katlynnmillerschool · 7 years
Week 5 Viral Challenge post.
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For week 5 viral post I have chosen to do the #DropAndGiveMe10 challenge. I am not going to lie, I struggled a good amount on this assignment. I originally picked the mannequin challenge but as I was researching it it seemed so superficial and dumb it is where people freeze randomly in groups, it did not promote anything or any change in the world. I wanted to find a challenge that truly was making a difference in people's lives, as the ALS challenge has. So I started searching for a different challenge to report on and at first I came across the give them 20 challenge which is around the same idea as the drop and give me 10 challenge but you do not donate money and it is to help find jobs for veterans and is suppose to show people the challenge veterans face trying to find jobs when they are back home. Which I also think is a wonderful idea. But feel the challenge is poorly executed so I moved on and continued searching. Eventually I came across the drop and give me 10 challenge and I have dedicated to chose it for my assignment. I really liked the idea of a challenge giving children scholarships and educational opportunities that they may not have gotten to experience otherwise.
As I began to researching the drop and give me 10 challenge I have learned that it was founded by the Fallen Patriots, which is a 100% non profit organization that uses all of the donations(direct quote from the websites mission statement) “to provide college scholarships and educational counseling to military children who have last a parent in the line of duty.”  Something else that I really like about this foundation is the fact that on their main page you can see their financial audits for the year which I think is really cool and shows they are not hiding things. All in all I think the Fallen Patriots is a wonderful foundation and I hope that the drop and give me 10 challenge resurrects and goes even more viral than it had in the past.  
How to:
The drop and give me 10 challenge was created by the Fallen Patriots. There are four steps to completing the challenge.
Step one: Decide how much money you are going to pledge for each push up you can do.
Step two: Film yourself completing the challenge. In the video also challenge three of your friends to complete the challenge also.
Step three: Post your video online on different social media sites such as; Youtube, Facebook, twitter, or Tumblr. Use the hashtag #DropAndGiveMe10 challenge.
Step four: Make your donation.
Here is a video example of someone doing the drop and give me 10 challenge. He pledged $2 a push up and did 10 push ups so he will donate $20 then he challenged 5 people to also do the challenge instead of the regular three.
The Fallen Patriots Foundation was founded in 2002 by David Kim, who had served next to Sergeant William Delaney Gibbs from the 7th infantry division in Panama, who was killed just 5 five days before Christmas in 1989. He had left behind a wife and unborn daughter. David Kim was inspired by Sargent Gibb’s sacrifice and that is why he founded the Fallen Patriots foundation in 2002 when David Kim returned to the United States.  
Research conducted by The Lucas Group has found that an estimated 20,000 dependents have been left behind by troops killed in the line of duty over the past 35 years needs some financial assistance.
97% of casualties are mean, leaving single mothers to care for their families. 63% of surviving spouses make less than 50,000 a year.
The Fallen Patriots foundation has helped almost 800 kids go to college. The Fallen Patriots Foundation has also donated over sixteen million dollars financial aid and educational opportunities since being founded in 2002.
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But does it have a viral SPARK(T)?
I had actually never heard of the drop and give me 10 challenge until I was looking for charitable challenges on Google. It did go viral, just not as viral as the ice bucket challenge had. I believe that the drop and give me 10 challenge has the potential to go as big as the ALS Ice bucket challenge did.
If we think about SPARK(T) the drop and give me 10 challenge has it.
It is Sharable. You do the challenge in a video form and challenge three of your friends to do the challenge also. ( it has the same snowball effect aspect that the als challenge had)
It is Participatory. Everyone can be challenged to do the video and everyone can share it.
It is Authentic. It challenges you to do push ups, and sponsor yourself. How many other challenges do you know that has you do push ups then donate for each push up you can do?
It is Relatable. Everyone knows how high college is and most people deeply appreciate people in the military.
It has a Kick. It has a hashtag ,people can watch it. It does not have a wikipedia page, yet but the Fallen Patriots have a Twitter page for the drop and give me 10 challenge.
It also has the Time aspect. Because there is no other viral trend or challenge going on right now that I know of. There is a lot going on in the world right now, but I do not believe it is anything everyone is talking about like crazy so right now would be the time for a mass viral challenge like the drop and give me 10 challenge to happen.
