#[ and he refuses to look it up because just googling hair tutorials is girly LOL ]
despairforme · 1 year
does nnoitra ever braid his hair back? it'd look awesome like that!
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❝ Nah, I don't. ❞ He didn't know how to. Like HELL he was going to look up hair-braiding tutorials on youtube. What kinda girly shit was that? It was a bit of a shame that he didn't know how to braid his hair, because he imagined it would be a real practical way to wear it ( even though it was probably a hassle to braid it ). He'd love to at least braid some of the hair on the right side of his head, because when it was windy, that hair would blow into his one good eye, and it was annoying as hell. Braiding it and pulling it back, AWAY from his face? Yeah, that'd be nice.
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