#[ Now I'll surrender up my heart and swap it for yours / Waldenborn ]
rainkilled-a · 7 years
Listen I’m warning you that I am actually fucking sobbing so like, read ahead at your own risk.
“Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality.  Nay- It is diety. Unable they that love to die, for live reforms vitality into divinity.”
Peter spoke the words of the poem as he stood opposite Helo in their room. How many times had they stood just like this? How many times had they shared this space, thinking they would do it for the rest of their lives. Yet the difference was stark, apparent in the way his words had no effect on Helo. Words spoken off his lips went unheard and the sadness that coursed through him was wrought with the realization that nothing he said would matter if he couldn’t be heard. Though he could see him, every line of his familiar face, there was a separation in between the places where they existed now, holding him back from the ability to reach out and brush tears from Helo’s cheeks. 
He wanted to hold him, to kiss him and assure him that he would be okay. But his efforts were futile, and it was clear that physical comfort had been stolen from them too. This was the new reality Peter found himself faced with. To watch his lover mourn him, to see his face and recognize the tension pulled taught in every muscle, and yet be unable to speak or touch or do anything to soothe his grief. So instead, he sat down in a chair and watched as Helo shrugged on the jacket he had word every day since they’d returned from the mountain to Arkadia. If it didn’t break his heart so much, it might have made him laugh. The jacket was too small for Helo, wouldn’t quite zip around his frame, sleeves far too short for his arms. 
But there's nothing funny when a soldier cries. The way that Helo carried his body made it seem like Peter was staring right at a shattered soul. For a moment, he wondered if ghosts could vomit. He looked around the room, trying desperately to find a way to send a message. Any small gesture to remind him that he wasn’t alone. He was sitting in a chair, so that meant he could touch things- yet when reached for the blanket, to cover Helo’s body, his hand passed through it. With a sharp curse, he pulled back. 
He slammed his fists angrily against the metal wall, and he thought he could feel the cool metal, but maybe it was in his head. But a second later, His guitar, leaning against the wall, fell over dramatically and he looked over at Helo to see if he noticed the instrument.
Hours went by, and in them Peter often mulled over how glad he was that his death had happened like this. If he had to die, better for it to be by nature than at someone else’s hand. To lose love twice was more then anyone ought to bear, but to see love murdered twice would have been a fate that he didn’t think Helo would ever have recovered from. And the darkness inside him that landed him in the skybox would have found itself roaring its head. Peter knew better than to think Helo would let it rest. Had there been someone responsible, he would have sought vengeance. Peter never wanted that. But you can seek vengeance on rain, and maybe that helplessness was what made his features look so broken and young and tired. 
It was a long time before Peter was able to leave Helo’s side. But the grief was all consuming, and the inablity to reach out was maddening. So he went to walk about camp. For a moment, he almost laughed at the fact that he was basically haunting Arkadia. Maybe he ought to stop in and see Bellamy. Maybe he ought to sit with Jasper and watch him have one more drink. 
He was still deciding what his next move was when he saw her. At the edge of Arkadia, just past the gate, a dark haired girl with wide doe eyes stood, watching him. And for the second time, he wondered if ghosts could be sick. Because it wasn’t that he didn’t know her. It wasn’t that she didn’t belong here. These weren’t the facts that were twisting his stomach and making his hands shake. 
It was that he did know her. He didn’t- in his life, he never had. But in his heart, he knew who she was the very moment he laid eyes on her. He turned, now walking a path to her, stopping just short of her. There were no words at first. He didn’t know what to say. His mouth opened but no words came out, so he closed it again and just shook his head. He didn’t know if actual tears were falling, or if it was a memory of the feeling of tears, but either way, he was crying. 
And the girl stepped forward, closing the gap, wrapping her arms around Peters shoulders. He held nothing back as he hugged her back, a sob coming from his chest as he buried his face in her hair. 
And finally the girl whispered, “I know.”
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rainkilled-a · 7 years
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The sharp knife of a short life.
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rainkilled-a · 6 years
Wow okay so my conversation with lilly just went from 
“helo raising cordelia in the bunker”
to me
“Wow Peter loves that kid.”
to lilly 
“Wow helo loves that kid
@waldenborn @motherbuilt
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rainkilled-a · 7 years
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Like a story that had just begun But death tore the pages all away God knows how I miss you All the hell that I've been through Just know, no one could take your place
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rainkilled-a · 6 years
Peter and Helo: Completed Discord Threads 002
In which Peter and Helo meet for the first time on the drop ship. Read at your discretion, you might die of soft cuteness in this one. @waldenborn
Peter was damn near shaking. The had lined them up, single file, loading them onto the dropship without telling them anything that was going on. He caught sight of Bree as they boarded, but didn't have time or space to reach out to her before they were all being forced into seats and strapped in. And then someone was grabbing his wrist, slapping a metal band on him. He looked around wildly, watching the others all go through the same thing. And then the doors shut. It took Peter a moment to realize they were moving. It was slow at first, like they were floating. And he watched a few kids take their belts off. And then, suddenly, it was fast. Too fast. They were plummeting.
This was worse than what turbulence that the Ark would endure on a rare blue moon. It was worse than when they could feel a pod escape the orbit of the Ark and into it's own space. This was knocking on Death's door itself, holding hands with a Reaper and Hope in another. And as Helo's hands coiled about the belt that kept him in place, he knew that as the dropship rumbled, shook, and entered the potentially toxic atmosphere, it wouldn't save him. Quickly, as though his mind had a mind of his own, he reached out to grasp the hand of the person next to him.
Peter felt his hand get grabbed, and as if an instinct, he squeezed back. In a quick moment, his head looked to the side and he saw the boy he was holding hands with. Dark hair, golden eyes, but his handsomeness was laced with fear the Peter was certain was mirrored on his own face. Without thinking too hard, Peters hand moved in Helo's, fingers linking with fingers and holding tight. His heart was in just throats and it seemed that death would great them any moment now. If this was his last moment, this was one small but nice thing to bring light to everything else.
It only registered that he subconsciously sought comfort in someone's hand when he felt the tender action of slowly intertwining fingers. Immediately, his gaze shot down towards where his hand was, finding someone else's palm emitted warmth onto his own. His eyes followed up along the wrist, the arm, the shoulder, until he found the stranger's eyes   --   or rather, his first ever ocean. Blue as he imagined skies, accompanied with a much distracting blonde locks as if gold held no meaning to the other. Clenching his teeth together, Helo debated on retracting his hand away. But the other didn't jerk his own touch from Helo, and if this was their last moment, then dammit if Helo was going to spend it alone. Instead, helo gave the other's hand a gentle squeeze.
