#[ thank you for the ask anon! made me look at that beautiful art again !! ]
despairforme · 9 months
does nnoitra ever braid his hair back? it'd look awesome like that!
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❝ Nah, I don't. ❞ He didn't know how to. Like HELL he was going to look up hair-braiding tutorials on youtube. What kinda girly shit was that? It was a bit of a shame that he didn't know how to braid his hair, because he imagined it would be a real practical way to wear it ( even though it was probably a hassle to braid it ). He'd love to at least braid some of the hair on the right side of his head, because when it was windy, that hair would blow into his one good eye, and it was annoying as hell. Braiding it and pulling it back, AWAY from his face? Yeah, that'd be nice.
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utterlyazriel · 3 months
whom the shadows sing for — (and the thief's echoing hymn)
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a/n: here she is... chappie four <3 thank u for ur patience and 1000 kudos to the anon that made a plot suggestion that i had already written lmao-- as always let me know what u think! things are heating up....
word count: just under 4k
synopsis: You return to regular training for the first time in a month. Azriel asks a favor from Rhys and finds you in a less than stellar condition when he returns to camp
Velaris is a sight for sore eyes.
After nearly a month of endless white scenery, of the blinding glint of the sun against snow, paired with endless pine, the sight of a city is a reprieve in itself.
And because it’s Velaris — because it’s home — something else settles within Azriel.
A hackle that always stays on high alert finally lies down. The constant agitation of his shadows falls into a calming hush. He breathes easier.
He's back with his family and can be here to keep them safe if need be. He's back to the closest semblance of comfort he's ever known.
Where do you find comfort?
Azriel blinks a little, taken aback at the abruptness of the thought.
The lone shelter in the mountains, spaced out from the circle of buildings, every bit representing your isolation from the people of the camp — that was your home.
Where you resided and took solace from the world in, the place you felt safest. But... it's no place of comfort. It's a crutch. A necessary support. Somehow, Azriel has no doubt that if you could survive out in the snow, burrowed amidst the elements, you would, if only to have one less thing to maintain.
You've never even seen a city before, he thinks. All you know is the mountains.
Suddenly, eyes cast across the breathtaking beauty of Velaris, the hum of the Sidra carving its way through his beloved home, the buzz of people on the streets, Azriel recalls the very time he lay eyes on it himself.
It never stops being breathtaking. That much is true, but then again, there was no comparison to the first time.
The warm feeling that had grown in his chest. The way something he hadn't known ever existed within him had unfurled, like a flower blooming in the sun. Something Azriel now knows to be hope.
He hadn't known a place this beautiful could exist.
Wouldn't have been able to dream it up when all he had known for so, so long was darkness and shadow.
Even in the time after the cage, all there was to see was the white of winter and the cold bite of the harsh mountains. He learned how blood looked melting into the snow, how to sleep with one eye open, and all the different shades of cruelty.
Azriel remembers being unable to comprehend the sight, the stumble in his heart at the indisputable proof before him. That despite what had been drilled into him by his father, his brothers, by every Illyrian warrior who punched down on bastards, there was a place where peace reigned above all.
People who lived in harmony. Where Art and music are considered a treasure alongside other skills, each equally important. And Azriel belonged there, as much as any of them.
It had been one thing to walk through the city, to marvel at every cobblestone, at the trims lining each and every window, to have people regard him with such a polite and casual manner — not a second glance at his wings or his hands.
It had been something else entirely to fly over it as night fell.
Mountain ridges illuminated by his most constant friend, the rising moon, watching the moonlight spill over the dark red rock of the mountain and paint it ever softer. Sweet ocean air and the very perfume of the city intertwined within the current as he soared above it, mighty wings beating.
Azriel could remember that first day and night in Velaris vividly, like an unforgettable dream. How easy it had been to fall in love with it, to let its arms unfurl and to allow himself to make a home within them.
Looking out across it now, as Faelights begin to twinkle and blink to life as the night creeps in, all Azriel can think of is how much he wants that for you.
To bring you here. To have both of you fly above the city and wander down the streets aimlessly, to show you that there were places far kinder in this world than all you had known before.
He yearns for you to have the same dawning realisation he did—that so much more existed outside of those gods forsaken mountains.
Azriel knows you're a very guarded male. You have more than enough reasons to be. He's already pushed a thousand boundaries you have and each time you let him into your sanctuary in the mountains is a sign of enormous trust.
Maybe for that reason, Azriel wants to be the first to extend that kindness to you.
A twinge in his chest sings a different, golden answer.
Azriel ignores it and steals one more look out at his home, swallowing down how all logic seems to be pointing to the same thing, time and time again.
He finds the High Lord in his study, papers stacked high on his desk that have only grown higher in Azriel's absence. His dark hair is tousled in a way that means he's been running his hand through it too much.
Azriel lifts the shadows from beneath his feet as he enters, letting the other hear the sound of his soft footsteps. Rhys looks up at the new arrival. Despite his tired appearance, it does nothing to dim the grin that overtakes his lips at the sight of his brother.
"My, my, aren't you a sight for sore eyes?"
Azriel grins back, stepping forward Rhys pushes back from his desk and stands. His usual wings have been hidden away through his magic and Azriel notices their absence when he pulls him into a brief hug. Rhys lingers close, his violet eyes raking over his friend.
"Not bad to see you either."
"You flatter me." Rhys purrs, his voice all buttery and smooth. "You've got new eyebags. Overworking yourself as usual, are we Az?"
"I presume you make such lovely comments about Feyre too?"
"And risk her wrath?" Rhys smiles, eyes glittering at the mention of his mate. "Never."
Azriel rolls his eyes, letting his obvious endearment at his brother's happiness show. They truly are a perfect pair.
He crosses his arms across his broad chest tightly, if only to hide the fleeting flicker of wanting the spools tight in his chest. A ribbon of envy, woven between his ribs.
If Rhys notices, he doesn't comment. Instead, he says, "Usually, you're itching to escape the mountains but not this time I see."
He pauses, eyeing up the Shadowsinger to see what response it'll give. Azriel yields no comment back. Expecting this, Rhys smiles.
"Either way, you'll be happy to hear that Cassian has returned from his time off and is ready to resume his usual duties."
Azriel stills at the words.
He knew that Cassian would at one point return to his usual positions and that Azriel himself, would return to his spymaster post. But it's come sooner than expected. Perhaps, time with you has been passing far quicker than Azriel thought.
"I found the cause of the rumours."
"Yes, I assumed you had," Rhys says, wandering back around the deck to slump into his chair. He leans one arm against the armrest, his knuckles against his temple.
"I also assumed that you spent all that time dealing with it. Much of a problem?"
Azriel considers his words carefully. The trust he's managed to garner with you is fragile, though he knows his friend would not severe it or interfere if he asked.
Another part of him knows it's unusual behavior of him, to offer his skills so willingly to a stranger. But, well, you're not exactly a stranger anymore.
"There's a male.” Azriel begins, choosing his words carefully. “A bastard, the one causing all the stir-ups. He feeds the other bastards when he can. It's what had Lord Mylind kicking a fuss."
Rhys curses lightly at the realisation of just which camp they are dealing with.
"He's learning to make healing tonics," Azriel continues, noting how Rhys' head straightens up a fraction. Interested. "In hopes of slipping them to freshly clipped females. To see if it can reverse the damage."
Rhys sits back in his chair completely, his hand brushing over his mouth in deep contemplation. For a moment, he says nothing.
"I suppose I don't need to ask if there's been any female training then."
Azriel feels himself glower instinctively, his wings hiking up an inch higher without meaning to. He thinks of Lord Mylind and the conversation he had on the first day in their camp. The sheer display of male arrogance, snarling, and threatening violence outright.
Rhys curses again, his eyes crushing closed. He seems to filter through a pained reaction, his face contorting until it lands on a tired resignation.
“The camp of Exordor made very good on a bargain struck during a very hard time.” Rhys grits the words out.
Something dangerous flashes in his eyes at the mention of the deal that had turned sour. A cold ripple of night shudders through the room.
No amount of soldiers supplied during the war had been worth the suffering that camp Exodor alone produced— or continues to produce if the whispers that came out of there held an inkling of truth.
It’s a rotten place, tucked deep in the mountains, and some of the worst brutes Rhys has ever had the displeasure of meeting were born in the bowels of that place.
“It doesn’t lift for another 50 years." Rhys sighs, his voice wavering with a hint of shame. "I can’t touch them without slaughtering them all— innocent or not.”
Azriel didn’t say anything for a moment. This information is not new. He watches as Rhys digests his silence, leaning back in his chair as the wheels spin in his head, dizzyingly fast.
For the second time, Rhys' brows jump.
“You’re helping him.”
Not a question.
Azriel nods.
"You don't want Cassian to take back over."
"No," Azriel murmurs. "Not yet. The male is... He's guarded. Isolated. It has taken time to earn his trust. I believe in what he wants to do and I believe he has what it takes to achieve it.”
He thinks of the quiet evenings within your shelter, your patience as you taught Azriel what you could — how you took every piece of information from him on the chin, not one complaint of ever tiring. He thinks of the heaving in his chest, the tug on his heart.
"I ask that you let me see this out." Azriel finishes, his shoulders rolling back as he stands tall. Let Rhys understand how this had become more than just a mission to him; it’s a personal calling, one he must answer, one that he needs to see out to the end.
Rhys surveys him intensely, unblinking for a moment. Then something devious crosses his face, catching in a smile.
"That's not the only thing you want to ask me, is it?"
Azriel looks to the ground, suddenly bashful. This would be entirely too revealing of the closeness he felt, to ask this, to offer this. He asks anyway.
"I wish, with your permission, to take Heartstriker." Azriel's voice rumbles lowly. He forces his eyes back up, meeting Rhys' strong gaze. "To gift to him."
Something dips into Rhys' smile, threatening a smirk and for that reason alone, Azriel feels his ears tinge hotly. His face remains calm, however, giving nothing away.
"Heartstriker? As a gift?" Rhys repeats, with a sly smile. "Pray tell Brother, when's the wedding? Since when have you ever been known for gift giving, let alone something as dear to you, such as a sword? I might just have to meet this bastard."
Azriel’s ears only get hotter, betraying him. He prays it doesn't show on his face, though he's sure the increased swirlings of his shadows give him away. And Rhys’ infallible ability to read his flustering each and every time.
"Is that permission?"
Rhys, seemingly realising he won't be getting any juicy details, quits tormenting his brother with a flourish of his hand. He leans back in his chair relaxed, a softness creeping into his expression.
"It's been yours to take all these years, Az." Rhys finally lands on. "You did earn it, after all."
The shelter looks bigger without him here.
Betrayingly, it’s the first thought you have when the door swings open, letting you into your nest of safety. You heave in a breath that rattles loudly and it gets swept up in the foul whistle of the Mother's Kiss.
On your side, your blood-soaked hand clutches your abdomen tightly. Pain spiderwebs up your body, fraying every nerve with a burning agony.
Every step feels loud and clumsy.