It was actually kind of hard to find information on the #DropAndGiveMe10 challenge because apparently there is also a drop and give me 10 exercise challenge and information on that popped up a lot. So if you would like to do some more research into the #DropAndGiveMe10 challenge I would suggest always using the hashtag because that is where I had most of my luck finding information on the challenge. Most of the information in the post if from the Fallen Patriots website.
Link to the fallen patriots website: http://www.fallenpatriots.org/#home
Link to Fallen Patriots mission, history, and financial audits: http://www.fallenpatriots.org/who-we-are  
Link to #DropAndGiveMe10 page: http://www.dropandgiveme10.net/
Link to #DropAndGiveMe10 Twitter: https://twitter.com/dropandgiveme10
Link to more YouTube videos of the Challenge the first 7 are of the challenge: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=drop+and+give+me+10+challenge
Link to Huffingtonpost post about the challenge:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/06/03/bear-grylls-give-me-10-challenge_n_7487234.html
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chenicka-blog · 7 years
I believe news is the culprit of the fake news epidemic and Facebook is just another social website that follows major news media corporations in lining their pockets. Personally, I don’t care for watching the news on television or in the media setting. However, in 2016 election I watch the news to know what president will come into the office. While watching the campaign I remember Bernie Sanders campaigning during the Democratic Primary the media ignored it. Bernie campaign coverage was mainly viewed through Youtube entailing of over forty-minutes of the rally but other media resources cut him down to less a two-minute segments. While Trump and Hillary stayed in every news and media segment building public relations this made him and her strong candidate. In the news, Trump and Hillary were in the media eye combating to destroy both their credentials and gain leverage to win the election. This made for great rating because both had less than a good track record. However, news stayed on the fence publicizing everything giving like a gossip column and Facebook along with other follow their lead. This ideology tactic destroyed Bernie campaign sufficiently, leaving Bernie to work harder and spend more money to run the race with twenty-two states under his belt. Although, news found other things such as an email of Bernie being atheist amongst other things. None of that attention lasted as long as Hillary’s email breach, therefore, it was backed into a corner to withdraw from the race. I believe both news and social media (Facebook) handed him the election. In my opinion, if the news companies and social media were the main attributes in the election.  
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juliayoung94-blog · 7 years
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Walt Disney Animation Studios has a wonderful presence on social media. Not only do they break down the barrier between the audience and the studio, but they bring an experience to their audience that stays with them long after they have seen the films. Their films are more than films - they are a way of life. It’s no wonder that I’m who I am - I grew up watching these classic films.
If I were to make a suggestion for the studio and their social media marketing strategy, I would say this - cut down on the obvious promotion. Sure, you can promote the newest films, but why not do it in a fun way rather than making more than one trailer? If you bring the audience in to experience the movie instead of blatantly trying to sell them on it, it may work to your advantage.
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ladyburksn-blog · 7 years
Siracha Challenge post
The first challenge I chose to talk about that I found similar to the Ice Bucket Challenge was the Siracha Challenge. The Siracha Challenge first made it’s appearance in 2013, To raise money for Homeless Vets, to help get them off the street, and give them some decent clothes to wear and hot meals to eat. There are roughly about 58,000 vets who are homeless every night. These are the same men and women who have served our country, who have risked their lives and their limbs for their country and then came home to no family, no creature comforts, no Job, and no place to call their own and sadly this is a ongoing problem in our society. These people are heroes and they give of themselves to fight for our country and our freedom and what do they get in return, inflated medical bills, over booked Veteran hospitals, and veterans affairs office that have to many cases and not enough assistance programs to fulfill the needs.