When the crash hit, Peter was certain that they were dead. His eyes squeezed shut as tight as they could and he prayed for it to be over. But it felt like the moment of impact itself lasted forever. Like maybe they bounced or rolled, he wasn't sure, but they hadn't come to a full stop yet. Those who'd unbuckled were slamming into walls. Without even a moments thought, Peters head turned and ducked into his neighbors shoulder. A brash move for a stranger, certainly, and yet he was so frightened that he never considered that it might not be okay. His forhead rested in the crevasse of others neck, hand still holding his tightly as they finally came to a stop.
If it wasn't earth that killed them, then it had to be the impact. And Helo couldn't tell which one he wanted more: abrupt when they crash landed on earth or slowly with the toxic air that earth must harbor. The rough ride of reentering atmosphere made the dropship quake, jolt the kids around within their seat, and subconsciously caused Helo to give his neighbor's hand a squeeze. Just as a body was thrown about the dropship violently, Helo almost thought that the now deceased body slammed against him, but when he ducked his head down, he found it was the one he was holding hands with. It felt like hours before they finally landed and inevitably came to a halt  --  and they were still alive. Helo gave the other's hand another squeeze, and murmured, "Hey, I think we landed."
He felt them come to a standstill and yet he didn't move until the boy's voice rang in his ears. It was softer than he'd expected. He didn't seem to be particularly put off by Peters closeness. Slowly, Peter lifted his head from the crook of the boy's neck and looked around. Everyone was unbuckling. And with one hand, the one not holding his neighbors, he unbuckled too, slowly standing up and looking around. Maybe now would be the time to let go, but he didn't. And then the argument about the door began. And Peter still didn't let go, now taking a half step beck, almost behind Helo, fingers gripping his as he damn near cowered in fear of what might be out there
Any other rational person would let go by now, they were on the ground and safe   .  .  .    so far. That was probably why Helo allowed them to continue holding hands even when they were free from the confines of the straps that kept them in place on the seats: if the doors opened and they were to die, he didn't want to die alone. He wasn't aware of it, but there were a handful of eyes surrounding them that noted their hands, taking a leap in their heads and assuming they were already a couple who managed to get locked up together. However, Helo's attention was focused on the door that everyone was flooding by, even moving to stand even further in front of the over protectively - as if instinct.
When the door opened, Peter felt frozen. Everyone else went running out, laughing and dancing. But Peter was stuck. He was staring ahead, eyes wide as he took in only what he could see through the square entrance of the dropship. And he was frowning. Fear was lacing his face. They had no possible way of knowing what horrors were past that door. He wasn't sure how long he even stood there like that. He wasn't processing anything at all. And when he finally pulled it together, the first thing the he did process was fingers still laced with his. The tall frame of the stranger standing near him, honey colored eyes watching him as he opened his mouth and no words came out.
Helo was like the other, staying behind as they watched the others flood out of the dropship with child like excitement, their hollers fading from echoing within the metal barricade of the dropship to suffocating within the warm air Helo felt dust across his features. When the other came into view, though, Helo noted that they, still, were hold hands. Dropping his gaze down to their intertwined digits, Helo soon leisurely dropped his touch from within the stranger's. "Sorry.." Helo mumbled, as if he had to apologize for grabbing his hand out of no where like that.
Peter felt an emptiness draw across him as his hand was dropped. He didn't like it. "Wait!' He exclaimed, reaching back for the hand that had just been pulled from his. "We--" He swallowed. "We gotta go out there..." His eyes begged Helo to let the hand holding continue. It was weird, Helo had initiated it, but Peter was desperate not to let it end. "Together?" He asked, looking up softly, almost sinking into the side of the boy he'd only just met. He didn't even know his name yet, but somehow, it felt safe.
Just as their hands parted, Helo felt the warmth of the other palm envelope over his own yet again. Funnily enough, it was like his hand found it's home yet again, relaxing beneath the touch of the stranger's. It was impossible to find that level of comfort in someone so soon, right? Helo nodded his chin at the question. "Together." At this point, they were the last remaining tucked within the dropship while the other delinquents were cheering, yelling, moving about outside. However, instead of pivoting his foot and moving his gait forward, Helo turned to the other and offered a soft smile. "I'm Helo, by the way."
"Peter." He responded, meeting Helo's smile with his own. His eyes scanned the outside one more time and then, as if in step together, they both moved forward. His feet hit the dirt and he looked around, feeling wind on his face, a gasp leaving his lips. He didnt let go of Helo's hand as he crouched down to run his opposite hand through some blades of grass. He looked up at the taller boy, grin widening. "Earth." Was all he said- but it was enough.
Helo wasn't far, feeling the soft soil of the earth beneath his boots, and the fresh air hit his lungs, making his body weep in starvation. He didn't realize how much his anatomy craved for such crisp air until that moment, sweet on his tongue. The other delinquents were cheering, laughing, smiling  --  they weren't dying. This caused Helo's smile to blossom even further on his face as he turned his features back towards Peter, seeing a mirrored grin upon the other features. "Earth," Helo repeated back, as if to confirm that they were really there, and they were alive. It was habitable.
He didn't have a clue what came over him. Maybe it was unbridled joy and happiness taking control. But as he stood back he, the hand still linked with Helo pulled gently, pulling their bodies closer and closing the distance. He took but a milisecond to let his eyes scan the boys face before he kissed him, giddy laughter on his lips.  When he pulled back he let his own thumb ghost over his still laughing lips, but now he was a little flushed to go with it. "Sorry that was--" He shook his head. "Sorry." But the grin and the laugh never really faded
Much like the other kids, laughter bubbled off of the two's lips, wide upward curl of their lips as bright eyes marveled at the sight surrounding them. Helo must've been dreaming. He had to be. But the contact of the kiss surprised him and reassured him that this was real  --  he was here. Brows shot sky high, into his hairline, before he felt the sweet air replace Peter's lips. Perhaps it was the thrill of still being alive, or being on earth, or both  --  but Helo found himself reciprocating the smile and fisted his hand within Peter's shirt to pull him back and pressed another kiss against his lips.
When Helo's fists curls int his shirt, he thought for a brief moment it would be to shove him back, that he'd crossed a line. But instead he was being dragged back up, lips meeting again, both smiling and laughing into into. It was incredible. The kiss was full off happiness and joy and the small breaks for air were so filled with melodic giggles. His arms reached up, snaking around Helo until his elbows rested on his shoulders. It didn't matter that they barely knew each other. It didn't matter that other people were watching. They were on the ground.
