gotham-snark · 2 months
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Wooo Batroidery #3 Red Robin! Based on Juni Ba's incredible Boy Wonder series 💛
Talia issue next (I'm super excited to do that one)
Need to do Dick too for the complete set
Messy back work under the cut
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Why tie the floss off when you can just drag it to the other side of the hoop for one stitch 🤷‍♀️
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warsinmyhead · 2 months
CLOSED for @new-york-spider
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It was sort of a lie – she didn't have to work late that evening, due to a huge project. She merely didn't want to get dragged to a reunion-type party that Liz invited her to. By pure chance, Liz bumped into her at a cafe a couple of days ago and invited Briggs to come to Betty's party at her uptown townhouse. People from their graduating class had been invited and Betty thought 5 years was enough time to see how everyone was doing.
Originally the young woman was to deal with her normal workload at Kingsman on 5th Avenue, but then her colleague in Seoul video called her, asking for assistance. Apparently their shop had been asked to expedite a custom piece for a questionable individual and saying no was impossible. So her colleague had overnighted the suit and Briggs was upstairs in a fitting room, trying to hand finish some of the last remaining details on their client's bespoke suit.
It was starting to get late and she covered her mouth as she felt a yawn come on. One of the shop clerks up front noticed this and suggested that the young woman call it quits for the evening.
"I believe you could finish it up tomorrow morning," the clerk reassured her. "I'll let Merlin and Kumiho know. They'll understand as it's late here."
"When did the client need this?" Briggs asked.
"Friday afternoon in Seoul," the clerk explained.
The young woman nodded and stifled another yawn as she emerged from the fitting room and stretched her arms out. She excused herself to grab her bag and coat and headed back up to the front to leave for the night.
As she was about to slip through the front door, she blinked the sleepiness out of her eyes and squinted as she spotted someone who looked familiar.
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lonestar-badash · 4 months
It’s a viscous cycle @romantic-n-naughtysoul !
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carnagesaw · 5 days
i recorded my v5 playthrough so i could watch back through it for references as well as any missed dialogue since i usually accidentally double click and miss shit. like the day v5 came out. (i did miss the good beginning chunk of the story because i was so sleep deprived it just didnt come to mind to record anyways) but the second i stopped recording i closed obs too fast and i got worried i the recording didnt save. checked my vod folder of all my other recordings i have. didnt show up so i went to take a nap sad. checked the day after and the vod still didnt show up so i just kinda accepted that if i wanted to see anything from v5 again id either have to replay or look at someone elses stream of it (not difficult honestly but still a whole thing). anyways thatwas on the 4th. its the 21st now and i just found the vod whilst i was trimming other gameplay clips of me and my friends. the problem is? My fucking OBS recorded the mo4 soundtrack too loud so you can barely fucking hear me. which is funny because i play mo4 at like 25% audio. anyways. there wasnt any reason for anyone to read this other than me telling my woeful tale.
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nanamis-bigtie · 1 year
hm hmmm feeding jjk men strawberries 🤔
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forgotn1 · 2 years
I think one of the best examples of "spoilers don't matter if the story is written well enough" is rewatching "City of Walls and Secrets" from ATLA. It's the episode where the Gaang arrive in Ba Sing Se to tell the King about the eclipse and get the run around from Joo Dee. The B-story is Iroh and Zuko settling into life in Ba Sing Se and working at the tea shop while Jet tails them to find evidence of their bending abilities.
Both of which are some of the best single stories in ATLA. And they play off each other so well, with the chaos of the Gaang contrasted by the calmer and more settled lives of Iroh & Zuko. Of particular note is how this gets inverted with the party and the fight. After all the chaos, it finally seems like things are going right for the Gaang while Jet's accusations threaten to uproot everything Zuko and his uncle have built.
Then it all comes to a head, with Zuko winning and Jet getting hauled off by the Dai Lee while the Gaang are corralled by Long Feng and kept from seeing the King. Which is when the other shoe drops: There is No War In Ba Sing Se. It's done in such a striking way too, with Long Feng's explanation interplayed over Jet's brainwashing. It's an absolutely incredible twist that was delivered masterfully.
But the true beauty of it is that the episode is so well written overall, that even with multiple rewatches the reveal still manages to have a serious impact. It's not quite the same huge shock, but you can still feel the weight of the moment. It's like you get caught up in how good the fight is that you temporarily forget what comes next, then it happens and you're like "Oh shit, right!"
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hockeynoses · 1 month
I'm gonna horn out over La/ura and her hoarse voice for a second. 😳
This is from a year ago, but some highlights include:
4:45 when she first speaks and everyone is like 🥺 it's so sad!!
17:30 where she goes to blow her nose and Li/am makes her laugh during it. 😂👀
40 mins - S/am pokes fun of La/ura (while in character) for having a fucked up voice.
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marsmulti · 11 months
Was he tired..? Zuko hadn't considered this low grade grind, the dull luster of meaningless and neverending tasks, to be something that would tire him. Not in the way he'd known weariness. It wasn't the bone-deep ache of exhaustion he felt after pushing his body beyond its limits, suffering in icy cold, hiking, swimming, fighting for his very survival...
But he was tired. Tired of this- the city, the slums, the lack of direction. He was tired and restless at once, with nowhere to direct the smoldering malaise steadily building pressure like a volcano inside his gut.
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mamawasatesttube · 2 years
one of these days i am gonna write the kon "mixed kid/first gen kid from a diaspora culture" fic of my own dreams. one day it'll happen. as soon as i figure out how to, like, write it.
