#[ honestly after talking it over with soma i decided not to put (2) of the people in my dni ]
causalitylinked · 2 years
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I updated my rules page again, but in case you don’t feel like actually re-reading them because they are four pages long, here are the changes I made:
Under ‘Reasons I May Unfollow / Block: ‘If I notice you interact with two people I’m personally uncomfortable with, I may potentially unfollow or softblock as my reaction to seeing them on my dash is really that bad, but I won’t be mentioning who they are and what they have done unless you privately message me about it, because I don’t want to draw negative attention towards them.’
Added an amendment to the rule of pre-established interactions, where if the first meeting scenario has an interesting enough premise, I might make an exception when it comes to my rule on non pre-estabished interactions, but due to me preferring continuity, relationships wise, I may later drop the first meeting thread and start another thread with you that would take place after the events of the first meeting thread, if only because I don’t want to continue being stuck in the ‘two strangers who just met for the first time’ phase. Seriously, it’s just not my favourite thing to write!
Reworded a paragraph to now say: ‘Please keep in mind that Gin, Kobato, Sasara, Ryuto, and Akira are Japanese characters in a Japanese setting, which means I will be writing them as such; therefore, they will address other muses using honorifics (or by last name in Akira’s case) and will not be able to converse in English, aside from maybe Ryuto. Due to this being the case, I will naturally default any interactions with Akira to occur in Japan and default any interactions with my Caligula muses to occur either in Redo or modern day Japan unless I’m writing Ryuto.
Clarified that while I myself will exclusively ship with one canon character at a time to make myself feel more comfortable, you aren’t obligated to exclusively ship with my interpretation of a muse as well. I also mentioned the only Sonia Nevermind I will exclusively ship my Akira with is @more-than-a-princess and the only Yuzuriha Kotoko I will exclusively ship my Kobato with is @agnina​.
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pain-in-the-butler · 3 years
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The time has come once again
The Bloodbath
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“I’m simply one hell of a butler” says Sebastian as he starts cleaning as usual
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Okay so Agni’s taking no prisoners
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Work Nerd, Science Nerd, and Jock Nerd team up to form the Nerd Trifecta
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Team One Brain Cell joins up with Phipps, who is quite possibly their only chance for survival
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Ran-Mao remembers how Harcourt beat everyone in the unfortunately deleted round and said “Not in my backyard”
So far, everyone else has simply run away unscathed or grabbed a weapon they won’t use because the game doesn’t record weapons. Rip Tanaka
Day 1
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Ran-Mao bringing the canon energy by adding a second weapon to her arsenal
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Phipps somehow always turns into Team Dad during these, so I’m glad to see he’s finding time for his favorite hobbies
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Undertaker up to his usual Sneaky Antics
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It hasn’t even been twelve hours yet. Kind of impressive honestly
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Considering Harcourt lost his mace, I’ll just assume the attack Grell “escaped” from was the vicious stabbing of his trim little schoolboy fingernails
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Bad vibes
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It appears that Lau also brought his canon game
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Sebastian in the most recent chapters be like
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I’ve actually never had this event come up before and it has to happen between two of the more innocent characters in the series;;;; god Lizzie you deserve better even in the Hunger Games Simulator
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Where’s a Safety Nerd when you need one
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What’s better than this? Guys bein dudes
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This is probably what happened after Ciel left Weston
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Sebastian will take care of this for ya, huh bud
Other events:
Agni practices his archery
Wolfram goes fishing
Othello finds a cave
Soma goes ‘splorin
Edward goes huntin
Day 1′s Deaths: Tanaka, Sieglinde, Lizzie, and Macmillan. Someday one of the ladies will win
Night 1
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Butler slumber party in the woods, BYOYM (bring your own young master)
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It takes a lot of energy to be this blond
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I’m happy for her :)
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Yeah I’ll bet you probably do Lau
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A tonal shift so abrupt I got mental whiplash
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Can we go back to when Grell was looking at the sky pls
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Thought about science too hard. Got a concussion
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Thought about Ciel dying too hard. Got an infection
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Aww dad :( Hope you caught some fish tho
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Looks like Harcourt won’t be winning this one, gang
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I stg the hunger games simulator is misogynist because the ladies always DIE /j
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Ran-Mao is hopefully here to prove the previous statement wrong
Other events:
Bard gets a hatchet
Undertaker also passes out from exhaustion
R!Ciel goes to sleep in a tree
Day 2
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Oh you five are SO going in my burn book for this. It’s what Grell would’ve wanted
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Ahaha just like in the real manga... right guys (;
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Idk about you but I’m rooting for her
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I don’t think the simulator could’ve picked four people who were less likely to team up than this
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I would too if I saw my best friend was palling around with an opium dealer, a grim reaper with a lawn mower, and another grim reaper that the first grim reaper doesn’t like
Other events:
Othello chases Wolfram
That’s the only other event actually
That means today we lost O!Ciel, Mey-Rin, Harcourt, and Grell. ffs, I hope Ran-Mao kills all of you
Night 2
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I’ve missed you, rare pair simulator
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The “unknown sponsor” was Undertaker and the “fresh food” was O!Ciel
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Confirmed: Lau doesn’t get high off his own supply
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Once again a ceasefire between the strong hungry boys is formed
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Girl, you don’t have to do that
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“Did you kill Ciel?” Sebastian asks
“No that was William,” Othello says
Sebastian punches a tree so hard that it combusts. “God damn. Fuck” Sebastian says
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Wolfram just realized I put him in the Hunger Games simulator
Other events:
Phipps thinks about “Are you winning son”
Undertaker gazes at space
Ronald becomes Lost Ronald
Soma passes out
Bard gets some water
Day 3
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Damn Agni who haven’t you flirted with
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Finny sees that Bard has water and thinks Bard cooked it himself, so he wants no part of that (might be burnt)
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What did he even have that was worth stealing? A fish?
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Well I can tell you who isn’t creating that smoke: Lau
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“What’s worse than two young masters? No young masters. Now get over here and make a contract”
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Everything about this sentence is a fever dream
Other events:
Undertaker decides he wants a slingy shot too
Edward chases Dad I mean Phipps
Othello gets some ouchies from picking berries
Night 3
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When your young master dies, you just get an infection apparently
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damn Finny’s playing hardball
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I don’t think anything bad has actually happened to Bard yet. It’s just been a grand frolic the whole time
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I barely remember reading the first Hunger Games but Ran-Mao’s the Foxface of this journey: she deserves to win and I just know she’ll die in the stupidest way possible
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Sebastian’s like a cat that can’t reach the bird it wants to attack, so it attacks the nearest other thing instead. Poor Dad
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Two white-haired anime boys and a not-white-haired anime boy talk about who will die tomorrow. Anime doesn’t exist yet so the white-haired anime boys don’t know their hair color automatically spells their doom
Other events:
Edward starts a fire, which means he’s capable of smoking opium
Ronald gets some medical supplies
Othello gets a hatchet
R!Ciel thinks about winning
Lau gets an entire explosive, but he won’t be able to light it, so no it’s no big deal
Day 4
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In Soviet Hunger Games, white-haired anime boy kills you
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But why murder someone when you could just mess with them
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Other events:
Grey scares Bard
Finny goes hunting
Night 4
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Have you four even killed anyone yet
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The list of “people who didn’t start the manor fire and also don’t smoke opium” now consists of Lau and R!Ciel
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The mood is too light now. Someone needs to die and it better not be Ran-Mao
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At last, Father Phipps has chosen his son for this round
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Agni gushes about all the hot guys he’s simultaneously in love with, giving Ran-Mao a clearer idea of who’s still alive
Day 5
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Girl, it’s about time, go claim some trophies
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Finny’s easily got the longest kill streak and it’s a little unnerving
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Father Phipps finds a new secret fishing hole
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Othello doesn’t
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Lau continues to put in all the efforts of a kindergarten bully
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Oh no. He’s a yandere
Other events:
Sebastian fucks around and explores the arena
Bard fucks around and hunts for tributes
Undertaker fucks around and sleeps
R!Ciel fucks around and picks flowers
Night 5
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I’ve never met anyone who ships Sebastian/Undertaker but I know you’re out there
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Okay, maybe these four are even less likely to team up than Phipps, Ronald, Undertaker, and Lau
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Edward sees I’m making jokes about people who build fires and stays hidden
Day 6
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Canonically, that is the only way R!Ciel would win a fight, so
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I probably could have predicted this
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I hope these are the faces they made when it happened
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The “unknown sponsor” is R!Ciel and the “fresh food” is an ear that fell off his own head
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I’m not sure if I should be concerned or unsurprised that Bard’s Hunger Games life is more chill than his canon life
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the “unknown sponsor” was the fish and the “clean water” was “fish water”
Other events:
Ran-Mao gets her third weapon that she doesn’t want to use, which is a hatchet
Finny finds a river
Agni practices archery again, but he doesn’t kill anyone because he wants this to go on forever
Night 6
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Ran-Mao I beg you please. Release us from this purgatory of mediocrity
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And suddenly we’re back to canon Bard
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I guess not everything can be canon
Other events:
Both Agni and Phipps pass out from exhaustion. It’s 2:50 a.m. so I should really be taking a page from their book, but unfortunately everyone refuses to die
The Feast
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Finny has been a stone cold killer this entire match, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that the girl I wanted to win would get eliminated by him, but it still hurts ✌️😔
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If you cheat on Othello, he will overpower you, killing you
Everyone else decided not to go to the Feast. Honestly, I don’t remember what the Feast is, but everyone who did go either murdered someone or got murdered, so I guess that was probably a good call
Day 7
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I’ve had enough of this dude
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Jesus Finny I can’t wait to see how many kills you got, I feel like you and Agni were the only two who took anyone down
Bard, Undertaker, Sebastian, and Phipps all hunt for other tributes but they’re useless and don’t kill anyone
Arena Event: Volcano Eruption
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In one fell swoop, we lose Sebastian, Undertaker, R!Ciel, and Finny, jeez. But... that means it comes down to.............
