#[ just. the dying of freedom!         after gaining the title of hero n all that    he has way more freedom than anyone else in the marine
marinehero-a · 2 years
hrmmrmg,,,, young garp
#{ ooc }  ✗ 「 WENP reporter 」#[ thinks ab him.... absolute bastard shaped.... a lil overpowered shit#[ thinks ab garp becoming a marine because 'haha lmao i beat you all up and now you're offering me a job? eh i got nothing better to do'#[ proceeds to fuck around and had to be saddled with sengoku n tsuru to balance out his chaotic energy#[ literally luffy shaped but marine real <3 also slightly more bastard#[ but genuinely learning to love his job because he's always loved to protect others#[ and damn does he do that well!!! literally why is this brat so strong he just yeeted a cannonball with his hands#[ bc he thought cannons were too slow#[ but just the gradual realization of the weight on his shoulders after he gets his coat#[ the realization of responsibility and just what his job means#[ after failing to save some people or being /ordered/ to not save some people#[ seeing what the rocks do     seeing what the celestial dragons do#[ he never stops being bastard shaped but overtime he does become more     responsible? so-so word but      learns just what justice means#[ the good and bad#[ he understands his duty and what it comes to it follows it closely#[ just. the dying of freedom!         after gaining the title of hero n all that    he has way more freedom than anyone else in the marine#[ but its Still not enough     he's reminded of it everytime he sees slavery and the celestial dragons and and and#[ not to mention how the title is just another responsibility      though he doesnt give a shit ab it he Does recognize what it means#[ but he pretends and tries to believe it is because he has to protect people     because its better than the alternatives#[ because hes been here for so long he doesnt know if he physically could be anything else    even if so often he Wishes for /more/#[ and just. i think ab this and then his rivalry with roger      the Embodiment of freedom        he's always been a bit envious of roger bc#[ of how /free/ he was       but garp also knows how Selfish the man is so he's never truly been tempted but. he's thought about it#[ about being a pirate      about leaving the marines    its not often but its not a thought thats a stranger but just.#[ hes scared#[ just!!!#[ so many thoughts ab this man and how his duty conflicts with his moral and wants and how    Despite being bastard shaped n how he is#[ he still follows his duty ultimately because he understands the weight behind it        he's a true marine but at what cost#[ his heart thats what and just   slams fist on floor i am So normal about garp   havent been here in favor of other blogs but just#[ always thinking ab it all.... esp how garp n roger are So similar yet So and fundamentally different#[ bc garp will always choose duty
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☾♔; 31.07.2018
☾♔; Tasha
☾♔; @veotis-the-jewel-of-the-ocean
☾♔; @serveorburn
☾♔; mod(s): @livesinabluebox​ @sighsethereally​
▬ Set Requirement: Doesn’t matter, just make sure it has your faceclaim. Other than that, make whatever kind of thing you want! Square, rectangle, moodboard, magazine cover, whatever you want my nerds!
♛ Daenir Échon ♛
pronounced: Day-nir
♛ B A S I C⠀S T A T S ♛
▬ Full Name: Daenir Échon
▬ Nickname(s): Dae
▬ Title(s) and/or alias(es): The High Sorcerer
▬ Age: Roughly 27 summers give or take a few years
▬ Gender: Male     
▬ Species: Witch -  Isahor
▬ Occupation: Sorcerer of Veotis {currently} // Assassin/Witch Hunter {formally}
▬ Kingdom of Birth: Calia
▬ Kingdom of Residence: Veotis
♛ P H Y S I C A L⠀A P P E A R A N C E ♛  
▬ Face Claim: Matthew Daddario
▬ Hair: Black
▬ Eyes: Blue-Grey
▬ Height: 6 ft 1
▬ Body: Scared perfection
▬ Any Scars/ Marks?: Several scars over his body, the most prominent of those are the shiny silvery marks around his wrists
▬ Any Tattoos/ Piercings?:
- A black and white dragon entwined over his heart
- Black wings across his back
- Protective runes across his ribs
- An unknown symbol on his upper left thigh
- A magical brand on his neck given to him by his mother
▬ Other: Nothing for now
♛ P E R S O N A L I T Y ♛  
▬ Overview: Headstrong, stubborn and full of snarky wit and dry sarcasm, Daenir prefers to push people away to keep them from getting underneath the shields he has perfected over the years. Whilst generally he looks out for himself and acts like he’s been put out when people gather for his attention, underneath all those layers, Daenir does enjoy helping people. Due to years of abuse at the hands of his father, and the years of his imprisonment thanks to his mother, Daenir is known by the court to suffer moments of mental instability. Despite this, the King and the Advisory Council hold the man in high esteem due to his years of service to the kingdom and former apprenticeship to Master Cedric. Deanir is a warrior and most of the time is known to have unshakable focus in all of his tasks with little to distract him. His singular drive is to do better for the world he lives in even if he can only do it one bit at a time.
