#[ ic. shauna shipman. ]
inkcovens · 1 month
jackie saved shauna from the fire but shauna didn't save jackie from the frost. JACKIE SAVED SHAUNA FROM THE FIRE BUT SHAUNA DIDN'T SAVE JACKIE FROM THE FROST.
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chicken-wayng · 2 months
I'm not saying EVERY lesbian is in their Jackieshauna×Rhaenicent era but I am saying about 85% of us are.
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ravioligobbler9000 · 6 months
me carefully extracting a random character from a piece of fiction to hyperfixate on, forgetting everything about the actual lore of said media
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intcthatgoodnight · 22 days
@rootedveins continued from here
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Shauna jumps at the voice, splashing pink-tinged water over the counter. The sound of running water fills the silence as she stares wide-eyed at the man who she last saw in bloody pieces. This isn’t the first time she’s seen a ghost - for surely, that’s what this is; a haunting of her own making, never letting her forget. [ they will never let her forget ] And maybe that is why she is able to gather herself so quickly.
With a shuddering breath, she turns back to the sink and stares down at the remaining flecks of blood on her hands. “It was just a rabbit.” she says softly, unsure if she is answering him or trying to justify it to herself. Stupid rabbits. They kept coming back. [ always. they’ll always come back, won’t they? ] She had thrown the dead animal away in the outside bin and threw trash on top to cover it so Jeff or Callie wouldn’t see. Like a dirty secret she had to hide. But it was just a rabbit.
She finished washing her hands and dried off the counter, taking her time, drawing out the moment until she had to turn around. He was still there, staring at her with an expression she couldn’t place. “Why are you here?”
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denouemente · 3 months
this was the worst thing that had ever happened to her. to everyone else onboard that stupid private jet too — jackie knew that. what she didn't understand was how content everyone seemed here. they were stuck, for christ's sake! everyone seemed to be almost content with it, started building a life in the wilderness. HOW WAS SHE THE CRAZY ONE FOR HOPING THEY'D BE RESCUED? HOW WAS SHE THE PARIAH NOW, THE SOCIAL OUTCAST? it wasn't fair. IT WASN'T FAIR.
she didn't tell anyone where she was going — not like they'd care anyway. besides, she'd have gone by herself anyway. jackie can't remember the last time she got to have some peace and quiet, and the perfect place for it was when she was going to bathe. was it really bathing if they didn't have soap? it was kind of gross. then again, she didn't really have any other options.
she discards her clothes at the shore and walks knee - deep before sitting in the water, which feels warmer than last time. she supposes she should count her blessings — it could be colder. jackie sighs, crossing her arms over her chest so her hands can rest against her shoulders. this was the worst thing that ever happened to her. she nearly submerses her head under the water when the sound of gravel being crunched on distracts her, which makes her whip her head. it's shauna. thank god.
“ shit! you scared me, shipman. ” she grins at her best friend, turning to look back out at the expansive lake before her. “ sorry i didn't say anything. everyone seemed kind of occupied. ” they were busy sucking off natalie scatorccio and travis martinez for knowing how to handle a gun — how annoying. “ the water's warmer today, if you wanna come in. i was just gonna wash my hair. or try to. have you noticed you don't really feel clean after? i'm going to love the first hot shower i take when we get back. ”
she waits for shauna to join her, and once she sits beside her in the water, she turns to look at her again. her best friend always had such soft features. her gently sloping nose, her full lips and wide eyes. she perfectly complimented jackie's sharper features, even if she'd probably never admit it out loud. “ okay, well, i'm gonna get it over with. ” she says, moving to lean her head back — but she's shocked to feel shauna pushing the water over her scalp, ensuring that she didn't miss any spots. as she lays her head back, jackie swallows, all of a sudden too aware of where they are, of the fact that they're naked in the suspiciously warm lake. she closes her eyes, inhaling softly as she sits up, instantly pulling her knees to her chest and turning to look at her friend. “ okay, your turn. ” she finally exhales, moving an arm to motion for her to lean back. “ if we're gonna be sleeping next to each other for awhile, we better get all that dirt off you. you know, to make room for new dirt. ”
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silencedrage · 4 months
@itchose sent 💬 for a starter for Travis
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Shauna stood in front of Travis, unimpressed. She wasn't sure what exactly the older boy had said to his brother, but Javi was moping and it made something in her prickle. Maybe she could blame it on hormones, or some kind of weird maternal pregnancy instinct. Either way, she fixed the other teenager with a death glare. “Deal with the consequences of your actions, and then promise to do better." It was harsh, and more pressure than Travis probably deserved out here in hell but it felt illegal to pick on the youngest member of their group.
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ofvalor · 8 months
[ passing confidence ]  –  for the sender’s muse brush their finger’s against the receiver’s muse’s hand, too scared to hold their hand. - pre-crash lottieshauna
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Shauna's hands grip the edge of the bleachers tightly, while her leg jitters. Jackie sits on one side of her, Lottie on the other. Below them, there's the principal doing some sort of announcement before the pep rally well and truly begins. Usually they're out there in their jerseys or their lettermans, but it's some sort of other thing they're out there celebrating. Shauna stopped paying attention the moment they announced it.
She doesn't want to be here, surrounded by her team. She doesn't want to watch Jackie make eyes at Jeff, who's sitting only a few spaces below them. He turns back and grins at her, and Shauna wrinkles her nose and shakes her head. Jackie, thankfully, thinks its directed towards hers.
Lottie is stiff beside her, quiet as she usually is. The brush of her fingers against hers makes her leg stop jittering for a moment and she stiffens up, her back ramrod straight. The only times she'd managed to get over herself and talk to Lottie alone, it had ended in heated exchanges - but this is in public.
She doesn't dare look, and instead tries to remember what the hell the teachers below them are talking about, tries to tune out Jackie, and shifts her pinky over to rest on top of Lottie's.
Maybe she's trying to comfort her.
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versezlesangre · 9 months
❛ i want to sink my teeth into every inch of you. ❜ - my shauna, your nat
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Nat tenses up when she hears somebody come in and turns to find out it's exactly who she doesn't want to see.
It's quiet back here, and she's frozen with indecision about how to react to that. Shipman scares the shit out of her anymore. They've all changed - they've all changed, but Shipman isn't just someone else - she's something else now. Lottie had meant well but she'd really cut something lose in her after the baby.
It's goddamned cold and the cabin is gone. They're all so fucking close up to eachother in this old fucking plane. She comes back here to get away from it, from their huddled, unwashed stink. She wasn't expecting to be cornered. She wonders if Shipman's here to show her up. Do to her what she did to Lottie after she'd vouched for her, like Matthews had put a target on her back for the big bad Butcher. She feels like she deserves it. Shauna's words, her eyes? They're all ragged and hungry, as hungry as the rest of them. Maybe she's here to finish what they started the day Javi died. She still hasn't taken Jackie's fucking necklace off since the chase. "What the fuck, Shauna." Nat whispers, furrowing her brows over glassy eyes in a quivering hush. She doesn't want to wake the others - they need rest, they all do. "Go to bed." She says, like an animal trying to puff itself off to scare off something bigger and meaner.
