#[    *    dedication.     ↷    :      my dearest friend.  *    merlin.   ]
saintlupin · 1 year
Winter’s biting chill cuts into Draco, the taste of ice on the back of his tongue. On days like this, the vitality of speech evades him. Desperate to make it through the short-long day where the hours have dragged their feet, the sun kisses the skyline goodbye at thirty past four, and Draco walks in a stupor. 
The package waiting excitedly on his stoop takes him out of his exhaustion, and suddenly Draco is awake and aware and rushing up four flights of stairs with the promise of joy in his hands. He wastes no time opening and closing his door, hurriedly kicking off his shoes and pulling out his wand to unlock the treasures waiting just beyond the magically charmed cardboard. 
In it: small trinkets, gifts, cute things he adores that make him smile so wide, dancing in place because his heart is so very full he can’t hold in the happiness that circulates inside him. 
A letter with his name awaits, and he opens it delicately, careful not to tear the heart-shaped sticker on the envelope. He reads: 
I hope all these little mementos I’ve collected over the past few weeks made you smile. I kept seeing things that reminded me of you, and I couldn’t stop myself from buying them for you. Life’s been pretty much the same since you left. Hermione and Ron still bicker–which, ever since you said that’s their version of foreplay, I can’t see it any different, so, thanks for that–Luna has switched to only speaking backwards again, something about nargles. Pansy and Greg come by with lots of food and won’t leave until I’ve had at least two servings and put some leftovers away. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you? (I promise I’m eating more than cereal and popcorn). 
Here’s the latest gossip I’m sure you’re dying to know about: Theo, Blaise, and Neville are a "secret" throuple now. They think no one’s noticed, but really, we’re just waiting for them to tell us. Ron says you owe him 5 sickle, by the way. 
Hmm…what else? I’m doing okay. I promise. Work’s been work, you know how it is. How’s your internship? I’ve hung the picture you sent me with the Elder Scrolls of Merlin. Incredible, really! I can’t believe you spend all day archiving scrolls almost as old as Hogwarts itself. 
I miss you a lot. I hope you’re remembering to take care of yourself, too. Let’s floo-call soon, ok?
Forever yours,
Draco couldn’t help the flutter of his heart or welling of tears in his eyes. He felt so loved. It had been such a long day, one where his breathing felt like drowning, and yet, he was loved through that from hundreds of miles away. The terror weight of the day’s stress that had pressed so firmly on his chest only moments before he’d seen this package on his doorstep faded. Even on Draco’s worst days, Harry loved him; thought of him. Without his realizing it, Draco felt okay again.
for @hdcandyheartsfest's prompt: memento. dedicated to my dearest @softlystarstruck!! happy birthday bee!! i'm both grateful to know you and happy i get to call you my friend. talking with you always makes my day brighter and i hope you enjoy the little easter eggs (not so little) i've hidden in here just for you!!
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giunevere · 2 years
tag drop.
[    *    the queen of camelot.     ↷    :     long may she reign, for she is kind and beautiful.    *    interaction.   ]  
[    *    the queen of camelot.     ↷    :      in life you will always have a choice — even if it’s easier to believe you don’t.   *    study.   ]  
[    *    dedication.     ↷    :      i have loved you for a thousand lifetimes.  *    arthur pendragon.   ]  
[    *    dedication.     ↷    :      my dearest friend.  *    merlin.   ]  
[    *    mara.     ↷    :      crying over gwen & arthur.  *    out of character.   ]  
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snapefiction · 3 years
Someone who appreciates me Pt. 1 - Snapefiction
A/N: Hey! Thank you to everyone who supports my writing. I just recently reached 200 Followers after not even full two Months of starting this Blog and I couldn't be happier that you enjoy my writing. In hopes that you'll like this one too! x
(I tried to use gender neutral Pronouns and Descriptions at first but sadly lost the track of it so it slipped back to a fem!Reader. I'm sorry, I am trying to learn and do better next time.)
