#[ sol-tani ]
sol-tani · 8 months
✷𓂃𓈒 my collection of stars !
thanks for the flowers ✶ smau, monster trio, opla
hey, what are we? ✶ smau, luffy + zoro, angst & fluff
hey, what are we? ✶ smau, haitani’s + shinichiro, angst & fluff
kisses with hinata shoyo ✶ written, fluff, suggestive (soon)
asking them for money ✶ smau, og hummingbird crew, fluff
boyfriend texts with joker! ✶ smau/texts, sabbath crew joker
boyfriend texts with vinny! ✶ smau/texts, sabbath crew vinny
& more to come . . !
© sol-tani — all content belongs to this blog, don’t steal, copy, repost, translate, or claim as your own.
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fleecethecat · 2 months
therian names
adalinda. anastasia. apalala. apep. arrow. attor. azar. basilisk. belinda. blake. blaze. boruta. brande. cadmus. cain. chaos. chimera. chua. chumana. chusi. crow. danbala. devlin. dia. diahna. diamond. diamontina. dice. diederik. diedrick. dierk. drache. drachen. draco. dracul. drago. dragomir. drake. drakon. draven. ember. emerald. fafnir. fraener. gem. gemalynn. gemariah. gemini. george. gold. goldwin. goldwine. goldwyn. gunther. horner. hydra. indigo. iseul. jade. jaydeen. jayden. jewel. kaida kaida. kaliyah. kayda. kenna. khaleesi. kirin. knucker. lilith. longwei. ludwig. malinda. medus. melusine. morgan. mortem. nithe. nox. obsidian. onyx. ormr. orochi. pachua. pearl. pearla. pearlina. quetzalcoatl. raven. ren. ring. ringo. ruby. ryoko. ryuu. salem. scales. scylla. shade. shenron. shesha. siegfried. silver. silverio. slayer. sol. storm. stormy. syrax. tanis. tatsuya. tiamat. vale. valryon. veles. viper. vyara. wyvern. zafira. zahhak.
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k-439 · 2 months
Could you give a list of your characters? I want to ask questions but I don't see any information on any of them. I tried going on your toyhouse and it leads to nothing.
Oh my gosh, I haven't been on this account for a while, my apologies.
Yes I can! Its under the keep reading. I have over 100s of characters haha so It's pretty long. My toyhouse is here! Sorry it doesn't work on the blog, I will try and fix that. Thank you for being interested in my characters and oc blog :). My artfight has some of my fleshed out characters that I really love.
always growing!
○ Abby
○ Airis
○ Alcott
○ Alfie
○ Allison
○ Amael
○ Anaiah
○ Anolo Cruz
○ Argo
○ Axe
○ Beau
○ Berri
○ Bird man
○ Camillo
○ Circus workers (4 no named)
○ Circus owner + family
○ Circus owner mistress
○ Citali
○ Crawly
○ Crawdons
○ Cupid
○ Dino Juice
○ Donotspeakofthem
○ Eterni
○ Eve Campbell
○ Flopsy
○ Freddie
○ Ghosts of Karaa (2 no named)
○ Giegue
○ Gwen
○ Half-Pink
○ Heart Collector
○ Hollie
○ Iggy Alfonso
○ Iggy's hot sister
○ Iggy's other sister
○ Iggy's parents (The alfonsos)
○ Illusionist
○ Imara Akshaya
○ Ira
○ Irene
○ Ivo
○ Jirou
○ Juggler
○ Kahu
○ Lorelai
○ Leilani
○ Luca
○ Lulu
○ Luni
○ Lutuya
○ "Lovers men" (2 no named)
○ Maggie
○ Malacoda
○ Marshall
○ Max
○ Miffy
○ Miley
○ Milo
○ Msa
○ Naomi
○ "Night and Sun" (Nox Dawn and Daisy Dawn, sadly not a Fnaf AU.)