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trueblu3-a · 10 months
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you step from the makeshift shed you all constructed to hold what little bit of meat you have left out into the depressing world outside   (   inside,   you   &   jackie are safe,   trading stories,   braiding hair,   laughing...   ).   the moonlight reflects sharply on the fresh white powder that crunches beneath your feet,   it's the only sound you can hear until––   the creek of cabin,   it throws you back slightly.   " shit. "   arms across your chest,   you stare at the source of the noise:   @antiler.   she looks to you   &   you can feel your shoulders tense up.   " i- "   looking to explain yourself feels pointless,   but pointless isn't as bad as the awkwardness you feel with her catching you in the act   (   in the coping act   ).   " i just miss her.   please...   please don't tell anyone you saw me out here. "
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werechampions · 2 months
He doesn't look up at her as he hears her voice. He's not interested in a lecture, especially one that sounds too similar to one his father had given him many times about how he needed to go easier on Javi, which in turn usually only made it worse for Travis, because listening to him never felt like a real option. Around the others here, he sticks to what he knows, hiding behind his shield because he's too afraid to be vulnerable around them, not when he's so far on the outside of all of them. ❝  What fucking consequences? ❞ He shoots back, glaring in her direction but still refusing to look at her. ❝  He's my brother. He's my responsibility. ❞ And that's both a burden and a gift, because he loves him, he's glad he's still alive despite the circumstances, but how can he be a parent to Javi when he's barely known how to be a brother? Still, he's not letting her know those insecurities. ❝  Let me deal with him the way I know how and mind your fucking business. ❞ He doesn't actually want to be harsh with her, it's just a defense mechanism; he hates to be told he's handling something wrong when he already knows, when he's already worried about it, so he refuses to let himself falter in front of her now. / @itchose (continued from xx)
He's not interested in a lecture and she's not interested in giving one. She's said enough and Javi can take care of the rest if he needs to since he's a kid that needs to grow up. But Travis never knows when to stop pushing back and Shauna knows, she knows she should just let it go. It's not her business, except it kind of is when Javi is coming to her for paper and rummaging through her things. She almost wants to throw that in Travis' face because maybe then it will wipe the sullen look from his face. The irony is that she's not soft, she's not maternal, and any attempt at gentleness is usually a fumbling mess. She's desperate for Travis to take it off her hands before Javi realizes how fucked up she is.
"If you want to act like that, fine, but then you actually have to step the fuck up," she hisses back at him. It's a tempered response, better than yelling at him from across the clearing even if that's exactly what Shauna wants to do. But Javi is better off with Travis and Natalie and Lottie, literally anyone would be better than her, so she sits back and scribbles in her journal so ferociously, it's a miracle the pen hasn't snapped by this point. "Deal with your shit so it doesn't become my business."
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sordidery · 6 months
@2005jesuschrist, RANDOM LYRIC PROMPTS : the end is near, lottie & shauna.
the cold is biting and you know it will only get colder. fall is decaying at your feet, winter always creeping in through the darkness of night. the cabin porch is too firm to be comfortable, but there isn't comfort anymore. you're beginning to doubt there ever was such a thing. you hear her before you see her, the crunch of leaves beneath her feet, the curtain of dark hair. your body used to associate her with a flush of adrenaline, with running yourself ragged, with leaving all reservations behind you. you hate sports, if you can be honest with yourself, but you loved the satisfaction of taking a win from the other team. you once memorized the grin you'd see out of the corner of your eye just before you won the game and it haunts you now. because the present is so far removed from those people, because you sit beside a false prophet. you have so much to say about that it's better for you to keep quiet. you have always weaponized silence, and most of your words, until all that you have to offer is sharpened enough to draw blood. to find a way to dull the knife is to maim your own tongue. maybe you weren't made to be kind. maybe the catholics were right, and you were all made by an omnipotent power, and there is a point to the endless suffering. after all, you're the virgin fucking mary. ( it is a case of immaculate conception . . . what are the odds someone could be so immaculately screwed? ) one hand over your stomach, one in your mouth. you gnaw at torn cuticles, stopping once pain creeps in. the tang of blood is still on your tongue when you say, ❛❛ i'm always pushing you away from me, but you come back with gravity.   ❜❜
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ghoulyard · 8 months
❛ you drool when you sleep. ❜ ⥱ ﹙@TRUEBLU3﹚ ♡
THE SWIPE OF YOUR PALM across chapped lips rouses you from a dreamless sleep. [ what the fuck? ] did this past week actually happen? one second you're on their way to nationals & the next you've got flames licking at your skin, spat out onto the cold dirt of endless woods. EVEN WORSE, you can tell the other girls are already getting used to it — acclimating. for you the tide only rises, swallowing salt - water as you fight for you next breath. you do not belong.
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not even here, next to shauna. the one place you could count on. ❝ great, one more thing to worry about. ❞ a huff echoes as you reach for a ragged piece of fabric to use as a towel. you may as well go wash up.
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ultrone · 2 months
we never change !
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you piss shauna off during a hockey match after not seeing each other for three years ҂ smut with plot; childhood friends to strangers/enemies, aggressive hockey player!shauna, powerbottom!shauna, angry fuck ﹙6k wc﹚ special thanks to @soffsh for teaching me abt hockey for this lmaoooo
⌒ ⭑⭒ 🏒
the air was crisp and cold. you stood at the center of the rink, your breath fogging up in the cold air. the weight of the hockey stick in your hand was comforting, a steady reminder of countless hours of practice and the fact that you needed to win this game to make it to nationals. the referee held the puck aloft, ready for the face-off.
on the opposite side of the rink, facing you, were the wiskayok university team—your old schoolmates and the team you played with back in your freshman year of college, nearly three years ago. you expected to face them, but you weren’t aware of who was on their team now. as you scanned the line of players, your heart skipped a beat. there she was, shauna shipman, wearing the familiar wiskayok jersey, her face set in a determined frown.
seeing her felt like a punch to the gut. you had played together since childhood, all through high school and into your freshman year of college. while you were part of the hockey team throughout those years, she chose soccer because her best friend, jackie, had convinced her to do so. nevertheless, the two of you would meet at the rink every day after your respective practices and engage in one-on-one games for hours.
however, you wanted more. you truly desired a future in hockey and couldn’t bear to let it go after graduating. so, when you were scouted for a better team, you couldn’t turn down the offer. unfortunately, it was about a four-hour drive away from wiskayok, which wasn’t too far, but still significant.
since you left, shauna kept up with her sticks and equipment, going to the rink alone. you figured the hockey coach must have noticed her talent and invited her to join the team, and she agreed. it made sense because she always talked about hating soccer and wanting to play hockey with you instead. you never understood why she didn’t.
