#[ so even though it's his birthday he wants to repay fang back in some way ahdskjahdkjsa ]
causalitylinked · 1 year
"Happy Birthday, Birthdayboy," Fang basically greeted him with wide spread arms, before slowly lowering them, realizing he would not get the message and extra bow down to her for an embrace. Worth a try. "Ah, anyway... I got you something, no take-backs." Reaching behind herself for her bag to pull a letter out, in which he found a hand-painted piece in the size of a postcard. When painting it, it had been another reminder that she still does not know him at all, so she went the safe way and simply tried to mimic her favorite style and drew a clearing, which could be possibly mistaken for a scene in almost any ghibli movie. Perhaps he liked the feeling of real paint on his fingers and would appreciate her craftsmanship, even if small. "Maybe you got a pinboard," she suggested. "Or the bin." Keeping her smile, considering she would never find out anyway.
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            it's ryuto's birthday » always accepting!
    "Ah... thank you very much," Ryuto politely remarks before initiating a half bow. Of course, he had an inkling Kobato probably told her beforehand, hence why he doesn't question how Fang knows. Still, upon seeing her spreading her arms further out towards the sides, he's quick to raise a brow, for it wasn't as if he understood such subtle social cues to be able to deduce what particular meaning was behind it, but regardless, he soon finds himself shaking his head, as if in complete disbelief over the fact she went this far... for him, no less.
    "That truly wasn't necessary, Gao-san... but since you came all this way, I suppose I shall indulge you by seeing this gift you so kindly procured for me. Now, what was it?" Ryuto states before watching her pull out what looked to be a small, hand painted piece of a clearing, which immediately has his gaze soften... and slowly, he'll extend a gloved hand to gently pluck it up from her hands while letting his gaze roam across it.
    "Interesting. Did you paint this yourself? It's certainly not bad; in fact, this scenery reminds me quite a bit of Hayazaki Miyao's cinematic pieces... and if nothing else, would serve as suitable placeholder on my desk," Ryuto finally remarks, and sure enough, he'll lift his other palm to rest idly along his cheek as his gaze shifts down towards Fang once more.
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    "...Well, at any rate, I don't hate it," came his eventual admittance, which for once, sounded rather sheepish coming from his lips. "Where do you live, Gao-san? Perhaps I can escort you back home... without Kobato being around to hassle us."
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strawberry--bride · 3 years
DIABOLIK LOVERS Haunted Dark Bridal ー Sharon’s Route [DARK EPILOGUE]
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Location: Kitchen
Mother: Ready...?
She places a large cake on the table.
Father: Go ahead, open your eyes!
Little girl: Wah...~! 
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Mother & Father: Happy birthday!
Little girl: A strawberry cake!
Father: I can’t believe my little girl is turning five years old already.
Mother: Fufu, they do grow up fast.
Father: Come on, blow out the candles and make a wish!
Little girl: Mmh! ...Phewー!
*Clap clap clap*
Mother: Of course, we got you a present as well!
Father: It’s small, but we think you’ll like it a lot.
They hand her the present.
Little girl: Let’s see...
*Rustle rustle*
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Little girl: Ah...
Mother: What do you think?
Little girl: It’s a strawberry! ...Looks yummy~
Father: Haha, don’t eat that one. It’s a hair clip after all.
Mother: We wanted to give you something you could keep on you at all times. That way, there will always be a part of us with you, even when we’re apart.
Little girl: Mommy! Can you put it in my hair?
Mother: Of course. Hold still one second, okay?
Father: Look at that! Our little strawberry!
Little girl: Does it look good?
Mother: Fufu, why don’t we take a picture to remember today?
Little girl: Yes!
Father: Let me get the camera!
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Little girl: Mama, papa!
Mother: Hm? 
Father: What’s wrong?
Little girl: ーー Thank you. I love you!
Mother & Father: Haha...
Mother: We love you too.
Father: In the past, the present ー and in the future. 
Mother: You were everything we could ever wish for. 
Our cute, little...
ーー Nozomi (*). 
Location: Sakamaki manor ;;  Sharon’s room
Sharon: Nn...I can’t sleep.
She sits up on the bed.
Sharon: ( In the end, I never found my hair clip... )
Sharon reached underneath her pillow, clutching a photograph against her chest.
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Sharon: Mom, dad...
I’m sorry. The hair clip you gave me...I lost it.
( I always thought that as long as I had that hair clip, there would always be a part of them with me. )
( So what should I do now...? )
( Aside from this picture and mom’s recipe book, I barely have anything left of my past... )
Perhaps this is a sign...
A sign that it’s time to move on.
*Knock knock*
Sharon: ...!!
( Who could that be...? )
She runs over to the door to open it.
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Subaru: ...Yo.
Sharon: ...Subaru-kun? What brings you here?
Subaru: ...Nothin’ special. Besides, you’re our prey, so I shouldn’t have to justify myself!
Sharon: R-Right! ...Come on in.
( I better not upset him. I don’t want a hole in my bedroom wall... )
Subaru steps inside the room.
Subaru: ...Here.
Sharon: Eh?
Subaru: This is yours, right?
Sharon: That’s...!!