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FATHER PHIPPS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Wow... Unlike his manga counterpart, this boy coasted the whole time and won... He basically went on vacation and he actually won... But then again, it’s Hunger Games Simulator and nothing is sacred
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Well I hope you learned a valuable lesson today. I hope you did at some point before you read my post, because you sure as hell learned nothing from this. Thank you for wasting precious minutes of your life with me 😏
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snickiebear · 3 years
yo nadia <3333 i'm bored in my online classes and u reblogged the questions thingy at the right time lmao, so get ready: 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 17, 23, 24, 28, 30!!!, 34, 38, 39, 40 (the intimacy of being understood) (imma stop here lol) (also i'm sorry u're not feeling well, ily and hope u'll feel better soon!! <33333)
ELE ILY. (and thank you, i’m stayin home today cause,,, yeah. i appreciate you sm.) you’re the literal best, i adore you. 
1. How long ago did you start reading fanfiction? Writing fanfiction?
The first fanfiction i read was for The Lunar Chronicles when I was like 11?? and it was 100% on accident and it scarred me because it was a hardcore porn one with a period kink and i was like WHAT IS THIS??? OH MY GOD???? LMAOOOOO i didn’t pick it back up until i was 13-14 and really got into the Fairy Tail fandom. I still reread my favorites on ff.net cause i love them. 
As for writing, I wrote a horrible, terrible x-men fanfiction when I was twelve. (my friend still brings it up and REFUSES to delete it so it still gets comments and views, that shit HAUNTS ME ELE.) then tried again for Fairy Tail, posted like two chapters before taking it down cause i wasn’t really feeling it. And then I posted The Intimacy Of Being Understood and here we are. 
4. Link your three favorite fics right now.
OMGG okok 
@mouseymightymarvellous ‘s We Were Screaming In Color (Only A Possibility) yes, yes I KNOW. i always point into mousey’s direction but i WILL always advocate that everyone reads her fics, they’re literally so beautiful???? i just happen to be rereading WWSIN rn 
@safelycapricious ‘s Shaking Up And Breaking Down series. I found this like?? idfk but i’ve been raving about it ever since. ALSO CHECK OUT THEIR FICS IN GENERAL. 
fuck i have more than three but also check out @ambivalens999 ‘s Masks
i do wanna make a fic rec thing where i just rav about my favs,,, might do that later or sum
5. What are your fanfic pet peeves? Do they have a huge effect on whether or not you decide to read something?
Omniscient third person. I don’t like it. Like I can understand that it can be a little hard to stay in one person’s perspective but, in my opinion, if you can, it shows how disciplined you are as a writer. Plus, i just get so confused when I go from A’s thoughts to suddenly what B is thinking about A. 
When writers use ‘ ‘ instead of “ “. When writers put thoughts in ‘ ‘ instead of just italicizing them. It’s small things but like they just bother me sO MUCH. most of the time i can ignore it and try to enjoy but other times i just dip. 
9. Tag 3 fic writers you think are underrated/unknown in the fandom/fanfiction community.
@espoir-et-reves !!!!! THEIR SHISAKU FICS ARE SO SO SO SO SO GOOD. And they have a warring states one going on THAT I AM SO OBSESSED WITH. 
@writer168 idk if they’re really “underrated” but THEY HAVE SUCH GREAT FICS ON AO3. Like theres an AU with sakura, kiba, and shino that i reread constantly because it just. is. so. fucking. GOOD. and they posted a new one that i’m YELLING about. 
@eggtoasties okay they only have 2 in the naruto fandom (one shisaku which is still ongoing) BUT THEIR WRITING STYLE IS SO NICE?? I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. I still go back and reread their shikasaku one cause UGH i can’t get enough. I love it. 
10. What’s your favorite fandom, pairing, or character to read fic for?
Fandoms: Naruto, Soul Eater, The Old Guard, ATLA
Parings: KakaSaku/ShikaSaku/ShiSaku/MultiSaku, SoMa, Joe X Nicky, Zukka
Character: SAKURA. I will read anything with Sakura as the main character and her being a fuckin badass or becoming a badass. I love her.
17. How obsessively do you sit and stare at your fic after you’ve just posted and wait for feedback?
aha.. haha.. well. I check my email like three times an hour. its the first thing i check in the mornings too. I’m literally a whore for praise and literally eat up feedback like its going out of style. I also reread a lot of my stuff because i make so many mistakes and spelling errors, or the spacing is weird oR SOMETHING. plus, literally any and all comments make my day, i go back and reread them cause they just make me feel so tingly and warm like “wow. this person enjoyed the fic/my writing enough to tell me. thats HUGE!”
23. What’s your absolute favorite trope to write?
Angry, feral, bloodied, morally gray women. They aren’t bad guys, they’re probably the good guy, but that doesn’t mean they cant be fucking raging at the world with raw knuckles and blood on their teeth. I just love an angry woman who struggles with her emotions and just has so much inner conflict but that doesn’t take away from her character or badassery, it adds to it. 
24. What’s a trope that you’d like to never hear about as long as you live, let alone write?
The fake dating or miscommunication troupe. LIKE GUYS JUST TALK. AND TELL EACH OTHER OMFG. the entire like obliviousness of “nah they dont like me” while the They holds their hand and kisses their cheek. MOFO WHAT. it makes me so impatient and like mad HAAHHAHA. its probably because i’m a pretty confrontational person so seeing stuff like that just “cmon bro, USE YO HEAD.”
28. How do you deal with writing pressure (ie: pressure to update, negative comments, deadlines, etc)?
I have yet to receive a negative comment! Which i was really surprised about tbh. As for deadlines or pressure to update, i just kind of do whatever. I do set goals, but i set them flexible enough that hey, if i can’t do it, that’s okay. 
I have a lot of mini goals, like “i want to write this chapter and get it done this week” and then the large goal is “FINISH BY END OF MAY” so i have time. 
Actually, now that I think on it, the entire pressure to update thing is probably why i’m waiting until I have all of OL&W written to post it weekly,, cause well. I wouldn’t wanna leave you guys waiting as I tried to write and work out the next chapters and stuff, you know?
30. Post a snippet from your current WIP without context - no more than 300 words.
Have you seen the way the dead dance, World Breaker? They roar, half mad and starving. Do you not wish, do you not hope to see them twist and bend and dance to your will?
Shikamaru snarls, looking behind his shoulders to where his Shadows lay. “Patience.” He spits. “Is of the essence, Things of Ancient. Know your place as the dark you are.”
34. How much of yourself and your life experiences do you put into your writing? What do you think your readers’ image of you is?
