#((She will bully him though XDD))
factual-fantasy · 6 months
10 Asks! Thank you! :}} 🌱
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I assume I'm not, it appears to just be a chest cold 😞
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<XD I've heard of whiteboard yeah. But I've never used it. I can just imagine people popping in just to scribble all over everyone else's work. I'll think I'll stick to solo drawing for now-
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(Post in question)
XDD Sylvester has a tendency to be rather cursed-
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I don't see why not! :}
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(Post in question)
Indeed it is! I made a post talking about his backstory but I can't access my archive atm so I'll do a quick recap-
I don't actually know anything about madness combat. Some friends of mine were really into it and made a bunch of OCs and I wanted to be cool like them 🥺 so I made my own madness OCs based on what little knowledge I had.
His name is Casey. And he lived out in the middle of nowhere Nevada with two of his best friends in this giant armored truck that they built.
At some point they were caught in a burning building disaster, some bandits stole the truck and Casey's friends died in the fire. He wandered the wasteland alone for a few years.. before eventually stumbling upon the bandits camp.
He stormed into the camp and killed everyone, unfortunately his truck was nowhere to be found. He did however find this little girl that had been captured and tied to a tree.
Him and "Stefany" then traveled together for a few years before meeting a scientist named Eric. He had gotten separated from his group and was stranded. I had this idea that the people from the wasteland hate scientists. But Eric begged for help. They made a deal that if they brought this guy back to his lab, that he would give them this valuable thing from the lab. He agreed.
Eric didn't intend to keep his side of the deal. But after a few weeks of traveling together and bonding.. when they got to the lab he stole the thing and gave it to Casey. Getting himself booted off the lab team in the process.
So now the three of them travel together. Eventually Casey gets hurt really bad and the group has to camp out for a bit. While Stef was out looking for food, she saw Casey's truck in the distance. She went and hijacked it, kicking out the two bandits that were in it.
She drove it back to the camp but the bandits followed. There was a stand off between the bandits and Casey. When suddenly..
"..Casey? Is that you?"
The two bandits were Casey's friends he thought he'd lost. There's this tearful reunion, a lot of story telling and explanations.. and now they travel together as a family :)
Oh yeah and at some point Stef gets a (probably) rabid raccoon named kitty, even though there aren't animals in madness combat..? Apparently?? Idk I had barely any world knowledge when I made these characters <XDD
But now that I'm thinking about them.. I should draw them again some time.. 🤔 anyways, thank you for the interest and for the ask! It means a lot to me :}}
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(video/link in question)
That's how I'd start probably. Then they'd build sandcastles, dig giant holes for no reason and play in the sea! :}
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Sorry, I don't take drawing requests. :/ and considering my state, it's especially something I will not do upon request..
And what are you doing askin me to draw? 🤣 I've seen your work, you're quite the artist yourself! Why not draw it yourself? I know it'd come out great! :D (genuinely)
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I don't think much surprises the Mario Bros anymore. 😅 If they saw a crew of talking pirate cookies they'd just think "well this might as well be happening."
As for a bully on the ship, the crew would not tolerate any of that behavior towards Red. They'd shut that down real quick. ❌
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:DDD Thank you so much!! :}}}
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Jimmy's doin fine. And I'll draw what ever I WANT when I finally get over this, thank you very much! >:T ☝️☝️thank you tho :}}
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I cannot imagine a reader dealing with a house of villains (plus I miss House of Mouse) the utter chaos
Yes, chaos XDD
Things Y/N Has Said in the House of Villains
Plot: Things you have said in your life as the House of Villains manager. Its a tough life 😂
Warnings: Cursing I guess and some sexual references? Like one I think, I don't know 😅 Also Ratigan is in constant danger and its possible.. i bully... Frollo a little...
"... Slim!? Sli- stop yodelling. What are you doing with that cattle inside?!"
"Y'all need to stop harassing Hook with ticking noises- it is bullying- "
"... claytons been talking for an hour... i dunno if he realises we've been watching tv. don't, say, a word."
"Hi Cruella... have you seen Scar?"
"Facilier you get off the table or I'm cracking out the sage- "
"... did that shadow just chuckle- "
"Hilda has been in the bathroom for 4 hours straight now and I smell eye of newt coming from inside. I'm growing some concerns."
*Through grit teeth as you continue to just smile and waive* "... hahaha she's cackling... did something funny happen or should we run?"
"Hehehe- put Gaston at Frollo's table."
"-and rule number 6; Do not take your time in the shower. Gaston will yank the door off the hinges, he takes his hair and skin care routine very seriously- "
"Goob please... I beg of you please... please get changed."
"Goob I'll pay you to get changed."
"Goob, I will bring to you an actual unicorn, if you get changed... hades, pain and panic can do that, right??"
"Yes, Ratcliffe, you look very sparkly. Can we leave now?"
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"... hey where's Greasy?... What? You haven't seen him since- *Deadpan*... since Mal went to the bathroom?... you know what its his funeral."
P2. *Half an hour after the last announcement* "SMARTASS WEASEL PLEASE COME TAKE HIM."
"Why are there scorch marks on the ceiling again!?"
"Goddamnit Hades we need to work on your anger issues, this is getting out of hand, those were the 37th drapes this week. I liked them, they were purple."
"Jafar's taunting Hades?... Yzma do we have marshmallows still?- Great, you know the drill, stick 'em on the Horned King's head and be sure to set him directly in Hades way."
"So who wants hot cider? I need a headcount. Oh- Hans? ... Well if only there was someone out there who loved you enough to get you some huh? Anyway- "
*Sigh* "... Ursula, you need to stop sexually harassing Hans."
"Don't you dare bring that cauldron in here Your Darkness- that is not a kitchen cauldron, I know what you put in there- "
"Huh... so I just made hot chocolate in Ursula's potion cauldron... slightly concerned for my wellbeing, but this is delicious. Salty."
"Why does it smell vaguely of old ham in he- Oh, Horned King. Hi."
"Someone smack him for me."
"Why is Jafar laughing so loudly at FOUR IN THE MORNING!?- "
"Who would you throw off a cliff if you had to?... Frollo?... same."
"... damn he has a good song, though." (Frollo does)
"... yeah, uh, I do the laundry around here... learnt some things, for sure... have you ever put prosthetic skin in the washer on accident?? Its not goo- WHAT! NO JUDGE DOOM! I'M NOT SAYING ANYTHING!!"
"... someone get Tremaine, Lucifer is hunting Ratigan again."
"Silver, just between us... you're my favourite around here."
*Getting a hug from Silver when someone else approaches* "bACK OFF- THIS HUG IS MINE."
"Get your goddamn feet off the table Rourke this is not a barn."
"Oh the hunters are all going on a weekend trip??... How nice, lovely, I hope they have a great time... any chance we can send Frollo with them? Maybe theirs a horrible accident... What? No, I'm just kidding ha ha- "
"... someone get Maleficent, Diablo is hunting Ratigan again."
"... hey Percy. How bout we put a shrimp on the barbie- OKAY I'M SORRY DONT SHOOT."
"Medusa's name is with an E, Mim's is without- its not that hard!"
"Medusa we've talked about this... Brutus and Nero need to stay outside. Hook will suffer cardiac arrest if he lays eyes on them."
"Oh the oldest here?? Hades, then Mother Go- " *Sees Gothel sharpening her knife nearby* "I don't know really."
"... Why are there so many bugs in he-... ohhhh, someone get me the sewing kit, Oogie has had an accident."
"I told you not to gamble with Oogie... sorry, nu uh, I cant get your belongings back... read the sign sir." *Gestures to a 'no refunds/Oogie keeps whatever he wins off of suckers' sign*
"Sir Hisssss come get the Prince, he's having another tantrummm."
"Did you almost get eaten again Ratigan?... do you want to tell me your evil plans again, will that make you feel better? Wh- in song?? ... Okay go ahead."
"Someone get Ratigan his highchair."
"SHHHH SH SH SH he's not a rat, hahahahahah... we don't think he knows."
"Psycho, put Ratigan and the razor down this instant."
"Nooooooo no no no wait, do not follow her (The Queen of Hearts) orders, do not behead anyone. I just had the carpet cleaned."
"Okay! So what's the entertainment for tonight? Lets see... Oh Scar! He's gonna... he's doing Hamlet?... odd choice... "
"Wh- ... why is Shan Yu smirking? Its very concerning. I'm concerned. Wh- "
"... Okay Shere Khan. Lets level with each other, here. You hate men, I know, but- I cant have you eating anyone here. So I propose a deal. You don't eat anyone... but I can probably slip you a couple of wait staff under the table. you know, the ones hades has already accidentally charcoaled. just between us."
"Stupid you sweet, summer child... "
"Yes, okay, everyone is to be keeping their guns in the umbrella stand. ... but that does not apply to Sykes. Why?? Because I don't wanna sleep with the fishes, okay? Okay- "
"Oh, King Candy, welcome!- Oh, or Turbo??... which would you prefer?"
