed him to briefing room. When you and him arrived, he closed the door and shut the window so nobody could not look.
You sat on table while he still standing behind close door. “So what’s the matter?” He didn’t look at you. He kept looking on something but not you. Somethings not right. He didn’t act like this unless something bad is happening. You walked towards him slowly. “Would you tell me what happened?” You asked him softly so he didn’t freak out.
He pulled something out of his pocket. A ring. Your engagement ring from him. You shocked. Like what the hell he showed you that ring? Wasn’t that ring supposed to lost in a ditch? You looked around and nobody showed up. Are you being pranked?
“You mom said you lost it.” You couldn’t talk much to him because you didn’t know how to react.
“Yeah i manage to get it back.” He put back the ring to his pocket. He gave you a sad expression face exactly like the day you gave the ring back to him. What the hell is going on right now? He could read your mind and answer your question without hesitation. “You knew that my mother is sick and she wanted me to propose JJ with that ring.”
Your body is trembling after he said those words. Like you just kept asking yourself is it real? Your neck is choked and you couldn’t breathe.
“I want to tell you first because...,” he paused. “Because...,” he couldn’t finished his words. “Because... i don’t want to hurt you.”
You didn’t responding him and run out from the room.
The End
Tags: @cynbx @peculiarinsomniac @abschaffer2 @thelovelyrose @pandedios-carli @princessjellyfishbitch
I’m sorry this is bad
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lethargicsunlight · 3 years
Dabi X SpookyQuirk!Reader "Haunting" (Part 13)
Heyyo!ヽ(‘ ∇‘ )ノ
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For those of you still along for the ride, thank you for Reading!
If you're interested, I now have a tag-list started for this series! Comment or DM me if you would like to be added!
Read the other parts of this series here: LINK
WARNINGS: SFW. Ghosts/Spirits, spooky, slow burn
━━━━━━━━━𝕯𝖆𝖇𝖎 ━━━━━━━━━
"He asked everyone for help?"
"At the cemetery?"
You press your less-than-corporeal hand to your forehead, smiling at the ground as you and the grunge-teen ghost traverse the park in the direction of said cemetery.
"So--" You pause to take a breath, despite the fact it isn't needed, "Did you, I mean, how did you get here so fast?"
He shrugs. "I walked."
You look up at the sky then. It was dark, definitely night, but like the ground and the air in this side of the world--it was gently hazed over. Like everything was covered in a fine layer of smoke.
"Oh gosh, it's... it's been hours.."
You give him a droll stare, but you swear in the way he shifts that he's hiding a knowing smile. No doubt, this  pattern of one-to-two word answers had been his way of annoying adults while he was alive--and you were entertainment.
It sparks a bit of humor in you too. You had been a little like him once.
"Okay, so, what was your name again?" You wince at asking the question, but his face doesn't change as he responds.
"Kiyoshi Haga." He tilts his head a bit to show one eye, "Call me Haga."
"Got it. So um," You awkwardly wave a hand around, "This is my first time actually being here, is there anything I should know? Usually when I ask from the other side, everyone's pretty secretive honestly."
Haga bears you yet another shrug, "I mean, you've got the gist of it right here. Walking around or walking through things." He gives it a pause while the two of you cross a street at the other side of the park. Not that either of you had to wait for any walking signals, but the cars that pass through you are still pretty loud.
"But," that famous word, "I guess it doesn't hurt to say, since you are technically dead.."
You had been momentarily distracted watching a cat tempt fate while crossing the busy street along side you when he regains your full attention. "Tell me what?"
"About the other things." He leans in a little, expression dramatically dark. "Other things."
You squint at him, "What like--there are things that exist here that aren't ghosts?"
"Well duh. I mean, you've been through basic history right?"
"Of course," You say it almost defensively.
"Then, you know there's tons of supernatural stuff that people talked about long ago. I mean, obviously a lot of it was wrong or made-up, but--I mean, this exists, right?"
"Well, they weren't wrong about everything. Sometimes weird stuff happens around here. No one likes to talk about it though, like there's some kind of superstition that if you talk about it, it starts coming around."
"Are you telling me that ghosts have superstitions right now?"
"Unfortunately."  He drones, "I think it's mainly for the ones that's been around a while though."
"...And what about you?"
"I don't believe it. I think those things happen for a reason."
Really coming out of his shell, you think to yourself. He seems brighter, maybe even more alive. Figuratively of course.
"Mm. And the 'weird things that happen', what does that look like?"
"Like.." He stops in his stride to pull his hands up. "We look like how we died right? Well, sometimes there are ones that look like tall, dark, featureless things. I thought maybe they were like the ones that, you know, get smooshed or whatever--but they also don't sound right. They aren't puddles of blood either."
