echotrinityme · 2 years
This Is A Mistake (Stickprice)
A/N: This is was inspired by @thesoullesscollection. They have stickprice incorrect quotes and the incorrect quote I'm using is:
Rupert : Look, last night was a mistake.
Henry : A sexy mistake.
Rupert : No, just a regular mistake.
Rupert groan as he shifted. His head pounded as he sat up, he rubbed his eyes, and thread his fingers through his hair. He looked around to see he was back at his house, more specially he was in his room. He then looked down to see he was naked, he raised an eyebrow at this, he checked to his side to see his clothes were scattered all over the floor. Okay... What happened?
He remembered last night he was out with Charles, Henry, Ellie, Calvin, Konrad, and Victoria for drinks. Then a couple drinks later, he was talking to Henry. Why? He doesn't because he hates Henry's guts. It was no secret that he hates Henry and vice versa, so him talking to Henry is pretty rare for him. The only time he ever talks to Henry is on missions and training, that's it. After that, the rest was blurry. He put a hand to his forehead as his headache got worse.
Then he looked to his other side to see Henry sleeping peacefully.
Rupert stared at Henry for a moment until he made a quiet sound of panic.
What is Henry doing here? Why is he in his room!?
Rupert was about to wake Henry up when he noticed something on him, he slowly pulled down the covers Henry was using to cover himself. He saw Henry was also naked and he saw bruises surrounding his neck. Rupert furrowed his brow as he got more confused, he now has more questions.
What happened last night!?!?
Suddenly he got memories of him arguing with Henry and vice versa. Then he remembered Charles or Victoria telling him and Henry to go home, then he remembered Henry following him home to cause some more trouble with him. Then they started punching each other and...
Oh no.
Rupert pinched the bridge of his nose as Henry shifted in his sleep, he glanced at Henry whom was opening his eyes. Henry blinked at Rupert before going back to sleep, however, Henry's eyes immediately went open as he sat up. Rupert could now see Henry has more bruises all over him.
But, they are not bruises... They're hickeys.
"Fuck." Rupert said as Henry pulled the covers up to cover his chest.
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck." Rupert continued as he got up to put his clothes on. While he was putting on his clothes, Henry noticed scratch marks on his bed.
Rupert finished putting on his uniform and glanced at Henry whom was still watching him.
"Look, last night was a mistake." he said firmly as he gathered Henry's clothes and tossed them towards him.
Henry made a sound when his clothes hit his face, he was looking for his underwear, then he looked at Rupert with his sapphire blue eyes.
"A sexy mistake?" he said tentatively.
"No, just a regular mistake." Rupert replied sharply.
Henry bowed his head down, "Oh." he murmured.
Rupert didn't say anything as Henry stood up, but he had to sit back down on the bed cause he felt a stinging, sharp pain on his bottom. He groaned in pain as a migraine shot through his temple, he rubbed his temples as Rupert was studying him.
"Looks like I got the upper hand this time around, Stickmin." Rupert thought in triumph.
"How hard did you fuck me?" Henry asked curiously. "Ow..."
Rupert crossed his arms as his face was now red, he then looked down at the floor. "Pretty hard." he replied nonchalantly.
After a few minutes of trying to get himself up, Henry stood up and put his clothes back on. Rupert had to look away so he can give Henry some privacy, but what's the point anyways? He's already seen Henry's body and his cock so why does he need to look away? Henry put on his hoodie just as Rupert glanced at him, Rupert saw that Henry was not fully dressed saved for his boots.
"Uh... Don't forget your boots." Rupert muttered as he cleared his throat.
Henry looked down at his socks and stared at Rupert, he nodded as got his boots. He put on his boots and Rupert straighten up his hair. "Okay, now that you got your clothes on." Rupert said as he looked around, then he pointed to his bedroom door. "Now get out."
Henry blinked in surprise, "Now?" he asked in a whisper.
Rupert nodded firmly, "Yes."
Henry was about to protest, but Rupert wouldn't let him. "Henry, you and I both know we can only be enemies. Not mutuals, not friends, and especially not lovers."
Henry nodded slowly and left Rupert's room.
