ohmaiwhathavewedone · 5 years
“Mai! I cannot see around your head, can you move please?” Mina said, trying and failing to see around the blonde poof that was her friend’s hair that morning. (@thefutureismina)
Fluffing the blonde locks in the chaos which made her hair. " What else could you possibly need to be looking at? " posing arms behind her head. A natural born menace in the most playful way. Mina struggled to look around her but Mai held her ground. Shadowing each move laughing.
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taninabyad · 5 years
Paint & Sip
The question gave Mina pause as she considered the beyond brilliant CEO in front of her. His blue eyes were sharp, scanning her features with a precision that made her shiver. She dropped her gaze to the wooden sign in front of her, and took a sip of her white wine. The two were at a Paint and Sip right outside of downtown Domino, though neither expected the other to be there.
“I thought Yugi might like it. And if he doesn’t, I’ll keep it!” She replied, glancing back up at Seto. She gave him a small smile, then turned her attention to his own project. “What about you?”
This wasn’t normally somewhere Seto would find himself. Honestly he wasn’t sure where he found the time, let alone energy to go out to something like this. He was far better off with programming and technical work rather than such a creative process, but Mokuba had insisted they go together. Mokuba who was quite happily off painting on his own and socializing with others. The wine wasn’t so bad. “Yugi?” Seto was taken by surprise. Another one of Yugi’s friends? He suddenly regretted the attempt at a social conversation, but he was in it now so there’s that. He sipped his own red wine and let his eyes fall back to his empty canvas. What a waste of time. “Honestly, I’m here for the wine.”
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deisbookofdemons · 5 years
@thefutureismina​ liked for a starter with the new verse.
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The half-demon was silent as he walked, placing his hands in his pockets. There were quite a few people backing away in fear once they saw him.
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theimmortalkingixii · 5 years
15 Questions for the Mun
Tagged by @thefutureismina​ II Accepted
Are you named after anyone?
Nope, not that I know of~
When was the last time you cried?
Last week…..maybe??
Do you have kids?
Yes, I do~ ^^
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Haha! Only all the time!
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their personality
What’s your eye color?
It depends on my mood, but they are naturally dark brown~
Scary movie or happy ending?
Happy ending hands down!!!! Can’t stand to sit and watch a scary movie!!! F*** THAT!!! XXD
Any special talents?
I recently found out that I’m an Empath...
Where were you born?
Northern Utah
What are your hobbies?
Listening to music, playing video games, writing fanfiction, writing in general, RPing, and many more~ ;)
Do you have any pets?
Yes, I have two dogs~ 
What tattoos/ piercings/ body mods do you have?
I have one tattoo and two piercings! (But want to get more!!)
How tall are you?
Dream job?
Novel Writer or Egyptologist~
Favorite subject in school?
English, Creative Writing, and History
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fortheloveofyugioh · 5 years
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@tcheschirewrites @cyber-harpie
@rebornnightmare @fineassdorito
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Comes up behind Joey and ruffles his hair. "Hey Joey! Whatcha doin'?" @thefutureismina
He turned to her,smiling  little.. “Nothing,just chilling..and thinking i guess..” 
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Your Move! (@thefutureismina)
((Thanks for reading my rules!))
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xxsilent-magicianxx · 5 years
Never Have I Ever - had to climb the counters to grab things from cabinets in the kitchen Yugi! (@thefutureismina)
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“Oh c’mon, that’s not fair!” Yugi pouted. He couldn’t help his height! Little did this person know, Yugi simply didn’t store many things in the high cabinets anymore. He moved everything to a reasonable, reachable height long ago, specifically to avoid having to climb the counters like that.
“I’ve slipped and fallen way too many times doing that.”
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ohmaiwhathavewedone · 5 years
Entering the loft, setting the grocery Valon picked up on the counter. " I'll cook dinner tonight" laying a kiss on her cheek. " How was lunch with Mina?" While sorting through the bags. A pause in her response causing him to look up. " something wrong?" Leaning across the bar top to study the blonde.
She sat there head resting in her hands. " Everything is better now. I said something I shouldn't have to Kaiba without realizing it would cause an issue between him and Mina." Letting out a deep sigh. Picking up the sorrow in her tone.
