aworldofyou · 3 years
      How is one suppose to feel when witnessing heartbreak of one that is envied? Leliana hadn’t figured it out yet; as much as she tried to wrestle with her own thoughts she hadn’t arrived at an answer. Their travels had taken them into the heart of Denerim. And it was when Alistair had suddenly halted with Lyna; had stopped them all with a loud declaration of their location. This had been his sister’s house; and the excitement in his tone, the stutter, reflected mirth at the prospect of being so close to something he’d always dreamed of. It was heart warming. Leliana had briefly watched her touch his elbow, watched Mahariel’s expression soften, before she noticed that Wynne had been watching her. Leliana had tried not to let it show how much her own heart sunk with the sight of them being so casual; but the choice had been made. And she only had to hold the eye of the Elder before the mage pointed with her head back toward the direction of the Gnawed Noble Tavern. And it was as such Leilana obliged with a gentle nod, and a word of returning once all is done.
       What she didn’t expect was on their return was the bitter contemplation on Alistair’s face; the disappointment that darkened a usually bright demeanor, the way his shoulders sagged and head hung heavy. Something had gone terribly wrong; it had to have, why else would he look so solemn. How he could be so quiet on their journey home despite the looks of assurance Lyna had given him. How concerning the silence was as they made their journey back toward their camp and settled in for the night.
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       She is seated before the fire, always the best place to keep everyone in sight should someone be attacked, or some bandit or - Maker forbid, a Darkspawn make an appearance. And across from her, he is in the place he always is. Be it seated, cleaning his sword, or kneeling to prep their food. But tonight it seems he only existed, stared at the fire in silence, and for that Leliana felt something soften in her. Where resentment had burned like a flame; pity only took it’s place. “For what it’s worth.” She starts, fingers fiddling with the shaft of an arrow as she spoke. “I think you would be an excellent brother... You can make your .. traditional Ferelden stews, and I will refuse to eat them. See? Already off to an excellent start.”
      @sicsemper​ / gets 1 of 2 Leliana starters, for Alistair ( Theirin ).
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inkribbon796 · 4 years
The Lost Ones Ch. 1
Chapter 1: Illegal Clones and Legal Crimes
Summary:  Anti liked joking around, he likes pulling pranks and bothering Dark now that he’s permanently moved into Egoton. But one day he decides to take the joke too far, and it gets about five times more unfunny. But when it’s all said and done, Dark had to admit . . . he is charming.
A/N: someone requested this little joke about Dark being short and so I threw it in here.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
~::~ Twenty Years Ago ~::~
It began as things tended to begin with Anti: jokes.
“Hey, Dark,” Anti had burst into Dark’s main office to bother him, again.
“Leave,” Dark told him, not looking up.
“What’dya get when yah combine you an’ Wilford?” Anti sounded like he was trying to keep himself from cackling madly.
“I don’t care,” Dark told him.
“A hot mess,” Anti joked. Usually when Dark didn’t respond he used about anything to try and get his attention.
“If you need a body disposed of, I’m not helping,” Dark warned.
“Yer just no fun,” Anti sulked.
“I’m busy,” Dark reminded. “It’s bad enough I have to put up with Wilford’s antics, I refuse to humor you as well.”
Anti then attempted to stab Dark and the ensuing fight got rid of some of Anti’s pent up energy. It also got the glitch thinking: what would Dark or Wil’s kid be like?
He imagined Dark’s kid would probably be a lot like Dark was, about ZERO fun, and in about six years when he saw Kay and Illinois for the first time he would learn he was right.
But Wil’s kid: that had to be an interesting kid. Wil was mad fun, a complete and utter lunatic, there was no way he couldn’t pass that down to a kid. And fortunately for Anti, Wil was a prolific nymphomaniac. He had to have some kid, somewhere. There was no way the Wilford that Anti knew hadn’t had sloshed, unprotected sex at least once in his life. Everyone in the crime world knew that while Dark and Wil were Ego’s big couple, Wil slept around.
After a month, Anti gave up looking for the brat, either Dark had tried to clean up Wil’s extra-relationship affairs before they could bear fruit, or the kid had been hidden from Dark.
Another couple of weeks passed and his brain came up with a stupid idea: why not clone the assholes? Cut out the middleman. It was probably their only way someone was even going to get an ankle biter out of Dark in the first place.
But, as it turned out, cloning someone was way harder than Anti thought it would be. He needed people to do the cloning, a safe place for them to work. And after Google joined Dark, Anti had to avoid his prying eye because that walking laptop told Dark everything.
The eggheads he’d threatened found had been excited about the process, but hesitantly optimistic about their chances. But either way they’d need a test and Anti shrugged his shoulders and knew he couldn’t get any of the conventional ways to make a kid from Dark at least without getting his head blown off for even suggesting it.
They needed a test and Wil was the easy option.
“So wait?” Wil was already wasted, the slur in his speech even more pronounced after enough margaritas and martinis to kill a normal man, the two were sitting in a private room at some bar, Anti figured the mad man probably wouldn’t remember this come morning. “You need m’ what?”
“Yer aura,” Anti was admittedly a bit buzzed himself, electricity literally arching off of him in some spots. “I mean the docs will prolly use whate’er but I just wanna see what yer aura does if we pick it apart.”
Will just shrugged, and either he didn’t care or was too drunk to care, but he set his arm on the table and whipped out the stiletto knife he usually hid in the garter on his right thigh and ran it down his arm until he randomly stopped. Wil picked something up and a whirling mass of pink and yellow came off.
The mad man held it out. “Here yah go.”