You cough as softly as you can, yet still feel the warmth of blood on your lips. The familiar metallic tang overwhelms your mouth.
You must be dripping blood behind you, dragging a slushy mess of crimson snow in on your boots. Fuck, what are you doing again? Your head throbs. They must've knocked your head hard this time if you're losing focus this quickly.
The Mother's Kiss howls fiercely, a reminder of the cruelty outside your little haven.
Right. You remember you need to close the door— and you shove the deadbolt closed along with it. If your ribs were aching a little less, you would reach up and do up the second deadbolt too, at the top of the door. You try to anyway.
Your arm gets mid-way up before you freeze, pain lashing every nerve in your midriff, enough to make you wince loudly. The bindings on your chest aren't helping. For a moment, dark spots dance before vision as you quickly tuck your arm back down, moving too quick.
Fuck. Fuck. One deadbolt will have to do.
It feels as if the whole world lurches when you take your next step, blurring like thick taffy for a split second. You stumble towards your bed and realise as you sink onto your knees on the edge of it, you need to dress your wounds.
Another bloody cough. Has your nose stopped bleeding yet? It's impossible to tell between each and every other ache.
What were you doing again?
Without meaning to, you begin to slump over, nearly lying down in your bed.
Dressings! That's right, you need to make sure the wound on your side isn't still bleeding, need to make sure it's clean when it finally begins to clot, need to...
Need to... what did you need to do?
That's right— you need to sleep.
Your head crumples against the pillow like a dead-weight as you collapse against it, exhausted. As your consciousness wanes, you cough again, a splatter of red spraying your pillow.
Not good, you think absentmindedly. Eyes slipping shut, you miss the familiar figure out the window, approaching through the storm.
You're wincing before you even realise you're awake.
Crackling. Logs spitting out little snaps fill the air, the quiet roar of a hearty fire; the first things you hear when you come too, far too slowly for your own liking. Your left ears hum loudly in discomfort— no doubt a result of one of the harsh hooks you had caught in the face earlier today.
Next, you smell something... clean?
Your tongue comes out gingerly, licking your cracked lips and you realise quite suddenly, there's an absence of blood on them. The thought slams into you at the same time you realise; you hadn't been able to stay awake for long enough to even light a fire.
Panic reaches through your ribs and grips your heart, tight, and you sit up without thinking.
Pain follows you closely like a lazy afterthought that slams into you, soaking into your body meanly and making you regret moving so fast. Your head swims heavily, throbbing dully.
A pained noise threatens to leave your lips and you force it down. Then force your head up, eyes blinking rapidly, trying to assess the threat, trying to do something.
Panic squeezes your heart painfully again when your hazy vision clears just enough to reveal the shape of a body before you— your blood chilling in your veins as you realise there's somebody else in here with you.
The whimper you held back before slips out before you can help it, your body squirming backward without thought. Your breaths comes out in sharp pants, bursts of pain accompanying each one, and right as you hit the wall, your vision focuses.
Your lungs empty in relief.
It's Azriel before you, on his knees, his scarred hands are held out in front of him.
They aren't touching you, just hovering, his palms up to indicate he means no harm. His wings are tucked back, hunched down to be smaller than usual, and all around him, his shadows whirl about animatedly.
There's an expression on his face you've never seen before.
"—on't move," He's saying, his low voice finally registering in your ringing ears. His hazel eyes are fixed on your face, darting about quickly. "You'll re-open your wounds."
He's talking about your wounds but for some gods forsaken reason, all you can think is how surprised you are that he came back.
The thought loops endlessly, like a holy mantra —he came back, he came back, he came back— and you realise that you were both terrified and also sure that he wouldn't be coming back at all.
That somehow, somewhere along his trip back to his home, he would have realised you weren't anything worth coming back for.
"Azriel?" You wheeze.
Just to check—you have to check.
Maybe he's a mirage. He certainly would be the kindest mirage you can think of.
You think you see something soften on his face, his wings dropping an inch lower behind him. His hands are still held out before you, still waiting. He's endlessly patient. His shadows seem to slow a bit, less frenzied.
"Yeah," He murmurs gently in response. His hazel eyes burn as they take in the sight of you again. "They got you pretty messed up. huh?”
You're sitting on your bed still, you realise. Blinking slow, you take an inhale, trying to put together how he got here— your eyes fly to the door. It's locked, this time with both deadbolts secured.
Azriel follows your gaze, turning his head slightly. "They're a good precaution. Don't be dissuaded that the spymaster of this court managed to get past them."
You wheeze again, some delirious laugh that gets cut off when pain splinters through your side. You groan lowly, unable to hold it in and your hand creeps slowly to paw at your side.
Faintly, you can feel the scrape of bandages on your skin, covering the wound, and sigh in relief. It makes your diaphragm sink down, the bindings around your chest shifting and that sends a frantic bolt of alarm through you once more.
“You—” The word scratches out your throat and you cough weakly. Every instinct starts to light back up, hackles rising— there has never been someone else around when you're too weak to defend yourself. It takes a moment with eyes closed and measured breaths to lean into your trust. You trust him, you know you do.
“You... patched me up?”
The question comes out wary and pointed despite your efforts. Though that might just be the gravel in your throat from having your face beaten in.
You don’t know how to covertly ask if he saw— if, that when he pushed your bloody shirt up to nurse the slash in your side, he noticed the gauze around your ribs.
It's an alien and terrifying thought, Azriel finding out. A worry deep in the marrow of your bones warbles in response, a thousand hairs standing up on end at the possibility.
How a revelation of that magnitude could sever the first trust you've had in years.
How it could lose... the first friend you've ever truly had.
A string of nausea tugs in your throat, bile threatening, and you have to swallow it down with the crippling fear that's been thrust into your system.
This is how it goes. The intrinsic balance of the world —to be gifted closeness and friendship, is to submit to the possibility of losing it.
Back against the wall, it settles into you very starkly, a thought sharp and clear; you do not want to lose him in any way.
Some part of you thinks he must see you as some kind of starving mutt, growing far too attached to the first hand that feeds it. But looking at him now, his shadowed face and kind expression, the depth of his eyes... you're convinced he sees something more to you.
And you want him to, desperately.
In a way you can't comprehend, can't begin to understand— how can you be so tied to someone you've known for so little? How can it hurt so much to be parted from him when you're barely friends? When he doesn't even know who you truly are.
Perhaps, you think, this is what all friends are like. You wouldn't know, you haven't had any before.
Azriel nods mutely, a strand of his dark hair falling over his forehead. He seems to be considering his words carefully and you take the moment to steal a few deep breaths.
When he speaks, his voice is softer than you’ve ever heard. "I understand that might be... crossing a line. But—" A waver in his voice. "— but I could smell the blood from out in the storm."
There's something left unsaid in his sentence, his tone clipped. Whatever it is, you're far too tired to discern it. Your body, overwhelmed with tension, abruptly loosens as the perceived threat of danger seeps away. It drains you, a sudden wave of tiredness cresting upon you— because you know, undoubtedly, you're safe now.
Not quite meaning to but unable to stop yourself, you sink down and fall limply against your bed. Your wing curls over you defensively, a blanket and shield all in one.
Azriel's hands finally lower, resting gently atop his thick thighs. His shadows dim their chaotic activity, almost lazy with how they whirl about his neck and shoulders. You wonder absentmindedly what they feel like against his skin.
Looking back at his face, you find his eyes haven't broken their watchful gaze on you— intense enough to stir up an unfamiliar warmth within your chest. You avoid it and his eyes, your tired eyes catch sight of something behind him.
"You brought...?" You can't quite finish your sentence, a vicious shiver wracking your frame, making you curl up closer. Tiredness chases it, the threat of sleep looming closer and closer.
Your eyes close without meaning. In the darkness, Azriel's voice swims before you, muted and far away.
"You have to get better before I can give it to you." His voice has dropped to a whisper. It makes your lips twitch in an attempt of a smile. It's funny, hearing a legendary Illyrian warrior like him whispering.
"Okay," You might say back— though you're not sure if it sounds like a word at all.
It doesn't matter. You're already asleep.
tags <3
@strangerstilinski @janebirkln @itsswritten @mischiefmanagers @hnyclover @waytoomanyteenagefeels @idkitsem @illyrianbitch @jeweline16 @fightmedraco @iamjimintrash @maeandering @spideytingley @aneekapaneeka @cassianswh0reeee @viciane @astarlitsoul @mybestfriendmademe @archiveofcravings @reputaytionn-13 @bionic-donut @chessebookgirl @itseightbeats @littleblackcatinwonderland @twsssmlmaa @fanworrior @skysayhi @vintageoldfashion @tequilya @fabulouslyflamboyant5
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senblades · 11 days
Hi :)
I love your art and your writing, and you have such a great grasp of these characters that I was wondering if you have any fic recs? Rating doesn't matter ;)
boy do I! (and ty for the compliment <3 <3 <3)
[cracks knuckles] alrighty:
The Dissapearence of Goro Akechi by Kupowonders - Probably my favourite fic ever, honestly- it's like. derailing the plot of persona 5 post-medjed thanks to the persona 4 accomplice ending years prior. (So, spoilers for p4 in that, too) it's. very good.
Marigolds by Colbub - Akechi gets ng+'ed to right when he started working for Shido, and has to take a good look at the future to come and be like "Aight how the fuck do I fix this". Fun times!
Daredevil, You've hit the wall by ez_cookie. Essentially, p5 Strikers but Sumire and Goro get to be in on the fun, too. And, there's a direct sequel currently being updated that's a similar premise for p5 Tactica. very very good stuff
A Tale of Two Tricksters by Zoe2k8 - Murder boyfriends! ...sort of? Angst! Angst and murder boyfriends! An oversimplification, obviously, but I'm not kidding when I say this fic is amazing and is also over a million words holy shit-
Throw away your mask by MollyPollyKinz - Another ng+ situation for Akechi, but this time the poor guy gets thrown all the way to 2009. You can imagine how well that goes (For the audience, less so for Akechi himself.)
The Crow Cries at Midnight by Dorked. hehe this one is very fun. Basically, a series of coincedencs causes Akechi to get thrown into the plot of persona 4. No time travel here! Just a grumpy 12/13 year-old Akechi trying to solve a murder mystery
The entire Tales of Chaos series by Eternalmomentss (The first one is called Like sand between your fingers) Very very good stuff! Something of a character study, I would say, of Ren and Goro. Plus, all the funky plot stuff that comes from trickster-typical bad luck and poor descision making. I really love this series hehe
uhh this post is getting very long I need to make this less wordy- lightning round?
Hunger for a life by Leonawriter - do you like vampires? I sure do! Mix that and the p5 plot and you get shenanigins. [evil laughter] a lot of shenanigins
Fishbowl by KivaEmber - Akechi has a terrible time in Maruki's reality. And I mean a terrible time
You have a beautiful smile underneath that mask by Saposaki - Akechi has a crush on Akira and Joker has a crush on Crow. No one is aware of the other's secret identity. Dramatic irony and hilarity ensues.
