#[ pwease dont tell mom ]
mystic-faraday · 3 years
UTIL Plays Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Case: Turnabout Goodbyes)
Key: In Game Text Umi, Mu, Rin, Ammo, Bibi, Nocturnal, Ashe, Lucas
-I lost the first like 20 minutes of this case because of my internet fuck
-"Shit I lost connection" "Edgeworth? Did you do it? *Edgeworth Leaves*" "HE'S DODGING THE QUESTION"
-"Maya thinks im a murder" “Maya thinks everyone is a murder”
-Gumshoe: He doesn't stop talking about you "Like edgeworth couldnt get any gayer"
-"No camping" "Look someones camping" 'NO CAMPING" "Good job camping in front of a no camping sign"
-About Lotta "She looks like a pumpkin"
-"A working relationship" "MAYA SEE'S RIGHT THROUGH THAT BULLSHIT"
-About Larry: "Not a single thought behind his eyes" "I think his brain is made of rocks, and not in an endeering way"
-The big news "OF THE MURDER?"
-“We should do a podcast” "That's the millenial version of we should start a band”
- We’re all convinced Kiyance isn’t real
-Wow Its really real "Just like Larry's girlfriend" "Just like Kiyance"
-Unanimous Grossberg's on thin fucking ice
-Grosberg has sky energy
-I saw edgeworth and I knew he had daddy issues but I didnt know it was this bad
-Phoenix kinnie vs oldbag kinnie if you think edgeworth is cute
-“This boy has been to therapy” “No he hasn't” “he most certianly hasnt” “UTIL Raises money to send edgeworth to Therapy”
-'i was having a #girl moment'
-'We need better communication, and by communcation i mean tell me in advance when you murder someone"
-“They're comparing schedules, I have lunch at one, murder at 1:30, I can do 2” “That'll give me time to hide the body”
-Gumshoe would cover up evidence for Edgeworth “Its about being Gay and doing Crime” “It's be gay do crime, not be gay and be held accountable for your crimes”
-"Can I cancle for jury duty” "I gotta go to my mom's birthday tomorrow sorry"
-Everyone needs a gumshoe in their life
-“Ten edgeworth is one old man”
- Slight Tangent to Elf Piss Anon
-“ (Manfred) Looks like one of those people who goes 'Covid isnt real' and is first in line to get vaccinated”
-Manfred Von Karma is the ultimate Karen
-“This judge is Whipped” “If you think he's whipped now”
-"You are far from normal" "YOURE ONE TO TALK PHOENIX" "That's a LOTTA Audacity"
-"I'll beat you like a blue headed stepchild" "Blue Headed?" "(Lotta) has red headed, she can't say red headed”
-“ My face hurts from smiling and its so hard to be a villain right now”
-If Manfred von Karma giggled I think I would piss myself in fear
- Phoenix voice: Englage
-“We dont have a meter but we do have a Miles” “OH MY GOD HE'S INNOCENT BECAUSE OF THAT PUN”
-“Phoenix is flirting the only way he knows how - Edgeworth's love language is insults”
-“Edgeworths lips were staring to quiver” "Gumshoe why were you staring at his lips"
-Miles Edgeworth and Maya Fey are best friends "You know they have steel samurai marathons" "The would go to comic con together" "THEY WOULD COSPLAY TOGETHER"
-Ace Attorney Comic Con is called Sam-Con Phoenix is there for emotional support for Edgeworth and Maya Gumshoe would staff for a con, Security Detail
-“Ill be better the next time I witness a murder” "THAT'S SOME FORESHADOWING"
-“Maya the moment Edgeworth makes it out on bail :So edgeworth is a little bitch” “DOES EVERYONE IN THE COURT WANNA KNOW EDGEWORTH'S TRAUMA” 'We're no longer going to Samcon"
-How do we catch a monster with a fishing pole "Are we fighting ganon?"
-“Pwease dont cross examine my witness mr judge”
-Larry jumped out of the audience, landed on Von Karma's desk and procreeded to roll off it and to the stand
-"im bluffing stay with me maya"
-Explaining the lore as to why edgeworth didnt fall off the boat
-Yanni Yogi and Oldbag ran away together 'no, she deservse better'
-“Wright there's so little time left” "Wright I'm in love with you" "Maya in the back: YEAH NO SHIT, WE'VE KNOWN FOR HOURS" "Maya's on trial for murdering the romantic moment in the trial" "Larry Voice: HEY YOU DOING SOMETHING OVER HERE?!"
