#[ but just stated that if i ever happen to unfollow/block you the biggest reason would be that you interact with or are friends ]
causalitylinked · 2 years
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I updated my rules page again, but in case you don’t feel like actually re-reading them because they are four pages long, here are the changes I made:
Under ‘Reasons I May Unfollow / Block: ‘If I notice you interact with two people I’m personally uncomfortable with, I may potentially unfollow or softblock as my reaction to seeing them on my dash is really that bad, but I won’t be mentioning who they are and what they have done unless you privately message me about it, because I don’t want to draw negative attention towards them.’
Added an amendment to the rule of pre-established interactions, where if the first meeting scenario has an interesting enough premise, I might make an exception when it comes to my rule on non pre-estabished interactions, but due to me preferring continuity, relationships wise, I may later drop the first meeting thread and start another thread with you that would take place after the events of the first meeting thread, if only because I don’t want to continue being stuck in the ‘two strangers who just met for the first time’ phase. Seriously, it’s just not my favourite thing to write!
Reworded a paragraph to now say: ‘Please keep in mind that Gin, Kobato, Sasara, Ryuto, and Akira are Japanese characters in a Japanese setting, which means I will be writing them as such; therefore, they will address other muses using honorifics (or by last name in Akira’s case) and will not be able to converse in English, aside from maybe Ryuto. Due to this being the case, I will naturally default any interactions with Akira to occur in Japan and default any interactions with my Caligula muses to occur either in Redo or modern day Japan unless I’m writing Ryuto.
Clarified that while I myself will exclusively ship with one canon character at a time to make myself feel more comfortable, you aren’t obligated to exclusively ship with my interpretation of a muse as well. I also mentioned the only Sonia Nevermind I will exclusively ship my Akira with is @more-than-a-princess and the only Yuzuriha Kotoko I will exclusively ship my Kobato with is @agnina​.
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ilikemilkbread · 2 years
i was thinking for a long while about whether there would be any purpose to me making a "goodbye" post here, considering i barely talk to anyone here anymore nor have i really had anyone i used to talk to reach out to me
but. i kinda want to. just to use tumblr to talk about myself for one last time. and say that final goodbye. except not final lmao
its been 6 months since the last time i reblogged a post. which is weird to think about. its been longer since i was actually active here. its been longer since i last talked to a mutual. oops. i still definitely value the people ive met here, but... i just stopped using this site. its hard to talk to people if you arent using the same platforms for communication
to a big block of text that may actually comment on things:
im doing a lot better now.
across a lot of my time on tumblr, i think ive come across as an often vitriolic person. i most likely was a vitriolic person. i spent ALL of my teenage years on this site, and my teenage years were some of my outright worst. i used tumblr as an escape from that, but i allowed my emotions to spill across. i talked negatively about things often (because i couldnt vent to people in real life). i often outright criticised things i knew my mutuals liked. i would be dismissive and negative about topics for the sole reason of hoping that it would be enough to make a mutual unfollow me. i gained some sort of sick validation from that feeling. its weird to think about. its weird to know how much i cared about these interactions with people i barely knew
lately, ive moved away from online spaces. a bit. ive probably spent way too much of my time on youtube watching study content and fucking discrete mathematics guides lmao. but ive done less doom scrolling. i dont really know what shows are popular anymore, and im fine with that
the biggest change that helped me, i think, was finding other queer people. my university has a queer collective. ive never been more blessed to know such people
i also met my beautiful boyfriend there.
university has treated me kindly. now that were back in-person, ive been thriving. my current units are... something, but i find computer science as a whole thrilling. ive had the opportunity to interview for some related roles (mainly lvl 1 helpdesk lmao) and its been an overall fascinating experience (yes im still a first year shhhh)
with the assistance of a friend, ive found a nearby clinic that does hrt currently accepting new patients. if you know the state of trans healthcare within australia, finding a place accepting new patients is HARD. i am endlessly grateful to my friend for informing me of the clinics status. ideally, ill be starting hrt soon
but. mostly, ive come so much further than i thought i ever could. im out in a small community, and im going by my chosen name in many circles. ive cut my hair off. i have a boyfriend who is part of the queer community himself (though cis) who accepts me. i NEVER thought i would have this opportunity pre-transition.
and my queer friends i have found in life. there is beauty in community. i care so much about all of them. i didnt realise how lonely and isolated i was, as a trans person not knowing any other queer people.
my life has changed for the better. this post exists solely so i can ramble about that.
im probably not going to delete my tumblr. its still too useful for when i need to find certain things from my past. but i wont post regularly ever again.
maybe ill do another long ramble-post if something important happens in the future.