❤️ Please remember that English isn’t my native language and that my Writings will include Mistakes and maybe weird formed sentences. ❤️
Pairing: Severus Snape x Y/N, Severus Snape x fem!Reader
Setting: 3-4 Years after the Battle of Hogwarts
Warnings: Mentions of Insults
Word count: 2871
Y/N - Your Name, Y/L/N - Your Last Name, Y/W/A - Your wished Age, Y/B/M -Your Birthday Month
Someone who appreciates me - Pt. 1
,,Dear Professor, As you may know Minerva can be very consistent of certain things. One of these Certain Things seem to be the fact that we both are (if all my given Informations are correct) not currently in a relationship. I do not want to pressure you to read my letter or even answer it but i´d be very thankful if you’d at least let Minerva know about what your intentions are. Since a long time now- to be exact 7 Months and 3 days - she started to play my personal Matchmaker and I’m very sorry that you seem to be chosen by this fate that she gave us as well. So by Merlins Sake I’m going with her wish in hope Minerva may be Satisfied by it.
My Name is Y/N Y/L/N. I´ m currently working for the Ministry but will be switching to the St. -Mungos Hospital soon to continue to work as a Healer. I am Y/W/A years old and will be turning Y/W/A on Y/B/M. I live near the Diagon Alley. I despite the idea of introducing myself to someone else like I just did. It feels like I am exposing myself.
In my free time -which has gotten very rare over the years - I enjoy reading, drinking tea and going on walks. It’s not very much, actually it’s nothing, but it makes me happy. I’m a simple Woman.
Since this is the most awkward Thing I have done in a while i will end this letter down here. In hopes that you’re well and have a great day.
Yours sincerely Y/N YL/N”
Sighing he turned the Letter to look at the sealing. It must’ve sent directly from their workplace as they even used the official seal from the ministry itself for this use. He had to admit that he was lonely. Very indeed but Minerva was taking it too far by now. She tried to set him up a few times yet but he never really went with it. But now that she persuaded another Person to send him a letter directly to his workplace he was fed up. Pity grew in his stomach as he imagined what Minerva must’ve said about him to the other Person. She was always exaggerating about him, his past life and everything from the present. She  mothered and did everything to fuss over him since he was a Student at Hogwarts himself and yes, he had to admit it, he liked it sometimes. Enjoying their annual Tea each Sunday it was alright having her as a Friend. Especially after the Dark Lord passed and he finally got rid of the pressure of hiding. But her well trained skill to brew a perfect tea won’t make up that she tried to play a constant matchmaker for him. 
A deep Sigh left his throat as he sorted his Thoughts. Whatever he’d try to say would lead to a discussion about why she wants him to meet that Person so dearly. It was always a repeating scheme. Getting up from the wooden Chair which could need a replacement he took the letter in his one hand before heading to her chambers.
The Parchment burned in his Hands. Deciding on how he’d like to drop the bomb that he’d prefer to stay alone he kept walking faster. To be honest, he would never admit that towards Minerva nor anyone else and not even himself, he loved the idea of founding a family. He always imagined it as a great Joy since his own family was rather a decent disaster. But he knew what the Newspaper wrote about him after he survived, he knew what rumours go around at the Ministry, he knew how People still degraded him and how everyone secretly was checking twice if he wasn’t secretly still a death eater. He knew, felt and saw it everyday. So it just wasn’t meant to be for him to become the man he dreamt about in private. Maybe i should go back to Cokeworth, get a dog and dedicate my life to the science.
Before he could continue his daydream of vanishing from his current world he reached the door leading to Minerva´s private rooms. Knocking he already knew she was there because the heat from inside and the smell of tea already reached his nose.
After a few seconds he heard her mumbling and finally opening the shrieking door.
,,Severus, my dear. What is it?“ A warm smile formed on her face. He just tried to keep his cold face as he hoped it’d get him further in the argument that he tried to start to prove his point. Silently holding up the Parchment he pointed the wax seal directly towards her.