Sharon: My hair clip...! Where did you find it!?
Subaru: The entrance hall. Don’t leave your shit layin’ ‘round. You’re lucky I’m the one who picked it up this time. 
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Sharon: Thank you so much! I honestly don’t know how to repay you...I thought I had lost it forever.
Subaru: Haah? ...’s fine. Besides, don’t make such a big deal out of a hair clip.
Sharon: I’m sure it’s nothing but an ordinary hair clip to others, but it holds a special meaning for me.
ーー This hair clip was given to me by my late parents.
Subaru: ...
Sharon: No other hair clip could ever replace it. ーー So thank you, I mean it.
Subaru: Che...
Sharon: Are you sure there’s no way I could return the favor?
Subaru: ...Oi, do you understand what you’re saying?
Sharon: Eh?
Subaru: There’s only one thing a Vampire could want from a human, right?
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Sharon: ...!?
( H-He pinned me against the door...!? )
Subaru: I’m not all that thirsty right now, but since you insist...Hehe.
Sharon: W-Wait! I neverーー
Subaru: Too late to back out now.
He leans in close.
Subaru: ...Hah?
Sharon: ...?
( What’s wrong? He’s staring right at me... )
Subaru: You...
Sharon: Kyah!
( My nightgown...! )
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Subaru: I knew it...
Sharon: (  Ah... )
( Those marks... )
( That’s where Shuu-san bit me earlier... )
Subaru: Reiji...? No, Shuu...? 
Tsk. You gave me a whole sentimental speech ‘bout your hair clip earlier, but instead of actually lookin’ for it, you were lettin’ that guy feed off you, huh?
Sharon: N-No, Iーー!
Subaru: What? Trying to make excuses now? These marks don’t lie though.
I bet you enjoyed it, didn’t you? Heh. All of you human chicks are the same.
I don’t like the idea of havin’ someone else’s leftovers, but since you’re so persistent ‘bout thanking me, I’ll give you these fangs.
ーー Right here.
Subaru bites her.
Sharon: Ah...!
( His fangs...are sinking inside my shoulder... )
( It hurts...! )
Subaru: Nnh...Mm...
Sharon: Uu...
Subaru: ーー Hah! ...Not bad for some dull human.
It flashes black before her eyes for a few seconds.
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Sharon: ( Huh...? )
Subaru: ...?
Sharon: ( I feel a little...light-headed for some reason... )
( Could it be because I had my blood sucked twice on the same day...? )
Subaru: Oi...
Sharon: ( It’s no use...My consciousness is slipping... )
Everything fades to black as she collapses.
Subaru: ーー Oi!!
Amidst my fading consciousness,
I could have sworn I heard Subaru-kun’s voice,
calling out for me.
ー No, the name falling from his lips.
Isn’t who I truly am. 
Or is it? 
At this point,
I no longer know myself. 
What I do know,
is when I opened my eyes again,
I was met with the familiar warmth and softness of my bed.
Sharon: Nn...
*Rustle rustle*
She opens her eyes in her room.
Sharon: ...My bed? How did I...?
Subaru: Che. You’re finally awake? Took you long enough.
Sharon: Subaru-kun...
( Right. I started feeling faint right after Subaru-kun sucked my blood. )
( Does that mean he’s the one who carried me back to bed? )
Subaru: Honestly, you humans are way too frail. 
You lose a few drops of blood and immediately collapse.
Sharon: ( I’m sure I lost more than just a few drops... )
( However, despite his complaints, he actually stayed my by side until I woke up. )
...Thank you.
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Subaru: H-Haah!? Why are you thankin’ me!? I only stayed ‘cause I had nothin’ better to do! Don’t get the wrong idea!
Sharon: ...Fufu.
Subaru: What’s so funny!?
Sharon: Oh, nothing...~ 
Subaru: ...Che. Seems like you’ll be fine. I’m leavin’ then.
Sharon: Mmh. I’ll be okay.
Once again, thank you so much for returning my hair clip.
Subaru: ...Whatever.
Subaru leaves the room.
Sharon: Phew...
( I still feel a little sluggish. I should get some more rest. )
( Ah. The photo. I must have forgotten to put it back earlier. )
Sharon returns family photo to the recipe book before slipping it underneath her pillow.
Sharon: There we go...
She reaches for the hair clip on her bedside table, pinning it to her side bangs.
Sharon: Welcome back...Mom, dad.
<- [ Dark 10 ] [ Maniac Prologue ] ->
Writer’s notes
(*) Sharon’s birth name is Nozomi (望実) written with the characters for ‘hope/wish’ and ‘sincerity/honesty’. 
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littlemeangreen · 4 years
Happy snake day awkward-birthday-girl
@awkward-snake-girl HooWah this is late I’m so sorry about it god but I didn't like some of it and then I got distracted so the whole time of writing is me forgetting and then deleting and rewriting b UT!
“O-oh, Mahogany!” Mattie’s face was pulled into a tight smile as she stared down at the carcass of a bear. Where did the Jötun even get or find a bear this size? Actually, she wasn’t sure she wanted to know. Not when Mahogany’s jaw made those awful cracking noises and rows of teeth eventually pushed back into a regular jaw, even though the Jötun kept two large fangs that made them look like the foo dog statues Mattie had seen once. “Where did you...get this? And wh-why?” 