" I didn't know things even bothered the man. Aside from buisness." Rolling her eyes playfully trying to lighten her mood again.
" Well if your words hurt him..that sounds like he has his own issues to sort out with himself and or his girl. Sorry you threw a torch on whatever that was." Smiling at her. "But still, I am going to have to be more mindful. Anyway, how did your job hunt go?" Changing the subject. Catching on he went back to putting away the groceries. " Fairly well, I should say. I have high hopes for a repair shop. They only do motorcycles. That is right up my alley." She admired the pride in his voice as he went on. " It would pay well and keep me local." Turn towards her again. " Unless you don't want me to stick around?" Leaning against the counter top giving her puppy dog eyes.
Rising from her seat to approach him. " Now why would I want you to leave?" Sliding her hands up his shirt, resting her head against him.
Wrapping his arms around her, kissing her head repeatedly. "
A fuzz buzz came from Mai's purse. Yugi sending out the reminder text for the group dinner tomorrow. " Hey guys! It's our turn this week to host. RSVP and BYOB ." Tristen responded and Mina responded for herself and the brothers. Nothing from Joey. Mai sent over " I will be there." And left it at that. Moments later Yugi called. She took the call out on the patio. Yugis cheerful voice coming through the line." Hey Mai, Joey met his sister halfway for the weekend. So he won't be coming. Are you going to invite Valon." She very much wanted to. " No. I don't think that is a good idea just yet. I would love to but..I think that will be best to break in slow. If you and Atem want to get with us one of these days that would be fun." waiting for a response.
" That makes sense. I will get back to you on that but I'm sure we can work something out. See you tomorrow." Ending the call, opening up a new text and started typing to Joey...just to delete it all.
'He hasn't reached out to me either. So why should I?' Entering the loft again. Throwing herself onto the couch. Her companion walked over, gently lifting her head to rest it on his lap. Brushing the hair from her face. " Are they making a fuss about us still? I can't think of something else that would have you down in the dumps like this." Continuing to olay with her hair. " I just want a relaxing day. No nonsense. " sighing ' if that was even possible' turning in to her side. " Where is the closest spa? That'll fix you up. Get you calm and relaxed before the big dinner. "Grinning now. " Nothing they say or do is gonna change my feelings for you. They can't push me away. I am here for you. Remember that, I know we can get through this." Kissing her lips softly, then her check and forehead. " That does sound nice, I know it's just.." trailing off. Unsure how to share her concerns about Joey to him. Burying her face in his lap. " And as long as Wheeler behaves everything will be fine." Leaning deeper into the couch, resting his hand on her waist. Scoping his hand into hers. " That is my worry. We have not talked at all since last week. Yugi said he won't be there tomorrow. I know we need to talk but in a way I am relieved. " letting out a deep sigh. " It will be fine love, you are worrying too much." A ping coming from Valons phone. " I hope that is one of the jobs I applied for." Looking through the email smiling ear to ear. " looks like that shop wants me to do a working interview tomorrow." Changing her position straddling him now, patiently waiting for his email response to finish. Tossing the phone onto the coffee table. Pulling her into him " That is wonderful news." Whispering to the other.
The following day Mai woke early and went for a morning run around the park, coming back home to wake Valon. " You need to get up and eat." Shaking him softly awake. He reached to dragged her back into bed. Dodging him laughing " Oh no you don't, I just came in from a run. Number one I'm gross. Number 2 save that for later mister." Leaving him to get dressed. She ran the coffee pot, then threw together a sandwich and some snacks into a bag for him. Emerging from the bedroom shirt slung over his shoulder, dressed only from the waist down. " You're too good to me Mai" smiling at the sight of the bag. Tossing it to him glaring. " Put your shirt on, I refuse to give in to your temptation." Sticking her tongue out. " hmpf. Alright, alright. " fully dressed now as he slid on boots. " Enjoy yourself tonight with your friends. Call me when you get home? " picking up his back pack and lunch bag.
Mai swung her arms around him,catching his lips in a long kiss. " Yes, sir." Giggling, kissing him one last time then locking the door behind him.
'Oh lord look at this place.' Turning on a dance play list she spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon deep cleaning.
