#[ CherrixSteve tag tbd]
ducknotinarow · 2 years
He's looking 'respectfully'. "Nice, uh, nice outfit you've got there. Really pulls your look together." He lifts a hand to run his fingers through his hair, being careful of his horns. "Name's Steve, by the way." ( for Cherri cause awkward Steve time :'3 )
| Muse interaction
Even with how trashed all of Pentgram city looked and was nothing did beat the view of looking out over the city, sat up on a roof top of some old apartment complex or maybe it was a hotel even? Hard to say it had a lot of rooms most cleared out long again not a trace of furniture in many of the rooms. Was a good place to stay low at if you needed somewhere to hide after starting up some riots and picking fights. But as fun as causing trouble was, it was nice to just sit back and relax like so. Eyeing the large population sign in her view, it be a good while till the next extermination took place. Arms moved to stretch up high about her head before she stood up and start making her way down the fire escape.
Had to admire some humor in the fact for. A place meant to be the land of enteral suffering how mundane it was with things like a simple fire escapes even. Almost surreal even when you thought on it. Hopping down once she got down a sway to her hips as she started to walk out the alleyway. “Now what to get up to tonight is the question.” She said to her self digging for her phone to scroll through it nothing from Angel who usual hang out bud. Guess he was busy with well who knows what really. Hanging her lip just a tad as she went to lower her phone looking away from the scree just second before she coiled into a whole other being. A few steps back as she stumbled an needing to gather her baring. fucking only having one eye could really mess with her. Looking to find another demon letting her eyes glance him over a moment, uh something about his look was pretty familiar once she had a chance to check him out. Soon her expression soured though as she set a hand on her hip and shifted her weight to the same leg. She was expecting an apology, instead they stopped and went about obviously looking her way.
eh she can’t blame the guy she is natural bombshell after all.
"Nice, uh, nice outfit you've got there. Really pulls your look together."
Hmm lucky for him she was one to accept compliments in place of apologies.
“Name’s Steve, by the way.”
“Steve?” She questioned, nothing wrong with the name just she was used to the odd names people used down here was all. “was it?” She repeated hazing him a bit since he did just say it. “Think ya forgot your manners bud.” Moving to walk by him let her shoulder bump into his own not to pushed him or anything just to make a bit of a statement before she turned around to look his way once again. “Sorry hard to judge my distance with the one.” She played it off with s she gestured up to her eye just now. “Ya new or something I haven’t see you around. And I don’t often she many with my kind of style sporting around this lame ass place.” There was a compliment somewhere in all of that. “I’m Cherri by the by. Must be your lucky day cause I was looking for something todo and since my pal is busy I’m looking for company. If you can keep up that is.”
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