#[ and that Gremmy summoned ]
midnightactual · 7 months
Physical Constraints in Bleach
I've said for a while that Bleach has exactly two known and quantified physical feats in 1. Gin's Bankai speed being given as Mach 500 (chapter 400), and 2. Rukia's Shikai and Bankai achieving absolute zero (chapter 567), but it turns out there is a third in chapter 582:
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For the record, per Wikipedia:
6 gigajoule is about the chemical energy of combusting 1 barrel (159 L) of petroleum. 2 GJ is about the Planck energy unit. One megawatt-hour of electricity is 3.6 gigajoules.
The terajoule is about 0.278 GWh (which is often used in energy tables). About 63 TJ of energy was released by Little Boy.
So, if you do some simple math, 63 TJ is 63,000 GJ, meaning Candice is using 1/12,600th the power of Little Boy on a decently serious attack. Little Boy is best estimated to 15 KT of explosive yield, meaning Candice is using a little over 1 ton of TNT, and indeed a TNT equivalent is calibrated at 4.184 GJ.
Even if we're extremely generous and assume her later Electrocution fired at Ichigo in chapter 583 is 10,000 times stronger than the Galvano Javelin cited above (100 to 1,000 is probably more accurate), she's only getting to 10 KT of yield, which is a small tactical nuke. Even very strong Bleach characters are generally using attacks with absolute powers measured at the low-end of the tactical nuclear scale.
(I have had someone on Reddit argue with me that the Bambies are "mid-Espada level" based on their combat performance in CFYOW as compared with Grimmjow and Luppi, apparently wholly ignorant of the fact that Grimmjow and Luppi are much stronger by then than in HM Arc, as Kisuke explicitly states souls power up after near-death experiences [chapter 60] and Grimmjow has had at least 2 or 3 near-death experiences and Luppi actually died. They are likely much stronger than Starrk in HM Arc was by then, given Robert Accutrone in TYBW quite casually does much better against Shunsui than Starrk did. The Bambies are not weak. Also worth noting here that Bambietta is by Kubo's own admission stronger than Candice without Blut, unclear if Vene or Arterie. In short their attacks should be taken as quite high-end here, not low-end, especially as they just finished beating down a [substantially] weakened Kenpachi with all of 3 hits in chapter 580.)
As I've said before from just visual estimation, we can maybe say that Mugetsu Ichigo and Ultrafragor Aizen were in the 1 MT to 10 MT yield range and managed to get to the level of strategic nuclear weapons, but it's worth noting the largest bomb ever tested was Tsar Bomba at around 50 MT (209 PJ), or 5,000 times stronger than our extremely generous estimate of Candice's Electrocution, and it was a 100 MT design that had been partially disabled. (Nuclear weapons can be made arbitrarily large through staging.)
Anyone wanting to put Ichigo head-to-head with Goku, Saitama, or even Naruto, is on the basis of canon figures, an idiot. The series simply does not scale that high. Even Naruto does things that are on the order of gigaton or teraton nuclear weapons if not more.
Likewise, that neither Ichigo nor Aizen could dodge Gin's Bankai, and Gin's peers and contemporaries remained relevant into TYBW, means that Bleach's speed scaling likely never breaks Mach 1,000. For the record, the powerscalers want you to believe that Cero and Negación are lasers because a translated databook called them "light" and Bala are stated to be 20 times faster than Cero, and therefore even Lieutenants are moving at 20 times light speed... which would be Mach 17,480,600. Yet nobody can dodge Gin's Mach 500 attack. Sure, that makes perfect sense.
In other words, when powerscalers try to tell you that Bleach has continental or planetary or stellar or galactic or universal or dimensional feats, and is superluminal, they're full of shit. Bleach is an extremely small and constrained setting when it comes to both power and speed.
The Cold War nuclear forces of the USA or USSR could absolutely sweep Soul Society through sheer saturation, no diff. (And that includes Yamamoto, because his 15 million degrees Celsius Zanka no Tachi, Nishi: Zanjitsu Gokui is pretty weak compared to the 100 million degrees Celsius or higher fireballs of strategic nukes. This explains why Bazz-B could literally fight fire with fire against him. Maybe Mayuri could survive through trickery if he knows enough about ablation. And yes, those nuclear forces would eventually saturate speedy Shinigami with tens of thousands of nuclear warheads, they couldn't cut them all down, especially as they wouldn't perceive many of them coming from both the speed of reentry vehicles and the lack of reiatsu or reishi. And yes this does also mean that human nuclear weapons development should've concerned Shinigami greatly, even beyond the possibility of megadeath and gigadeath overwhelming the reincarnation cycle. And yes you can probably make the equivalent of a Naquadah-enhanced nuke from Stargate SG-1 using reishi or reiatsu to improve fission and fusion yields or just straight-up make the equivalent of an antimatter-catalyzed fusion bomb. Humans post-Trinity should be treated as being spooky if their governments learn about souls. Yes, this should have been considered the main reason to stop Yhwach and Tokinada's plans, as if the realms were merged, even the US of 2003/2004 would indisputably have military power over the Gotei 13.)
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drgarrisonandpaul · 8 months
Gremmy Thoumeaux Headcanons
@coffee-cupps is my co-writer on this one, please go support them!!