They weren't the only ones kissing, the adrenaline of survival blossoming within their veins. Helo apologized mentally for Peter as he knew that the other's brims kept pressing against his teeth,  beaming and smiling and erupting chuckles between kisses. Peter kept kissing Helo's smile, and he couldn't help it. They were alive! They were on the ground! It was almost too good to be true.
When finally they pulled away, it had been....too long. Longer than was probably normal for an average excited kiss. But he couldn't help it, and the other boy didn't seem interested in stopping either. As their lips finally seperated, he clapped his hand on the tall boys chest excitedly. "Come on." He said, taking his hand and just running. To where, he didn't know. Just through the surrounding trees, taking in everything.
Helo followed close behind, unable to hide back the smile that now took root on his boyish features. But something caused him to stop in his tracks, pulling Peter to halt his steps as well. Brows shot to his hairline, disappearing behind his bangs, and his hues rested on the leaves in the trees. A hand shot up to rest upon Peter’s chest as means to help his balance due to the abrupt stop in their sprint. “Wait, listen,” Helo whispered before Peter could ask. And just like that, louder than the cheers of the delinquents back at the dropship, a bird’s harmonious chirping filled the air.
"Oh my god...." Peter listened, his eyes looking around in complete wonder. "Those---Those are birds." He whispered. Listening to the soft melodic sound. He couldn't imagine a moment happier than this. This sound in his ears would be what he remembered about the ground forever. And then-- "Oh my god" Less dreamy and more aware. "Those are birds" He said again, more forcefully. "There are animals...." His eyes darted up to Helo's face. "We...We can survive down here."
A part of him was still uncertain. They lived in space for years and became genetically engineered to survive such environment. Perhaps it was the same for these animals, but he couldn’t help that smile on the other’s face. The relief that poured over him. Help nodded his head, eyes returning Peter’s gaze, his smile never faltering. “Looks like it, doesn’t it?”
For the first time, Peter took a minute, smiling up at Helo, to really appreciate how handsome he was. It felt like his breath had been stolen from his chest. He stepped back into Helo's space, this time moving slowly. This time there was time for either of them to stop it. But it didn't happen. And his lips pressed to Helo's,  standing on his toes to seem just a little bigger. And as they kissed and the birds sang and wind blew, it felt unreal And then a musical, soft laugh came from the trees behind him. Followed quickly by a judgemental scoff. And he broke from Helo's lips, jaw dropped for a minute. Because both of those sounds were familiar. And then-- "Get a room, Colton." "Peter did I miss something?" He grinned up at Helo. "Don't freak, it's cool. Just....Don't leave. Give me a minute." His back turned on Helo just in time to see Bree and Roma, holding hands, come forward. He ran towards them, The three of them sharing one large hug and many tears. "Guys. This is Helo." He introduced, gesturing for Helo to come closer.
When the kiss was interrupted, brows lifted sky high to his hairline, and he turned towards the voice with his hand that once ghosted Peter's jaw now hanging in the air. Gold oculars flitted between the two strangers, both curiosity and a glisten of hostility glossing his eyes. He doesn't mean to, nor does he understand, but when Peter moved away from his side with a welcoming smile, Helo was able to put two and two together and made the assumption that Peter knew them. Immediately, his taut muscles relaxed and his spine curled from it's momentarily stiff position. For a moment, Helo hesitated, unsure if he should introduce himself. But it was like his legs had a mind of it's own, and his boots pivoted upon the soft soil until he narrowed in on the three. "Hey," he mumbled sheepishly, one corner of his lips pulling higher than the other.
The Look Bree was giving him was enough to make him flush entirely red. "Stop." He hissed, side stepping onto her foot purposefully. "This is my best friend, Bree. And this is her girlfriend Roma." He allowed a moment for them all to exchange pleasantries before kissed both girls on the tops of their heads. "They will be going now, right Breanna? His eyes met the blonde girls and it was pretty clear that he was sending the away, despite the fact that they both looked like they had no intentions of moving. "Bree." He hissed again, and finally with a very pointed look, she took Roma's hand and the two walked back in the direction they had come from
"Friends?" Helo guessed, shoving a finger towards the direction the two eventually disappeared off to. But his voice laden with amusement, obviously joking. It was clear that three of them were friends, potentially from the ark, and a part of Helo envied that. He thought that if they were to survive and somehow not die on the ground, then he would alone. That drastically changed before he even landed. "They seem nice."
"Yeah Bree and I--" He cut off, looking up at Helo's face, registering the amusement. His face was already beat red thanks to Bree and Roma's pointed and curious looks. "Oh no way--" He laughed and shoved at Helo's chest pretty hard. "You are not laughing at me too!" His tone was jovial, but also exasperated and he shook his head looking away for a minute, smile still present as he listened to the birds. "Bree and I have been friends our whole lives. Roma too, but Roma and I really got closer when she and Bree started officially dating. Now the three of us are all kinda a package deal." He shrugged and leaned on a tree. "Oh my god." He put his head in his hands, the reality hitting him suddenly. "I thought I was gonna have to watch them die." He groaned. "Sorry, im-- I just am-- Having a moment."
"We all thought we were gonna die, Peter. I'm just more pissed off that the Chancellor thought that he could decide who was expendable and who wasn't." The words rang loud in his head. Frankly, we're sending you because your crimes have made you expendable. Helo stiffened at the remembrance of his crime:  murder. His gaze cautiously glanced towards Peter, sudden worried about what he would say. He would have to keep it to himself for as long as he could  --  forever if he had anything to say about it. "But, hey, look at me." Helo stepped closer, a hand tugging slightly on the fabric of his shirt that peeked beneath his jacket, and his smile slowly blossomed back on his features, honey orbs peering down towards him through shaggy hair. "We're here. We're alive. Your friends are alive."
"I dont care about that." He shook his head softly, looking up at Helo when he touched him again. "I dont care about me. It's them. I didn't want to watch Roma die. She's three days older than me. And I didn't want Bree to watch us both die." He shrugged. "I was never really afraid for myself. Not up there. I had accepted it. I was more afraid for them." His smile slowly bloomed back onto his face as he met Helo's eyes. They were stunning, and he had to stop himself from drowning in them. "We're alive." He repeated softly. Leaning off the tree and instead into Helo, resting his shoulder against the tall boys chest. "What a day..."