"No- no- no, strictly no racing indoors- "
"Alright, put up the Out of Order sign on that bathroom- its Wheezy's now. He's been in there half an hour and just breathing in its direction could give you lung cancer."
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arleniansdoodles · 6 months
Do...do you have any Sean and Yang friendship heacanons that you'd be willing to share with us? Pretty please? 🥺
Ahh I'd be happy to! 😊 Sorry for the late reply anon; I had a bit of a tiring day and had to think about my headcanons loll And I think I mentioned a few in a previous ask, but very briefly, so now I can go into some more detail here! XDD
First up, I imagine Yang and Sean to be the same age, though people think Sean's older because he's taller loll And he technically would be the "big brother" given that he started his kung-fu training before Yang did. After Sifu finds Yang and takes him in, Yang meets Sean in the same year and they become fast friends because they're both runts who have trouble making friends (for Yang, he's a quiet child and still getting used to other people after being taken from the street; for Sean, he's awkward and brash and picks fights with bullies). Sean sees that Yang is the type of kid who'll get picked on, and stays by his side to protect him. Likewise, Yang sees that Sean is rather lonely and soft at heart, and is assured that Sean won't judge him for being a street orphan.
Even though they live and train in different schools, I headcanon that Sifu and Sean's father visit each other quite regularly because they're brothers (in the kung-fu sense, but they and Jinfeng are close in the familial sense too), which allows Yang and Sean to see a lot of each other while growing up. I figure they'd play around together, go exploring, and train - maybe Sean would show Yang how to use a bo staff, and Yang would try to teach Sean tai chi (which I imagine MC's mother would've taught Yang), but Sean wouldn't have the patience for it 😆
As they get older, I can see Yang and Sean having a sort of fun rivalry, kinda like Legolas and Gimli in LOTR, where they keep trying to win against each other in kung-fu matches! I see Yang surpassing Sean more often, and Sean's in awe of how far his friend has come from a street orphan to a near-master (he does mention in-game that he thought Yang was unchallenged in Sifu's school). Later on, Yang falls in love with his future wife and rambles to Sean about how happy he is; it's kinda hard for Sean because, on the one hand, he's happy for Yang, but on the other, his own relationships are pretty rough and he's also worried about their friendship drifting apart.
I think they'd see less of each other while Yang starts his own family - which is where MC comes in loll She fills that empty space in Sean's heart and makes it her own! 😊 But they do bond over having MC as a little sister; they go to the night markets (Yang and MC get bubble tea while Sean gets a beer), train together at times, and also have their separate adventures with her (Sean more often than Yang XD).
After Yang is banished from the Wuguan (because he tried to steal the Earth talisman), Sean supports him through losing his wife and daughter, and becomes Yang's right-hand man during the Dawn's mission to steal the talismans and defeat the Guardians. During the following eight years, I imagine they did end up drifting apart due to the physical distance and hardly leaving their own domains (apparently). They still care about each other, but the toll of their deeds and the talismans' corruptive influence has had bad effects on them both, Yang especially. I explore this quite a bit in my extended Sifu fic, so I won't go into further detail to avoid extra spoilers hahaa
And that's all I have for now, I think! Thank you so much for your ask, anon!! 💗💗 I love thinking about these two and their dynamic 😊
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linabirb · 11 months
Hi, Lina. :D Now that I've posted Mayumi's voice drama, its time the trial 2 character bingo again! XDD I'll do it for your ocs when you're done posting everyone's vds too. 👍
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AURORA HIIIII i am so sorry i just got the time to reply ;w; okay okay here's what i think about your prisoners now! apologies if my opinions are mostly the same, i rarely change my mind when it comes to characters, unless they do something that makes me hate them with all my heart or makes me become obsessed with them.
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ICHIROOOOOO MY SON!! i need to bite his head off. yes i want to bully him. and yes i feel bad for him and want him to get better. yes. "wdym you want his gender" well maybe i do want to look like him! a little bit! yes i mean his t2 version too i LOVE his t2 design!
i find ichiro's crime very interesting, it's like, at the same time it definitely feels connected to haruka (not in a bad way!), but it also feels very different? i'm not sure in what way though. i can't say i forgive him tbh, but i still want him to get a break.. for now.
i really want to learn more about him and what his relationship with his other family members is like! like, was he close with his mom? does he hate his stepfather or just doesn't care about him? maybe he actually liked his little brother and if it wasn't for the lack of attention, he wouldn't have killed him? HHHHHHHH i'd also love to see him interact with some of my future prisoners for.. reasons <3
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AKANE MY DAUGHTER!!! love her t2 design, it's so cool, we love to see her get a glow-up!
akane is like.. idk how to explain. she's a very good character, she definitely is. however, when it comes to her crime.. i can't help but feel like she's a little bit too sympathetic? it's not a bad thing of course! maybe i'm just too used to my ocs being way too dangerous shdjksksk. but like, i guess the only possible reason why she could be voted guilty or why someone could think more deeply about her verdict is maybe her still being kinda.. you know.. like this >:(? like her anger issues and all that. but who knows, maybe her getting voted innocent twice in a row will get to her head and make her pull a muu, though i doubt it. anyway, i love her and i want her to get better.
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OHHHH daisuke. the bbg himself. you know what i don't want him to go to therapy. i don't want him to get help. yes i voted him innocent, but also, the trauma really is entertaining <3 (i am so sorry for this joke but every time it's mentioned how often he smokes, i'm like. dude istg if you keep at it you're gonna die before your execution 😭😭) but i'm very curious to see his t3 development!! the angst!! the drama!! i'm eating it up!! i wish i could say smth about his crime, but my head is really empty rn so i'm just gonna say that his mv is really creepy in a good way 👍and i've said it before, but his relationship with ryuto is really interesting and well-written! i'd love to learn more about ryuto himself as well.
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SUZUME!! ehehe she's finally showing her darker side huh <3 good for her good for her! again, i don't want her to get therapy, she actually becomes more interesting when she's like this /lh. I'M IN LOVE WITH HER AESTHETIC AND HER DESIGN AND HER STYLE IT'S SO. DDHDJKSKDSKSK 💓💖💞💝💓!!! however, sadly, i can't say much about her character?.. other than like. are you sure your bf really didn't like the girl you killed, suzume. are you sure you're not just making it up. are you sure you're not just trying to come up with excuses. but hey, who am i to judge? *looks at shun* at least there's another yandere who got voted guilty so she doesn't have to feel alone.
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haku.. man. THIS BOY IS A RED FLAG. I'M TELLING YOU HE'S A RED FLAG!! the whole "ohhh i just wanted to protect my brother 🥺🥺" thing does NOT make me trust him. like i have a bad feeling about him okay. there is SOMETHING going on. even if these two are just very codependent (or haku is just way too obsessed with his brother's safety), i'm still shaking my head. what if haku manages to get out and then somebody else becomes a threat to kurosaki's safety? i have a feeling that he'd try to kill again. him being so calm also kinda makes me nervous. like i want this guy to get a humbling experience. or maybe i'm just thinking way too deeply about this. haku and kurosaki's relationship couldn't possibly be worse or as bad as aimi and her accomplice's.
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YUI!!!! THE GIRLBOSS HERSELF. i love her! i love her a lot! her hair becoming white because of stress is such a creepy detail, i love it. and her relationship with himiko is so. MAN... however.. tbh, i'm still not sure that i forgive her? even if her murder really was an accident.. i don't know, like, again, i have a bad feeling. HER T1 COVER WAS INMF. THAT'S ALREADY A HUGE RED FLAG. like who's to say that she wouldn't actually try to kill someone? like i think she's definitely able to do that, especially considering the way her t2 version acts. also i love how yui really is very hardworking and her job as an idol really did help her become stronger in some way. that's where her and riku are actually not so similar: if anything, riku's reputation as a "popular boy who is also in a band" actually made his mental state much worse.
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rin is so pathetic and like. in an affectionate way. like i want to bite him and i want to call him a loser, but in a good way. i find it very interesting that he actually used to have some health problems when he was younger and his relationship with renho breaks my heart. and still, WHAT'S WITH THE DOLL IN HIS MV. WHAT ABOUT IT. i wonder if his t3 mv will also have a seasons theme. a winter one, maybe? /j i love his aesthetic a lot, it's very soft and very pretty! other than that. head empty. this guy is way too much of a simp /lh
yes i want to steal half of your ocs' gender what about it
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noa!! her mv is so. sad. so sad. this is why i picked the "canon isn't real" for her LIKE IT'S SO... she deserves to have a good day every once in a while. and now i definitely understand what you meant when you said that she's the only true inno prisoner here jdkdlsls. but again, it's most likely just me, she feels a little bit too sympathetic? :'D like idk, she has basically no red flags other than her. uh. drinking too much, but that just makes her look sympathetic as well. i wonder what her guilty version would be like.. though that just would probably be too sad to think about. man, it'd be so funny if she, like, "fully healed" in milgram or at least got a little better. imagine going to prison but you just get free therapy instead.