None of my experiences match up to anything I write tbh,,, probably the only thing that is me in my writing is maybe the emotional turmoil? I’m pretty emotionally and mentally mature because from a pretty young age i started forming my own opinions, started looking into the world around us and being like “dude what the fuck this is not what disney advertised”. Then i started talking (read: arguing and debating) with my dad about a lot of it. So, like emotions are kind of hard for me. Like i’m pretty good at controlling them or understanding them, but still. idk its hard to explain ig.
Like the weight of stress, the anger, the sadness. It’s kind of therapeutic to write. Cause i don’t know how to put those feelings to verbal words so writing them really helps. 
As for my readers’ image? Probably like some kind of hunched over figure typing away in the dark with a maniacal grin on their face. I honestly don’t know AHHAHAHA but it is fun to think about. I think they’d see me as someone with potential but a lot of room to grow and someone who is imperfect but in a charming way LMAOOOO
38. What does your writing process look like? How chaotic is it on a scale of 1 (very tame) to 10 (you can’t handle this kind of chaos)?
I’m gonna be real honest. Its probably like a 2. I’m a bit of a control freak so I almost always go in chronological order, my writing is pretty linear. Unless, i get bored and jump to one of my fav parts. It's pretty much i sit down, i open the doc, read over my notes and just start writing. 
It’s a little boring to explain AHAHAHA but once i get into the groove of things its really fucking great, I can like feel myself in the world, I can feel what i want the characters to, i love it. I catch myself mouthing the words as i type too, which i find hilarious.
39. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
I rather like how raw my writing is sometimes. Which might sound really vain, but i do like the way i word things or describe things. I love juxtaposition and repetition, or making a good ole circle back to some minute detail that wouldn’t stand out until i repeat it at the end and you’re like “omg” AHAHAHAHA.
Like those little poetic snippets or certain wording i just sit back and go “damn thats kinda good nadia! go you!’ HAHAHA  
40. How did you come up with the idea for The Intimacy Of Being Understood?
AAAAA this fic is like my first child, my pride and joy LMAO
so the idea initially came when i was reading some fic, idk if it was even naruto, but i was like “i don't like this, but i do like the rain symbolism.” And I knew i wanted to write something kind of slow paced, something a little sad and angsty, but would show KakaSaku slowly but surely falling in love.
Idk if you’ve noticed but a lot of my fics, the pairings don’t change each other dramatically. They accept each other as they are and then they grow with together. Like that acceptance is something i just love writing, its so subtle, it isn’t something you declare. Its simply “I am going to love you. I am going to love you despite your flaws and faults. I am going to love you unconditionally because I know you, I understand you, and there is nothing you could do to drive me away.” 
The fic kind of wrote itself after that first scene. I kept going back to the rain, go being ghosts, and resurrection, and the small epiphanies one gets. I wanted to focus on each character’s growth with each other. They didn’t find light in life because of each other, but with each other. And i think that’s my favorite thing about that fic. 
I wanted something raw and real and just something beautiful. I’m actually really proud of it tbh. Would i go back and rewrite/edit it? Oh of course! I’d do that with every single one of my fics, but i’m not gonna cause i think its in its rawest form right now. :))))
ask me shit plz
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guide-to-galaxy · 4 years
I was sure that being in a lockdown means time stands still but apparently my calendar tells me it’s the end of April? That’s really rude of it. Also, will I ever spell calendar right on the first try? Definitely not.
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The Scorpion King
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The Willoughbys
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Wrong Turn
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Wrong Turn 2
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Case 39
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The Scorpion King 1 ⚔
Apparently, this is the origin story of the scorpion king creature we see in The Mummy Returns. It is most definitely not.
Like you go into it thinking it will give more background on the character and it doesn’t? And I’m pretty sure there’s like 3 more movies. One of them isn’t even about Dwayne Johnson’s character, to my knowledge. There’s nothing really about the movie that stands out in my memory like the first two Mummy’s do (which I intend to watch soon).
The Willoughbys 4 🧒🏻
 Four kids try to get rid of their parents in order to be their own family but end up creating their own found family. 
I heard this voice and I went “Is that Terry Crews with his Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs voice?” And it was 😂
It is both adorable and super weird. It’s weird as in quirky, so watch this if you’re into those types of movies.
The parents are the weirdest movie parents I’ve ever seen. Of course, they’re meant to be written like that, but honestly, they’re so weird.
Wrong Turn 5🌲
A group of people go into the woods to try to find help after their cars are totaled. A group of people do not come out of the woods. 
I’ll admit, I went into the movie having read the description but I didn’t think it was going to be as intense as it ended up being. I loved the movie and will definitely carry on to the rest of the franchise, but it’ll take a lot to impress me as the first movie was so great.
And yes, it is very gory and violent. But I loved that 😂
Wrong turn 2 🌲
This time around it’s a group of contestents on a reality game show! Will all of them survive?
This was just so annoying because I had LOVED the first movie and then the second one comes and it’s sort of… really bad? I hope the next ones are better, honestly.
I only really liked like the one contestant? And that was it. All the rest were annoying. They just forced the producer to be in the show? Like they surround her while she’s sitting and they get right in her face. Ugh not cool
Case 39 2 👩‍👧
A social worker takes in a child, only to realise why her parents wanted her gone. 
I don’t know if I actually like Renée Zellweger. And not to be rude or anything, but it’s definitely her voice.
Also the kid’s full first name is Lilith. And Renee doesn’t think anything when weird things happen. All in all, the movie wasn’t totally… interesting.
Zombillenium 4 🎢
A park staffed by monsters and starting to struggle to make a profit has to deal with a new monster, one who’s more interested in getting back to his daughter than anything with the park. 
This was funny and very cute but I wished the audio was in French? And I know it’s French because the posters are all French. Sometimes it didn’t look like the audio synced up and the voice actors were a bit…meh and I think it would’ve been even better in the original audio.
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Get Out 5 🥄
A black man goes to visit his white girlfriend’s family for a weekend. And they’re maybe a bit too accepting. 
Sometimes it seems that the horror genre has shown every angle, and new movies can’t be good and all that – and then something amazing like this comes up and suddenly you just want to watch it all the time. Like seriously, this movie is amazing.
Us 5 🐇
 Dopplegangers threaten a family and the family is forced to try to protect themselves. 
MIND BLOWN. I didn’t understand well, a lot, for the majority of the movie, but then things clicked and omg I instantly wanted to watch the movie again.
Wonder Park 4 🎢
Wonderland is an imaginary park created by June and her mom. And now June has to save it.
I’ve been wanting to watch this one for a super long time! The trailer made it seem so cute.
Also, thought this would be an adorable movie and then BAM it’s UP ALL OVER AGAIN. But seriously – it’s a great movie and you should definitely watch it.
Step up 1 – 3 4 🎶🕺🏻
A lot of dancing that I wish I could do. And also a bit of plot. 
Just gonna put this all here as I watched all three right after each other. Why? Just because. It’s still good, though, which I was happy about.
Men in Black 3 👽
Will Smith is back defending Earth against aliens, but he’s also time travelling?
Even though I still like it – I mean, Will Smith 😍😍 I barely remembered this movie? Also, doesn’t this movie and what Will’s character does (Agent K? I think) does re time travel – like go against the time travel code? You know, you can’t talk to people in the past that you know in the future?
Escape Room 4 🧩
Strangers end up having to endure a not-so-normal escape room.
I mean the trailer had Deborah Ann Woll so like I’m signed up instantly. Also Judy Robinson is in here! Or well, Taylor Russell, who plays Judy in Netlifx’s Lost in Space.
I still haven’t been in an escape room but I really want to? But also I feel like you have to be with a specific group? With all different skill sets? You know, like those heist books we all love.
 I really liked it. It’s an adventure horror, which I always like seeing. A lot of things happen and it captures your attention throughout.
Warning – about 1h19 a scene starts –   There’s a flickering lights scene which definitely mimicked a strobe lights scene so please be careful if you’re sensitive to that. Please be safe. If you’re worried you’re missing anything in that scene – it’s basically just a fight scene between two characters.
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October Faction
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She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
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Another Life
October Faction 4 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
Monster-Hunter parents have to decide between keeping their kids in the dark or letting them know all about their monster-huntering.
I started out not really thinking it would be good, but then it ended up being great. Sure, the story lines could’ve been better, in my opinion, but it was pretty good for a season season.