If you could have a chill up your spine, you would've.
"That sounds really creepy."
"I don't know. It's kind of cool to me." He starts walking again with a grin.
"Wait, Haga--you don't go looking for those things, do you?" You catch up, actually feeling a little concerned.
"Well yeah. I mean it's kind of boring here otherwise. Why do you think everyone in the cemetery was so active when you came around?"
"That sounds dangerous."
"Uh--you must be forgetting--I'm already dead."
"Yeah but, there's something beyond this, isn't there?"
"Maybe." He shrugs, again. "They say so."
He gives you an agitated look. This wasn't his favorite topic, obviously. "The ones that 'move on', as the oldies say. They get all big and bright and then fade away, forever."
"...Don't you want to do that?"
"I can't." He grumbles, receding back into his little gothic turtle shell. "I asked one before they left and they said something about their purpose being fulfilled or whatever. It's a 'feeling', they say. And, I certainly haven't had it. Whatever that feels like."
"You know, if this works out and I can get back into my body, I could help you with that." You offer, trying to sound gentle.
He's silent for several moments. So long, you question if he heard you--and further questioned if you'd made the wrong choice in asking. But eventually:
"I don't know. Maybe. I'll think about it."
Dabi sat sprawled on the ground next to your body, head leaned against a tombstone. His eyes opened at the sound of Twice's steps as they crunched through the dead leaves, and the reminder of his situation causes him pain upon waking.
He had so hoped this had all been a nightmare.
"I brought some stuff for your.. wounds." Twice announces, while Dabi lazily wipes at an eye.
"There was a gas station nearby. Grabbed a first aid kit." "I grabbed us some booze!"
With an airy chuckle at that, Dabi shifts his position to sit more upright. "Thanks."
"...Don't mention it." "Yeah whatever."
Twice offers to help and Dabi is reluctant at first, but eventually they are both working to clean up the new burns and adjust his staples. It was something Twice had never had the pleasure of doing, or even really seeing up close. As villains, as broken individuals more like, everyone liked to keep their space--and especially Dabi.
Twice glances at your body. You look peaceful, and it reminds him of how you looked sitting on the couch in the bar, dozing off when Shigaraki wasn't around.
If not for you, Twice figured he would never have known his comrade in this way. Like a friend, and not a coworker. You had somehow become an invisible link, drawing everyone together, even when you were quiet most of the time. But maybe that quiet, that patience, had been all they really needed in life.
"How long--"
"As long as we need to." Dabi's answer cuts him off, voice gravelly and tense.
'Friends' though they may be, it certainly hadn't changed anyone's personality. Twice is reluctant to object--but they couldn't stay in this cemetery forever.
Still, it was best not to test the League's personal cremation machine while he was undergoing pain and distress. He'd try again in the morning; one night in the cemetery wouldn't hurt.
But Twice would be lying if he said he believed Dabi's plan would work.
After wetting his whistle on the bottle of cheap whiskey--and just enough to do so and not slur his speech--Dabi once again rises up among the tomb stones, and begins bargaining with the empty air to find you, save you, and bring you home.
It was well on into the night, morning rather, when you and Haga finally came upon the entrance sign of the cemetery.
You found yourself wanting to hesitate. Basking in a few more seconds of uncertainty before you would be diving into the truth of whether you could return to the living or not.
It would be torture, you realize, to see his face only to learn you were truly and finally dead.
"Well?" Haga asks, but it's gentle instead of sharp. And maybe he was sad too, for both outcomes.
You had learned (by persistently prying) that Haga had died from some form of overdose. You had gone so far as to stereotypically assume it was a successful suicide attempt--but he humbled you. The event was an accident.
Wanting to learn more, but also not wanting to offend the only help you really had on this side of existence, you stopped there. He was really starting to grow on you. Like the boy, Jo, from the cemetery you had worked at; there was a special type of sympathy you reserved for those who died prematurely.
"Sorry." You finally say, clearing nothing from your throat but doing it anyway. "Let's go."
He follows a few steps behind as you lead them in, going to the farthest edge where you had practiced your quirk. Where, seen as a languid shadow from across the field veiled in blue flame, Dabi stood.
Even while a thousand emotions ran through you at the sight of him, you still wondered what the hell he was doing awake this late. Especially wounded.
All for you.
Your approach is quicker. In fact, you approach much quicker than your real body would be able to--and the realization is startling, but just a bit overwhelmed by the moment at hand.
"Dabi?" You ask, making it to his and Twice's vicinity--though, Twice was very much asleep against the backing of a tombstone.
You don't receive an answer. Instead he turns, facing you but not seeing you, with an ember of cerulean flame in his palm. It simultaneously lights up his features and tears your ethereal heart out.
