#[ ✵ | μυστικά || about&headcanon | ✵ ]
chthonickeys · 2 years
[ thinks about achilles welcoming hades’ call and accepting death when it cmae to claim him thinks about the shades in elysium cheering for him, while he couldn’t even bear their presence thinks about him being egged on to try the arena, he would love it, he would become the champion in no time, but only the sight of his weapon made him nauseous  thinks about the gods trying to contact hades, attempting to talk to him, to see him - thinks about his mother trying to do it, and him hiding away in shame  thinks about him looking for patroclus to apologize just to understand that he wasn’t there with the other heroes, even if, in his eyes, he was much more of a hero than he could ever be
thinks about achilles trading his freedom for patroclus’
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thinks about my dad being Sad As Fuck ]
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chthonickeys · 3 years
[ artemis respects 4 gods and they’re demeter, athena, hephaestos and zagreus
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also her brother sometimes but mostly in a “nobody picks on him but me” kinda way
everyone else could die in her arms and she’d be like “..................anyway.” ]
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chthonickeys · 3 years
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[orpheus will never say it out loud because he knows it’s a terrible thing to think and he actually cares for zag a lot but he did feel some kind of fucked up karmic joy when persephone left]
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chthonickeys · 3 years
@caustixsoul​: ₪ Achilles :3 [ no lies ; ACCEPTING ]
₪ -  For a kink.
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He takes a second to clear his throat, chuckling a little nervously.    Or, perhaps, he’s just a little embarassed?
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“I don’t mind a little bit of competitiveness, before doing anything. A little bit of wrestling to sweat a little.”              Or decide who tops.
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chthonickeys · 3 years
@bluemoonmuses​ + @follys-dance​: 🔪 a time they felt betrayed,  theseus! [ uncomfortable asks ; ACCEPTING ]
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[ well. his own wife fell in love with his out-of-wedlock son and when she was rejected she made Theseus believe she was sexually assaulted right before hanging herself.
Theseus made sure his son died and just after both of them were gone he learned the truth about it.
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yeah, uh. that’s a memory he’d love to forget, and yet he can’t bring himself from drinking from the Lethe river. Not yet, at least. ]
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chthonickeys · 3 years
@bluemoonmuses​: 👻 skelly! [ uncomfortable asks ; ACCEPTING ]
👻 something they’re afraid of
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[ oh man... permadeath isn’t a fun idea actually.  he’s quite sure he can’t Super Die Forever, down there, but. You Know. nothing’s impossible!
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he copes by making terribly morbid jokes about it and nobody finds it funny ]
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chthonickeys · 3 years
[i like to imagine Achilles being incredibly upset upon his death. Like the anger that brought him back on the battlefield and accompanied him during his battle with Hector couldn’t fade even as he was struck down.
He died grieving and enraged, and with grief and rage he arrived in the Hades.
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The Gods tried to talk it out with Hades to bring him up in the Olympus at some point, but Achilles himself refused. He felt betrayed by each one of them, and even as he was riding Charon’s boat he was shaking. 
I’m not saying he destroyed part of Elysium and made his way from up there to the House of Hades by himself at some point, but uh. Y’know.]
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chthonickeys · 3 years
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[ funfact: Persephone WILL start infodumping the second you ask her anything about flowers and plants ]
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chthonickeys · 3 years
@bluemoonmuses​: ★ - @deathxdefied​, tisiphone @ alecto :D [ hehe funny relationship time ; ACCEPTING ]
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bold: yes; italics: kinda; striked: secret ;)
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I like you // I love you // You’re one of my best friends // You’re like family // You are family // I dislike you // I hate you // I’d kill you if I got the chance // I want you to like me // I’m scared of you // I would adopt you // I’d date you // I’d sleep with you // I’d marry you // I’m worried about you // You confuse me // You’re annoying // I pity you // I respect you // I trust you // I feel protective of you // I’d invite you with me to parties (you know.....to fuck shit up together) // I’d lend you my money // I’d “borrow” your money // You’re good-looking // I’m suspicious of you // I’m hiding something from you // You’re fun // You’re boring // I’m upset with you // You’re nice // You’re mean // I’m envious of you // You’re smart // You’re stupid // I look up to you // I think you’re a better person than me // I think I’m a better person than you // I want to apologize to you // I wish I’d never met you // I never want to forget you // I want to get to know you better
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chthonickeys · 3 years
[ kinda connected to the previous HC: theseus HATES having his audience see him die. of course he despises losing, but given how bloody his battles get, sometimes he even ends up dying because of all the injuries he got or blood loss shortly after claiming his victory.