MASTERMiND by StumblingBlock - No Metaverse au where Akira really doesn't want to follow in the footsteps of his crime family, and fails miserably
Rose and Rot by SixteenJuniper - Read this!! I'm serious!! "A fun fantasy adventure" don't listen to Juniper. You'll be in tears by chapter two. (/pos, of course) (Seriously this fic is incredible)
Redressing the Balance by Convocated - ...almost a ng+? Ng+, in the sense that shuake are getting funky visions that are very quickly derailing the standard plot of p5r. This causes problems of the "Someone get the popcorn and maybe the tissues" variety
She's got a heartbeat full of lead (And she's aiming straight for the head) by Dots - This fic haunts me, often. In the best way possible, of course; but seriously, read it
Cracked into by SydneyHorses - Ren makes bad descisions and it becomes Akechi's problem. 2/2 timeloop, perhaps most notably featuring HaruGoro friendship! Love love love this fic
Okay that wasn't as "less wordy" as I intended but it'll do
Aaaand that's a wrap! Sorry for the long post.. and this is by no means all of the fics that I've ever loved (nor are the ones here in any particular order) but I swear we'll be here all week if I keep going HAHA
ty for the ask (and again for the kind words), anon! Hope this was helpful and to your tastes! (I... hope you like Shuake HAHA it's present in most of these- I assume you do, since you came to me (points at literally everything shuake I've made) of all people, but uh. Some of these fics are gen if it's not to your liking?)
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yourangel137 · 10 months
“You’re such a good girl.”
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Hello darling 🐈‍⬛ anon! It’s good to see you again! I’m sorry this took so long to make, but I hope u like it, pls lmk!
Pairings: Albedo x Fem!reader
Warnings: S m u t without any plot. Straight up going at it + praise kink :D
Type: drabble
Word count: 740 words
Summary: Reader has a praise kink and Albedo is sure to use that to his advantage <3
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“You’re so beautiful..” Your cheeks flush, breath becoming uneven once his hands trail over your skin. His fingertips trail gently over your imperfections, however, to him, they aren’t imperfections but just another part of your body to love. His lips kiss every inch of your body, hoping to give you the feeling of love you always wished to feel, and it does. Every kiss makes your skin feel like it’s on fire, every hickey he places on your skin is yet another patch of art on your blank canvas and even though you felt overwhelmed by his love, you let him continue. “You’re so gorgeous. You’re perfect..” His words leave you with yet another skip of a heartbeat. You’re forever thankful to him, for his love. Even if the nights ended up more rough, even if they ended up more lustful,, in the end he’ll always stay and take care of you. Making love always felt so good with him, but having lustful, needy sex, also always felt good. He never made you feel used, always keeping a close eye on your every movement, listening to your every word and always stopping when the code was called. He’s giving you the respect you deserve and you feel so incredibly lucky to have him as your lover.
You feel his lips press against your neck, softly nibbling on your skin and making little hickeys here and there. A soft noise leaves your slightly swollen lips, swollen from all the making out you did with your boyfriend. “You sound so good, like music to my ears. Does it feel good, Darling?” you blush, cheeks heating up in mere seconds while his voice sounds huskier than usual, softly talking in your ear. “Y-yeah.. it feels good.”
“That’s good to hear, my love. You’re being such a good girl.”
The sudden praise sends waves of lust through your body, a reaction you never expected to get from praise. Goosebumps cover your skin, showing his praise even made your skin react and of course Albedo noticed that. “You like praising, I see~ I never expected you to react like this upon my word use. I will note that down for next time.”
Before you could deny his words you feel his hand grope one of your breasts, massaging it in his hand and gently rubbing over your nipple. Your nipple hardens, needing more of his attention and before you could comment on it you can already feel his lips press around it. Your hand places itself on top of his head before he starts sucking and licking your nipple, playing with the other nipple with his fingers. Albedo seems to always know what you love, where to touch you to make you moan and how to fuck you properly to make you climax. Maybe he indeed writes things down and remembers things along the way when exploring your body.
You let out a louder mewl the moment you feel him pinch one of your nipples, He takes a moment to take in your noises with a smirk plastered on his face. Albedo moves away from your chest, looking at your current blushing state before asking: “Can you be a good girl and open your legs for me?”
You didn’t let him ask you twice, your legs immediately open for him and his hand soon finds its way where you wanted it the most.
“Good girl, you’re listening so well to me.”
Your untouched pussy clenches a little bit, praise really seems to be doing a lot to you but you’re not complaining about it at all. His fingers softly starts rubbing your needy clit, your glistening precum already sticking onto his fingers while he rubs it all over your clit. “You’re so wet for me, Y/N, I bet we wouldn’t need any lube.”
“You did that to me..” You softly spoke out, biting your lip afterwards to hold back any louder noises threatening to come through your lips.
“Oh I know that, it just means I’m doing a good job, right? I already promised you I’d make you feel good, didn’t I?”
“Yeah.. You did.. Hnngg.” You answer, hands gently gripping onto the bedsheets the moment you feel two of his fingers enter your wet pussy and him moving his fingers in and out.
“Good girl, this is what you deserve after all, for being so good to me all the time.”
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I hope u have a good day<3
Much love,
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isaacswhy · 1 year
isaacwhy x fem!reader (nsfw) summary: isaac catches y/n looking at his fingers over and over again. he uses them. requested?: yes, by 🦦 anon MINORS DNI
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There you sat, at the kitchen counter. In one of those too-comfortable cushioned stools as your boyfriend cooked up a meal for you. You watched as his hands gripped every tool he used and his perfect finesse with every movement. He made cooking look so effortless and like a beautiful art. He was beautiful.
You'd admire his strong figure and his body, but your eyes would trail down the muscles of his arm and onto the veins that led to his hands, and his large fingers. God, those fingers. It's not like you'd never gotten to experience them before, you had, many times over, but they never ceased to amaze you. Perfectly shaped and just the right size, where you almost felt too full. The way they-
You jolted and looked up at Isaac, who was now looking at you with two plates in hand. Your frantic, turned-on brain panicked to compose yourself, so you sat up with a small smile on your face.
"Oh, thank you. What's for dinner?" You asked.
Isaac looked perplexed. "Weren't you watching me as I cooked? It's just some breakfast burritos. I was craving them, you know how it is."
"If I were honest.. I was spacing out, you know?"
"Oh, yeah, I get it. I hope you enjoy it."
"You know I will, Isaac. Your cooking is.. what's the word, delectable."
"Okay, fancy pants."
You chuckled to yourself as you took a bite, the savory combo of eggs and meat and cheese taking you almost by surprise in the way they flowed together beautifully. The meal was well-seasoned and you could've sworn you fell in love with Isaac all over again in the moment. After taking a few bites, you found yourself spacing out again, your eyes trailing over to the man across the counter eating his own meal. Or at least to his hands. And those fucking fingers.
Maybe it was obsession, but you couldn't help yourself. They were so perfect for you. His hands in general were a work of art, sculpted by the gods like he was meant to be a statue one day. The large size of them and the veins that decorated them sporadically. Even as you went up his arm, his muscle definition and the all around strength you took in as you stared at him.
"Hello? My eyes are up here."
You were startled once more, but you did your best to flirt. "Don't mind me, just enjoying the view."
"What were you looking at that caught your attention?"
"That's for me to know and you to find out, Isaac."
"The hell does that mean?"
You took another bite of your burrito as Isaac looked at you with a sense of curiosity in his eyes. You knew the look well after seeing it many times over. A twinge of arousal mixed with the need to chase down what you were leading him towards. He was mild-mannered most of the times, but you knew he couldn't help himself when you gave him subtle hints like this. He became a whole new man altogether. You didn't envy the internet, given that they were never able to see the expressions he makes or all of the looks in his eyes that could tell you far more than words. Then again, you liked having it all for yourself.
It was an obvious move, but you flickered your eyes from his to his fingers, back to his eyes, and then you returned to your burrito. If he was still questioning your intentions, that was on him. You wanted to lay some hints down, but you never wanted to give him exactly what he wanted: the answer.
"I think I get it."
A grin spread across your face. "Do you now?"
Isaac stood wordlessly from his stool and walked over to you. "The question is, do I have the patience to move back to our room?"
A mischievous look in his eye told you that he was on the right path. "It doesn't matter either way if you're fast."
Isaac returned your sly smile. "I guess you're right."
It didn't take more than a second for Isaac's hands to find themselves on the waistband of the sweatpants you had stolen from him, pulling them down. You wrestled your hips as you noticed he had hooked his fingers under your underwear as well, so when he got them out from under you successfully, you were exposed to him. He reached two fingers down and slowly rubbed them in circles on your clit, which brought out an unexpected moan from you. His other hand slapped over your mouth as his fingers teased you. The wetness and heat between your legs was growing unbearable.
Your boyfriend finally obliged, dragging his two fingers downward, getting them wet with your slick, and pushing both inside simultaneously. You could've screamed in the moment, his large fingers making you almost feeling like you were being filled to the brim. There was pain, but it quickly subsided as he pushed his fingers into you rigorously and caressed your g-spot.
You didn't have the stamina he had, so you found yourself gripping the counter and your seat hand with your fingers as a climactic feeling rose in your gut. The way Isaac's fingers worked inside of you with such finesse always brought you to orgasm faster than you could've ever done yourself, and faster than anybody had ever done before. Isaac truly was the perfect guy for you.
"Isaac.." Your muffled voice was blocked out mostly by Isaac's hand, but he heard you fine.
"I know, baby."
Whines and whimpers were all you could manage as his fingers fucked you relentlessly, your breath hitching as you spilled over the edge and climax rocked your body. If Isaac's hand weren't there, the neighbors would've gotten a show. Isaac's fingers slowed their pace and eventually pulled out, and you watched as he brought his fingers to his mouth and licked them clean. God, you loved that guy.
"You're so gross," You said, even if you didn't mean it.
"I know you love it."
You pulled your underwear and borrowed sweatpants back up over your waist and the two of you returned to your daily routine, and the rest of the housemates didn't seem to know a thing as they woke up. A job well done.
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yawnzzznnn · 8 months
hii can i request prompt 1 for riize's wonbin and prompt 19 for eunseok?