Now over the past few years the Siracha Challenge has made a reappearance and over time there have been a few tweaks added to spice up this already extremely spicy challenge. Originally it was one teaspoon of siracha now it has been taken up to one shot glass. The recent siracha challenge came about after the ice bucket challenge raised so much awareness for ALS, so when the big Ebola Virius scare happened they decided to try to raise awareness by doing a similar Challenge and Viola the new upgraded version of this challenge was born when 3 guys with a camera decided to raise awareness about this new disease buy pouring themselves a whole shot glass of Siracha sauce supposed to the previous table spoon that people used to do. It was originally meant to be a parody but as so often happens on the internet people who have too much time on their hands, and who will do anything for view see these kinds of stunts and try to use them to their advantage and suddenly the internet explodes with challenges like this. Like so many before it this Challenge quickly grew in popularity, instantly gaining the attention of several members of the online community and so several different youtubers began to not only take up this challenge but apply their own little twists to it. Today their are hundreds of videos done by several different walks of life, People for different countries different backgrounds,Different races and religions, different ages and genders and even with their own different takes on this challenge yet they all have one thing in common, and it is more then just a love for spicy food, or a love for making fun and creative videos. No these people have come together to make these videos with a common goal and that is a desire to make a difference in this world.They desire to make a change. They desire to make a difference in this world and to use their time and the talents to help people. These people have decided to use their platforms to make a significant change in peoples life all from the comfort of their own homes and in doing so they have helped raise awareness about these terrible diseases and have help aid in funding the necessary organizations so that they can find a cure. Isn't that wonderful? What would the world be like if we could all use our time and our talents like this.
Now I want to take just a moment to talk about some of the youtubes who have taken this challenge over the years and maybe explore the possibility as to why this challenge has become such a huge thing, and possibly even look at a few of the ways that various youtubers, viners, younowers, facebook/instagram livers and various other  social platforms which have taken it upon themselves to take up this challenge. Now I am not saying that all these people who have take this challenge did so just because they wanted to support this cause. Because I have seen some who have taken this challenge just for the views, or because they enjoy a challenge, or even simple because they enjoy following the latest trends and so they chose to do their own version of this challenge. But even in doing so without even trying they have helped raise awareness and spread the underlying message of this challenge. Which in and of itself is pretty amazing. Because there was a time when the world was not so easy to access, and where a message like this would of been much harder to share without technology. But thanks to the advances in technology and the various social media platforms we have access to today people like Alfie aka Pointless Blog a popular British youtuber with over 4 million subscibers who has taken this challenge a few years back and was able to tag some of his mates their, most of whom had several hundreds or even thousands of followers as well as tag his friend Tyler Oakley here in the united states. Then Tyler Oakley a very famous and well know youtuber for states side with his channel of over 7 million subcribers was able to take the challenge and then challenge several of his friends all whom have several successful youtube channels of their own, all with  hundreds and thousands of followers of their own, and among his list of friends he has chosen to challenge is his friend Troye Sivan a famed Australian musician who got is start on, you guessed it youtube. So now Troye takes up the challenge and shares it with his hundreds and millions of followers and then challenges his own Aussie Youtube friends among which their is a well know youtuber who is or Korean decent and who is originally from Korea and is Just studying over in Australia  at the moment but most of the videos he post are in Korean. So now he takes up this challenge and shares it with his followers and tags his fellow youtube friends which include several other youtubers who are of Korean decent and even a few Chinese friends and a friend from Africa all who take up the challenge and share it with their followers, and challenge their own friends and now this message and this challenge has gone global on this  much larger scale however their is also the fact that their viewers who have seen these videos and got inspired to take the challenge themselves are also passing along this challenge so on a smaller scale you have these other lesser known youtubers passing along this challenge to and the outcome is what we came a global phenomenon called going viral. This challenge like the ALS challenge went Viral because of people like these youtuber I have just named, and they each had their own way of doing this challenge and sort of adding their own spin on it to make it their own the point is that the message was still spread across all these contents and to countries all over the world and the people who saw them then continued to share them, and along with them they were able to share the hope that they bring and if you ask me that is pretty dang cool.
Here are few examples I found of various people taking this challenge, in their own unique way:
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 I absolutely love viral challenges alot but what I like more than a fun, interactive challenge is one that has a good meaning or cause behind it. While researching viral challenges for good causes, I came across the Manchester Dog Selfie Challenge. The challenge originated in September 2014 after the Manchester Animal Shelter that is located in Manchester, UK caught fire and left over fifty five dogs lost their life. The home was founded in 1893 because a group of men who were concerned with the number of strays roaming around in England. Between Manchester and Cheshire, the home housed over 250 dogs averaging over seven thousand dogs a year. The fire was said to have been started by two teenagers who were held on suspicion of arson but later released without charge. A spokesman for Greater Manchester Police said the investigation was technically still on going but it had not progressed since December 2014.  However, he stated “It is very much an active investigation.” To this day, the Manchester shelter still remains closed but a temporary adoption shelter is now open.