Mahogany tilted their head before chirping and patting the large corpse. “S’a gift! For you! Ya like gifts, ya?” A lot of humans liked them apparently and Mattie had always been nice so obviously she deserved the best gifts of them all! It was rather smart of them to get her something she could eat for weeks and not worry about finding fresh meat. 
They hoped that Mattie would like the meat. Mahogany had gotten into a rather bad fight in order to take it out and it was probably obvious by the sight of long scratches along their back. The Jötun chuffed happily when Mattie’s face softened and the small mutant reached out towards them, running her hands along their arm. Really...it was a sweet gesture, even if it seemed that Mattie was going to be forced to deal with a bear’s corpse for whoever knows how long.
Mattie heard another chuff of joy before she was being nuzzled and a rough tongue began to swipe across her cheek, making the snake mutant grin. SHe grinned even more when Mahogany pulled away and tilted their head. “Ya wan’nah ride me in’a for’rest?”
“Heck yeah!”
She tried to not smile as Skaar led her along the hall. It was easy to tell that Skaar was being careful to not let Mattie trip or hear anything that could give away the surprise that was waiting for her. 
“Okay,” the grey hulk finally removed his large hands from Mattie’s face, delighting in the way her face pulled into an expression of shock and delight. “Mattie can look now!” He had been working on her surprise for days, enough time that Skaar had needed the rest of the smashers to try and distract Mattie in comical ways over time. 
But it had been worth it, to see Mattie’s flick of joy across her face when Skaar opened the doors to reveal a dozen of baby raptors waddling around the living room. Leader was sat in the middle of them, looking more exhausted by the moment when he had small mouths nipping at him constantly. He seemed relived when Mattie and Skaar appeared, causing the raptors to come running towards them. 
“Oh my gooosh!” The snake mutant cooed, immediately falling to her knees so the little sweethearts could run up to her and crawl onto her lap. How darling were they? She sent a grin up to Skaar, who smiled back gently and was careful as he got to his own knees, chuckling happily as a raptor chirped and flicked its tongue over his hand. They were so small and delicate and they needed to be protected at all costs. 
Mattie gave a soft look before it suddenly became a question of what she was doing with such tiny cute creatures. “Skaar? What’s all this about?” Mattie asked, smiling when one of the raptors flicked his tongue over her fingers. “I mean, I’m not arguing against more sweet babies, but I thought Red and Hulk said no to having any more pets.” Which she supposed was true, there were a lot of animals around the base over time...
Skaar shrugged, not exactly wanting to tell Mattie that this had been done purely for her. Not because he didn’t want Mattie to not know she was loved! But Skaar knew that his girlfriend enjoyed surprises, mysteries of romance. He didn’t understand it exactly, but Skaar knew that he wanted to give this to Mattie. To make her happy. 
“Thank you, it means a lot-” She was going to say more about how such a gesture made her almost want to cry...but then the raptors tackled her and Mattie forgot about it completely in the midst of laughing happily. 
“Dae? Don’t you think this might be...” Mattie tried to not look so shocked at the sight of food almost overflowing on the table. There were a lot of meat dishes after Mattie had shared that she needed a fair bit of protein in her diet, but there were also a large amount of treats ranging from cakes to smaller baked goods such as batches of cookies and cupcakes. 
It was almost too much really and Mattie would have said so if it weren’t for the fact that she knew such a thing would hurt Dae. He showed affection through such gestures and it wasn’t like Mattie could ruin that for him...
The diamond-studded man blushed, or at least, did the gesture where he looked away and Mattie got the sense that he was blushing. It made her softened and after a moment, reach out to hold Dae’s covered hand. She wished that she could hold it properly and give him the affection most friends deserved. But Dae seemed happy enough with that as he smiled and gave the smallest squeeze back. 
“Too muh-much?” He finished her sentence and smiling bashfully, reaching up to play with a curl of his hair. “I kn-know but y-you deserve n-nice foods ah-and you al-always try and bake s-stuff for me!” It was too sweet of her and that’s why Dae felt like doing this, as a way to repay some of Mattie’s kindness...as well as a certain other gestures, like the one who was currently knocking at the door. 
It was going to hopefully be a good surprise, especially since Dae knew Mattie loved others like her, liked the fact that it made her feel less like a freak to have other people like her around. 
(A good part of Dae said that Mattie just liked the company and being able to relate to people like her but a bad part of Dae, the part that scrambled for survival with Iris, said that she just wanted people less human than her around to make herself feel much better.) 
(Dae ignored that part of him with everything he could muster. It wasn't fair or right to think in that manner.)
"Its oh-open!" Dae called out, knowing that the person on the other side of the door could hear perfectly. Mattie had given him a rather intense questioning look and the diamond-studded man knew that she would have worried about someone seeing her scales if it wasn't for the fact that Dae hadn't raced to cover his face. It was part of the surprise, one that he knew Mattie would love to meet.