Anti hesitantly grabbed it, it felt like the consistency of cotton candy, but had almost a soapy, saccharine, bubble gum. And to Anti something about it felt twisted and fake.
But by this point Anti knew Wilford was incapable of keeping secrets when he was this sloshed. Wil had already slipped some pretty spicy secrets about what he and Dark did in the bedroom that had Anti demanding that he wanted literal brain bleach to get out of his mind.
So Anti took it and let Wil try his hand at drunken flirting, leaving to go back to his lab coats to see what they could do with it.
And to everyone’s surprise, the aura was reacting to stuff, almost like it was a living organism or a parasite that lived within Wil’s soul and it was very choosy about what it let them stick onto it. Despite the fact that it just sat there and did nothing.
It looked a bit like a slug after it had stopped moving, a pink and yellow swirling slug.
At this point Anti had honestly forgotten about cloning Dark, the glitch demon wanted to see their auras fighting. He wanted to watch Wil and Dark’s auras tear each other apart.
So it was time to get Dark’s aura, but Anti couldn’t just ask the Entity for it, no! He knew that there was no force on earth or Hell that would get Dark to willingly give Anti his aura for his death matches. So he’d have to take a chunk off by force.
It took a week of stalking Dark before he finally got his chance, and Anti was just about ready to fight Dark himself but as luck and fate would have it, Dark decided to got out hunting.
The Entity was stalking a couple gangsters when Anti decided to make his move. They were a local group Anti liked to pick on from time to time, so they were a tiny bit smarter than some of the other groups that had tried and died taking Dark on as if he was Deceit.
When Dark folded himself out of one of the alley shadows, one of the gangsters froze, watching Dark snap his own neck like the drama queen he was.
“Huh,” the braver of the three gangsters realized. “Yer shorter than me.”
Anti almost blew his cover trying to stifle his own laughter. Dark looked insulted and infuriated. “Excuse you‽”
“Sorry,” the guy was over six feet tall, but not more than half a foot taller than Dark or Anti. “I just figured “the Demon of Egoton” would be more demon-like, an’ bigger.”
Dark seemed to get angrier, and Anti was trying to stop himself from laughing so much that he almost missed his chance.
The Entity’s aura shot out and grabbed onto the gangster, one of his friends tried to shoot Dark but it was stopped by another part of Dark’s aura. It began to ruthlessly tear into the gangster and his friends. “I’m not too short to kill you!”
Anti lunged for Dark, managing to get his claws into Dark’s aura. The demon screamed out, in screeching pain. “I’ll be takin’ some ‘a that.”
“ANTI! I will tear you apart so thoroughly that no force in Hell can piece you back together again!” Dark was furious, the gangster that were lucky enough not to get struck by Dark’s rampaging aura were forgotten.
Anti raced off, running into the Void and trying to keep the writhing mass that was Dark’s aura away from the other demon. It was consciously trying to get back to Dark, or to kill Anti, the glitch demon wasn’t sure which and he didn’t particularly care at the moment. He was just trying to get away from Dark to keep him from taking his aura back.
Eventually Anti did get away, it was more luck that anything else. But when the coast was clear Anti returned to the scientists, covered in his own blackish, glitching, ichor blood and holding out the angry, hissing fragment of Dark’s aura.
“Is that thing hissing?” The lead scientist asked, her curly light brown hair barely tied out of the way. Anti had completely forgotten all their names at this point. He was pretty sure it was Beautiful or Bunny or some weird French name he couldn’t pronounce.
“Yeah,” Anti smiled, “let’s throw this bastard in with Wil’s and see if they kill each other.”
“Is that still alive after you disconnected that from him?” She was staring at it like it was a scientific marvel.
“Well yeah,” Anti gestured as he spoke, “Wilf’s just got a weird aura. Most ‘a our auras are like this caustic fooker’s.”
Quickly the scientist grabbed a container, the same type they put Wil’s in and Anti poked at Dark’s aura with his own, trying to get it especially angry.
“Okay, Bunny let’s get this show on the road,” Anti dusted off his hands.
“It’s Beauregard,” she corrected sharply, fixing her glasses as she held onto the container with one hand.
“Ahh, whatever,” Anti dismissed, smiling. “I wanna see that prick’s aura get shredded.”
Beauregard stopped as they entered another room, Anti moving through the wall. “Hold up, if we put them together are they going to just rip each other apart?”
Anti shrugged, “I mean, Dark’s an angry fooker an’ Wil’s aura is infectious, they gotta do somethin’ cool to each other.”
Beauregard and Anti’s conversation came to a halt when they heard some yelling in the next room. She ran ahead, yelling, “What is going on in here?”
“I don’t know,” one of the technicians looked panicked. He and another technician were trying to keep Wil’s aura in the container it was in, the aura was bubbling and foaming, making a weird noise, Dark’s one aura was letting out that high pitched echo that Dark was infamous for. It cause more than one person to look around wildly for the demon to suddenly appear. It almost seemed like the fragment of Dark’s aura was shaking. The entire container Dark’s aura was in almost fell out of Beauregard’s arms. The result was the two auras seeming to square up against each other as if they were going to fight.
Anti was almost cackling, rubbing his hands together, “Come on Bubbles, fook ‘im up. I got a fiver on yeh.”
Wilford’s aura lunged again and suddenly it was inside the same container as Dark’s. The ringing became more intense.