he still makes sure to get out of sight before doing so, most of the time. sometimes he barely manages to close the door behind his back, some other he actually gets to lie peacefully in that same patch of grass he comes back from.
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either way, he finds it really annoying ]
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chthonickeys · 3 years
@bluemoonmuses​: 😳 artemis ! [ uncomfortable asks ; ACCEPTING ]
😳 an embarassing moment
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[ once Zeus openly talked about that one time he turned himself into her to have sex with one of her Nymphs.
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Artemis never wished for the ground to open and swallow her whole more in her entire life. dad why are you like this ]
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chthonickeys · 3 years
@turk-ishdelight​ asked for some headcanons!
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(Theseus) Would he ever consider changing his hair color?
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[ no, not at all. He likes his hair right now, both the color and lenght are what the kids call iconic!!! ]
(Dusa) How difficult was it for her to learn how to do things when she first came to the Underworld as just a disembodied head?
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[ oh, it was hell. thankfully her snakes were ready to help her out by being her hands whenever she needed it, butgetting to understand how to properly float around took a lot of time, a lot of falls, a LOT of respawning after accidentally floating into a far more aggressive Shade or directly into Asphodel’s lava. she pretty much mastered it now, but she still has nightmares about those times. ]
(Persephone) Besides Cerberus was there anything about the Underworld she missed?
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[ of course, she missed everyone - as much as she hated to admit it during her time in Greece, Hades included -, but without thinking about the residents of the House she missed her garden the most. she took care of it and really felt like the first time she could get her hands into something of her own... and unfortunately, she was quite sure that nobody would’ve taken care of it, or at least not as much as she could.
They tried to not let everything die. Some of them did, at least. ]
(Skelly) Did he model for the picture in the lounge.
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[ damn right!! some extra bucks is always nice, and he already stays still in a room all day, anyway. it’s not that different! ]
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chthonickeys · 3 years
[fast headcanon: the first (few) times zagreus was taken by the styx after meeting persephone she actually tried to hold onto him she tried to hug him and keep him close, holding him as long as she could, just to see him disappear again.
she promised herself to stay calm as long as he was there and give him a smile as he ‘died’ in her arms, thinking that each time was going to be the last.
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she cried every single time]
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chthonickeys · 3 years
[extra fun snippet:
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theseus died exactly like his father did - by falling off a cliff to his death]
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chthonickeys · 3 years
[i forgot to make this post yesterday but fuck it kiss headcanons]
Artemis’ kisses are delicate and shy. She barely touches her partner’s lips. Generally doesn’t last more than half a second
Achilles is the exact opposite. Might be a little too rough after he picks up the pace. It gets messy
Orpheus doesn’t enjoy kissing very much, but he keeps his lips - generally closed - on his partner’s as long as possible if he starts feeling comfortable. He wants warmth and contact.
Surprise!!! Theseus is actually a great kisser. Starts slow, picks up pace, generally takes the lead but follow his partner if he feels them getting a little more impatient or awkward, making sure to make them stay comfortable.
Dusa Never Kissed Anyone And I Think Someone Should Smooch Her
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chthonickeys · 3 years
[ people in elysium’ coliseum occasionally have greco-roman wrestling matches. butt naked and all
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we’re gonna be nudist and there’s nothing hades can do about it ]
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