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OKAY OKAY listen i definitely have more to say about kiyoshi now. i wonder what his relationship with his coworkers was like. was he under some kind of pressure? maybe they made fun of him for being too soft or something like that? i also remember yuta's profile mentioning that he knows what to say to make people angry, so it'd be really interesting if what he said to kiyoshi ever came up. however, he still feels guilty to me. idk man maybe don't?? attack and kill a guy just because something he said made you go >:(?? like, did yuta actually try to kill him? did yuta actually try to hurt him physically? idk, i don't think kiyoshi's murder can be called self-defense if all that happened was yuta going "you suck" and kiyoshi going "N O" djdkdkld. and also it shows that he's still capable of murder so... yeah!
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OH MAYUMI.. i want to bully her so bad. like please. please calm down. chill. it's okay if some people have "nothing good to give". like yes, some people will commit crimes even! shocking! like girl, please, let's just remove light yagami from your kinlist and go touch grass /j. like sorry, i just can't see her possibly changing for good. i doubt it will be possible to change her views in any way. so yeah. sorry haruto. sorry. no milgram lore infodump for you. nvm i checked her votes
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Okay I don't know if the song fits for Mint Eye but I suddenly really want to make an animatic or something for 'They're Only Human' from Death Note the Musical with Unknown/maybe Suit Saeran(??) as the male voice and my OC Eunjoo as the female, who gets wrapped up in Mint Eye chaos
I guess the general setting could be them in the control room stalking the RFA (the pathetic 'humans'), watching them on cameras and things
Saeran mocks them and sneers, but Eunjoo is more merciful; like Saeran, she is brainwashed by Rika and ill by the causes of the elixir and so her perception of everything is warped - but a sliver of herself still remains. She still has the tiniest drop of compassion, which Saeran rages to stomp out
In Mint Eye, she's kind of plopped under his 'care' by Rika as like an apprentice or something, so they're forced to be around eachother
Which Saeran hates of course, but he actually comes to tolerate her company when he realises they work together quite well. They become sort of a team. It's kind of wholesome, even though the entire thing is built upon Rika's orders and Mint Eye's paranoia.
Um XD sorry for that monologue
So for the song I guess
There are the two main voices, which would represent Saeran and Eunjoo in my idea - and they're arguing over their opinions surrounding the RFA.
There is a lot of push and shove in their dynamic - Saeran is clearly dominant and Eunjoo submissive, which ties into the song's two perspectives and its intensity; the male voice is so clear in his hatred, whilst the female is almost like 'hm...I'm...not sure' in response. She's reluctant to curse them quite so freely and openly.
Maybe I could try to do a couple of flashback scenes where they glimpse their lives before, maybe just in rapid flashes. It might be cool!
Saeran if he saw Saeyoung, would flip out with cracked memories of his childhood. He'd be distracted and that hatred soars even more.
But Eunjoo might see past flashes of the RFA, who they're actually watching live on the cameras - seeing happier times, and that's because Eunjoo still remembers little pieces, even if they're very faint. She was friends with the RFA and even dating Yoosung (two wholesome jellybeans haha). And slowly she realises that she doesn't want to target them. The line at the end where it's something about wanting to see 'this thing they call love' could be her subconscious remembering lil Yoosung and how she craves the happiness the RFA had once embraced her with, but now she'd lost - and tumbled into the depths of Mint Eye.
And also like the argument in the lyrics, Saeran would sort of bully Eunjoo as to why she would ever still care about the RFA. And probably mock her once relationship with Yoosung too.
Meanwhile (I don't even know if it's possible but it might be funny if) Saeyoung might be monitoring their cameras too, or maybe just picking up their audio - like
What the heck is this
Aahaha I don't know why I'm sending this to you ;;;XDD I just really admire you as a writer and creator and was wondering if it'd be worth trying out something like this ;; XD
I can see what you're doing here and it's definitely interesting. It is that back and forth that comes from trying to figure out what is right and what is wrong. There's a lot of symbolism that you can play with as the two of them debate what it means to be human.
Since it’s clear your MC cannot be fully broken from love no matter what they do, her being compelled to chase after it makes sense on Rem’s part. “I’m intrigued by their love”. She might have forgotten what it felt like but that doesn't mean she is uninterested in reaching out for it again. You can try to keep her hopeful as she reaches out for it and then smack it out of her hands with Saeran.
He finds it more amusing to play around with them since they have no value to him. They're just means to the end. The members of the RFA don't really matter to him. It's just his revenge that matters to him and getting to them will get him what he wants. “They don’t see all the years they can give you and me!” Just as they can’t see all the “information” they can provide Saeran to win his game.
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sparkle-skitty · 10 months
gitm live reaction
all right so we can see that Sol is deeefinitely not okay
why is he so CURT g-d damn dude chillllll
oh no I love Fool, he gave us The Puffy Shirt
well! I haven't even met Sophia and I'm already foaming at the mouth to snap her fucking neck. red flags ahoy on that one. girl wants his money that's what! I'm sure
Okay yep she's an Umbridge please kill her maybe
idk why Sunspot is so shy and embarrassed about his interests like ?? sir you ✩ can ✩ be ✩ anything ~✩
omg Misuta called y/n Hoshiko and that's so fucking cute I'm die
lowkey wanna see him freak out over y/n not being there I must have chaos
Fool calling y/n Sweetling but being the Sweetling himself aaa
Fool possibly? keeping y/n safe? but having no idea how and why because he Moon AI takes over suddenly is bewildering. I wonder what it was he saw?
NO WAIT HE KNOWS AFTER ALL HOOO SHIT. What is going down?! What's going down in the house!? Literally he won't let the reader into the house for the rest of the night?? Is this the reason he has his secret base?? WHAT DOES HE KNOW?
*narrows eyes* ohhh he lies when he says it's just for games
and now everyone's mad at Fool like LEAVE MY BOY ALONE (though it was kind of a bitch move for him to not take the tree himself but I can theorize on excuses)
AND FINALLY THE CLIP REVEAL. ohhh I love the way he talks. oh no I am in love.
I need Sunspot in my life, need a sweet little android to force me into a good life
oh Sol and I would not get along because yeah I AM stubborn with no sense of self preservation nor do I ask for help ya bitch DEAL WITH IT. omg so sick of this man. reminds me of Kyubey with the way he is like "lel you didn't ask" when he damn well knows y/n needs their fucking coat at SOME point. is there an equivalent of "lying by omission" that isn't about lying but about being a petty & particular lil bitch like "ooo you didn't explicitly say xyz therefore it's your fault I didn't do xys uwu"
I'm gonna fight him. I will I will.
Why are we scared of Clip? He just wants love.
not Moon repeating mantras to himself like fucking Lightning McQueen xDD
oh I'm biting and fighting Sol oh ohhhh I'm snapping
NO SUNSPOT SHUT UP don't play mediator with bullies! AHH. Sol has literally done nothing but be antagonistic to everyone and keeps acting like Misuta is a monster why the HELL are you saying it's like Misuta just "eggs him on" no no no no no Sol comes out of nowhere with nasty comments without Misuta saying a damn thing shut upppppppppp
lmao Misuta stomping on Sol's mouth "like a kiss" is just tickling me to death, that's so demeaning in ways I don't know Sol would understand lol
no don't you DARE tug my heart strings Sol you nitwit I am still SO MAD at you even if you may well have some fucking trauma because you are still SO SHITTY
jsfksafsd Clip is not having it about fucking repressed memories like "jesus kid what HAPPENED to you are you FUCKING okay" (theory 2: Clip did something and that's why y/n was suddenly removed)
(but then why would he be so interested in making them remember? wouldn't it be more beneficial if he didn't remind them he did something? does HE not remember? no no it sounds more like he's pissed about whether something fucked happened, I think)
Clip wants to travel the world I see
WHY IS LITERALLY NOBODY HELPING SUNSPOT bitch he was the only one NOT involved in the fucking fight. Sol has a partial excuse because he's broken but g-d damn y'all CAN DO THINGS AROUND THE HOUSE TOO
yo Sol stripping? this boy strips?
AHA I knew Sol was hiding some shit under that glove! though I do wonder, clearly he is not dual-AI, unless ate Moon like how twins eat each other in the womb sometimes. or was he a successful removal of Moon? but... he's not as old as Sunspot and Ruin...? Hrm. hrm...