Beauregard jumped, letting out this surprised scream. Then the ringing stopped  when Wilford’s aura just parked itself next to Dark’s and they both calmed down. No one in the room moved, not wanting to set off either of their test subjects. Beauregard watched in awe as Dark’s aura changed from an inky grey to a mix of blue and red, the colors changing between the two but never mixing. It was more blue than red at the moment.
“Oh yeh sappy bastards,” Anti cursed, stomping over. “Come on, I wanted a cage match!”
“I thought we were cloning demons?” Beauregard asked him, most of her attention was on the little aura samples.
“Ehh, I’m already bored, tell me when they actually start doin’ somethin’ interesti’,” Anti dismissed, and then he left.
But when he was fully gone he stuck his head back in, “An’ by that I mean they set themselves on fire or start shootin’ acid.”
“Right, right, of course,” Beauregard agreed, holding up the container and smiling. Even if they failed, she was going to learn some amazing things about auras.
While Beauregard was planning, Anti had already gone back to Brighton to start terrorizing people again.
He was almost immediately found by Dark who demanded the shredded off piece of his aura back, he could grow it back on his own, of course, but didn’t like the idea of Anti having it.
So when Anti couldn’t produce the missing piece of Dark’s aura, the fight resulted in Anti being turned into pixels and Dark walking off with a broken arm and five broken ribs — not that Dark told anyone about the broken bones.
It took him a week to reform. By then he’d actually forgotten he’d gotten a team to do the actual cloning.
After months and months and months, they called him to say they’d “finally gotten a live one” and Anti couldn’t pass up the opportunity to watch Egoton burn.
After all, what could be more destructive than Wilford’s madness with Dark’s power?
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8circles · 7 years
i finally got to see the national live!!
so after 6 years of falling in love with the national, i finally got to see them live yesterday!! this is gonna be super long lmao
since the national never come to my home country during tour, when they announced their tour i booked the tickets without even knowing whether i was returning to manchester or even the uk. so when i got my offer to return i was relieved af lmao. a once in a lifetime opportunity was worth the risk and anxious waiting LOL
seeing them live was like a whole new world for me. when bryce came out to perform with the opening act (who were very good!) i was so overwhelmed. this guy, part of the band i love so much, was right in front of my face!
(like literally, cause i ran in after getting my merch and managed to snag a place right at the barrier!)
ive watched tonnes of their live performances on video, but nothing prepared me for how great they were. since bryce was right in front of me i ended up paying most attention to him.. but then when hed play the piano aaron took his place and id end up paying attention to aaron... sorry matt, scott and bryan!!!!
of course matt is such a character that hed command your attention some way or another. i did make myself look at scott and bryan at points in time bc i love all of them! i found it super cute how scott and bryan (and at one point bryce) would hold like a shaker instrument and use it when theyre not playing their own instrument. its like theyre always gonna be involved somehow lmao.
at the beginning it felt a little detached compared to the bastille show i went to last year. but i dont blame them or think its bad, cause at bastille’s dan would stand close to the stage while matt prefers to hang about with the band. its just two different performers. it kind of made me think that i was watching the national perform in their own world.. until matt stopped midway through empire line and asked security to help someone.
at that point it kind of hit me that wow, actually we're in the same space! like im not actually watching them in their own world, like im there too! and theyre not in their own space either, theyre watching us too! and of course, how nice of matt to stop because someone wasnt okay 😭 he started all over again once he made sure they were okay. by the end he said "just some problems with dehydration. stay cool!"
and he threw a plastic pint across the theatre and i got some white wine on me. LOL. at another point he threw a red solo cup so hard i think it hit the opposite wall cause there was a super loud sound. then he went on to say "...one day..." during the last song he brought out a bottle of white wine or prosecco on stage but said he said couldn’t open it because it was corked and it was hard to open those on stage with his teeth(!!!) he asked for another bottle and smashed the corked one on the ground. i love drunk matt so much.
bryce is so interesting to watch tbh. he keeps changing guitars lmao. i got so excited every time he brought out the blue one, bc i had a super clear view of his bow hanging from his mic stand and i was like "vanderlyle?????"
in the end they didnt play it, but no matter! they played so many good songs that i cant complain. my jaw hit the floor when they played hard to find cause i wasnt expecting that at all! i kept saying "oh my god" when i heard the chords lmao. it was so beautiful. i remembered the interview where one of the twins said they think hard to find is one of the most beautiful songs theyve ever written. i felt so honoured that i could listen to it live! they also played this is the last time - my favourite off twfm! i think a lot of people in the theatre love that song too! we were all shouting “it takes a lot of pain to pick me up” together. 
of course they played standard classics too. it felt so good to sing along to bloodbuzz and i need my girl. i kind of expected they were gonna play england since it was their first show in england for this tour so when aaron started playing the chords i was super happy. mr november was the best in terms of crowd involvement, you could hear everyone shouting I WONT FUCK US OVER together. conversation 16, too.. everyone screaming "CAUSE IIIIMM EEEVILLLL" was so much fun. slow show and apartment story were so great live as well. singing “SO WORRY NOT ALL THINGS ARE WELL” was so wonderful. during fake empire the twins did the guitar thing as they always do. i was so happy! 
tbh when i was there i mostly felt out of place since most of the people there were white hipsters and they came with their friends/partners so i barely talked to anyone, but singing all the classics live made me forget all of that awkwardness.
the new album was good live too. carin at the liquor store is my fave off the album and it sounded so beautiful live. matt went one octave higher during turtleneck and he sounded so clear. i was actually so surprised at how clear and almost rasp-free he sounded! we shouted “great uncle valentine jester” during day i die, it was so great!  they dedicated apartment story and born to beg to a lady who took care of them while they were in manchester. the opening act luluc came out and sang with them during born to beg. it was beautiful and perfect! ive been falling in love more and more with born to beg with each listen, and the live performance really sealed the deal with how much i love it.