He looked terrible. Fresh burn scars stretched a few inches above the staples. His eyes technically couldn't sag, for that was scar too, but they were sunken and dark and heavy. His hair, now white, had gone wet from dew and hung over his brow the same way his shoulders seemed hung over his bones. The amount of blood on his shirt and jacket collar was unnerving. You'd have argued that he looked as close to death as you.
Upon that reminder, you visually search for your physical body and find it a few feet away--delicately laying upon the ground with your hands placed on your stomach as though you were asleep.
"I hope it works."
Haga's voice actually startles you, causing your head to whip around and find him. After he gets close enough, you reach out and brush his shoulder.
"Me too. But I couldn't thank you enough for bringing me here. Even if it doesn't."
He gives a nod and a little side grin. "Well, I mean.. this is the most excitement I've had since. Well. Dying." He says it with a little signature shrug, but it's a punchline of a joke, and you both halfheartedly laugh.
"I'll be able to see you," You say, "So it's not goodbye."
"I know, don't be so melodramatic." He says in a fake whine, "I'm just here for moral support."
You couldn't even begin to explain to him how important that was. How important he was, in such a short time.
"Here goes nothing," and you kneel next to your body, unsure. Unsure of just about everything--except the one thing that kept you going. That you needed to get back. That you weren't done.
That you wanted to know him, before you had to leave him again.
First, you try to touch your body--wow what a sentence--and press a hand through your shoulder. And through it goes, but you feel something.
"Maybe I just--maybe I just need to lie down. Like, in it. In me."
Haga snorts from restrained laughter, and you give him a feigned look of displeasure.
After one circle-round of looking down at your position, you kneel again. You lay down, your face in the same space as your face, and try to mimic the appearance of your corpse.
...A few seconds pass, and nothing happens.
Haga leans over you, an eyebrow raised. You notice, only because he's over you and his bangs naturally lifted away from his face due to whatever gravity ghosts had.
"Is that working for you?"
"Not exactly." You admit, rising to sit within the confines of your own physical body's torso. You give a weary sigh, rubbing your forehead.
He sits down with you, arms crossed over his chest. Dabi does another lap, and walks ankle high through the side of Haga's knee.
"What were you doing when that happened?"
"I was using my quirk. Using.. giving my energy to the ghosts around, at the time." You motion to your hair. "It turns white when I do it. But, I had never gone that far before."
"Since you were giving energy, do you need energy back or something? Can you absorb it?"
"If I could, I wouldn't know how."
"Mm, well." He thinks on it for a second. "Have you tried using your quirk.. now?"
Honestly, you hadn't thought about it.
"Can.. ghosts use quirks?"
"I mean, no." He lifts his hands, "Trust me I've tried. But you might not really be a ghost, so. Might be worth a go."
You look down to your hands, palms up above your lying body's ribcage. Using one's quirk as like an acquired instinct. Once it's settled in, you learn to control it by going through a series of (usually unfortunate) events, where you sort of 'feel out' how it works. You, for example, couldn't always tell when it was 'on', and would see ghosts at random. Realizing that thinking about it made it work, or not work, had taken quite a bit of time.
So, you suppose, this wouldn't be any different. Just, think about it.
Without another word, you lay back into the position of your physical form, eyes closed. Strangely, however, as you begin to flip that switch--your mind changes directions. Drawn forward into a feeling--and you recognize the smell of boiling water and ash. The sting of spreading fire tearing at your clothes.
The mountain...?
Ever since Dabi had revealed himself to you as Touya; ever since you had learned about the accident on the mountain, you stopped having that dream. But as your eyes reopen, there you are again, a part of the air that was being eaten by a cerulean blaze.
Your body was gone--both versions of it.
You hear a voice, at first thinking it might be the boy--might be Touya--but it's--
It pulls you--wrenches you--forward to sitting upright. It's so heavy, your chest, and so damn cold, but at the alarm in the teenager's voice you search and find him standing at your feet and pointing out over the tomb stones.
At a tall, dark, featureless, thing  that stands only yards behind--
"Y/n..?" Dabi asks, voice broken.