everything you learned about shauna after transferring was against your own will, including that she had a big fight with jackie back at the end of junior year because she was fucking her boyfriend behind her back, or so you heard from tai, your best friend. it was a shitty thing to do, but by then, you couldn't care less. tai was the only one you kept in touch with over the years, as shauna completely ghosted you when she found out you were leaving; it hurt you a lot, but she had always been that stubborn and resentful.
you hadn't seen her since you transferred, and now, there she was, standing on the opposing team. though you had to admit that hockey suited her better; you always felt she was too aggressive for soccer and way too skilled at hockey. you wondered if she even noticed you yet.
the referee's whistle cut through your thoughts, and as the puck dropped, the game began.
the first minutes of the game raced by. the puck was a streak of black against the white ice, darting back and forth as both teams fought for control. you could hear the scrape of skates against the ice, the thud of bodies colliding, the sharp crack of sticks meeting in a battle for the puck. shauna proved herself a skilled player, even better than you remembered—swift and precise in her movements, her stick-handling skills evident. despite the shock of seeing her, you found yourself matching her stride for stride, a sort of rivalry flaring up.
one thing that stood out about shauna was how easily she could be provoked. it surprised you a little, as whenever you played together back in the day, although she was always determined, there was always an underlying gentleness in the way she played against you. nevertheless, it didn’t surprise you as much, as you always knew she was fiercely competitive. any perceived slight or challenge on the ice would set her off. a well-placed block, a successful steal of the puck, or even a smirk after a well-executed play could get her blood boiling. you knew this, and you used it to your advantage. you played her like you would any opponent but with the added knowledge of what made her tick. you could see it in the way her eyes narrowed, the way her grip tightened on her stick.
as shauna streaked toward the goal with the puck, determination etched on her face, you anticipated her next move. swiftly, you closed the distance, delivering a decisive hit that sent her crashing into the boards with a resounding thud. pinning her there for a moment, you watched as frustration flashed across her features. before she could react, a teammate swooped in, stealing the puck from under her nose and launching it into the net with a triumphant slap shot.
“missed me, shippy?” you taunted, a smirk playing on your lips. enraged, shauna shoved you with all her might, fury and disbelief evident in her eyes, before swiftly skating away, her focus now fueled by a burning desire for retaliation.
as the game continued, shauna’s anger seemed to intensify. she began to target you more frequently, her every move a clear indication of her growing resentment. each time she had the puck, she would charge at you with renewed vigour, her eyes locked onto yours as if challenging you to a duel. her aggressive playstyle was a stark contrast to the one-on-one games of the past, and it was clear that she was using her pent-up anger as fuel for her performance on the ice. despite the tension, you couldn’t help but admire her dedication and skill. it was evident that hockey was indeed her true calling.
as the game neared its conclusion, both teams remained locked in a tie with only a few minutes left on the clock. seizing an opportunity, you found yourself in close proximity to shauna, who had previously pushed you aggressively. seeking revenge, you swiftly tripped her, causing her to stumble and fall to the ice. without hesitation, you followed up by literally sitting on her back, pinning her down.
"get the fuck off me," shauna spat out in frustration as she struggled beneath you. you couldn't help but giggle at her reaction, but before you could react further, she exploded with rage. as soon as stood up and turned to skate away, she leaped onto your back, sending both of you crashing to the ground. you quickly turned around to face her, only to receive a punch square in the face.
the referee’s whistle pierced the air, bringing the game to an abrupt halt. he quickly skated over, placing himself between you and shauna. you could feel the warm trickle of blood from your nose, but you swiftly wiped it away with your glove, refusing to show any sign of weakness.
“shipman, penalty box, five minutes!” the referee commanded, pointing towards the box. his voice echoed in the silent rink, the spectators waiting with bated breath for shauna’s reaction.
“that’s not fair! she started it!” shauna protested, her voice filled with indignation. but the referee was unyielding.
“another word, shipman, and it’ll be a game misconduct. now move!” he threatened.
with a frustrated huff, shauna begrudgingly skated towards the penalty box, shooting you a glare as she passed by.
as the game resumed, shauna’s absence on the ice was immediately noticeable. her aggressive defense and quick reflexes had been a formidable force for the wiskayok team. but now, with her in the penalty box, your team seized the opportunity. not even two minutes had passed when your teammate intercepted a pass, swiftly maneuvering through the opposing team’s defense. with a powerful shot, the puck sailed into the net, the crowd erupting in cheers. your team scored.
the next few minutes were a blur of action. your team maintained control of the puck, keeping the pressure on the wiskayok team. by the time the five-minute penalty had elapsed and shauna was allowed back on the ice, it was too late. the final whistle blew, signaling the end of the game. your team won.
as the final buzzer reverberated through the arena, the crowd and your teammates erupted into cheers. you exchanged high-fives and congratulatory pats before they headed to the locker rooms, leaving their gear behind for the equipment managers to handle. however, you had to take a detour.
the punch shauna had landed on your face during the game was more than just a minor scrape. your nose continued to bleed, and the area around your eye was beginning to swell. the team’s medical staff insisted on examining you before allowing you to join your teammates.
so, while the rest of your team celebrated in the locker room, you found yourself in the serene confines of the medical room, undergoing examination by the nurse. she tended to your wound, applied an ice pack to reduce the swelling around your eye, and provided you with pain relief medication. by the time you were done and made your way to the locker room, it was empty.
as you took off your jersey and removed your shoulder pads, along with the rest of your equipment, you placed them with your teammates' gear. now only wearing a sports bra and some compression shorts, you walked towards the sink, your steps echoing in the empty locker room. standing in front of the mirror, you stared at your reflection, analyzing the wound on your face. the bruise was already starting to darken, and a trickle of dried blood marked the spot where shauna's punch had landed.
sighing, you turned away from the mirror and made your way back to the lockers. the place was quiet, the only sound being the gentle hum of the overhead lights and the faint echo of departing footsteps from the rink. you were about to reach for your bag when you heard the sound of footsteps approaching. a familiar rhythm, a familiar pace. you didn’t need to turn around to know who it was.
turning to face her, you couldn't help but notice her appearance, as if she had just emerged from a shower. her hair, typically secured in a tight ponytail during games, cascaded in damp, loose waves around her shoulders, with droplets of water glistening at the ends. the wet strands shimmered under the locker room lights, adding a softness to her otherwise fierce demeanour. she sported snug black shorts that accentuated her athletic thighs, complemented by a clean wiskayok jersey. her feet were clad in white ankle socks and comfortable slippers.
her face, usually set in a determined frown during games, was now more relaxed. the warmth from the shower had brought a rosy hue to her cheeks and nose, a contrast against the chilly air of the locker room. yet, despite her outward calmness, there was an unmistakable anger in her eyes as they fixed on you.
"what the hell was that?" shauna's voice cut through the air, laced with frustration and anger.
you swallowed hard, meeting her intense gaze. "i don't know what you're talking about," you replied, trying to keep your tone steady despite the adrenaline coursing through your veins. “it’s a game, shauna. i played to win, just like you.”