-"You don't know him how i know him" "Carnally?”
- “To Meet Edgeworth” "Wow this is so gay" "There is no heterosexual explainiation to this"
-"Phoenix wright kins Elle Woods without knowing what kinning is"
-Solid 5 minutes about how good ace attorney is as a game and how good the character development is.
-Consensus that Edgeworth is not at all overrrated and a properly rated character.
-Umi burmping in character 10/10
-“he isnt in here” "He's in the ceiling" "CEILING VON KARMA"
-Mass hatred for front view Von Karma
-"I can see why Edgeworth has Nightmares, all Von Karma had to do was smile at him"
-"It's not even in content of court anymore, its more like resentment of court"
- Von Karma Voice "You piss your pants too boy"
-"We're removing the bullet right here right now Maya put him under anesthetic"
-"Wright, I'm not sure how to say this" "Then Kiss Me"
- Monotone: whooooooop
-Winston Payne's japanese name is Ouchie. That's all
-Collective crying over Ghost Mia during the ending photo
Bonus: Collective Crying over RTGames Von Karma moments
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babbling-idiot · 4 years
Colin gray x reader
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Request: On the prompt list: 9 angst, 8 fluff and 22 on random with Mr. Colin Gray pwease!! I love you btw!
9. “Why are you awake?”
8. “Sleep over? Please?”
22.  “Good thing I didn’t ask for your opinion.”
Warnings: non
(Hey there anon thanks for requesting this. I had fun writing it. Luckily I felt like writing so thank you again, kinda set me in the right mood. Hope you enjoy!)
Tonight was not your night to say the least. It was confusing and all in all kinda ridiculous. You had tried to fall asleep countless of times, even trying desperately to get a hold of any one so you can talk. Obviously everyone was asleep at this time of night and they would probably be too tired anyway to talk, so your options were down to none. But there was one person that came to mind, that was probably asleep but would maybe stay up with you. Colin Gray. You and him had became friends after bumping into each other in the hall one day at school. You both somehow ended up knocking each other onto the ground and later became partners in a group project, so yall decided to become friends.
As you sit up in bed you squint down at your phone rifling through your recent messages until you come across a certain name "Emo Boi". You press the call button and wait. A few rings later and your hope is dying out, until you heard a groggy "I dont know who the hell this is but you better have a good reason as to waking me up this late." He says, clearly he was dead asleep before he answered. "I do actually. I am fully awake and bored. I have no one to talk to so I resorted to calling you, so what up?" You heard what sounded like moving around on the other side of the phone, you could imagine him sitting up in his bed. "Why are you awake?" " I'm bored colin. I need to do something to help me fall asleep. Like talking, talking makes me tired and your the one person that might help me." "Why, 'cause you think I'm boring?" "What! No, you know that's not it. Your an amazing writer and you have stories. That the only reason." He rolls his eyes at this "Well my phone is at 25% and I left my charger at your house so I'm not gonna be able to talk for long.." "Sleepover." Theres silence on the other end, maybe you broke him "huh?" "Sleepover? Please?" "B-but...i.....ugh....fine." "What you say?" "I said fine!" You smile to yourself "Keep me on the phone please!" "First, you wake me up for god only knows what then you want me to run down my phones charge. You are very lucky I like you.." you chuckle at this "Yes I know. Now hurry up." Just as you thought the night couldn't get any better all of a sudden you hear his music slightly playing. Bullet with butterfly wings? Smashing Pumpkins! Since when did he listen to there music. "You listen to Smashing Pumpkins? You like there music? How old are you colin!" "Good thing I didnt ask for your opinion." You scoff "oh come on, it's a good song. There is way worse shit you could listen to." "Oh yeah like what?" "PPAP. You know that pineapple song." "Oh jesus, that guy still haunts my dreams. Dont remind me please." At this point your laughing, almost falling off your own bed. You sit up fast in your bed when you hear what sounds like a car door outside. You walk over to your window and see colin making his way to the side of you house. Luckily your parents hadn't moved that ladder there, if they did then you and colin would be in a pickle. He climbs up and walks over to your window. You open it for him and he crawls in but ultimately fails and falls onto the floor. He then gets up and goes to sit down at your desk "Alright two things. One is your face okay and two what the hell are you wearing." He was wearing a black and red striped tank-top with what looked like his boxer-briefs but you didnt think he'd be that careless. He looks down at his clothes and realizes his mistake.  "Im fine. Last time I was here I accidentally left both my charger and some clothes so can I see them please." You nod and go over to your closet. You bend down and pick up the small pile of clothes and hand them over. He slips on the pair of pajama pants and then settles back down onto your bed. "So I'm here, I'm present! What do you wanna do?" "Well mom and dad have to leave early this morning so maybe we could put a movie on and talk about shit?!" "I like the sound of that. I'm picking the movie tho." You scoff "You picked last time!" "Yeah that was last time and this time you woke me up dead at night, so you got two options either i leave and your bored or I pick a movie. Careful this is a very critical situation." He says raising an eyebrow. You chuckle and roll your eyes "Just hurry and come sit down." He smile and slides a dvd in before jumping onto the bed.