○ "No Arms" (2 no named)
○ Odyss
○ Penny
○ Puppet Master
○ Ray
○ Rex
○ Ringmaster (unnamed)
○ Ringmaster family (unknown number of people)
○ Robin
○ Ruby
○ Serentiy
○ Sevyn
○ Sol
○ Sick Rick
○ Singing Clowns (unknown number of people)
○ "Strong Softy" (no name)
○ Sui Nyx
○ Suki
○ Suerte (its a cat)
○ Tani
○ Teeth
○ Tru
○ Traffic Cone Girl
○ Twins (2 unnamed)
○ Valentina
○ Vanny
○ "Witch" Crystal ball reader (unnamed)
○ Yuno
○ Zuri
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meldelen · 4 months
"El sol refulgió sobre la hoja manchada de sangre. Miró a su alrededor pero no vio a Tanis ni a ninguno de los otros. Quizás estuviesen muertos. Quizás ella moriría también. Laurana elevó los ojos al cielo bañado por el sol. Este mundo, que podía verse obligada a abandonar, parecía recién hecho - cada objeto, cada piedra, cada hoja -, todo brillaba con reluciente claridad. De pronto sopló una fragante brisa del sur, alejando las nubes tormentosas que se cernían sobre su hogar en el norte. Laurana ya no sintió miedo, su espíritu voló más alto que las nubes y su espada centelleó bajo el sol de la mañana."
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mennahassan · 5 months
Le musée égyptien de Tahrir présente une maquette en bois d'une famille noble de l'Égypte ancienne.
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Le musée égyptien de Tahrir présente une maquette en bois peint représentant un noble de l'Égypte ancienne appelé Karenin, accompagné de sa femme et d'un groupe de musiciens.
Si vous souhaitez explorer l'Égypte plus en profondeur, les circuits d'une journée en Égypte offrent des expériences immersives. Ces circuits vous permettent de découvrir les merveilles de l'Égypte, des sites historiques emblématiques tels que les pyramides et les temples aux rencontres culturelles et au riche patrimoine du pays. Que vous souhaitiez visiter Le Caire, Louxor ou Assouan, ou explorer les paysages époustouflants de la mer Rouge, les circuits de croisière sur le Nil et les circuits en Égypte offrent un moyen complet et mémorable de se plonger dans la beauté et l'histoire de ce pays remarquable.
L'administration du musée égyptien de Tahrir a fait la lumière sur l'artefact et l'a commenté sur Facebook : Karenin était l'un des nobles de l'Empire du Milieu et jouissait d'une vie confortable et luxueuse. Ce modèle en bois coloré représente Karénine assis sur un banc, et près de lui sa femme qui écoute de la musique. Machine fugitive.
La harpiste et le harpiste masculin sont assis à droite et à gauche de Karénine. La scène montre également deux boîtes et deux paniers placés devant "Karenine", et près d'eux, trois jeunes filles assises sur le sol et tapant des mains au rythme de la musique.
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L'administration du musée égyptien de Tahrir a déclaré que ce modèle avait été trouvé dans le cimetière de Karnin à Saqqara. La pièce est en bois et date de l'époque du Moyen Empire.
Il convient de noter que le musée égyptien de Tahrir comprend une vaste collection d'objets, contenant plus de 120 000 objets uniques, et se compose de deux étages principaux. Le premier étage contient des antiquités lourdes telles que des cercueils, des peintures et des statues présentées dans l'ordre historique, tandis que l'étage supérieur contient diverses collections archéologiques. Les plus importantes sont la collection du roi Toutânkhamon et les trésors de Tanis, ainsi qu'une grande collection de papyrus de l'Égypte ancienne.
Parmi les objets exposés, on trouve des poteries de la préhistoire, la palette de Narmer de l'époque de l'unification, la statue de Khasekhem de la IIe dynastie, la statue de Djéser de la IIIe dynastie, les statues de Khufu , du roi Khafre et de Mycerinus de la IVe dynastie, ainsi qu'une collection d'objets d'art, et Menkaure de la 4e dynastie, la statue de Kaber et les statues de serviteurs de la 5e dynastie, la statue du nain Seneb de la 6e dynastie, la statue de Mentuhotepnebhebetre de la 11e dynastie, et les statues d'Amenemhat I et II de la 12e dynastie. Le musée abrite également la statue Ka du roi Hor de la 13e dynastie, les statues d'Hatchepsout et de Thoutmosis III de la 18e dynastie, la célèbre collection Toutânkhamon, les trésors de la collection Tanis et un grand nombre de momies datant de différentes époques.
Les excursions d'une journée au Caire et les Forfaits de voyage en Égypte vous permettent d'explorer les sites fascinants, les artefacts, les sites antiques et les divers paysages qui font de l'Égypte une destination captivante. Les circuits de luxe en Égypte vous permettent également de découvrir l'histoire ancienne et moderne de l'Égypte.
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dilperisanimmmm · 1 year
Yaww dedemin anlattığı hikayeleri bayiliyorum yaaaaaaawww. Var ya bi telefon alsınlar her gün gidecem yanına sesine kayda alıcam. Hakkatten harika gzuel anıları. Bir de bunu çocuklarına oğluna fakan anlayamıyor ki kuşaktan kuşağa ani kalsın. Neyse bana anlattı bugün.