CONTENT WARNING: Mentions of torture, drug use, and depression
Gremmy Thoumeaux - Sternritter V, The "Visionary"
After his long imprisonment, the poor boy was pretty broken and tired, especially when the social isolation proved to make him inadvertently unsettling and creepy even when he's trying desperately not to be
Due to this, he has turned to weed to calm himself down and take the edge off, making him more approachable and giving him opportunity to learn and grow without scaring anyone
Seeing as his powers have capability to activate on their own, he has had to train himself into emotional numbness instead of anger, that way he doesn't hurt anyone or anything with what his imagination could summon when he's frustrated
Under the creepiness and definite depression, the dude is a sweetheart, tried and true
Likes to hang out on the couch outside of the kitchen (which he is, again, banned from) and eat cereal with Robert Accutrone
Gremmy and Robert are unlikely friends, Rob being pretty stoic and distant and Gremmy being clingy and having very, very intense emotions (as we saw in his fight with Ken)
No matter if you're in a platonic or romantic relationship with Gremmy, he's gonna be heavily insistent on snuggling, his love language being entirely physical due to his isolation and not being able to touch real people. Even trying to imagine it with his powers didn't help
Robert Accutrone likes his personal space bubble, though, so the snuggling is a hard pass on his end. He shows love by sharing his cereal cabinet and letting Gremmy sit very, very close
Once he finds out what Yhwach did? All of his loyalty flew out the window. The only reason he went on with the invasion was because after so long of imagining things to entertain himself, now that he was out, he uhhh... didn't know what else to do. So he just followed orders and eventually found himself enjoying the thrill
I think he has a very hateful disdain for Askin, feeling like the guy sees him as nothing but a little monster that needs to be re-contained.
Self-explanatory claustrophobia and autophobia (fears of small spaces and being alone)
In a relationship, he would probably prefer a bigger partner, whether that be tall, wide, muscular, etc. Having a bigger lover makes him feel more secure, as if he now has a barrier between anyone who would ever want to hurt him ever again
Sometimes just... sits back and listens to really soft, mellow songs, whether they be sad songs, romances, or whatever else. Likes how the lower tones of a person's voice tickles his ears
Thanks to Robert, his favorite food is slowly turning into cheerios or honeycomb. Really anything with honey on it
Isn't used to small pains like paper cuts and splinters, let alone bigger pains like scrapes and bruises. If you're his friend or his partner, always have some tissues and band-aids on hand, cuz little dude may or may not start freaking out
Overall a cute and fun character that I didn't fully appreciate before. Again, @coffee-cupps is my co-writer and they deserve the recognition for it <3
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strixcattus · 8 months
Since I guess I'm a person who talks about Bleach right now I may as well talk about the latest (dub) episode given I actually do have a few thoughts about it
First off I suppose I'll talk about Gremmy. And by suppose I mean I was always going to bring this up, no matter how small a slice of the episode actually addresses him, and you cannot escape it. So Kenpachi mentions that everything Gremmy conjured vanished when he died—there's no ontological inertia. His construct-body disappears along with all the blood that was inside it, the platform he summoned crumbles apart (I can't tell if it vanished entirely or if the rubble stuck around, which is another point of consternation)... but, frankly, I feel like the way the lack of ontological inertia is handled is really inconsistent and raises some questions as to how much kiddo's powers really are dependent on maintaining concentration. Kenpachi mentions at one point during the fight that Yachiru's bones returned to normal since Gremmy couldn't "mess with two minds at the same time" and yet that's... not what he does? He's making a concrete construct in reality, not an illusion in one person's mind. The platform, the meteor, Gwenael Lee, etc. were all visible to and could effect multiple people, and Gremmy easily maintained concentration on the platform while fighting Kenpachi with... well, everything else he did. I was going to say that I couldn't think of any point where he had three creations out at once, but Yachiru's bones continued to be cookies even through the first bit of the fight, so.
Furthermore, we have to talk about the meteor. Because kiddo did summon a meteor, and he very much talked as though it did have ontological inertia, going so far as to say that even if Kenpachi somehow killed him, the meteor would still wipe out the Seireitei. This could be explained as him bluffing, except... there's not much point to the bluff? I can't honestly expect that he thought he could demoralize Kenpachi, and he definitely didn't expect him to fight the meteor, and I can't think of another reason to bluff. Kid really was in "if I can't win I'm dragging him down with me" mentality. Maybe (tentative maybe) he figured that the heat from the meteor would still decimate the Soul Reapers (and also the Quincy, his allies, and frankly I can understand any reservations anyone might have about letting him loose on Soul Society), but it still doesn't sit right with me.
Moving on from that essay: we get to see the girls! Kubo may not properly respect women but it's always the girls who have the banter and the dynamics. It started with Hallibel's squad and now we have these five—or four, as Bambietta's missing in this episode.
These girls would, all said, be much happier if they abandoned the Quincy army and went off to be the protagonist squad of a magical girl anime. They have cool transformations! Matching purses! They call their attacks in a more wonderful way than pretty much anyone else in Bleach—and this is Bleach we're talking about. Giselle is clearly having more fun than anyone else (she cheered for her enemy at one point!) but they're all enjoying themselves. Except maybe Candice. Their teamwork leaves a bit to be desired, but hey, at least they seem to be pretty good at not dying even when they should.
Then at last the gang is all here and Ichigo can feel properly betrayed. God do I hope Uryu knows what he's doing...
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enough-bleach · 3 years
Kubo once again thoughtlessly agreed with fan theories in his Questions & Answers section on Klub-Outside. It’s obvious that he is ready to play along with any hypothesis to make an impression that he had thought over manga plot in all details. Even when said theories directly contradict the plot - which Kubo clearly has forgotten already.
This time he agreed with fan’s assumption that Mask De Masculine wasn’t a real Sternritter and was just a creation of James, because Yhwach mentioned James when Mask was defeated. That’s incredibly stupid and a very gross contradiction to what we previously knew about Mask. Firstly, it was Mask who used the Vollstandig and the Schrift, not James. If James was the real body, he would get halo and wings after Vollstandig activation. In the beginning of the Quincy invasion As Nodt was lecturing Mask, and James was nowhere around. Kubo changed many things between the first and the second invasions, and James was evidently created and added in manga later than Mask.