Lace walked in, already unsurely checking around the building before his silver eyes fell onto Mattie and Dae. He still seemed to fiddle for the door for a brief moment before taking a step in and waving awkwardly. Dae waved back, a soft smile on his face when he saw Lace's eyes expand at the sight of all the treats. It made sense that a man made monster would need to eat a lot and he would have been happy to provide that for Lewis.
Lace's eyes fell onto Mattie and Dae could year the snake mutant gasp as silver and yellow scales bloomed across his face.
"Oh my gosh! You're a mutant too!" Mattie exclaimed in delight and if Dae was free with his emotions, he would have giggled at the squint Lace gave, the brief flicker of confusion before he felt his face up and relaxed, laughing awkwardly as he shut the door and made a bee - uh, snake? - line towards a particularly sweet looking cupcake.
"Aha, ah, no." Lace shrugged and winced a little when Mattie wilted in confusion. She was...cute and sweet, but he didn't want to give off the wrong idea in case she got in over her head. "I'm not...anything really." When he saw her confused face, Lace waved a hand and offered a small smile, telling her that he could explain more to her later. It wouldn't be good to make her feel upset over what he was when she was supposed to be spoiled.
And besides, that wasn't what he was here for. Lace cleared his throat, rolled his shoulders and took a small thread of joy in the fact that he had been granted permission to have an obvious display of his powers. There was an ugly series of cracks and soon Mattie was staring with shocked reverence at the long connecting Naga tail.
"Oh my gosh," Mattie said.
"Yeah." Lace agreed, already wondering what she would ask him to turn into.
"Lady Mattie!"
Said Mattie jumped as Edith's voice rang out over the living room she was lucky she hadn't been doing any sewing but it wasn't exactly Edith's fault. Asgardians would always be loud and expressive and that trait wouldn't change no matter what happned.
She gave a small smile as the tall woman whisked her way into the room, a self imposed mission was already clear to see on Edith's broad face. Honestly, if Red and Jen had a child, Mattie could clearly see their daughter being like Edith. The Valkyrie in training tended to treat everything like a mission and originally that had worried Mattie until Wulf had laughed and waved it aside, explaining that Edith would constantly be pulled in very direction if she were to not have a clear goal at all hours.
Mattie wasn't too sure what that could have meant but she wouldn't argue with a woman in her three hundreds.
"Yes? Is something wrong?" The snake mutant asked, furrowing her brows slightly. Nothing seemed to be wrong...
It made Mattie relax a little more when Edith noticed her worry and held up a reassuring hand. "Calm yourself lass, 'tis a matter of honour and great blight as we run into battle." Oh. That...sounded like Edith was inviting her to some sort of fight? Mattie wasn't really one for those, but she was willing to bet that it would be for a good cause if Edith was insistent on it.
The Asgardian smiled when Mattie seemed to give her full attention and waved her hand, making the small plants around Mattie's apartment bloom. "Lady Mattie, I have come to the realisation that most Midgardian women do not know the joy of finding a weapon that suits them." Alright, Mattie supposed she could see where this was going now and honestly, it was interesting to here Edith talk about these things.
She wasn't quite into weapons, and it must have shown on her face before Edith held up another hand, this time flicking it in a motion as Mattie felt her head get heavier with laurels. "Aye, I know you are soft at heart and do not enjoy the brush of a good fight. Which is why I also implied the help of...ah..."
Now this was making the snake mutant tilt her head in interest as roses started to bloom on the collar of Edith's shirt. Mattie almost wanted to ask what was up with it before she heard a familiar voice call out.
"Edith!" Jen blew out a breath as she walked in, shaking her head and raising an eyebrow at the shorter woman. "Maybe warn me next time when you're going to use trees to propel yourself forward?" She hardly seeme to notice the shift in flowers or the way that Edith looked away with a small nod.
Oh. Mattie bit back a grin and instead smiled sweetly towards Jen, getting up and laughing happily when the green hulk lifted her up for a hug. She would absolutely corner Edith and find out more about this later. But as of right now, she beamed when Jen placed her down gently, admitting the beautiful light blue dress she was wearing.
"I assume Edith told you about the weapons right?" Jen asked and smiled when Mattie nodded. "Oh good! Well, the weapons thing is because Edith wants you to find something a little more...you after I told her that Red gave you your dagger and I figured that maybe we could do a little bit of clothes shopping while we were at it!" It would be a fun day out with all of them and honestly, it would be nice to hang out with giant women.
"Sounds fun." Mattie smiled, giggling a little when Jen began to usher her towards her bedroom to get changed. It almost made her laugh to imagine it like a big dog ushering a small cat around.
"Hell yeah! Now be quick while I keep Goldie here company." Sunflowers suddenly bloomed across Jen's curls as Edith swallowed nervously and Mattie laughed harder. She would have to choose something floral today.
"'Ey." Sal chucked the gift bag onto Mattie's bed, face heating up as he looked away. "For you." As if Mattie was going to magically assume he had gotten this for her Ma or some shit.
The snake mutant jumped, glancing at Sal in surprise before looking down at the bag. It was...pretty actually. The bag was light blue and had dark blue swirls with little silver seashells stuck onto them. When opened, Mattie's eyes widened at the gifts inside. There wasn't a card with it, but that was alright. Mattie knew that Sal had issues with reading and writing so she was unothered. Besides, the actual contents of the bag were quickly distracting here.