terrible love was the last song off the setlist and it’s my first favourite song from the national so listening to it live was like coming full circle of some sort. during that song (and mr. november) matt went out and leaned over the barriers so that people could reach out and hug him. during terrible love he was super close to me, but i was too scared to touch him cause so many people were clinging onto him already but he was literally right there! he also stood at the edge pretending to fall from the other side. a member of the audience hugged his knees to stop him from falling!
bryce kind of smiled at my general direction at one point when he was setting up his guitar. the girl next to me blew kisses at him, i wish i did or said something too, but honestly i just stood there and melted into a puddle. during fake empire bryce went to play the piano so aaron was on my side of the stage and he waved at my general direction when they finished. a double whammy! matt came over to our side of the stage during turtleneck and screamed the chorus at us. it was so surreal. waiting for two hours outside in the cold and rain was definitely worth the place right in the front.
of course i have a soft spot for the twins, so seeing them live was the best part of my night. bryce (and at some points aaron) being in front of me was a dream come true. it’s no doubt that bryce is fantastic at guitar, but hearing him live and actually picking up the way he plays with my own ears was really something else. not only his playing, but also how he was using all the different guitars and using the mics on them and all the different pedals - it was all like a work of genius. i didn’t really get to see aaron’s artistry since his stuff was on the opposite side of the stage and he played more piano (which was on his side of the stage) but i could clearly see him playing when matt stepped back and let the twins perform guitar together. i caught him smirking at bryce on multiple occasions. i ascended each time. 
it was obvious that bryce was the more shimmery, flashy player when it came to guitar, so i tried to distinguish their styles of piano too! maybe it’s just me, but i think aaron has a deeper sound and bryce has a sharper sound! maybe that’s why they take turns for specific songs. regardless, they were so great, playing together and separately. i admire them greatly since they have so many projects and interests and even though their musical interests differ, they end up intertwining. seeing them live really showed that tbh!
it was the best night of my life. i wish i could be going to today’s show as well, but unfortunately i don’t have the money for that! anyway, everything ive always dreamed of already came true when i managed to stand right in the front and watch the national in all their glory perform live. i never expected to be right in the front - literally at the barrier - but i was! and it was worth the two hour wait in the cold without any food (this was my fault for forgetting to eat before coming, but it was worth it tbh!). hopefully i’ll be able to go for another concert if possible because that was probably the best experience ive ever had.
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bardicphooka · 7 years
SinnerTale-Tears of a skeleton
The snow around them fell quietly. The trees swayed ever so slightly. Dancing in the breeze that blew through the underground.
Frisk smiled, “I think we can both share time with our friends. Are you ready?”
You can feel Chara’s excitement shutter through Frisk’s body. Sitting off to the side, you think about warning frisk about the risks. Ultimately though, they are not listening.
Closing their eyes, Frisk takes a deep breath. Focusing on their left eye only. Slowly opening them to allow Chara’s soul to fill the right one.
Both of them could feel the deep breath and subsequent release. Chest rising. Heart beating. Chara smiled, “Thanks Frisk,” after a moment she sighed, “ but how are we going to explain the change in eye colour?”
“I was thinking we just tell them.”
“No.” Interrupting sharply, Chara flexed her fingers. On both sides of the body. Frisk sighed.
“Why? Don’t you want her to notice you? She’s your mother.”
“I said no,” sliding down the tree at their back, she sat in the snow. Staring at you. Eye cold and calculating. Imagining the damage she had caused last time. The reset that broke and left her lover scared with knowledge of the time lines. How his eyes went hollow. How he had hated her ever since.
Enjoying the rare solitude, Chara thought. Feeling for her emotions, she found none. She wanted them yet she could not find them. Her mind wandered. Could she reset with only half control. After some trying she decided no. Frisk’s death had though.
“Hey, Frisk?”
“Yeah Chara?”
“Can you reset?”
“Never mind.”
Sighing, Frisk moved the body. Their soul control stronger than Chara’s, “ We should start heading back.”
“Yeah. I guess.”
You can see the evil little smile her soul wares. Frisk seemingly can not. Their soul still numb. Still calculating. Sizing up Frisk’s soul as a hungry wolf might her prey.
The second you bring yourself to say anything, Chara shuts you out.
Cheerily, Frisk practically skips through the door. Greeting the brothers and Toriel who sat on the couch, watching a MTT Cooking episode.
“Goodness my child, you seem happy.” Smiling she watched Frisk nod.
Plopping right next to Toriel. Frisk cuddles up to her warm fur. Wrapped up in her one arm. Togeatger they watched TV with Toriel and the brothers. One eye clouded red. The other bright and clear.
Restlessly, Chara flexed the fingers. The show was boring. While she tried to enjoy time with her mother, she could only think of one thing. Forcing a reset.
“I’ll be right back,” she smiled at Toriel, “I need a drink”. Her trip to the kitchen seemed far to slow for her liking.
‘What are you doing?’ Frisk demanded as Chara opened the drawer for a knife. Sharp. Far bigger than needed for what Papyrus could cook. Slipping it into her pocket, Chara walked back through the living room and out through the door. Marching straight to Grillby’s.
Cleaning up for the morning, Grillby stood behind his bar. Polishing off the last spot of mess on his counter proudly.