Falling onto the couch she checked the text messages. The group chat had been busy. Playfully teasing about a back up plan for dinner was in the works, apparently Atem was attempting to cook. Tristen asked if the girls would be dressing fancy again. Mai responded " how about you guys look nice for once?" Laughing to herself she should get ready and take over for Atem in the kitchen. " I'll be over soon to save dinner ;)
As she looked for an outfit the phone rang. " Hey girl. What are we wearing tonight. If it were up to mean I am in a sweat pant and big tshirt mood." Answering Mina's phone call. Laughing at her friend " You wouldn't."
Digging on black sweat pants and a white crop top. " putting them on right now. You can stop me. These boys will have no eye candy from me tonight." Putting the phone on speaker to get dressed. " If Valon was going I bet you'd wear that dress again." Teasing the other. " Anyway do you want me to pick you up? I'll come help too. He has almost set the kitchen on fire twice." Laughter filling the room. " I'm ready when you are." Catching her breath. " see you in 20" tossing the phone down she grabbed socks and converse then did minor makeup and waited for Mina.
Hoping in the front seat of the Porsche kissing her bestie on the cheek. " Tell Seto to call you before he comes in so I can go out and talk to him." She had almost forgotten to arrange this. " Why didn't you text him that yourself?" Glancing at Mai one brow raised. " Because you are the only one who can actually tell Kaiba what to do and he will listen." Turning the music up now.
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taninabyad · 5 years
15 Questions for the Mun
⭑ are you named after anyone ?   A Celtic God... oof
⭑ when was the last time you cried ?   On Christmas day
⭑ do you have kids ?   No.
⭑ do you use sarcasm a lot ?   Only sometimes.
⭑ what’s the first thing you notice about people ?   Their eyes.
⭑ what’s your eye color ?   Grey/blue
⭑ scary movie or happy ending ? Scary please!
⭑ any special talents ? Uuuhhh.... I’m a professional cosplayer?
⭑ where were you born ?   Canada
⭑ what are your hobbies ? Cosplay, travel, drawing, watching movies (?), roleplaying.
⭑ do you have any pets ? I have a dog :) ♥
⭑ what tattoos / piercings / body mods do you have ?   I have 7 tattoos. One big one of Anubis on my left forearm, and 3 other Egyptian symbols that were stick ‘n poke on my right wrist and ankle. Then I have a design of Trafalgar Law’s tattoo from One Piece on the other side of my left forearm, and Buggy the Clown’s redesigned jolly roger on my right shoulder. And lastly, I have a design I created inspired by Sesshoumaru from Inuyasha on my left collarbone. I also have my ears pierced three times. Probably going to have more done soon!
⭑ how tall are you ?   5 ft 3.5
⭑ dream job ? I am currently working on my cosplay cafe business :)
⭑ favorite subject at school?   School was so long ago... I enjoyed theater and history though.
@world-duelists @toeiyugimutou @dancedueled @thefutureismina @goldennghost and whoever else would like to :)
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theimmortalkingixii · 5 years
Ship Song! Puzzleshipping ☺️ (@thefutureismina)
//”I Want You To Know” by Zedd feat. Selena Gomez hands down!! For both Puzzle and Blindshipping!!
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“I want you to know
That it’s our time
You and me bleed the same light
I want you to know
That I’m all yours
You and me run the same course…”
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thefutureismina · 5 years
'Was that all a dream' she dare not open her eyes. Rolling onto the tone chest and lightly running fingers down the warm body. Tracing each muscle, pass after pass. 'He is so gorgeous' opening her eyes now to gaze upon him. Kissing her way to his face she stopped with a wince. ' did I really bite him THAT hard? Heh' letting her lips glide across his neck. Feeling Valon's cheeks turn to a grin a soft whisper " Good morning handsome" now nuzzled against him. " hahGood morning doll" laying kisses on her forehead. Repositioning her leg, pulling her closer to him, letting the hand resting on her butt.
" Can we lay here all day." Batting her eyes " I was afraid you woulda sent me on my way by now." Laughing as he gave her a light spank. " Is clothing optional?" Flipping Mai onto her back , grinning ear to ear. Bith giggling now.His lips meeting the soft skin, gliding from neck down her stomach to her inner thigh. Peaking up as he felt the slight tremble of the blondes body. She was very ticklish however she enjoyed every second of his touch.
