#[ 🌹 | for it is you who is the author of my misery { OOC } ]
cursedxartist · 1 year
the amount of people out there who refuse to respect explicitly clear boundaries have me so close to making a proper DNI, bc i swear. either these people dont actually read any of our rules, or their silly lil brains twist our words so they believe it somehow doesn't apply to them!
been seeing a lot of pr.o.sh.i.pp.ers who either are covert about being That Way, or will even outright lie about being against it, but openly condone and promote those who write se/xual/ized pr romanticized pe/do/ph/ili/a and shit. I've seen with my own two eyes people write in their rules that they don't condone it, yet when people warn them that they are interacting with people who actively produce such content, they throw a fit, calling it dr/a/ma. and somehow believe that just because they don't write such content personally, then they're not pr/os/shi/p, even tho they knowingly interact with and promote some of the worst ones out there.
So i want to be explicitly clear. do not follow me if you: - are p.ro/sh.i/p, - condone p/ro/shi/p.pers - support p/ros/hipper/s - will knowingly and deliberately put pr/o/s/hi/pper/s on my dash via your interactions with them - think being warned about p/ros/ipp/ers is d/ram/a, and will continue to interact with them even tho you KNOW the content they produce - think that just because YOU dont write pr/o/sh/ip content means you're not a p/ro/sh/i/pp/er even though you knowingly support them basically, if you are going to knowingly and deliberately put pr/osh/ipp/ers on my dash (excluding c/al/lou/ts), stay away from me. if you are unaware if someone is one, thats fine! but please be receptive to warnings so that way i don't have to see their shit on my dash.
i could blacklist urls, sure. but it makes me highly uncomfortable to interact with anyone who even condones this shit, even if they dont write it personally. thats still pr/os/hip.
i also want to clarify, this does NOT apply to those who write dark content, but who does not romanticize or se/xua.liz/e it. it also doesn't apply to those who have immoral, unreliable narrators for muses, but do not share the same thoughts. if your muse romanticizes something gross, but you as the mun do not? thats fine! i LOVE dissecting and analyzing unreliable narrators and characters! but if you, as the mun, produce content of illicit relationships in a way that's meant to be tantalizing and ar/ous/in/g to the audience? FUCK OFF.
you can still make it abundantly clear when an unreliable narrator finds this content alluring, but the audience isnt supposed to.
for example, the book Lo/li/ta. We are not supposed to believe in Hu/mbe/rt when he portrays D/olo/re/s to be this infatuating sed/uctr.ess. But in the moments where we see reality outside of his narration? We see a normal middle school girl. That is the key difference between pro/sh/ip.pers and writers who explore dark content for what it is. One is meant to s/ed/uc/e, and the other is meant to elicit horror from its readers.
And again, i repeat myself:
Even if you, personally, do not write this sort of content - if you knowingly SUPPORT or CONDONE this content, FUCK. OFF.
i dont want this content anywhere near my dash. so dont follow me if you interact with them! because, inevitably, they will end up on my feed!!
condoning or supporting pr/o/shi/pp/ers makes you one too. if you support these freaks, you are a freak. for the love of god, i am so fucking tired. if yall would just stay in your lane and didnt interact with those who are abundantly clear in who they dont want interacting with them then none of this would be an issue. it only becomes an issue when yall think you have some sort of special privilege and that boundaries don't apply to you.
tldr: people who dont know what boundaries are have me so close to making a dni, bc apparently thats what it takes to get these ppl to comprehend that they're not some special exception to the rules
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cursedxartist-moved · 2 years
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Moved to @cursedxartist​
PLEASE READ MY RULES even if we were mutuals before; these have been updated and revised. See pinned post regarding threads that have been moved to the new blog if you are waiting for a reply from me.
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cursedxartist · 1 year
I am slowly making my return, but before I fully come back, I need to make something clear - something I wish I didn't need to, but it's become a pattern and one that's greatly inhibiting my enjoyment for writing, as well as causing hesitance in returning to this hobby:
Do Not Misgender My Muses.
Please, PLEASE do not do this. I shouldn't have to say this, and I really don't want to add a whole new rule to my doc over something so obvious.