"don't play dumb," shauna retorted, her fists clenched at her sides. "you know exactly what i’m talking about. tripping me, sitting on me like that. that was a cheap shot."
"you're one to talk," you shot back, "what about that punch to my damn face?"
“that was nothing but a love tap,” shauna replied, stepping forward. her tone remained angry, but there was a hint of something else now, an underlying emotion you couldn't quite place.
“you call that a love tap?” you scoffed, closing the distance until you were standing mere inches apart. "looked more like you were trying to knock my teeth out," you shot back, unable to contain the sharpness in your voice. the simmering anger from the game boiled over, fueled by the memory of shauna's punch.
"maybe i was," she replied, a dangerous glint lighting up her eyes. "maybe i wanted to teach you a lesson."
you glared at her, refusing to back down. "for what? for winning? for succeeding in life more than you?"
you could see the fury in her eyes, like a gathering storm ready to consume you both.
"no," she said, taking another step forward until your chests nearly touched. "for what you stole from me. for what you took away."
your heart skipped a beat at her words, and suddenly, you felt the warmth of her breath on your face. the tension in the locker room thickened, permeating every corner.
"i didn't take anything from you, shauna," you whispered, your voice barely audible. "i moved on, and so should you."
"i can't move on," she growled, her hands gripping your biceps tightly. “not when you left me,” she hissed, her eyes burning with anger and hurt. the intensity of her grip made you wince slightly, but you didn't pull away. "you abandoned me, and now you show up here, playing against me, rubbing it in my face!"
"i didn't abandon you, shauna," you countered, your voice rising to match hers. "i left because i had the chance to play for a better team, and you chose to cut ties with me. if you want to blame someone, blame yourself for not staying in touch."
"whatever," she muttered, her voice low and husky, betraying the blend of emotions she was feeling.
"well, if you think that's going to change anything between us, then you're fucking mistaken," you spat, seething with anger. "i don't owe you an explanation, and i sure as hell don't owe you an apology for doing what i love. this was my dream, shauna, and you knew that."
the words hung between you like a heavy cloud, casting a shadow over the locker room. for a moment, you stood there, staring at each other, your eyes locked in a silent battle. then, without warning, shauna let go of your now bruised biceps and slid her hands to your hips, gripping them tightly.
"you're right," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the pounding of your own heart. "you don't owe me anything."
you couldn't help but shiver at her touch, even though you were braced for it. shauna's grip on your hips was firm, and unyielding, as if she was trying to hold onto you in a way she couldn't while you were on the ice. her eyes burned into yours, the anger and hurt now replaced with a raw intensity that turned your legs into jelly.
"but i want something," she continued, her lips grazing your ear, her breath hot and heavy against your skin. "and i'm not above taking it," she murmured, her hand sliding lower, gripping your ass tightly.
a surge of electricity ran through you at the unexpected touch. it was aggressive, almost painful, but it sent a wave of neediness through your body.
"what are you doing?" you gasped in surprise.
"what i should’ve done a long time ago," shauna growled, her lips brushing against your neck. her hands moved up, sliding under your sports bra, caressing your breasts. you couldn't help but moan at the sudden touch, your nipples hardening under her fingers.
"you're going to pay for what you've done to me, and i'm going to enjoy every second of it," she promised, her voice low and thick with lust.
her grip on your breasts tightened, and you couldn't help but lean into her. the anger and hurt that had been building up between you for years seemed to dissolve, replaced by a raw, animalistic need.
"i'll give it to you," you whispered, your voice trembling. "anything you want."
her hands moved down your abdomen, her fingers tracing the edge of your shorts. you bit your lip as she paused, her eyes never leaving yours.
"good," she breathed, her voice a blend of longing and frustration. "because i'm going to take everything you've got."
before you could respond, she pushed you back into the lockers, her lips crashing into yours in a fierce kiss. it was aggressive, full of the pent-up emotions you'd harboured for years. her tongue probed your mouth, seeking entrance, and you opened for her willingly.
you groaned into her mouth, your hands grabbing at her wet hair, tangling in the strands as you kissed. her tongue danced with yours, possessive and aggressive as if she was trying to claim you in that moment.
shauna broke away from the kiss, panting heavily. "i should’ve punched you harder," she growled, her eyes flashing with anger. yet, beneath the rage, there lingered something else—desire. she pressed you against the lockers once more, her body molding against yours. "you ruined everything, you know that?" she said, her voice trembling with emotion.
"i know," you whispered, your own breath coming out in ragged gasps. "i'm sorry, shauna." you reached up to cup her face, trying to offer some semblance of comfort or apology, but she slapped your hand away. her anger was still palpable, and you couldn't blame her for feeling that way. "but you can't keep living like this, always holding onto the past. you need to move on."
instead of responding, she leaned in again, her lips brushing against your ear as she whispered, "maybe i don't want to move on. maybe i just want to make you suffer for what you did." and with that, she bit down on your earlobe, hard enough to leave her teeth marks on your soft skin. you clenched onto her shoulders to contain a scream, grunting instead.
her words were harsh, but their effect on you was undeniable. your body reacted to her aggression. you moaned softly, arching into her touch. she smirked against your skin, her eyes gleaming with newfound determination.
"you like that, don't you?" she asked, her tone dangerous. "you like being hurt by me." she tugged on your ear once more, coaxing another soft moan from you. "admit it."
you hesitated for a moment, then nodded slowly. "yes," you breathed, your breath hitching. "i do." you couldn't deny it any longer. there was something thrilling about shauna's anger, the way she could make you feel both pain and pleasure simultaneously.
"get on the bench," she commanded, her voice husky. you hesitated for a moment, unsure of what was happening, but the look on her face left no room for argument. you complied, settling onto the nearest bench and bracing yourself against the cold wood. she kneeled between your legs, her gaze never leaving your face. "spread them further," she ordered, her tone firm and commanding. you obeyed, feeling exposed and vulnerable as she knelt before you.
shauna's eyes roamed over your body, taking in every detail. she reached out, trailing her hands along your inner thighs with deliberate slowness. without warning, she pushed your legs apart even more, spreading you wide open. you gasped, your heart racing as she lowered her head, her warm breath teasing the sensitive but clothed skin between your legs. she moved her lips towards your inner thighs, which had just been caressed by her hands, and began placing open-mouthed kisses upon them. with each touch of her lips against your skin, the dampness in your underwear and shorts intensified. gripping onto your outer thighs with her fingers, she began to suck and nibble your sensitive skin, leaving a trail of marks all over.
you whined loudly, your hips instinctively bucking against her actions. shauna smiled wickedly against your skin, her gaze meeting yours once more. "is this what you want?" she asked, her voice thick with hunger. "my mouth on you, marking you like this?"
you nodded, unable to form a coherent response. your entire body was on fire, craving more of her touch. she grinned, her slender fingers moving towards your clothed center, pressing against it.