 The tragic incident pulled on the heart strings of so many people, the story got international attention which ultimately caused people to react. Not only did hundreds of people dedicate their time to helping rebuild the shelter and give homes to the animals that survived, but thousands of people participated in donating to the charity, and hundreds of thousands of people gave their support by participating in the dog selfie challenge. After the fire that took place, the remaining dogs got relocated to its sister shelter, Cheshire Dog Home. The story truly touched the hearts of many people because in just one day, over one million dollars were donated to Manchester’s Dog Home. You can find more information regarding the insane amount of donations that were made in just one day after the incident at the link below.
Celebrities from the UK and US heard of the unfortunate tragedy that took place so they sprang into action. Simon Cowell, X Factor and American Idol judge, donated $25,000 to the cause. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-manchester-29198676
Mario Balotelli, an Italian professional soccer player for Ligue 1 who has a history with the shelter, donated a five figure some to help the cause. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2760237/Mario-Balotelli-hits-headlines-right-reasons-appears-donated-five-figure-sum-Manchester-Dogs-Home-fire.html
 For the people who could not donate or who just wanted to support in another manner, they took to social media and participated in the challenge by taking a picture of their dog or themselves with their dog and adding the hash tag #HugYourHound and #DogSelfie. Doing that brought added support and more attention to the dog home in the UK. Although you may think the challenge would be linked to a Manchester Dog Home hash tag, the challenge is mainly spread just through #DogSelfie. A spokeswoman for BBC news in the UK expressed her thoughts on the idea of the social media challenge as “a show of solidarity”. She feels that the idea behind the challenge is to “celebrate the bond between people and dogs, because that’s what moved so many people to help.” I have to fully agree with her! People have reacted and supported the challenge because they have a common interest. which is dogs, and they see that a community needs unity and harmony. Dog owners or just animal lovers in general, put themselves in the situation and thought about how they would feel if their pet was taken from them in a senseless act. By accident or not, the thought of that realistic situation actually happening makes people want to spring into action and support a good cause. People don’t say that dog is a man’s best friend for nothing. That of course applies to women as well; you may just hear us call them our children though!
   I personally only recently heard of this challenge; well sort of. I have seen the dog selfie hash tag often before, but since it is such a broad phrase it is hard to differentiate between if it is just a typical dog selfie or if the photo is actually supporting the cause. No matter which way you look at it, by putting that hash tag it allows that photo to be put in the mix along with the actual Manchester Dogs Home campaign. It will then bring extra traffic and attention to the cause. I went back to take a look at the hash tag to see what I came across and the pictures were truly entertaining and heartwarming! If you would like to see a quick thread of some of the supporters of the challenge, just click the link below.
 This is a picture of a typical dog selfie. One that actually supported the cause with Manchester’s Dogs Home.
 Michala Hulme @unearththepast
Alfred needs your help!! #ManchesterDogsHome #Dogselfie
4:14 AM - Sep 12, 2014
 This is a photo of a dog that actually survived the fire. Just look at his sweet face. That was the night of the fire and I feel like you can just see the chaos in his eyes. I could not imagine how hectic the scene was. My heart aches just thinking about it. I am glad to know that since the day of the fire, over 150 dogs were rescued and donations reached over 2 million dollars.
Mandi Roberts @She_RaRoberts
Loki got the wrong idea of a selfie.... Dirty dog!!! #ManchesterDogsHome #Dogselfie #bootylicious
  This #DogSelfie is absolutely hilarious! I love how Mandi chose to support the cause but bring some light hearted humor to the situation. I think in the times of tragedy, stress, heart ache, and a variety of other situations, laughter truly is the best medicine and the key to a happy and satisfied soul.
 Overall, I feel as though, through that terrible tragedy that happened at Manchester’s Dogs Home, so much good as come out of it. My hearts are still with all of the precious lives living and deceased affected.
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necsocialmedia · 7 years
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Class: We’re approaching the end of Week 5. Many of you are doing excellent work. Great job! Some of you *may* need help or a little nudge. Let me know if you are struggling. Only two more weeks. 
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reginar813-blog · 7 years
SEO/SMO Tumblr Post
What could have been done to optimize the site further?