Rupert followed him to the door, Henry was outside. Before Henry could say anything, Rupert interrupted him again. "Good bye, Henry." he said as he shut his door loudly.
Henry stood there for a second then he went back to the base.
While he was walking, he had his head bowed and his arms crossed. For some reason, he felt discarded. He felt like he was a piece of trash and was threw away like trash. He rubbed his arms as he got to the base, he went inside the base. He walked past a couple of soldiers whom waved at him, but he didn't waved back at them which confused them.
Henry went to Charles and Ellie whom were waiting for him. They saw his head bowed down as he got close to them, they immediately knew something was wrong. "Hey, Henry what's wrong?" Ellie asked, going full on big sister mode.
"Yeah what's wrong, buddy?" Charles added in worry.
At first, Henry didn't want to say anything, but he started sobbing. Charles and Ellie hugged him to comfort him. They asked him what's wrong again, and Henry calm down a bit to explain. While hearing his story, Charles and Ellie were getting angry and upset with Rupert. Ellie hugged him tighter as Charles put a comforting hand on him,  "Shhh, it's going to be okay." Charles reassured Henry, "It's going to be fine."
Henry was still sobbing.
Charles kept comforting him while Ellie kept hugging him, Calvin came over to them with a frown on his face. Ellie glanced at him and a frown formed on her face, "What is it, Calvin." she said annoyed, "Can't you see we're busy with Henry."
"Yeah...I know that, but..." Calvin replied slowly.
"But?" Ellie said.
"Rupert is here." Calvin answered bluntly, pointing to a direction. "I just saw him walked into the base."
Charles snapped his head up at Calvin as Ellie stared at him in shock, "Really?" Charles asked.
Calvin nodded.
Charles and Ellie stared at each other for a moment, wordlessly thinking of a plan. Henry ceased his sobbing as he buried his head into Ellie's chest, he was listening to the conversation. Charles pursed his lips as he growled a little, Ellie blinked in surprised, and so did Calvin. Charles then turn to Calvin whom jumped a little from Charles's look, "Calvin, can you please look after Henry while Ellie and I go talk to Rupert?" he asked firmly.
Calvin nodded, "Sure, but I have a feeling you might do more to him than just talking to him."
Charles looked at him in shock, "How can yoi tell by that?" he questioned curiously.
"Your look tells me you want to beat Rupert up."
Charles glanced at Ellie whom was still holding Henry, "C'mon El, we need to talk to Rupert." he commanded in a firm tone.
Ellie nodded as she handed Henry to Calvin, Henry didn't protest as Calvin hugged him.
Rupert was walking towards the cafeteria to get a cup of coffee, his head still hurt like hell. After he kicked Henry out, he thought about what happened last night. He remembered that he and Henry were fighting and punching him, then... he thinks Henry kissed him. He's not sure. He was about to continue walking when he felt a slap and a punch to his face.
He let out a yelp of pain and surprise as he fell to the ground.
He felt a stinging pain and he felt a black eye forming as he looked up to see who punched and slapped him. He saw the faces of Charles and Ellie giving him a death glare, he wallowed. If looks can kill then he would already be dead. "Oh. Oops. My bad." Ellie said coldly, "I didn't see you there, Rupert."
Charles didn't say anything as he kept glaring at Rupert, Rupert is one of his best friends, but that doesn't mean he should go easy on him. Rupert groan as he sat up, he bowed his head down in shame. "You know about what happened between me and Henry, huh?" he murmured.
Charles and Ellie nodded angrily.
Rupert sighed as he put a hand to his forehead, "Look I know what yer guys gonna say, but I-"
"Rupert, I know you hate him, but...what you did to him was not right." Charles interrupted him with a frown on his face. "Just dismissing him like that... Throwing him away like he was trash... That's just...fuck!"
Rupert just stared at Charles while he was ranting, "I hope you realize you hurt his feelings." Charles finished as he crossed his arms.
Rupert was about to say something when Ellie told him, "Or you're going to rant about how Henry doesn't have feelings cause he's a criminal?"
Rupert froze when she said that.
"I hope you can think about what you have done to Henry." Charles said as he and Ellie left him alone.
Rupert stood there in silence while holding his cheek since it was still stinging.
A/N: There might be a second part to this, I'm not sure.
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