When Yhwach called him ‘James’ most people assumed that it was Mask's real name. All WWE wrestlers have nicknames, because simple and catchy pseudonyms are easier to remember for audience. Also nicknames give every wrestler his own character, a role to play - because it’s an entertainment show in the first place. So the common theory was that Mask summoned a familiar when he needed moral support and cheering and named him after himself. Probably Mask was a failure as a wrestler before he became a Sternritter, and never had fans. So he summoned one with his new powers and could become a star now.
Kubo ignored all that information from manga which he wrote himself, he clearly doesn’t remember shit now and doesn’t care. He also completely forgot about Shaz Domino and didn’t explain his Schrift or powers. Narita had to cover his ass and fill the plot holes in his retarded fanfiction with even more idiotic explanations. He wrote that Shaz was Gremmy’s creation which became independent from him and obtained a reishi body. That’s some stupidest shit that one can come up with to hide the fact that Kubo forgot a character from first part of tybw. Maybe all Bleach universe was created by Gremmy then? lol Also Yhwach gave Shaz a Greek letter for no reason at all, while he uses only German normally. But since Kubo didn’t care enough to make Shaz a well-written character, they had to resort to this nonsense.
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iheartsunset · 3 years
Full list of PL animatics I want to make and will likely never do (it’s mostly just sethical memes)
-Guess Who (dankdubs) with Koilee and Carlo, but koilee is pissed off when he forgets who she is
-No License (sethical) with James driving Willow to a karaoke party with Taylor and Koilee, but Hank pulls him over and then shenanigans happen
-Interrogation (sethical, sequel to No License) with Quinn as the main interrogator, Roy as the Chicken Biskit guy, Whippa and Mousse as Quinn’s guards, and then James just fuckin summons Scarlett and the Shakers for his persona reference
-The Ballad of Sara Berry with high school AU Prudence where she’s evil, Willow is Julie Jenkins, and the girls she ends up killing are Trishna, Rita, Peggy, Maggie, Koilee, and Joy
-No Clout (sethical) with Wylan B as Lil Broomstick calling up Koilee (who once saved him from bullies) to hype up his new album, but she not only doesn’t remember him, but also doesn’t care
-Movie Tickets (sethical) where Rita wants to buy multiple movie tickets, but Roy ain’t having any of that shit
-Out Of My League (Fitz and the Tantrums) just about lots of my ships, like Carlo x Koilee, Taylor x Cooper x Prudence, Gremmie x Peggy, and Willow x Drakson
-Titibo Tibo (Moira Dela Torre) with Scarlett and Rudy just being couple goals
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papas-milferia · 2 years
The Cluckeria food truck mode except I make a sandwich with only a soft shell crab, pretzel breading, a bagel, and 19 layers of pineapple and coronation sauce. Gremmie shows up and eats it in one go. Please save me
It's your own fault for summoning Gremmie :/
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guidedbynors · 3 years
Quest RPG Adventure: GromSurf Championship
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Alright, I changed the name of the adventure. But it's a silly one.
In Lifeguard Life, Questers take on the role of magical lifeguards at a beach resort. Out across the water, over the horizon is a dimensional rift, which is beautiful in its swirly galactic colors, but dangerous from time to time, hence the lifeguards that are on patrol 24/7. Sometimes wonderful things come swimming (or drifting) out of the dimensional rift, like bunnies, unicorns, and perfectly arranged charcuterie boards. But there is an equal number of horrors, as well, like severed heads, oil spills, and mimic charcuterie boards!
Once a year there is the Grand Finals of the GromSurf Competition. One of the most prestigious surf comps in. . . wherever. Regardless, Groms from all over the world come to compete in the competition, and it’s up to the lifeguards (Questers) to make sure everything goes according to plan.
As the most senior lifeguards on Beach of Infinity (Not Infinity Beach--totally different place), Questers are tasked with keeping the first place trophy safe.
Note: If Questers would rather be surfers rather than lifeguards, allow them to be. If some want to be lifeguards and others are surfers, then make sure they have a clear understanding of how they know each other before the session starts. If any Questers decide to be surfers, insist that they are not Groms, as that would take away from the tension of the module.
Note: Grom, shortened from grommet, is Australian and Californian slang for a young, often precocious surfer. Gremmie is a common synonym.
The resort town is called Little Jiroma. There are many villas, resorts, and tourist attractions along the Beach of Infinity. The lifeguard culture is one of the ironic hipsters and social media influencers. As a Guide, you can really set the tone for this session by riffing on the beach/hipster/social media culture that claims to be unpretentious, yet is exclusionary (at times) in the same breath. Think of the most lavish yet ironic surf resort imaginable, that's Little Jiroma.
Waking Up
The life of a lifeguard is one of the long days in the sun and long nights at the party. Because of this, waking up is always an issue. Questers start the session waking up at a strange house where there was a party the night before. At first, it seems as though they’ve just had a really killer night, though nobody else is around. As they wake, let the Questers introduce their characters and what they look like.
As you describe the scene, broken windows, door hanging open, beer and hard spritzer cans all over, hummus platters and vegan cookies on a tray (half-eaten), one of the Questers realize they’d brought the GromSurf Trophy to the party, and now it’s gone. They don’t see it anywhere. The competition starts at 1pm and the Questers are supposed to present the trophy at the opening ceremony. It’s actually been stolen by someone, but Questers can take some time searching the house. If they succeed on a search roll, they do find a clue. They realize they are all wearing wristbands to a swanky and popular music club. They don’t remember what happened there, but it’s clear they visited the club for a reason--and together.