He watched as Peter moved from the tree and onto him, perfectly fitted against his chest as he ducked his head to peer down towards where Peter stood. At first glance, people might think that they were a couple ( holding hands, making out as soon as fresh air hit their lungs, holding hands some more ) but Helo didn’t care about that. Instead, he lifted a palm to rest against the lower half of Peter’s back gently. “So, Peter... How does it feel to be on the ground?” Helo asked with a hint of coy on his tongue. A brow arched, his smile not faltering, as means to half the fact sink in all the more: they were on the ground.
"How does it feel...?" He exhaled the sentence, inhaling the earths warm breeze. It was the whole experiance.  The breeze on his skin, the birds in his ears, the way the trees looked so damn green. The sunlight. "It feels like I could get used to this." The ground? Or him? Both. "Its everything that I ever dreamed it would be and more." He was staring off, almost dreamy as he took his surroundings, trying to soak in everything that he could. "I could live in this moment for the rest of my life and be perfectly content."
Helo watched Peter for a moment longer, unable to conceal the simper wide on his features. Peter looked like he was in awe of the world and everything it had to offer for him, drinking in the way the crisp air smelled, tasted, felt against his skin. He didn’t notice it before, but in the sun ( and not the harsh lights of the dropship before they landed ) Peter looked almost tan. As though he already lived on the ground before him, and soaked in the rays before anyone else could have a chance to drink them in. He continued to look at Peter’s profile, before finally turning to the direction Peter faced. “It’s pretty great.”
"Yeah..." He pressed his lips together, licking them softly, tongue just barely peeking through. He didn't really know what do from here. But then, maybe that was the point. Maybe none of them knew what to do. He looked at Helo again for a minute and resisted the urge to fit himself even tighter against his chest, snuggling in. Helo was still a stranger, and he didn't want to push too hard and make thing weird. It almost made him laugh. As if things weren't already weird. "We should go claim tents." He finally sighed. "While they're all distracted, before things calm down and get chaotic. Which..they will."
He never imagined air to taste like anything, but this did:  sweet. Like how he imagined sweet, tart candies would be upon his tastebuds, too foreign for his own good. And the warmth that the sun shrouded upon them was unlike feeling it seep inside the metal hallways from the window overlooking the ground. And the smells  --  oh the smells. He imagined this was incomparable, not even Farm Station could replicate the smell of fresh plants that has been growing since before he was born. "Yeah, we should get tents," Helo replied, but mind far too drunk on the moment to comprehend snagging a tent before none would be left behind for him.
Peter hummed softly and then looked up at Helo, one hand in his giving a soft squeeze. "I'm gonna go do that." he nodded, letting his hand fall and putting space between them, walking off through the woods. He paused to glance over his shoulder at the boy, tongue darting out to lick his lips before he continued back towards camp.
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rainkilled-a · 7 years
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“Just promise me you’ll think of me every time you look up in the sky and see a star”
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rainkilled-a · 7 years
cuddling prompts: 16 !!!!!!!!
His chest is heaving. It feels like the air passing through his lungs is burning him from the inside out and he can feel his heart slamming against the cage of his ribs.Back pressed firmly against the wall, watching as people filed inside, cleaning themselves off. Some had burns, some simply splashed water on their skin to be safe. Meanwhile, Peter, who had been inside when it started, stayed out of the way and prayed that no one would see him right now. 
He felt bile coming up through his throat and he looked aroud wildly for a trashcan he could vomit into. The worst part was that he could hear it. He could hear the rain hitting the metal frame of Arkadia and all he could imagine was the way the rain sounded outside a cave as he lay dying.
Tears streamed down his face. His mind wasn’t here. The cold metal walls and the sounds of his peers screaming and bustling around was a good reminder that physically, he was safe in Arkadia. But as he wiped his lips of bile, all he could focus on was the place his thoughts rested. 
This was the first rain since his father had died, nearly taking him with him. The sounds of the rain haunted him on a good day, in the middle of a sunny afternoon. Now, with the sounds of water hitting metal, the nightmare was impossible to escape. 
He was brought back to the moment by strong familiar arms circling him. As if it was a reflex, he tensed under the touch. It was rare for Peter to allow himself to be seen this way. He was meant to always be the silver lining boy and that meant that breakdowns were not a luxury afforded to him. 
But even as he tensed and pulled a little, the arms around him only tightened. He looked up, meeting golden eyes with blue ones. “I–” He choked, voice betraying him as he finally buried his head in Helo’s shoulder, hands gripping into his forearm.
He was unsure how long they sat there before they finally pulled themselves up and made their way to Helo’s room. The sounds of the rain never let up, making Peter shake and shiver with a fear he had never known. He lay in bed now, head pressed tightly against Helo’s chest. He was armored by the warmth of the moment. Fingers laced together and he allowed himself to really just be held for once. And with each thunder crack, another jolt of fear shook the boy. His own burns, long healed into scars, ached as if they were fresh wounds. But soft kisses along his skin reminded him of where he was. And as long as Helo was willing to chase the nightmares away with his lips, Peter would let him. 
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rainkilled-a · 6 years
Discord thread 001-- The First Time
Under the cut is a very smutty thread but it’s also cute and kinda fluffy , so there’s that too. 
The first days on the ground had been a rush of emotions for Peter. He was free and so was Bree. They all were. And earth was beautiful. But then the Jordan boy has been speared, and the acid fog had killed Atom, and he had begun to realize that not everything was as beautiful as it seemed. The forest was though. The trees, the smell, the air. He had his back pressed to the metal of the dropship when he finally heard a noise interrupting his thoughts. "Hey Morris." He said, tone even. "Bellamy send you to cut my wrist off?"
Ever since arriving on the ground, Helo felt like it was his time to start over, but instead of being the weakest link, he was going to be selfish. He was going to care about himself more than anyone. So when Bellamy picked up the pace, and started to lead the people, Helo knew that he was going to be friends with the man. So it wasn't wrong of Peter to associate Helo to Bellamy; he practically been one of the few dicks who been edging others to take off their wristbands. Stepping into view, gold hues looked towards the other with his well known smirk stretched across his boyish features. "No, just wanted to have a chat." Despite innocent words, Helo's body posture pulled a different message: he had something up his sleeve. "Just wanted to see if you had a problem with me." Take the bait, Peter.
Peter raised an eyebrow and rolled his head to the side to face the area that Helo had appeared in. "Should I have an issue with you?" He was a little confused by the question. He wasn't really the type of person who had an issue with anyone. There was something about the way he holding himself that struck peter. There was an ulterior motive, and the smaller boy had no idea if it was a friendly one or not. "I don't have an issue with you. I have an issue with the general attitude around camp but-" he shrugged. "Not poorly effecting me or Bree yet so I'll pick my battles."