There was a flower necklace, pure white with little blue jewels embedded into them. There were bracelets, gold and silver with the same blue gems embedded as well as a silver dress. There also seemed to be a lot of bath and bath items, which always seemed to be Sal's go to. Which was also appreciated since depsite Sal's flaws and the alien's idea of beauty could be...bad at times. But it often meant that he got why Mattie didn't like her skin.
Mattie looked up at the hybrid with wide eyes, already smiling brightly. Her fingers were itching to pull Sal into a hug and he probably sensed that, judging by the way he moved away a step and shoved a hand through his hair.
"Look, jus'...enjoy the gift an' stuff." He told the snake mutant, waving a hand as Sal smiled...or smirked. Mattie wasn't too sure of the difference but she liked this smile. Sal always got a little bashful and and he refused to look at her in the face, but Mattie got the idea of what he was trying to say.
She smiled, looking down into the gift bag one more time before clinging it close to her chest. "Thank you Sal." It was a nice gift and she would make good use of it, especially when she later checked and saw that he got the good soaps, ones that didn't burn her scales.
The bubbles smelt like brownies too.
Betty flapped her wings once, not paying any mind to the way Mattie squeaked and held on tighter. She didn't mind how tight the snake meant half on, Betty wouldn't really feel it, even if Mattie had more strength than the average human.
Apart from that, most things were still from how high up they were. The breeze was enough that she only needed to flap occasionally to stay up, relying on the breezes of the wind to stay afloat with ease while her Betty Jrs were flapping around, asking if they could soar yet and gossiping.
"Um, Betty?" Mattie shuddered in the air, not wanting to look down or face what would happen if the larger woman decided to let her fall. She almost hadn't wanted to come up here to the sky, but Betty always looked her happiest up in the sky and...well, Mattie can't say that it didn't look fun. So when Betty caught onto her staring and spread her wings to let Mattie climb onto her back.
She had been right. The view was stunning, all dry lands that shouldn't have been filled with life but were. Mattie could make out small animals living their lives and the flight had been wonderful, until Betty stopped in midair and hadn't moved in around ten minutes. Mattie had no idea what she was waiting for she had only begun to tense up more before Betty spoke.
"We're going to fall." The harpy said and after a beat of silence, carried on when Mattie made a nervous nosie. "And then fly."
"Fly?" She wanted to ask Betty what the point of that was, why they had to wait in the air like this. But she had hardly gotten another word in before Betty snapped her wings shut and let them fall.
Mattie's heart stopped and she began to scream.
They were plummeting, air rushing out of Mattie's lungs as the ground came closer and closer to her face.
Did Betty know that Mattie wouldn't survive such a fall? Was this a spark of the other Betty? The snake mutant wanted to scream, to beg the other woman to stop and pull up before she lost her life and Betty died for a few hours before she would rise again.
A small part of Mattie couldn't help but make comparisons to Jean Grey, before the school had blown up and she had fled with thoughts and fears of a woman who had fire in her veins and heart.
But just before they hit the ground, Betty's wings snapped upon and they suddenly soared in the air again, rising higher and making the snake mutant's stomach flutter from the force and feelings of it. Mattie couldn't even find it within herself to be upset with Betty about the action, especially when Mattie gazed upwards and locked eyes with Ava, who was gliding above them within a flock of bats that casted out the sunset.
It would have been a terrifying sight towards anyone else. But Mattie knew Ava and she couldnt grin hard enough at the fact that she had been showered with amazing gifts over the past few weeks and as she flew, with bats and birds gently looping around her and occasionally landing to be pet, Mattie thought that things wouldn't have been able to change more drastically from her old lives or that she had finally amassed a collection of good memories and friends that couldn't possibly get any better.
She got proven wrong later that night and laughed harder than ever when Rick and Mahogany started to have a limbo contest that ended up with them kicking Rick around like a ball.
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msmoonlighter · 6 years
All About Piper King! (It’s really long, sorry)
Full Name: Piper  Eurydice King
Ethnicity/Nationality: Mexican-Italian American
Age: 22 Family: Pierce Alastor King ( older half brother), Natalia Romero-Blackwell (Adoptive mother, Banshee ), Lysander Blackwell (Adoptive father, Vampire), Heather Brooks (Adoptive sister, not related to the Blackwells, Human turned werewolf, her family abandoned her after she was turned, they were hunters), Lorena King (Biological mother, Gorgon, an asshole),  Santiago Adder (Biological father, never met his kid, not an asshole, Gorgon, would actually make an okay dad)
Species: Gorgon, descendant of Stheno, one of the original three Gorgon Sisters Gender: Female Height/ Body type: She’s 5’3 and got a kinda slim thick thing going on. She’s a little curvy around the hips and thighs and chest, but not extremely so. Appearance: Dark/medium green snakes, pale green skin, red or gold eyes I can’t decide, red lips, I can’t decide whether I want her fangs to always be visible or if I want them to be like real snake fangs and have them only pop up when she opens her mouth. Guess I’ll alternate?