Not even far into the movie your already fast asleep against his shoulder and hes running his fingers through your hair. You shift and he freezes, afraid he woke you but you ultimately snuggle into his side and he smiles even wider. He wraps his arm around you and lays his head back against the head board. "I love you y/n. I wish I was brave enough to tell you. You deserve so much, i hope I'll be the one to give you everything your heart desires, goodnight." He says as he kisses the top of your head. You smile slightly, hearing every word he had just said, little did he know.
(Hey there again. So to everyone, the prompts are very enjoyable to me so please do request for anyone in my masterlist. I am really trying to write stuff in my own time and hopefully will have a few fics out soon, so fingers crossed🤞😬. Hope you enjoyed this, have an amazing day/night and stay safe in the world plzzzzzz!!)
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i-miss-my-90gb · 7 years
ohfnur eymom and i are in the same art class...she doesnt know i failed this once,,,im retaking it to raise my gpa guys its the same teacher this was like,,,,two semesters ago asdjngfadgd
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riverleyk · 3 years
SCRAPPED CHAPTER: Dimitri Watches his father's broadcast (MK3: Dimitri Project)
Dimitri watches his father’s broadcast Jack and Dimitri go to a cafe. A small ginger boy greets them Emilien: Hewwo! Welcome to Flavorsham Bistro! I’m Emilien and I’ll be your waiter :3 Jack: How old are you!? Emilien: 13! I started working here 2 weeks ago! I’m so excited- do you want chocowate!? It’s on special! She turns to dimitri in shock: What kind of labor laws do you even have in Canada!? Dimitri shrugs: Hey dont look at me, I dont know why a kid is working here either. Emilien: I dont work here, I volunteer! I do home schwool, and my mummy’s sick so I take her shifts He points to a small can with a picture of a woman on it Emilien: Will you donate, pwease? Jack: you lisp and accent are disgusting. What is she sick with? Emilien whistles out of his 2 buck teeth. He’s missing them because, ya know baby teeth fall out. Emilien: I don’t twalk like this normally! I’m missing teeths! Jack: How cute, but I dont care. Emilien (nervous): I was told to tell people that she has cancer.
Jack: How suspicious, I’ll send a formal complaint to the bureau of investigations. They sit down and get hot chocolate, because they’re just teens. Jack: I’m glad you could meet me here dimitri. Dimitri: Yes… just us eating croissants at our favorite British cafe that serves French cuisine. And its not a date. Jack nods: Not a date. Anywho… You’re interested in why my father and I moved to canada? Dimitri: yes Jack: Yes… it’s a top secret case, but… it’s so cool! Antonio Dreyas escaped from prison lately, and canada reached out to MY FATHER, the world’s greatest detective to go find him! Dimitri goes pale: Tony drey? Jack: Yea! Antonio Dreyas. Dimitri: Nobody calls him that, and your dad is going after my dad!? I didnt even know he escaped Jack: No… the probability that- *gasp* That’s why I recognized you when we first met! You cant be serious… you look so much- Dimitri: I know I look like my dad… I hate my face. Jack: Well… thats great! She gets out a note pad and pen: Tell me everything you know about him! This cafe isnt exactly a prison cell but I can interrogate you here! Dimitri glares Jack: What? I’m just curious Dimitri: Jacquelyn, this is impolite on so many levels. Jack: ok, well I supposed I can tell you the information I have first. Tony broke out in the middle of July, and Canadian officials have been on high alert ever since. The public wasn’t informed because it would cause panic, but my dad is close to finding me. We located a safe in northern Montreal, and right now my dad and the rcmp are negotiating with those thugs to let us have access inside. It contains a lot of cash, and potentially, Tony. Dimitri looks away: Then why did you want to interrogate me? I havent seen my dad since I was a kid. 6 Jack: its interesting that you still refer to him as your father. Havent you disowned him? He’s done so many terrible things… Dimitri: Because I still have memories of him as my dad. He was kind, and caring. He was there for me when I was a kid. it’s… he was a family man and a criminal, why dont nobody understand that? Jack: because its a confirmed fact that he was a womanizer and potentially god a dozen or so women pregnant. Havent you seen the trial where