Infinity Beach
Infinity Beach is a fancy music club. It is a huge Victorian-style hall, with a large dance floor made of frosted glass, bars, a balcony, and a basement swimming pool that looks up through the glass dance floor to those above. The proprietor of the Infinity Beach is a slick and stylish Tiefling with dark blue skin, small, yet curved horns, and a rather pointed chin. He wears fine suites of satin and is a strict pescetarian. His name is Chrechil. All of the Questers would know him, however, when they arrive at Infinity Beach (the music club, not the Beach of Infinity, which is totally the beach and not the music club), Chrechil isn’t there. Instead, a rather sleepy-eyed bartender answers the door (as it is locked). The bartender is a human girl with dark hair and pale skin. She wears blue lipstick and comes off as sort of goth. She’s not particularly happy to help, but she doesn’t need any persuasion to answer the Questers questions. Her name is Nadi and she was working the night before. She’ll tell the Questers that everything was super cool last night and Chrechil was having a great time, and then the (number of Questers) showed up, and that’s when everything started going to shit. This is why she’s not thrilled about helping them out.
There are a collection of likely questions I can imagine Questers asking Nadi. Here they are with the answers she would give:
What happened once we got here?
“Well, it took a while, but once you got here a bunch of Groms showed up.”
Why would Groms show up once we were here?
“You wouldn’t stop bragging about the GromSurf Trophy.”
Was there anything suspicious going on?
“Other than X number of people bringing a trophy to a music club that should have been locked away? No. Why you didn’t lose it, did you?”
Where is Chrechil?
“How am I supposed to know? He’s my boss. He was pretty upset when all the Groms showed up, he sort of stormed out of the place after the X (Questers) were talking to him.”
Is there an obvious place Chrechil would be right now?
“Probably surfing before all the Groms take it over for the championship.”
Searching for Chrechil and Grom Attention
As Nadi has told them, Chrechil is, indeed, at the beach, surfing before the championship tournament begins. While Questers look for Chrechil they may not notice the amount of attention they are getting from the contestants (Groms), as they get ready. Due to the weighted probability of success in Quest, think about what makes logical sense for your party. If they are all intent on finding Chrechil, you can assume they are not paying attention to the Groms who are getting their numbers for the competition. However, if any character wants to pay more close attention to the Groms, breaking from their intention to find Chrechil, they will notice that the eyes of the Groms follow the Questers, pretty much wherever they go. Think of the Groms like creepy dolls in a horror film. The Groms don’t have any expression, but their eyes move in their heads, and then once they can no longer track the Questers, their heads begin to turn. On closer inspection, if Questers approach the Groms, Questers will see that some of their heads are in a full 180, or even more. Something is certainly not right.
If no Questers break their attention away from the Chrechil search, then they’ll find Chrechil on some huge swells a couple hundred yards from the bank. To get to Chrechil, the Questers will need some surfboards. The problem is the only surfboards around are those the Groms will use for the tourney. If any of the Questers try to take the boards, the Groms will spring into action.
Note: If Questers try to swim out to meet Chrechil, a school of Aboleth will attack them from below. (Monster Manifest p.18)
The GromSurf Trophy, Grom Manifest
As Questers try to reach Chrechil, the Groms see an opening to stop them.
What’s Actually Going On? The Groms stole the trophy while at the party, a collective will to share the trophy. This plays on the trope of the “participation trophy.” It was the Groms that got the Questers wrecked the night before. In stealing the trophy from the Questers, the Groms summoned a Manifestation of Gromness from the dimensional rift on the horizon.
The Groms think the Questers know about the Manifestation they have summoned from beyond the rift. The Manifestation holds the trophy within it. The trophy is the source of its power. If Questers are able to make it into the deeper waters, near where Chrechil is, the Manifestation of Gromness will reveal itself as a wave of a whiney, rather entitled water elemental that believes everyone deserves a trophy because they’re all pretty good surfers. The Manifestation of Gromness is, like the Groms themselves, terrified of losing, and thus, is willing to share the trophy among all Groms.
It is revealed by Chrechil that, in their intoxicated state, Questers were moderately accepting of the Groms’ ideas. As an old-school and solid surfer, Chrechil doesn’t think it pushes people to be their best when trophies are handed out indiscriminately.
The Manifestation of Gromness can’t really be reasoned with. It’s pretty whiny and very entitled. While Questers talk with it, the real Groms will attack, trying to protect their collective trophy. The only way to defeat the Manifestation of Gromness is by pulling the GromSurf trophy from its innards, and since it’s just water, it shouldn’t be too hard.
I suggest making the task of retrieving the trophy harder than a single roll. Set the Manifestation’s HP pool in accordance with your Questing party. Then make the attempt to dive into the Manifestation a roll that must be a triumph, at first. Give the Manifestation HP benchmarks that will lower the dive and retrieve roll by a value of 1, each time a benchmark is hit. This way Questers must fend off Groms, argue with the Manifestation, and attempt to retrieve the trophy all at once. The Manifestation cannot be killed while it has the trophy, though it can be diminished for a short time before it replenishes itself with Gromness.
When the trophy is retrieved the Manifestation is defeated. The Groms all come out of a trance, and even though they say it was like a really good dream, they also can let the tournament proceed as it was supposed to. Questers get to present the trophy to the audience which consists mostly of the Groms’ parents.
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The (Stolen) Final, Tense, Climactic War Arc
This post is a compilation of stolen material, material from the Alvarez Empire arc of Hiro Mashima’s Fairy Tail that is lifted directly from Tite Kubo’s Bleach.
Please note that this is not the only time material has been stolen from Bleach, nor is it the only series Mashima has stolen from. It is merely a compilation of it happening in this specific arc, with this specific series. It’s quite clear that Mashima tried to copy Tite Kubo’s own final arc, in which the Vandenreich invade the Soul Society. With this list in mind, I condemn anyone who has ever blindly told me that Hiro Mashima works hard on Fairy Tail--work hard, my ass. He plagiarizes.