Job: Works at a bunch of places. She’s an art student, she needs that coin. She works as a barista at a coffee shop during the colder months, during the warmer months occasionally she works at a fast food joint where she gets to roller skate people’s food to their car and she LOVES rollerskating. She also babysits year round when she can because 1) she loves kids. They amuse her, and she has this weird motherly streak, and 2) A lot of monster kids love her snakes. A few are terrified of them, but she has a pretty good chance of getting the kids being enamored with them. And if she needs to get the kids to quit acting up, she pulls out the “you’re making the snakes sad” card. Her snakes play along and act all disappointed until the kid feels bad and complies. Dirty trick, but it works. If the kid is a little shit she has two options. Either she busts out the “I’ll turn you to stone, I won’t hesitate.” card, or  “I’m calling your mom and she’s not going to be happy.” Usually that doesn’t have to happen though because kids either adore her, or are scared shitless by her. Hobbies: Art, sculpting, painting, sketching, graphic design, the works. Also music. She’s a drummer for her brother’s band Sweet Poison Fangs or SPF and sometimes even sings for them. She also loves hiking, exploring nature, taking care of her snakes, reading books and comics, lowkey love of soccer (or futbol), and generally being creative or getting to be outdoors. LOVE SWIMMING. SO MUCH. LIKE WOW. WATER? GOOD SHIT. GIVE HER THAT H2O. She has a high key love of roller skating because when she moved in with her adoptive parents the first thing they did for family bonding time is go rollerskating and it became a tradition to go out roller skating on her birthday each year.
- Main  traits: Opinionated, independant, strong willed, kind hearted, laid back usually but she can have a temper, creative, casually (but very) affectionate, and loyal as FUCK, fun, outgoing, easily flustered by flirtatious behavior towards her (when welcomed), hardworking, compassionate
-Don’t mess with people she cares about she will come AFTER you - Cares about the environment and shows it. You littered? You pick it up or you become a new museum piece. She wears lots of “Save the (insert endangered species, or ecosystem here)” shirts and picks up trash whenever she sees it. Like doesn’t matter where she is, if there’s litter, she’s grabbing it and carrying it to the nearest trash can. Consequently, she uses a lot of trash in her art and repurposes a lot of stuff.
- May seem easygoing and fun but please don’t try to fight her, chances are you will get fucked up. She’s been taking MMA classes since she was twelve and lemme tell you, there is nothing hotter than seeing Piper punch, disarm, and take down, a mugger in four seconds flat.
-  I’m not gonna lie she’s a little bit flirty but she usually does it jokingly and makes that clear. The second you turn it around and flirt with her she becomes a mESS. An uncharacteristically flustered MESS.
- A bit of a perfectionist when it comes to her art and music, when she gets worried about school work she basically shuts down and loses the ability to give a shit to avoid stress. It’s a sucky coping mechanism and often her brother has to snap her out of it. Soon as he does though she’s IN IT TO WIN IT and won’t be stopped until she’s blown all her schoolwork out of the water. (Unless it’s done the day before then she’ll get like a C tops.)
-  She’s so loving and welcoming towards other people, like my god if see sees you crying she’s automatically there to ask if you’re okay and comfort you no matter if she knows you or not. But she’s not all kind. If you’re an asshole she’ll take one look at you, push her guilt away and go “Suffer.” But usually that’s reserved for people who have wronged others around her.
- She actually met one of her good friends, a half shadow demon, half vampire named Naomi at a cafe. She took one look at the tiny, shy girl in the corner, sipping her coffee and looking sad, and just casually walked over, slipped into the seat across from her, and said, “Hi. I’m Piper. Could you give me your opinion on a few drawings of mine?” And after they got to talking admitted that she came over because Naomi looked sad. She uses her quick wit and extrovertedness to make people smile and earns a lot of friends because of it.
- She’s kind of a bit self deprecating and has low self esteem, but she’s super supportive and uplifting towards everyone except herself.
- Straddling the line between true and chaotic neutral
Backstory: Her mother was, in short, fucked up. She had Pierce at eighteen, as a senior in high school, and then three years later had Piper, and they were both from different fathers. She lived in an apartment complex, running on money from her parents, and was kind of a shitty mom. Lorena fed them and stuff, but like, she wasn’t very loving or motherly. She was more like a vodka aunt who they just happened to live with. And she was an asshole.
She didn’t have a job, except for when she went and worked at McDonalds and that didn’t last more than a year. And it wasn’t like it was because she couldn’t get a job, it was just because she didn’t care. Whenever she got angry and frustrated she’d scream and curse and hit them, and let her snakes bite them.
Gorgons are immune to snake bites so it didn’t do anything but it still scared them and hurt because Lorena had rattlesnakes for hair. She went partying constantly, leaving Pierce and Piper to fend for themselves until late at night. The landlady cooked for them sometimes, and she was the only real source of motherly care they got.