He nodded, as if he was intently listening to each and every word. Each and every syllable. His hands reached around to his back, holding each other as if he was taking a position of a soldier - something he often absentmindedly do. "So, you watching me as I walk around camp is just in my head?" he asked, pivoting a boot forward and feeling the grass crease beneath his step. "Or maybe you were checking me out." Helo wanted to hear it, fuel his ego, but also play a game. Peter was easy on the eyes, for sure, and a great distraction to the world going to shit around them.
Peter laughed, a smile taking over his face. "That what you followed me out here for?" He absently toyed with his wristband and shook his head. "To call me out on watching you? I mean damn, Morris, you're not even gonna play the game for a little bit? He turned a little more fully so that only his shoulder pressed to the dropship. "I was definitely checking you out. But so is half the camp, what's your point?"
"Half the camp? Well, don't I feel special," he quipped, his own smile broadening within his words. Subconsciously, his tongue swiped out to wet his bottom lip briefly. Taking a step forward, he looked down at the wristband that was coiled firmly around Peter's wrist. He had to get it off. Taking another step, lessen the space, Helo asked him, "So, y' like what you see?"
"Don't get a big head. Arrogance is unbecoming." He laughed and shook his head. "What is this, Morris?" He was looking at him suspiciously. He wanted to go along with it. More than anything he wanted to let the heat in his stomach rule over the way his brain was screaming at him to walk away. "Flirt your way into my pants so you can fuck me into submission?" He rolled his eyes, but his posture had become more rigid. As if he visibly had to stop himself from stepping in closer or shifting his body in a way that would show just how much he want this. "If you want to band that bad you can have it."
Helo  knew he was getting under his skin, and it only fueled the fire all the more. And his steady gait dared not falter from carrying him towards where Peter stood by the Dropship. He wasn't terribly close to cause any discomfort, or to drive him insane yet, but still closer than they originally had been. "The wristband? You'd give it to me? Just like that?" Despite Peter calling him out, Helo kept the coy hum in his voice. Honestly, Helo wouldn't mind at all to see what he was like beneath the sheets - to hear his whimpering moans fall from his lips, feel his legs shake, and just really fuck him. "There's gotta be a catch."
"You think I really care about the wrist band?" Peter gave him a disbelieving look. "I don't. It's not about the wristbands. It's about how you guys are treating people." He looked at Helo with amusement in his eyes. "The real question is- if I give it to you now, are you still going to be standing there, looking at me like that?" He shrugged. "I don't care enough about the bracelet to let myself be taken advantage of for it. But if it's actual interest then I'm listening."
"I guess there's only one way to find out, is there?" Helo asked, extending a hand out to the dropship behind peter so that his palm could splay out on the cool metal. A brow arched in challenge, and his opposing hand extended a makeshift knife created from the rubble of the dropship. It was one of the way to pry open the wristband. It hurt like hell, but it worked. "Take it off."
Peter considered for a moment. He had been keeping it on based on principle alone. He hated how they were treating people, and he kept it as if a symbol that he wouldn't be bullied into submission, despite how soft he was as a person. But the glint in Helo's eye was too much, and it had raised his interest to high. His jaw was set unhappily. He hated not being sure of his decisions. But he really was curious as to where this was going. Without another word, he put his hand against the metal. "Get it over with then." He smirked a little. "And what exactly are you planning to tell your buddies about how you managed to convince me?"
A satisfied chuckle rumbled from the confines of his throat, holding Peter's wrist that was accessorized with the heavy metal. He wedged the tip of the knife between the line that looked as though the wristband connected together at, and started to pry, wiggle, and shove the knife though - being sure to not cut Peter by the end process. When the metal popped free, and the whirling of the mechanics inside faded out, Helo tossed the hunk of metal over his shoulder. "Thought maybe I'd tell 'em I sucked you off," Helo quipped, though the space between them did not increase - Helo still stood where he was. "But I hate being a liar."
"Then don't be a liar." Peter heard his own voice and damn near cursed himself out loud. He sounded ridiculous. He sounded like he was making attempts at flirting, not like he was actually any good at it. It was painfully embarrassing to hear the crack in his tone, which was easily an octave higher than normal. Damn did he hope in that moment that Helo was being serious because if it was a game, Peter was losing He looked down and rubbed his wrist lightly. It hurt more than he wanted to admit, but mostly, he needed something else to look at or focus on. Something other than Helo's face, which was making his own turn redder by the second.
"Yeah, we wouldn't want that, would we?" Helo muttered, voice hoarse as if to whisper so just their ears picked up on his words. Pearl teeth peeked between pink lips as he reached out and captured the swell of his lower lip, dragging along the tender flesh. Even as Peter ducked his head, Helo's gaze remained fixed on what he could see - he even almost lowered his height so that he could capture Peter's eyes and level a gaze with him. But Helo didn't, he just let Peter feel the way Helo's golden orbs flitted over his frame, drinking in the sight of him. "You'd like that, wouldn't you, Peter? Probably thought about it as you watched me walk around camp."
"Don't screw with my head, Morris." His words were weak, lacking the conviction that he wished they had. "You wanna hear me say I want it, I get it, but you've given me no reason to believe you aren't just toying with me, and I'm not giving into that." His chest was rising heavily, and he finally looked up and locked his eyes, bright blue and full of warmth, onto Helo's. "Do it or don't. If you're into the cat and mouse game, I'll be happy to play it with you when I trust you. But right now, I dont"(edited)
He was right, Helo was playing with him - but with hopeful, arbor intent. Helo thought maybe he could get a good lay, but it was becoming painstakingly clear that Peter just might not be in the mood to play. Though his smile did not falter,  it concealed his peal teeth as he pressed his lips together in a line. He dipped a boot back, taking a step away, and raised his hands in mock surrender in front of him. "Alright, my bad."
Peter swallowed thickly as he watched Helo step back. "What are you doing?" He asked, his hand moving to scratch the back of his neck awkwardly. He felt the sudden space between them much stronger than he expected. "I didnt--" Peter tried to pull himself together.  "I didn't say you had to back up. I may not trust you, but you could change that. The ball is your court. Like I said, Im not interested in being manipulated, but if you're serious, then you have my attention."
His hands lowered to fall by his sides, his gaze still unwavering from the other. It was almost unfair how he looked standing there, the metal of the dropship as the backdrop while complimented with shades of green that helo didn't know existed from trees surrounding them. If Helo was honestly, Peter looked delicious. At the thought, Helo's tongue subconsciously peeked out to wet his lips as he took a warning step back closer. As if to allow Peter to change his mind if he wanted. "What if I'm not exactly in the business of anything serious?"