all those women testify against him? Dimitri whimpers: I have… a memory of it, but I watched it when I was young Jack gasps: wait thats right… you’re 16! You must have only been- Dimitri: 7. I was 7 when he was arrested. Jack: how did it happen? Dimitri: I was in third grade. Coming home from school. There were police officers all around my house and my dad was in cuffs. I was really small so I ran thru the crowd and hugged onto my dad’s leg. Nobody pulled me away ///////////// Flash back /////////////// Young dimitri: Daddy! Whats going on? Tony: Its alright, Walt. Dont cry. He kneels down by his boy and pets his hair Tony: I have to go. I’ll be gone for a very long time, but even tho I wont be with you, daddy loves you, Walter. I really do. Dimitri just cries and goes under the cuffs to hug him: Where are you going? Tony: Prison. I made a lot of mistakes. But promise me dimitri, you wont watch the new with mommy anymore. Dimitri: uh… what did you do??? Tony kisses his forehead before being forcefully put into the care Kiel picks up the boy and holds him. /////////// Back to reality //////////////// Dimitri: I did watch the news. My mom encouraged me too. It was confusing. There were so many words I had to look up in the dictionary. I remember him arguing with a woman about a baby that she killed… and him being guilty… It took me years to understand, but those who knew my dad, they started to hate me. My own mother stopped talking to me, I grew up into his face and people on the street give me bad looks. I was 13 and some woman called the cops on me. She thought I was him. Jack and him stay quiet for a bit Jack: I have that broad cast recorded at home. I- Dimitri: Can I watch it again? Jack: Why? Dimitri: I want to understand what it means. Im old
enough now, I can handle it. Jack sighs but accepts Later that night they do to her house and sit on the couch They watch the broad cast Im getting really tired of typing but essentially They accuse Tony of rape, murder, theif and drug selling Annabelle testifies that he was at raves trying to sell drugs and would cause violent riots Kiel testifies that she didnt know he was a monster. She cries and apologizes saying she would have called the police sooner if she knew and that her heart is broken due to the number of women he raped Nick’s mom testifies that he raped her Then theres Stellas mom. She was his second in command in the mafia. They grill her about her cries but she’s silent on trial, until they mention a baby. Tony eggs her to know where the baby is, but she’s quiet until she cracks… “I disposed of it.” Tony for the first time on trial breaks and shows fear. He screams what he wanted that child, that he wanted to be a father and run away with her Dimitri breaks while watching that. Knowing his father wanted to run away to start a new family, as well as finally understanding the severity of the crimes he committed. He cries I’M REALLY TIRED OF WRITING THIS Basically Jack sucks at comforting dimitri, and he explodes at her Calling her out for trying to be better than him even tho he has no dad, is failing school, has no friends and his life sucks. Her trying to be better than him, a guy with a pathetic life makes her worse than him by default cause its pathetic . He tells her he refuses to tutor her in French and leaves.
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cherrystrawberrie · 6 years
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yuzenji-archive · 4 years
a ha ha could i pls get some hcs for daichi, ushijima and iwaizumi and their partner is done with this online school quarantine shit and how they would help them out? gn!reader pwease 🥺👉👈 ily! ~@daichi-stan
| riza: ngl doing online school was more stressful than being in school
hes the best emotional support u would ever have
yeah hes strong and all,,, but when it comes to academics
he aight
his days maybe consist of his;
calling u on skype or whateva just helping u with whatever u need
“whats that formula again”
“which one”
“i dont know thats why im asking”
he would actually just close his eyes for a sec And Look At U
if he could, he would just do u work for u
but since he cant hed actually just help u via skype
if yall had the same classes, he would not know wtf is happening so he’s lost
but homie is gonna try his best to help u with ur stuff too
“wakatoshi-kun can u help me with this”
“what is it”
i feel like wakatoshi likes science,,,, my gut is telling me that he probably does so hes all up for helping u in science!!
