#[ OOC: Let me know if anything needs to change! ]
iron-hearts-ablaze · 7 months
@undyingmedium liked this post for a Starter
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"Hey, Anika... I know we really needed answers from that asshole back there but..." She paused, hesitating. She was all for using violence to get closer to a goal when it was needed. But to go that far...? "Did you really have to go about it like THAT?"
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grxmincvdescxnce · 10 months
SPECIAL DELIVERY ⸻ @babygirlhq
when the idea was first presented, this rendezvous of supposed lovers, it seemed the sort of reprieve george could all but beg for. indeed, the freedom to wander from her overbearingly mirthless home and into the welcome company that was her betrothed brought an apparent glee to her gait — one her guard couldn't help but note with the coyest of smirks upon their typically troubled lips. 
the very moment doe-like hues fell upon the waves of viridian that was to be their midday picnic destination, a grin as wide and marvelous as a child in bliss danced along painted lips, gloved fingers clasping in joy as the lady settled upon domi's figure in the near distance. "domi, oh domi! how wonderful to see you!" practically gliding between the pockets of crisp white snow that met the otherwise glorious greenery, it took little time at all for their careful embrace. "i hope the journey wasn't a terrible one. i do wish we could grace each other much more often than we seem to." given their respective duties, however, such wishes may in fact remain just that — a want that could rarely be. 
for now, anyway.
"you must tell me all about your days since we last spoke." of course, georgina was informed to a point — having a tendency to send missives and the like when she was able. such things could seem rather lacking, however, and it could hardly compare to seeing the other in person.
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bestboygav · 1 year
For @phoenix-flamed who gets a random starter!
The sound of fire crackling as wood burned was music to Gav’s ears as he came back to the campsite. It was a rather chilly night, but that didn’t mean he could neglect his duties as the team's scout. A slight shiver ran down his spine as he moved closer to the fire, wanting to bask in its warmth before needing to head out again. August was still regaling the newly freed bearers with tales of their previous exploits. The other Cursebreakers were off getting as much sleep as they could before it was time to move again; or switch out with him, so he could get a bit of sleep himself. 
Normally he would be fine with a few minutes rest here and there, but this mission had dragged on a few more days than they’d planned. The exhaustion was starting to pile up on all of them, but he tried to not show it as best he could. Moving past August - he just wanted to rest his mind and not have to join in on the storytelling - he decided to try his luck sitting closer to Miles. Once seated, he held his hands out towards the fire, letting his palms get close enough to warm, but not get burned. 
“Cid’ll probably have another mission waitin’ for us when we get back,” he said, bringing his now burning hot palms up to his cheeks to help ease the chill in his face. Growing up in the Northern Territories didn’t make him immune to the cold, unfortunately. “Should probably get as much rest now as you can.” 
Gav didn’t know much about Miles, honestly. Knew he was good with a sword and could hold his own in a fight, if the past few days had shown him anything. But that was really it. He was curious, of course, but he wouldn’t try to pry into his personal life. Not many Cursebreakers liked talking about their pasts. Not that he could blame them; he had a few skeletons in his own closet, and sometimes talking just made it worse.
Normal, brief conversations should be fine, though. Especially to keep himself from dozing off. It wasn’t often he worked in such a large group, so he was a little more on edge than normal. Well, he had been, until he’d sat down. Glancing up at the moon, he tried to place its position in the sky to determine the time. Surely a few more minutes in front of the warm flames would be fine since they were out of enemy territories. To at least warm the rest of his chilled bones before going back out into the cold, dark night.
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warsinmyhead · 7 months
CLOSED for @mimiorri
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Her prototype translator device is gripped in one hand, her e-mail print out of where she is staying while in Japan in the other. Everything was moving so quickly and it was a bit dizzying – a few weeks ago, her teacher submitted her device for consideration to be reviewed by representatives in technology with her classmates. A company in Japan reached out, eager to develop it for traveler market who didn't have time to sit in a language class. The catch was she had to bring her prototype with her, live and work in Japan for a brief period, and oversee the production for the final product.