☆Comfort - Eunseok☆
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☆special thanks to: anon, Riize, eunseok
☆Note: hello sorry you had to wait so long for this but I hope you enjoy and, remember you are beautiful dont let others get to your head if you ever need a shoulder to cry on or some comfort you can always DM me and I'll comfort you remember you are worth everything if someone tells you other wise you tell me and I'll kick there ass for you
☆TW: insecure reader : mentions of being bullied : mentions of name calling : mentions of beauty standards : body shaming : mentions of body weight : mentions of hate comments : reading hate comments :
☆Words: 686
☆taglist: @eumppappasgrippers @mxlly143
☆Prompt: I swear your like a god(dess) walking this earth
8-30-23 - 9-27/28-23
You were often told how you never fit the beauty standard, from being either called too skinny or, too fat.  Eunseok never thought that of you, to him you were a god(ess) the most beautiful human he's ever seen but his comments were constantly overshadowed by other people
There mean comments made you take down your photos and almost delete your account. Eunseok noticed how distant you've gotten and how you'd jump or yelp when he touched certain parts of your body, he didn't say anything afraid of overstepping or blowing something out of proportion, that was until today Eunseok had caught you reading hate comments while tears build up in your eyes
"Oh...sweetie.." He said barley above a whisper his voice making you jump and spin around "where you-" you tried to ask only to be cut off with a small nod "you know it's not true, right?" Eunseok said taking your hands in his causing you to drop the phone "but..." You tried to speak but Eunseok once again cut you off "shhh don't say anything" he said "your beyond beautiful" he continued pulling you into his chest
"one of a kind beautiful, other people are blind if they can't see just how amazing you are inside and out" he comforted while softly rubbing your back, his words caused the building tears to fall his sweater now had two deep wet spots on the shoulder, not that Eunseok minded
"Your like a god(ess) walking this earth" he said pulling your face out of his shoulder "other people are beyond stupid honey....look at me" he continued pulling your eyes back on to him, Eunseok went quiet for a moment before speaking "don't think I'm lying to you...I would never lie to you, your truly the most beautiful person I've ever seen" Eunseok said as his eyes trailed down to your lips
"Eunseok-" you tried to speak but once again he cut you off not by words this time but with his lips meeting yours. He touched you like you were a fragile peace of art work, like as if you weren't handled with care you could break at any moment, the kiss was filled with so much emotion between the two of you
After what felt like an eternity the two of you pulled away "I don't deserve you" Eunseok said trailing his hand to your hair "your so perfect it's a shame you can't see the same" he continued "....thank you" you said quietly "don't thank me, I'm just helping you see the truth" he said petting your hair
"I'll tell you what" he commented as he stood up "let me call my company real quick" he said grabbing the phone off the floor before walking out the room, a minute or two later he came back with a small smile "can you clear your schedule for a few weeks?" He asked
You answered by nodding your head "perfect, pack warm clothes" he said before going back on the phone, you looked up at him confused "were going on a get away but we're leaving the phone and electronics here" he explained "Eunseok.." you said getting up to hug him "I love you so much, if anything I don't deserve you, your amazing" you praised digging your face in his neck
Your words caused a string of giggles to leave Eunseok "nono this is to prove your amazing a god(ess) one of a kind irreplaceable" he said wrapping his arms around your waist. Until the day of the trip Eunseok spent all his free time with you and constantly checking up on you throughout the day. Eunseok is truly one of a kind a once in a life time lover and your soulmate.
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Klaus x child!reader - family
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Kid!Reader (maybe 5) is the daughter of one of Klaus’ enemies and when he comes to “make a deal” the enemy isn’t there yet. Reader is, and when she sees him she’s super excited. She runs towards him with a drawing “I know it’s not the best, but I’m trying. Maybe one day I’ll get as good as you.”As she grows up she always finds him and shows him her progress. Then he hasn’t seen her for a week, he stops by the enemy’s house just to find out they had moved away. There was a letter on the door with his name on it “Hi Mr. Nik, sorry I’m not here no more. My papa doesn’t like me talking to you so he wants us to leave before you ‘use me against him’. But I know you won’t hurt me. There’s a present for you next to the tree in our yard.” He goes over and it’s a drawing of him, her, and his family. She’s held by him while everyone surrounds them, they all have a smile. “My family ♥️”maybe a couple years later (reader is 12-14) she moves back with another family member and sees him. She whispers “Hi, Mr. Nik.” And he whips around and sees her with a big smile and a drawing, same drawing from before just she’s older and is standing next to him. They spend the day together and it’s back to how it used to be. - Anon💜
Sitting at the table, you were swinging your legs back and forth as you happily drew the picture you had been working on for a while.
You heard the door open and close, and you thought it was your dad.
“Dad!” You laughed.
Jumping from the chair, you ran into the other room only to come face to face with Klaus.
He blinked and looked at you and you did the exact same thing.
Kneeling down, he offered you a small smile.
“Well hello. Is your father here?” He asked.
“No, dad went out.”
You looked at him before you gasped, bouncing in the balls of your feet with pure excitement.
“Hold on!”
With that, you ran away leaving the original very confused as he waited for you to come back.
When you did, you were waving a bit of paper in your hand as you giggled.
Padding over to him, you held it out with both hands, a wide smile spreading across your face.
“I know it’s not the best, but I’m trying.”
Klaus smiled as he looked at the picture. He could see that it was a house, and there were two figures, you and he guessed the other was your father.
It was something every little kid drew, and he couldn’t help but smile. The picture radiated pure happiness and love.
“I believe this is wonderful.” He spoke softly.
“Maybe one day I’ll be as good as you.”
“You have seen my art?” He asked in shock.
You nodded and gently tugged his hand, urging him to follow you, so he did.
Setting the picture on the table, klaus let you drag him through the house towards the back room where you had been drawing.
You knelt down next to a small chest and opened it, pulling out some pictures.
Picking them up, you made your way back over to him, and you both sat down as you showed him the photos you had take .
“When dad came to see you, your brother took me around. He showed me your art and I liked it so he gave me these.”
Klaus looked through them all, it was all the art he had hanging around the art room.
“It’s so cool! I wanna be able to do this!”
Klaus chuckled, placing a hand on your head as he smiled at you.
“Well then, just keep practicing little one. I have to go, don’t tell your father I was here.”
You nodded your head and walked him to the door.
Picking up the picture, you held it out to him with the brightest smile he’d ever seen.
“Take it! I make a new one.”
“Thank you.”
With that, klaus left and you went back to drawing. This time you were trying to copy something Klaus had painted.
When your dad came home, he walked over and kissed the top of your head, smiling as he saw the artwork you were making.
“Beautiful darling.”
“Thank you dad!”
The following week, your dad had gone out again and you were bored, so you packed up your sketchbook and wondered your way to the Mikaelsons apartment and knocked on the door.
Rebekah opened it and looked confused before she looked down.
Crouching, she titled her head at you a little in confusion.
“Hello, why are you here?” She asked.
“Is Mr Nik here?” You asked with a smile.
She giggled slightly and stood up, nodding her head as she stepped to the side.
“Oh Nik~” she sang.
The other original walked around, and when he saw you he smiled and came over, knelt down in front of you.
“And what brings you here?” He asked softly.
“I want you to help me with my art Mr Nik.”
He chuckled softly and nodded his head, standing up he held it his hand.
Taking it, you him lead you to his art room and he helped you sit at the table and you pulled out your sketchbook and showed him what you were working on.
“I wanna make colour as pretty as you do.”
“Well, let me show you how.”
For the next hour he taught you about blending colours before you left.
Every day you would go down, and it was like that for years.
Your dad had no clue that you were visiting him, and today as you were getting ready, your dad walked into your room.
“Where are you going?” He asked.
“Uhm… walk…?”
Your dad rose a brow at you and looked at the book your had in your hand.
“(Y/N), please tell me where you’re really going. I’ve seen you come in before me a few times, I thought I told you to stay here.”
“Dad I’m just going to get some help with my art.”
“You can’t be wondering, Klaus is still out there and he’s dangerous.”
“He’s not dangerous.”
You spoke without thinking, and when those words came out you realised what you had said.
Your dad blinked and he quickly shook his head.
“No. You’re grounded.”
You went to protest but quickly closed your mouth.
You were hoping it would all blow over, but when your dad woke you up in the middle of the night with your dad shaking you, you knew it hadn’t.
“We’re leaving. Come on.”
“I don’t want Klaus to use you against me, I don’t want him to hurt you.” He whispered.
“It’s not a choice, I’m sorry (Y/N). I know you get along with him but it’s not something I’m willing to risk.”
You nodded your head sadly and stood up, grabbing the bag your dad was holding out to you.
Heading to the front door, you froze and looked to your dad.
“Can I at least do something first?”
“Yes, of course.”
You nodded and quickly scribbled a note, leaving it stuck to the inside of the front door and ran out to the tree just outside.
Leaving a small box there, you jogged to the car and climbed into the front seat, watching sadly as the house disappeared from view.
“I’m sorry darling.”
“It’s okay… I still have my art, and my dad.” You smiled.
He smiled back and you drove miles away.
Klaus hadn’t seen you for a while, and he was starting to get worried, and Rebekah and Elijah immediately picked up on this.
“Go check in her then.” Rebekah said.
“I will.”
They watched as Klaus left.
He rushed right around to your house and knocked on the door waiting for a reply.
After a few minutes passed and he pushed the door open, looking around the main room and hallway.
There was no reply.
As he looked around, he could see things missing and he went to your art room.
All the work was gone, and he realised what happened.
You guys had left.
Sighing, he walked back to the front door, reaching out for the handle he paused and looked at the paper stuck to the wood.
Taking it off, he unfolded it and laughed to himself at your messing handwriting.
‘Hi Mr. Nik, sorry I’m not here no more. My papa doesn’t like me talking to you so he wants us to leave before you ‘use me against him’. But I know you won’t hurt me. There’s a present for you next to the tree in our yard.’
Folding the note back up, he stuffed it into his pocket and made his way over to the tree.
He found the box, and picked it up, sitting on the swing, he carefully opened it.
Inside was a painting.
Pulling it out, he set the box on the floor and held the painting in his hands.
You’d improved so much, there was still some part he could tell you were struggling with but he knew you had tried your best.
It was Rebekah, Elijah, Him and you in his arms as he held you.
You all wore wide smiles, and you seemed to be laughing as he held you. It had a title in the corner of the page.
‘My family.’
Klaus smiled, running his thumb along the painting.
He remembered this day, it wasn’t that long ago, a few weeks before your birthday.
You’d come around to paint with him, and they all surprised your with birthday presents, and they decided to take a picture to remember the day.
Standing up, Klaus went back home and the other two quickly shot up.
“Well?“ Elijah asked.
“They’ve left. (Y/N) left this behind however.”
He showed them, and they both smiled.
“It’s amazing.” Rebekah smiled.
Klaus nodded and walked over to his room, setting the painting on the bed.
He put it in a frame and hung it up on his wall.
He was furious but he understood. Your dad loved you, and he was doing this to protect you.
Years passed by, and you kept working on your art, it was the only thing you focused on. You loved painting and you had grown so much.
Getting home from school, you found your dad talking to your Aunt and uncle.
“What’s going on?” You asked.
You set your stuff down.
“You’re moving back home.”
You slowly smiled.
“We’re going home?“
Your dad walked over, placing a hand on your shoulder as he gave you a sad smile.
“No me. Just you Rose and Peter.”
Your dad sighed, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“I promise I’ll explain everything. But for now, you need to go.”
You sighed and nodded your head, you understood that something he couldn’t tell you right away.
So you went upstairs, packed all your important stuff and with that you were off.
You’d been back for a few weeks, and as you were walking around the town, looking for the art store, you froze in your place.
A few feet in front of you looking through the window was someone you thought you’d never see again.
You couldn’t believe your eyes.
“Hi Mr Nik…”
Klaus spun around, staring at you in disbelief.
He walked over, looked at you.