A grumbling stomach interrupting the moment. " Maybe we should eat food first" blushing at her body's betrayal. Valon smiled, laying on her stomach. " Sounds like a plan to me. I'll take you wherever you'd like. My treat and on the way back we can stop and I'll replace you lamp. I should say that was the only casualty of the night." Erupting into laughter now pointing to the night stand. " oops. I was never found of that old thing anyway." Getting out of bed " Good luck finding your cloths." Winking with a slight giggle. The pair got dressed and discussed a place to eat. They agreed to walk to the small cafe. Arms around each waist they set off.
Mai can see Mina out of the corner of her eye walking into the shop, her headphones in, on the phone, ordering a tray of coffees and pastries.
Normally she would call out to her friend but now she hesitates, knowing how the other feels about her choice of partner. Valon nods in Mina’s direction. " Mai isnt that your best friend? It has to be. Looks just like that Yugi guy" now looking to her. " Yes, that is Mina" feeling uneasy now. "Go on and say hi, I’ll wait outside. I know that lot is not fond of me.”
Kissing her forehead " I dont mind. Promise." They left the table. Walking up to the female Mai tugged a headphone. " fancy seeing you here, love"
Mina jerked, surprised as Atem's voice faded slightly. "Mai! What are you doing here? I didn't expect you to be awake yet..." Mina said, accepting her credit card back from the clerk and putting it in her purse.
Several coffees and lattes were placed in a cardboard tray, along with a bag of croissants, danishes, and muffins for the game shop. She and Atem both needed coffee to handle a hungover Yugi, and Mokuba was grouchy when he didn't have sugar in his system.
Mina turned to look at Mai, who was sporting some light purple bruises on her fair skin. She raised an eyebrow and a small smile came to her lips. "I'm happy if you are, love. Just, be careful. Promise me that much."
Mai smiled, and nodded, wrapping an arm around Mina's shoulder. "I promise. Honestly, I don't know how into me he is. Time will tell."
The pair walked out of the shop and Mina playfully nudged Mai towards Valon, who was waiting patiently outside. She nodded at the brunette, before unlocking the door to her Porsche and setting the coffee and pastry bag on the floor of the passenger side.
"Take care of my best friend, Valon. I don't take kindly to those who break her heart." She warned him, narrowing her gaze before slipping behind the wheel and revving the engine. She sped off down the street towards the game shop, and wondered if Mai knew what she was doing.
Five minutes later, Mina parked the Porsche behind the shop and let herself in through the back.
"Aye, Atem! Your saving grace has arrived!" She called, heading towards the sounds of the tv.
The sight of the living room made her gasp. Yugi was looking green, curled up on the couch with a towel across his forehead. Joey was in the recliner, his right hand bandaged sloppily across his knuckles. Tristan was passed out on the floor, looking utterly exhausted from the previous night's activities. Mokuba and Atem were nowhere to be seen, and Mina cursed internally. She set the coffee and pastries on the counter and grabbed hers from the tray, a pink lipstick print already on the lid of her latte. She took a sip and pulled out her phone, sending a quick text to Seto.
At the shop. Will be a bit, Yugi's in bad shape.
Her phone buzzed immediately with his response, and Mina smiled. Ok. Take your time. Mokuba behave? He can come back earlier if it's easier on you, let me know. Love you xx
Mina heard Mokuba's laughter from the upstairs bedroom and followed the sound, leaving the kitchen and heading up the narrow staircase as she typed out a response.
Yep, I'll ask him his plans and let you know. Love you more, Seto
Mina slipped her phone into her back pocket and nearly bumped into Atem at the top of the steps. His muscular arms grabbed her own, steadying her. "Just the man I wanted to see" she said quietly, greeting the former Pharaoh with a quick peck on the cheek. "I have reinforcements downstairs, but Joey's hand needs bandaged again. Can you bring the first aid kit down? And where's Mokie? I have breakfast for him too."
Atem nodded towards Mina's old bedroom and he dropped his hands from her arms so she could check on the youngest Kaiba. "Mokie?" She called, knocking lightly on the door.