She tore her gaze from the e-mail and tried to acquaint herself. She was close to the apartment the company rented for her, but she was trying to determine if this was the street she needed to hang a left on or if it was the next one.
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stellaelillac · 1 year
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Starter for @beaureguarde feat. Annabeth Chase ! ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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" Hey, Silena. Can i talk to you for a moment ? " Annabeth approaches the daughter of Aphrodite. The girl wanted to discuss some stuff for the next capture the flag game ; counselor to counselor. However, the daughter of Athena also wants to talk about some things apart from that, and judging that her love life is been a mess these past few days, Annabeth really could use some advice.
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oathofpromises · 1 year
🥂 (X'kijin & Lyse because Ala Mhigan--)
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Thunderous cheering could be heard throughout the Ala Mhigan Quater, the battle had to last hours, but at the end of the day Ala Mhigo was finally free. The terror that had lasted for years swiftly defeated by the Warrior of light. Lyse held a hand to her heart, as she glanced up at the night sky. So many moments, she wondered if her home would ever be returned to what it was, and now they had a chance to rebuild.
"I wonder where X'kijin ran off too..he's the hero of the hour and should be here." whispered Lyse, as she ended up walking out of the camp. If she recalled, he wasn't one for big celebrations unless coaxed into it by one of the other scions. He was a very private individual, not much known about his past. Which Lyse knew how that felt all too well. The moonlight reflected off the nearby lake, as the blonde finally spotted the Miqo'te sitting on a rock, tossing some pebbles across the clear water. It appeared like he might have been in deep thought, and a part of her didn't want to disturb the other, but he had always been there for others. Maybe now was the time he needed a friend there too. Lyse pulled up a rock and started throwing a bit away from the warrior. Mostly to make her presence known without catching the Miqo'te off guard.
"I figured I might find you out here, X'kijin. I didn't see you at the celebration and thought maybe you had to sneak away. You seem distracted, I know all that's happened is a lot to take in. You want to talk about it?"
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Since all of this had started, the warrior seemed a bit more involved in this war than the woman would've thought an outsider would want to get too tangled up into. Then again, X'kijin was always the type to help others out, even if sometimes people hardly gave him much of a choice.
"Everyone owes you so much..we couldn't have down any of this without you. For years, we tried..and it was all a fruitless attempt but, now the Ala Mhigo people are free. I..hardly have the proper words to say but standing along you and the others it gave me the strength. One day this land will be what we all hoped for again. It will take time, of course, but it's worth the fight. I don't know if the others mentioned it yet, but I plan to leave the scions. Not because I don't enjoy being with you all..but I feel like my place is here. To help everyone rebuild this land. But enough of my talking..how are you feeling?"
Lyse allowed herself to sit down near the bank, giving X'kijin his space but still close, so the two could talk. In her hand were a couple of drinks, she wanted to offer the other one, but wasn't sure if he was in the mood to talk. It had been clear since this started that X'kijin was relented to come here, and the blonde didn't know why exactly. A part of Lyse felt like maybe all the scions were angry at her for hiding the truth, of who she really was, for using her sister name and pretending to be someone that she wasn't.
"I managed to grab a couple drinks, if you would like one?"
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reddragon-cowboy · 1 year
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These plots have been heavily discussed in detail between me and my partners who own these muses. I will add more to this list later.
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Duchess (Verse 2) : Spike found Duchess on the streets of Mars while eating lunch on a bench. After showing some compassion by sharing a bit of his food, he came to realize she was more than an ordinary stray after inspecting her collar, which revealed itself to be pure solid gold, featuring a row of diamonds inserted into the mineral. It heavily implied her owner was rich and upper-class, a stark comparison to Spike’s pitiful circumstances where he finds himself low on money. Acknowledging the amount of worth Duchess has, he considers the idea of trying to locate her owner to get a reward out of it, initially. He discusses the idea over with Niah, pleased that she’d join in the search for Duchess’s owner. Unfortunately, they soon discover that the search for her caretaker will be a lot harder than they originally thought. Plus, Spike is trying not to develop an attachment towards her, and he would occasionally remind Niah to avoid gaining a deep bond as well. Too bad they both end up getting a little attached in one way or another.