▬ Strengths: His stubbornness - but it can also be a weakness; his inability to give up on someone or something; his desire to make things safer for witches
▬ Weaknesses: Hates, and I mean HATES dark places, has to sleep with the fire going due to his imprisonment; extreme awkwardness in social situations; overuse of his powers can result in severe dehydration, often occurs when he spends too long in combat; inability to share his feelings to avoid being called weak
▬ Habits and Quirks: Daenir has been known to spark when he is annoyed or frustrated, likewise he can lose control of his lightning based abilities when in a state of arousal
▬ Likes: Hot places, warm weather, soft music, reading, painting, drawing, being left alone when he needs to be, gardening, tea of all kinds, libraries, old stories, archery, horse riding, knives, outsmarting stupid nobles, Aldir and Ryo, his apprentice and likewise his former teacher, spicy food {the hotter the better}, traveling
▬ Dislikes: Animals that have no point, being called damaged, being coddled - he is NOT a child, foolish religious people, having other’s ideals forced onto him, discrimination, fighting for the sake of fighting, moronic little assholes, people who use position to gain what they want, bullies, being touched without permission, flirting {if you want someone, just fucking tell them stupid}, sweet food, cold weather, snow, parties
▬ Hobbies: Painting, drawing, collecting old tomes, pissing off his parents, building models, gardening, brooding spectacularly, outsmarting stupid nobles
▬ Character Tropes: Dark and Troubled Soul; When Dad Met Mum; Abusive Parent; Byronic Hero; The Quiet One; The Wild Card, Parental Issues; Parental Abandonment; Daddy Issues; Mum Is A Bitch {if that is not a trope is bloody well should be}, Big Brother Instinct; Bi The Way; Archer Archetype; Death Seeker; Jerk With A Heart of Gold; Friend To All Children; Tall, Dark and Handsome; Tall, Dark and Snarky; Badass Bookworm
▬ Additional Information: Will literally lose his shit at being called an animal. Daenir spent twenty years of his life being likened to an animal by his father and his mother, the first one to treat him as an actual human being was Cóven VI
♛ A B I L I T I E S ♛  
▬ Pyrokinesis: an ability often associated with war. Most witches born in Veotis are born with an affinity for either earth, air or water, Daenir’s ability with fire is frightening and at the same time another way to show that he is not a Veotis native.
▬ Electrokinesis: Daenir barely has a grasp on this ability as it is. It is mostly responsible for the tangled, chaotic mess the sorcerer calls hair. He can create, shape and manipulate electricity
▬ Hardening: This skill is inherited from Daenir’s father, whilst he hates the man, the skill itself allows him to turn his body into a living weapon. There is one weak spot but Daenir has only told one person and that is the King
▬ Armed and Unarmed Combat: the skill is self explanatory but Daenir excels more with knives and the bow than he does with a sword  
▬ Able to fumble his way through any conversation with a shy smile and incomprehensible mumbling
♛ F A M I L Y ♛  
Fucked up. There is no other way to describe it. Feredir and Malrin consummated their love to hate your guts relationship after a drunken encounter in the middle of a storm. The Witch Hunter stole away with the child when he was barely a week old and turned him into a weapon that hunted his own kind. Feredir wants his weapon back, Malrin wants her son dead, Daenir just wants to train his apprentice, keep witches safe and stay loyal to the king.
