#[ jackie taylor / ofvalor. ]
silencedrage · 7 months
JACKIE TAYLOR (@ofvalor) said "you've never done this before."
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Nat inhales deeply, letting the smoke curl through her lungs as she hands the tightly rolled joint over towards the next person in the circle. Jackie's voice interrupts her hit and she squints one eye open at the team captain. "What, smoke you out? Yeah, because normally you'd get your thong in a twist over it, but whatever Sadecki did is making you pout and you're ruining the vibes so either hit or pass it, Taylor," she drawls. They're not friends, barely teammates on a good day, but Shauna is stuck at home with the flu and Jackie looks like a lost puppy without her. So what if Nat threw her a pity bone? It's not like that means they’re friends. "Let loose for once. It won't kill ya."
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versezlesangre · 7 months
ofvalor asked: “I expected more.” - shauna/ginger
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"More what?" Fitz asks, slamming her locker shut and looking Shipman up and down. Ginger fidgets her textbooks around and curses the fucking world for putting her gym locker next to Jackie Taylor's shadow - though there's a curl in her lip bred out of satisfaction that the fact Shauna Shipman's locker isn't next to God's favorite Prom Queen shoe-in probably drives the wannabe jock insane. At the same time, she can smell something on Shauna Shipman, hear it in her chest the way her heart's beating right now - it's all confusing because she's not really sure how to translate that kind of knowledge into anything meaningful - it makes her think of Shipman like prey even though the look on her her face and the tone on her voice mark her more as competition. Then it dawns on her - does Shipman know? Ginge's face darkens - it's not that obvious yet, surely? === @ofvalor
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wildernesslaughtered · 11 months
@ofvalor asked ; "Don't hold back." - from lottie~
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jackie's heart hammers against her ribs, bruising brittle bones in its frenzied bid to escape the suffocating cage. her head tilts back, thumping against the wall, as she struggles to bite back the breathless whimpers. she's ALWAYS lived a life of restraint. always made herself as small as possible to conform to whatever ideals others projected onto her, always turned and twisted and tore pieces of herself off to fit the expectation, always swallowed her own wants and needs because she was never allowed them.
❛ lottie ... ❜ a quiet, broken little plea. wide eyes blown wider in the low light, face flushed as she draws in ragged breaths.
even now, in what should be a moment of reckless abandon, she clings to what she knows: holding back. but jackie taylor has always been a powder keg, and lottie just LIT THE FUSE. the words wash over her. they make her heart ache in ways she never imagined. and she unravels. she lurches forward, desperate and wanting, and nips at lottie's lower lip. her hands snake under lottie's top, hesitant at first but growing more demanding as she tugs her impossibly closer, so they're as flush as can be.
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silencedrage · 1 year
JACKIE TAYLOR ( @ofvalor ) said " i don't want to want you. "
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"That's not how the song goes," she says with a weak smile, though it doesn't quite land the way she needs it to. The awkward silence sits between them, like a ballooning crater that Shauna is scrambling to avoid. But Jackie's words are replaying in her head and it distracts her in how much it throws Shauna off. They'd been attached at the hip for over a decade, and she could count on both hands the number of times that Jackie had said no to her specifically. It was almost foreign and Shauna was at a loss for words.
"Um..." She wishes for an interruption from someone- anyone to cut through the tension but that's too easy of a solution than she deserves. Still, it's unexpected the way Jackie's words slice right down to her core. The hardest part about being best friends is that they know the most intimate ways to hurt the other, the finest line between love and hate that they dance along in teetering steps.
Would it be so bad? Shauna thinks to herself before she can stop it, and she looks down even though it isn't like Jackie can read her thoughts. Like all the love she ever felt for Shauna would spoil and turn to disgust or fear. She should give Jackie more credit, but that was always something she sucked at. "You don't have to do anything you don't want, Jackie," she says in the end. "When have you ever let someone tell you what to do?" she gives her best friend a careful smile, a gently-erected cover over her own emotional angst but one she can hold up for Jackie's benefit.
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silencedrage · 1 year
LAURA LEE ( @ofvalor ) said ❛ i told you, you don’t have to deal with this pain on your own. we’re in this together now, remember ? ❜
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Lottie wanders at night sometimes, after the others have gone to sleep. First it was just around the cabin, which is how she had found the dead man in the attic, his decayed corpse little more than dust and bones by the time their plane had gone down. But soon, the cabin feels too cramped, with a bunch of catty teenage girls who are having the worst summer of their lives. They've bonded in the aftermath of their trauma, better friends than they had been when they first got on the plane, but Lottie still knows that whatever fragile friendship has formed between them, it will all disappear if they knew about her visions.
That lesson has been seared into her mind over the years. She can already see the way Tai's lips would purse, like she's trying not to laugh, or how Jackie would give her that pitying look because she knows that if anyone on the team knows about Lottie's issues, it's Jackie Taylor, because rich housewives love to gossip, and because she had made eye contact with Mrs. Taylor the last time she had gone to the hospital for therapy. No, Lottie can't tell anyone about her problems, even as her fingers tremble without the medication that keeps her steady. Three weeks, maybe four without them, and while the worst of the symptoms are over, Lottie still feels weak and shivery despite the sweltering heat in the forest.
She jumps when Laura Lee scolds her softly, and she turns to face the blonde with a sheepish smile. "You don't need to wake up every time that I do," she tells her softly from her spot at the window. There's nothing out in the darkness, and Lottie isn't sure whether she's upset about that fact or grateful for it. "I..."
The confession is on the tip of her tongue, but Lottie swallows it down and plasters a tired smile on her face. "I can't be the only one who thinks this place is creepy, can I?" she says half-jokingly, steering the conversation back to safer waters. "Did I wake you when I got up?"
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