I decided to write about my employer’s website which has just been revamped to improve our SEO, so it is actually ironic how we are talking about this in class. Some of the changes we did was adding certain keywords on the main home page, such as Knee, Shoulder, Hip, Pain, Tampa, Villages etc.. This way Google for instance can help us target people searching for these topics. After watching the videos in this week’s lecture I think we could have changed the words in the actual address bar, so we can be easily found. We do have alot of links in our page. We also link out to other businesses such as Care Credit and Medi Loan. Our social media pages are linked which I think helps too. The only think I feel we can improve on is perhaps lowering the amount of information on the page. It seems like all our keywords we want to use is exposed under additional information. So there is a lot of repetitive information out there. It seems like it has too much but again it could be very helpful when people are searching for information, it can all be in one place. 
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dariennezielinski · 7 years
ColourPop Cosmetics SEO Success
ColourPop Cosmetics is a brand built upon high quality (with a super low price tag) makeup. Their content is engaging, and they are a great example of a company who knows how to stay relevant without trying too hard.
You know their webpage is a quality one, with a simple google search. This is what pops up...
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As you can see, all of their pages are properly titled, allowing a person who is searching for their products to easily navigate their webpage and get to where they need to go in the most efficient way possible. It is certified secure, which is always useful in building trust with incoming customers, and helps search engines place you higher in search results.
When you go to their homepage, you are brought to an efficiently laid out home page, with plenty of links, a sign up for new-letters (which helps direct a continuous flow of traffic to the site), as well as title pages that match the relevant information that a customer can expect to find on that specific page.
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They provide external connections to famous beauty gurus and bloggers that are involved with the brand, which helps gain credibility with the public. They also have links to all of their social media pages, again, creating credibility.
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All of this contributes to a successful website. One that is easily found on the various search engines, can be efficiently navigated through by the consumer, and has many connections with other important figures in the industry. 
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ColourPop Cosmetics continues to show us how an SEO is done!
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thelaw1013-blog · 7 years
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The earned media campaign that stood out to me the most is Cokes #ShareaCoke campaign.  The campaign launched in the summer of 2015. Coke used their bottles as a seed. The bottles were branded with common names and titles. There was also a website that was launched that would allow you to purchase personalized bottles in a store or online. Individuals that purchased the bottles were encouraged to share the bottles with family and friends. Coke also requested that consumers share their experiences with the branded bottles online by using the hashtag #ShareaCoke. The company featured various photos that were shared by users on their company website and occasionally on some billboards nationwide. The campaign was so successful because people were interested in finding their names or funny titles to share. The campaign allowed people to connect to the brand on a more personal level. I will admit that I looked for a bottle of Coke with a similar spelling to my name on it. The campaign was successful because there was a call of action. The campaign had a very simple call of action, which was to share a bottle. The idea behind the campaign was a brilliant one.
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Usually when someone says "SEO," people think of Google. Yet there are many other websites using proprietary search engines other than Google. One company that comes to mind is Amazon. Home to over 200 million diversified products across all sectors of the resale and wholesale markets, Amazon has become an online retail monster. What makes Amazon even more favorable than Google is that the majority of people who go to Amazon are buyers. They aren’t there to do research or lookup some fact. They have a product in mind and are ready to purchase. While it's obvious how powerful Amazon SEO can be in increasing one’s business, Amazon and its algorithm are relatively unknown. Amazon’s definition of success isn’t to send traffic to other sites, but to find the product that will provide the best sales conversion. It is this fundamental difference between the two search engines that you cannot just apply the same tactics we’re used to in optimizing for Google, Yahoo or even Bing. You will be hard pressed to find any piece of Amazon’s website that has not been properly formatted and optimized to not only return relevant fast searches, but also with the ability to turn that information into revenue. With that being said you can type almost any product known to man in any other search engine followed by the word Amazon it it will bring you right to the top seller of that product on Amazon right within Google, Yahoo, or Bing.
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katlynnmillerschool · 7 years
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For this assignment I have chosen my SEO/SMO website to be Pintrest.com because I feel that it is one of the most SMO and SEO efficient websites there is. This is because you can type almost anything into Google and one of the top five results will be a Pinterest board. As you can see in my example picture I typed into Google “bath bomb diy” and the fourth result that came up was a link to a Pinterest board on “best 25+ bath bomb recipes.” I had also typed into Google tattoo Ideas because it is something completely different from bath bombs and the first two links are links to different Pinterest boards full of tattoo ideas.