,,Is it from Y/N?" Her eyes shined brightly and she was already asking him inside as her hands took the letter and she moved her tall figure aside to let him in.
,,Of course it is." He mumbled while making his way over to his usual seat. Watching her reaction as she read the Letter he wished to vanish. It was simply embarrassing.
,,Oh, she can't be serious. I told her to tell you something about herself."
,,She did!" He pleaded.
,,No she didn't! She just talked about me. Oh! The two of you match perfectly. You both are very self conscious about what you are and what you deserve or in general on how to communicate." She went to the kitchen to get kettle.
,,You're just mad that we don't want to play along with your plans." Mumbling Severus knew that she heard every whisper.
,,No you're just mad that I told her about you." Rolling his eyes he watched her setting down the kettle and filling him a cup of tea.
,,I don't need a Relationship." Stating his Fact he hoped it could bury the Topic finally.
,,I know. But it wouldn't harm you as well." Taking a sip from the still brewing water tea mixture he wondered how she wasn't burning herself.
,,Can you just stop setting those things up?" Now it was her who rolled their eyes. ,,Only if you give it one first and one last try. Y/N is very kind."
,,Kindness isn't everything. Her Letter wasn't very tempting."
,,Merlin, if you start judging people over their Kindness I'll lose my mind. You aren't very charming yourself, you twit."
,,You call me a Twit?"
,,You're clearly a Twit."
,,Stinky Witch." Shrugging her shoulder she hid her smile behind her cup of tea before downing it almost completely. ,,One date and I'll stop for good."
,,Do you promise?"
,,I solemnly swear. If this won't work out then you might be a helpless case." Ignoring her spur he gave in. Again.
,,Fine." And so it came that he drank his tea and they chatted about something else. Their Friendship had their own charm. But before Severus could leave to go back to his own Rooms Minerva put the Parchment in his Hands and told him with a warm smile to write back.
It didn't work out like he planned. Actually it was the opposite. He wanted to burn the Letter and forget that it had happened but if it was the only way to get rid of any unwanted dates, matches etc. he would actually give it a chance. Unbelievable. He'd really write Y/N back.
Since it was almost midnight he decided that it was time to continue his paperwork. He couldn't fall asleep until three A.M. anyways if he was able to fall asleep in general. After answering a lot of Letters, correcting some Works and finally writing down what he had to get from his next visit at Diagonal Alley he couldn't stop his mind from wandering to his new acquaintance living there. Wasn't she repelled by his ruined reputation?
Rereading her Letter he was wondering what a type of person she was. How did she look like? What made Minerva think that they'd be a great Match? In his Mind he was starting to puzzle a picture of someone he'd expect to write to. Of what he'd expect someone nice to be and act like. To his surprise it wasn't anything close to Lily. Not at all. It was almost the completely opposite. Bewildered he laid down his feather. He almost hasn't noticed how he started to mindlessly write all the attributes down that he was hoping to find in Y/N.
Nice but not foolish. Intelligence. A dry sense of humor. Challenging. Special. Complementary. Appreciative. Pretty Eyes. A soothing voice. Someone who appreciates work. Someone who appreciates me?
Eyeing the Clock he noticed that it was already past 4 am. Again he was completely loosing his track of time. Packed by the idea of finding something of those attributes in her he grabbed a paper and his feather.
His enthusiasm quickly faded. What was he supposed to say? What did she knew about him? His wide eyes and his raised eyebrows scaled down a bit. This grew to be more complicated than he anticipated.
,,Y/N, I'm sorry that Minerva grew this Mania about you as well. I have known her for a long time by now and can confirm to you that despite all her promises she won't stop setting things up. It seems like it became one of her dearest ways of passing time.
Not knowing of what she has told you about my person I will just start formally.