Looking up, he could see no one. Feeling only that he was not alone. Turning to check his surroundings, he saw Chara standing there. Hands behind their back. One eye calm and crimson red. The other screaming at him, fear plain to see.
Glaring into the crimson one only he growls, “You don’t listen well do you.” He spits. Flaring up as the anger heats his cheeks. “Last we spoke, I told you to stay the hell out of my bar!”
“Thats not a very nice way to greet a customer. I just want some fries.”
Slowly, deliberately he reached for the crowbar under his counter, “We are closed. You are no customer of mine.”
Stepping forward, she pulled out her knife.
Striking her face, Grillby’s crowbar burns her. Stumbling backwards she shrieks with frustration, painlessly. Standing straight up a moment later she smiled at him mockingly, “Really? Is that all you’ve got?”
Fire stopped short of them as the right eye cried. He could see the stream of pain induced tears. They fell down only one side of Frisk’s face.
Grillby paces back and forth growing angrier by the second. With a flash of bright light he rushes to the back door.
“AHHHH!” Chara cried out, blinded by the light, “get back here!” Frustration the only thing creeping through her tone. Raising her voice she snarled, “Grillbz, Im not done with you!”
The back door slams behind him.
“Code red,” Grillby said. Shutting his cell phone. Hanging up on Undyne.
Placing a hand on the door to melt it shut, he feels a gentle hand on his shoulder. “You okay Grillbz?”
Melting the door, Grillby ignored Sans. Hurrying to the front door to seal it with fire magic.
Suddenly, Sans stands in front of him, “Move, Sans”
“Look if your mad at me I get it but I need your help finding the kid.”
“You mean me?” Chara chuckles behind Sans. Grillby, glaring a firey hole through her left eye.
“Try again. Lover” playing with her blade, Chara smiled. Frisk still crying.
Grillby pushing past Sans, heating his hands to burn the child. Sans stopping him. A hand against his chest, “Grillbz, please”
Embers flying off him threatened to set anything around him on fire. None of them came close yo touching Sans, however.
Dead set on killing Chara before anyone died again, Grillby stared down at Sans. Eyes set on his, only for a moment before snarling in Chara’s direction. Fire spreading towards her along the walls.
“Oh don’t worry lover, he’s just angry I stopped by.”
“SHUT YOUR MOUTH,” Grillby thrashed against Sans’s hand dangerously. Loosening his collar. Removing his tie.. Pushing back with all his might, San’s held strong. Flinging his glasses from his face.
“Chara. Stop.” Sans demand, “Grillby! Hey hey. Its ok. I’ve got it. Its okay.”
“Do you? Well, if you leave with me, I’ll leave your pall Grillby’s alone.”
“Yeah. Becuse im that stupi–”
Dragging the knife from Frisk’s eye down to their throat, Chara smiled at him.
“No! Fine…. I’ll… just leave them alone!”
“Sans! NO!” Grillby hissed. Forcing Sans behind him. Squaring his shoulders. Ready for a fight.
“Grillbz. Its okay. I’ve got this.” Sans begged. Grabbing Grillby’s wrist, “ Please just go inside. I’ll be fine.” Appearing in front of Grillby again he insisted urgently, “ Stop. Please.”
“Sans. Step aside.” Grillby Growled.
Chara readies her knife. Grillby’s grabs Sans, swiftly moving him from harms way.
Slicing through his shirt Chara quickly adjusted to avoid a blast of white hot flames.
Summoning a bone wall, Sans narrowly saved Grillby a knife through the heart. The angry fire elemental pacing back and forth along the wall. Uncontrollable. Burning the bone wall unconsciously.
Sans defended him. Summoning bone attacks while he spoke, “Grillby. You know you cant win like this. Your going to get killed. Calm down.”
Turning to yell at San’s Grillby was greeted by a boney hand, pressed across his mouth. Begrudgingly, he lowered his heat to avoid burning Sans.
It didn’t take long for him to realize what San’s was listening for. Chara had stopped.
Lowering the bone wall revealed Chara’s absence. Panic spread through the elemental like ice, filling his core.
Arm wrapping around Sans’s throat, Chara held the knife to his soul, “So, how about those fries?”
Grillby moved so fast. Chara threw Sans to the ground. Trusting her knife towards the fire elemental. Stabbing his abdomen. His hand wrapping around her wrist to late. Ash dusting her knife. Drifting from the wound.
Frisk’s eyes clear, tears filling them. Too late to stop Chara. Hand shaking. Unable to release the knife. Sans watched them shake crying. As Grillby fell to his knees clutching the wound, the knife slid free. Closing their eyes, they ran away crying into the woods.
Sans struggling up with a freshly cracked arm, hurrying to Grillby’s side. Helping Grillby put pressure on the wound. Hopping it would smolder and catch a lowly sealing flame, “Grillby… im so sorry.”
So much ash came through the wound. Glowing red bits of coal burning under his boney hands. Slipping through his thin fingers where ever Grillby’s hand wasn’t enough to hold it back. Trying to heal him with a broken arm seemed impossible. That didn’t stop him from trying. Though his magic escaped though his own wound instead. Healing only a fraction of the damage caused. Almost draining himself as tried again and again. He watched the fire slip away from Grillby’s eyes. Dust stirring up around him.
Blue magic falling from his eye sockets with his increasing level of frustration. Tears of a skeleton.
Frisk bumped into every tree they passed as they ran. Heedlessly bolting forward. Tripping over every root and every rock. Slipping on the ice, they slid off a cliff. Falling hard into the snow drifts below. Tears freezing to their eyelashes.
“My goodness! What happened here!” Tori shouted, hurrying to heal Grillby.