Peter scoffed slightly. "What, you mean you dont wanna snuggle and skip off into the sunset with me?" He raised his eyebrows, giving him a challenging look. "You underestimate me." He shifted, bringing one knee up a little so his foot rested on the dropship.  "We might die tomorrow. I dont think anyone around here is interested in much more than a good lay." He bit his lip. It was only partly true. He still did want love and passion and everything that came with it. But he also wanted Helo, and the two didnt necessarily go hand in hand.
If Helo wasn't wrong, it sounded like Peter was fine with the terms and conditions of Helo's lifestyle. Nothing serious. Nothing public - nothing that he had once done before with Persephone. He fell back into space where he was once before, practically nose to nose with the other. "Can you blame us?" Helo intoned, the corner of his lips pulling higher than the other, a glimmer of his teeth peeking from one half of his slightly parted lips. "We just want to make sure we go out with a bang."
"Nope." He smirked. "A literal bang." He took a deep breath, and at this point they were sharing the same air, breathing each other in. "So?" He raised an eyebrow at Helo, wondering what was happening here. "Are we doing this?" He leaned in a little, a shaky breath coming out. "Because it looks like it's just us out here, and you got the stupid wristband, so what are we waiting for?"(edited)March 6, 2018
"Maybe I'm just trying to figure you out first," Helo mused, his simper broadening, and closing the remaining space that shared between them so that their chests were practically melding together. Like he was pinning Peter against the dropship, hips pressed against hips. "Maybe I could stretch the truth. Instead of sucking you off, I just go for home run." His hand trailed down along Peter's chest with an indolent pace, stopping just above Peter's pants.
"I always thought I was pretty transparent, all things considered." He laughed, but then was cut off by the words that came off his lips. His body was reacting to Helo before his mouth had a chance to form words. "You talk a big game." he said, but already his voice was weak. "If you wanna fuck me, then youre gonna have to ask nicely." He tried to sound even slightly confident. But his body leaning against Helo's was making it impossible to focus. He shivered underneath him, biting his lip.
"Mmm?" Helo hummed, leaning in to press an open mouth kiss against a column of Peter's neck. He slanted his lips over Peter's jugular, lapping at it briefly before moving his head away to look back at Peter. "Please?" he whispered, though his voice was lack of begging  -  more so waiting for the go ahead. His hand that rested just above Peter's pants leisurely moved down to tug at the button that was begging to be popped free.
Peter knew he was done for the minute Helo's lips touched his skin. A small, soft noise came from him, and he couldn't help the way that one hand flew to the back of Helo's head, lacing into dark hair. "Okay." He smiled a little, his free hand resting on the other boy's hip. "Yeah. Fuck me." Part of him still thought this was a game. Like at any minute, Helo would pull back and go laugh with his buddies about how weak Peter had been. But even if it was a game, Helo had won. "And keep doing that, god damn." He let out a short laugh, extending his neck to give Helo the access peter wanted him to have.
Helo felt as Peter gave in, knowing he canted his head slightly for him to press another open mouth kiss against the column of his neck. In reaction, Helo pressed firmly against Peter, being sure to pin him against the Dropship with his own weight. If Peter couldn't feel it before, he sure as hell can feel Helo's hardening member as he pressed against him. His kisses started to trail - but instead of downward, like Helo thought he would (and kiss Peter's collarbone like there was no tomorrow) - his kisses trailed upward, along Peter's sharp jawline. A graze of his teeth against Peter's tanned skin. And then another kiss against the corner of Peter's lips with a devilish simper.
Peter let out a soft whine as he felt Helo's hardness pushing into him. But it was his lips that were really ruining him. Peter was a sucker for the feeling of lips on his neck. If Helo didn't stop, he'd soon be supporting Peters weight as he went weak in the knees. "Fuck." He breathed out the word as his hand tightened in Helos hair. His hand snuck between there bodies, popping open the button of Helos pants and reaching for his length. "Fuck that feels good."
He chuckled out a moan against Peter's flesh as he felt a hand coil around his length. In reaction, his hips jutted forward, desperate to remain in the palm of Peter's soft hands. A leg slotted in the space between Peter's, as his own palms splayed out on the dropship behind the pair as means to keep himself upright. The more he felt Peter's hand pump his length, the more his legs nearly trembled with anticipation. "Fuck, Colton."
A breathy laugh came off Peters lips. It surprised him. Helo's soft chuckle and his own returning laugh, it was so casual. As if this was something normal. As if they were comfortable with each other to a degree in which laughter during sex didn't bother them nor make them self conscious. He wasn't sure how such a cavalier attitude had come through the air. But his hand kept moving and his head tilted slightly the other direction, capturing Helo's lips with his own for the first time. For a minute, he wondered if that was okay. But he didn't have time to think about it as his own hardness ached with anticipation.
The connection of their fervor lips caused Helo's spine to stiffen briefly, and his jaw to pull taut. But as he realized the warmth that Peter's lips emitted, and how soft they felt upon the touch, Helo found himself intoxicated. And his own lips slanted over Peter's possessively to beg for more access, daring Peter to part his own lips. In retaliation, Helo crushed his weight against Peter's, though hips still allowing him access down his pants. The leg that was slotted between Peter lifted slightly to create some form of friction against the other.
Peter let his knees buckle a little, increasing the pressure of Helo's leg between his and causing him to moan lightly into the mans mouth as he opened his and gave him access . The taste of Helo's kiss wasn't one that Peter would soon forget, and before he could process anything, their tongues were battling for dominance, searching each other's mouths. The feeling of being pinned made Peter harder even still, and he bucked his own his softly against Helo's leg. Hand pausing its motions on his length, he pulled sharply on a belt loop, silently requesting that the pants come off.
As soon as Helo was allowed access, he slipped his tongue past Peter's lips and dragged it along the roof of his mouth with a rather upward curl of his own brims. When the motion on his member stopped, Helo had to bite back the groan, dragging his teeth along the swell of Peter's lips as his hips jutted forward yet again. Though they crushed any space that was shared between them   --   instead, they were becoming molded as one. Helo understood Peter, though, and reached down to slip his pants free from hugging his waist. "God, you're so hot."
