#[ ic ] gammaragee
mastcrmarksman · 6 months
@gammaragee ⸻ "You can't choose who you fall in love with."
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❝ What if that person is you, Bruce? ❞
That's a loaded question as if he's been holding onto that for a while. As if it's been locked into the chamber, last bullet, and this was the perfect shot, the only shot. The guy kind of walked right into that one. Finally, this weight that he had been carrying around with him for so long has finally been allowed to lifted off.
The load is by no means gone entirely, but something that he's been able to grow around. It's something that he's dwelled on, that's followed him since the last time they were sat across from each other. Part of him woneders if that was good for him by any means. It's a little stone that's settled in his chest and he no longer has trouble with it being there.
The shape of it, the ache of it, was all too familiar to Clint. It was that feeling of when he was left alone, when suddenly there was an abscence that he wanted to run away from. Something he had run from, that followed him, and made a home. He's had long enough to brood on this, that the feeling has settled like dust.
Was it messed up that where his own peace had came from with the decision to agree, to help, to shoot Bruce Banner was resolving that he had to have; that he did do this out of love. That while the man was gone, had been dead, he realized that the scientist and him were alike more than different. The few and far talks they had when th man had just been man, they knew parts of each other's childhood that other's wouldn't. From memory, from their own stories.
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Bruce's the one that had looked at him and said what other's didn't, because he knew, because he knew aabout his dad, about Jacques and Buck, and his brother. A fact of himself, he escapsed and ignored, even if right now he was wishing that he had met Bruce at a bar in the evening than a roadside diner in the afternoon. Clint pushes his fork around on the plate, he's not sad about this fact, about this reveal.
Do they really have time for this? No, but Clint's had a lot more time to think about this, think think about Bruce. ❝ I just thought you should know that I love ya, buddy. I... ❞ He's sorry it didn't work out, but then, ❝ So you know I was glad to do it. ❞ Not for the reasons he gave in court and he wasn't lying then either. he saw the green, saw the vision, saw the need to protect everyonr but every day in that jail celll, in his solitarie; he thought about Bruce Banner. His memories of him and the Hulk, of that moment.
When he hit the road with each twist of knife as people thanked him, his resolve only pushed towards torward this feeling for Banner. It's one he had before, already had been going (why else would he have kissed him). With him being dead and gone, only encouraged him to say it, to take every shot he had and this was that moment. You miss every shot you don't take.
❝ I've, uh, had time to think 'bout that. ❞ He picks up the cup of coffee to take a sip, Clint's not expecting Bruce to say anything. He'd sooner assume he'll get up and leave, or find himself looking down at the Hulk (who he really doesn't want to have this conversation with at the moment).
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snkts · 3 months
Smash or Pass + our boy Banner
Send Smash or Pass + a name and my muse will say if they would smash or pass on that person. || ACCEPTING
"Before or after he's green?" He thinks he's funny.
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"Y'know what? Smash. Just 'cause I'm curious what would happen."
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"Wait, does this mean you've read fanfic about us?"
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❝ Bruce baby ❞ was a terrible way to start this answer. It's a question that no one should ever ask because no one wanted to hear the answer from Clint. They didn't want to know the things that he knew. Whoever turned Clint Barton onto the wider world of fanfiction made a grave mistake that'll haunt the minds of many for decades. ❝ I had a very haunting dream after reading Sparkleheartfartz37's fanfic about gaping holes in the avengers kink list two shot featuring yours truly and Mr Big and Green. It also featured some side Thor and Tony. ❞
He is not going add that was included with an extremely confusing wet dream to follow. Some people were good writers, should pursue careers in erotica. He needs more cowboy erotica writers out there. ❝ I perruse, on the occasion, no one quite captures how dark your humor is. You're mostly just a nerdy teddy bear and Hulk's well... ❞ He coughs, because he is sure Bruce's imagine can figure out what Hulk was to the kink world.
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izzysarchivedblogs · 1 year
Unprompted Asks -> Accepting // @gammaragee is the cat's meow for hanging out with William for the day -> Bruce, trying to catch his breath after having chased William around all day "It - it went well"
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Being a single mom, a superhero, and homeschooling William was no walk in the park. TRYING TO GET ANYTHING DONE can feel like two steps forward and one step back. William helped with chores on most days and other days, the wild non-human side kicked in and the apartment was torn asunder.
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Greer's coming around after her day of housekeeping than TLC that was much needed for herself. Her nails were sharp, well kept, and she feels fresh. Hoping that tonight maybe William would be so tired that she could chose what she wanted to watch.