Dana Scully (Verse 2) : Spike is visited by Dana Scully, a detective from the I.S.S.P. department. She requests his services in trying to help her solve mysterious cases that had sprung up out of the blue, many of which involve the cause of obscure deaths and missing persons. These strange occurrences are not only taking place on Mars, but stretch across different planets in the solar system, which Dana believes all share a common link to each other that her department have yet to unriddle with their own available resources. After getting in contact with Jet Black, he directed her to Spike Spiegel because of his skillset on attaining intel on the streets and knowledge of what goes on behind closed doors, including black market activities. Although he is reluctant to help, and after spending much time to consider her offer ( due to his mistrust in the I.S.S.P), he decides to partner up with the detective, especially after pondering over the possibility that ones he care and love who are most vulnerable may be at high risk of becoming a victim of these killings. Dana Scully (Verse 2) : Spike’s partnership with Scully makes the detective a frequent visitor to Niah’s abode. The earthling is thrown into the mix of the case between the two, almost barely able to keep up with everything that’s taking place. But Niah’s presence offers a kind balance to help relieve a little stress as she gives Dana the opportunity to experience a warm, homely atmosphere that’s typically absent in her life.
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starsdreamed · 1 year
@ofstarfleet wonders: i’ve had people out, trying to find you everywhere. why did you worry us like that?
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"...Worry?" Asa repeats, blinking as his head cants to the left. The young boy knows that the captain's words are true-- worry, anger, and fear are all swirling in their eyes-- but he's confused. He was always on his own back home and none of the Dreamers minded, so--
"You couldn't tell, could you?" he murmurs, remorse radiating from him and flowing into the surrounding air at the realization. Remembering that he has to be more clear, he continues. "That I was alright?... Back home they could. They always knew. They still do," he elaborates. The idea that people light years away know more about him-- his thoughts, his feelings-- than the crew right in front of him is so strange.
"I'm sorry," Asa apologizes, genuine. "I thought you knew, too." After a moment, the boy looks up at the captain. "Do you want me to tell you next time, before I go?" he asks, before echoing something Doctor McCoy had told him. "Use my words?"
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rexelectus · 1 year
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● – || @chaoticxgays​ gets a lil starter for Zuko. 
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● – || He had been told to expect visitors for at least two weeks now , and still the company of which he was told to expect were not exactly . . . on the top of his list of people he wanted to see . Well , that was a lie , he was fond of most of them . . . All but one . Today was not exactly a day that Noctis wanted to be present for . It seemed they were getting a visit from the famed Prince Zuko . Whatever his rank was now , Noctis cared very little for . He had done so much [ [ h a r m ] ] to both the Southern and Northern Water Tribes that , at this point , there was little that could reverse it in his eyes . 
Still , despite all of this , Noctis sat beside his father in the throne room . His bright , blue eyes looked upon the entrance of the room as he patiently [ [ a w a i t e d ] ] for the doors to open to reveal their final visitor . As to be expected , he wore traditional Water Tribe clothing , very similar to that his sister had worn the night she lost her life . 
They just had to get through this introduction and then there’d be either dinner or a dance , or nothing . Noctis hoped for nothing , as he was not social in the slightest . As a royal , he needed to [ [ p r e t e n d ] ] to be in order to make diplomatic relations with the other visitors . All of them had come , at this point , from all around the world . All that was left was the last one to arrive . . . 
At the sound of instruments welcoming one more , Noctis’ eyes hardened as he saw the boots make their way through their throne room . 
“ . . . Welcome .” He said , just loud enough for his singular greeting to be heard. 
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acoldsovereign · 3 months
{{ the tags on my last two posts read as somewhat contradictory to me but maybe I'm overthinking *squints* anyway back to RP thingies where I crack her head open and see what else is in there
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moonshadowed · 4 months
"I thought I told you to keep that on your eye."
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He doesn't have to turn round from where he's rifling through the gladstone bag to know that @cosmicangsts is decidedly not following his advice. Not that he blames him as such. How could he? He can almost remember what it was like all those years, all those lifetimes ago; almost, but not quite, like a half-forgotten dream lost to the world between sleep and waking.