But since there will be no second SEASON, I will have to be content with this one. And just cry because Netflix, you should LISTEN to your audience instead of relying on stats (which they base on like if the user is still watching 5 seconds in, they think that’s another watch – which doesn’t make sense because I usually wait at least 5 or so mins to decide if I want to watch this movie or series or not. Or even halfway through.
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power S1 5 ⚔
Adora finds a legendary sword that turns her into the powerful She-Ra (not that she wasn’t powerful before), along with new friends and enemies that want to take the sword.
ALL THE STARS. LIKE SERIOUSLY ALL THE STARS. I love love LOVED the first season so much and am excited to get to the other seasons soon!! And just Bow????? He has allllll my love, like seriously, I just love him so much. Protect him from all the badness in the world, please.
Another Life 4 🚀
Captain Niko has to deal with her crew, who sometimes disobeys her, and trying to understand the alien artifact that has landed on Earth. 
JIMMYSTEVE WTF (It’s a Shameless US reference. I was just shocked to see him). I really liked the casting here. Especially Zayn and Bernie.
They were in SOMA and none of their hair needs to be cut? I think one of them said in SOMA they don’t so I’m guessing that means their hair doesn’t grow?
The first season could have definitely been better. But it is renewed for a second season so I hope the story is better and I just really want more Zayn and Bernie time.
  That’s all! I’m thinking of changing up the format of these so this all might look different the next time one of these come up 🌟
What I Watched End-of-Month (April) I was sure that being in a lockdown means time stands still but apparently my calendar tells me it's the end of April?
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polar-stars · 5 years
Oh and also Bc I’m curious, why’d you decide for Kaori to be a main character? Since she isn’t a daughter of two core characters in the original series :3
Ooooh that’s an interesting question ! Thank you so much for asking <3 (The answer will be a mess tho ovo;;)
I’ll be honest, the story of Kaori’s development is....a mess.
She’s the very first out of the cast who did not start out with me sitting down and designing her. She was actually added rather spontaneously and the first thing she had going for her was pretty much a tiny Fundament of her role.
We’re writing the year 2016. I was 16 years old, I was about to make my graduation from middle school, I was one of the stupidest idiots on earth believe me and I had discovered this cooking anime somewhere in April and got hypfixiated. I drew a few fankids for some of the ships I liked and decided “Hey I wanna make a fanfic for them!” and jumped right into that with no planning whatsoever.
Anyway, as I said I was super stupid and honestly....it’s been a couple of months or so ever since I watched the anime back then and while I of course remembered the most important bits, by memory regarding events and such was still cloudy. So when I then wanted to write Chapter 2 of my newly started fanfic I wanted to tackle the entrance ceremony. But I couldn’t remember how that went down in the original series so I had to revisit the episode. And that’s how I remembered the valedictorian badge Erina received and went like “FUCK I need a valedictorian”
One thing I had very vividly present in my mind back then was the Autumn Elections and I suppose that’s what made me come up with the idea to make A. a daughter for Hisako and Akira, since I shipped them ever since their match + B. make their daughter the valedictorian. Putting Erina who always stood over everyone aside, Akira had at that point been the character who was able to stay constintely better than Sōma after all and my naive 16 year old brain cells just connected: “So his daughter will also be better than Soma’s. Perfect.”
And that’s how I added Kaori Hayama to my fanfiction with a description of a scene of her receiving her valedictorian badge. I decided she would be a more distant and cold character given that Akira stroke me as such.
What then happened is that Kaori kind off wrote herself tbqh. Pieces just fell together very quickly and within what must have been seconds she had worked herself upwards from being a hasty addition to a truly important member of the cast. Inspired by Hayama‘s speech towards Hisako in their match and how her goals are too limited and how he wouldn’t loose to someone who‘s content with being an eternal number 2, I made Kaori an extremely ambitious persona who had her mind set on the first spot of the academy and who wouldn‘t tolerate anyone standing in her way. Automatically that put her into an even stronger position as Kimiko‘s rival, given that...of course Kimiko wants the top spot as well. I made her insanely antisocial, also inspired by her father, and she became the first character where I could picture a character turn-around in the future where she’d open up more to people. I made her dislike Kimiko, initially just because they’re rivals however once Akio was created a tiny bit later....things got way more deeper. Long story short, it may sound really stupid but Kaori just got important the moment she was introduced.
If we compare my Main 4 Kimiko, Hiroshi, Kaori and Mika to Sōma, Erina, Megumi and Takumi then I’d say that Kaori in my Main 4 sorta takes the Erinaesque role so to speak. I don’t mean my that, that I am just going to repeat Erina’s character arc but with Kaori, no. But there’s subtle similarities: Kaori starts out as the queen of her generation (there’s the difference though that Kaori’s position slowly but surely gets doubted once Kimiko enters the show), she’s better than Kimiko actually and well, she’s just the distant character so to speak. Megumi/Hiroshi is Soma’s/Kimiko’s first friend on Totsuki; Takumi/Mika is the rival on equal terms but despite it being a rivalry it’s still a friendly one.....Erina/Kaori are the personas who start out with actively disliking Sōma/Kimiko and could possibly even be considered antagonists (although very mild ones) at first. Again, I am not saying that Erina and Kaori are the same character or something. They’re not. And their journeys will be different ones, really. I am just saying that Kaori does start out in a similar position as Erina so to speak.
In the end, what makes Kaori so vital is that she is an insanely important rival to our MC and is fulfilling said position as rival in a different way than Mika does. She will be a lot more harder to overcome for Kimiko and for a long time their rivalry won’t be as friendly as the one Kimiko shares with Mika. Kaori also has connections to Hiraku, who’s also a very vital character, and of course Akio. That constellation of Hiraku/Kimiko/Akio/Hiraku is another core point, meep.
I hope all of this made somewhat sense as I greatly struggled for words here. But again, thank you so much for the question ! It was still nice to talk about a character that was so much fun to develop for me.
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The Grand Gala
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Chapter 4 of “The Royal Engagement” Previous Chapter
“Good night, Princess. I’ll be looking forward for a dance with you tomorrow evening.” He said with a grin.
She scoffed before she ran her hand to the lengths of her hair, flipping it to the side. “As if, Yukihira.”
Contrary to what was expected—or at least what he expected—Prince Soma spent more time than usual in selecting his outfit for the night.
He have been standing in front of his closet for the past fifteen minutes, trying to figure out an appropriate attire for the upcoming party.He grabbed two coats of the same color, holding it up in front of him and trying to figure out what was different from the other.
He was never one of those who stressed over their clothes. His casual outfits were usually the first thing that he can grab from his closet. In fact, in these kinds of occasions he would usually let his mother or his maids choose his formal attire. And truthfully, he didn’t even know the distinction between those formal attires that he wore on different occasions because more often than not, it felt like he was just wearing the same blue garb over and over again. Their seamstress once told him that it was all on the details, but honestly, how could he tell? It’s not like everyone would inspect every little detail of his outfit much less something as trivial as an embroidery.
So while he didn’t usually care about what he wore, this time it was different. This time he wasn’t the one being celebrated. He wasn’t the center of the celebration. He just couldn’t get away by wearing the same-styled outfit that has their kingdom’s color. This time, he was on an unfamiliar territory and he needed to make a great first impression.Everyone in attendance would know one another—or at least must have known of each other if they were all allied to Totsuki. He would be the stranger among the crowd and just like the King had suggested the previous night, he must outdo them all—not just for himself (well, partly) but also for the pride of the kingdom where he came from.
“Why don’t we tailor you a new one? Totsuki have the best seamstresses—well, our servants are always the best among the best—but anyways, seriously, it would be done in no time.”
This was what Princess Alice had said the previous night but Soma doubted that they could finish tailoring up a new coat for him in time for tonight’s ball. Instead, he’ll call a servant and have them alter one of his formal outfit.
He carefully searched his wardrobe for something that could easily be altered. He wouldn’t want to trouble the seamstress with this added chore and he figured that they couldn’t do much with the little time that they had before the ball. In the end, he chose black pants paired with cream colored suit with dark blue lapels.
Carrying his clothes, Prince Soma went outside of his room with the intention of following (partly) Princess Alice’s advice. His feet brought him downstairs where he had to dodge several servants carrying flowers and garlands from one place to the other. He stopped at the foot of the stairs and observed the chaos that was ensuing.