When Pierce was thirteen and Piper was ten, Pierce came out as gay and Lorena, who had been threatening to get rid of them for years, finally snapped. She shouted about how she’d put a roof over his head, given him food, and he’d repaid her by being ‘disgusting’ and ‘unnatural’. Piper stepped in and defended her brother, trembling as she told her mother that Pierce did nothing wrong and that if she thought that they needed to repay her terrible mothering, neglect, and abuse then she was more demented and delusional than Piper had thought. She told her that she was a terrible person, a terrible mother, and that Pierce was fine the way he was. Lorena hit  Piper so hard Piper stumbled back into the wall and told them both to leave and never come back. Pierce and Piper threw their stuff into two suitcases and two backpacks and left. They wandered around for a while, until they came across Middleverse. They planned to keep moving, but then they got adopted. They were actually trying to steal from a hotdog stand when they met their adoptive father. Pierce was distracting the vendor by stealing his wallet and running, leading the vendor to chase him. Meanwhile Piper swooped in and stealthily swiped some dogs with help from her snakes. Then, all of the sudden, someone clamped a hand down on her shoulder. First reaction? Punch them. Piper wasn’t used to physical contact of any kind except harmful, she’d been living on the streets, and her mother often grabbed her shoulder or arm when angry, so she just whirled around and sucker punched the guy in the face. The man was tall, blonde haired, and very much in pain. He held his nose, eyes watering for a second, before giving her an awkward grin and saying, “Okay, that was my fault. Sorry about that.” Piper grimaced at the blood slipping through his fingers, but she didn’t back down. Her snakes rose up, hissing, and she eyed him warily. “What do you want?” “Look,” The man said, still blinking back tears. Piper handed him a napkin from the stand. He held it to his nose “Thanks. Now, kid, why do you feel you have to steal these hotdogs? Can’t you just buy some? Don’t you have parents who can buy you some? I just don’t want you to get in trouble. I saw you and the boy do the whole diversion thing.” “I don’t have money.” Piper replied automatically. “Or parents.” “You’re orphaned.” The man said, solemnly. “No.” Piper said, taking a bite of her loot. “My mother kicked us out.” The man hesitated for a long second, then, one hand still covering his nose with the napkin, pulled out his wallet. “I’ll buy you some food. How many hotdogs you want?” Piper was obviously wary, wondering if there was a catch. The man assured her there was none, so she let him slap some money on the hotdog stand and let him walk with her to the spot she and Pierce said they’d meet. The man told her his name was Lysander Blackwell, he was a vampire, he worked as a college professor, and he was married to his “gorgeous, talented, and amazing” wife Natalia, a banshee. She was just telling him about her snakes, who up until this point were her closest friends, when Pierce ran up with some cash and some hotdogs, grinning. When he saw Lysander, however, his smile fell. Piper assured him that Lysander was cool, and he trusted Piper’s instincts so he begrudgingly allowed Lysander to take them on a walk through Middleverse. At the end of the day, after buying them ice cream, and taking them to the art museum, where he had been heading to meet his wife, Piper and Pierce felt a little more comfortable with Lysander.
He was a really nice guy, who liked to make bad puns, and dad jokes, but who could be genuinely funny, and was really intelligent. Natalia, who was the prettiest, most genuinely loving woman Piper had ever met, told her that if she wanted a place to stay, she could stay with them. The King siblings were tired and hungry, and these folks had fed them and taken them to a museum, so they reluctantly agreed. Time passed a little by little Piper and Pierce became more and more comfortable with the Blackwells, until one day, they just decided to stay. Lysander and Natalia adopted them, and were great, loving, understanding parents. The first moment Piper really felt like she had a family was when Natalia and Lysander took them to the roller rink to skate. Piper had fallen and gotten tripped over. She started to get up, and hissed as her scraped palms and knees touched the floor. Natalia rushed over and helped her up and asked her if she was okay and Piper was like ???? affection and caring????? This is so nice ???? And she looked over at Pierce and Lysander laughing as they ate pizza and just kind of had a moment. She realized that she finally had parents who loved her and cared for her. She didn’t answer, she just wrapped her arms around Natalia and hugged her real tight. Natalia, though surprised, hugged her back and didn’t question it. As Piper got older, she became more and more aware of the fact that she was not straight. When she was fifteen she finally worked out that she was pan. She was surprised that she wasn’t afraid to tell her parents. They had been supportive of Pierce and had openly voiced their approval every time he brought home a nice guy (there were occasions when Pierce brought home a guy that they told him afterwards was no good) so Piper felt minimal fear to tell them. But when she finally walked into Natalia’s office where Lysander and Natalia were working on a paper about the decline of the sumatran tiger population, she suddenly became very nervous, and her snakes gave that away. Often her snakes reacted to her emotions, and when she becomes nervous they do too because they can sense her fear. Lysander got up to hug her and welcome her home from school, and one of her more skittish snakes, Bowie, struck at him. Lysander, who recognized this as a sign of fear, of course asked if Piper was okay. Natalia offered to get what they called The Comfy Blanket. A soft blanket they threw into the dryer and warmed up to give to Piper when she needed comfort. Being part reptilian, though warm blooded, she felt more content when warm, and sometimes when she was anxious, they’d get out The Comfy Blanket. After a long moment, and lots of blabbering and stalling, Piper finally got it across that she was pansexual. Natalia and Lysander assured her that there was nothing wrong with that and that she was still their daughter and that they loved her. Piper broke down crying she was so happy. Her snakes flocked to her cheeks and wrapped around her shoulders, giving her semblances of hugs and resting their heads against her cheeks in attempts to calm her, and Natalia and Lysander hugged her, telling her over and over that they loved her and that they were happy she told them and trusted them.