I think Pinterest uses SEO strategies on site because as you can see in my third picture on the website itself there is a search feature where you can type in what you want to find and it will take you to a page full of all different types of what you are searching for. I searched for desert and funny memes seeing as we talked about memes this week I felt it was fitting. Once you are on the search page, it gives you common suggestions to make your search even more specified, such as with the desert search I could look up recipes, easy, healthy, or any of the other common tags that go along with the recipes. You can add as many as you would like to make it as specific as you would like. This optimizes content value, uses tags and keywords to help find what you are looking for.  When you click on something it will link the original URL, with most cases it is a blog. They also have a huge linkwheel structure where everything links to a bunch of other sites.
Pinterest optimizes SEO strategies off site with publishing the related content elsewhere with the lings to the original such as the blogs that a lot of the recipes are from, if you would like to know more about the people who came up with the recipe, or bath bomb instructions. There is a lot of tags with almost everything which helps Google's algorithm system pick up Pinterest.
Pinterest also uses SMO techniques on site with it's RSS feed options and every “pin” has three options on it where you can share, save, and more. You can use the share feature to share to your facebook, twitter, facebook messenger, direct send it to someone, or  get the URL so you can put it on your own blog. Which again is getting it more out into the world for the algorithms to pick up.
Pinterest uses SMO off site by being a social bookmarking site itself, it's number 2 on the top 8 social bookmarking sites only following twitter. Pinterest also allows users to kind of microblog  by letting people leave reviews on everything they have tried to tell you how well it worked out, or if they changed anything and made it better, they can also leave pictures of the finished product.
The first picture I have attached is of Pinterest's landing page which allows you to log in to the site or create an account with your email address, Facebook, or Google account. Which is handy because it increases its SEM because Pinterest will be linked to another person's Facebook or Google account and is more convenient for most people rather than having to set up a whole new account. The second picture is of my dashboard when I log in. It is much like Tumblr with the blogs i follow and suggestions showing up it is all stuff I’m interested in and can click the more option if I see something I would like to see more similar things of.
I believe the Pinterest is an amazing website and the only thing I would suggest to them to optimize the site even further is promote social media press releases, because this is the only real thing that it is missing.
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floridapeachy · 7 years
Picture of the mannequin challenge
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juliayoung94-blog · 7 years
As I mentioned in posts before this, Disney Animation takes advantage of Twitter and YouTube as their main social media marketing tools. The studio does also have a Facebook page, which they update regularly (but not frequently). The photos are recent, but not much is engaging about their presence on Facebook.
Twitter, however (link provided earlier), is updated frequently and is very engaging to their audience. There are many tweets throughout the day, as well as GIFS, memes, and short videos to engage followers.
Their YouTube channel is almost the same story as Twitter. This page, however, is filled with mainly promotional videos for their films. It is updated frequently, but not as engaging as Twitter because almost all of the content consists of promotion. 
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ladyburksn-blog · 7 years
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4 years going strong God gets all glory! Excited for the lives that will be changed and the healings in which will take place.
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trinity0624-blog · 7 years
The Walking Dead
Like them or hate them, zombies are big bucks. While we had movies like The Evil Dead and Shaun of the Dead, AMC did good with The Walking Dead. Through all the blood and gore, when you you get down to it, it’s the human aspect of the story. Why we cry when are favorites die and cheer when the bad guys get their just desserts. 
AMC has a ton of interactive apps you can use. The first I remember is the app to “dead”yourself. http://www.amc.com/shows/the-walking-dead/exclusives/dead-yourself. It was great fun to see yourself as a zombie. Another way they did it was to send pictures of yourself as a zombie and you might be seen during the commercial breaks. Now there is a way to bring viewers back. 
The last two seasons they have had contests where you can be an extra on the set. I am pretty sure I would give my first born to be an extra on the set.
Lesser known are their charitable things. I went to mini comic book convention where  all the proceeds went to the Pulse Nightclub victims. I met quite a few Walking Dead people who gave up their time and donations to a wonderful cause. This alone will make me a fan until the end.
Even if you do not watch it, I guarantee you heard of my dirty, non shower taking, non shaving, sweaty antiheroes!
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necsocialmedia · 7 years
Class: A quick video with tips on how to pass the course. (Already outdated since the Pats lost).
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