Slowly he placed a hand on the side of your face, as if you check if you were real or not before he quickly pulled you in for a hug.
Laughing, you hugged him back tightly, laughing even more as he started to spin you around.
Setting you back on the floor, you excitedly held your hand up to him.
“Wait! I’ve got something to show you! Are you still at the same apartment?”
“Yes, why?”
“I’ll be there in an hour.”
Running home, you went through all your stuff and finally you pulled out the canvas and you ran straight over to the Mikaelsons.
You knocked on the door loudly.
The door was quickly opened and you beamed proudly and Klaus.
You handed the canvas out to him.
He gently took it and let out a soft gasp as he stepped aside, letting you into the apartment.
Klaus stared at it, it was the same as your last one, except you were older, and you were stood by his side, still wearing a huge smile.
“It’s beautiful.”
“Thank you Mr Nik.” You smiled.
He took you to his art room and set the canvas aside, showing you the framed photo.
“You kept it?”
“Of course I did. It was beautiful. You have improved so much, I know you’re going to the best artist out there.”
You smiled and hugged him, whispering a small thank you.
You stayed there the whole day, talking and catching up, telling him about everything you had been up to.
Klaus just smiled and listened to you
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milktei · 1 year
When you write angst/fluff one shots, I love how you indulge more with your character's feelings and not just straight up jumping to the good part where everything's alright. Specifically during "Again" and "Fine". Would you mind writing the same stuff but with a bit of hostile management of actions whilst in a disagreement with the reader? Will writing for Kuroo or Ushijima okay? ( I think you've taken a liking to Sakusa so I'm not sure if you want the first two captains.) Anyhow, I'm frankly talking about a bit of viol3nce. In this view, how would they speak up their mind and resolve the matter maturely?
Of course when you're available, thank you for your time:3
Love Sealed in Gold
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Ushijima Wakatoshi x gn!Reader
Genre: Angst, tiny bit of hurt/comfort
Warnings: Violence (not towards reader), Possible oocness again. Not edited :P
The pace that i managed to get this out is surprising even to me :o But i had an idea the moment i read the ask!! Isn’t that crazy???
the fact that it’s obvious that sakusa is my fav is kinda embarrassing ngl HAHA BUT i just enjoy writing for haikyuu so don’t worry about requesting people i haven’t written on!
hope you enjoyed this anon! i couldn’t in good conscious add anymore “violence” than i did. what i wrote is really tiptoeing the line for me.
That being said anyone who reads this please don’t take this as me saying to forgive everyone who acts like Ushijima does in this, of course every situation is different but i don’t want it to seem like this is acceptable behaviour and something a person should have to deal with and accept. Violence is a scary and serious thing especially in a relationship so stay safe!
Anyways the idea of using Kintsugi as a metaphor in writing isn’t exactly new but i hope you guys enjoy my take on it and how i wrote it :)
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The Japanese art of Kintsugi is a method of fixing broken pottery that has been popularized all over the world, romanticized even. Something about using the precious material that gold is (among other materials), to put something back together seems to tear into the hearts of people all over the world. So much so that companies even sell their own Kintsugi kits where you can break the provided pottery and put it back together yourself.
How ironic, to buy something only to break it and go through the tedious task of connecting all the broken pieces back together again.
Many hold the belief that kintsugi hold its own deeper meanings. Some say it shows that something breaking and being repaired shouldn’t be covered up, but instead embraced, as it is a part of that objects history.
A more pessimistic view on the subject could be the fact that no matter how beautiful the broken pottery looks, it will never be the same again.
As you stand looking at your boyfriend with only horror filling your body, you could only think about the same could be said for your relationship.
You knew from the get go that getting into a relationship with the Ushijima Wakatoshi was going to be a tough mountain to climb. Anyone from family, friends, colleagues, and even complete strangers had warned you of that fact.
From his personality, to his schedule and the demands that came with being a professional athlete; it seemed that everything was put against the two of you.
But he was the one to ask you out, to court you, the one who crossed the line from friends to potential lovers. That was something that no one could deny being surprised about.
Yes your boyfriend was intimidating, seemingly expressionless and emotionally constipated. But you loved him, and he loved you.
You could work around schedules, you understood why he works as hard as he does, and learning who he really was something that came with time.
As your relationship progressed you could really begin to see what kind of person he was, and how the most subtle changes in his demeanour could signal a change in mood.
But this behaviour was not subtle, it was pronounced, loud, it filled the entire room and made it difficult to breathe properly.
You could barely remember what you two were arguing about this time. Perhaps how you acted during a charity event? How he was running late to a date and didn’t text or call to let you know? it seemed to be a trend for you two in the last couple of weeks. Pick at every little thing one found less than pleasing and then getting mad when the other tried to defend themselves.
This cycle had been going on for far too long and both of you were tired of it, but at the same time too stubborn, too proud to admit defeat.
It was late, far too late for the both of you to be awake, it was far from an appropriate time for you two to be arguing at the volume you were, but whatever exhaustion either of you felt was smothered by a whirlwind of emotions and stubbornness.
Ushijima wiped a hand down his face in frustration from where he sat at the dinner table. Across the room you paced, ranting about your point in the argument that had only been going in circles at this point.
“I-it’s like you can’t even bring yourself to care anymore!” you exclaimed frantically.
A piercing glare was sent your way and it took everything in you to not shrink away from it.
He stood up, with his size, the action in itself felt extremely intimidating, but you felt the way he talked down on you much more severely.
To further articulate his words, a palm would slam down on the surface of the table, so hard that you could feel the vibration in the floor. Each slam was louder and each time you flinched.
His words grew harsher, louder, and more pointed with each sentence. The look of pure, searing anger and hatred on his face kept you frozen in your place.
The man in front of you was unrecognizable, the man in front of you was not the gentle giant you loved. If anything, he was exactly like how many people would describe him upon meeting him. If not worse.
His words, which had now become shouts swirled in your mind, your eyes began to sting as tears began to well in your eyes. All you could think about was how you wanted this to stop, how if only your body would listen to you and move so that you could begin to ask for forgiveness. How you would give anything right in that moment for him to stop yelling and to stop looking at you like you were dirt on his shoe.
Your prayers were soon answered by the sound of shattering ceramic.
The gasp you let out was visceral, uncontrollable, you couldn’t hold it back if you tried.
The fire in his eyes seemed to die out all at once, his gaze moved to his outstretched arm and he look at it as if it had a mind of its own.
His arms were his prized possession even if he never said it out loud, some would go as far to say that they were something to be celebrated. His arms that can hit a volleyball with the utmost precision, arms that brought him to victory and through loss. Strong arms that held you at night and provided you with a great amount of comfort some could only dream of.
Arms that now only served to fill your body with dread.
A vase, along with all its contents was shattered on the hardwood floor.
It had chipped the paint on the wall beside him where the impact initially happened, water that splattered the surface had begun dripping to the ground.
You both recognized the vase, how could you not?You had gone out together to buy it when he had brought you flowers for the first time and you had realized you had nothing to put them in. After moving in together, you used it as a center piece for your dining table.
How sad that an item so fragile and small could hold so much meaning, and that it now lay broken, it was almost as if it were mocking you.
The room was silent as the both of you stared at the scene before you. Minds reeling as you both tried to process the events that had just unfolded.
Ushijima had thrown the vase at the wall in a fit of anger.
You looked up at him and wondered if the conflicted emotions that flickered across his face mirrored your own.
You looked away and took a shaky breath. “An apology won’t fix it. You can’t throw and break something, especially not that, and just expect me to be able to hear and accept an apology, not now, not for this.”
His mouth snapped shut and the tension that filled the room was suffocating. Every time you glanced at the broken ceramic the urge to cry grew and grew.
You wrapped your arms around yourself and took a step back, “I’m…” You swallowed roughly as your voice cracked, “I’m going to the bedroom, you need to clean that up and it’s obvious that we need time to cool down.”
With one last glance at the scene, you turned on your heel and made your way towards your shared room, not seeing the look of anguish that Ushijima held on his face as the watched you leave his sight.
You softly closed the door behind you and as it clicked shut, the realization of what had just transpired fell upon you like waves during a storm.
Despite popular belief, Ushijima had never been an intentionally violent man. The only harm he had caused was on the court, where it wasn’t uncommon for athletes to get injured no matter how good or bad they played.
But tonight, he had no reason to do what he did, there was no excuse even if it was the nth argument of the week. The Ushijima you knew was emotionally intelligent enough to know that he did not have to go through the actions of picking up the vase and throwing it at the wall in order to let his anger be known. He did not need to do that to show you how angry you made him.
His anger had been shown all throughout the night. It was practically palpable.
Your legs shook underneath you as you tried to make it to your bed but your efforts were in vain, you crumpled to the cold hard floor, feeling like you were in pieces, much like the ceramic on the floor of your dining room.
You desperately tried to hold yourself together as you replayed the what had just unfolded again and again in your mind. Not understanding why you felt so conflicted.
Fear. You realized.
Fear is what you felt, refused to believe. How could you fear the one you loved?
And yet every part of your body rejected the idea of your boyfriend and urged you to be afraid of him. Afraid of the only man who could make you as happy as he did.
The man who was supposed to make you feel loved, protected, and safe was the same man that made you feel the complete opposite.
Your chest ached and you breathing quickened, now fully aware of the situation you found yourself in. You were afraid of your boyfriend and didn’t know what that meant for the future of you relationship.
He was- is all you ever want, you couldn’t imagine spending your life with anyone but him, but how were you supposed to move on from this? You now knew how he could react in times of great anger, what if it only got worse from here?
It was then that you finally allowed yourself to cry. After all that had happened you didn’t know where your relationship stood.
It was only after a couple minutes that the door to the bedroom began to open ever so slightly, at a pace so slow you couldn’t even see or hear it through your sobs.
“y/n?” His voice managed to spit out. He was quiet, uncertain, he feared for what your reaction may be at him being there at that moment.
You didn’t respond to him but he knew that you knew he was there, even as sobs racked your body and you pressed a hand to your mouth in a feeble attempt to quiet them.
Slowly, as if not to startle a deer in the forest, Ushijima sank to the floor from where he stood. Keeping an eye on you as he sat down, angling himself so that he was looking at the far wall and you wouldn’t be forced to make eye contact if you could find it in yourself yourself to look up at him.
This was far from ideal to him. He wanted nothing more than to scoop you into his arms and bring you to bed, quiet your cries as he held you tight and told you that it would pass and by the morning it would be a thing of the past.
But he knew better. He knew that he was the reason for your tears and the last thing that you needed was for him to wrap his arms around you.
He was aware of your fear before you were. The horrified look you gave him would be something that would stay engrained in his mind for years to come.
He was only used to you looking at him with love and happiness in your eyes and he had managed to ruin that in one night.
“I know that you don’t want an apology right now.” Ushijima started, he looked down at his hands and clenched them together to prevent them from trembling. “But I just wanted to let you know that… I am fully aware of how unacceptable my actions were tonight, that was no way to take out my anger and I should know better than to display my anger in the way that I did.”