"so fucking wet for me," she murmured, her voice rough. "just like i imagined."
without warning, she dove in, giving a wet kiss to your dampened spot. then, she grabbed the fabric with her teeth and pulled back, letting it snap against your skin, eliciting a frustrated moan from you.
“such a shame i won’t be touching you today,” she revealed, a cocky grin on her face.
you choked out a whimper, your heart pounding in your chest. “what do you mean?” you asked, confused, watching her release her hold and stand up from the ground in one swift motion.
“take off my shorts,” she commanded, her tone stern.
not wanting her to get more enraged than she already was, you immediately complied with her request. sliding your fingers around her waistline, you pulled them down, finding it a bit more challenging than expected, given the big size of her glutes.
“now, take off my underwear with your teeth,” she ordered with the same tone.
your eyes widened slightly at her instruction, but you did as she asked. biting the edge of her panties, you carefully pulled them down her legs, revealing her shaved pussy. you couldn't help but notice the wetness glistening on her lips.
shauna stepped out of her underwear, her eyes never leaving yours. "lick me clean," she ordered, her voice low and demanding. you hesitated for a moment, but she grabbed your hair and yanked your head forward, pushing her pussy against your mouth.
"don't make me repeat myself," she growled, her fingers tightening in your hair.
as one of her legs positioned itself on the bench right beside you, you took her into your mouth, her taste flooding your senses. she groaned, her hands tangling in your hair, guiding you. "just like that," she growled, her hips bucking slightly.
you eagerly obliged, licking and sucking at her clit, while gently spreading her folds apart with your fingers. she tasted salty and sweet, her taste making you even more aroused than before. her hips jerked and bucked, her breath hitched as she ground herself against your mouth.
"fuck, yes," she moaned, wrapping her fingers in your hair, holding you close to her. "that’s it, sweetie,” she smirked down at you, her eyes almost playful now, despite the harshness in her voice. her taste was intoxicating, and you couldn't help but moan into her folds. her wetness slicked your tongue as you sucked her clit, thrusting your tongue deep into her.
shauna groaned, her fingers tightening in your hair as she ground against your face. "that's it," she panted, her breaths coming faster. "make me come."
you redoubled your efforts, eager to please her and make her feel good. her clit was hard and swollen, pulsing against your tongue as you sucked and licked it. her wetness coated your mouth, mingling with your saliva, creating a strange but delicious taste.
shauna's breaths grew ragged, her hips bucking against your face, guiding you to her core. "you like that?" she murmured, her voice thick with lust. "you like eating my pussy?"
you moaned into her, barely able to form coherent words. "i love eating your pussy," you gasped, your own arousal throbbing between your legs. shauna let out a triumphant growl, her hips thrusting even harder against your mouth. "good girl," she praised, her voice rough. "now make me come."
you sucked her clit harder, your tongue dancing over her sensitive bundle of nerves. you were sucking so hard you could barely breathe, feeling suffocated between her swollen folds. shauna's breaths grew even more ragged, her hips bucking wildly. "oh, shit," she swore, her grip on your hair tightening. "i'm close…"
the sight of her losing control turned you on even more, your arousal pulsing in anticipation. you knew you wouldn't last much longer, but you needed to make her come first. you increased your pace, focusing on her clit, flicking it with your tongue rapidly. shauna's moans grew louder, her body trembling as she neared her climax. you could feel her muscles tense, her wetness coating your face as you continued your assault on her clit. she was so close, her cries growing louder and more desperate. “f-fuck, i’m coming, i’m coming–” she moaned out.
and then, she did. shauna's orgasm hit her hard, her entire body shaking as she came. you felt her wetness flood your mouth, her walls clenching around your tongue. “god,” you gasped, your mouth full of her juices. her orgasm was intense, leaving you breathless and aroused.
you swallowed her juices, still trembling from the intensity of her orgasm. you hadn't even realized you'd cum, but the feeling was unmistakable. a wave of pleasure washed over you, leaving you weak-kneed and breathless. you pulled back, looking up at her with wide eyes, your cheeks glistening with her wetness. you stammered, embarrassed and surprised. "i… i c–’
“did you just cum without me even touching you?” she asked, her tone stiff, though a glint of pride and cockiness shone in her eyes.
"yeah," you muttered, your cheeks flushing. you couldn't believe you'd cum just from eating her out. you'd always been sensitive, but this was something else.
shauna studied your face for a moment, her expression unreadable. "well, i guess that's a first," she said finally, her voice rough. "it’s kinda pathetic if you think about it," she said with a smirk, subtly attempting to make you feel ashamed.
"pathetic?" you echoed, feeling a bit defensive. "i thought you'd be happy i made you feel good."
she snorted, adjusting her jersey. "you made me feel good, but you came without me even touching you," she repeated, a smirk on her face. "that's gotta be a record."
you crossed your arms, feeling a bit self-conscious. "i don't know why you're making such a big deal out of it," you huffed, glaring at her. she simply laughed, shaking her head.
"whatever," she replied. "i’m nearly done with you yet." she motioned for you to come closer.
you hesitated for a moment, but she pinched your injured nose gently, pulling you up by it. “f-fuck!” you cried out in pain, pushing her away as you covered your nose with your hands, which started to bleed once again.
she tugged on your hair aggressively, forcing you to look at her. “don’t fucking do that again,” she threatened. “take your clothes off.”
you quickly stripped off your clothes, standing naked in front of her once more. her eyes raked over your body, taking in every inch of you.
"i'm gonna fuck you now," she growled, pulling you closer. pinching your cheeks with one hand, she brought you close to her face, licking the blood trickling from your nose in a long, deliberate lick. "and you're gonna take it like the little bitch you are."
you gulped, your eyes widening as she pushed you onto the end of the bench, her body following you down. she straddled your waist, her eyes never leaving your face as she used her hands to guide you back until you were lying flat on the bench.
you couldn't help but shiver at her dominance, her words making your body ache for her. even after everything, you still wanted her, and that realization left you feeling helpless.
"what are you waiting for?" she growled, her eyes flashing with irritation and longing. you bit your lip, eyeing her in confusion. "put your hands above your head," she ordered, her tone firm. obeying her command, your heart pounded in your chest.
shauna leaned down, her lips brushing against your ear as she spoke, her breath hot against your skin. "if you try to escape or resist, i'll break something," she warned, her voice low and laden with menace. you swallowed hard, your body trembling in anticipation.
you winced in pain as she gripped your cheeks again, your nose still throbbing from her earlier pinch. “and if you make a sound, i’ll fucking break your nose this time,” she threatened, her warm breath wafting against your face.
you whimpered at her threat, your body trembling involuntarily. shauna grinned, her eyes gleaming with malice. "understand?" she asked, her voice rough.
you nodded quickly, your heart still racing. you knew she meant what she said, and you weren't about to test her. she released your face, reaching down to spread your legs wide. her eyes roamed over your wet folds, her breath catching at the sight.
without warning, she pressed her wet pussy against yours, her knees digging into your thighs. she was wet and hot, her scent filling your nostrils as she thrust against you. the sensation was intense, her wetness coating your skin as she moved against you. you clenched your jaw, trying to remain still despite the pleasure coursing through you. shauna's eyes met yours, her expression full of satisfaction.
you bit your lip, attempting to hold back any sounds of pleasure as she continued to grind against you. but it wasn't long before your body betrayed you, a soft whine escaping your lips. shauna's eyes narrowed, her grip on your thigh tightening. "i warned you," she growled, her voice dangerous. she slapped you hard across the cheek, the sting causing tears to well up in your eyes. "that wasn't a request," she growled, slapping you again as you bit your lip to hold back a cry. "remember that."
whimpering, your body tensed in pain, your nails digging into the bench for support. shauna's thrusts were brutal, her movements relentless. she slammed against you without mercy, each thrust sending waves of pleasure and pain coursing through you. biting your lip harder, you tried to hold back any noise that might earn you another slap.