My Name is Severus Snape. Currently I am still preoccupied as the head of house of Slytherin at Hogwarts. And due to latest events I won't return to teaching soon or anytime again. Most of my time I look out to keep myself busy with science studies, working and reading.
To be completely honest, I promised Minerva to write back as she promised me in return to stop setting any acquaintance with me. Also I feel uncomfortable introducing myself as well. I prefer Meetings.
Yours faithfully Severus Snape"
After his eyes read the letter multiple times he finally got himself to seal it. Watching the wax cool down he noticed how much he hoped that she could at least fulfil on of the attributes he was looking for. Hope? Don't make a fool out of yourself. She will probably loose her interest soon.
But she didn't. He sent his Letter around 4:50 am and already at 8am after he slept 2 full hours she sent her response. Not truly believing his eyes that Y/N was answering and not someone who would want to mess with him he quickly opened it. This Time the Seal was a different one. One that contained her Initials.
,,Dear Severus, Taking it from your response I anticipate that we are on first name base now? If that's so completely fine with that.
Reading your Letter I had to laugh. Minerva is simply one of a Kind and somehow I feel very reliefed that you're as uncomfortable as I am.
Maybe that's a great opportunity to admit that I already know a lot about you. Minerva is very chatty and as you probably already are aware of your Name is very well known and greatly appreciated. And by that I don't mean that that's the Reason why I decided to write you but I mean that I'm impressed by you. I actually chose to follow Minerva's will to contact you because she introduced you as a very kind, intelligent and somewhat funny Man. And despite the fact that I am happy by being alone I can't deny that the idea of meeting someone like you was interesting me. Someone who Minerva introduced as a great Friend. This may sound cheesy but you deserved to get known to my intentions.
You mentioned that you prefer Meetings. What about a Meeting at the Three Broomsticks? I bet you know a lot funny stories about Minerva which I'm not aware of yet. Name a Time and Day and I'll be there. And if it makes you more comfortable- you can decide if it's as friends or if you want to call it a date. As I already said I'm mainly interested in getting known to you.
I hope you'll have a successful Morning and i'm expecting your Owl.
Yours sincerely Y/N YL/N"
That wasn't like anything he expected. She wasn't disgusted by everything he did? She wanted to meet him? He thought that she'd politely decline and he'd get rid of all the fuss but she actually sounded nice. Should he give in?
Some time has passed since he received her letter. To be exact four days and nights. Severus told himself that he had gotten busy in hopes this could ease his guilty Feelings. But Minervas Questions wouldn’t stop and he had to make the decision he was shoving back for too long. He just wanted to end that Matchmaking Service and now it had gotten him to the point where he was too nervous to answer a simple letter after the Person openly admitted their interest in him.
Hoping for someone to take the Decision which now laid heavy on his shoulders he wandered around the corridors. His duties for the day have been already done by now and he was just looking for a task to get his mind of the Woman’s Name. He was too nervous to answer, way to nervous. It was nice to get known to someone, yes. But it was too early for him. He hasn’t recovered yet and still felt hurt from his past. Who could blame him? No one. Right? Slowly he started to feel better. Like it was a great opportunity to back off and make this another awkward Memory he had in one of his many brain cells. He won’t answer her. That’s it.
Feeling some Weight flowing off his shoulders he reached his Chambers. He should at least answer Harry. Since he had graduated two and a half years ago he still checked up on him. It simply was his promised duty to do so. Thinking of Questions to ask Harry about his new Life as a Auror and about his Girlfriends Ginny Weaslys as a Professional Quidditch Player he grabbed some Parchment and took his Feather. Dipping it into the small ink Pot he had to notice it was empty. Annoyed he took the List he had put in his drawer in his hands. Diagon Alley, was written on it. Tea, Ink, a new Book and some Parchment.
,,Dunderhead.“ He called himself as he again rolled his eyes. He had forgot to get his supplies. That one Task had slipped off his mind. Annoyed and grumpy as always he gritted his teeth while grabbing his Coat and using his Cabin to reach named Diagon Alley. Slighty coughing he scrunched his nose. As Years have passed he grew to hate using Floo Power. 