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peculiarinsomniac · 3 years
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Happy belated Birthday Kazuha Kaedehara🍁🍂
I know myself, so I know that I'm never going to finish this, so I'll just leave it at that even though I wanted to finish it
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An Inconvenient Affection Taglist Part 2
Read Chapter 7 Here Taglist is under the cut:
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levis-hazelnut · 3 years
AOT guys when there's a spider in your room
characters: Levi Ackerman, Jean Kirstein, Eren Jaeger, Connie Springer, Armin Arlert
tw spiders? (there's no pic tho)
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Taglist (fill out this form or send in an ask!): @rintomoj @jeanscowboyhat-levisteacup @notgoodforlife @jean-prettyboy-kirschtein @sashabrausbrainrot @taybird @moonyy-writes @levi-is-a-cutie @iworshipyelena @svftackxrman @subjecta13-thefangirl @purplecandygerl @peculiarinsomniac @xoxohollands @resonancesoul @ruthbestboi @levisbrat25 @may-machin @awkwardllama1 @kiyakemi @kpostedsum
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hopeless-ro-simptic · 3 years
Familiar Cerulean Eyes- pt 20
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Click here for my Masterlist. Part 21
Warnings: NSFW, terrible smut, lots of fluff as well, cliffhangers. The usual. 
Word Count: 4.9 K
I’m sorry for how long this took. 
TAGLIST:  @superblyspeedydragon @jparra4587 @flyingowls @emrysaf @imuziawi @sheedaabee @peculiarinsomniac @littlelovebug98 @plutoneu @giftofwonder @kitty-kat-ash @fukyouthink @anarchys-bnha-mess @threbony @orenjineki @toobsessedsstuff @bamf-barnes @x-a-delama-x @inanabsentia @reallyshey @godsblesstheboi @drownedbytears @emilymikado @fluidfandoms  @mikasackrmann @bohica160 @andrastesbeard  @percabethismyotp14 @celestiallustre @moon-spirit-yue @hecatve @bakugoshrimp @vanillanjin @toshiuwuu @rxinbowrena @kamisamaundercover @callmepopcorn @xxdumb-bitchxx @medicinalkiwis @kat-unzel @headfirst-halo @capricorn-nightmare @annie-daetris @skumtrash @totorotoni @kst-chernish @itsmysticalmystery @the-occasional-artist1125 @beautifulparisiangirl @stanzastic @helena-way07 @aurorahoneybuns @cth-l @nightlygiggless @filledasaf @hailstorm888 @ozzy-bozzy @girrawr13 @hawkssnugget @dabilittleslut @over-grown-emo-kid @sasageyowrites @littledustyflame @h0wab0utw3d0ntd0that @thefirewasfriendly @babayaga67 @kiegosbby @foxes-and-arrows @confessorkahleesi @nosequeponeraun @warcrimesforsumcoochie @zea-is-amazing​
 To say that the beta’s of the pack were excited was an understatement. Both Toga and Twice had taken it upon themselves to separate you and Dabi immediately, much to Dabi’s complaint. There was even hint of happiness radiating off of Kurogiri, no matter how faint his scent was.
After whisking you away to her room, Toga had immediately set into riffling through her closet, chattering away at top speed as she did so.
“I had picked this up awhile ago, I was saving it for something special and I think this works.” You eye’d her suspiciously as she pulled out a short white dress, simple in design but still gorgeous in your eyes. It was something you would have picked out yourself.
“And you just so happen to have picked out a white dress for me?” Her smile only widened at the accusation clear in your question. You couldn’t help but wonder just how long the Beta’s had been discussing this idea.
“Oh and one more thing!” She pulled out a shoe box and you could only groan, fear of what was inside making you pull away from her a protest on your tongue.
“I promise they aren’t that bad! You only have to wear them long enough to walk down the aisle.” You only narrowed your eyes at her before sighing and peering into the box. God those were high, but it wasn’t like this was your first time walking in heels. Rei had made sure you had learned how to manage in fancy clothing, insisting that one day it would come in handy. You knew that she had meant it in a different way, so that you could be comfortable at the many balls and gala’s that heroes attended. That you would have attended had you of stayed at Shoto’s side.
Still… she was right. It was useful information regardless.
You didn’t put up too much of a fuss as Toga flitted around you, insisting on helping you put on the dress and heels before she sat you down in her bathroom on an old rickety chair and started to pull out makeup products and hair products. You were surprised to find that she had a whole slew of makeup stowed away just for you, like she had been hoarding it just for this moment. You couldn’t help but feel your heart stutter at the sight, noticing the blush on her cheeks grow at your warming scent.
You let her expertly handle your makeup, surprised at just how adept the teenager was, to which she only stated she watched a lot of videos in her free time. And after everything was completed on the face, she went to tackle your hair, grooming it to perfection just the way you liked, until finally she stepped back and let you take in what was facing you in the mirror.
It was very rare that you truly felt pretty, especially within the last few years. Shoto had never outright told you if he found you attractive or not, and even though Touya told you several times when you were kids, you sometimes didn’t believe him.
Looking into that mirror, all dolled up, with the tought that Touya, your Touya was alive and waiting for you just in the other room…
You never felt prettier.