Sol "How Dare You Be Gross" Eil out here just ignoring the massive fucking messes he makes
Misuta finally deciding to do something by assembling one (1) shelf. Lord have mercy how is Sunspot sane
oh my wondering has been answered about whether the gang has any idea about the Sight and hauntings and shit. is that like... a world secret? is that something people don't talk about? I would like to think y/n could talk to at least these dudes but idk
why is there beef between Sunspot and Fool. like for real Fool's been a heeheehoohoo guy up until it comes to Sunspot specifically.
everyone: "y/n is such a child ugh!" also everyone: "yo why they taking us seriously aren't they an adult?"
omg I just realized Misuta can't leave the house so Fool specifically asked him first to manipulate y/n into volunteering that little bastard
Clip stop being a brat or idk COMMUNICATE MORE EFFECTIVELY??? what are you going to accomplish by just being discordant and noisy??
okay clip is trying to communicate more effectively in the worst way possible
g-d damn two brats no feet apart from each other because they have no self control and y/n has no sense JUST PUT IT ON THE GROUND
this above all is now a bit outdated since I joined the gitm discord server and have had a grand ol time with discussion and simping and-- mostly simping lmao -- but I took so damn long to make these fucking dumbass memes that it happened out this way
and now for dumbass memes I've made in this whole experience
I was gonna add a Sol one but I fucking. can't stand to put this post off any further it makes me so mad to look at now lmfsdklfjdslkgdlfkg
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(these will be added to a separate post btw)
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
He's looking 'respectfully'. "Nice, uh, nice outfit you've got there. Really pulls your look together." He lifts a hand to run his fingers through his hair, being careful of his horns. "Name's Steve, by the way." ( for Cherri cause awkward Steve time :'3 )
| Muse interaction
Even with how trashed all of Pentgram city looked and was nothing did beat the view of looking out over the city, sat up on a roof top of some old apartment complex or maybe it was a hotel even? Hard to say it had a lot of rooms most cleared out long again not a trace of furniture in many of the rooms. Was a good place to stay low at if you needed somewhere to hide after starting up some riots and picking fights. But as fun as causing trouble was, it was nice to just sit back and relax like so. Eyeing the large population sign in her view, it be a good while till the next extermination took place. Arms moved to stretch up high about her head before she stood up and start making her way down the fire escape.
Had to admire some humor in the fact for. A place meant to be the land of enteral suffering how mundane it was with things like a simple fire escapes even. Almost surreal even when you thought on it. Hopping down once she got down a sway to her hips as she started to walk out the alleyway. “Now what to get up to tonight is the question.” She said to her self digging for her phone to scroll through it nothing from Angel who usual hang out bud. Guess he was busy with well who knows what really. Hanging her lip just a tad as she went to lower her phone looking away from the scree just second before she coiled into a whole other being. A few steps back as she stumbled an needing to gather her baring. fucking only having one eye could really mess with her. Looking to find another demon letting her eyes glance him over a moment, uh something about his look was pretty familiar once she had a chance to check him out. Soon her expression soured though as she set a hand on her hip and shifted her weight to the same leg. She was expecting an apology, instead they stopped and went about obviously looking her way.
eh she can’t blame the guy she is natural bombshell after all.
"Nice, uh, nice outfit you've got there. Really pulls your look together."
Hmm lucky for him she was one to accept compliments in place of apologies.
“Name’s Steve, by the way.”
“Steve?” She questioned, nothing wrong with the name just she was used to the odd names people used down here was all. “was it?” She repeated hazing him a bit since he did just say it. “Think ya forgot your manners bud.” Moving to walk by him let her shoulder bump into his own not to pushed him or anything just to make a bit of a statement before she turned around to look his way once again. “Sorry hard to judge my distance with the one.” She played it off with s she gestured up to her eye just now. “Ya new or something I haven’t see you around. And I don’t often she many with my kind of style sporting around this lame ass place.” There was a compliment somewhere in all of that. “I’m Cherri by the by. Must be your lucky day cause I was looking for something todo and since my pal is busy I’m looking for company. If you can keep up that is.”
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minlein · 3 years
Wicc??? Making a l o r e ? Wot?? Xdd
Anyway, i was sketching this mindlessly because i was thinking of that Swap Vee and Hunter question.. So here it is! :D
Swap! Hunter
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☑️ Canon
-Is the oldest and hardworker Noceda, expected to be become one of the Head Covens.
-Bard Coven, uses Flute, was planning to make it a violin but decided to based it on his mechanical staff.
-His eyebags are the result of him hardworking (more like overworking).
-Ever since their father abandoned them, Swap Hunter started working hard for the sake of his siblings.
-During this, Vee helped Hunter by stopping him from overworking. He still works hard but not to the point of fainting.
-Protective, especially with Vee.
-Because of how Swap Luz shut herself down (during the father incident), Hunter couldn't connect with her. Making him feel guilty but at the same time afraid of approaching her.
-But he's still watching Luz from away just in case things happen.
-Despite being swapped with Canon Edric, Swap Hunter's personality is similar to Canon Emira.
-Unlike Canon Edric, he's not allergic to rules nor dairy.
-He is independent, would rather work alone but pretty good with coordination when needed.
-The one who leads, born as natural leader.
-Is the one who gets them out of trouble when things get too messy.
-Though often getting into Witches' Duels, making him have a scar.
-Reason: Vee being made fun of by other witches and causing him to fight them.
-Is the tallest out of the Noceda siblings.
-He almost thought that his big brother title is gonna be destroyed when Luz almost got the same height as him.
-Has a very soft spot towards his siblings, making him often get pulled by Vee with things, dangerous or not.
-An example of this is Vee creating a plan to sneak into Luz's hideout to get her diary to know more about their anti social sister,
-Despite Hunter refusing, Vee used her effective spell.... Puppy eyes-
-Is pretty sharp, can easily notice things but would keep it for both his and the person's safety.
-An example of this is Hunter noticing Amity blushing towards Vee's cuteness,
-This made Hunter gave Amity the look, making Amity turn into a more flustered mess. Only the two of them knew what's going on.
- He likes to call Vee as "shortie/sissy", and Luz as "lil' munchkin".
Swap! Vee
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☑️ Canon
-The youngest and spoiled Noceda,
-Is Luz's twin.
-Illusion Coven.
-Optimistic yet emotional.
-She often lets out tantrums because of her being spoiled,
-But her tantrums went down after the incident.
-Is pretty clumsy and a precious cinnamon bun.
-Despite being Luz's twin, she and Luz aren't close, rather, she's close to Hunter.
-Is the one who tends to get picked on because of having the same appearance as Swap Luz back when they were kids.
-Reason: Witches who are afraid (but wanna mess with Luz) tends to let it out on Vee. Thankfully Hunter is there for her.
-Even though this kept happening, she doesn't want Luz to know it. Especially because of how Luz is the one affected the most during the incident.
-But as they grew up, the bullying vanished.
-Despite being swapped with Canon Emira, Swap Vee is more similar to Canon Edric personality wise.
-Unlike Canon Emira, Swap Vee is allergic to rules and dairy (like Canon Edric being allergic to dairy and Swap/Canon Luz being lactose intolerant).
-She's rather dependent and loyal.
-She likes to walk dance when happy, would often pull Hunter onto walk dancing with her.
-Swap Hunter won't have a choice but to walk dance with her in the end-
-Really likes to try and touch different things, especially when things look fun for her.
-Would also frequently ask if she could adopt animals-
-Swap Vee is pretty oblivious at some things, she can easily pass through a trap and would miraculously won't be victimised by said trap.
-This makes her get into troubles alot and Hunter has to pull her away from it.
-Though despite being pretty oblivious, she knew Hunter's soft spot. She often uses her puppy eyes just to get what she wants.
-Like Canon Edric, Swap Vee tends to wear glasses.
-Unlike Swap Hunter, Vee tends to make plans emotionally, an example of this is her planning to get the diary from Luz's hideout.
-She wishes to be as tall as Luz, but she ended up being the shortest. This makes her feel sad when thinking about it-
-Though she is taller than Swap Amity.
-Swap Vee tends to not like going to classes and would instead sneak to Hunter's Bard classes, Hunter would then drag her back to the Illusion classes and she'd whine about it.
- She likes to call Hunter as "bro-bro" and Luz as "twinnie/munchkin", but she started hesitating doing so until they started to feel connected again
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Well that's unexpected time for me to yeet xddd
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hanekdrawsmoomins · 3 years
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cracks knuckles Let me tell you about Snufkin’s family in my au. This will be a little longer so get yourself some tea or something 😁
I apologize in advance, I don’t think there will be a time when I draw the whole family in one picture, that’s like, a 9 character illustration XDD also, also, English is not my first language so please forgive my clumsy writing. Okay enough apologizing, time for some lore 😁
One is less likely to forget their child in a basket and have it grow up on it’s own in the wilderness in the modern world, I figured. That is why in this universe, Snufkin gets to have a mommy, hooray!
Mymble’s life long dream is a big family and a good man by her side. Problem is, she’s not the luckiest nor the smartest when it comes to romance.