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battlexworned · 1 year
Smash or Pass, Blackarachniaz (blackwIdcw’s mainly?)
“ Oh ‘Nia? Hehe- yep, in the most soft and gentle way possible. Beautiful an' smart, they deserve the best. "
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themirrormarches · 2 years
@starbucky-stuff​ i think i’ll be ok wyrm spine should be back soon
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warsinmyhead · 11 months
@new-york-spider | continued from x
While she had never told Peter this, secretly Briggs always hoped to make New York her real home some day. College flew by and she focused on graduating with good marks and even lined up a job. Initially she spent less time in New York for work and was often traveling all over, trying to prove herself in Kingsman. Spy work was not as glamorous as film and TV made it seem, and at times Briggs wondered if she was romancing death.
Thanks to her family friend retiring and appointing her as his replacement, she was finally able to return to New York and try to find some kind of balance with her life. (Preferably where she wasn't the one getting weapons pointed at her every day.)
About two and a half months into her new position with Kingsman, Briggs was headed back to her place in Tribeca after a long day of managing missions, sitting in video conference calls, and working on lines of code. On a whim, she decided to stop by the bodega that was near May and Peter's place, curious to see if the place changed in the years she was away.
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wehadfaces · 2 years
i do think there is something poetic about me deciding to go back to school but to get a lesser degree than the one i currently have to try to move up
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detonizing · 2 years
//missing the days...where we could add hover text to words...and have it show up awoeiNAWE ALSO missing the days where we could add hover text to links, have it show up, AND you didn’t even need to go into html to do it
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blackwldcw · 2 years
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On Blitzwing ;;
Blitzwing was raised on the streets of Kaon. They were forged on Vos, but fled due to political unrest between the old monarchy and the functionalist council. In order to make ends meet, they provided medical care to those who could not afford a senate-sanctioned triage. The peacekeepers, however, soon noticed the operation. Their coworkers were captured or killed, while they escaped underground to work in one of Kaon's many gladiatorial pits.
Like most other Seekers, they joined the Decepticons in the early days of the war in order to free their planet from corruption. They became a medic, and later, a soldier.
When the Autobots reclaimed Iacon, they were captured, and like many of their fellow Decepticon soldiers, imprisoned in a high-security facility. During the war, there was illegal experimentation done on both sides in order to ensure complete victory; in Blitzwing's case, they underwent tests with the goal of outfitting Autobots with two alt modes, one ground-based and one aerial. Many believed that these "triple changers" would even the odds against the largely aerial-based Decepticon forces.
The violent experimentation and inhumane conditions of the prison, in addition to the horrors of war and the harsh nature of their upbringing on the streets of Kaon, took their toll on Blitzwing's psyche. They demonstrated erratic behaviour, long periods of amnesia, and more frequent instances of dissociation.
Their only companion in the prison was the Eukarian kept next door: Blackarachnia. Whereas other prisoners of war were unnerved by Blitzwing's "personality switches," Blackarachnia attempted to understand them. They softly swapped stories throughout the night in between guard patrols, and they promised each other that when they escaped, they would do so together.
Eventually, their time came. An argument was fabricated in the recreational yard. A fight ensued. Guards closed in to subdue them both, and were soon rendered immobile by Blackarachnia's venom. Blitzwing took to the skies, his friend in his arms. The experiments worked too well. The elite guard were later so busy combing the sky that they didn't bother to check the ground-based vehicle idly making its way to the nearest empty ship.
Blitzwing had experienced "voices" in their head ever since they can remember, but their dissociation was made worse due to their medical trauma. They no longer recognised their body. Their different alt modes confused them. Their head was so loud, their spark so full of anger, ever since their capture.
Blackarachnia explained that she had briefly studied this disorder in organic species. It was a coping mechanism, a way for the mind to categorise and process terrible things in contained doses. Treatments could consist of medications ("no."), integration of all alters ("NO!"), or guided self-reflection and inner-world communication ("... perhaps. but how would that work?"). Well, Blackarachnia went on to explain, each portion of the core personality splinters in order to play a specific role in dealing with external stressors. Many cognitive therapies based on internal cooperation stress communication-- welcoming the alters to help the body survive daily life, communicating internally, and in cases of severe amnesia, communicating externally via detailed notes and timed reminders.
"but what about our body? how can we reverse what the autobots have done?"
Blackarachnia explained that, sadly, T-cog operations weren't her area of expertise as a techno-organic. However, she could attempt to make each alter more comfortable when outward switches occur. They could look on the outside how they felt on the inside.
Blitzwing consented. The operation was a success. Icewave (the host), Firemaker, and Acidstorm now looked like themselves when switches occurred, and they were no longer alone. When Blackarachnia and Blitzwing rejoined Megatron's ranks, they did so together.
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tisalovestory · 2 months
Omg, we do have the same Robin blorbo! Jason is just 👩‍🍳😘 i love the anti-heroes 🥰 and Dick is good, too, but Jason is my #1.
Damian is a gremlin child but so precious and must be protected at all costs - kuroo cake anon
It is so hard to get into comic characters because comic runs and archs and retcons are so damn messy (like, im pretty sure no one would disagree if i say probably ppl who make those comics are a bit lost sometimes) but i love it when characters are a bit tragic and broken. His mom (who he died trying to save) literally sold him to his murderer in the original run like pls… i cannot breathe im suffocating myself
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