Your cries had stopped at this point but you still trembled, still it brought him the smallest amount of comfort knowing that you were likely listening to him now.
“You deserve better than my misplaced anger, and you have every right to be angry with me, to not want to even be in this room, in this house with me right now. If you wanted to leave-“
His breath hitched and he found himself looking down at the hands in his lap with disgust and sadness.
“If you wanted to leave right now I would understand, but that doesn’t mean I’m giving up on us, I’ll do whatever it takes to earn your trust again.”
Your head lifted ever so slightly and it gave him the confidence to keep going,
“I’ll get help, I’ll find other ways to channel my emotions. Along with that I’ll ask you for your feedback on how you think I’m doing, if what I’m doing makes me worthy of being with someone like you. It won’t start more fights I promise.”
He smiled at himself sadly “You seem to know me better than I know myself at times and that’s one of the reasons I fell in love you. I don’t think I could forgive myself for losing you if I didn’t put as much effort into trying as I could.”
The room was filled with silence once again as Ushijima finished talking. He sighed to himself. He hated this, he hated what he had done to you two, he hated that he was the reason for your tears and he hated that he was feeling completely helpless at the moment, and that you were well within your right to end everything, and there would be nothing he could do.
Your hand grazes his shoulder and he has to do a double take to ensure that you were there. Right at his side like you always had been for the years you had been dating.
Your smiled was coupled with sadness and exhaustion, and he couldn’t hold back the sound of surprise that left him as you wrapped your arms around him and let yourself press your weight into him.
He let out a shaky breath he didn’t know he was holding and allowed his arms to finally reach for you, the next thing you knew, you were being pulled into his lap and he held your head close to his chest, you could hear his heart pounding and could feel his entire body tremble. He kissed the top of your head and let his head rest on top of yours. When he realized how instinctively he was acting, he froze.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to act so suddenly I-“
You shushed the man and ran your stroked his arm soothingly in an attempt to calm him.
“I understand.”
Quiet filled the bedroom and for the first time in a long time, it didn’t feel oppressive, or hot with anger. It felt comfortable as it always should have.
Ushijima was the first to break the silence. “We’ll be okay y/n, right?”
The question was almost childish, naive, and ignorant of how many more questions would be raised answering it.
But it was purely Ushijima. Something that only Ushijima would ask in a time like this, he knew about the complexities, knew it would be hard to answer, but he asks anyways.
You ponder for a moment, knowing that no matter how you answered, there was still always the chance that everything could still turn out very differently that whatever you two could imagine.
“We’ll have to work towards it Toshi, and it might be a slow process, but from the bottom of my heart. I believe in us.”
Strong arms hug you tighter, filling you with that familiar warmth
“Thank you.”
Kintsugi is the art of repairing what was once broken by adding something precious to the mix. When used as a philosophy it encourages the acceptance of fragility, coming back from hardship stronger than before, and being proud of something imperfect.
Something that is repaired using this method will never look the same, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that it still holds a unique beauty to it and will continue to function, as long as it is done properly and handled with care.
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deathbxnny · 11 months
Hello I was wondering if you could do a platonic relationship with blade himeko jing yuan, gepard with a fem!child/daughter!reader (preferably biologically but you can choose if they are) that’s like a totally a daddy’s/mommy’s  girl that wants be like them when they grow up and just looks up to them so much and just just mimic the things they do and follow them everywhere and how would they feel about it 🥹🫶
A/N: Give me your beautiful brain, Anon, because I absolutely love this idea. Thank you for this super cute request!<33
Content: Fluff, some angst if you squint very hard, child reader, hsr characters are bio parents, platonic relationships, sfw
Reader is reffered to as being afab!
((Not fully proofread))
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You two were always at eachothers sides ever since you were born. You rarely ever left her alone and when you did, it was because she was away for a mission or had an important meeting you couldn't join. But she always made it up to you in the end with many kisses and hugs. She loved the way you followed her around and insisted on being with her at all times. It was her favourite thing in the world.
And when you got a little older and began to go through her closet in an attempt to dress like her, she finally got you clothes that matched hers perfectly. It took alot of self-restraint from Himeko to not gush and squeal over you strutting around looking like her. It filled her with pride and just caused her to spoil you even more.
You looking up to her also just spurred her on to do better at work. She wanted you to be proud of your mother as well after all and she'd make sure you would be. She practically melts hearing you brag about how great of a mama she is to you.
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Blade found you annoying at first. You always followed him everywhere, always repeated his words in his "serious" voice, always stood and mimicked him at all times. He didn't understand why you were doing that, what about him was so interesting. He was even nearly offended, that you dared mock your own father in such ways.
But as you grew older, he began actually secretly enjoying it. You were easier to deal with, as you always looked up to him and followed his every word perfectly. And once you ask to learn how to wield a sword like he did? Well, he might just start being proud. How could he not be, when his daughter was so compliant and good.
However, deep down, he always still kept you at arms length. He didn't want you to end up like him. You could dress up like him. You could wield a sword like him. You could talk, act and walk like him... but just don't be him. He wasn't a good a man to mimick or be. So the least he could do was be a good father and keep you from suffering the same fate as him.
》Jing Yuan
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He found it amusing and adorable, when you followed him around everywhere, acting like a small general and cutely "ordering" everyone around in the commanding voice your father always used. He spoiled you rotten in forms of matching outfits and hair ornaments, enjoying the way you lit up in excitement at being able to match with your dear father.
He'll train you in the art of the sword the moment you express interest in it. His eyes would shine with pride as you attempt to duel him, completely determined to reach his standard of mastery. You were proud of your father was and wanted everyone to know. No one was spared of your praising words to him, whilst he listened on with amusement and love.
You looking up to him made him even more efficient at his job at general. He wanted to make you even prouder. He wanted to protect you, the small part of himself that was still so pure. And he'd do anything for it.
》Gepard Landau
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Gepard always felt so guilty, when he had to leave you behind with Serval whilst he was on week long shifts on the front lines. It was hard to explain to a child why he had to do so and it often left you in tears and Serval having to gently hush you again for him. It was frustrating and tiring, but it was all just so that you can have a better life.
So he was pleasantly surprised, when he one day returned to you mocking his marches and wearing a little suit like his, that was made by your favourite aunt herself. He'd watch you from the doorway, his heart aching at how cute and innocent you looked. Yet another reminder to why he did what he did.
You turn to him, a serious look on your small face, as you ordered him to stand at attention. With a light smile, he does as you say. He finds it adorable and amusing, although he'd never let you join the Silvermaneguards once your older. But seeing you appreciate and love him despite his absence makes all the pain worth it.
A/N: Alright, I hope this was okay! Thank you again for the cute request!<33
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did Austin take reader to the met gala? I wonder if they did the red carpet couple thing?
hi Anon! hope you’re well! sorry for the long overdue response.
but to answer your question, reader did go….though it took lots of convincing (begging) from austin.
“ Oh c’mon, baby. Do me the honor of having my best girl on my arm.”
“ Pretty please.”
“ I’ll make it worth you’re while, promise. I’ll even do that thing with the ice you love when we get home.
see, reader is extremely shy in public! like even more bashful and shy than austin! when they go out he’s the little social butterfly and reader usually tends to support from the sidelines.
so, her attending the red carpet and after parties with him was a big step in their relationship.
he made he feel confident during the entire process and barely left her side, and when he did have to he made sure she was always around someone she felt comfortable with and knew ie: someone on his team.
And my goodness the compliments never ended that night!
“ You have to know you’re the most gorgeous women here.”
“ God, I can’t believe I get to take you home after this and peel you out this dress.”
“ You look beautiful, baby.”
“ I can’t keep my eyes off you.”
“ If you push your breasts up in that dress one more time, I’ll drag you into the nearest dimly lit corner and make art imitate life on your skin.”
The dress your wore was nice also!
Either way! It was. Great night!!
again, thanks for the ask!
Much love - Arie 💚
* Mwah Mwah*
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woman-of-balnain · 1 year
Hey was just wondering if you could do one for Arthur being in the saloon and his wife is also there and the guys he’s with are teasing him about how single he is and Arthur’s like bet I can get the girl to leave with me and there like there is no way in hell that woman would leave with you but she’s his wife and Arthur downs his drink and walks up to his wife like hello gorgeous, how would you like to ride home on a real cowboy I got a six pack of cold ones and my roomie is out all night so you can scream my name as loud as you need to sugar and they walk out together and everyone’s gobs smacked and the readers like will you just stop and tell people I’m your wife and Arthur’s like nah I love the surprise on there faces when the see a beautiful woman like you wants to date me plz
Masterlist | A03 Ver.
Title: The Fine Art of Flirtatious Conversation
A/N: So, I hope this is okay, anon! I got from the tone of the request that it was supposed to be funny but I’m not the best at comedy hahah still, I tried and I thought it’d be funny if Arthur purposely used really bad pickup lines on the reader lol but yeah don’t take it too seriously I guess? 😅
Requests are still open, so feel free to send them through if you have any 😊
Warnings: Really bad pickup lines? 😂 No use of Y/N / Reader's name etc.
Word Count: 1,662
Divider by: newlips
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Arthur was walking through camp and thinking about you. He headed for his horse, your letter tucked safely away in his satchel and he was about to head into town. The sun was hanging low in the sky and it wouldn’t be long before dusk hit.
He had asked you to meet him, since he was close by to where you lived and he’d been missing you something fierce. Now that he knew you’d made it into town, he was looking forward to some quiet time, just the two of you. And he planned to make up for the period you’d been apart, letting the rest of the world fall away while he reacquainted himself with you and -
“Arthur, where ya headin’ off to?” A thick Irish accent interrupted his thoughts.
Arthur inwardly groaned as Sean came up to him, practically bouncing on the balls of his feet with intrigue.
“Nowhere, just into town,” Arthur reluctantly revealed.
“Yer goin’ to the saloon, I bet,” Sean correctly assumed. “I’ll come wit’ ya.”
But it was too late and Arthur sighed as Sean called out to the others.
“Who wants to have a drink, fellers? Arthur’s payin’ fer the first round!”
“Sure, I’ll come,” John piped up.
“Yeah,” Javier added quietly. “I could use a drink.”
But then Arthur saw Uncle about to chime in and he definitely wasn’t having that fool interrupt his plans too.
“Hurry it up then,” he told the others. “I ain’t waitin’ for you.”
He approached his horse and was quick to mount up into the saddle. Thankfully, the three tagalongs were quick enough to do the same before Uncle could manage to get off his ass and make a case to join them as well. As they rode out of camp and headed for town, with Sean talking their ears off the entire time, Arthur lamented over his spoiled plans with you.
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When they entered the saloon, you hadn’t arrived yet. Leaning on the bar with the others, Arthur begrudgingly paid for the first round. Then, when the doors of the saloon swung open again, every pair of eyes in the room seemed to fall on your figure as you stepped inside.
Your own eyes, however, fell straight onto him and a smile began to curve up at the corners of your lips. Arthur just gave a subtle shake of his head and he didn’t miss the way you seemed to let out a sigh, but you still played along, looking away from him. Sean was quick to sidle up to you when you came to the bar, intending to order some food.