“Now this is as bad as a stampede,” he muttered to himself. He was probably exaggerating but that was how it looked like at the moment. And to think that he was not even at the ballroom. He couldn’t stop but whistle in amazement as his eyes roamed the floor.
Windows were being opened, curtains were being replaced, every nook was being dusted and not a single corner was left unattended. There were servants polishing the doorknob, the portrait frames and the handrails. Some were carrying a tower of salad plates and others were pushing tables towards the ballroom. Others were pulling clothes rack full of gowns and another one filled with tail coats of different colors. Everyone seemed to have their hands full and Soma was starting to doubt if there was even a seamstress available to patch up his garb.
He passed over the servants carrying the newly washed red carpet and they gladly pointed him towards the direction of the Tailoring Chamber.
When he arrived, he debated on whether or not he should knock. He couldn’t risk bumping into an unassuming maid-servant inside so he rapped his knuckles at the door three times and waited a moment before going inside.
He was expecting the same kind of chaos like what was happening outside but he was a little disappointed to see that it was the complete opposite. The room was busy yet quiet and for a moment Soma started to question if he was still in the same building. The only thing that can be heard was the hum of the sewing machine and the quiet murmurs of the tailors inside the room.
A servant girl was approaching carrying rolls of fabric and Soma almost felt guilty at stopping her path and getting her attention.
“Oh, Prince Soma!” the girl exclaimed, surprise evident on her face at seeing the prince inside the room. “Good morning, Your Highness. How may I help you?” She asked once she got over her initial shock.
“I was hoping that you can do something about this,” Soma said, lifting the pair that he had brought with him.
The servant girl dumped the fabrics at a nearby table and took the garments from the prince’s hand.
“On what occasion do you need this for?” the girl asked as she extended her arms and examined the suit.
Soma lifted a hand and scratched the back of his neck. “I’m wearing it tonight. I was hoping that one of you could alter it or something, I don’t know. Put a bead maybe?”
The girl put down the suit and gave him a confused look, her eyebrows scrunched together. “I don’t understand. You didn’t like the outfit that we’ve prepared for you?”
Now it was Soma’s turn to be confused.
“What outfit?” he asked because as far as he knew, no one has given him any instruction on what to wear. If they did then it would’ve saved him the time he spent trying to find the difference between a blue coat and another blue coat.
“We made you an outfit for the Grand Gala.” She said as she re-collected the rolls of fabrics from the table. She started distributing them around the room and Soma was left with no other choice but to follow at her heels.
“It was mostly done but we still need your measurements for the necessary adjustments. What we’ve used were only rough estimations.” When Soma didn’t reply, the girl turned. “You didn’t know?”
“Nope.This is the first time that I am hearing about this.” Soma replied with a shrug.
“Our deepest apologies, Your Highness.” She hastily said as she bowed down her head.
“No, no. It’s okay. At least I got to wear something new.” He reassured with a chuckle. “Now where is it so I could try it on?”
After leaving the Tailoring Chamber, Soma was at a loss for what to do. He couldn’t just intrude in the kitchen like usual. The halls were crowded. He couldn’t chat with one of the guards since the security was being tightened.
He heaved a sigh. It seemed like a start of a boring day for the prince. He pocketed his hands and started walking, proceeding to wherever his feet may take him.He didn’t notice that he was almost outside the castle until he heard the gallops of horses of the guards on patrol.
Maybe I could go around town. He thought and his mouth curved upward. He turned around and fastened his pace now that he has a destination in mind. He figured that he can avoid all that bizarre activities going on inside if he went around the castle so that’s what he did. He was turning at the last corner towards the stables when he ran over Satoshi Isshiki who seemed to have just came back from his errands.
“Prince Soma. What a great timing.” The butler said as he steadied the prince. Before Soma can reply, Satoshi thrust a roll of parchment towards the prince’s hand.
“What is this?” Soma asked.
Satoshi only smiled, his eyes almost disappearing between his eyelids. “Your competitions.” He said before patting Soma’s back and leaving the prince standing.
Soma stared at the parchment for a moment before he decided to pull the ribbon holding it all together. He unfolded the paper and he couldn’t help but shake his head in amusement as he scanned its contents.
1.      Prince Zen Sasaki of the Southern Iles
2.      Prince Lout Jongerson of Berkland
3.      Prince Ethan Nakamura of the Northern Borders
And the list goes on. He didn’t fail to notice that only the list of the princes invited were given to him.
“That Isshiki,” he muttered as he once again rerouted towards the palace. “He never failed to give me something to do.”
The music started just as the carriages arrived one after the other. Prince and princesses with their escorts poured into the castle and it wasn’t long before the ballroom was packed with royals.
Soma quietly sipped his wine as he observed his surroundings. He just came back at the banquet table after socializing with the others.
The moment he stepped downstairs after beings announced by the herald, he was circled by a couple of curious royals. He was pulled from one conversation to another, being bombarded by questions left and right. He used this as a chance to introduce himself, his kingdom and vice versa. He made sure that he left an impression that he wasn’t just some nobody prince latching to a strong ally for his personal gain.
And he made an impression alright.
The princesses he have met have shown him interests, gladly engaging him in small talks that mostly took his time. The princes on the other hand gave him wary looks and suspicious glance, gauging if he was a threat or someone to be trusted. He tried to give them a smile—every time—which he hoped was more innocent than mischievous.
But on every conversation, he was always asked with the same question: on whether or not he was here to compete for the Totsuki’s princess’ hand. With this also came the realization that most of the attendees were either suitors, or the one looking for suitors. He would always answer without giving anything away, sometimes with a shrug and oftentimes a challenging smirk thrown over the other princes’ way—especially toward those he didn’t like.
Huh. Those arrogant bunch.
“Enjoying the party?” a voice asked and he turned to see Princess Alice dragging his previous dance partner behind.
“Very,” he replied raising his wine glass. “Though I’m currently in hiding.”
“Nonsense. Come on, have a dance with me.” Before he can refuse, Alice took his wine glass and passed it towards his partner. “Oh, and by the way. Prince Soma, this is Prince Ryo. Ryo, Prince Soma. Now, I expect you two to get along okay?” She said, hastily introducing the two princes and then dragging Soma to the dance floor.
“Is it really okay leaving him like that?” he asked once they were at the center.
“Oh, he’d be alright. Now tell me, have you asked her to dance yet?” She asked and they both know who she was talking about.
“If you hadn’t noticed, I’ve been busy.” Soma replied, looking apologetic.
“So I’m your first dance?”
The both of them looked over the princess in question. She was engaged in a conversation with Prince Shoji, the second in line for the Tuven kingdom. Though he could tell that it was hardly a conversation at all. Princess Erina was facing the dance floor, a wine glass in hand, while the other prince was at her side trying to draw her attention. But other than a hum or a short reply, the blonde princess kept her eyes forward. Soma saw how Prince Shoji’s shoulder sag before he straightened and bowed to the princess, bidding his goodbye. Princess Erina bowed in return and when she returned her gaze to the dance floor, Soma caught her eye. He raised an eyebrow at the princess and in return, she rolled her eyes and strolled towards the banquet.
Soma gave a chuckle. “That was the sixth one, I think.” He said.
“What do you mean?” Alice asked before Soma twirled her in place and catching her once again.
“It was the sixth prince that she rejected.” He explained. He turned to Alice and gave her a smirk. “Your cousin is such a heartbreaker.”
“Someone is paying attention.” Alice singsonged.
To this, Soma gave a laugh. “Oh, please.” He said, neither denying nor agreeing to Alice.
They finished one song before Princess Alice decided that she needed rest. Prince Ryo was standing to the same place where they left him, looking bored and uninterested with his surroundings. His all-black get up added to his vibe. Before they reached him, the white haired princess nudged Soma’s side and then pointed her cousin with a small frown adorning her face. Soma escorted her to Ryo’s side, passing her hand to the other prince, before turning towards the direction Alice was pointing.
The first thing that caught his attention when he looked over was the black aura that seemed to be emanating from the blonde princess. Whatever her companion was saying—well, it was obvious that she didn’t like it. Her back was stiff, her perfectly mastered neutral expression was cracking and her mouth was starting to curve down.