"i'm gonna cum all over you," she growled. increasing her pace, your bodies slid against each other in a messy, wet rhythm. clenching your fingers tighter around the bench, you tried to hold back your urge.
"say it," she demanded, her voice fierce.
"cum on me," you whispered, your voice barely audible. "cum all over me," you repeated, your voice louder, though hoarse.
she smirked, her eyes flashing with satisfaction. "that's my girl," she purred, her voice full of triumph. she thrust harder, her hips slamming against yours as she reached her peak. you could feel her pussy clenching around you, her juices coating your skin.
as she came, she leaned down, her lips brushing against yours. "this is what happens when you piss me off," she hissed, her voice threatening. you shivered, her words sending a chill down your spine.
she pulled back, your bodies sticky and slick with each other's fluids. she looked down at you, her expression cold and distant. “now, clean me up,” she commanded. you were exhausted, but you knew better than to defy her. you licked your lips, swallowing the lump in your throat. “yes,” you mumbled.
she smirked, her gaze dark. she positioned herself above you, her pussy hovering over your face. you closed your eyes, took a deep breath, and then began to clean her as thoroughly as possible. her hands gripped your hair, her nails digging into your scalp as you worked. you could feel her breathing becoming heavier, her body trembling above yours. she groaned, her hips bucking slightly as you licked her clit.
though tired, you continued to lick and suck, your tongue exploring every inch of her. she could tell you were exhausted, but that didn't deter you. instead, you worked harder, your tongue dancing around her folds with precision.
as you licked, shauna's breathing grew heavier, her hips bucking slightly. you moaned into her, your lips brushing against her skin, and she growled, her hands digging into your hair. "keep going," she ordered, her voice rough.
releasing her hold on your hair, she instead grasped your wrists, pinning them above your head once more with her hands, using them as leverage as she moved her hips in a front-to-back motion against your tongue. you groaned softly into her, feeling her weight on your wrists as she pressed against your face. her movements were rough, her hips slamming against your mouth, forcing your tongue deeper into her. you whimpered, your body trembling.
she thrust against you, her movements becoming more erratic as she approached her climax. you could feel it, her muscles tightening around your tongue as she neared the edge. "oh, fuck," she moaned, her voice hoarse. your tongue flicked against her clit as she came, your body shuddering beneath her. she cried out, her body trembling as her orgasm swept over her. you lapped at her, cleaning every last drop of her juices from her center and inner thighs.
when she finished, she pulled back, your tongue sliding from her body. she released your wrists, her eyes studying your face, drenched in her juices and dried blood from your nose. "get dressed," she commanded, her voice cold and distant.
you nodded, your body trembling as you sat up. your arms felt sore where she had held them above your head, but you ignored the pain, dressing as quickly as possible. she watched you with a critical eye, her expression unreadable.
she smiled, her eyes lighting up with a dangerous glint. "i know you're not leaving until next week," she stated, her voice calm and matter-of-fact. "i'll pick you up tomorrow after dinner."
you gulped, your mind racing. you knew better than to argue. "okay," you whispered, your voice barely audible. she grabbed your neck, her fingers digging into your skin as she pulled you close, your eyes widening as she choked you slightly.
"but first…" she whispered, her eyes gleaming dangerously. she licked the side of your face, her tongue tracing the line of her earlier slap. the mixture of her juices and your blood was still present, and she savored the taste as she licked it up.
"mmm," she hummed, her eyes flickering with satisfaction. "you taste just as good as you look." she leaned down, pressing a quick, hard kiss to your lips. her lips were rough, her tongue invading your mouth for a moment before she pulled away.
"see you tomorrow," she said, her voice cold. with a sudden movement, she slapped your ass before turning on her heel, walking away without a second glance.
you stared in shock as she left. "this can't be real," you told yourself, running your hand over your neck, feeling the pain shooting through the bruises beginning to form there. your breathing was shallow, and your mind still spun from the sudden turn of events. you stumbled into the bathroom and splashed water on your face, trying to tidy yourself up as much as possible before gathering your belongings.
stepping out of the locker room, you spotted tai waiting for you, as she had offered to give you a ride home. "the fuck took you so long?" tai huffed, sounding annoyed.
"sorry, got held up by some of my groupies in the lockers," you quipped, causing her to roll her eyes. it wasn’t until she noticed your disheveled appearance, which you had done a terrible job of hiding, that her expression changed to one of concern.
"hey," she said, her voice softening as she rubbed your back. "you okay?" she asked.
you nodded. "yeah, i'm fine," you murmured, “rough game,” you said with a tired chuckle.
tai eyed you suspiciously, but didn't press further. "let's go," she said, leading you out of the rink and towards the parking lot.
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alottiegoingon · 2 months
summary: where shauna catches you wearing her flannel
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shauna shipman x fem!reader (all characters are aged up + in college)
warnings: established relationship, pre-crash, minimal usage of bad words, yellowjackets but in college, NSFW content!!! (MDNI), fingering, dom!shauna, sub!reader, probably a bunch of english mistakes and bad writing, not proofread
Shauna’s birthday was coming up and for the past three months you have been struggling. You and Shauna were officially dating for almost six months now and you wanted to give her something special to let her know how much you loved her. That’s why you decided to skip practice today and go straight to her house after class by making up some silly excuse. You knew that she was smart and wouldn't believe you at all but you were willing to take the risk. As time was running low, you decided on the one thing that you knew that Shauna would love.
Flannels. She would wear them everywhere and at any occasion. You could track her from miles away just by looking for a girl wearing oversized flannel shirts and, honestly, it was one of your favorite things about her. You could worry about other small gifts later, but now you were determined to find the exact size of her clothes and that’s why you were standing in front of her house, waiting for her mom to open the door for you.
You didn’t want Shauna to find out, you wanted to be a surprise. That’s what you told her mother when you called her the other day, explaining the situation and practically begging her to let you sneak into her room while her daughter was out. Gladly, you were a sweetheart. At least this is what her parents called you. Always a sweet angel, a good influence for their daughter.