Scarlet uses they/she pronouns. They are agender. I try to keep pronouns consistent in each individual thread, they won't switch up in the middle unless I forgot. Thus, please pay close attention to the pronouns being used in any given thread. If I write a starter and am using they/them for Scarlet in it, then don't switch up and start calling them she/her - it's been established that, for that thread, they're using they/them.
This also goes for DM's as well. If I'm using they/them pronouns for scarlet in a conversation, then stick to those pronouns because that's the vibe for the day.
It makes me so uncomfortable. I feel like I'm being forced to exclusively use she/her for Scarlet even though they're agender. I want to express this part of my muse more, but those ignoring their pronouns is making me so hesitant in writing at all anymore. It's highly highly discouraging so please, please stop.
This is not directed at anyone specific, because truthfully, it happens too much that I struggle to keep track of all the instances anymore.
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cursedxartist · 10 months
End of Hiatus
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Holy shit. Hi! I'm back, hopefully. I'd like to give y'all an update, which will be down below because things are gonna get a bit personal. Thank you so much for being patient with me, things are still gonna be a little spotty because I just got a new job, so it may take me a bit to fall into a new rhythm. But I shouldn't be radio silent anymore.
To start off, moving took a lot out of me. I moved across multiple states, and drove nonstop for about 14 hours. Then my mom and I went back up to move my grandma down. Recently, my grandma had two very big health scares - she fell and broke her hip, then five days later, she had a stroke. She turns 87 in two weeks, so these two events happening so close together has made it so all of my focus has been on helping her and my mom. On my mom's side, its just me, my mom, and my grandma. Thats our whole family, so this has been very difficult on all of us. Im happy to report that my grandma pulled through, and she's now in a rehab center. She's slowly learning how to walk again, and she's making progress every day! And with me getting a new job, things are looking up once more. As a result, my muse is returning, and I hope to make my return to tumblr now :) like i said, activity will be spotty, but I really want to get back to writing. Thank you everyone for sticking by me.
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cursedxartist · 10 months
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Last OOC post for now but I needed to share this because I wasn’t here for the actual day Wrapped dropped.
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cursedxartist · 1 year
Sorry my activity has been so spotty yall,
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i'm officially moving across several states this weekend, and its a 10 hour drive. i'll be breaking this drive up into 2 5-hour long trips. so while i finish packing, then drive for two days, then get settled several states away, my activity will continue to be spotty for the foreseeable future.
thank you always for your patience.
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cursedxartist · 2 years
plotting/starter call
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ok, finally got my queue filled up through early january, and all of the aesthetic/musings posts in my drafts tagged and queued, and turns out i have a LOT less actual rp-related drafts than i thought i did so like this post to plot/for a starter! multis please specify <3
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cursedxartist · 1 year
Woah tumblr completely changed the order that my following / followers lists were in on mobile. They’re completely jumbled.
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cursedxartist · 1 year
I got ill for a month n went back to work and now the entire website is falling apart what HAPPENED
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cursedxartist · 1 year
Starting to feel a bit better! Hopefully I’ll be able to come back here soon.
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cursedxartist · 1 year
Sorry I vanished for a while,
I went to visit my mom and now I caught her cold. Hopefully I’ll be back soon, I’ve just had no energy to be on here for a hot min.
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cursedxartist · 2 years
im still gonna get to the asks i owe for scarlet's birthday BUT its been a hot min since i posted one of these so
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plotting/starter call!
please give this a like if you want a starter! if im stumped for ideas or we haven't interacted much yet, then i'll hop in to plot so we can come up w somethin! multi's please specify if there's a particular muse you'd like a starter for
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cursedxartist · 2 years
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oh right. i forgot to post abt this bc i wasnt really active online at the time then my muse plummeted but ! over christmas break i got to see poto before it ended on broadway ;;; and, unsurprising to anyone, scarlet is an erik apologist. bc ofc they are.
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cursedxartist · 2 years
why did tumblr move the settings button on mobile it took me 15 years to find it.
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cursedxartist · 2 years
So january ended up being rough; got busy, lost my muse, and the queue ran out lol
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but! del toro's frankenstein adaptation has been confirmed, and scarlet is waking up as a result. i'll try to answer the last of those birthday asks in a timely manner, thank you for your patience <3
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cursedxartist · 2 years
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