Looking over his shoulder to confirm his suspicions, he studies the blond on the chaise longue, the frozen peas that are ten to one older than the child who holds them. Something sunken in his chest aches at the sight of those hazel eyes, young and sparkling, the pain as familiar as it is unwelcome.
"Go on," he encourages instead, soft-spoken but firm, "put it back." He snaps the bag shut, putting the needed supplies in the pockets of the moth-eaten blue overcoat, slippers gently scuffing the floor as his feet carry him over to the chair.
He kneels-- surprised, as always, that his knees don't crack at the motion, that it is only exhausted blue eyes that convey how ancient he feels-- and lays his hand over the other's, his touch tender and parental. No matter what, it seems he can never hide that.
"Where else are you hurt?" he asks. "Your head?" // starter call!
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wisheswagered · 11 months
also, tentatively, i have finally added patricia as a muse! see the tags for a few disclaimers about that, though.
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iiwaijime · 1 month
help! we're getting married!? — k. tsukishima
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cws; gn!reader, swearing, kissing, sleeping in one bed NO SUS possible ooc and not proofread.
wc; 1227
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"do you want to get married?"
you blink, thinking you may have misheard.
"do you want to get married?" he repeats. "to me."
what. you stare at the plate in your hands, dumbfounded. in no way are you prepared for this — today's just a normal saturday night. you're bent over the dishwasher, in your PJs and your old frayed slides. your sweaty hair sticks to your damp forehead, and your hands are covered in grease and soap.
tsukishima is at the table, doing taxes. he's not dressed for any particular occasion, in a loose white button-up and dark coloured slacks. neither of you are in any position for a proposal; his lunch is still half-eaten on the table, and you're both tired and sweaty, and neither of you are dressed well enough for this. but most importantly, you arent even dating!
he pushes his glasses up with a finger, staring at you with his usual lack of emotion. "do you have any hearing problems i haven't heard about?"
"no? are you joking?"
'do i look like i'm joking?" he retorts.
"no, but—"
"there you go, got your answer, didn't you?"
"we arent even dating!" you protest
"yeah?" he says, leaning back and stretching his arms out. "we don't need to."
"fuck's that supposed to mean?" you demand. you're washing your hands now, back turned to him. even though his steps were light, unheard over the sound of splashing water, you still noticed his shadow looming over you. you turn around, exasperated. "what?"
"just give it some thought," he says, and he sounds normal, but there's a weird tension in the air. you know he's aware of it, though, because he pushes his glasses up even though they don't need to be, and runs his hands through his hair, rolling his shoulders back.
it's half past one in the morning, and you stare blankly at the television, feet on kei's lap. he's on the other side of the couch, scrolling on his phone with one hand. the other hand rests on your ankle, thumb brushing the skin gently every now and then. the question hangs heavy in the air between the two of you, until—
"yes," you blurt.
"hmm?" he looks up, putting his phone down. "what was that?"
"yes, i'll marry you." it's stupid, you're stupid to be saying yes to something as life-changing as this, just because of a stupid years-long crush-infatuation thing that you've harboured for him until now.
he nods, businesslike, and you swear you can see the slightest trace of a smile on his lips. "okay."
"why, though?" you ask. "is it like a marriage of convenience? i mean, it's not like you're into me or anything, are you?"
he rips his eyes away from yours abruptly, looking away. but the blush that spreads across his face like wildfire gives you the answer you needed — although it's definitely not what you'd expected. and suddenly you realise that kei tsukishima doesn't remember his other friends' coffee orders or let them put their feet on his lap. he doesn't pin their contacts to the top of the list, doesn't carry them to bed, doesn't pack lunch for them like he does for you. he isn't the kind of guy to show physical affection to anyone — yet you still recall the gentle, loving brush of his knuckles against your cheekbone just a few nights ago, when he'd settled you into your bed. speaking of beds, he doesn't let his other friends sleep in his bed, and he definitely doesn't hold them either, the way he holds you. a small spark of hope rises within you; with it, the flame of attraction and want that you've religiously kept suppressed all these years comes back to life.