Stolen ideas from the Thousand Year Blood War arc and other parts of Bleach: 
The premise. The final arc of each series consists of another civilization’s emperor deciding to attack the main location and the heroes, starting off with a truly overwhelming, overkill number of soldiers.
The Sternritter. An elite group of incredibly, monstrously powerful elite soldiers and bodyguards to the emperor. Their Fairy Tail incarnations are the Spriggan Twelve, Zeref’s twelve bodyguards.
Bloodman of the Spriggan Twelve is a ripoff not of any Sternritter, but of the Segunda Espada from one of the earlier arcs, Barragan Louisenbairn. He’s a large, hulking demonic figure with a god complex and a fatalism idealogy, declaring himself the God of Death and possessing powers that make him nearly impervious to damage and able to win battles by decaying enemies to death with his mere presence alone, and both make their final move attempting to take their enemy down with them. Now, which one was I just talking about, Bloodman, or Barragan Louisenbairn?
The ultimate goal of the main antagonist. Yhwach desires to smash all of the worlds together and negate the laws of space, time, and death to create a world where death does not exist. Zeref’s ultimate goal, though only revealed at the end, was essentially the recreate the world through time magic. Yhwach should also be noted as being able to control the future itself. 
A quiet, serious, analytical subordinate with long white hair and high amounts of respect for his tyrannical superior. Invel Yura is the Fairy Tail version of Jugram Haschwalth.
In the fight with Gremmy Thorneaux, a villain that can bring anything in his imagination to life, Kenpachi Zaraki cuts down the meteor Gremmy materializes in one swing. This is later blatantly ripped off with Erza destroying the meteor summoned by Irene’s Sema spell--while all of her bones have been smashed.
Wall Eehto and his ability, Weakness (basically pulling giantass superweapons out of his ass) are blatant ripoffs of BG9, another mechanical being with the same power that fought Soi Fon.
While it’s difficult to call the Historias of the Dead ripoffs of just Bleach alone, since “making you fight previous enemies” is one of the most unoriginal powers ever, it’s essentially a ripoff of Gremmy Thomeaux’s ability to create complex villains out of thin air....but even less original.
God Serena’s power isn’t a ripoff, but you can’t tell me that whole “fountain of dragons” he produces wasn’t suspiciously evocative of Hado 99: Gonryotenmetsu, used by Aizen.
Jacob Lessio’s invisibility + teleportation are ripped straight from Guenael Lee, the substitute Sternritter created by Gremmy Thomeaux with the designation V, “The Vanishing Point”.
There are also other things that I feel are suspect, such as the fact that Zeref claims to care for those of Alvarez like his own children, yet coldly and callously kills them off. This was a notable trait of Yhwach who, thinking himself God and having literally named himself YHVH, and having a portion of his own soul inside virtually everyone around him, considered the Quincies his own children....which they sort of were, considering he was their progenitor. He also kills them off if they disobey, and doesn’t really seem to care whether they win or lose their battles. This is because, having that bit of his soul in them, he can just recall that piece of soul and drain the Sternritter of their power if they lose, adding it to his own. Since the piece of soul strengthens over the time it’s bound to the Quincy, it comes back stronger when recalled. Whether the Quincies succeed in eliminating their enemies or fail, there is direct benefit to Yhwach.
Zeref’s behavior mimics this almost down to a tee. Except....he doesn’t have all of this going on for him. Yhwach can afford not to care about the wins or losses of his troops for reasons just explained, but Zeref appears to put absolutely no effort into winning a war that he started, nor any effort into strategizing or minimizing his losses. You could argue that the real goal was Fairy Heart, and that since he could siphon power from it like Yhwach could with Auschwahlen whether his Spriggans won or lost, it still doesn’t justify the fact that he has no preservational attitude towards his own side at all; his losses are still losses. Especially when he offs them himself--and proceeds to take out someone he described as a valuable weapon against Acnologia because he was irritated with him.
Zeref’s behavior appears to be Mashima trying to mimic the final arc villain that Kubo wrote, but absolutely sucking at it since he could only get away with ripping off so much without being sued. Doesn’t really matter either way, since there’s easily enough to take him to court here as it is. Not that that’ll ever happen.........
Fuck this “author”.
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arkus-rhapsode · 7 years
The (Stolen) Final, Tense, Climatic War arc: Rebuttal
Okay so a blogger by the name of Fairytail-whathesays has recently put out what I believe one of the most head scratching things I’ve read. Now I’ve known about this blogger and while I believe everyone is entiltled to their own opinion, I will say that his claims of Hiro Mashima ripping off Tite Kubo’s Bleach Thousand year blood war arc I find has many holes. And while I am unable to actually make a comment on said post and confront him directly thanks to being blocked by him, I will say this because someone linked this to me and I am here to say, you mr. whathesays are reaching!
I’m going to tackle each and every point he brings up:
“The premise. The final arc of each series consists of another civilization’s emperor deciding to attack the main location and the heroes, starting off with a truly overwhelming, overkill number of soldiers”
Umm okay… That’s not really ripping off anything. The fight between the soldiers of the Quincy and the random shinigami is played like an actual war with devastating results of their home being destroyed and many established characters caught up in the wave of attack. There really isn’t a moment like that in FT except for up in the north, but that was not only later in the arc, but also we only got lip service of bargo being defeated by God Serena, August, and Jacob. But its neither played up like how Bleach did it with an actual war and the Alvarez first wave was defeated by the DS and Erza.
It’s also a war arc, unless the heroes are going to declare war it really is going to follow a similar beat, but this isn’t like with Naruto where we have characters fighting in battlefield separate from the main location. I don’t really know what to tell you, but bad guy individual the central home of the hero is not a new concept.