“Well, love, yer a pretty thing ain’t ya?”
Arthur watched from the corner of his eye as you gave Sean a disinterested glance.
“Let me buy ya a drink,” Sean continued. “I’ll show ya a good time.”
So, now you’re payin’? Arthur inwardly grumbled.
“No, thank you,” was your simple, but polite reply.
Your food was placed on the counter then and you took it before walking off to sit at one of the tables. Sean watched you with a look of shock, as if he’d never been turned down before (he definitely had) and Arthur couldn’t help but let out a light laugh.
“You’ve gotta ease into it,” Javier advised the young Irishman. “Take your time, not try and get under her skirt in the first five minutes.”
“That’s bullshit,” John cut in. “I’ll bet she’s just got enough sense to stay away from a feller like you, Sean.”
“I’ll have you know,” Sean argued. “The ladies have never complained before.”
“Not to your face at least,” Javier snickered.
Arthur couldn’t help but let out a chuckle as well and the smile never left his lips because he knew the real reason you’d turned the poor kid down. You’d never once, ever since meeting Arthur, had eyes for anyone else. Let alone even harmlessly flirted with another man. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t at least a little bit smug about it.
“What‘s so funny, English?” Sean turned to Arthur. “Think ya could do better, eh?”
“I know I can, boy,” Arthur replied calmly.
“When was the last time you had a woman, Arthur?” John smirked. “Let alone chatted one up. D’you even know how anymore?”
“Shut up,” Arthur groused.
“Go on then,” the Irishman challenged him further. “Give us a show, Morgan. We’ll see who’s laughin’ then.”
“Sure,” Arthur downed the rest of his whiskey and stepped away from the bar. “Pay attention, kid. You might actually learn somethin’ useful.”
You looked up as Arthur walked over to you and if it wasn’t for his unexpected and unwanted audience, he’d have dragged you off back to your hotel room by now. You looked so damn beautiful, and all you were doing was sitting there and minding your own business. Arthur sat down in the chair across from you and watched as you rested your chin in one of your hands, appraising him curiously.
“Can I help you, mister?” You asked him.
Good, you were still playing along.
“Do you remember me?” Arthur asked, loudly enough for the three gang members to hear.
You raised an eyebrow, obviously wondering if he was being serious or still playing at his ruse of not knowing you.
“Oh, that’s right,” Arthur continued. “I’ve only met you in my dreams.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, covering your mouth with your hand quickly to stifle it. Arthur just grinned, knowing how ridiculous he sounded, but that was the point he was trying to prove.
“You religious, miss?” He went on, loving the mirth in your eyes and the way you tried to hide your own smile.
“Why?” You asked, stifling another giggle.
“Because you’re the answer to my prayers.”
He heard Sean let out a cackle of a laugh at his expense, but paid it little mind.
“Ar-” you caught yourself quickly. “Uh, you have quite the way with words, mister…"
Arthur could tell that you were wondering when he would let up, but he wasn’t quite done yet. He was purposefully making a fool of himself, to show that it didn’t matter what he said, because in the end he would be the one you walked out of the saloon with.
“You got a map, darlin’?” He asked you.
“No…” you bit your lip to suppress another laugh. “Why?”
“Because I just got lost in your eyes.”
You couldn’t help it and let out a string of uncontrollable giggles. Arthur just smiled warmly at you, loving the sound. When you’d calmed down enough to speak again, your own gaze softened as you looked at him.
“Let’s get out of here,” you suggested quietly, so only Arthur could hear.
“What’s that?” He asked, louder than necessary. “You got a hotel room we can use?”
You just nodded with amusement, but it was clear that you were eager for some time alone with him. So, Arthur stood up and came around to your side of the table, holding his hand out to you like a gentleman. You accepted it and once you were standing, he linked your arm with his.
As you both walked past Sean, Javier and John, he didn’t miss the opportunity to glance at them. All three looked absolutely gobsmacked, but none more so than Sean.
“She turned me down, but fell for that?” Sean muttered incredulously.
Arthur couldn’t help the shit-eating grin that spread across his lips, but he just continued to lead you out of the saloon and head for the hotel. Once you were out on the street, you tugged a little on his arm and Arthur turned his head to look at you.
“What was that about?” You asked him, evidently confused.
“You could’ve just told them that I’m your wife.”
“Nah, darlin’,” he gave you an affectionate smile. “I love the way people react when they find out a woman like you wants to be with me.”
You couldn’t help the smile that curved up on your own lips, but it didn’t make sense to you.
“Wouldn’t they still react like that if they found out we’re married?” You questioned.
“Maybe, but it’s more fun this way, darlin’.”
“If you say so…”
“Somethin’ wrong, sweetheart?” He asked.
Arthur stopped and turned to look at you, picking up on the fact that you seemed a little down all of a sudden.
“No, just… you’re not embarrassed of me, are you?”
“What? Course not, darlin’.”
You looked back towards the saloon, noting that his friends could still see you both through the window.
“Prove it then,” you brought your gaze back to Arthur’s.
You didn’t give him a chance to finish his question before you were grabbing on to the lapels of his jacket and pulling him to you. Arthur’s lips met yours and then his arms were wrapping around you and holding you close. You’d missed him like crazy, so feeling him kissing you again was like heaven.
Arthur kept it gentle and chaste at first, but when you wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed yourself harder against him, he deepened the kiss and groaned into your mouth. The coarse hair on his cheeks and around his lips tickled your skin, but the feeling brought you back to every other time his lips had caressed different parts of your body.
When he eventually pulled away, it was only slightly and Arthur pressed his forehead against yours. His hands were holding onto your waist and his fingers traced patterns tantalizingly across your skin, through the material of your skirt.
“I missed you, darlin’,” he told you softly.
“I missed you too,” you smiled happily. “Come on, let’s go make use of that hotel room.”
As Arthur took your hand in his, he could’ve sworn that he heard another loud comment ring out from the saloon, spoken in a thick Irish accent.
“That shite really worked!”
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erabu-san · 12 days
HI ERABU!! FREMILLEI ANON HERE!! (Not here to talk about fremillei ironically lol)
Sorry about your trouble with Cyno and Tighnari :( I totally get the frustration of just seeing something as a cute friendship and having 90% of the fandom see them as romantic.
We live in a society (the genshin fandom). Us platonic Cyno and Tighnari enjoyers have to stick together✊
With that being said, I've been kinda on a Collei and Tighnari brainrot the past few weeks sooo, hope you don't mind if I ramble about them👀
Can I just say, how much I adore their dynamic. Whether it's father/daughter or big brother/little sister, they're so sweet and care about each other so much🥹 On Collei's side, besides Amber, Tighnari was one of the first people she's ever opened up to, or has felt comfortable around. He's so kind and patient with her and she's really grateful for it!! (Her relationship with Cyno is similar but I do think it was a little awkward at first since Cyno reminded her of her past...)
And on Tighnari's side, well, at first he saw her as a student. But he immediately felt this...urge to help her. Like she had been through so much, and he felt like he had to try and help her in some way. (You brother comes in at the middle of the night asking you to take care of this random traumatized child wyd). He enjoyed getting to know her, and teaching her. And he felt such a strong sense of pride when she gets a good grade in a test, or is able to write something coherently. Overtime, he got to see more of her, more of her personality and quirks, and he developed so much affection for her, treating her like he would a little sister💞
I do think that maybe Collei has trouble talking to him about things. Maybe since she's scared of being judged (she knows he wouldn't, but the feeling is still there). So she ended venting to trees. I like to imagine one day, Tighnari was looking for her when he overheard her talking to a tree. At first he was like "why is she doing that??" But decided to leave since he didn't wanna eavesdrop. But then, he caught her talking about HIM.
"Master Tighnari is so patient and kind with me... I know he would never judge me, or make me feel bad. But...I still find it hard to talk to him. He's usually busy...I don't wanna bother him."
And that just broke his heart :( He wanted Collei to feel comfortable talking to him, he WANTED her to come to him whenever she had a problem. He left, but after that, he would subtly encourage her to talk to him if she needed to, reminding her that she wasn't a bother or anything like that, and that he cared about her. And it made her happy to hear!! And she slowly started coming to him more often!!
Also SLIGHT fremillei (I'm sorry I can't escape the chokehold they have on me) I picture this scene, where after Collei finds out about Freminet being apart of the Fatui, Collei immediately runs home, so many emotions going through her head. Hurt, fear, guilt- she's so overwhelmed. She arrives back and while she's passing by Tighnari's house (house? Cottage?? What do you call those?😭) he calls out to her, noticing something's wrong. She stops, and looks at Tighnari, breathing heavy from running. She doesn't know where to begin, what she should tell him, IF she should tell him. But, she looks at him, looks at the concern on his face, and runs towards him and hugs him tightly, sobbing into his chest. Tighnari is confused, but he doesn't question it, and immediately wraps his arms around her.
"It's okay...I'm here."
I'M SO SORRY FOR THE LONG ASK BUT THEY'VE BEEN ON MY BRAIN. I feel like not a lot of people talk about them alone, which kinda sucks since their relationship is so sweet :(
Again, sorry to bombarde you with the long ask😭 You art is beautiful, and I love hearing your genshin Sumeru headcanons. Thank you for listening to my rambles. Have a lovely day and take care of yourself!! <3
Anon you have such a big brain and I HOPE YOU KNOW THAT 🫵
Oh the part when Collei hugs Tighnari and he is just saying that he is here
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jiveyuncle · 7 months
Hi omg!!!!! I just saw the book you posted for TNAHP and I am dying! It looks GLORIOUS!!!!! Turned out so beautiful binded like that! And the art is absolutely stunning, may I ask what company printed it? Like what shop did you use? I’ve wanted to print certain stories just for myself so badly over the years but there are so many places and I can’t decide and this is exactly what I’ve been looking for!!!!! 😍😍😍 thank you so much for sharing!
Hi, anon! Thank you! 💕 I was so happy getting to hold it and put it up on my shelf! Look!!! 😭💕
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I want to preface everything I’m about to say with this: if you use a third party service to print any material (fics, art, art in fics, etc.) please, please, please reach out to the author/artist and get permission to use the service before printing! It doesn’t matter if someone else already has permission, make sure *you* have permission. Also consider if the art in the fic belongs to someone other than the writer (like if the work was a collaborative piece or if it features fanart of the fic) and get permission from them, too! You may have to wait for a response, or you may never get one (in which case, don’t print without permission), but it really is worth it to make sure the authors/artists feel comfortable and confident that they keep control over their own work.
This is the first service I’ve used, and I have no experience binding, so I’m just sharing what I did and what I noticed with my untrained eye.
First, the service I used is Barnes and Noble Press. Here’s a link:
You can make books publicly for sale or books strictly private for personal use. If printing fanfic, be certain that you are creating a “personal” print. It will appear like this in your projects section (note the “PERSONAL” banner above the cover art):
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As you can see - the price is pretty decent as far as books go! After tax, shipping, and handling costs, this book turned out to be $21.82.