She has her first child, Mymble Jr, at age 18 and actually marries the father. They get along well enough to have a second baby four years later, Little My, but not well enough to stay together for too long after that. Freshly divorced Mymble moves cities with her children, meets the Joxter and manages to ignore each and every red flag about the undoubtedly fun but also undoubtedly noncommittal guy. Long story short, they make an oopsie during their little affair, the oopsie is Snufkin. Aaand Joxter books it the moment he hears about the baby, never to be seen again.
Wondering what his father is like, where he may be, and why did the jerk abandon him in the first place, takes way more of Snufkin’s time than he would like to admit.
After the second heartbreak, Mymble restrains herself from making more children for 8 years, so in Snufkin’s early childhood it’s just him, his momma and two older sisters. That probably explains the stronger bond with Mymble Jr and Little My, who by the way have not stopped teaming up to (lovingly) bully their weirdo brother after all this time.
So, a few years pass and another man appears in Mymble’s life. They get together, a fourth baby is born, they break up, then another.. You know the jazz. That continues to happen until she has her last child at age 40 leaving her with a total of 8 kids from 6 different baby daddies and having moved places a significant amount of times.
For a total introvert, living in such a mess of a house can be.. tiring, to say the least. Snufkin’s calm and gentle nature is what keeps him from being a little prick about it though. He loves his family and can be a surprisingly good babysitter when needed, but he will take every chance to have some alone time he can get. Getting out of the house for some peace and quiet everyday is actually how he developed his deep love for the outdoors and nature. Snufkin’s high need for alone time is no secret to his family and so he is the only one that gets to have his own room. (They just know he would rather go live on the streets than share a room 24/7 with the siblings)
In a home that lacks any stability whatsoever you can only guess how each child will come out. Mymble Jr grows into a hopeless romantic like their mom. Little My is a fiery lesbian who low-key hates all men except her baby brothers. And Snufkin, poor Snufkin is terrified of any sort of romance and commitment. 
Luckily he’s never been attracted to anyone in his life so far and is very comfortable with the thought that he will spend the rest of his days having never formed a romantic relationship. ..right??
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inkly-heart · 3 years
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She’s beautiful lady❤️ And yeh but too bad his personality isn’t the bestxDD //More asks under the cut!!//
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She is!!❤️ 
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Awww~ It’s not going to be easy because of DGxDD
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DG-”Hey! Watch your mouth!”
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Some people are just so mean;((( Also yeh! We are working on it^^ I’m not sure when it’s going to be done but I was thinking when I start to do the backgrounds and all I would upload some of them to Patreon -rubs chin- I’m still bit unsure where to post the finished game though since it will be nsfw and I don’t want minors to play it so I still need to think about that.
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When he finds about that it would make him feel bad, confused and even angry because he hates being lied to. He will try not to be aggressive towards MC but MC could see he’s not happy. Stalker would try talk to MC and get answers why MC has been lying to him but if MC won’t be honest it could escalate to that Stalker would start to think that they are seeing someone else what could cause him to get more angry. But if MC is honest Stalker would feel hurt hearing that they are scared of him and they’re not interested but if Stalker is already deeply in love with MC Stalker would comfort them and tell them they don’t need to feel scared of him and he won’t hurt them. But he won’t accept the not interested part so he would suggest they should spend more time together, like go on dates and fix their relationship. ( i hope this made sense xDD )
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Chibi!Venni-still feeling shy but he’s not trying to run away.-
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DG-”Hah! I don’t have a dad!”
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DG’s mom knows Stalker and she will get to know MC if they end up together. DG does try keep her hidden because he’s over protective so that’s why he rarely tells about her to anyone.
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DG-”I’m watching you.”
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He would pretty much behave pretty normal and avoid doing violent stuff. He usually goes out with his mom at morning times since then the violence stuff is way lower than at night.
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DG-”No.” /She’s not actually sure since she has never dated or got that kind of love so it would be very new to her but I could see she would like it but at the moment she’s not sure./
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He’s not fully immortal. He can die but then get born again thanks to his mom who can create him but if you kill his mom then DG wouldn’t be able to born again.
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D’awwww~ ;))))
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DG-”Hey. I’m ok with sharing.”
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DG-”It’s ok long as it stays there and you’re not going to try anything.”
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I’m working on his toyhouse and when it’s done I will let you guys know!^^ And I’m sure we all know what Stalker thinks about the bullying ;)
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He can. He of course doesn’t want anybody to take MC from him.
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toujoursmiraculous · 3 years
Thoughts and Reaction to WISHMAKER
Oh I'm so excited about this one! Marinette's little soft looks she gives Adrien in recent episodes before snapping herself out of it is adorable. Not overwhelming, just nice. Poor Adrien doesn't know what he wants to do. But the thing that hurts me most (probably because I was always in the same position he is in, so understand more than hurt from it) is the fact he thinks that with Ladybug adding more people to the team, he won't be needed and thus won't be Chat Noir anymore. OOOF it hurts! Poor Adrien doesn't realize that if Ladybug didn't give these Miraculous out, Shadow Moth would've gotten their Miraculous from them a long time ago. I rewatched all episodes out now in chronological order, and it's so obvious she cares about him and could not be able to do what she does without him. What needs to happen is for her to not only tell him that, but express it somehow for him to believe it.
"Come on, Plagg. It's time to start thinking about our future." OUR future. He's including Plagg in that future. Good! I definitely understand what this episode is trying to get across about jobs and careers, but a majority of people can't and never end up doing a job or career they love and gives meaning. Some struggle just to find something they can do with their circumstances, much less something that'd make them happy. A very good message though to encourage young kids to look into many interests and try to find what you enjoy to life to end up doing that makes an impact on the world to spread the positivity and happiness. Hey hey hey Alec, how dare you go after Andre the Ice Cream Maker?! But good on him for not letting it affect him at all, he's doing what he loves so the criticism doesn't matter. "Pistachio and pecan for the clear-sighted young man!" "Who? What young man?" "Hello Marinette." I love Luka so much and Andrew's voice is so smooth. x3 I've wanted to learn the violin for years, I have one, but have never been able to do much with it. Luka having and playing his violin makes me incredibly happy (and adore him even more). "Whoa. You definitely have a gift for finding the right words at the right time." "Adrien." "Ah, well, most of the time." LOL But this entire scene. Luka saying you haven't told him about your feelings have you, her noticing he's sad, and Luka being like let's go talk to him and help him then! Just. AWWW! Poor Adrien has so much pressure to find something he wants to do or his dad will make him do what he wants instead. That's going to make it even harder for him to find something... I remember a spoiler from a long time ago, of Adrien baking with Marinette. What if he finds he loves it when that happens, and it's what he wants to do? :o Ahahahaha when Luka goes and sits next to Adrien, Adrien looks up at Marinette expectantly to sit down too. Probably thought by him. but she went the safe route and went next to Luka. xD Adrien, thinking he knew what Luka and Marinette want to do. Luka knows what he wants but it isn't what Adrien or the rest of us thought. Marinette thought she knew but now she's not sure at all. So all three are kind of confused and it's complicated. Life's complicated. Have you noticed, this is the most honest Marinette and Adrien have ever been about something so deep and personal to them? And they're able to do it around each other. Because Luka's there. He's like their emotional guide to help bring them closer and I love it. "Nothing, my mind is empty!" "I'm completely lost!" - Marinette and Adrien say together. Dang. When Luka explains Marinette and Adrien's "inner music" that felt like the most deep and personal scene this show has ever had. "You two will eventually find what's already in front of you," he says before he knew. As they look at each other. Oh lovely foreshadowing moment here. "But you can't hear it clearly, just let the melody flow." In other words, let things happen as they should. Don't force anything. If it feels right to do something, do it. If it doesn't, don't. Wow that violin is so beautiful. Adrien and Marinette's reactions in
sync, the surprise at the tune, the contentedness, and wordlessly looking at each other before getting up and sitting closer. Such a beautiful scene, this has me in awe honestly. "I've wasted my life!" oh I'm sure that hit hard with some of us older viewers. :c I have trouble sometimes not thinking this way, but there's always still time to change how things are. I love that everyone's dreams are either sweet and positive or just plain silly. Like CrocoJagged.