“I never thought I’d get to do this…” Toga was rubbing her eyes, like she was trying to keep herself together. It dawned on you just how important this was to the beta. Sure, you were the one getting married, but for the head beta in a pack, which without a doubt you knew was her even without anyone coming out and saying it, setting up a wedding or a bonding party was one of their highest honors.  
You turned and reached towards the beta, pulling her against you and wrapping her in a tight hug, nuzzling her scent gland and letting out a contented purr.
It was something that Shoto had mentioned that some of the UA kids did with the Beta’s in their class. He had been so shocked when he came home from school one day, explaining that he had accidentally walked in on one of the stand-offish alpha’s of the class, scenting the class’s most outgoing beta. You had been confused asking if this was out of the normal, only for him to look at you with equal confusion before clarifying that no, it was a normal show of acceptance, a show of friendship, something that packmates did quite regularly. It was only shocking because this particular alpha was known to be extremely rude and insisted he hated all of their classmates, including the bubbly beta and when Shoto had announced his presence the alpha immediately blew up on both him and the beta, figuratively and apparently literally.
At the time you had thought it was weird, the thought of being that close with someone other than your alpha. Of being comfortable enough with someone else to actually want their scent on you, in seeking comfort from that person and providing comfort back.
But holding the Beta in your arms, inhaling her scent and pushing out yours, feeling the exact moment that she stopped being a statue and melted into your arms, returning your purr with one of her own, one that sounded like she was holding back tears, you completely understood.
“Thank you so much.” You whispered into her ear, feeling the beta let out a pup like whine to which your omega only purred back to.
The two of you only separated once a loud pounding on the door shattered the moment, Twice’s head sticking through the door with his hand covering his eyes as he spoke.
“Are you guys ready yet? We’ve been waiting forever- Oh my gosh are we having a cuddle sesh? Can I join?.”
You didn’t get a word in before the tall beta was in the room wrapping the two of you up in a bone crushing hug as he hummed in delight. You couldn’t help but laugh, enjoying the bubbling scent of the beta’s surrounding you.
All at once Twice pulled away, looking you up and down letting out a low whistle as he rested his arm on top of Toga’s head, leaning against her.  You noticed the annoyed look she sent him and had to stifle your laugh, his face possibly more serious than you had ever seen it.
“Are you ready? Cause we’ve got alcohol to get to and a wedding to drink.”
“In the armmms of an angellll .” Twice’s voice rang out loudly through the bar as he wrapped an arm around Shigaraki’s shoulder’s serenading the leader who just rolled his eyes and accepted the Beta’s attention with his ever-present frown, drink in hand.
“fly away…“ Dabi’s low singing voice in your ear had you curling further against him on the couch, laughing slightly as you nuzzled into his scent gland inhaling deeply.
The actual ‘wedding’ had gone by in a blur, Twice insisting that he was ordained and was able to legally pronounce the two of you married, which you highly doubted but it wouldn’t matter. You doubted the two of you could get the paperwork notarized without getting arrested anyways. Still the Beta’s had insisted that everything was done according to the book, even going as far as having Toga be your maid of honor, Shigaraki begrudgingly being Dabi’s best man, and most hilariously, Spinner being both the flower girl and the ring bearer. Kurogiri had even escorted you down the aisle before taking his spot next to Shigaraki.
And Twice had in fact convinced Dabi to at least put on his nicest pants, a black button up that had the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and a loosely done black tie. As close to a suit as you were going to get.
Though no one could stay serious for the vows. You hummed happily at the memory of Dabi’s mischievous eyes glittering as he vowed to always provide his services while you were in heat. To which you responded with a vow to give him the attention he needed when he was being clingy. His pout in response as well as the scoffs of laughter from the other alpha’s had you preening.
Now two hours later, everyone was sprawled out around the bar. Toga laying down face up on the counter swirling her drink as she drunkenly sang out with Twice, who currently had Shigaraki in a lose choke hold as he sat with his back to the counter, ignoring the beta and lost to a conversation he was having with Spinner about the mechanics of a newly released video game and how they were ‘mind blowing’. Even Kurogiri was leaning against the counter, staring down at his drink in his hand with what seemed like a smile.
After about five whole minutes of dancing, which was way more than you ever thought you would get out of him, Dabi had sprawled down ontop of the couch, and drug you down ontop of him, wrapping you up in his cacoon of warmth, as he hummed along to the songs that were coming from someone’s phone, each one taking a more depressing turn than the last but still hyping everyone up.  
And that is where you all had sat for the last hour or so, drinking, laughing, chatting and singing. Having the best time that most of you had had in a long time, the mixed contented scents of everyone making a delicious concoction that kept the mood going.