“Prince Eizan Etsuyaof Destopia.” He muttered, referring to the prince with rectangular glasses and swept-back hair that was currently the source of Princess Erina’s bad mood. He heard an annoyed huff from his sided and it seemed that this guy managed to annoy not one but two Nakiri princess.
“I hate that guy.” Princess Alice spat bitterly. “Why did Satoshi invited him?”
Soma didn’t reply and instead continued to observe the interaction between the two. Prince Eizan seemed to be oblivious to all the hate and glares he was receiving. That, or he was just persistent. Princess Erina was flat out ignoring him but that didn’t deter the guy. He moved towards Erina’s line of sight and continued talking as if nothing was amiss.
A servant was approaching them carrying a tray of empty wine glass and ice bucket containing red wine. Princess Erina was about to place her own glass on the tray when Prince Eizan suddenly took the wine glass from her hold and put it in the tray himself.
Princess Erina huffed and when she was about to turn away from the prince, Eizan grabbed her hand and slowly brought it to his lips.
Soma saw how Erina’s eyes turned into slits and he felt how his own eyes twitched. With purposeful strides, he marched towards their direction with his hands on his pockets. Neither one saw him coming which works in his favor when he snatched Erina’s hand from Eizan’s grasp.
“May I cut in?” He asked nonchalantly as he stepped between the two.“I believe the princess has promised me a dance.” He added giving Eizan a smile as if he didn’t just intrude on their conversation.
“I certainly—” Erina started but stopped when Soma looked at her with a raised eyebrow. She looked at him and then at the other prince—probably weighing her options. She narrowed her eyes as she returned her gaze to the red-head and Soma smirked knowing that he won.
“I certainly did.” She said slowly then turned to the four-eyed prince. “If you’ll excuse us, Prince Eizan.” She said curtly.
“It’s okay. It couldn’t be helped.” Prince four-eyes replied all the while giving Soma a look that says it was definitely not okay.He wasn’t put off with the way Eizan was eying him murderously behind his spectacles. The other prince was seething and Soma treated it as a little victory.
“Don’t I at least get a thank you?” Soma teased once they were positioned on the dance floor waiting for the current music to fade and for another melody to begin.
“Please. I didn’t need your help.” Erina replied as she let Soma clasp her right hand and let her other hand rest on his shoulder.
“It didn’t look that way to me.”
“I had it under control.”
“Sure you do. You look like you were going to murder that prince before I interfered.”
“Oh shut up.”
Soma just laughed and Erina pinched his shoulder in return. This made him flinch which also made Erina smirk.
They glided on the dance floor as the music progressed. Soma took the lead in guiding her when, how and which way to turn. Their feet synched with the beat of the music and each step was executed perfectly and gracefully. They danced effortlessly and soon all eyes were trained on them. It was probably because of Princess Erina’s gown. She was dressed in a glittering ball gown in gradient blue, dark blue on the top which gets lighter and lighter on the waist down. It didn’t help that it looks like a starry night sky whenever she spins.
“They can’t get their eyes off of you.” Soma whispered conspiratorially after another twirl. “You do look beautiful tonight.”
“I don’t need you to tell me that.” Erina said as she turned away with a blush faintly visible on her face. “Though I had to admit, you cleaned up well yourself.” She said in a tone that told him he should be thankful to hear those words coming from her. Soma just chuckled.
“Huh. Well this is surprising.” She commented after a while. She wasn’t looking at him so Soma didn’t know what she was talking about. “Who knew you can attract a few admirers?” Erina said with a raised eyebrow as she returned her gaze at him.
Soma looked around and saw a couple of princesses he met earlier waving at him. He smiled in return before looking back at the blonde princess. He wouldn’t really call them admirers but, well…
“Couldn’t blame them. Who could resist these charms?” He was mostly teasing but it didn’t stop him from flashing her a boyish grin, the one that her mother had always said would make any girl swoon.
“Such arrogance.” Erina said as she rolled her eyes.
“I’m a prince. What did you expect?”
What he didn’t expect was a laugh that bubbled out of her mouth. It ended as soon as it came, or rather, as soon as Erina realized what came out of her mouth.
“Did you just laugh?” Soma asked in disbelief.
Erina stared at him in amusement. “I believe I just cried.”
“Very funny. But I still made you laugh though.” Soma stated triumphantly.
“Don’t get used to it.”
He wasn’t. But it sure felt good hearing that sound. He should make her laugh more often. He mentally added it to the list of things he wanted her to do more often.
It went better than he expected, if he do say so himself. The number of songs that they danced to speaks volume. They danced through four songs, though the fact that they spoke nothing but the negative aspects of her suitors wasn’t exactly productive.
It was mostly Erina complaining, or rather, stating her critical judgment on why they were not suited for her. How Prince Zen was such a wimp he would be useless if ever war broke out. How Prince Lout was overly confident and self-centered she wouldn’t expect him to prioritize his subjects’ need before his own. Of course Soma wasn’t spared.
“Honestly, I don’t know how this engagement can be beneficial to both of us.” She said frankly. “I don’t know anything about you and your kingdom.”
“And whose fault is that?” He teased and Erina blushed.
“That’s… Ugh. That’s because you can be so annoying sometimes.”
He just laughed and somehow it felt like a truce between them has been reached.
He almost made her laugh again when he commented on how Prince Eizan looked like a snake when he was guiding her to the dance floor earlier. And then it started the litany of things that she found annoying about the four-eyed prince, with Soma pitching in from time to time. It was probably rude and disrespectful—making fun of a prince from an allied kingdom—but at that time, all Soma cared about was the fact that the Nakiri heiress was finally having fun.
*** ***
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abybweisse · 7 years
Soma & Lizzy for the ship thing. Idk how they'd interact as a couple so I'd like to know your version.
Let’s see….
1. Lizzie is the first to say “I love you”, but Soma reciprocates those feelings and says so. One day, when Lizzie is dressing Soma up (as she likes to do to people) she says “Aww, Somaaa, you’re so cuuute ~~ 2. Lizzie would have a background pic of Soma dressed up all “cute”. Ribbons, bows, maybe a bonnet; in the picture, Soma is beaming a smile. Soma would have a background pic of Lizzie showing off her brand new heeled shoes… and an alternate pic of her dressed in traditional Indian attire, like a sari, some gold jewelry, and a bindi on her forehead.3. They both leave notes on foggy mirrors. Love notes and positive affirmations.4. They buy each other cheesy gifts sometimes. Lizzie loves to buy things to dress him up with, and he thinks it’s fun. Soma likes to have Lizzie try Indian fashions, though she blushes and breathily chatters about “I’m showing too much skin….” Honestly, the best gifts they bestow are food and basic supplies to the needy. This they do together, just like Soma used to do with Agni.5. Lizzie initiated the first kiss. It was just on the cheek, but she still blushed. So did he, which made him even cuter.6. Whoever wakes up first usually kisses the other awake, but there have been times that the one who wakes first is too excited about plans for the day, so they wake the other with shaking the bed and shouts of “Get up! Get up! Get up!” 7. They’ve both been known to start tickle fights. The very first one started when Lizzy was putting Soma into some outfit and she accidentally brushed his right side. He had a reflexive reaction to it and giggled. Then the tickle fight was ON!8. Soma kept pulling the shower curtain back or peeping his head around the side of it to say “Hey! Let me shower with you!”, and Lizzie would keep shrieking “Soma, no! That’s not cute!”…. Pretty much every time she took one – “Hey! Let me shower with you!” (Read: just like Soma repeatedly telling Cole “Hey! Be nice to Ciel!”) Until one day, while Soma was showering, Lizzie decided to make him see how that intrusion feels. It backfired on her, though, since his reply was “Come on in!” She wasn’t expecting that, so all she could think to say was “W-well… ok”, and she joined him. After that they just got on in there without a word of protest from either of them.9. Soma got a job teaching “Eastern Studies” (a course on Eastern cultures and philosophies) at London University. He was determined to earn his own money and not rely on his parents or title. He uses any extra funds for charities or other philanthropic projects, and they both volunteer whenever they can. Lizzie often brings Soma lunch or snacks because, as she says (with teary eyes) “He works so hard to better himself… and for the good of the people. It’s the least I can do!”10. Lizzie was nervous and a bit shy on the first date, but Soma’s confidence and high spirits quickly put her at ease.11. Lizzie knows they are perfectly natural little creatures, but spiders still scare her. She has Soma take them outside.12. It’s not proper for a lady to drink too much in public (or otherwise), but after a glass or two of wine her face gets quite flushed, and she talks (somewhat) openly of her affection for him. Soma also only drinks in moderation, but he will also get flushed and chatter about how sweet, kind, and caring his Lizzie is. They both giggle a lot while drinking and might whisper sweet nothings in each other’s ears.