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Hey, hi there, son! I absolutely lost it LOL this was brilliant! And the way he runs away on his hind legs it's too much XD "Hey Adrien, go hide behind that tree!" and then he drags Marinette along to hide her. So funny he's the one taking control in this situation. He's really shown his superhero potential in this and Optigami, even when not suited up. oooh Marinette wasn't where he brought her. That was sus. "HEEEELP I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SWIM!" "If we get hit, we'll reveal our secret identities!" "What do you mean, m'lady?" "When I was six I wanted to be the Knitting Fairy, and the Knitting Fairy didn't wear a mask!" The fact she's distracted and Chat Noir had to be paying attention to pull her to safety was such a Ladybug move. What do you mean you're not needed, Chat?! Obviously you are! Also she's giving you information about herself! LISTEN. She never used to and doesn't have to tell you these things, she's choosing to! And she even asked about you and your childhood! "You must have just forgotten!" or didn't have one. I honestly didn't have a dream as a kid, either. I don't know, I never wanted to grow up and be anything in particular that I thought I could do. I didn't have wishes of things I wanted to do for fun much either. I don't know why exactly, but I had a dad that's enough like Gabriel so maybe that's why. (My sister proceeded to tease me about being a sentimonster, since there's that "Adrien's a sentimonster" theory going around). "But Dad, crocodiles know how to swim..." "I didn't when I was a kid!" THIS SCENE XDD I love it! "If Chat Noir and I get hit, you must come back to this exact moment." Yeah it was at that point my suspicions of Luka finding out about them both seemed to be very likely to happen. "Nobody can know about our secret identities." At this point I was going omg omg omg omg the entire time lol The fact that Adrien would decide to have his identity revealed so he could learn more about himself to help him in the future. o.o This poor boy! And here's Luka finding out about Marinette being Ladybug! The dramatic zoom in! Viperion goes "Marinette?!" literally with Chat less than a foot away and he doesn't even budge. He's really that sad he's not even paying attention to what's going on Dx Okay, Ladybug calling on her Lucky Charm just to have the plushie squeak in her hand got me lol "My childhood dream is being what my parents wanted me to be!" Adrien seems happy. And he's himself, it looks like, so I don't know if we just got it cut off short or if he is exactly what his parents wanted him to be, so he's happy knowing that information?
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This back and forth between a serious moment and a hilarious one! Shadow Moth's horrified Adrien's Chat Noir lolol not even the same kind of reaction that was in Chat Blanc when he found out . Okay but back to Luka. I think he was much too far away to hear what Adrien was actually saying, but he can see that it's Adrien standing where Chat Noir was.
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He sees Adrien's where Chat Noir was.
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The realization that Chat Noir is Adrien.
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Understanding exactly what it means for Marinette to be Ladybug and Adrien to be Chat Noir. It's interesting how the people of Paris were able to still have jobs that was as close to their childhood dreams as possible. The man that wanted to be Santa makes toys. Mr. Banana wanted to be a cucumber and while he's not one, he wears a Banana suit every day. Jagged wanted to be a crocodile so the closest he could get was to have one as a pet. Marinette wanted to be the Knitting Fairy and look at all she can knit and sew! Alec: "When I was a kid, I just wanted people to be happy!" so sad that his bullying made him want to make others miserable instead. But it's nice that he wants to start now trying to make others smile and be happy c: "Sorry Alec, but when you're a superhero, even your dreams have to remain a secret." But she told Chat Noir hers. If that's not her going in the direction of outright telling him who she is....! Please let Luka be the one to help Ladybug with Chat Noir and Adrien with Marinette. Please. They need it. They have to have Ladybug realize her feelings for Chat and be willing to tell him everything. And they need Adrien to open his eyes and realize his feelings for Marinette. Once those things happen, they'll be okay. Except Adrien still doesn't know what his dream is because that was taken away by Second Chance. Personally, I think his dream of wanting what his parents wanted him to be, is what he already is. He just doesn't know it. As for his future, that can be up to him to start finding! "Thanks to you, our secret identities were persevered and nobody discovered who Chat Noir and I really are..... uh, not even you, right?" "Not even me. Luckily Wishmaker never hit you or Chat Noir." LIES Funny that he was "Truth" before, but now he's spitting lies. HOWEVER don't worry, I understand very much why he's lying and with the way Marinette is, this would be something she'd worry about and obsess over and Luka doesn't want that for her. He knows he can handle it, and she'll find out about it later when she's meant to. I just think it's ironic and funny lol And ooooof the way Luka's face fell after she left. Poor bb. "It was nothing, Marinette. You know you can always count on me." Luka's going to be Marinette and Adrien's best friend in a way that Nino and Alya just can't be. I can feel it. "We're all okay. Thanks to Ladybug and Chat Noir."
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Oh. Oh you dorks! It's like they somehow know deep down they're Ladybug and Chat Noir with that look at that line. They're looking at each other like they know to some extent... I'm sure nothing happened in an episode we have yet to see but, it feels a bit weird, don't you think? "I may not remember my childhood dreams, but that's okay! It's time to focus on the future and find my inner music, like Luka said!" AWWW good for you my precious sunshine boy! Keep being you. Also Adrien's disturbed look at Plagg killed me again.
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Marinette: "I'll do it all! .... I'll be Luka's best friend and I'll love Adrien!" Yeah see, that's it! You guys are best as best friends, and Luka will one day find someone else and he'll be happy to have you as his best friend when that time comes too. As far as all the other stuff, that sounds very busy and exhausting, but if it makes her happy! "How can you love other people if you don't love yourself?" Oh dang, that's such a good line to have put in this show honestly! Nicely done. So this is definitely one of if not my favorite episode. Chat Blanc's been my favorite but this is at least up there with it! There's so much to take from this episode, and so much that can come from this episode's events that I'm both extremely excited and scared to find out what happens next.
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bookworm555 · 3 years
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After eleven years, I finally wrote ‘official’ bios for these guys X’D.
Here is a synopsis of what this story is actually about, for anyone interested. (Though this was written in like 2015, so some small aspects changed, a bit.)
*Note, since these are supposed to be the bios they have for early on in the story, certain things have not been revealed (such as the scars on Mihails’ chest, Vivica’s evolving relationship with Noël, Triinu figuring out that something is wrong with the Competition, etc.)
RIP Nadia, Felicjan, and Noël; everyone is roasting them in these, XDD. Especially Nadia and Felicjan. They do get redeemed later on, and their behavior is explained. (Spoiler: Nadia is basically the Winter Soldier mixed with Black Widow--in terms of being physically trained and psychologically brainwashed/manipulated into becoming an assassin, while Felicjan is being blackmailed into bullying Niele--his mentor and the Competition organizers threaten to hurt her, and Felicjan’s family, if he doesn’t comply). Granted, this does not condone their behavior at all (poor Niele has a lot of issues because of this), but it does explain it. 
I was told that ‘Triinu’ is a less-used variant of ‘Triin’. I went with this because I wanted the character to have a less-common name, to sort of symbolize that she feels out of place in some ways. 
Back when I was fleshing out the characters more in 2011/2012, all of the Latvians I knew really liked Mihails/thought he was adorable but also tragic, so I feel like I succeeded with him. The same goes for Vivica, but to a lesser extent (since I only knew like...two Danish people at that time, but they liked her, XD) 
...Contrary to what most people assumed, Mihails is NOT the shortest guy in this. Risto is XD (And honestly, due to my own height; I actually thought that Mihails was sort of tall X’D.) 
Back when I was creating this, I must have liked the idea of the female characters being tall and the male characters being on the shorter end because wow. So many tall ladies and short dudes, here XD.
I have like...one current colored art of Nordic Group (so people can see how their color schemes are)
Lol, I was so basic with Nordic Group’s fave foods; I just chose stuff I’ve eaten before that I liked, for them. (Except for Björk’s. I’ve never had hers before, but it looks good XD)
HA, I gave Niele basically a bar food as her fave food. But I don’t care; it’s simple, delicious and comforting (at least to me), so I thought it suited her.
...These bios tease so many ships, even this early on, XD (Like FreyaxRisto, ThorsenxBjörk, and MihailsxTriinu. I guess Nadia/Niele too, but in a dark way.)
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I have a feeling if the Bad Guys (pre-turning good) met a human who wasn't scared of them, Snake would be the last one to warm up. Not because he's cold blooded but, come on, he's been misjudged and treated like a monster his whole life, imagine being the only reptile in a class of humans and no ammount of anthropomorphism is going to save you from bullying or vilification. So he's embraced his rotten side.
Wolf is probably the first to warm up since he's trying his best to not have people be afraid of him all the time. He'd be very intrigued if say, you serve him in a diner without running away, help him with directions or make small talk in public and he might introduce you to the rest of the gang (definetly for friendship purposes and in no way as an accessory to their heists.)
Shark and Piranha are probably going to warm up quickly especially if you are creative and like fashion, music or art. Shark is overwhelmed that someone is not afraid of him, his species doesn't exactly get the best reputation and he's very keen to not scare you off and he'll probably use you as a model for new disguises. Pirahna is always ready for chaos but to meet someone so chill and unwilling to throw down, doesn't exactly ruin the excitement for him but definetly leaves him confused.
Tarantula I'd put at third because every human she meets tries to stand on her or screams when they see her. She doesn't know if it's because she's a spider or because they recognise her from the Gang's wanted posters. So it takes some getting used to having a conversation with someone who isn't a non-human being.