Now, you were stepping into your girlfriend’s room. The light from the string lights in the wall by her bed was on, giving the bedroom a dark pinkish tone along with the small lampshade. Taking a quick glance, you could see thousands of pictures of Shauna with her friends, especially her best friend Jackie, and of you two hanging on her wall and in portraits by her desk. In a blink of an eye, you remind yourself of the reason why you were skipping practice and would probably get your ass beaten by Jackie tomorrow, you had no time to lose. Rushing into Shauna’s closet, you get in, not taking longer than a second to find what you were looking for.
The amount of variety of colors in the shirts made you giggle as you were reaching out for one of the many to check the size on the small tag. It wasn’t a surprise that it was only one size apart from yours and to be fair, you always wondered about how comfortable it would be to wear them. Shauna would probably take hours to come home since Jackie was not much of a compassionate soul when it came to soccer and would always make the girls almost faint of exhaustion by the time practice was over. You had nothing to worry about.
You smell Shauna’s perfume lingering in the air as you put on one of her flannels and button it up. It only made you miss her more now, distracting your brain from the actual reason you were in her room. You look in the mirror close to the bed and you finally understand why she loves this so much. It’s cute, comfortable and it surprisingly matches with the pants and shirt that you were wearing with no effort.
“Are you in the closet?” Your heart almost stopped beating and you feel your blood turning to ice in your veins as a very familiar voice reverberate through the room. You turn around with the speed of light to find Shauna standing, leaning against the doorframe and staring at you, narrowing her eyes in suspicion. The seriousness in her posture and even the slight fear that would leak through her intense stare was being betrayed by a goofy smirk on the corner of her lips.
“Sorry, I couldn’t find a better way to tell you.” You make use of the most soothing tone you can achieve, exaggerating a pout as you approach your girlfriend. “Shauna, I’m gay.” Your pout fades away as quickly as it started, being replaced by a cheeky smirk on your lips, and your girlfriend lets out a soft chuckle. You feel Shauna’s arms gently embracing you, sliding through your sides and getting tighter around your waist. Like an automatic response, you wrap your arms around her neck, both of you failing to hold silly smiles.
“I thought you were sick but… Apparently you were just in the mood for stealing your girlfriend’s clothes?” She teases and you can even notice a bit of a flirting in her voice. She looks away from your eyes, dragging her attention to your body and how her flannel looked slightly bigger on you, gracefully falling from your shoulders to the middle of your thighs. You, however, do not look away from her and you see her big dilating pupils glistening differently. She loses her arms around your body to unbutton the first ones, catching your attention. “What are you doing here?” She insists as you remain quiet.
“Waiting for you…” You shrug. As usual, you couldn’t hold the eye contact when you lied poorly and Shauna noticed it at the exact same second. “Waiting for me in my bedroom instead of going to practice and leave together?” She lifted one eyebrow, trying her best to not smile. It was kind of amusing to her how you had such a bad time lying and how easy it was for her to figure it out. “You are such a bad liar.”
“I know! It’s so hard!” You exhale in relief. It’s not like you were a good liar and would be able to keep the lie for much longer. It wasn’t on your plans to reveal your idea but Shauna was smart. Probably way smarter than you, and would have figured out if you were lying again. “I was trying to find your size to buy you another flannel. I know you love them and I just…” You stop.
You feel the warmth of Shauna’s hands going down from your shoulders to your biceps and giving it a gentle squeeze in a reassuringly way, subtly asking you to continue.
“I don’t know what I should do for your birthday, alright? I can’t find anything good enough, it has to be perfect! I’m a terrible girlfriend.” You grumble and the next thing you hear is Shauna’s surprise scoff.
“What?!” She doesn’t even let you consider saying something else. She had to intervene and stop this nonsense. “Listen. I don’t need a perfect gift.” She innocently mocks you while mimicking your desperate need to give her something flawless. Her hands reach up, her palms resting on your cheeks, cupping your face and forcing you to look into her eyes. You almost get lost in them, like always.
“I literally managed to date the prettiest girl in Wiskayok High, this is the best gift that I could ever receive. The only thing I want is to spend the day with you, you idiot.” She murmurs and you see her cheeks getting a new color, a light shade of pink. No matter how hard it was for her to show her feelings, she would always push her limits and face her fear, eager to let you know how important and loved you were and you appreciated her effort a lot.
For a moment you find yourself wanting to look away, too flustered to not break the eye contact, but you can’t miss your girlfriend’s reddish face. “Fine. I just wanted to give you something special.” You whine and see Shauna’s expression change ever so slight as she suddenly breaks the eye contact and shifts her attention to your body. “Maybe I have something in mind.”
In less than five minutes you were lying in Shauna’s bed with her on top of you as her lips were busy marking the skin of your neck. “You know that your mom is home, right?” You ask, running out of breath already, just to hear a muffled attempt of your girlfriend to pronounce slurred words. “I locked the door, it’s fine.”
You figured what Shauna’s idea of a perfect gift was when you were about to take off her flannel and she immediately stopped you. She was begging you to let her fuck you while you wear it and you could swear that her pupils got bigger than usual.
You made a pitiful sound as her teeth dig into your neck, claiming you and brushing her warm tongue right on top of the recent wound. Your hands were on her head, fingers getting lost between her dark hair, as you were nearly melting under her. Shauna, on the other hand, was fierce and while doing a very good job on your neck, her right hand was exploring your upper body. The coldness of her fingertips made you squeak when she got under your shirt and slowly scratched your stomach. Soon she was already playing with your nipples, pinching and squeezing as much as she wanted to and it was driving you crazy already. “Shauna-“ You tried to catch her attention and beg her to just fuck you but she interrupts you.
“Patience.” Her tone is firm as she mutters her words, this time leaving your neck alone to give your lips lots of quick pecks as a way to shut you up. It worked every time. On her knees between your legs, she takes her time at finishing unbuttoning her flannel that you were wearing, staring at you intensely. She lifts the cute white shirt that you were wearing underneath up to your chest and gets down on you. Her face is inches away from your skin and you feel your clit throbbing as you anticipate everything in your head.
You were forced to cover your own mouth to avoid any loud moans when Shauna’s tongue met your stomach. Her hands were moving through your sides and no matter how awkward you could possibly find; she was always looking at you feeling completely mesmerized even by your tiniest reaction to her touch and while wearing her clothes. It takes her seconds to unzip and undo your jeans and you help her to toss it on the floor. Unlike your jeans, your damp panties didn’t get the same faith. Instead, Shauna just pulled them down to your ankles and you accidentally whine, excited to feel her or anything coming from her. It didn’t take longer before Shauna was kissing your inner thighs purposefully close to your core. Her grip was tight on your legs, forcing you to spread them as far as you could.