Diagon Alley was shining. Lights from every Window invited Passengers into their Shops. But Severus wasn’t the Man to just go shopping and buying random Things. He was organised. So Organised that a simple Woman who showed slight interest in him could get him off his tracks. Ironic. He worked Years as a spy and now a simple Letter did this to him.
His Feet lead his set route to the Shop where he got the Parchment and some ink and afterwards to the Teashop. The last station was the Book Shop. It was the only stage where he was spending an unknown amount of time each time he got there. Words always had a big impact on him. Of course Actions were important too but it are words who seduce him easily.
That’s why he was carrying his now heavy bag through the huge aisles of Books trying to find a new object of Desire. He was very fond of almost every Herbalism, Potion and Healing Book so it had to be something new. His Position as Head of house was boring him. He needed something to do. So he decided to focus his energy on Books and as already mentioned Science.
Opening a smaragd green book he followed some lines about Muggles. Even though he never found himself very intertwined in this Topic he gave it a chance. The fact of how well written and even advanced it was was interesting him. Putting it in his little Basket he continued to decipher the Book Titles. Death Omens: What to Do When You Know the Worst is Coming. Taking it in his Hands he way eyeing it closely.
,,I hope you aren’t expecting anything bad, Professor Snape. That's a dangerous Book.“ Caught he quickly looked to his side. A young Woman was smiling nervously at him. Confused he tried to remember her. Was she a Student? A former Death eater? Merlin, no. She was too young to be a death eater.
,,Y/N.“ Her cheeks blushed now and she lowered her glance shortly. ,,Y/N Y/L/N. I thought it might be not very polite if I wouldn’t even say hello since we somehow know each other.“ Getting lost in her eyes he quickly forgot his Plan on to stop thinking about her and not writing her back.  
to be continued. last update 30.jan.21
Taglist: @deepperplexity  , @monstreviolet , @wow-life-love4 , @lizlil , @once-upon-an-imagine , @darkthought15 , @elizabeth-baelish , @looseheartedlady , @ithinkweallsing , @simpforsnape
Let me know if you want to be added to my Taglist. :)
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thedarklordsdiary · 6 years
Awake | Remus Lupin [Part 4]
I don’t have any excuse to say on why I haven’t posted anything in months, but finally, Part 4 is HERE! I want to dedicate this chapter to my dearest friend @wizardingworldwaitforme (Alice espero que te guste!) Thank you so much for being patient. Enjoy!
Character: Remus Lupin
Words count: 1,264
Warnings: cuss words, sexual insinuation.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
*GIF’s not mine. credits to whoever made it*
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I close the book I was reading and let my body rest on the chair, stretching and trying to release some of the tension built up on my back and neck from being in the same position for hours.
Every evening after helping Hagrid with whatever he needs, I go to the library and make some research looking for an answer to what’s happening to me. At least I try to, but I don’t even know where to start - I don´t even know what I’m looking for, but there must be some answers hidden between the pages of these books. I’ve checked a good amount of books found in the restricted section and a lot of other books of the library but so far I’ve found no information. Frustrated and tired I went to my chamber to rest before dinner.
A series of desperate knocks woke me up, I can´t remember when I fell asleep but looking at the time on my watch it is almost dinner. Someone was growing impatient with every second passing because the knocks became stronger, I stood up from the bed, put my shoes on, and fixed the mess of covers before attending the door. As I made my way to it, I gave a quick look in the mirror to see how bad I looked. I could look worse I thought.
Deep down I was hopeful that it could be John, we write letters almost daily to each other but by the time I open the door, the excitement was gone and replaced by hurt. The only person I wasn´t expecting to see was in front of me, we looked at each other for a moment, and he smiled at me, but I could return the gesture so I looked away and move from the door letting him in. Remus stood awkwardly in the middle of the small room following me with his eyes until I sat down on one of the chairs of the tiny diner, Remus mirrored my actions and sat down across from me. 