but essay writings, math - he’s OUT
he likes to read tho, he would be up to do ur readings for u and just tell u what to write or something like that
who even likes math
another homie who is ABSOLUTELY OVER IT
i feel like i just have a feeling that hajime would not touch his assignments for a few days and come back to it and just sigh at how many there are
it’s a teamwork between u and hajime when it comes to working on this online school thing
he would definitely keep u on call or video call and u would so hear how frustrated he is with this
like he cant even go and visit u bc his mom probably forbids him from going out DNKWKE
as u can see, a stressed baby
but he would push everything out of the way just to help u with ur homework
“when this quarantine shit is over im taking u out on a date”
actual iwaizumi quote
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ask-nene-ps · 4 years
Pwease dont die youwe so poggews
“That’s what my mom tries to tell me” She joked
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sapphicgarlic · 4 years
Single moms reader quarantined with harry
I am very tired and didnt study at all so I feel dirty  BUT LIKE IMAGINE HOW SWEET IT WOULD BEEEEEE
like maybe you are running out of things do entertain bugs with ( there is so much Paw Patrol and coloring books can do) and one day you just sleep in, maybe because you are very tired from running up and down with the little one, but when you wake up you just hear giggles and little screams from downstairs. 
and there is the both of them in their pjs because wearing ´real´ clothes while home just feels wrong and bubs have harry's phone on their hands running around with it. 
"just discovered that google has this app that you can project paintings and see them on their real sizes.” harry says seeing your confusion, last time you saw you're little baby that excited was when you told that you all would spend the day on the beach. “ been running like crazy this one”
“mummy! mummy look! pwetty flowers!”
“little love” when those words slips from Harrys lips buns attention goes all to the curly boy, that was harry's special nickname to your baby and your heart would melt every time you heard that. “mummy's awake, we can eat breakfast now.”
“yes, baby?” “ pancakies? pwease?”
“pancakes it is then.”
if any single mom is reading this, girl let me tell you YOU ARE THE BADDEST BITCH. taking care of babies, even though it is very rewarding, is very tiresome and there is nothing wrong with feeling tired (my mom always feels guilty for feeling that  WHICH IS NONESENSE!! YOUR EMOTIONS ARE VALID)  keep in mind that you are doing the best you can -- I am SURE -- and even though you may make mistakes you make them because you always wants the best for your bubs SO DONT beat yourself up!!!! (my mom says that to me a lot!!)
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windupnamazu · 5 years
7, 9, 12!!!!
7) Where does your character hail from?
la noscea, babey! if we say that the maps in game are not at all to scale, i like to think her familys farm is nestled somewhere between costa del sol and red rooster steed - a very idealistic mix of eastern la nosceas beach and tropical climate, and the white cliffs and farmland of lower la noscea. i dont know how well that would actually mesh together but my heart tells me thats what it needs to be
in my head it has some major ponyo vibes - a farmhouse on a very lush hill, an orange orchard in a cute little valley down the hill, windmills dotted along the cliff, little paths down to small beach nooks… super picturesque, pre-calamity anyway
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now i have to rewatch ponyo ;w; 
her Adventuring Papers™ would list her as a lominsan!
9) Any favorite areas in the game?
i love… all of la noscea! but i have a mega soft spot for lower la noscea, particularly the area right outside the gate to limsa all the way up to red rooster steed. i love those windmills!! i love farms!!! cliffs!!! the ocean!!!! [flails my arms so hard i smack a mandragora out of the zone]
other notable areas are western thanalan - crescent cove, which is where lunyas mom was born, eastern thanalan - the burning wall, zenith, yanxia, tamamizu, mor dhona - around st coinachs find, absolutely anywhere in lakeland since its 90% purple and you can see the crystal tower from any given point… okay, theres a lot of pretty places in this game im very fond of
12) What job/class would you like to see added to the game?
i honestly dont know very much about other ff games (ive played like, three hours of 10 and thats it!! oops!) but based on speculation from people who have i would like to see geomancer! i really like that they confirmed it exists in ffxiv through the astro quests, but… make them more than reskinned conjurers….pwease. i want to jingle some bells
also i know they said they werent going to do branching classes anymore, but i still wish rogue had a non-ninja option? picking an oc to be a ninja was hard because it doesnt transition very smoothly between aesthetics, i think. maybe im overthinking it.
my expectations for the next expansion are a fourth healer and caster (blu doesnt count!!) and if theyre not gonna give ast its time magic back they better use it on another job >:C
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