Snake is plain out distrustful of any human and will do his best to make this newbie feel as awkward and as uncomfortable as possible. "No opening the fridge after 9pm GOT IT?" "I'm second-in-charge here, don't forget that." "Ya know I could squeeze you to a pulp right? Would be so easy too." But you're so undeterred, so weird and so...nice?! Eugh! Disgusting. He can't believe his friends have fallen for it. Until you start buying push-pops for him...and saying soft, polite good mornings...and listen intently while he plays guitar...Oh no, he's going soft. Now anyone who looks at you the wrong way is getting 100lb of coils around them.
!!! I love these so much, its so wholesome!! I wanna be best friends with every single one of the bad guys!
I especially love Wolf's, I totally wanna befriend him!! I wanna befriend them all though XDD And I wanna marry Mr Snake XD
If you wanna talk more about Bad Guys, come see me at @imaginewarehouse ! That's my blog for protagonists ^^
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fedoraspooky · 4 years
Puppet AU - big ol’ ask post!
I’ve gotten a LOT of questions so I’m gonna try and answer a bunch under one big post instead of a bunch of individual answers, just so i don’t end up spamming everyone. XD ; Here goes!
Usual disclaimer before I start: If you have any HCs that clash with any of these answers then don’t fret, this AU is like a big sandbox so feel free to go with whatever ideas you want for it! None of this is canon to the game, so go wild :B
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The Nomads could probably be extras, and the Goats? HUGE puppet. Probably operated by more than one person. (Due to this there’s probably only one.)
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I don’t have anything to really add to this but i had to share it because MAN that’s adorable!! ;w;
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Nice! I’ve only ever seen clips of that show because it was a lil past my time, but it seems really nice!
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I don’t think they have, but it’s definitely something to be aware of! Going off my own experience playing a character in a full-body suit, I think there would be plenty of water available, and Vanessa’s scene probably isn’t very long for that exact reason, at least once she’s gone all monstery and has to be in the suit.
But yes, water is key. Things get really sweaty really fast, especially with the lights on you... x_x
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XDD Oh man, the power of running the venue... Of course he’d use that leverage!
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Probably pretty much the same personality-wise. Kinda pushy, strong-willed, a bit hot-headed... Probably not quite as much of a tendency towards violence, though. (I don’t think she’ll be pummeling anyone into liquid form outside of the show <XD ;; ) She has a better home life than the character- still having parents, not living a lonely vigilante life in a cave, etc.- so she wouldn’t have a focus on revenge against bad guys like the character either. (That said, if anyone tries to bully her regarding the mustache, she will not hesitate to slug them.)
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Of course! She’s tough, but she’s still a kid. Thankfully the cast is super supportive. It may be a wonky production with two co-directors who may not be able to agree on a lot of things, but it’s kind of like having a very bizarre second family. XD
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Oh, this. I love this. (Lukas still has no idea where those cranes are coming from. XD He probably kept some of them, whichever ones he didn’t accidentally crush when sitting down.)
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The directors probably had to push him quite a bit at first for him to be satisfactory levels of mean, since kids were involved. Whatta softie.
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Probably chuckled about it at first, but after a while it gets kind of old. XD
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I’ve seen a few people wanting this to be the case! Personally I don’t think so, I think he just has lots of friendly big bro energy.
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Vanessa and Hat Kid teaming up is ultimate chaos gremlin energy, dear lord... Poor Lukas, he startles easily so it’s not even all that difficult. XD ; It’s like Step 1 - wear evil queen costume Step 2 - sneak up behind him with eye lights on Step 3 - silently wait for him to turn around Step 4 - If step 3 fails, giggle
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Yes! Hat and Bow probably hang out together more frequently, but they all probably get along well, and sit together for lunch.
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If the seals are extras, then yeah the puppet setup would probably be similar just to keep things proportionate. That’s a neat idea!
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I was about to say that there’s probably some stage tricks that could be used to prevent them from having to actually BREAK the props but.... Then I remembered, this is the Conductor we’re talking about. Of course he’d make a bunch of breakable time piece props, for the sake of authenticity and out of pure stubbornness.
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arlenianchronicles · 4 years
Hi!! :D I really liked the last post about Fëanorians because I had trouble imagining their personality and this helped a lot. ^^ I would love to see your Nolofinwëan headcanons ❤❤
Hello again! I’m so happy you liked my Fëanorian headcanon post and found it helpful! :D I understand it can be tough to imagine character personalities when there’s not much of them; I still have trouble imagining some of the Fëanorians haha ^^;;
I have a clearer image of the Nolofinwëans, so I’m excited to go into them XDD I’ll admit I did some projecting onto Fingon especially, but it’s mostly me projecting one of my OC’s personality/backstory onto him too. Tbh, this is more of a sketch of how I imagine Fingon’s childhood played out, so be warned that this post is a long one. I should also warn y’all that my headcanons for these guys aren’t very happy ^^;; I’ll put in a content warning for mentions of bullying and emotional abuse (mostly caused by the Fëanorians).
If you don’t like these headcanons and they don’t help, that’s totally okay! Lots of people have their own interpretations of these characters, so I’m sure there’s some that are much happier than mine ^^;; I’ll put everything under the “keep reading” tab so you don’t have to read mine if you change your mind. And I’ll also bold the main names like in my previous post; I hope it helps for search purposes, just in case.
Let’s start with Fingolfin. As a child in Finwë’s house, living with Fëanor and Findis, I imagine that Fëanor bullied him a lot. Why? Because Fëanor saw him as a threat, given that Fingolfin is the first-born son of Indis. I think that Findis, and later Írimë, wasn’t viewed with much suspicion by Fëanor because they’re girls (and I even headcanon that Fëanor might’ve had a soft spot for them). And once Finarfin comes along, Fëanor sees him as a wimp, someone who can’t do much to stop him. So Fingolfin is the main target.
Now, to be clear, I sympathize very much with child Fëanor when he’s just lost his mother and his father marries a stranger. This Fëanor is likely more grown-up, though I’m not sure how much; I feel deep down that his actions would be akin to emotional abuse, but that’s a heavy term and I’m not sure if this is a good point in the tale to use it ^^;; So for now, we’ll stick with bullying. Once Fëanor’s a full-fledged adult, then I think it’d classify as abuse. Please feel free to give me advice or clarity, if you want!
So back to Fingolfin. Because of all this happening, I imagine he grows up with self-esteem issues and stress, and some anxiety on the side. He'd believe Fëanor and think that he's not good enough to be Finwë's son, etc. Finwë thinks that Fëanor can't be wrong in anything, so Fëanor must be right about Fingolfin. At the same time, he still loves Fëanor as his brother and wishes for a return of that love. It might stem from a desire to please Finwë (y’know, showing that they can be a real family and that Fingolfin’s making an effort), but also, I imagine he admires Fëanor's confidence in public situations – and especially now that Fingolfin lacks confidence and trust in himself.
Also, if you’re wondering about Finwë, he only scolds Fëanor when he thinks his son is being a bit too harsh, but doesn't do anything for the root of the problem (nor does he know about what goes on away from his sight). Given that Fëanor is his favourite son, I doubt he’d really see his son’s actions, and if he does, he’d be in denial about them.
Despite all this, I've always imagined that Fingolfin grew up with a desire to help others. He's good at diplomatic talk and politics, but he's not good at defending himself from Fëanor, even after he becomes an adult. Fortunately, he moves out once he's older, and being away from Fëanor allows for improvement.
And then he meets Anairë. I envision her as very loving and kind, and nurturing. She supports Fingolfin as he gains more self-confidence. I also headcanon that she wears a gold circlet in her hair at times, while Fingolfin wears a gold crown, and these both inspire Fingon to wear gold in his hair.
On that note, let's talk about Fingon. Essentially, his childhood is somewhat similar to Fingolfin's. However, there's now the added stress of being caught between Fëanor and Fingolfin's houses. He wants to make his father proud and uphold their family name, but that’s a lot for his young shoulders to handle (nor did Fingolfin and Anairë ever pressure him). I also imagine that Fingon, when he was very young, witnessed how badly Fëanor treats Fingolfin – perhaps at a family gathering when the others have gone somewhere else, and Fingon's waiting for his father, hiding behind a pillar or wall etc. It'd be frightening for young Fingon to witness that, seeing someone whom he loves and upholds as a figure of strength be hurt so much, and it would increase his fear of Fëanor too.
But, lo and behold, he becomes friends with Maedros. I'm still not sure how they met, but in any case, Fingon is glad for Maedros' kindness and admires his ability to shoulder leadership responsibilities near easily, not to mention his ease in a public crowd. Fingon ends up visiting Maedros at Fëanor's house, where Fëanor and his other sons are. You can probably imagine how that'd turn out.
Fëanor sees Fingolfin as a threat, so Fingon is also a threat by extension. I don't think Fëanor would treat Fingon with quite the same intensity, but it'd still be some form of emotional abuse. Fingon would be deeply affected by it; his own confidence would go down, and he’d think that he’s not worthy to be Fingolfin’s son or a prince of the Noldor. And let’s not get started on Fëanor’s sons (but yes, let’s).