“The Sternritter. An elite group of incredibly, monstrously powerful elite soldiers and bodyguards to the emperor. Their Fairy Tail incarnations are the Spriggan Twelve, Zeref’s twelve bodyguards. “
Ummm again how is this a rip off. First of all if you are an emperor you’re going to have a select group of soldiers or bodyguards. Second, well if the leader of an organization having a group of baddies directly working for him the last arc counts as a rip off, then bleach ripped off Rurouni Kenshin, because Yukishiro Enshin had the six comrades. This isn’t an uncommon practice for arcs to have one big villain and then a bunch of smaller characters loyal to them. If you just mean that they both happen to be emperors and these are their guards, it really doesn’t make that much a difference when both series feature the technique of villain groups.
Maybe if all of the spriggans had a letter motif, then sure. But they’re isn’t even the same number of them. You’re condemming an author, for using tropes. No one author owns a trope
“Bloodman of the Spriggan Twelve is a ripoff not of any Sternritter, but of the Segunda Espada from one of the earlier arcs, Barragan Louisenbairn. He’s a large, hulking demonic figure with a god complex and a fatalism idealogy, declaring himself the God of Death and possessing powers that make him nearly impervious to damage and able to win battles by decaying enemies to death with his mere presence alone, and both make their final move attempting to take their enemy down with them. Now, which one was I just talking about, Bloodman, or Barragan Louisenbairn?”
Okay but this doesn’t exactly help your argument about the final arc being ripped off. Also where do you see Bloodman having Fatalism in personality? He’s a generic FT svillain who wants to fight and kill with the only thing different being how he talks. Barragan at least has a character and you’re more pinning this rip-off on their similar power, but Barragan’s is all about decay, but Bloodman, uses only the anti-magic barrier particles and with alright steal life, but then you have to remember that he stops using this power in favor of the other curse, but Barragan just uses respira
“The ultimate goal of the main antagonist. Yhwach desires to smash all of the worlds together and negate the laws of space, time, and death to create a world where death does not exist. Zeref’s ultimate goal, though only revealed at the end, was essentially the recreate the world through time magic. Yhwach should also be noted as being able to control the future itself. “
Again you are reaching, you just pointed out how their goals are different. Now if you want to say “both involve a plan that involves altering the world just for their own desire” then Kubo ripped off Kishimoto who did something like that, in his war arc in Naruto. This like this might have the same premise, but both Yhwach and Zeref’s goals are different. Taking in what makes characters different such as motivation is how we change something from a rip off. If we go from a blanket idea and call that rip off, then everyone is ripping things off. Yhwach was not the first villain in manga to want to alter to universe in someway.
“A quiet, serious, analytical subordinate with long white hair and high amounts of respect for his tyrannical superior. Invel Yura is the Fairy Tail version of Jugram Haschwalth. “
This might be a little pointless, but Jugram’s hair is blond not white. Also this is again a trope. The serous analytical mind in a villain group is not something new. If you mean the timing I suppose you have something there, but it’s a trope. Like Invel and Jugram are just like Van Auguer from One Piece. The character who is critical minded is not something new.
But I’m sure you mean in terms of timing, both appearing in the last arc, but Bleach already had Ulquiora in this role, so really Kubo just recycled a character’s base personality that head used.
“In the fight with Gremmy Thorneaux, a villain that can bring anything in his imagination to life, Kenpachi Zaraki cuts down the meteor Gremmy materializes in one swing. This is later blatantly ripped off with Erza destroying the meteor summoned by Irene’s Sema spell–while all of her bones have been smashed. “
Okay see this I understand as being a rip off, both the situation and the method for cutting down the meteor are the same, but I would like to bring up that Naruto had Madara send a meteor down in his war arc, but it wasn’t stopped by a sword swing. So if we are going to play the concept-ripoff game then that seems oddly suspicious
“Wall Eehto and his ability, Weakness (basically pulling giantass superweapons out of his ass) are blatant ripoffs of BG9, another mechanical being with the same power that fought Soi Fon.”
Okay I will give you this one as well, because like the Jugram-invel thing, the timing of a mechanical character that appears in the final arc in series that have never had robot like being in it as a plot point before. But I will not that the Mechina race was named dropped by Jenny in the GMG, while BG9 is stright out of nowhere.
“While it’s difficult to call the Historias of the Dead ripoffs of just Bleach alone, since “making you fight previous enemies” is one of the most unoriginal powers ever, it’s essentially a ripoff of Gremmy Thomeaux’s ability to create complex villains out of thin air….but even less original. “
YOU JUST POINTED OUT THAT NEINHART’S ABILITY ISN’T SOMETHING WE HAVEN’t SEEN! Oh Bleach is not the first story that has a cast made up of shinigami and who look over the world and protect it from demon like figures, maybe read Yu Yu Hakusho, a series many have claimed Kubo has ripped off.
Second of all the power of imagination that Gremmy uses is different from Neinharts. Neinhart actually is creating people who existed, but Gremmy can make new life from his imagination, actually FT had a character who could do that, he was called Rustyrose!
God Serena’s power isn’t a ripoff, but you can’t tell me that whole “fountain of dragons” he produces wasn’t suspiciously evocative of Hado 99: Gonryotenmetsu, used by Aizen. 
Okay. It’s not. Aizen’s Hado only had one dragon, while Serena had 8. If you mean the design then both are ripping off DB’s Shenron who also looks similar. The only difference aside the number is Seren’s look more detailed and existed more for aesthetic while the Hado was suppose to be an actual attack.
Jacob Lessio’s invisibility + teleportation are ripped straight from Guenael Lee, the substitute Sternritter created by Gremmy Thomeaux with the designation V, “The Vanishing Point”.
So wait it’s a rip off if people have the same powers? Then I guess Natsu is a rip off of Yamamoto because they both use fire. Hell, you do better saying Jacob Absolum from One Piece because he makes weapons invisible and makes women’s clothes disappear.