I hope I did them honor!
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recentanimenews · 7 years
4 Reasons Why I'm Excited for Food Wars!: Third Plate
Food Wars! is an anime that took the world by storm. Or at least, it took me by storm. For the uninitiated, it follows the quest of Soma to become the top chef in his new cooking school. After growing up battling with his father to create the best-tasting food in their diner, he goes to school to level up and gain cooking skills to help him in his quest to beat his father. One day. Along the way, he sets the school aflame by declaring that he'll beat any person who stands in his way in a food battle and proves it by challenging people to battles almost too much.
  The premise isn't exactly unique, but what the show does with all of the elements is truly something special. It takes several facets of anime that I deeply love, and at least one big element of anime that I'm DEEPLY conflicted by, combining them together in a way that's not only palatable, but also funny, relatable, and drool-worthy. Add on a fast-paced plot, well-researched recipes, and a great character, and you're in business. Are you INTRIGUED yet? Let me explain further why I am so excited for this new season...
Ok, so here's the thing. I'm not a huge fan of fan service. I know, I KNOW. This is a very debatable topic. I get it. I understand. Let me explain before you decide to lambast me in the comments below. First, let me say that almost everyone, to some extent, likes fan service. You probably like some kind of fan service. Heck, that might be why you watch anime at all. I'm not saying that I don't like any fanservice at all, I just don't like all kinds of fan service.
  So, you might be asking, what's so great about the rampant fanservice in Food Wars!, especially if you don't like fanservice in the first place? Well, as I said, I do like some fan service- I like fan service that serves a purpose in furthering the plot or giving insight to characterization. At first, it doesn't seem like the fanservice in Food Wars! would do this. The artist portrays the characters in some incredibly suggestive ways. Seriously, clothes explode off. At some point or another, you'll see almost every character naked. And WHY???!?! Why does this show sexualize just about every walking, talking human being at some point or another? Purely to accentuate how MIND-BLOWINGLY, CLOTHES-EXPLODINGLY delicious (or horrible....peanut butter squid, I'm looking at you...) is. 
    This show is brilliant because it carefully uses fan service, something that is hugely popular with many people, and something that motivates a lot of people to watch anime, to further the overall aim of the show: displaying just how amazing the food is. By doing this, it makes the food the star of each fan service instance. Why are people getting hot and bothered? The food. What does that tell the viewer? That this food is EFFING GOOD. It contributes to characterization by showing the viewer how each student, judge, or random passerby reacts to each person's cooking. It furthers the plot by making the food the main star and letting the character's reactions to the food guide the choices they make in how they want to grow and diversify their cooking skills. Honestly, it's such a clever use of fan service, that I can't get mad at it. With this new season, I look forward to seeing more naked people lavishing their love and attention towards some gorgeously hand-crafted meals. Speaking of the hand-crafted meals...
The food in this show looks so good. Do you know something amazing? The phrase "fan service" isn't technically limited to showing off some skin. Fanservice can apply to anything placed in an anime of manga meant to appeal to the fans- sports anime, for example, is a form of sports fan service. Your Lie In April is a great example of an anime geared towards classical music fan service. So, does that mean that appearances of food in anime can also be considered fanservice??? YES, 100%, and Food Wars! more than delivers. 
  First, the art is absolutely gorgeous, depicting food in a way that is honestly impossible in real life. Seriously, I've tried to get food to look exactly the way it does in anime. Heck, I've made a profession of it, and I can tell you first hand that it is not an easy feat at all. Artists have the luxury of choosing the exact colors they want to use, of selecting the perfect lighting in which they want to showcase their food. They can draw on perfect grill marks, and render the most delectable crunchy panko coating.
  Second, the treatment of the food by the characters absolutely glorifies it. I've already discussed how the characters literally lose clothing over their appreciation of the food, but they way they verbalize those thoughts heightens the viewer's own understanding of what makes the food so delicious. Not only does it look good, but the running commentary from the character adds dimension- it tells the viewer what is good about it, what flavor elements are working together, what sensations and flavors they are getting hit with. This makes the appreciation of the food porn immersive. Not only do the viewers have something to look at, they have some context with which to appreciate it. As a result, the startling depictions of the food, coupled with the commentary makes the experience of watching and appreciating the anime more than two dimensional.
    Amazingly, the food porn doesn't distract from the plot, in fact, it sort of is the plot...
Ok, I know I love food maybe more than the average person, so if food isn't your thing, I promise there's more to enjoy about this show. The plot is fast-paced and always moving, which I think is a must-have for most anime episodes. To me, the sign of a good first episode is one that quickly establishes the plot, moves forward into introducing a conflict or challenge, and leaves the viewer wanting more. 
  Even just by looking at the first episode of the new season, The Third Plate, all the marks were hit. They quickly moved through exposition, skipping over introductions of new characters to focus on the important introductions- that of the main opponents of the season. It quickly set up the main conflict of this season, within the first five minutes, in fact. The episode built on that conflict and left us with a hype-train cliffhanger. Soma comes up with a daring and bold solution to the challenge his new rival has set before him.... and the episode ends there, leaving us longing for more- more information, more insight, and importantly, more food. 
    The best part is that the hype train keeps rolling throughout each of the episodes. At least, in the previous two seasons, this is definitely the case. Soma moves from one challenge to the next at a breakneck pace, with support from his friends along the way adding comedic relief and help to facilitate his character growth. There's never a wasted moment, no filler episodes- each episode has a purpose, but is at the same time enjoyable and fulfilling. We, as the viewers, never groan over a recap episode or sigh over a wasted moment. We know that Soma is on a mission- to beat everyone else and be the best chef in the school- and it feels as though every moment is somehow dedicated to supporting that dream- whether it's as a comedic interlude or through a friendship affirming helping hand, or as a straight-up food war. And, you know, those food wars...
  From a food blogger perspective, and someone who has recreated multiple recipes from this show... I can say with absolute certainty that the people who work on this series did some serious research into food. Funnily enough, I didn't think about this too much until I was talking to someone who came to my last panel at Crunchyroll Expo. I had been talking about how clearly the food from this show had been well researched, and tested, and put to trial before even putting it into the manga, and the fan stayed behind to express his thanks to me for complimenting the cooking in the show. Apparently, all the food that shows up in Food Wars! is actually tested by an actual Japanese chef (Yuki Morisaki), and the recipes that appear in certain recipes are tested in real life before they get put into the manga. You know, that makes complete sense to me. 
    It's hard to draw and animate gorgeous looking food without having a reference photo to rely on. Surely they had to get that from somewhere. More than that, though, the way the ingredients and cooking are described in the anime are so specific and pertinent to each recipe, it's clear that a lot of effort was put into knowing what should actually go in the recipe. It's really nice, and refreshing, to see care and dedication go into the star of the show -the food- and to see that the creators actually care about being as realistic as possible, considering it's an anime... 
  From personal experience, I wish the recipes were provided with each dish, but what's really fun about recreating the food is being able to experiment, do your own research as to what should be in the food and what possible techniques were used in the cooking. I've tried multiple times to debunk the recipes and prove that they couldn't possibly have been made in the time frame of the show, but actually I'm surprised to say that most foods that appear in the food wars, despite how complex they look, can actually be recreated in the appropriate amount of time as long as you have your prep work completed. Except for Takumi's semi-freddo from season two. Seriously, that dish...
  In any case, from a food lover's point of view, this anime is a dream come true. The food looks good. The characters are dedicated to making the best of the best when it comes to eating. The hype is there. Best of all, it's obtainable in real life, if you want to put the effort into making your own versions of the food. 
  And so, all these things combined- great fan service, good food porn, fast-paced plot, and realistic food- make for a food lover's dream of an anime. And, to be honest, who doesn't love food? So check out Food Wars! The Third Plate, simulcasting every Tuesday at 9:30 am, PDT. I promise you won't be disappointed. 