"Just a second!" Mokuba replied, and there was the sound of shuffling before Mokuba opened the door. "Hi Mina! Did you bring breakfast? Where's Seto? Did he take you out last night? Is that why I was left here?" Mokuba's questions kept coming until Mina shot her hand over his mouth.
"Good morning to you too, Mokuba. One question at a time! Please!!" She giggled, removing her hand from Mokuba's mouth.
Mokuba laughed and hugged her tightly before bolting out of the room and down the stairs, apparently smelling the bag of goodies.
Mina locked eyes with Atem, who was gazing at her with a knowing smile on his face. She returned the smile and the two headed down the stairs, first aid kit in tow.
Mina knelt in front of Joey, peeling off the bloody bandages from his hands and wiping down all of the scrapes and cuts with peroxide before wrapping his entire wrist and hand in gauze and other bandages. Joey miraculously didn't move in his sleep, and Mina was grateful that he didn't put up a fight. After tending to Joey, Mina turned her attention to her twin, who was groaning softly in discomfort.
"Yugi, let's get you in the shower. That might make you feel better" Mina whispered, tucking a blonde bang behind her brother's ear.
Yugi moaned in response, and Mina looked at Atem. Atem felt Yugi's forehead with the back of his hand and frowned.
"He'll be fine, Atem. Let's get you that coffee and we can figure out the rest of this once we're in the right mindset." Mina said, leading the Pharaoh towards the kitchen where the treats awaited.
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ohmaiwhathavewedone · 5 years
This morning was far more chilly than Mai was expecting. She stood outside the cafe awaiting her best friends arrival before going in. She thought to herself " after this Mina and I need to hit the mall for a shopping spree, this light jacket isnt cutting it."
Finally what she had been waiting for, the black KC car cruzes up to a halt just feet away. Kaiba exited the car, opening the door for his beloved.
Mai teased " after all this time I still cannot get over how much of an actual gentleman you are Kaiba!" He shook his head with a smirk. Mina smiling at her friend, "Mai why do you always taunt him?" She was wearing a thick coat with faux fur, or was it real? Knowing Kaiba it probably was a gift from him and real. He only got the best for his girl. As the two attempted there goodbyes, Mai jumped in. " that jacket looks so warm!!" She clung to her friend, " it is freezing. I must admit I was not ready for this. Let's have a girls day and go shopping Mina!" Kaiba shot a glare towards Mai for interrupting his kiss. "Okay you, I'll take her from here."Mai swept up her friends hand and bolted for the door. Both girls giggling " MAI!" Mina laughed and she was dragged into the cafe. Waving to her boyfriend as he departed for work.
"There is never a dull moment with you." Mina chuckled. " you spend 90%of your time with him, he can deal with it." Mai replied hands folded across her chest, head the sky. Looking back at her dear friend and smiled. "At least the other 10% is with me, us girls gotta stick together."
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ohmaiwhathavewedone · 5 years
Setting Mina's phone back on the counter near Mina, whispering "I'll be right back", slipping away before the boys could noticed. Leaning up against the wall of the shop, she waited for Kaiba to arrive. To her surprise he drove up himself.
Mokuba jumped out if the Ferrari's front seat. "Hey Mai! Oh man, were we... suppose to wear pajamas?" Looking at her genuinely confused.
Rolling her eyes at the young Kaiba. "These are not pajamas. Is a girl not allowed to be comfy?" shooting him a glare.
"Whatever floats your boat!" Mokuba replied, running off inside, leaving Mai to face Seto.
Thinking about how exactly she wanted to word her apology to him for the 100th time. 'This should not be so hard. Besides he is more than likely gonna be a jerk about it anyway.' She thought to herself, collecting her thoughts now as Kaiba stood before her.
Arms crossed leaning on the car, looking unamused, giving Mai a once over then breaking the silence. "What's with the homeless look?", managing a sneer.
Taking a deep breath now. "So I've been told the line was crossed the other day. That it cut into you deep and set something off." Cocking her head slightly to the side, matching Kaiba’s agitated stare. Releasing a sigh but before he could answer a hand rise to silence him. "Well whatever the hell happened later that day also hurt Mina. That doesn't settle well with me. I am sorry, what I thought would be a harmless thing turned out to be an insecurity or whatever." Studying the other face now for any sign that he may actually be listening. "I know I can say things without thinking and even caring about the consequences. You do realize the way you carry yourself would lead one to believe you couldn't be bothered by anything."