As I mentioned in my Fëanorian headcanons post, his sons bully Fingon both out of jealousy (because Fingon is Maedros’ favourite) and anger and to get Fëanor’s approval. I imagine mainly Celegorm, Curufin, and Caranthir doing this; Amrod and Amras might take part at times (following their father and brothers’ example), but are also uncertain of whether it’s a good idea or not. Maglor probably turns a blind eye since he’s too busy perfecting his music.
Maedros would, of course, scold them for being harsh, but that doesn't solve the root of the problem. Nor does he know of how far back the hurt goes. And I think Fingon would be afraid to tell him of what’s really going on because Maedros loves his family a lot. Fingon fears that, if he told him, Maedros would get upset and possibly resent Fingon, and he might not want to be friends anymore. And Fingon doesn't want that. All in all, it’s all very emotionally exhausting, and I think that Fingon would have some crying sessions to himself, since those can be quite cathartic.
Fingolfin doesn't know what’s going on at first either; I think he’d expect that Fingon would be safe with Maedros. But then he ends up recognizing Fingon’s behaviour and how similar it is to what he had, and he asks Fingon about it one day, and Fingon breaks down and tells him everything. Fingolfin comforts him, of course, and tells him not to listen to what the Fëanorians say, and even shares his own experiences so that Fingon knows he isn’t alone. And Fingon doesn't feel alone anymore. Fingolfin becomes his greatest supporter hereafter.
But boy oh boy, now Fingolfin is furious. This is when I imagine his ferocity comes up; he goes to Fëanor and confronts him about it, and Fëanor is startled by Fingolfin’s fierce side since he’s never seen it before. You can think of it as something similar to my painting of angry Fingon, if you like XDD And this is where Fingolfin shows that he is capable of defending others, if not himself. He is fully prepared to protect Fingon however he needs to. And after this, I think Maedros would have to come over to Fingolfin’s house, since Fingon isn’t about to go over to Fëanor’s house and be bullied more (nor would Fingolfin allow it).
(As a side note, Fingolfin showing his fierce side doesn't really help with regard to Fëanor’s suspicions. In fact, it may even increase them a bit, if not a lot.)
Like Fingolfin, I headcanon that Fingon grows up to be good at diplomacy and stuff, but he is also kind and compassionate, quiet and solemn. And also aroace, since I go with the version of canon where he doesn't marry and has no children. I’m sure he’d be a good partner, but all this in consideration, he’d worry about not being good enough as a father, and he wouldn’t want to put his child through the same pain that he and Fingolfin went through. His family’s well-being is his priority, and he loves them dearly. And on that note (if y’all are still reading this ^^;;), let’s bring in Turgon and Aredhel :D
So Fingon has some siblings now! He loves them so much he thinks his heart will burst. It’s only until there’s a family gathering, and Turgon encounters Fëanor’s sons, that Fingon realizes his duty to protect his little brother from suffering the same hurts as Fingon did. In fact, he gets angry when one of the Fëanorians – Celegorm still seems the likeliest one to me, or Curufin loll – insult Turgon, or something like that. And just like Fingolfin, one of Fingon’s strengths is to defend others (even if he’s still not confident enough to defend himself). Because of Fingon’s protection and the combined family nurturing, Turgon grows up stern and confident and with a firm dislike of the Fëanorians. As canon says, he becomes good friends with Finrod (gosh I haven’t even started thinking of headcanons for the Arafinweans aaahhh). I also think of him as a very good architect with excellent visualization. And, of course, he loves his elder brother like no other :’’’)
Aredhel, on the other hand, befriends Celegorm and Curufin (as said in the Silmarillion). How did that happen, you ask? I’m not so sure myself lmao The best idea I have so far is that the two brothers thought her fierceness and spunk impressive for a Nolofinwëan, and they found that she was more risk-taking and no-nonsense than they gave her credit for. As for her, she wants to explore and hunt and be a badass, and it seems that she can learn to do some, if not all, of those things by being with them. And yet I also headcanon that Aredhel adores Fingon as her older brother, so how does this dynamic play out?
An example I have is a little scenario that I thought up; in her youth, Aredhel overhears Celegorm talking crap about Fingon, and gets angry with him. She says she’ll never speak to him again unless he apologizes, but he’s not about to. So she goes to Fingon and tells him. Essentially, he says that he’ll be alright and she doesn't have to worry (he’s not brave enough to defend himself, but he’ll defend her if Celegorm spoke ill of her). Eventually, Celegorm does apologize to Aredhel about it, but it’s not genuine (something like those “I’m sorry I made you feel that way” apologies). She accepts the apology anyway, even though he technically didn’t do her any wrong. This is because she genuinely wants to be his friend, and if she did notice that it wasn’t genuine, she denies it because she wants to believe it was.
I think she becomes more aware of what’s going on between Fëanor and Fingolfin’s houses, but she still wants to keep the connection between Fëanor’s sons and herself. I haven’t really developed that far into her relation with them yet, just her and her family ^^;;
Finally we have Argon. He’s the youngest of the siblings, and at this point there’d be an age gap between him and Fingon. Since Fingon’s settling in his duty as a prince and doing princely things (alongside spending time with his friends and all), I’d imagine he’s not able to keep as good an eye on Argon as he did with Turgon and Aredhel. Nevertheless, he forms the closest bond with Argon due to the shared emotional exhaustion they experience; I headcanon that Argon is deeply affected by the tensions and stress between Fëanor and Fingolfin’s house, and it takes a toll on him as a young child. So he gets some social anxiety and is afraid of large crowds, but when big brother Fingon is with him, he feels a little braver.
And there we are! My headcanons for the Nolofinwëans, as requested :) I might’ve forgotten something, but for now, this is all I have. Thank you for reading this far, if you did!! It was super long, and I’m sorry to have bored anyone ^^;; I actually thought about writing a fic of Fingon’s childhood, but I doubt that’ll happen anytime soon hahaa Thanks again for messaging me anon, and I hope you have a good day/night! <333
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mokonahapuuuuuu · 5 years
Tohru has a classic case of abandonment issues.
I think it’s strongest when her mother died in the accident. Since her father was already gone, it left her an orphan, which is probably why she’s afraid that people will leave her. It’s probably why she holds on to toxic friendships, and even an abusive romantic relationship (if Kyo ever went there. In my perspective after all he has been through, he does have the potential to be abusive to his partner).
She lets in toxic friendships in a way that she is a people pleaser, not exactly standing up for herself (in Southeast Asia, it is the norm to be submissive and obedient to your parents, which can affect your socialization skills). The way she lets Rin trample all over her (Rin’s the horse after all), and the way Tohru tries to be friends with Akito.
I’m so glad Natsuki Takaya didn’t turn Kyo into more of a jerk. (Now that I’m in my late 20′s, I can see the turn the bad boy into a good one is kind of overused, but romantized. Well, I never dated anyone in high school or college, so yeah xDD I’m in a great relationship now).
In psychology, girls tend to date guys like their fathers, but I’ve heard of another theory.
We date with our complexes. We go for partners who remind us of our most difficult parent. A guy can see his father in a girl, or a girl can see her mother in a guy.
For example, Shallon Lester, a YouTuber did not have her father around when growing up. She thought her father was going to be the impossible parent, but it was actually her mother. She met her father only twice and didn’t interact much with him, since he was a bad person.
So Shallon’s grandmother took care of her while her mother worked as an airplane stewardest. This was before the age of the internet and phone calls back in the day were expensive. When Shallon’s mother was gone, she was gone. When her mother was in town, Shallon would be so happy to spend time with her mother, then she’d be gone again.
In her boyfriends, Shallon found that she’d have great times with guys, then all of a sudden, they’d ghost her. Really, they were just ‘screw boys’.
Kyo does definately look a lot like Katsuya, though I believe that Tohru’s complex is her mother.
Her father passed away when she was a kid, so she didn’t really know him as a person. Kyoko told Tohru of her gangster past.
Kyoko and Kyo have a lot in common.
Their names. They don’t get along with their parents and families, and are complete outcast.
I think that’s why Tohru is always driven to fix people. It may be selfless in a way, but I think it’s a part of her people pleasing ways. She wants to make things work so people will stay. Even if the friendship or relationship was horrible, she’d still find a way to make it work.
In a selfless way, I think she’s driven to know what to say and to help others cus she saw her father did that for her mother, and she fixed her mother as well. She fixed her mother cus Tohru was the only part of her that was good (I have tears in my eyes...)
I’m Southeast Asian myself, and it was around post college that both sides of my relatives ditched my immediate family, so I sort of relate to Fruits Basket a little more, besides the bullying.
So yeah, anyways, that’s my psychology rant of the day. If you disagree with me, that is a okay...! Agree to disagree is my motto.
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