She's at Dr. Banner's door, knocking at it and she's grinning ear to ear like a cheshire as the door swings open. Her lips curl as he is opens the door panting, so William is still a ball of energy. ❝ That's good to hear, now where's the little lovebug? ❞ SHE KNOW WHERE. HOW COULD A MOTHER NOT KNOW?
It'd be years before her son could hide from her. Currently, William has tucked himself behind a corner to hide and waiting to launch himself at the both of them.
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❝ SURPRISE ATTACK! ❞ He announces himself before he's launching himself at Bruce's back trying to climb up his shoulder despite not being as little as he thought he was.
Greer laughs, though she goes to hold out her arms to keep Bruce from toppling forward. That's her little hunter, a swell of pride for him using the skills and instincts that he was born with along that fact he was being his happy little self. She won't even need to ask him if he had fun, it's visible. No super senses needed.
❝ Careful there, dear heart, don't break Dr. Bruce ⸻ That happen a lot all day? Minding his claws? ❞ She reaches her hand out to hold William's chin and pinch at his cheeks, while the five year old is clinging to Bruce's backside.
Her hand than moves to cup one of Bruce's cheeks and look him in the eyes. ❝ Thanks tiger, it means a lot that you could take him for the day. I got so much done. ❞
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writteninscarlet · 1 year
ᗢ starter call ; @gammaragee
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"I'm not going to debate or go over the mystical properties of this stone with you, Bruce," she remarked, taking a sip of her tea before reaching out to pick up the geode. "My interest only lies so deep in what type of stone this is, and rather what it can do in terms of spells and rituals. And I am most certainly not about to start debating about the mathematics in that spell book."
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Her store certainly held intrigue and curiosity for anyone who chose to enter. There wasn't something for everyone, but there were certainly a few delights and plenty of dangerous objects. Wanda knew this wasn't exactly everyones cup of tea and she wouldn't force people to participate. All the same, it was nice to see familiar faces, and she was doing her best to forge and keep all the connections that she could these days. Part of making amends, part of making sure she never had to make amends again. An invitation to Bruce to visit had mostly just been to catch up, in a setting where neither had to fight.
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biitchcakes · 1 year
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@gammaragee liked ♡ for a starter !
〝 So, I've been thinking,〞 incredibly dangerous words coming from Jessica Drew. 〝 Remember when we ― you ― made that bet with Tony, ended with you two taking a stroll to the Baxter Building in your birthday suits ? 〞She fondly recalled, a mischievous smile on her lips. 〝 Well, when we were up in those mountains, you kept me warm just by putting your hand on my face. Is that something only the Big Guy can do, or can Dr. Banner do that, too ? 〞Jess leaned in from the side, her grin morphing into one more toothy.
She was here to tease him. And it was her favourite pastime, after all.
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lastavengedarchived · 4 months
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[ inbox // dd: cutting edge ] accepting ⸻ @gammaragee ⸻ "Don't antagonize the big guy right now." @ Nadia
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Under normal circumstances, she would not encourage poking the bear for several reasons. While Nadia loved to add to statistics, being added to a metaphorical number count of people who poked the bear and ended up mauled was not one of them. Happily, she'd pass on that one.
Except with the present situation that found themselvs in ⸻ being unable to shrink and the incredible gamma scientist who happened to be the Hulk NOT hulking out right now ⸻ she was weighing their options. He's not blurting out with some fantastic idea to get them out of this, which the young russian woman is now attributing that to the concussion he's definitely suffering.
[ Quick Analysis with Nadia ] You can look these up on mayo clinic. Symptoms of a concussion can include temporary loss of concious which Dr Banner suffered approxiately thirty two hours when he walkd into my lastest incident in the lab. Addtional he lost conciouness at least nine hours ago too, along with me and he's showing more sign. Flinched when lights in the room got brighter, his eyes were dilated, and it had taken him longer than three minutes to answer a circle theorem question. That's concerning! Dr Banner's compromisd, which could really use one of the great science heroes of this century to help out. So I'm on my own here, no matter or worry! It's alright!
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Her plan was kind of nethandral (and mean) in question, but it'd get the job done. (It's the mean part that's really bothering her). ❝ Dr Banner, we need aggravateed emotions right now. ❞ Aka pissing off the big scary looking guy, she really doesn't want to fight him (not for lack of hand-to-hand training or confidence); he's just not going to go down easily without being hurt. ❝ We need that big guy to do what Hulk would do. ❞
She had noticedd the little angry habit their guard had; if they could piss him off he might kick the console to release their imprisonment or shut off the energy nullifers which would let Nadia shrink down or Bruce hulk out. ❝ So any helpful mean things to shout? Please? ❞
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"I'm sorry. You - Um, look a lot like my dead wife. It's distracting"
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The girl does look up, take pause from what she was working on. Nimble hands stilling for only a second as the man tells her that she looks like his DEAD wife. She's been warned that she can come off as rude in her responses, but she doesn't know what to say to that. ❝ Was she Tyrakhean? ❞ Although, she thinks the chance of that are astronomically low. She hasn't seen or heard of others from her kind since her family was all gone.