“What!?” Quickly she finished healing an unconscious Grillby, “where!?” Eyes darting around. She hurrying off in the direction of Frisk’s tiny foot prints in the snow
“Tori! Wait!” He shouted helplessly.
Toriel tracked them. She could see where they fell and rushed to help them.
Sans telleported. First to get Grillby home, laying him safely his bed. Secondly in front of Toriel.
“Tori! Wait. You dont-!”
“They are hurt! Sans!” Effortlessly, she pushed him aside. Harder than she meant to. Harder than he was expecting.
Hitting a near by tree, he heard a crunch. Fresh pain rocketed through his bones. Blacking out for a moment, he did not see her embrace the child, “Tori…. wait.”
But he could hear her scream.
Her head falling back. That was the next thing he could see. Dizzy visions of her falling to dust filled his eye sockets.
Grabbing Sans, Chara lifted him up the tree by his neck, “Sorry lover. Don’t worry though. I’ll make sure you don’t remember this one.”
Sliding the knife through his eye socket, she scraped his scull. Carving into it as he begged her to stop. Scraping. Scraping. Cracking through the bone. Jamming her knife through his skull. Hearing him scream before her feelings could return. Watching the blood seep trough the cracks in his bones.
Frisk’s soul screamed at her to stop. Everything falling away from them in reverse. They awoke crying in a patch of yellow flowers. Unable to recall the full reset. Chara on the other hand, she remembered it all.
“Knock. Knock
"Whose there?” Toriel asked. Cheerily.
“Ketchup who?”
“You should come with me to Grillby’s for some.”
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officialmccall · 7 years
Believe It or Not. Part 8.
Summary: after the night at the school, y/n is more shaken up than ever. For Scott, she acts like she's fine. But she keeps seeing what happened in her head, and they won't stop. Until someone helps her. content: hella fluff tbh (Based off 1x08 "Lunatic") After everything that happened in the school that night, Melissa wasn't letting Scott or Y/n out of the house for anything. Y/n was practically losing her mind with boredom. She had done all her homework, and was working her way through the entire Star Wars series for the 290220 time probably. *sidenote, rip Carrie Fisher <3* She pretty much fell off her bed when she heard her phone ring, struggling and stumbling to get to the device. Once she picked it up she saw that Stiles was calling her. A mix of emotions flowed through her as she answered. "Stiles, hi!" She greeted, probably a little bit too enthusiastically. "Hi to you too, how do you feel about helping me with something?" Y/n could hear the excitement in his voice. "Why do I have the feeling that this is something where I have to worry about getting caught?" She teased. "Because those are the only plans I ever make." Y/n laughed at the boy. "Alright Stilinski, what is it?" He didn't waste a beat telling her all about his plan, "I know Scott's been super down because of Allison lately, and I also know neither of you are allowed to leave the house. So if you could gather your depressing brother and convince him to climb out your window that would be great." She walked the few feet to her window to see that, he was in fact, standing right outside her window. "Alright fine but have him back by 11." "Yes ma'am." Y/n hung up the phone and headed to Scott's room where she had to drag him out of bed and back to her room. "You have to be quiet alright. Stiles is right outside my window, but mom is in the room right below so be careful." Y/n unlocked her window and lifted it up, feeling a cool breeze flow through her room, sending a slight shiver through her body. She stuck her head out briefly to see the spastic boy waiting for his best friend. "Thanks y/n." Scott whispered as he started to stick his legs out the window and gain his balance on the roof. She watched as the two boys ran off into the darkness, and smiled to herself. Hopefully Scott would be happy again. - - - It was Monday morning and y/n had to go back to school after the building being shut down Thursday and Friday. She woke up and quickly got dressed in black tights, and her black floral print dress that matched perfectly with her light brown boots. She realized she hadn't heard Scott up and moving around so she decided to go check on him and make sure he was awake. She took cautious steps inside his door frame to see that he was still asleep. But, once she was completely inside her brother's room his alarm finally went off. "Beautiful Monday morning, Beacon Hills High School is back open after being closed Thursday and Friday. Police search continues for alleged killer. Derek Hale-" Y/n raced over to silence the fuzzy radio noise, and gave Scott a hesitant smile when she saw he was awake. "We should probably set this to buzzer Huh," Scott groaned as a response. "You alive in there?" She poked his face trying to lighten the mood. "No." "Not ready to go back to school?" "No." "You want to stay home another day? I'll stay too?" Y/n offered sympathetically. "No." She sighed, "Okay. This isn't just about what happened at the school, right? It's about Allison. Do you want to talk about it?" Y/n had now moved so she was sitting on the edge of Scott's bed next to him. "Not with you." He mumbled closing his brown eyes and letting his head fall back onto his indented pillow. "Hey!" She nudged him, "I may not know what you're going through but I'm here." That was the last thing she said before urging him to get up so they wouldn't be late. She had started to walk back out of his room when a slight whisper caught her attention causing her to stop in her tracks and place her hand on the door frame. "I'm gonna get her back." Y/n wasn't sure if Scott was actually addressing her or just encouraging himself but she turned around anyway and smiled at him. "You will." She assured him. She truly hoped he did get her back too. She hadn't ever seen her brother that happy before. - - - Y/n was walking up the stairs of her high school, books in her hand and her head down. She kept replaying the other night in her head. She could barely sleep, she was trying to act like she was fine for Scott. With everything going on she knew he didn't need to be worrying about her, he didn't need to know that she knew the truth either. (< when writing is in between these it's a flashback>) <"please just one second to explain!" The scared girl pleaded to the janitor, yelling at him to leave. One person was already dead, and they were all next. So if they could just save this one person, that would be enough for her. That's when the beast jumped out of nowhere and ripped out the mans jugular. Y/n watched in fear as blood poured from his wound and his mouth. Before she could do anything the beast wrapped his claws around her neck and lifted her up. "Get off of me!" She screamed.