"wait, do you?" your voice is half-serious, half-teasing as you yank your legs away from his lap, getting up to advance upon him on your knees instead. except, just before you reach him, you stumble and fall.
kei catches you smoothly, transferring you onto his lap with an effortless grace that is befitting of a 6'5" middle blocker. meanwhile, your hands shoot out to clutch at his shoulders.
"careful," he murmurs, steadying you, hands on your hips. his face — as usual — betrays no emotion, but his leg bounces up and down anxiously beneath you, and his thumb works feverish circles into your hipbone. "you'll hurt yourself."
although grateful for his concern, you acknowledge it with barely a nod, focused on the question you'd asked before. "do you?"
his lips press into a thin line, brows furrowing ever so slightly. "and if i do? what then, will you hate me?"
you laugh, a sound filled with euphoria, joy. "of course not, silly!"
realisation dawns upon his face. "then do you...?"
you nod as he trails off. he doesn't have to finish what he's saying got you to understand; the two of you have always been good at this mutual-understanding-nonverbal-communication thing, after all. he readjusts you on his lap, and you daringly let your hands fall off his shoulders in favour of fisting the material of his shirt instead. "what do you propose we do?"
"i think i have an idea," he replies easily, cradling your face with one large hand. the tips of his fingers thread into your hair, and he angles your head upwards. you can see the lightest smattering of pink dusting his cheeks, and he swallows harshly as your eyes meet his. "that is, if you'll let me."
"yeah?" you ask.
"yeah," he replies hoarsely.
you're not sure who initiates, but a second later, you're kissing him fervently — you're kissing kei tsukishima, and he's reciprocating, too. you can smell the mint from the toothpaste he's used for about ten years now — it's oddly nostalgic compared to the unfamiliar territory you're currently treading with him. he lets you take the lead, leaning back lazily, and only pauses to push his fogged up glasses to his forehead. when you pull away, he's grinning down at you lazily.
"yeah," he repeats.
you swat at his chest, flushing, and he catches your wrists, pulling you in so you collapse into his arms, and holy fuck, the two of you fit together perfectly. "so is that a yes?"
"yeah—" you cut yourself off with a huge yawn, covering your mouth with the back of your hand. there's a different kind of affection in his eyes now as he takes in the vision of you melted into him, and he takes a moment to immortalise it in his brain. "sleepy?"
you nod, eyelids heavy, and he wraps his arms around you, pulling you closer. "thank you. go to sleep, i'll take you to bed."
"whose bed?" you snicker. "yours?"
it all backfires when you wake up much later than intended, kei still wrapped around you. all you'd wanted to do was make fun of him — but now he says he can't sleep without you ever again.
"let me go!"
"it's your fuckin' fault, go back to sleep."
"so what you mean to say is, you were secretly dating?" asks yamaguchi.
"no, the fuck?"
"but you were dating, right?"
"no, we weren't."
"how does that even work?"
"don't know, don't care. we're married and that's all that matters."
maybe he's hallucinating when he sees tsukishima on the phone, a huge, dopey smile on his face as he talks.
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fuckin hate my english teacher she dont know what english is so i wrote this in my english class and answered all her questions too without paying attention cuz im cool like that. also i have a general taglist now so send an ask if you want in
also tysm @mitskicain s parents for the inspiration ☝️😎
@akaakeis + @smiithys
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bestboygav · 1 year
For @myrkt - a semi-plotted random starter
It had only been a few days since they’d gotten news from one of Cid’s confidants down in Boklad. Waloeder soldiers had been spotted closer to the Dzemekys Falls, though nobody was sure why. Cid seemed concerned, though. More so than usual, which struck Gav as a little odd. If they were seen around the Falls, that meant they were interested in either Dhalmekia or the Crystalline Dominion, right? The look on Cid’s face as he pondered the information made him think there was more to this than he was understanding. 