The mechanic's working on fixing up his gear; insistent that he's not allowed to touch anything in her alcove that she can fix what he had brought in. ❝ Erm, I am sorry? ❞ Jaylah goes back to working, picking tools up and setting them down as she uses them, testing what she was working with. ❝ I know dead people. . . I mean I have lost too. I am sorry my face is familiar? ❞
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irxnlegacy · 2 years
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@gammaragee​ - STARTER CALL
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The girl knew the Hulk is large, but she did not expect him to be THIS LARGE in person. It made her feel insecure about her size. She was too prideful to stand in front of him because his height towers hers. So she uses her suit to float up to the man’s eye level. 
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mastcrmarksman · 5 months
"I mean… I feel like I'm your boyfriend"
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Bruce has got a knack for railroading a conversation from one track to another without Clint even noticing that he had started to railroad them. What they had been talking about originally became arbituary, actually he can't even remember where they had started talking about when it strayed over into feelings territory or more describing how they felt today and feelings on various topics. Using I feel-words.
I mean.... I feel like I'm your boyfriend.
That.... oh! Bruce had not been taking this where he had thought this had been going. Clint almost had felt they were going to start talking about like... politics and current climate around superheroes. Not this!
It takes him by surprise, but he can see where Bruce was coming from. Clint's avoided putting an label or word to whatever was between him and Bruce which... was a multi-year saga that's been on and off as often as he and Natasha. He even told Bruce he loved him, but with how often pulled them apart.
They never talked about, or perhaps, had the chance to define and agree to whatever it was they were doing. Considering that Bruce was currently in Bruce's apartment right now and they were simply hanging out, with the assumption that he was probably staying over. Just as the same had happened at Clint's place.
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❝ I.... uh... yeah. ❞ Oh, Clint, you dummy! Use your words. So Bruce was wanting to talk about this. This THEM and US they seemed to be. He scratches at his chin, ❝ So should I start using the D-word too? ❞ You've already told this guy you loved him and were are, presently, still feeling that in love feeling. ❝ I... I'd feel like that... that'd be nice. ❞ Bruce being his boyfriend; that'd be a goal, the goal.
Let's not forget the time Bruce called him husband matereial too.
❝ I... uh... So that makes this morning a date, and uh, would you like to be my-my boyfriend? For real? Not just in feeling; well, and in feeeling? ❞ That'd make them dating officially after who really knows when and where the lines between Bruce and Clint became so blurred.
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snkts · 3 months
Bruce is 5′7″ And Hulk is 7'6’’
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"Oh, Jesus Christ."
Still gonna wrestle him though.
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overclocksaa · 3 years
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@gammaragee​ / ❛ Have you picked out a costume yet? ❜ halloween themed sentence starters / accepting
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"No."  In all honesty, he hasn't had time.  He's already been asked approximately a million times if there was going to be an Avengers party for Halloween and he's had to check and double check the calendar more times than he wants to admit, because he hasn't even pretended to be aware how close it's looming.
So sue him, he's been busy.
"If all else fails, I can dust off Han Solo again."  No one will be surprised if he does.  But it’s an easy to pull together costume and his is screen accurate.  He tins the tip of his soldering iron and looks up.  “What about you.  Are you actually gonna show and try to have a good time or are you gonna blow us all off again.”
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izzysarchivedblogs · 10 months
"This is going to sound like an incredibly stupid question, but how would I go about 'flirting' with someone" Bruce @ Clint
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❝ OH, BANNER! ❞ He says as he puts together what Bruce was asking him here; DATING ADVICE. That either means there's someone he's into, which mean the little birds (himself) will have to get nosy and find out more.
Now to answer that question, what better way to explain it than to teach by example. ❝ Anyone else mention how you LOOK all aloof, pen stuck between your lips, tapping as you think about a note you want to scribble down? ❞ He asks, thinking he's pretty smooth for noting the observation that he's made. SHOW THEM YOU ARE PAYING ATTENTION. Clint takes Bruce by the arm, looping his arm to start to walk them off as if he is leading him down the learning lane of flirting.