You could feel the deep rumbling of Dabi’s purr underneath you, starting to lull you to sleep, responding only to your own softer lighter purr of contentment as he took a drink of his whiskey before setting his glass back down on the floor beside the couch, his fingers cold from the ice as he slipped them into your hair, playing with the strands as he spoke.
“You smell like the Betas.” It wasn’t an accusation, more of a question resting in his voice as he watched you with peaked interest in his eyes.
You knew he had to have been stewing on the question for a minute now, curiosity burning at him, and you let that curiosity burn as you hummed softly in response.
“And they smell like you.”
“Mhm.” Was your response, nudging your nose against his neck again, feeling Toga’s stare from across the room even with your eyes closed, could hear her shift up into a sitting position.
“What? Are you cheating on me with the betas now? And on our wedding day?” His question was met with a snort, amusement lighting up his face as you lifted your head to peer at him.
“You mean to tell me I can’t scent the beta’s of my own pack?”
You felt it more than heard it. The way that everyone went quiet, their attention shifting to the two of you, even if they weren’t actually looking. The only one out and out staring was Toga, a look of reigned in hope crossing her face. Anxiety creeping softly into the scents of everyone in the room.
You mentally rolled your eyes, somehow knowing everyone’s thoughts. You knew no one had out and out said it yet. They didn’t act like a pack, not most of the time, and several of them would probably argue against the mere idea, but you knew deep down that’s what they were. Even if they didn’t scent each other and have a big pack nest. Even if they kept secrets from each other and fought.
Even if they were all a bunch of villains.
“Pack?” Dabi repeated the word softly, his eyes only focused on you, too many emotions to count running through those eyes as his thumb stroked your cheek, his fingers tangled in your hair.
You just simply nodded, laying your head back against his chest and closing your eyes, releasing more of your contented scent as you snuggled against him.
And everyone seemed to have relaxed with that simple answer. Moved on from that conversation and continued with their celebrations. Everyone other than Toga who was still staring at you with awe, only becoming distracted when Twice maneuvered his way over to her and pulled her off her perch on the counter and spinning her into a clumsy dance, laughing as she started to belt out to lyrics with him.  
You just melted against Dabi’s chest, purring away as he played with your hair, feeling nothing other than pure bliss as you were surrounded once again with the happy scents of your pack.
You were giggling like a lunatic as you beat your fists against Dabi’s butt as he walked. After awhile Dabi had suddenly gotten the idea that the party was over and it was time to take his new wife to bed. Something he had very loudly announced. At first, he had tried to pick you up bridal style, but after about five steps into the hall he had decided that was no longer fun and instead threw you over his shoulder, one hand sliding around your thigh and the other wrapping across your butt to hold you in place as he marched his way back to your shared room.
It wasn’t until the two of you were finally into your room with the door closed behind you that he finally set you down on your own two feet, his hands not leaving your hips as your laughter all but drying up at the hungry look in his eyes as they raked along your body. You couldn’t help but shudder, your mind wandering back to when you had first woken up in his apartment weeks ago, the look that he had given you so similar to the one he was giving you now. You didn’t recognize the look at the time, but you did now.
Like he was seeing you for the first time after years apart.
“Touya.” His right hand moved up to cup your cheek as he continued to look at you, blue flames burning in his eyes as he drank you in.
“I mean I can’t promise I’ll be quiet..” Your little joke had his lips quirking up at the edges, shaking his head incredulously at your ability to be shy one minute and bold the next.
“I told them … everything, while you were getting ready. Well other than Toga, but Twice has probably filled her in by now.” Your heart stuttered at his words, a smile blooming on your face as you looked up at him. Your fingers playing with his hair on the back of his head. He trusted them. The two of you finally had a family that you could trust.
You didn’t answer, instead lifting up on your tip toes and pressing your lips against his, his fingers at your cheek moving back into your hair, pressing you closer against him and deepening the kiss. He let you up for air for the briefest of moments, you barely letting out a giggle only for the sound to immediately be consumed by his mouth again as you felt him slowly walk the two of you backwards until the end of the bed hit the backs of your knees. At feeling you stop his hands dropped down to lift you up, wrapping your thighs around his waist as he crawled onto the bed, softly placing you down, not letting his lips leave yours, his tongue pressing against them for entrance which you willingly granted, running your own against the cool metal ball that had you clenching your thighs around him.