> "Hey, Hey! Y/n it's me, it's me." She was pulled from her nightmare when she realized she was staring into Stiles' golden eyes. He had grabbed her arm, not the beast. Her breathing was out of control. She looked around and saw her books scattered all over the hallway floor, and people staring. "Come on, I'll get you out of here." Stiles' whispered in her ear as he helped her get to her feet. She stood there, silent and in shock, hugging her arms to her chest as Stiles grabbed all of her belongings and put them back in her bag before slinging the thing across his shoulder. Y/n's eyes stayed focused down, she could still feel their eyes on her, and she hated it. She hated that she couldn't talk to anyone about what she was going through, she hated that she could be of no help to Scott, she hated that her entire world had been flipped upside down, and she hated being weak. She felt tears slip out of her eyes before she was pulled from her thoughts by Stiles' hand back on her arm, gently tugging on her so she would walk with him. Y/n took one step, and Gravity got the best of her. She was falling and then in a matter of seconds she wasn't. Stiles had caught her and swiftly lifted the girl in his arms. Y/n rested her head on his shoulder and let her eyes shut as he quickly sped away from the mob of glaring eyes. Once Stiles found an empty classroom he set y/n on top of one of the desks so she could sit. Once he got her situated he took a moment to look at her, to really look at her. Y/n's gaze was down towards her shaking hands, to which he grabbed, the touch forcing her to look at him. He smiled at her and then used one hand to wipe the tears away that had spilled, leaving stains on her red cheeks. "I guess that's just Monday for ya." He commented, making her laugh. The sound brought complete joy to his ears, she was okay. "Sorry about that." Y/n apologized, using one hand to tuck both sides of her hair behind her ears. "Don't be." Stiles said, placing his finger under her chin, moving her head up until her eyes met his again. "What happened?" He questioned her cautiously. "I- I just-" y/n tried to explain until her breathing started getting uneasy again just thinking about it. "Shh, it's okay. You're okay." The boy reminded her with his soothing voice. He stared at her for a long time, watching as her chest started to rise and fall at a slower pace. Then he hesitantly urged her to keep talking. "Was it, was it because of what happened, what happened here?" Y/n's eyes shifted to look out the window, she watched as the trees blew lightly in the breeze and how the clouds shifted uneven spots of shade on the world, before answering. "yes." She was caught of guard when suddenly she was being lead forward into the embrace of Stiles' arms, to which she gladly welcomed. She clutched both of her arms around his neck and pulled him close, needing the comfort. Needing his comfort. His arms were wrapped near her lower waist, pulling her closer until she was no longer sitting on the desk but standing on her feet. His thumbs ran light lines across her back, soothing her. The two remained that way for a few, long minutes. Until y/n started to pull away, and when she did she looked him in the eyes and couldn't stop staring at them. Stiles' eyes were locked on hers too, and she almost didn't notice that he had started leaning towards her, she was so lost in the moment. Y/n pulled her self back to reality, and turned her head slightly. Stopping him from what he was about to do. "Im sorry-" Stiles took a step back from her as she cut him off. "You just- you can't do that, okay." "I know," he whispered running his hand over his head, "I know because you're Scott's sister." He finished his thought. "No." Y/n said, catching his attention, he turned his eyes to look at her. She could see the confusion in them, so she elaborated. "No, because I'm not Lydia." She turned away from the gaze burning a hole into her, the only time she has ever been able to turn away from those eyes. Y/n grabbed her things and headed towards the door, she was extremely late to class. "Thank you for- uh, for helping me." She mumbled frantically while trying to gather herself before going back out into the world. "Oh and Stiles," she turned on her heel only to see a hurt expression on his face, it killed her. But she continued anyway, "don't tell Scott." And that was the last thing she whispered, before leaving him standing there alone. - - - After school Y/n just went home and lied down in her bed. She didn't dare shut her eyes, in fear of reliving the other night again. She told her mom she was headed up stairs to do homework so she wouldn't bother her. She loved her mom more than anything, but if Melissa asked if she was okay one more time she would've screamed. Of course she's not okay. Nothing is okay. Everything that could go wrong, is going even worse than wrong. Not only does y/n now have nightmares even when she's awake, a werewolf brother who practically has a death sentence written on his forehead. But, now she has to deal with what happened in that classroom today with Stiles. She kept telling herself that he was just caught up in the moment, she was 110% sure he didn't mean it. She couldn't stop thinking about it though, thinking about him. Y/n's always wanted to kiss that boy. She wanted it to happen today, but she can't do that to herself. She will not kiss Stiles Stilinski if he's in love with someone else. She heard the faint of the front door opening downstairs and assumed Scott was home. She called out to make sure, since her mom had already left for her shift. "Scott?" She yelled from her same position. "Stiles." Was the answer she received. Mixed feelings of excitement and nervousness coursed through y/n's body. She finally sat up and made her way down the stairs, to see him re closing the front door with a key in his hand. He turned around and immediately looked at her, not sure what to do or say. "Key?" She questioned, pointing to the object in Stiles' hand. "Yeah I had one made, so-" She watched as the boy awkwardly flailed around, and let a small laugh escape her mouth. "That doesn't surprise me, " she smiled, "it scares me, but it doesn't surprise me." They stood there in silence until y/n noticed the giant black duffle bag that Stiles had brought inside with him. "What is that?" She