Which was exactly why he was here, in Dhalmekia, looking for said Waloeder soldiers. “Stay out of sight and out of trouble. Any inkling of things going south, you return to the hideaway.” Those were Cid’s exact words. It had put him on edge the whole time he was getting ready to head out. Cid seemed to have noticed the change in mood, since he followed with, “You’ll be fine, Gav. It’s only a handful of Waloeder soldiers. Nothing you can’t handle.” Honestly, the flip-flop between his mood and words hadn’t made Gav feel any better before he left. 
At least everything seemed normal so far on his end. Dhalmekia wasn’t the easiest place to scout in during the day - what with the blinding sun and lack of real cover to hide in. Nothing but rocks and Fallen ruins around, so he’d been sticking to their shadows the best he could. Everything became a little easier once night came and he could get closer to their camp. It was still hard to hear what they were saying - the moon was just a little too bright, so he decided to err on the side of caution, hanging back a bit in the darker shadows.
Thankfully it seemed that whatever they were saying wasn’t important. They seemed to be drunk and having a good time, which made him start to wonder why they were even here in the first place. There was no acting commander - that he could see - so why were a handful of random Waloeder soldiers happily making camp in the middle of the desert? 
He’d almost started inching closer when he finally heard a new voice in the mix. It sent a shiver down his spine that froze him in place. He wasn’t well versed in the chain of command within the Waloeder army, but whoever this new voice belonged to had to be pretty important; after all, the drunken merriment ended as soon as a few words were spoken. Every nerve in his being was telling him to run. Flee. Escape while you still can. But he couldn’t move. He needed to. Cid had told him to come back if things felt off. Everything felt off. If he moved now, though, he’d definitely be spotted. 
Heart thumping against his chest, he waited in stiff silence. It had only been a few minutes, at most, but it felt like hours. And then everything was back to normal. Whoever that voice belonged to was gone. The oppressive air cleared and the soldiers from before were back to their drunken merriment. The experience had definitely shaved a few years off of his life, but he’d survived it. He needed to get a stolas back to Cid as quickly as possible, so he slowly started leaving the area, keeping an eye on his surroundings the best he could. The dark of night helped hide him, but who knew what was lurking just out of reach.
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warsinmyhead · 6 months
CLOSED for @r3dblccd
"I usually carry an umbrella, but my travel one broke last time there were heavy winds," Marina apologized to the young woman once they made inside her apartment. Correction, it belonged to an acquaintance of hers that was letting her use it while she was avoiding her maker Aiden.
Despite Marina checking the weather in advance, it began pouring with thunder and lightning while she was out with Blue. Their original plans of checking out an outdoor farmer's market were shelved when the rain came down hard and Marina invited the young woman to come over to her place to dry off.
Marina pushed a strand of wet hair out of her eyes and she stumbled to the bathroom to get a towel for Blue.
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quantumleapt · 1 year
@emcrse dreams: “you’ve been very kind.”
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"Ah, you don't have to thank me," Sam shrugs off, throwing a good-natured smile over his shoulder, corners of his eyes crinkling, as he finishes chopping up the vegetables. He tosses them into the waiting pan, giving them a stir. Above the sizzle, he continues, "I'm just bein' neighborly."
Neighborly, he guesses, is one word for it. How anybody could let the young detective get this hungry-- half-starved of a decent meal and any scrap of kindness he can get-- is beyond him. But that's why he's here, isn't it? Sure, he should've leaped out of here weeks ago, but Sam's not going anywhere. Not when Morse is like this.
Putting on the oven gloves, he reaches down, taking the roast chicken and potatoes out and setting them on the countertop to cool, right next to his mom's chocolate chip cookies he'd made earlier (she'd be proud; he knows the recipe by heart now).
Sam tries to tell himself it's just doctor's intuition that makes him turn around again, eyes searching the detective's face for any sign of... well, anything to tell him that the haunted, melancholy look in Morse's eyes is going away. Short of tucking a blanket around his shoulders and staying here with him all night, he's not really sure what else he can do.
(He can think of plenty that he'd like to do, but, now isn't the time.)
"You warm enough? Do you need more, uh, more tea, or anything? Dinner shouldn't be too much longer, I just gotta finish up the carrots and cut up the chicken."
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