Look Whathesays, I am not going to tell you that Mashima is a “bastion of creativity”, no he’s not. But I find it very dubious to call it a rip off when a lot of your examples focus more on tropes, and the whole point of multiple people doing similar story methods is to see how they execute it and what they bring to it. You can think Kubo does it better than Hiro, I’m not saying you can’t. But I for one, find a lot of this criticism lacking.
If you want to hate Hiro, go ahead, but if you’re going to make claims like these, then they are going to be challenged.
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arrancxr · 7 years
Which sternritters are you hoping for the most in bleach brave souls?
╰(✧∇✧) GISELLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m excited for As Nodt and Gremmy too, but to a much lesser extent, considering that every orb I get from now until Giselle arrives is going to be saved only for her. I’m even passing up Hollow summons to make sure I’ll have enough to get her later. . . O_O
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stalkerkyoko · 4 years
Yachiru Kusajishi just fucking poofs death
Soon afterward, Yachiru watches Kenpachi leap toward the meteorite which Gremmy summoned and recalls their first encounter when she was still a baby.[51] After Kenpachi's fight is over, Yachiru has disappeared, leaving her Shinigami uniform and lieutenant's badge behind.[52]
https://bleach.fandom.com/wiki/Yachiru_Kusajishi#cite_note-51 FInished bleach and yeah What the hell
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animeawake-blog · 6 years
Hi, this article features the list of Top 10 Bleach Strongest Male Characters. This list is just my opinion, feel free to agree and disagree. Enjoy!
10.Gremmy Thoumeaux
The Sternitter V, the visionary makes his imagination come true. It was a formidable power as he was able to summon a meteorite from the sky. However, he still was not good enough to withstand the beast like Kenpachi Zaraki.
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Yachiru first met Kenpachi in one of the worst districts of Rukongai, the 79th district of the North Alley, Kusajishi, as a nameless child. She crawled over to him after he killed several other men with his unnamed Zanpakutō, and was completely unfazed by the violence she had just witnessed, or the blood on his sword. Even as Kenpachi warned her that the sword was dangerous, she reached out and touched it, giggling as her hand was covered in the blood of dead men. He adopted her after that, saving her from certain death in Rukongai. He named her "Yachiru" in memory of the only person he had ever admired. Her surname Kusajishi was given to her because she was from that district. Since that day, she has spent much of her time clinging to his back for transport.
___________________; PLOT ;____________________
Soul Society arc
Yachiru joins Kenpachi.
When the Ryoka break into Seireitei, she accompanies her captain as he begins searching the city for them. She directs Kenpachi through the city's streets, albeit badly, resulting in them becoming lost, though they blame each other for their predicament. After the pair unintentionally arrive at the 4th Division's compound, they visit Ikkaku Madarame, who, while recovering from injuries acquired from fighting Ichigo Kurosaki, was being interrogated by 12th Division captain, Mayuri Kurotsuchi. After Mayuri and Lieutenant Nemu Kurotsuchi leave, Yachiru tells Ikkaku that she was worried about him, and they trade friendly insults.
Yachiru jumps on Ichigo.
Having learned what Ichigo's destination is from Ikkaku, Yachiru and Kenpachi decide to wait for him near his objective, where they eventually encounter him, Ganju Shiba and Hanatarō Yamada. Yachiru is surprised by how easily Kenpachi scared Ichigo's companions, jumping momentarily onto Ichigo's shoulder to get a better view. As the fight starts, she sits against the wall of a building. She tells Ichigo that he cannot cut Kenpachi with his sword. Later, Yachiru watches on from the rooftops of the nearby buildings, where she is approached by a messenger from the Reversal Counter Force of the Onmitsukidō, who attempts to inform her of the death of Sōsuke Aizen. Yachiru, however, is too engrossed in observing the battle, and orders him to tell her after it ends.
Yachiru with an unconscious Kenpachi and Ichigo.
After the fight, Yachiru thanks Ichigo for giving her captain such a good fight and says she hopes he survives so that the two can enjoy another fight in the future. She then lifts Kenpachi onto her back and jumps up onto the top of a building and calls for Retsu Unohana to heal Kenpachi. Kenpachi tells Yachiru that he lost, but Yachiru refuses to accept this, stating that it was not a fair fight as it was two (Zangetsu and Ichigo) against one. Kenpachi disagrees and laughs at her attempts to justify not winning, which Yachiru responds to by slapping him. The pair reminisce about how they met and gained their names, resolving to get stronger together. Kenpachi then loses consciousness again, worrying Yachiru greatly.
Sometime later, Yachiru finds Makizō Aramaki carrying an unconscious Orihime Inoue, whom he declares he had been bringing to her. Yachiru and Aramaki bring Orihime to Kenpachi and he tells her that he will help her find Ichigo. Orihime attempts to guide Kenpachi, Yachiru, Ikkaku, Yumichika Ayasegawa, and Aramaki to Ichigo, finding and freeing the captured Yasutora Sado, Uryū Ishida, and Ganju on the way. While searching for Ichigo, the enlarged group is confronted by 9th Division Captain Kaname Tōsen and 7th Division Captain Sajin Komamura, as well as their respective Lieutenants Shūhei Hisagi and Tetsuzaemon Iba. Kenpachi, Ikkaku, and Yumichika stay behind to fight the new threat, while the remainder of the group continues on towards the Sōkyoku Hill in search of Ichigo. As the execution ceremony of Rukia Kuchiki begins, she rushes on ahead to determine the situation. After Ichigo rescues Rukia, she waits in the branches of the trees on top of the Sōkyoku Hill for the others to arrive.
Hueco Mundo arc
Yachiru warns against cutting off all of Nnoitra's arms.