The low rumbling growl that escaped his throat had your omega purring back in response, wiggling slightly as his left hand roamed down your body, finding the edge of the white dress, and hiking it up, up, up, his right hand fisted into your hair as he broke your kiss, moving his lips down to your neck causing you to arch your back into his touch and rubbing his face against your scent gland. It was only after he had fully covered your scent with his own, his fingers finding your ass and digging in only to earn a chirp of protest that had him grinning wildly, that he finally pulled away from you, sitting back between your legs on his knees looking down at you, ignoring further chirps of protest from your lips as his hands moved up to loosen his tie completely. Your eyes hyper focused on the movement, your heart stuttering.
You stayed still, watching in awed silence as he pulled his tie from around his neck, leaning over you with his signature smirk as he gathered your hands above your head, sliding the silky tie around them and pulling it tight, earning a soft whimper from you that he hushed with his lips against yours for the briefest of seconds. He cupped your chin between his thumb and his finger, using his other hand as an anchor to keep him steady above you as his molten eyes latched onto yours, making sure your complete attention was on him before he spoke.
“I need you to be a good girl and be quiet and listen. I know that’s hard for you.”
You had a retort ready on your tongue, your face pulling into a frown and your eyes turning into daggers that only made him chuckle, leaning down to drag his tongue up your throat making your words die before they even had life. His lips stopped just above your own, his breath fanning across your face, the smell of cinnamon whiskey and smoke enveloping you completely which you couldn’t help but take a big inhale of, your eyes latched onto his lips, watching the way they twitched into a smile as he spoke.
“I love you, (y/n)” Your eyes snapped up to meet his, feeling your body warm up at the words, sounding foreign coming from his lips but like home at the same time. You wanted to repeat them back to him, but he continued speaking without giving you a chance, pausing only to litter small kisses and nips across your face as he did so, slowly moving down.
“I know I don’t say it enough, and that I am a complete asshole most of the time… and that you deserve so much more than what I can give you.” He paused at that one, his voice catching as he buried his nose against your scent gland again, taking in a deep inhale of your combined scents before he continued, his mouth moving down your chest as he does. You wanted to speak, to reassure him and tell him that he was everything you wanted, but you also wanted to hear what he had to say, so you stayed quiet, only purring softly to him as he spoke.
“And I’m sorry that I can’t promise you things that an alpha should be able to promise on their wedding day.” You started to cut him off this time, but he only placed a harsh bite at the flesh peaking out of the top of your bra, his fingers pulling the top of your dress down as he did so, a short gasp leaving your lips as he sucked on the spot, your hands twitching where he had them tied up. His other hand slipped back under the bottom hem of your dress, kneading the back of your thigh roughly, pressing his body further against yours caging you in as he let out another low growl.  This one a warning, a threat. A promise. If you weren’t going to be quiet on your own, then he would make you.
“I can’t promise you that we will never spend a night apart again. I can’t promise you that there will always be food on the table and a roof over our heads. I can’t promise you that we will ever be able to have kids or that I would even be a good father to begin with.” He kissed down your chest as he spoke moving towards your stomach, pressing his lips to the bunched up white fabric of your dress until he reached skin again, his lips igniting a fire in your blood, making you squirm under his touch. He paused right under your belly button, his eyes catching your own once again as he peppered light chaste kisses in that area, an apology in his eyes that made you wonder if he felt the same burn behind his eyes that you did at that thought.
“I can’t… I can’t promise that you will ever be safe.” You could feel the warmth growing in his hands as he talked, could smell the tinge of burning anger inside his scent only for it to dissipate as he pressed his nose against your hip bone, inhaling deeply. His hand that was kneading your thigh guided you to bend your knee so he could just turn his head and press his lips against it, nipping at the skin as he did so causing soft whines to leave your lips. His hand moving around to grip the outer side of your thigh, holding you in place, his other hand lightly fingering the scrap of fabric that was the waistband of your underwear.
You didn’t know why he was saying all of this. It was all things that you already knew, that the both of you had already talked about. Things that he already tried to use to get you to run, to get far away from him. To push you away. But it didn’t work. It didn’t work then and it wouldn’t work now. So why?
He didn’t give you time to verbalize your question, blue flames licking across your skin with only a feeling of mild heat, the fabric of your underwear burning away, the flames controlled with precision so not to burn anything else. You couldn’t help but hold your breath, your body tensing at what was to come as he let out a quiet hum of appreciation at the scent of your arousal, at the slick that was building between your legs. You watched with anticipation as his lips ghosted across your core, a wave of hot air spreading across you making you bit back a groan as his lips latched onto the inside of your opposite thigh instead, sucking harshly, teasing eyes watching your back shift off the bed temporarily.
There was an audible pop as he released the skin of your thigh from his lips, his canines glinting as he smirked up at you before he dipped his face down, blowing cool air right into your center causing you to close your eyes with a low whine, begging for him to stop teasing.