▬ Feredir Havel || 49 || Father || Karl Urban || Witch Hunter
If ego had a proper name it would be Feredir Havel. He is a prideful, manipulative, charismatic man who takes pleasure in twisting others to his cause. He dislikes witches and the freedom they have, often taking great joy in killing or imprisoning them.   
▬ Malrin Échon || 46 || Mother || Charlez Theron || Head of the Witches Guild
Meaning lady crowned with gold. Malrin is the Head of the Witches Guild and seen as the most powerful witch in Veotis second to none until Daenir comes into his full power. She dislikes the fact that he can outdo her in just about anything without trying, the fact he spent the better part of six years actively killing and hunting his own kind might have something to do with it. Malrin cursed her son to hear the dying cries of those he has killed for the rest of his days
▬ Caladwin Échon || Deceased ||  Sister || Kaya Scodelario || Witch
She’s dead, nothing else to say
♛ B I O G R A P H Y ♛
Born the only son of Feredir Havel and Malrin Échon, Daenir spent the first years of his life being nothing but a tool to his father’s endgame. Feredir and Malrin consummated their love to hate your guts relationship after a drunken encounter in the middle of a storm resulting in the birth of Daenir a month earlier than normal. When he was barely a week old, Fereldir had his hunters kidnap his son and bring the baby back to Calia where he would spend the next fourteen years being raised as an ‘unofficial’ weapon to hunt his own kind.
Daenir committed his first hunt when he was a few months shy of fifteen, whilst it was widely known that the hunt went spectacularly wrong in every way possible, the truth being much bloodier than that. False intelligence was given which resulted in the death of a young witch and her parents, an act that would only serve to fuel the boy’s hatred of his own kind {and come back to haunt him years later}.
Whilst Feredir kept up his charade as a respectable Witch Hunter who kept to the law, he continually sent Daenir out into the world in order to rid the world of ALL witches. This carried on until Daenir was eighteen and came to the attention of his mother, now head of the Witches Guild in Veotis. Daenir killed the wrong witch who happened to be his half-sister and ended up spending the next year running from the wrath of his own mother, a woman he didn’t even know.
The hunt ended back in Veotis in the heart of the Aedis Forest where Daenir was taken down by the combined effort of the entire Guild. A curse was laid upon Daenir to hear the cries of his victims until the day he died, and then he was locked away into the darkness of Aedis Prison with a single warden who would be rotated by Malrin every month. Whilst the woman didn’t want her son to die just yet, she didn’t want him to be free to go about his life like he hadn’t caused harm to his own kind. That was her revenge for the death of her dear daughter.
When Cóven and his royal guard found the prison hidden in the Aedis Forest, Daenir was near feral from being chained and locked away for so long. With the assistance of Cedric Ebe, Cóven was able free him from the magical bindings and take him back Aecor and the Summer Palace to try and help bring him back from insanity, helping him heal along the way.
With the assistance of Lady Helaena from Astronia and her apprentice Lady Everleigh, Daenir was able to come back to the world a bit at a time until his mind could function properly. After four years in darkness, he found it hard to trust anyone, first opening up to Cóven and then Cedric after he took up an apprenticeship with the Royal Sorcerer. The feeling of trusting someone was so unfamiliar but the knowledge that he actually belonged somewhere was something that Daenir accepted even if his mind told him no.
After meeting his mother in the middle of an Advisory Council meeting, Daenir was forced to come clean with his past, he half expected to be thrown back inside the darkness of the prison and his own mind. Instead of rejection, Daenir found acceptance from both his master’s and soon found himself inheriting the title of Royal Sorcerer when Cedric decided to retire. During the years he has been active in his current role, Daenir has taken to trying to right many of wrongs committed in his earlier years and bring peace to the world a little bit at a time.
♛ O T H E R ♛
▬ Has a pet Nyrk gifted to him by his father when he was a child. Aldir {named after the God of War} is incredibly aggressive to everyone but Daenir and the King. Ryo, a rare Panthera in Veotis, was a gift given to him by the former King, the beast is loyal and far more friendly than his counterpart Aldir
▬ Daenir is basically Fenris and I will fight you if you say otherwise
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