“How you’ve been?” He asked kindly, looking at me intensely.
“I’m good, thanks” I answered not looking at him. He opened his mouth to say something else, but I talked first “Would you like a cup of coffee or... tea?” I guess he wasn´t expecting for me to offer him anything and he took a couple of seconds to answer shyly “Oh yes, tea please.”
I stood up and went to the tiny kitchen giving him my back and went to grab the teapot and start to prepare it. This whole situation felt like a planned first date between two teens whose never been on a date before and was told by their friends that it was going to be “fun” but in reality, it is just shy stares and awkwardness in the conversation. I waited until the tea was ready - because I feel more comfortable not being in front of him - and pour it into two cups brought one to him.
He took a sip from his cup and then smiled. “A bit of milk and a teaspoon of sugar,” he said looking at me with a spark in his eyes. 
I drank from my cup ignoring the sudden hotness growing on my cheeks out of the embarrassment of him realizing I prepared his tea. He knows my face is turning red like a tomato, his attitude changed, it became more confident.
“Why did you came?” I finally asked him ignoring the look he was still giving me.
“I came to give you this,” He reached for something on his coat and took out a wand, my wand. “I kept it safe in the house but you left before I could give it to you.” just as he gives me my wand, he lightly touches my hand waiting for me to react, and Oh Merlin I did, I dropped the fucking wand, it slipped from my fingers the moment it touched them, as if they were made out of butter. His smile grew as big as the Cheshire cat and reached down to pick it up. He placed it in my hand and closed my fingers around it making sure I wasn’t going to drop it again.
“Thanks,” I said barely audible not breaking the eye contact. He leaned closer slowly and I am sure he’s able to hear my heartbeat racing.  If I don’t look away now, I’m going back into the hole it took me so long to get out.  I stood up really fast that the chair I was sitting on almost fell. He was shocked, I was shocked but I walked all the way to the door and opened it letting him know he has to leave. 
“Well thank you for giving it back. It´s getting late you don’t want to get back to the headquarter too late in the night.” 
“I’m not going back tonight, Dumbledore asked me to help him with something.”  As he speaks, he walked towards me and once again lowered himself to be almost at my level, and I once again, thought he was going to kiss me but instead, he reached for the doorknob behind me and closed the door slowly, “besides, we haven’t even finished our cup of tea.” He then moved from in front of me clearing the way and leading me to the table as he placed his hand gently on my lower back.  
We sat down again, but instead of sitting across of me like before, he sat down next, I felt nervous and my hands started to sweat so I grabbed my cup, praying to God not to let slip from my hands, and took a sip and made an attempt not to look at him, but suddenly I felt how he placed his hand on my knee and slowly started to move it going up in my thigh.
“That’s it.” I stood up again but this time confidence and angry. “You have to leave, NOW”. And I went to try and open the door once again, but he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me to him and kissed me roughly and slow but he pulled away quickly. “Tell me you stopped loving me, tell me I don’t make you feel good, tell me you can’t stand being near me, tell me that and I’m gone, for good”
His hand was on my face making me look at him. I don’t love you, I hate you, I want you out of my life forever.  But my hands were faster than my words,  I grabbed his face and pulled it to mine, kissing him with hunger and need.
I woke up with only a sheet covering my naked body and the smell of freshly made coffee, I turned around expecting to see Remus fast asleep, but the bed was empty. I raised from the bed hoping to find him in the kitchen but when I got there, only the coffee pot was waiting for me, and a note under a cup already filled in.
Last night was like going back in time to when we were young.
Had to go back to the headquarter sooner than I expected.
Yours, Mooney.
I can’t believe it. I crumbled the note and threw it in the trash just where his bullshit belongs. I didn’t even touched the coffee cup and went back to my room to get ready and start a new day without Remus Fucking Lupin.
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