Yachiru accompanies Kenpachi when he enters Hueco Mundo, standing back while he fights Nnoitra Gilga. During their fight, Nnoitra injures Kenpachi and, believing that he has won, turns his attention to Yachiru. Orihime uses her Santen Kesshun to shield her. Yachiru, however, points out that he should look behind him as Kenpachi releases a large volume of Reiatsu and cuts off Nnoitra's arm. Yachiru warns Nnoitra that her captain will become angry if he attacks her. Kenpachi denies this, before stating that he will cut off Nnoitra's arms one by one. Yachiru points out that Nnoitra will not be able to fight him if he has no arms left, prompting Kenpachi to say that he will leave the Arrancar with one arm. Still protected by Orihime's barrier, Yachiru watches the battle draw to a close, becoming concerned about the level of Kenpachi's injuries.
Later, when Coyote Starrk takes Orihime, Yachiru is among those who hear Aizen's revelation of his plans via Tenteikūraas he departs to destroy Karakura Town.
Fake Karakura Town arc
Yachiru stays somewhere in Hueco Mundo while Kenpachi and Byakuya Kuchiki fight against Yammy Llargo. After their fight ends, Yachiru leaves Hueco Mundo with them. The two captains are greeted by a small group of Shinigami. Yachiru hangs out of the hair of one of them when they fail to greet her, before rejoining her captain.
Yachiru yells at Kenpachi's impatience.
By the orders of Yamamoto, Yachiru joins all lieutenants and captains of the Gotei 13 in donating a portion of her energy to restore Ichigo's Shinigami power.She then accompanies Kenpachi to the Human World to see the mission completed, during which the Shinigami encounter the Fullbringers. After Kenpachi effortlessly defeats Giriko, he becomes bored and decides to return to Soul Society, only for Yachiru to remind him Yamamoto wants them to go back together or they will be in trouble. After Yukio shuts down the chatrooms, she emerges with Kenpachi and meets with Ikkaku and Renji.
The Thousand-Year Blood War arc
Yachiru explaining the results of her Division's investigation.
While the captains are in a meeting, the lieutenants gather and discuss the situation with the Wandenreich and recent disappearances of Hollows and Rukongai residents. Izuru asks if any of them had investigated beyond District 50. Yachiru states that Ikkaku and Yumichika had gone to District 64 where they saw the same things noted in the 12th Division's report. Izuru asks what the footsteps they saw looked like and she tells him that they were a mix of bare feet and sandals. After Kenpachi goes to train with Retsu Unohana, Yachiru walks into the division's quarters to find Kenpachi's eye patch laid out on a pillow. She picks it up, solemnly calling his name.
Yachiru punches Guenael.
During the second invasion, Yachiru helps Isane Kotetsu heal the wounded, doing so through loudly venturing out into the Wandenreich city and bringing back supplies. As Isane apologizes for making her do such a dangerous job, she dismisses this and says she has nothing to do anyway since Kenpachi is not back yet. When Sternritter V, Guenael Leeconfronts them, Yachiru punches him. However, the moment Yachiru hits him, Guenael disappears, leaving Yachiru wondering if she was trying to hit someone and who it was. Yachiru is struck by Guenael, who introduces himself and explains his power.
As Isane tries to figure out why Yachiru is bleeding, Guenael appears again and introduces himself for the second time. Isane wonders if he is one of the Sternritter, which Guenael admits to by introducing himself once again as well as becoming very annoyed at how many times he has to introduce himself. Yachiru moves to attack him, but he disappears again and attacks her before reappearing, only to have to dodge her once again. When Isane scolds her for attacking someone based on instinct without knowing whether or not they are an enemy, Yachiru explains the feeling she gets from Guenael and why she reacts as she does. Yachiru retrieves her Zanpakutō and notes Kenpachi will not be angry if she attacks someone because he is not around at the moment. Guenael attempts to attack her from behind, but before he can, Yachiru counterattacks and succeeds in hitting him, much to his disbelief. When Guenael claims she could not have hit him because he is sure he dodged, Yachiru explains her Zanpakutō's ability before moving to attack.
Yachiru's arm is grabbed by Gremmy.
After attacking Yachiru starts playing with the two creatures manifested. When Guenael comes back, she expresses surprise at him still being alive. He again moves to attack, but this time a large wound appears suddenly on his shoulder. Another Sternritter appears and kills Guenael. Yachiru tries to strike him, but he effortlessly dodges and ridicules her attack. Being grabbed by Gremmy, Yachiru drops her sword. Noting how brittle her arm is, Yachiru is surprised by the Sternritter revealing he can turn imagination into reality and that he just imagined the bones in her arm being made of cookies. He further imagines all the bones in her body being made of cookies. They are then interrupted by Kenpachi arriving.  Seeing him, Yachiru notes Kenpachi's arrival. When Gremmy raises the ground they're standing on, Yachiru quietly looks on. After being told by Gremmy that she can't move now, Kenpachi picks her up and notes how Gremmy's power must have stopped working on her because of him shifting his attention away from her. Afterward, Kenpachi tells Yachiru to find Isane and get her arm healed, prompting Yachiru to gleefully scurry down the side of the structure in search of Isane.
Soon afterward, Yachiru watches Kenpachi leap toward the meteorite which Gremmy summoned and recalls their first encounter when she was still a baby. After Kenpachi's fight is over, Yachiru has disappeared, leaving her Shinigami uniform and lieutenant's badge behind.
When Kenpachi is lying on the ground after fighting Gerard Valkyrie, Yachiru appears to him, wearing her uniform and lieutenant's armband. She tells him that if he uses her properly, he can beat anyone. She touches his hand and Reiatsu starts emanating from it. She tells Kenpachi that this is the power everyone calls Bankai. He then activates his Bankai and attacks Gerard, but during the course of the ensuing battle, his arm is torn. Yachiru notes that she released too much power at once. She apologizes to him, noting that his body is not able to handle so much power.
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