His words brought a smile to Peters lips but his breathing was too ragged at this point to form any kind of verbal response, instead, his hand left Helo's member completely, moving to his neck, holding both hands there  and kissing him more excitedly then he had before. Like now if he let go, it would suck the air from his lungs completely. Peter forced himself out of his own pants, not  even bothering with his shirt as he finally broke the kiss, his eyes searching deep into Helo's for a minute. Silently, slowly with a wicked smirk, Peter turned away from him, splaying his one  hand on the dropship, the other pulling Helo behind him so that his back pressed to the boys chest
The growl that rumbled from the confines of Helo's throat was coarse, desperate, hungry when Peter turned so that his back pressed firmly against Helo's front. His member sprang free from his boxers when he tugged them down to his thighs, out of the way. A hand reached up along Peter's neck, fingers disappearing into gold locks, his lips suddenly hungry to taste the sweet spot there. Instead, his opposing hand reached down to his member, guiding it to brush against Peter's entrance, aiming to tease instead of giving the other what he wanted right away. This caused a rather wide grin to blossom on his features.
"Fuck." Peter whispered as he felt Helo against him. This was real now. It wasn't a joke. It was Helo fucking with him for the sake of the band. They were trapping doing this and Peter wanted it so much more than he had expected or been ready to admit. If he was honest with himself, he'd wanted it for days. The fingers in his hair felt good and his shuddered softly, waiting, anticipation burning in his veins as Helo's cock rubbed against him. "You're an ass." He laughed breathlessly, knowing Helo was teasing for fun
"You like it," Helo whispered in Peter's ear, a smile within his voice. Ever since the drop ship, Peter was always there  --  always within his gaze, looking back at him, reminding each other that they held hands before they even landed. His touch moved his locks and splayed out upon one of Peter's hands that rested on the dropship before both of them. And after leisure push of his hips, he entered Peter, making his grin broadened all the more on his features.
Peter had to dip his head into his own arm to keep from moaning out. If this was something that happened more than once, he was gonna have to get used to being quiet, as not to attract the attention of 98 other people. "Holy fucking shit." He gasped and his head fell backwards onto Helo's shoulder as he arched a little, pushing backwards against Helo, forcing him in a little deeper and knowing that his eyes were rolling back into his head a little. "Yeah-" he gasped. "I like it." He agreed with a breathy laugh
Helo was standing in the small hill that the impact of the dropship made upon the first landing, making him slightly short than his usual height, and yet perfect for Peter to dip his head back to rest perfectly against his shoulder. His hand moved from between them to mirror the action his opposing hand in covering the back of Peter's hand with his palms, but as Peter lowered himself even deeper onto Helo, his fingers curled into the space between Peter's fingers, gripping him. His lips moved to press against Peter's neck, allowing him to feel his smile before he pressed an open mouth kiss against the column of Peter's jugular.
There was something about the fact that Helo was smiling that made Peters stomach flutter in a way completely unrelated to the lust that he was feeling. He whimpered under the feeling of lips at his throat, curling his own fingers around Helo's and squeezing a little. He stilled his body, adjusting on Helo for a minute before he began to move again, just rocking back and forth a little. "Hey-" he gasped and turned his head to stretch back to him. "Kiss me." He said, dragging his teeth over his bottom lip.
Helo loved the arch of Peter's back  --  how hot it looked as the other bowed for him. It was that small arch of his back that begged for a cress, a kiss, or for him to drag his teeth across the sensitive skin. He imagined spanning Peter's waist, robust fingers digging into his soft, taut skin before slipping lower and lower before he found the round curvature of Peter's ass, and cup them, kneading, hungry, needy. At Peter's words, Helo fought back the groan that blossomed within his ribcage as he complied, pressing his lips against his own   --   all the while he started to move his hips.
Groans mixed with whines came off his lips, directly into Helo's mouth. God did it feel good. He wanted to think it was just getting laid that felt good but he knew better. It was Helo. It was an unspoken connection that had been brewing since they sat in that ship. Like they were made for each other. And for the first time in his life, Peter maybe would have believed in soulmates. He rocked back against Helo, matching every thrust, fingers tightening, gripping, knowing neither of them would last very long at this rate.
He swallowed each mew that dripped from Peter's lips, the sound delicious to his ears. It meant that he was doing something right. He even had to fight back the desperate, soundless gasp that formed in his own mouth as he felt Peter rock back against him. Perhaps it was because he hadn't had this kind of physical connection for too long, or it was because it was Peter, but Helo realized just how starved he was for this kind of intimacy. Fingers were pressed tight against each other, their hungry moans muffled by the other's lips, providing the ability to stay quiet as the other delinquents were shuffling around on the other side of the dropship.
Peter pulled one of his hands of the dropship, taking Helo's too. He was surprised at the way his body swayed. He didn't realize how much he had been relying on the ship for stability. Slowly he moved their hands back down to his aching member , letting both of their fingers wrap around and pump his length together. It caused a shudder to run through his entire body and he light bit Helo's bottom lips as they kissed, desperate for release but so badly wanting this to last so much longer
A tremor took to his spine as felt Peter start to guide his hand, unsure where to at first. His throat? His chest? Hip? No, his throbbing member that nearly jolted beneath his touch, sensitive and aching. He allowed Peter to let his hand start pumping him, his fingers curling around the base and hoping to give Peter the same sweet buildup that was already pooling in Helo's stomach. Suddenly focused on wanting to give Peter the same amount of pleasure, he almost forgot to continue to move his hips, making him draw his lip away from Peter's tiers to press a gentle bite against the muscle between Peter's shoulder and the column of his neck.
A soft "uh" fell off is lips when he felt the boy's teeth. He liked that a lot. And he was starting to get overwhelmed by how much he liked everything that was happening. He felt Helo slow down a little and took it upon himself to rock back harder, wanting to bring him to the edge, knowing that he himself wouldn't last much longer. "Fuck that's good." He moaned again, maybe a little too loud this time. "You're gonna make me cum soon." He warned softly
"Cum for me," Helo breathed against Peter's golden skin, followed quickly behind with a low, dangerous growl from his throat as he felt Peter rock back against him even harder. A part of Helo wished that he could peel his chest from Peter's back, peer down at the space between them, and watch as Peter moved against him. But the desire to make Peter feel just as good, if not better, clouded that wish. He pressed another open mouth kiss against Peter's skin, before repeating Peter's words, "Kiss me."