Piper discovered her love of art a few months after, when they adopted Heather, the newly turned werewolf girl who made beautiful drawings, much more advanced than Piper’s. Piper told Heather she wished she could draw like her. Heather advised Piper to take some art classes, and when Piper did, she realized two things. 1) Art was hella hard, and 2) she adored it. From then on she threw herself head first into sculpting, painting, graphic design, any form of visual art she could. She has a very tight bond with Pierce, and a bond almost as tight with Heather. She’s supportive of both, and fiercely loyal. She’s very protective of Heather, mostly because when they adopted her she seemed so in need of love and reassurance and comfort. She was a newly turned werewolf who was abandoned by the only family she had on the side of the road, left for dead after being beaten cut with a silver knife. Of COURSE Piper was going to be protective of her. She and Lysander and Pierce formed a sort of Heather Protection Squad, making sure to threaten, beat up, or at least intimidate anyone who even looked at Heather wrong. They will protect and attack for their little gorl. To quote Lysander when a vampire had asked why Lysander was allowing a werewolf to walk with him in the park, “That is my daughter, and you will treat her with respect, or I will stick my foot so far up your ass you’ll be able to taste your racism. And let me tell you, buddy, it tastes bad.” And to quote Piper when one of Heather’s schoolmates called her a dog. “Have you ever felt the feeling of all your limbs stiffening and your body dying as you turn to stone? Would you like to? Because you’re going to if you don’t shut the fuck up, you disgusting piece of racist filth. And who are you to call someone else a dog? I swear to god, you look like a naked mole rat and a deformed chihuahua had a baby. Back off.” And to quote Pierce when a kid in Heather’s class told Heather to fetch and threw a branch at her. “Hold my guitar, Piper, I’m gonna go fuck up a 14 year old. HEY BITCH! YEAH YOU FUCK-TARD. YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH MY SISTER? YOU WANT THAT STICK SHOVED DOWN YOUR THROAT? BECAUSE I’M ABOUT TO SHOVE THAT STICK DOWN YOUR THROAT AND RIGHT THROUGH YOUR INTESTINES.” Basically, they all love Heather and aren’t afraid to throw down for her honor. When Piper was eighteen Pierce got this idea that they should form a band. And they did. And they’re really good. They’re a multi-genre (mostly Alternative, punk and rock) band called Sweet Poison Fangs or The Fangs or simply SPF. Mostly because everyone in the band has fangs, but also because it’s something Natalia called the King kids whenever they got a sassy mouth. “Alright then, Sweet Poison Fangs, if you don’t want to fold your clothes, I guess you don’t want to go to the movies tonight either.” Piper’s best friend, other than Pierce, is a redhead witch named Aspen, who is also an artist, and writing a comic book with her. Aspen loves writing and so she’s doing most of the storyline for the comic. Aspen’s more into theatre than she is, and participates in at least one major local production a year. She’s really fun and has the same sense of humor Piper does, meaning they get along fantastic. She’s a more energetic though, and often her ADHD antics get Piper out of the house, so Mr and Mrs Blackwell love her. She works as a barista with Piper, and sells her art to make money. Piper’s second best friend is Wyatt McCoy, an instrumentally talented, and socially awkward werewolf she met in sophomore year of highschool. He’s kind of a huge nerd, and wants to study to become a wildlife biologist and a chemist, but his mad ADD interfere with school and he’s putting off college. Among her other friends are Alessandro Nightshade, the first guy that Pierce dated, Jade Darksea, a Nixie, and Naomi Nacht, a shadow demon-vampire. Alec is an incubus and therefore hella hot. He’s kinda really flirty, but once he becomes close to you, the flirting dies down to just occasional jokes, and he becomes like an older brother. As in he steals your food and embarrasses you in front of your crush. He was pretty great as first boyfriends go and he and Pierce are now best friends instead of having a messy breakup and never talking again. He plays bass guitar in the band. Jade is quiet and a bit moody, with long black hair that’s constantly in her face and wet and a penchant for asking to eat people when she’s annoyed with them. Don’t go swimming with her. Just don’t. It won’t end well. She’s usually backup vocals in the band. Naomi is a sweet and shy girl, easily flustered and very good with animals. She has a lovely singing voice, but refuses to sing in public, but also really wanted to be in the band, so she plays whatever small instrument they need in the band. She takes over playing percussion if Wyatt has to play a woodwind or brass. She’s super pretty with black hair cut to her neck, big dark blue eyes, and freckles. Her horns are like those of a deer, and her tail is that of a white tailed deer too. She hides them both. All in all, Piper is happy with her life, but she’s still bothered by the fact that she’s never met her biological father, and she’s a little insecure still. She wants to travel the world, but is afraid to leave Middleverse, seeing as it’s the only home she’s ever known, and Aspen’s not strong enough to cast a semi-permanent glamour over her to hide the fact that she’s not human.
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