“Stop teasing.” You cooed. Better, you begged. Giving up on quieten your moans, your hands went straight to the bed and firmly grabbed the sheets. Shauna didn’t seem as desperate as you, of course, and she was enjoying making you squirm under her. It was her favorite view. “Just be quiet.” Impatiently, she slaps your thigh and the sharp sound fills the room along with an unexpected moan of yours. She kisses your thighs for a few more seconds, holding them in place and exposing your wet pussy completely, and after what it felt like hours, she goes back to meet you.
You groan in annoyance, completely shocked by how she just left you hanging. Your lips parted, ready to complain or say anything to make Shauna get back there but she was faster and your attempt to mutter a few words changed to a gasp as you feel her fingers barely rubbing up and down on your soaked pussy, feeling all of you. “How are you so wet already?” She chuckles and you roll your eyes. “Shut up. Can you just-“
Your words were cut by a breathy whimper as you feel two of your girlfriend’s fingers entering your pussy. You were so soaked that it was almost embarrassing how easily it went all in. Then, you understood why Shauna left your legs, she wanted to look at you. Her eyes were so intense on you that it could dig holes onto your skin if she wanted to. Instead, she was just enjoying you feeling her touches and wanted to memorize every second of it. As you squirmed under her, Shauna’s fingers began to slowly pump into you, in and out in a tortuous pace just to see you beg.
“Please…” You panted looking into her eyes. She smirks but the rhythm doesn’t change. She has to hear it. “Please what?” Just like expected, she insists on forcing you to say exactly what you want. On forcing you to submit completely and just enjoy her touch. And as usual, you obey it.
“Faster.” Your words are like an inaudible hiss or hush but urgent like oxygen. She nods subtly with a proud look in her face and gives in to your wish. A squelch sound began to echo around the room thanks to how fast Shauna was shoving her fingers inside of you and curling up at the right spot, making you squirm violently and scream almost immediately. You didn’t even care about being loud anymore. Not when Shauna Shipman was fucking you like that.
Your hips started to slowly move, grinding and following Shauna’s fingers pace inside of you. Your moans were getting louder as her movements were getting sloppier. You were both panting and sweating together and the look in your girlfriend’s eyes was almost hypnotic. “You like this?” She murmured and you nodded frantically, whimpering and gasping for air softly, rocking your hips and feeling your legs getting shaky and tense as Shauna was feeling your spongy walls squeezing her fingers tighter. Your breath was getting heavier as you were pathetically trying to ride her fingers, lifting your weight from the mattress to feel her going deeper even if just a little more. Shauna noticed your despair and gave you what you wanted by pumping firmly and fast but making sure to fill all of you. With her thumb, she started to rub your swollen clit in messy circles and you gripped her shoulders as you felt your orgasm building up quickly.
Your grip was so strong that Shauna felt your nails digging into her skin even though her shoulders were covered by one of her famous flannels and she lets out a painful groan but smiled as soon as she realized what was about to happen. “Are you going to cum for me, sweet girl?” She whispers and you can’t manage to answer. It was too intense, too overwhelming.
It took a few more thrusts before your back automatically arched and your fingers squeezed the fabric of your girlfriend’s clothes as you orgasm. You moan her name like a chant over and over again, rolling your eyes back and feeling your inner walls compressing against her fingers, pushing them away. Following your body’s orders, Shauna slowed the pace before she could gently pull her soaked fingers out of you and the act made you groan as you adjusted yourself to the empty feeling.
When you take a look back at your girlfriend, she has an alluring expression in her face. Dreamy eyes and halfway open lips just enough to help her breath. You smile tenderly as she kisses your forehead, trying to recover from the intense climax.
“I changed my mind. Maybe you should buy some new flannels for me. We need to try all of them.”
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joelsdolly · 8 months
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚masterlist˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
: ̗̀➛hazel callahan
new student
new student pt.2
jealous girl
hazel x hand obsessed!reader
hazel x autistic!reader
connected pt.2
losergf!hazel hc's
hazel x goth!reader
feelings aren't fake
random hazel hc's
taking care of a cat with hazel hc's
cheerleader!reader x hazel
hazel x autistic!reader
video games
loser!hazel thoughts
birds don't sing
0.1 birds don't sing
0.2 lover's rock
0.3 her and her friend
0.4 hate yourself
0.5 the blonde
: ̗̀➛ellie williams
why not me
why not me pt.2
loser!ellie hc's
balloon brabble
cold hands brabble
modern!ellie hcs
night shift
lying pt.2
random modern!ellie hc's
hey sweetheart
slytherin!ellie hc's
spiderman!ellie hc's
: ̗̀➛vi
drawing pt.1
drawing pt.2
: ̗̀➛abby anderson
balloon brabble
ice tea
mean!abby drabble
push me down
rainy day
abby x coquette reader
: ̗̀➛dina woodward
balloon brabble
: ̗̀➛mizu
modern!mizu hc's
barista drabble
: ̗̀➛natalie scatorccio
gf!nat hc's
spider!nat series moodboard
eeping with lottienat
more lottienat!!
baking with nat
taking care of sick and injured nat:(
photobooth with nat !
polaroid drabble
bsf!nat taking your virginity
more nat:3
tragic girl
perfect girl
: ̗̀➛chloe price
: ̗̀➛lottie matthews
smiley!lott hc's
eeping with lottienat
more lottienat!!
painting lottie's nails !
zoo date
vampire!lott hc's
: ̗̀➛shauna shipman
gf!shauna hc's
: ̗̀➛jackie taylor
post rescue hc's
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silencedrage · 1 year
Post- S2 finale starter for TAISSA TURNER ( @perfectionreached )
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The flashing lights of the emergency vehicles around them, the woods at her back, the shock and adrenaline still from everything that had transpired, and Shauna's leg bounced, the only sign of her anxiety beyond everything else. Jeff had gone with Callie to get checked out by an EMT (and also to get rid of the pistol she had) but it left Shauna by herself, sitting on a log and stubbornly refusing to talk to anyone who tried to engage her. Apparently some things stayed the same even after 25 long years.
None of this feels real.
It's the only thought that's been running through her mind since their ritual was interrupted, since tragedy struck their tiny group for the millionth time in a row, and Shauna doesn't know how much of herself she has left after so many of these bloody sacrifices. A part of her thinks, just for a split second, that Natalie was the lucky one to finally be able to escape all this, but no- that wasn't right either. So she sits on the log and watches Lottie get taken away and wonders where the hell the rest of them go from here.
"Tai," she croaks out, surprising herself as she does, but her hand reaches out halfway for her closest friend before dropping back down into her lap. A vision of Tai's face, half covered in a mask with a knife gleaming in the firelight makes her pause, even though she knew that those knives had been dulled; the mind has a funny way of playing tricks on her. But she blinks, and it's not the bonfire lighting up her face but the red strobing lights from the several police cars still in the lot. "Is... um..." She knows she should ask about Lottie but she can't bring herself to, so she falls into an awkward silence instead. "Do you and Van want to come back to my place so we can..." Do what? Have a fucked up sleepover after one of their friends was accidentally killed by another friend? "We should probably talk about this."
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