    I hope you enjoyed this post! Check-in for the next anime recipe, coming soon. To check out more anime food recipes, visit my blog. If you have any questions or comments, leave them below! I recently got a Twitter, so you can follow me at @yumpenguinsnack if you would like, and DEFINITELY feel free to send me food requests! My Tumblr is yumpenguinsnacks.tumblr.com. Find me on Youtube for more video tutorials! Enjoy the food, and if you decide to recreate this dish, show me pics! :D
  In case you missed it, check out our last dish: Curry Buns from "Restaurant to Another World". What other famous anime dishes would you like to see Emily make on COOKING WITH ANIME?
0 notes
todokori-kun · 7 years
Did someone say suffering? SIGN ME UP.
(I think I’ve heard of it before but I have no idea what it’s about other than the fact that there are obviously terrorists involved lol)
Poor Hisoka. So much unnecessary hate.
I have something to recommend real quick too: could you search ‘Hisoka Schwing’ and then ‘Kyousou Requiem’ on youtube? The infamous ‘Schwing’ scene will show you why Hisoka is a trash pile, Kyousou Requiem is Hisoka’s character song from the anime and will show you why sometimes, rarely, Hisoka can be cool (or rather, he has a very nice voice and you can actually enjoy the song. Unless you’re waching the video with English subs. Then you’d probably get too distracted by the lyrics).
The troll side of me is really looking forward to your reaction XD
TYSM again <333
Really? I mean, if you’re ok with me spamming you and ranting about stuff (basically what I always do but still) I’d love to send you more pics.
That sounds really cool :D
Yay :) tbh though I have a weird definition of PG-13 LOL when I’m watching stuff with my sister PG-13 is anything that’s acceptable for her to watch if I cover her eyes at certain points/make sure to talk about things with her, and when I’m watching stuff alone PG-13 is anything that doesn’t have any sexual content (sexual references are ok though) and has no extreme violence/gore. That’s pretty much it XD
I think I read on the site that Rod is recommended as the first route? So maybe I’ll start with him :)
I WILL RESIST (we both know I won’t be able to though. Queen Luna knows my weaknesses.)
Yeah, Riza would be impressed. I think she’d wonder how on earth her idiot son managed to get such a beautiful, sensible young lady to like him LOL
Evans…would probably be a bit less impressed. If Roy managed to prove to me that he’s genuinely in love with the queen, though, I might give in. It depends on what he does though. If he mentions miniskirts or that on hold song I’m throwing him out. Like-
Luna: *stares at the wild Evans* “Sorry bae, but right now you’re on your own.”
Evans: “Colonel Mustang, you should understand that my anxiety makes me nervous around human beings, not trash.”
Yeah, I remember that 4-Koma Theatre thing XD All of FMA’s extras are pretty hilarious.
Tbh any relationship with Evans involves a LOT of awkward silences and going round in circles until SOMEBODY decides to step in like ‘nah you’re not getting anywhere like that here let me just give you this convenient push so you fall into each other’s arms’
(Also: I recently imagined what it would be like to be Kimblee’s s/o. I don’t know why I did that. It was a terrifying thought.)
Ok, ok, since we seem to talk about shipping each other with fictional characters a lot, I thought I’d leave a list of who I ship you with from various fandoms-
Oreo Cookie
Nishiki, for some weird reason?
Soma and maybe Sebastian? Like he’s way too trashy for the queen but still
Maybe Pietro? But he’s dead so ;-;
Jean (from AoT)
I still care about a lot of people (other than Urie there’s Saiko, Nishiki, Kimi, Shuu, Naki, Yomo, Uta(?), Eto, Ui…) but yeah, I’m worried for Urie even if I’m sure he’s not going to die. 
I’m super excited for Ishida to reveal more of Rio/Shikorae’s backstory! He might actually play a bigger role in the plot now? And I really want to know how he ended up like that because his game design looks a lot more ‘normal’, for lack of a better word. Also I don’t think he talked in emojis in the game.
Yeah, tbh I feel sorry for all of them ;-; can Yomo and the rest really kill them/harm them? They’re CHILDREN.
Yep, the sketches are rough and messy because I was just doodling to vent my feelings ^^;; the black sketch does look a bit better than the blue one, though (at least I think so?). I’m glad you liked them :D and yes, they’re suffering. Naomi more than Tatsuo, though. The only way Tatsuo could suffer is if he was unsure of Naomi/Shuu/Mirumo’s safety or if someone cut off his wine supply.
Hm, looking forward to seeing what it’ll change to next time :) this one really is super cute though <3
(btw, an extremely random and maybe slightly creepy question that you don’t have to answer:
What do you do/how do you act when you’re angry?)
Oh yeah, there’s plenty of suffering there. It also has a really good soundtrack! My personal favourite is probably this one: Ís (it has a link so you can listen to it :3 ) Yee, it’s a pretty depressing anime. When i finished it, I stared at ny wall for solid 10 minutes thinking about what I just watches. You also cry a lot while watching it, especially if you’re like me (I never cry at live action movies, but anime het me really easily)
I am scarred for life. Wow. That guy is bigger trash anything I can imagine. Just. That’s so creepy >_< Getting turned on by the thought of fighting a boy that doesn’t look older than 13.  Also, the song is nice, his voice is nice, but then I saw the lyrics. “Your (something) makes me moist.” I don’t even watch the anime, but I am done with him on too many levels already.
I’m scared already… I’m absolutely fine with you sending me more of your drawing! In fact, I’d be more than happy to see them ^^ 
Oh wow, those are interesting definitions of pg-13. I think that pg13 means you can swear once or twice. Tokyo Ghoul has a lot more swears than that XD I’m curious, though, have you ever watched any anime with your sister? If so, which ones? You mentioned her reading kuroshitsuji, minus some arcs, but what about the anime?
Ah, Rod might be a good start (asshole). I hope you enjoy his route ^^ Tell me your impressions after it!  Also, (one last (hopefully)) word of advice, pace yourself. Don’t be like me and finish all the routes in 2 days. That’s too much suffering and emotion packed into 2 days XD
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After I read that burn, I literally sat here for about 5 minutes, just staring at the screen. 
That was absolutely savage.
Who says the silences have to be awkward? I’m a pretty quiet person, yet whenever my friends are over and we’re silent, it’s never awkward. We just enjoy the silence. 
That’s why you have me huehuehuehue I’ll be your wing(wo)man! 
Honestly, I’d write some Evans/Kimblee headcanons, but I honestly can’t imagine that man in a relationship. I tried, I really tried. 
Ara, that’s a lot!  Funny how you should say Nishiki, since he was actually my favourite, along with Shuu before Urie came along. You know me too well ^^
No, no, there’s honestly no need for that! You’ve already written so so much for me!
Tbh, I feel like one of the rare people in the fandom who don’t like Sebastian. I don’t find him hot, attractive or anything similar. In fact, he’s among the characters I dislike the most XD  Rip pietro. Why did you have to say goodbye?
Hange and I would probably have a more platonic relationship filled with weird experiments and titan research. I’d also participate in giving the titans horrible names just for the lols :P
I’m worries for everyone. Mainly, their mental health. I’m always worried about that when it comes to TG, though.
I wonder what’ll happen with him… Hopefully Ishida does make him a good character ^^
So. Much. Suffering. Well, cut of his wine supply, that’s probably the least suffery thing you can do to him XD
It might stay this character (very likely), change to a character from CP (also likely (help)) or something entirely else. We’ll just have to wait and see ^^ 
When I’m angry, I mostly rant inside my head and… I do schoolwork… Yep, I’m a nerd. It does help me vent, though, because it takes my mind of of things. When I don’t have schoolwork to do, I watch cutesy anime, because those can always make me smile.  I also listen to angsty music sometimes ^^;;
Aaalso, I recently (today) realised how to make proper aesthetic edits! So, uhm, here are some I made! I’d like your opinion on them ^^
((I tried to put 4 put the other 2 wouldn’t load =3= I’ll try to include them in my next answer ^^))
Masquerade ball:
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Blue one ((Actually inspired by you)):
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((Idk if you’ve read this, but the other two decided to load, huzzah!))
Living Legend Ballerina:
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And the one where I decided to be conceited and made one for myself XD
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If you have an idea for a specific character, or something, just say so, because I wanna practice and ideas are welcome!
0 notes