#. ic asks
efverse · 6 months
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(that will not be her last cup of coffee for the day.)
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dvilsdesire · 2 months
Swat {{ Poor fellow can't have anything in life. }}
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The incubus stiffened at the sudden thwack that struck his tail. He pulled it back, putting it into his hands and tending to where Alaara had hit it.
"Oh come now, it's not that filthy. I promise that I take very good care of it. Not a single piece of dirt." He waved it back and forth. "Look!" He shoved it under her nose with a grin on his lips.
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ghostclangen · 8 months
💎 GhostClan 💎
...a horror-themed clangen 'anthology' blog, currently on its first arc: blood in the water, a paranormal horror/dark forest challenge run. updates every other day.
arc i: blood in the water ->
follows from @ringuzero + icon by @passing-moments
allegiances + start reading arc one
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wanderingkero · 6 months
Someone tell me a random weapon concept, I’m bored and need new stuff to draw that isn’t old projects I’m taking a break from.
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Hriob, put on some pants when you're going in yer monster form.
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"...Why? I mean if I have to I can throw on something really fast, but nothing is showing- that was the whole point of 'not having to worry about clothes' here. I will not be able to put together anything decent like this."
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Hi Valerie! 😊 Who is your all time favorite magical girl?
"!! Obviously the best magical girl ever is...
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lolthswcrn · 2 months
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send me 🕯️to hear my character's inner thoughts about your character.
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'She is too kind. It will ruin her. It will ruin her when someone stabs her in the back, when someone manipulates and uses her kindness against her. She is a fool because of it... And yet, I do not want to sit by and watch as someone ruins her. So I will kill them. I will kill anyone that tries to hurt her. I will put my blade through their heart before they can get to hers.'
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call-2-arms · 3 months
"Ever tried having some fun? Or do you never pull that stick out of your military ass? C’mon, I know how not to get caught.“
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Starter for Shepard
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Johnathon felt his lips press into a firm line. Jack was right, he definitely had a military stick up his arse, but that was probably because all he'd ever known was the military. Both parents were Alliance soldiers, and he followed in their footsteps. As soon as he was old enough, he'd enlisted, and even before that, he'd gone to junior military training.
But he understood where the Biotic was coming from. Every member of this team should be able to lay off for a while and enjoy themselves--to relax. Hell, Shepard wasn't sure he knew how to relax anymore... Not with all the shit that was going on in the world. Sometimes, he just felt like he couldn't afford to let his guard down.
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"Caught?" he asked, a brow raising. "Hang on a sec, Jack... just what exactly do you have in mind? I thought this was supposed to be about relaxing..." If they were supposed to be sneaking around, how could he relax!?
Jack had said 'fun' not 'relaxing'. He had a feeling her idea of fun was definitely something they shouldn't be doing.
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ticket-exe · 11 months
Did Cab program Ticket himself?
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Kind of. There was a kit when I was a kid that let you "build your own navi" but it was super basic and thats what I used as a starting point for Ticket and by now she's nothing like what you'd get from that kit. I don't think they even sell it anymore Navi technology has come a long way.
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Even if they did still sell it there's no navi quite like Ticket
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List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers (no pressure ofc 💜💜)✌️
5 things that make me happy?
1) The smiles of others, the bigger the better!
2) Teeth
3) Hard word and worship of a Smiling God
4) Fresh blood
5) Cute animals
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Anonymous asked:
Your opinion on Keurig machines.
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"The one on the Wreaker has bluetooth."
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You 🤝 me -> spaceboy fans,,
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dvilsdesire · 5 days
"What are you doing in my bed?"
Awkward Romance Sentences
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Haarlep laid back against the comforts of the bed. It was hard and uncomfortable compared to what he was used to, but Haarlep had lain in worse places. The undeniable stench of Katya's werewolf scent lathered the sheets, but that was not a turn off to an incubus.
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"Why, I am making myself comfortable, is that not obvious?" he asked, his voice low, sultry and as sweet as one of her liqueurs. "Do not deny that you have been curious, Katya. I promise, I don't bite... much."
Haarlep was entirely naked, on display for her.
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ghostclangen · 2 months
Hornetstar, are you feeling okay? You haven't exactly seemed... yourself lately.
"there's nothing wrong with me! i've had a sore throat, that's all. it's probably contagious... you should stay away from me."
her voice is choppy. the corner of her mouth twitches.
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kaaras-adaar · 8 months
💪 (work out buddies? CMOOOON)
Slip a 💪into the inbox to catch my muse working out
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Most days, Kaaras was used to working out alone. He was strict in his routine, always on time, making sure that he was taking care of himself, or at least as much as he could whilst performing his duties as Inquisitor. Not a single morning would he miss one of his routines, and if he did, then it was not going to be a good morning for him. Or even day.
He didn't just make a habit of making sure he was fit, though. He also wanted to make sure that his Hart was well looked after. Asaara was a stubborn thing, but she was a trustworthy mount, and more than just a mount, but a friend to Kaaras.
In one of Skyhold's paddocks, he was leading her around the pen by a rope, clicking his tongue to make her go faster into a well paced trot. Sometimes, Kaaras was cooped up inside the castle, and that meant Asaara was also. He liked to make sure that the stable hands looked after her, and if not them, then he would take time out of his day to make sure she was exercised, fed and watered.
Once she'd done her laps, he pulled himself up onto her back after she knelt down and he tapped her into a canter around the pen until the both of them were well exercised.
Only when he realised that he had a visitor did he signal for Asaara to stop, the Frostback Elk panting from her workout. Kaaras' core burned from the workout himself, and he was panting just as hard as the mount he sat upon.
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Kaaras, himself, would never consider it, but he looked good on the back of a mount, especially one that he had excellent control of. It was not a game of master and pet, but a trusted companionship between rider and elk. This was a relationship that had been well earned and it showed.
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"Hriob, baby-- where did ye say tae fairy dust came from???" Signed honey.
rp silly party shenanigans with people using the #monsterhouseparty
18+, sinday, so warning in advance for dug use and mentions, alcohol use and mentions, ect.
Be respectful to other participants.
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"...I did not say. Mostly because you did not ask. And I would recommend you not do so." The man is currently looking a little ragged, and pushing a wheelbarrow of a somewhat glowy, semi-sparkly opalescent powder over for the preparations- Again, best not ask-
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