Peters head fell back, obliging, searching for his lips and finding them happily. It was mere seconds later that he was cumming, covering the dropship and Helo's hand. It was a damn good thing his mouth was occupied, because the guttural sound he let out would have been way to loud had it not be silenced by the other mans mouth. As if wanting to give Helo even more he rocked his hips down and forward, then up and back, rolling on him as opposed to just thrusting back and forth:March 26, 2018
There was a sense of pride that swelled a warmth in Helo's chest as he felt Peter cum within his robust palm, attested with the the smile within the kiss the two shared. But the feeling was short-lived and replaced happily with the pleasure jolting up and down his spine when Peter rocked back down on Helo, not yet done. He broke free from Peter's lip,  letting out a rather loud gasp and ducked his head to look down in the space between them. "You're gonna make me cum."
"That's the goal, baby." Peter said, reaching his head back even further and pressing his lips to Helo's jaw. It was soft and sweet and he wanted to savor that. He didn't know what this was, but when he was laying in his tent tonight, he wanted to look back on it and feel like it meant something. Despite the fact that they agreed it didn't. Part of him wondered if helo only had felt the need to clarify that because of the weird tension the two of them carried. He reached back, letting his hand reach into Helo's dark curls, doing another circle of his hips with a groan. "Cum for me." he repeated back with a soft smirk.
If his hand didn't hold Peter's cum, he would've reached up and tangled his fingers with Peter's yet again within his dark locks, but he didn't. Instead, his opposing hand whose grip was still curled about Peter's hand against the dropship tightened, signaling the inevitable. It was building within his stomach, slowly and gradually feeling like a dam straining to break. He tried to stay quiet, he really did, but the desperate hitch in his breath was audible as Helo reached climax. Fuck, Peter's words still echoed in his head like a mantra and it was beyond hot. Cum for me. Something so tangible within his head, forever to be kept for lonely nights spent alone.
Peter felt him release, felt him ride out the orgasm, and he slowly slowed down until he'd brought his hips to a stop. He didnt want to release Helo's hand. That seemed to be a pattern that was evolving in his life. But still, he kept his fingers linked in Helo's as  he pulled off of him, slowly turning around so they were chest to chest again. He chuckled softly. "Wipe your hand on my shirt. I'll put my jacket back on over it and no one will question it." His lips pressed to Helo's again. This time he stiffened a little. Like he didnt know if it was okay without the guise of sex to cover it.
Perhaps it was the drums of lust that coursed hot through his veins that made him reciprocate the kiss, or maybe it was something deeper that Helo was far too clouded to realize, but Helo didn't care. He could feel the tension within Peter's lip, and slanted his own lips over Peter's for their brims to find accord with each other yet again. His clean hand reached reached up to ghost along Peter's jaw, fingers curling around the column of his neck, keeping a firm grip on the other.
Peter smiled into the kiss when he realized it was okay. His whole body seemed to relax and his hand moved up to grip the side of Helo's face in a similar manner. "Can't get enough now, Morris?" he teased softly into the kiss, but then he was moving, his arms wrapping around Helo's shoulders completely, pulling him close and lingering on his lips. And he knew that this kiss had nothing to do with casual sex in the woods, but he wasn't going to ruin the moment
Strongly enough, Helo let Peter pull him down with him and lessen the space between them until their torsos were pressed firmly together, bodies threatening to mold together. He felt robbed of air, which was why he couldn't kiss for too long, pulling away to allow fresh air to hit his lungs like a ton of bricks. "Can you blame me? You're so ...." a heavy, satisfied sigh, "damn hot." There was a noticeable upward curl of his lips, hooded eyes finding Peter's.
Peter's lips curled upwards into a smile. It was genuine and warm and hopeful. "Put your pants on and go tell your buddies that you got the stupid wristband before someone comes looking for you." He stole another kiss, unable to wipe the smile off his face. "We can pick this up another time." He dropped his arms, patting Helo on the chest softly. "Go. I'll see you--around or later or something."
At the pat against his chest, Helo took it as means to finally take his cue to leave. His hands reached down, fingers hooked around his loops to drag his pants leisurely up to rest snug against his waist. However, as he did this, his simper never faltered from his features, and his gaze never wavered from the other. Ducking down, Helo grabbed both of their shirts from the ground, but followed Peter's earlier instructions and wiping Peter's cum against the fabric of his shirt before tossing it towards him. "Hell yeah you're gonna see me later," Helo teased, his tongue subconsciously swiping along his lower lip as he pulled his shirt over his head.
A laugh followed. "Sounds like a plan." He said with a grin, taking his own shirt and then reaching for his jacket. He reddened in the face, looking down at his feet as if suddenly embarrased. Maybe because the promise didn't feel simply sexual, and it made his heart flutter. He pulled his clothes on quickly and started to walk away. He was a few paces away when he paused, turning around. "Hey--" He jogged back, placing another dip kiss over Helo's lips. "Okay. Later." He said, turning and actually walking away now
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rainkilled-a · 7 years
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” The words came off his lips, but his eyes never opened. They didn’t need to. He knew who it was without a doubt, without ever needing to see his body. It was in the way that he carried himself, the warmth, the feeling of the bed shifting. Peter groaned a little, scooting over. They had had another very public bow out earlier that day. He hadn’t expected to see Helo tonight. But maybe that was stupid. Maybe the fight was exactly the reason he should have expected him. This was pretty much what always happened. “Getting old, man.” He sighed softly, but his anger had dissapated over the course of the day. Fighting and then falling into bed together was so routine at this point, that even though he was annoyed, his arms snaked around Helo’s waist. “Glad you showed up again though. Knew you couldn’t help yourself.”
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rainkilled-a · 7 years
❛ Why is this so important to you? ❜
“Because I love you.” He said the words as if they meant nothing, when in truth, they meant everything. He didn’t even pause what he was doing when he said it. He didn’t even look at his boyfriend. He just continued packing their bags for a mission that would undoubtedly last a few days. “And because you love me to. Even if you have some mental block stopping you from saying it. Just because you don’t verbalize something doesn’t mean its not true.” He picked up a canteen. “Oh look, this canteen is metal.” He said it with sarcasm dripping off his tongue. “But you already knew that. I didn’t have to tell you it was silver for you to know it. It doesnt make it less true. I mean I guess if I wanted to, I could pretend that the canteen was plastic, but I’m not that deluded.” He was being harsh. Too harsh. And he knew it. More than that, it was unlike him to be like this. Peter was usually so warm and kind and understanding. But heartbreak and sleep deprivation wore on him, and when he turned around, he shoved the bag he had just packed against Helo’s room. “See you out there.” He said, pushing through the door of their shared room. Maybe a walk before they had to leave would clear his head. After all, going out of camp when he was clearly not in his best state of mind was a bad idea. 
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rainkilled-a · 7 years
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YO if youre not on here, and you should be, let a girl know cuz I feel like I’m missing people. 
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