Pausing again and hardening her expression. Sighing, she continued "Even though I am wasting my breath, at least I know I'll feel better in the end. Look Seto, I get it, we ALL have battles nobody knows about. Ones we wish would go away as if they never happened. Trust me I know. Bottling it up is going to destroy you and everything you love. For possibly the first time in your life you have people who actually care about you." Passion burning in her eyes, relaxing her body. "I'm as much of a fan as the "F" word as you but this group has grown on me. I'll say it, we are all family now" a small grin formed on her lips as he cringed at the F word. "You also now damn well there is not another soul on earth worthy of Mina." Looking at the ground now "I will be more mindful now, I guess I forgot you are a part of an internal fight club also… and I know we don't talk about it." Feeling uneasy now as painful memories flooded her mind. She just wanted to somehow get through to him so he wouldn't look right through her. To remind him that he is only human. "Next time I say something that triggers you just challenge me to a duel, think of it as our safe word, so at least I know and don't find out from an upset Mina. Speaking of her she is probably resisting the urge to make sure we aren't killing each other. So tell her whatever you want happened out here. I'm done wasting your time."
Turning away from Kaiba she could hear him let out a slight laugh. "I'll tell her everything is fine." Voice relaxed, the tone of annoyance long gone.
Mai was pleased with that, 'so he did listen.'
"I was worried you were going to give a sobby friendship speech like Tea." Poking fun at her now. Spinning around arm raised pointing at him "DON'T YOU DARE." She admired Tea and her loyalty but could not stand her speeches. Whipping herself back around storming up the stairs.
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ohmaiwhathavewedone · 5 years
A soft buzz in her pocket, checking her phone one last time before entering the arena to duel.
" We are all rooting for you!" Mina's text read along with a selfie revealing the the rest of the gang in recovery mode still. Yugi laid in Atem's lap who sported a wash cloth over his eyes. Both giving. Thumbs up to the photo from the couch Tristen sat on the floor leaned up against the couch mouth full of popcorn throwing the peace sigh up. She could just make out Joey's sleeping face in the recliner. Mina positioned center of the photo half covering her laughing smile with a hand. " love you guys! Maybe next time no wine? Haha" her heart was full, she appreciated them so much. Pocketing her silenced phone as the announcer brought her on
She entered the arena, the crowd cheering, adrenalin pumping as she waved to them. Standing hands on hips waiting for the opponent.
As the tall figure approached. Shifting her weight, arms now crossed, head lowered, jaw clenched shooting a sideways glance at the agent. " Now for the challenger Jean- Claude Magnum!" Boomed through the stadium. Returning her gaze upon the man who now stood a few feet from her. Exhaling from a deep breathe " Hmpf. You just won't quit. I told you before. It is never going to happen. I will NEVER marry you." Body tense as her tone echoed in disgust. She was furious of all duelist it had to be this guy. " Come now Mai, you should be happy to see me. Once I will you'll have it all." Snickering at the girl before him.
Valon and Mokuba now returning to their seats arms full of concession food. " Mai looks upsets. Who is that guy Mokuba?" Motioning with a nod. " I thought he was some actor? Guess turned duelist, by the look of her face they have met before."
" Oh no it's the creep who tried to kidnap Mai remember?? He really won't take no for an answer." Yugi now sitting on the edge of the couch. " she beat him easily last time but then he tried to run off with her. We should be there incase he tried to pull another stunt." Nudging Atem awake. " Yugi, you are forgetting one thing. They are dueling in the Kaiba dome. No way he would escape if any funny business is pulled." With confidence as she feverishly typed a message to Seto.
" Let's cut d ecks and get this over with" scowling at
Jean. " Very well here." He took a step towards her, hand extended. " BACKOFF. You think you can get close to me you are wrong!" Taking two steps back holding out her hand to stop him. Fire in her eyes now. The boys had floor seats and were within shouting range. " OY you better listen to the lady or I'll have to put my drink down."now taking a sip of soda from a blue eyes themed cup. Sitting relaxed slumped in the stadium chair. Valon smiled pleased with his threat.