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What are some reasons you would unfollow someone?
// I don’t do it often, but if it happens it’d be for the following reasons:
1.  If I find out you’ve been treating someone I follow badly.  If I learn you’re treating someone else I follow like shit, or you’re guilt-tripping them or talking shit about them, you’re done with me.  Not even a question; no second chances.  You won’t be able to blink before I’ve unfollowed and blocked you.
2.  If you guilt-trip me about any shipping or claim I write with one character or mun more than another.  This is one of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to RP, and unless we can work out something through a discussion, that’ll likely be the end of our roleplay relationship.  My rules make it very clear that I’m multi-ship.  I’m not a character hoarder, and I don’t just RP to ‘ship, but when it happens, I think it’s fair to expect that other people will respect that as they’d want me to respect it with them.  Similarly, if you try to make me feel bad for not shipping your character, that’s going to make me not want to write with you.  So...don’t do any of that, please.
3.  If they post a lot of political/religious/social-activism stuff.  I don’t begrudge anyone’s beliefs, affiliations, or opinions, but there are better places to voice them than on an RP blog.  If you post about something once just to show your support of something, that’s fine...but if it becomes your constant thing and you’re posting that kind of stuff on the regular, we’re going to have to part company.  I get too much of that in my OOC day-to-day, so I want this to be my escape from all that, not just another place where I get to see more of it.  I’m not telling you to stop believing what you believe or expressing those beliefs, but I can’t have it on my roleplay dash.  Sorry.
4.  I’m just going to put this out there:  I suffer from medically diagnosed depression and anxiety disorder.  I take daily meds for it, was hospitalized for it some years back; it’s a very real thing for me.  I look at my depression as a rollercoaster; I get highs and then deep lows, where I’m hating my writing, thinking I’m a burden or a bother, that no one likes me; essentially hating pretty much everything about myself.  I try to keep that away from people here because I know it can trigger some people, and I understand that because when I see it from other people it triggers me, too.  All I ask is that you be understanding and patient with me if I’m one of those states of mind.  If I get any grief from anyone about it, ever...I’m done with you, instantly.  
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ruinosusangelus · 7 years
8, 12 and 15 for the munday meme plz :)
Has anyone hurt/betrayed you?
(( Not really, I’m p.chill about most things. I’ve been blocked before by people without reason which is always a pain in the ass because you can’t work on what you did wrong as a result. That can be frustrating. I’ve also had people I thought were cool talk smack about me to friends who have ended up sending me the screenshots of their shit-talk but like; it hasn’t bothered me too much. Usually ‘cause I’ve not been friends with these people, only acquaintances. Plus, I’m an Aquarius so when somebody messes with our friendship - I just stop being friends with them, haha. ))
Your opinion on people giving canon characters mental illnesses?
(( Doesn’t bother me at all. So long as the mental illness is treated with finesse and respect, it really doesn’t phase me. Honestly, I think most people in real life had undiagnosed mental health problems so it really wouldn’t surprise me if characters did, too. Not to mention, if you have a character who’s best friend was eaten by zombies or who takes on dragon-demons everyday then yeah, I’d be surprised if they didn’t have mild PTSD or something. The only thing that fusses me with this is when people use mental health as a checklist for ‘my muse’ or even ‘myself’ is different and more special than anybody else.
That’s when it pisses me off because I wouldn’t wish mental illness on anybody. ))
What is your biggest pet peeve?
(( Probably the haughtiness of writers in the roleplay community today. I saw that post reblogged recently and even reblogged it myself that stated that writers who write certain things - does not make them those certain things. Like, I just find it sad that we even need to specify that. The censorship or our writing and disgust of certain topics by SJW’s is akin to the Nazi’s burning books.
I’ve seen people in the FF fandom be made to feel like shit because of ask memes with minor slurs in them. Minor slurs. I mean - how do these people live? Do they go outside? Do they watch the news? Cunt is practically a nickname were I’m from and yet god-forbid you say the word ‘slut’ in a roleplay. 
I’d love to see these people read a Stephen King novel *you know, that guy who’s sold more books / had more adaptations than probably anybody ever*. They wouldn’t be able to get past the first page without crying or launching into a tirade of hate! I can’t stand that it’s become such taboo for writers to write what they wanna write. 
Be that slurs, satire or darker themes. 
Sure, it might not make you feel comfortable - but there’s an unfollow button for a reason. Not only that, but if you can’t handle the written word then why’re you in a writing community? 
I HAVE legitimate triggers, caused by terrible things that have happened in my life. But still I demand nobody tag these things because honestly the tagging would do me more harm than good. )) 
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