You can choose how you want to customize the materials your book is made up of. Different materials cost different amounts (i.e. printing color pages inside is going to increase your price a lot). If you don’t know where to start, here’s the preference settings I selected for my copy:
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Now, understand that they are not editing your book for you - you’re still going to have to do all the formatting and arranging in a document yourself and designing your own cover (so be prepared to still spend a lot of time on this project). They simply print and physically put all the pieces together for you.
Lastly, I want to address quality. While this is far better quality than I could manage on my own, it’s still not 100% up to quality of most books I can purchase in a store. For comparison, I’ll show a couple side-by-side images of the fic print next to my favorite published book, The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater.
Dust jacket: Feels great! Literally no complaints.
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The hard cover: A bit cheaper feeling. Definitely noticeable difference with a printed visual texture instead of real texture. The printed texture creased and wore away to reveal the white beneath. It’s visible here after just a few openings of the book. Also, unfortunately, you cannot customize the hardcover under the dust jacket, so no spine labels and you’re stuck with this color blue:
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Finally, my biggest concern, the binding of the pages: looks a lot more like a paperback that had its cover glued onto a hardcover than an actual standard hardcover. Again, I’m no expert and idk if that’s normal, what anything is called, or how this affects the lifespan of the book, but you can even see where the spine kinda hovers away from the hardcover casing and how that compares to the The Raven Boys.
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Anyway, the service isn’t perfect, no, but it works for what I wanted, looks nice, is user friendly, and allows me to hold a fic I otherwise never would have had the opportunity to. I appreciate it for that.
Hope this was helpful! Print responsibly 😊
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saintqueer · 8 months
I'm sorry you got harassed again just from a simple post with a (imo pretty valid) opinion. If that person is the same that answered your post by reblogging and repplying on their blog with unnecessary hate (apparently queer but a solo louie) then it's the one I just blocked. I love to currate my experience in this fandom. Anyway I just wanted to say, I used to love your posts in this fandom! I lost track of your blog and thought you'd disappeard. I'm glad to see you're still on Tumblr and enjoying other fandoms. I'm well aware of how toxic this fandom can get (between the hets, the solos often queer themselves but hating on queer larries and more, to many groups to count tbh, louis' attitude on social media ect), especially when you dare to voice an opinion, which I'm mostly don't lol. I'm staying for the art, the fics, the great memes and ofc the music and the people. You're "y'all" made me think 'I Hope she still got good times and friends out if it. I made some great friends in the larries bunch myself. Anyway sorry for the rant, I lost track of what was my point here. Just was happy to see you pop on my dash through a mutual and wanted to say so I guess?? So once again thank you for the fun times I had reading your posts back in the days; have a great time out here, enjoying your favs fandoms, you do you! Sending love xx
so i was trying to avoid posting any anons regarding prev fandom discourse but i opened this one and read it through and it was just so amazing i had to respond, not just in tags 🥹🥹
of course, it's lovely to hear that you liked my posts on fandom back in the day etc but what really got me was when you wanted to make sure i still got good times and friends out of it, that nearly made me cry
because YEAH I FUCKING DID 🥺😩🥺🥹🥲
blue ( @wastelandbabyblue ) is literally one of the coolest people i've ever known while also being one of the kindest and funniest. id literally kill to meet her one day in person. i still keep up with brenda and several others i met in her og discord, some of which are the only remaining 1d fandom blogs i still follow here - they are so kind and funny and i still talk to them occasionally in a fandom discord i stayed in because i didn't want to lose touch with them.
and 🥹🥹🥹
i met 8 of who i would consider my closest friends in the whole world through fandom. through the most insane wild and unruly fandom discord drama, i literally located my found family: wedo, nino, iza, katja, olia, hanis, chloe, and su
we talk everyday still even though we live all over the world and we talk about nearly everything except fandom nowadays and they've helped me survive living day to day through some of the worst moments of my life. i don't know what i'd do if i didn't have them in my life
last night, i had a bit of a shame spiral thinking about all the time energy money i devoted to the 1d fandom. i felt embarrassed for being so loud about something that ended in so much disappointment. it wasn't fun and i know it was probably triggered by being involved in some discussions i hadn't been in so long
so when i opened this ask, anon, it reminded me so much that whatever was lost from that time, so much more was gained. the embarrassment of remembering dancing around like a fool with a rainbow flag for someone who couldn't even say something as simple as "look at all those colors" pales in comparison to the lifelong friendship i gained with these 8 beautiful women all across the globe
nothing will ever compare to the people i met and the way they feel closer to family than any of my blood ever felt
i'm glad that you found so much goodness as well and thank you for reminding me that it was all worth it for what i got
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uroboros-if · 6 months
i'm sure i found Uroboros through the beautiful art you first commissioned for the romanceable characters! it was a suggested post on Tumblr waaaay back when and i stayed to hopefully see the equally-as-beautiful UI come to life in your story c':
This was in reference to a poll I made asking way back how people found my story!
But thank you so much Anon!! ♥️ It's because of Uroboros that I have a special appreciation for artists, and I have been commissioning often since! Money is a little tight as I am studying, but it makes all of the art I've received extra special. ♥️♥️
I still wish I can improve on the UI of the game, but I will have to focus my efforts on writing!
Using this post as an excuse to give a special THANK YOU to the many fans who have created any kind of art for the game; your works are always so special to me. It only takes seconds to look at it, but the dedication and effort towards creating it is monumental.
More than ever, artists need our support, so for as long as I have money to spare, I will keep using it to support them! ♥️♥️
I also appreciate other IF authors who are writing for passion, because that also takes an extreme amount of creativity and patience to put something out for others to see!
As for you Anon, thank you so much again! I am so glad you found your way here through the art that is so near and dear to me. 💕 Thank you for the ask!
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kangen-wanshi · 1 year
Hi! I really love your Kisses ft Larry, Brassius, Hassel post! Could you do how would Larry, Brassius, & Hassel confess to reader? Only if you want to!
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"I'll say it!" ft Larry, Brassius, Hassel
The struggles and process of confession can be quite challenging for some individual. But how would they go through it?
Tags: separate, romantic, pining?
A/N: I'm glad you like them anon! For this one, Larry's and Brassius' are actually inspired by my recent previous post haha, I hope you like it! And sorry for the weird formating, Tumblr is hating me rn.
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Larry, With a newfound confident
It's not a secret that Larry can get quite.. Shy? Timid? Quiet? When it comes to a time where he's required to speak up.
Unfortunately, this also happens during his confession. 
Larry didn't really.. Plan his confession. He's stressing over the fact on how to do it, yes, but he's never really got any plan figured out.
Rika's suggestions are too flirty, Poppy's are.. Well with how sweet it is he feels like it's gonna make him feel out of touch to execute it, and anyone else just keeps telling him to just tell you straight up.
So he did just that.
It was a small dinner between the two of you. Nothing fancy, as he cooked simple dishes he learned from the internet and invited you over.
It's the most normal, simple, plain idea of 'date' that Larry can think of.
Often the darker side of his brain caught up to him and mocked him about how he's just an old bachelor that doesn't quite deserve a relationship. Especially with someone as perfect as you.
But when he fought that dark side of the brain, is actually when he boldly confessed to you.
"I love you. Truly."
It's so simple. So quick, and so quiet. You had to stop yourself before doing anything further.
Him, on the other hand, is fully aware of what he had just said. But there's no going back now. As he stares at his food, his hold on the fork and knife tighten by the seconds of your silence.
That is until you asked him to repeat himself.
When he took a deep breath, his lips trembled. Closing his eyes, he's decided that during that moment, he won't back down or sink away from his own confession.
"I love you. Will you.. be willing to be mine?"
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You'd expect him to confess with his art and portray his affection through poetry with some grandeur announcement?
Brassius, Through Beautiful Accident
Think again!
Brassius is nervous. Nervous doesn't even cover the word.
Yes, he's expressive. Yes, he has admitted that you're so important to him, beyond being his beloved muse and source of inspiration. But confession? A romantic love confession? His head spins even trying to think about it.
Often he argues with himself about how he should express this feeling to you, aka confession.
He's torn between making it sentimental by giving you one of his handmade gifts, or declaring his love with well arranged heart shaped roses, or with poetry, or even with a sculptor made with love engraved within it.
Ended up not executing any of it.
His indecisiveness will be the end of him. Truthfully with how much he praises you or expresses his adoration, you already got the idea (or at the very least the slight confidence) that your feelings are actually reciprocated.
It's just the confession that came late.
So how this happens, is most likely because he just can't help himself to say the three words to you under the guise of simply complimenting you.
"Your battle was magnificent! The conjoined effort between you and your pokemon - absolutely breathtaking! I can't help but fall in love with the way you conquer the difficulty in battle!"
You were about to thanked him, had toy not caught the whisper under his breath:
".. And I suppose, I couldn't help but to fall in love with you yet again."
- Which caught both of you off-guard. 
Brassius is red. His pale cheeks turned warm, as he watched you watch him with wide eyes.
He was about to laugh it off, pretend that it was a slip off and he didn't mean it that way. But with how you look at him, red tinted your cheek, and softly asking him "Really?",
Well, the truth comes forth to those who're willing to embrace it.
Let's just say that he couldn't ask for a better love confession.
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By far the most normal out of the three.
Hassel, With The Classic Galar Style
Hassel has a good amount of experience in terms of having relationships. So he knows the sign when he falls for someone, and luckily, he knows how to handle himself.
Though he's not hasty. Despite his passionate nature, Hassel is patient and takes his time with doing things. Including processing his feelings, and considering yours too.
He drops subtle hints first. Offering you his jacket when the weather got particularly chilly, offering to walk you home, helping you with your work however he can, taking care of your pokemon, etc.
Surprisingly can read your reaction very well, while being subtle about it.
So he's good in that whole department.
When he's sure that you're into him as much as he is into you, he plans his next more: The Confession.
While yes, he kept his cool and he knows what he's doing, he's not immune to the Nervous.
But he got this! He got help from the new Champion of Paldea, he got help from Tyme, from Rika, he'll do fine!
So he ended up inviting you on a picnic. Just outside of Mesagoza.
A small picnic. He brought the food, even though you offered to bring some too, he insisted on treating you to this little date.
It's sweet, really. Just chatting along, watching some pokemons walk over to the two of you asking for some extras, sharing laughter and smiles.
And when the sun started to sink, he made his move.
He pulled out a basket that he's been hiding from your sight, before putting it between the two of you. Obviously you asked what it is, but he just encourages you to open the blanket inside.
And surprise surprise, it's a shiny Applin, peering up to you with an innocent tilt of head.
If you didn't know the meaning behind the Applin tradition, expect that he already explained it to you at some point prior to the date (aka one of his subtle ways of seeing how you'd react to the topic of love confession).
Either way, he offered the little guy to you with a sheepish smile, as his cheek grew red.
"I couldn't imagine a better way to explain my feelings to you. If you would accept it, accept this little friend of mine, I hope you would cherish and let him grow stronger. And if you may allow it.. I would like to be by your side to help it grow." 
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