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That's another page taken out of the book on how to flirt. PHYSICAL TOUCH. Touch them in a little ways to show interest. ⸻ ❝ It's cute. ❞ Third thing, A COMPLIMENT. ❝ You're cute. ❞ Okay, only Clint has been so bold to double down. And well, it was cute.
❝ See, flirting's easy like that ⸻ why or who are you trying to flirt with? ❞ He asks with a grin, leaning into Bruce's arm. Clint was not going to let this go.
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writteninscarlet · 7 months
"Remind me not to wake up in the morning ever again." ;; @gammaragee
avengers: earths mightiest heroes prompts ;; accepting
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"Remind me when I put up with such dramatic men in my life," she responded, with a somewhat dramatic sigh. Cup of tea at her lips, she took a sip - before looking over at him from under her eyelashes, a little smirk playing on her lips.
Another sip, then the tea was placed down on the table. "So-- Would you prefer me to simply listen to the issues, or would you like some advice on the matter? Or is this simply one of those days?"
Wanda could relate. There were some days that were simply heavy. Where she couldn't be bothered. Or where things always went wrong. When you were just tired.
"I am at your disposal," she remarked, hands out and smile on her features. He was, perhaps, being dramatic - and he could protest that matter, but there really were very few men in her life that weren't prone to be dramatic. World-weary Bruce was no exception. "You know I'm always happy to help. I do find sometimes just taking the time like this to sit and have a cup of tea can make things a little better. Put things in perspective you know or--"
She paused. She had considered that issues were simply down to a long day and how he felt, or maybe something had gone wrong. But was it perhaps he had done something embarrassing? Wanda arched a brow, head slightly tilted as she looked over at him. "...Perhaps if you let me know what's happened whilst we’re in this no judgement zone, I won't be persuaded to hex any clock in your life to ensure you get morning wake up calls?"
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biitchcakes · 8 months
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In no particular order. . .
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What's Up? ⸺ 4 Non Blondes
And so I cry sometimes when I'm lying in bed Just to get it all out what's in my head And I, I am feeling a little peculiar And so I wake in the morning and I step outside And I take a deep breath and I get real high And I scream from the top of my lungs "What's going on?"
I'm Still Standing ⸺ Elton John
You could never know what it's like Your blood, like winter, freezes just like ice And there's a cold, lonely light that shines from you You'll wind up like the wreck you hide behind that mask you use And did you think this fool could never win? Well look at me, I'm a-comin' back again I got a taste of love in a simple way And if you need to know while I'm still standin' You just fade away Don't you know I'm still standin' better than I ever did? Lookin' like a true survivor, feelin' like a little kid And I'm still standin' after all this time Pickin' up the pieces of my life without you on my mind.
Rhiannon ⸺ Fleetwood Mac
Rhiannon rings like a bell through the night And wouldn't you love to love her? Takes to the sky like a bird in flight And who will be her lover? She is like a cat in the dark And then she is the darkness She rules her life like a fine skylark And when the sky is starless  All your life you've never seen Woman taken by the wind Would you stay if she promised you heaven? Will you ever win?
My Way ⸺ Frank Sinatra
And now, the end is near And so I face the final curtain My friend, I'll say it clear I'll state my case, of which I'm certain I've lived a life that's full I travelled each and every highway And more, much more than this I did it my way Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew When I bit off more than I could chew But through it all, when there was doubt I ate it up and spit it out I faced it all, and I stood tall And did it my way
Cheri Cheri Lady ⸺ Modern Talking
Cheri Cheri Lady, goin' through emotion Love is where you find it, listen to your heart Cheri Cheri Lady, livin' in devotion It's always like the first time, let me take a part Cheri Cheri Lady, like there's no tomorrow Take my heart, don't lose it, listen to your heart Cheri Cheri Lady, to know you is to love you If you call me, baby, I'll be always yours
Stronger ⸺ Britney Spears
Hush, just stop There’s nothing you can do or say I've had enough I'm not your property as from today You might think that I won't make it On my own But now I'm stronger than yesterday Now it’s nothing but my way My loneliness ain't killing me no more I, I'm stronger Here I go, on my own I don't need nobody, better off alone
tagged by : @hexsreality && @revenantinflames !!
tagging : @silverjetsystm @profanemouth @starsbelonged @gammaragee @liiched @sxrgeantbarnes @neonwebs @watsonjackpot @wonder-winged @overclocks + you !!
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toshapeshift · 2 years
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  ❝ have you heard about gene logics ? that skin care company that swears they’re apart of some big movement ? ❞  it was the fish hook to get him on board with taking them down. while she could easily ask for his muscles, she needed his brains more. maybe his muscles could come in use down the road, but for right now, she wanted them taken down intellectually.
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