Mokuba fired back " Mai do I need to have him removed?" Laughing to himself. "I like that idea" Valon offering his fist out to the young Kaiba for a bump of approval.
Hearing the two helped her relax for a second. Giving them a thumbs up " Don't worry boys, I got this. Let's duel!" Jean shaking his head " Your friends are in for disappointment. They don't intimidate me." Drawing cards. ' This will be over quick. I drew the perfect hand to end this my next turn. If it was anyone else I would let this be entertaining.' " Well go on, I won last time so you can go first." Taunting her opposer. "Hmpf." Looking at the hand he had drawn his face said it all. Nothing useful. " I'll set a monster facedown and end my turn. Mai erupting in to laughter " That's all??" Confidence back as she drew a card. 'This is almost an exact repeat of when we dueled last.' " I summon Amazon swordswoman in attack mode. I also play a spell. Double attack!" Discarding one monster to the grave. " Go! Attack his facedown." Destroying the 2 star monster. " Now his life points! And I'll lay this face down and end my turn." Mokuba now noticing the double security around the arena exits. " Work calls, I'll be right back." Walking over to investigate. Jean drew a card, panicked now as he was clearly not getting the cards desired. " ill..erm.. set this monster." Rolling her eyes as she drew. " I activate my face down! Monster Reborn! Return Amazoness Tiger! And I'll summon Amazoness fighter in attack mode! Next the field spell! Amazoness Village!" With the added attack bonus from her monsters and field spell this will be game. " Attack my monsters! Destroy the face down then his life points!" As the life point meter dropped to zero, Jean let out a cry " NO! I had it planned out. this isnt possible." Dropping to his knees. " You never had a chance in this duel or with ME" confidence ringing through her voice. She turned to make an exit.
Rising to his feet " if I cant have you nobody can!" Bolting towards her. " Mai watch out!" Mokuba shouted, pushing her out of his way, tackled to the ground by the pursuer. Before KC security could get to them, Valon, ripping him off the young Kaiba. " Well mate you made me put my drink down." Breaking free from Valons grip. " this doesnt concern you punk!" Taking a swing. Valon ducked and returned two fierce punches. Jean hit the floor unconscious. " Are you two okay? Helping Mai and Mokuba to their feet.
The live feed cut off as Valons fist locked with Jean's Jaw. In an instant Mina had Seto on the phone. " Go Valon!" Tristen cheered fist pumping the air. Startling Joey awake " Whaaa. Waht?"
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ohmaiwhathavewedone · 5 years
"Obviously not YOU, loser." Tristen boomed with laughter giving Joey a playful punch to the shoulder. "Shut it T!!" Joey replied through his clenched teeth, ready to pounce. " Lovley that you assume it is someone I am dating. Are you going to fight him the moment he enters the room?" Rolling her eyes to him. " Take a breathe before you hurt yourself or break my stuff! Both of you brutes." Her face now in an intense stare at the pair. She knows how quick they are to wrestle one another. "Yeah guys come sit down and relax. Why don't we play a game?" Yugi suggested trying to diffuse the situation. Mina poured more glasses of wine. " Joey, can you tune down your over protective big brotherness for a minute?" Handing him a glass.
"Sorry guys... i... I.. you know?" Stumbling with his words.
Yugi now nervously sipping wine not sure how to help his friend, taking a glance to his partner for help. Atem resting his hand on his own head,eyes wide looking at Joey. Tristen breaking the now awkward silence " you girls out did it this time. The house smells amazing. When do we eat?"
Mina checking the timer on the stove top " about 20 minutes now." A ring of the bell echoed through the loft. " Door is open!" Mai now with the devilish grin upon her face. "Joey would you like to guess who it is" teasing the already jealous boy. " I hope it's just the two rich boys and no surprises. " mumbling under his breath.
Mokuba busted through the door " the life of the party has arrived! I brought capsule monsters I hope that's cool." He started setting up the game on the coffee table and sat himself next to Mai. " Nice jacket Mai" winking to her out of Joey's sight." Thank you sweetie, the most charming boy got it for me today."
" Alright, alright let's play this here game, tell me again Yug, how do you play this??" " Mina you are going to have to save Seto from a business call. He is held up down stairs." Mina let out a sigh, and headed down to retrieve her other half.
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