asked. "Uh. School project." Y/n didn't believe him for one second, especially after he dropped the duffle bag on the floor and a silver chain peeked through the opening. Then it hit her, the full moon is tonight. She knew she couldn't ask him directly about what their plan was, so she settled for, "He's okay, right?" For the first time since he's walked into the house, he looked her in the eyes. "Who Scott? Yeah he's fine." His voice cracked while he was talking, and she didn't want to make him too uncomfortable but she needed to make sure her brother was going to be okay. "He just, he doesn't talk to me as much as he used." Y/n looked down at her feet saying this, it hurt her. Knowing she couldn't do anything, she couldn't help. She wasn't as smart as Stiles, so she trusted him to take care of her brother. "He's going to be okay, y/n." Stiles' voice sounded closer so she looked up to see that he was in fact standing directly in front of her. Her breathe caught in her throat at the intensity of his eyes standing into hers. "Right," she answered shifting away from his uncomfortable gaze, "well you can wait for Scott. I'm just gonna go back to my room." She shifted on the stairs slightly to make her way back up before Stiles' voice stopped her. "Wait, you're going to be home tonight?" He worriedly asked. "Uhm, yes?" She questioned. "Oh, okay. Just uhm, stay in your room okay?" His odd behavior caught her off guard before she thought it through. He had a chain, it's the full moon, her brother won't have control. Perfect. Stiles' is going to chain her brother up in his room. She just nodded at the boy before turning fully on her heal and taking each step until she reached the top. She reached the entrance to her room and turned around just to see the last bit of Stiles walking into Scott's room. Sighing sadly, y/n entered her room the rest of the way and shut her door behind her. - - - In the room just down the hall from y/n's, Stiles had tricked Scott into getting handcuffed to the heater in his room. The full moon had already taken affect on Scott and it was starting to scare Stiles. But he wouldn't dare show his fear, Stiles' anger towards his best friend at this point was stronger. From out of the black duffle bag Stiles grabbed out a dog's water dish that had 'Scott' written out on it. "I got you some water." The boy said before pouring a bottle of water inside the bowl. "Im going to kill you." Scott growled at Stiles, not in control of himself at all. "I'm lying to her Scott," Stiles decided to take this chance to finally speak his mind about the situation they've all been thrown into, "Okay? You're making me lie to y/n. The one girl that I- and you know, you told me we couldn't tell her for her protection. And I went along with it, it made sense at first. But Scott, she's knows something's up. And you... We're both going to lose her. God did you ever think that she would be safer if she knew what was going on?" He paced back in forth in front of Scott, "you're freaking unbelievable Scott. We can't keep this from her forever." He watched as his best friend stared at him with a killer look in his eye. "Maybe you should tell her how you feel." Scott whispered, but Stiles heard him. "What?" He asked anyway. "What the point? She's too good for you, you think you could be with my sister? You're nothing Stiles. You think you can protect her? You can't even help me." The boy in front of Stiles became completely unrecognizable to him. But he knew he was right, the only thing he can do is chain up his best friend. He can't actually solve any of this, he would never be able to keep y/n safe if he needed to. And that's what worried him so much with her just being a few feet away. Scott started begging for Stiles to release him, using multiple excuses to convince Stiles that he had control of himself again. "I can't." Stiles said, leaning against the bedroom wall. Then all of the sudden, Scott became eerily quiet, which didn't go unnoticed by Stiles. "Scott, are you okay? Scott?" Without warning Scott had broken through the handcuffs and rammed right through the window and Stiles wasn't able to stop him. He had no idea what to do. But Scott's words ran through his mind over and over again... 'you can't even help me.' And he was right, he doesn't even know where to begin. Tears started to fall silently down his cheeks. He made it just outside of Scott's room before collapsing on to the floor, back leaning against the wall. Out of frustration he slammed his head against the wall and let the tears run freely, running his hands over his head. - - - Y/n was startled from her homework when she heard a sudden banging against the wall just outside the the door and in the hall. She had been lying on her stomach working her way through biology notes, but when she heard the noise she rolled towards the edge of her bed until her feet hit the floor. Y/n opened her door quietly and peeked her head around to get a glimpse of what was going on outside. Her heart immediately dropped to her stomach when she saw a very distressed Stiles. Tears falling from his eyes and staining his pink cheeks. Y/n hesitantly tip-toed her way over to him. He didn't even glance at her, but y/n knew that he knew she was there. She let herself slide down the wall until she was sitting in the same position right next to him. She studied his side profile, as he still wouldn't look at her. She memorized the pattern of his moles that lie scattered on his face before placing her hand gently over his and squeezing tightly. Only then, did he take the time to finally look at her. He found himself at a loss of breath when he looked into her eyes, and it all hit him at once, making him completely forget everything going on in his life. It hit him. He would always, want to protect this girl. He will always, want to see her smiling. He will always, care about her. His feelings for Lydia, were non-existent. How could he only realize this now? The way he felt when he looked at Lydia, was nothing compared to how he felt right now. On the floor, holding the hand and staring into the eyes of the girl he truly cares for. "I have to go." He whispered to her before getting up and sprinting out of the McCall house. He couldn't waste anymore time being there, he needed to speak to his dad immediately. He needed to do something, and he can do something. Scott was wrong. Not only is he going to help his best friend, but he just made himself a promise. Y/n will always be safe, and under his protection. *leave feedback when you're done reading please*
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