“But,” His raspy voice rang out, forcing you to open your eyes again, watching him as he licked his lips slowly, the metal piercing in his tongue shinning as a taunt, his fingers digging into your hips in bruising grips, as if preparing for you to buck him off.
“I promise that I will make life hell for anyone who tries to keep us apart.” All of the air was ripped out of your lungs leaving you gasping as he slid his tongue up your clit, circling it once before pulling it into his mouth with a sharp suck, his teeth lightly grazing across it before he released you only for his tongue to drop down to the gathering slick, coating himself in it before returning back to the already swollen nub with a groan of satisfaction.
“I promise that I will do everything I can to make sure you are taken care of, even if I’m not there.” His lips brushed against you as he spoke, his thumbs rubbing circles into your thighs, and his tongue returning its attention to your clit as soon as he finished his sentence, taking his time with you, dragging his piercing back and forth across the sensitive area like he had all the time in the world. The only thing keeping you against the bed was his grip on your hips, and the tie keeping your wrists bound to the headboard above your head.
“I promise that I will kill” his growl vibrated against you as he nipped your clit, causing you to buck against him with a loud whimper, a moan escaping your lips as he slammed your hips back down to the mattress, using his forearm across your hip bone to press you further into the bed as his other hand shifted to stroke his thumb against your entrance, spreading your slick around his rough skin. “anyone, that tries to hurt you.”
You probably shouldn’t be as aroused by the idea of that as you currently were, but you didn’t let your brain linger on that, couldn’t, as he slipped a finger inside of you, curling it to rub against your spongey insides, his tongue soothing the ache that he had created skillfully. You strained against the tie around your wrists, his name, his given name, leaving your tongue as you attempted to grind up against him, only for him to insistently hold you still to continue his ministrations, making sure you were dripping from his spit and your slick before sliding a second finger in, pushing pressure on your sensitive spot from the inside as he rubbed along your walls.
Your mix of moans and whimpers only edged him on, and every time you closed your eyes or tried to look away, he would reward you with a sharp tug of your clit with his teeth causing you to refocus on him with quivering lips.  The fire in his eyes feeling like it was spreading throughout your own body, radiating through you and making your skin hypersensitive.
“I love you, (y/n).”
You could feel a familiar building in your core, a coil that was winding tighter and tighter at his every touch.  One that had you gasping for air, trying to remind yourself to breath as you pushed your hips against his arm desperate for more, more, more. He gave just enough pressure on your clit to make you see stars the second that he removed it, his tongue languidly rolling across it, flicking his piercing like a pro and soothing any pain that you felt before he again pulled your nub between his lips, sucking harder and harder until you felt like he was sucking your soul out, only to release again and start the process all over. His fingers staying in perfect time with his mouth, long enough to reach all the right places, thick enough to stretch your walls in a way that had you panting and writhing underneath him. He was building you up and up and up with no regard to how far the fall would be.
“I love you, and I am completely, irrevocably yours.”
You vaguely realized what he was saying… the wording of it. The fact that the alpha between your thighs wasn’t claiming you in that moment, that he was doing the opposite. Submitting.
That realization tipped you over the edge.
For one brief airless moment, you were at the top of the rollercoaster, the view in front of you terrifying in its beauty, the knotting feeling in your stomach sudden as you realized you had no option but to hope you would survive the next few seconds. Then you were falling. Plummeting towards the earth at a speed that had you screaming out, not in fear but in ecstasy.
His name was a prayer on your lips as he guided you through your climax, helping you come down down down until you were a panting mess, pulling at the bonds holding you in place and arching away from his touch with a different kind of whine. Only then did he stop, placing soft kisses to your hips, your thighs, your stomach, messaging away any remaining tension in your body as he coo’d to you, telling you over and over again that he loved you.
Minutes later you bonds were off, and you were on your knees in front of him on the bed, purring away as his hands fisted into your hair as you returned the attention he so happily gave you. Enjoying your mate to the fullest.
Your eyes fluttered open and you glanced over to Dabi’s phone, haphazardly tossed onto the side table in your shared room. You reached over glancing at the time which was both way to late and way too early at the same time, a groan on your lips as you pushed yourself up and out of bed, smiling when Dabi reached out for you with a soft groan of his own trying to get you back into bed, into his arms. You shifted your dress that had surprisingly stayed on the entire night, Dabi insisting you keep it on and that he loved you in white, before moving into the bathroom, taking care of business and finding a clean pair of underwear sliding them on. Your mind was on the fact that you really needed to clean up y’alls room, the bathroom especially, when the all too familiar sound of a wall being knocked in with some kind of explosionn rang throughout the air, panic shooting through your scent as shouting ensued, Dabi sitting up with a start eyes finding yours one word on his tongue.
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