Yemek götürdüm aşağıya dedi gel yanıma otur neyse öyle böyle konu fedilaya geldi. Tanımadığım dayımın tanımadığım kızı. Dedi annen demiş hasan dauinin kızını vermişler ibikalı birine dedim he. Dedi annene sormuştum kimin oğluna vermiş annen demiş tanımıyorum. Sordum soruşturulması öğrendim. Bilmem kimin kızıymış. Vallah bıkmıyorum dedi zekonnın mu kim unuttum bilmiyorum öyle bir isim işte dedi o adamın oğluna vermişler. Dedi o adamla aramizız yoktu pek sevmezdim birbirimizi dedim niye. Dedi 13 ay hapiste kaldığım süre boyunca işimizi bozuyordu dedi. Dilekçe falan yazıyormuş dedem ve dedemin diğer üç arkadaşıyla ilgili. Velhasıl şikayet yani hükumete. Dedi çıkmışız mahkemeye vallahi mahkemede savgıcın avukatın dediği her bir kelimeyi söyledi aklında kalmış eskerinin dehşet gzuel müthiş bir hafızası var ha yemin ederim öyle böyle değil çok çok gzuel. Bilmem hangi kanunun kaçıncı Bilmem şeyi niza çi niza çi... Bir sürü şey her kelimesiyle söyledi.
Neyse dedim bizim İbrahim söz hakkı için elini kaldiriyordu. Vêdor Îbo çep bu xwadêgirt. Bi dest xwu nê çep ra dikir. Biz de diyroyk ibo ibo e elini kolunu kaldırma o teröristlerin hareketidir teröristler dest xwenê çep bilidik i. Dedim o neden niye teröristler o elini mi kaldırıyor ne alaka. Ahshhshs aklıma gelmedi ki ahshhshshhshzhahhz dedem diyor tabi ya teröristler o elini kaldır. Solcular ha :D ahshshhshshhshshhs öyle demedi mi ben koptum tani ahshshhahahhahahhanshhajsbjahshshjanan alllammmm yaaa. Dedem diyor bir kaldırdı iki kaldırdı de adam solaktı her seferinde sol elini kaldırıyor. Dedi diyor artık bi sol kolunu zorla götünün arkasına koyduk ki söz hakkı isterken kaldırmasın ahhshs dedm de anlatırken gülüyor :D
Neyse ibo ya söz hakkı veriyorlar. Ibo diyor bu adamın ailesiyle benim ailemin arasında kan davası var. Bu arada dayımın kızını verdiği adamın babası yani dilekçe yazan adam aynı zamnda dedemler yani o dörtlü arkadaş grubunun hapse dusmesinin sebebiymis o istipiyornlamis bunlar "teröristlere " yemek veriyor diye. Aynı zamnda dilekçede de demiş yemek veriyor yok arada hapisten mu çıkıp veriyor ne?... öyle bsiey yani sürekli sürekli sürekli dilekçesinde hala daha şikayet ediyormuş. Neyse ibo aramızda kan davası var deyince dedem hakim mi mübaşir mi ikisinden biri eski dosyaları falan biseyler yapıp getirmişler. Demişler bilmem kim aydın senin heyin oluyor dilekçeyi yazan adam demiş benim amcam sormuşlar yine demiş bilmem kim senin neyin oluyor demiş amcam demiş ali aydın senin neyin oluyor demiş amcamı oğlu. Hakim mi savcı mi mubaşir artık her kimse demiş hani ula ibo senin akrabalar adam öldürmüş işte hapisteler sen ne diye habere dilekçe yazıp hukumeti rahatsız ediyeousn hani senin amcam aktaran kimdir û sen kimsin. Neyse demişler 10 dakika mola. Mola gelmiş gitmiş bunlar gene içeri girmiş hakim demiş mahkumlar ayakta kalsın neyse ebikmem ne olmuş bisyler dmeis hakkatten niye bu kadar çabuk unuttu yav dedemin dediklerini ufff. Neyseeee velhasıl iki taraf da bi boka varamamis sanırım. Ama dedim dedi biz yine hapis yatmışz diğer adam da beraat mi edilmiş dedi sanki. Karar verilmiş mahkemeden çıkmışlar dedem salonda demiş ker di diya wenni.
Sonra dedi mahkemede xok anılarım. Hapislerde avukatlarla savcılarla... Hele bir de babanın hapise girdiği zaman bilmem kimin evini bombaladığı zaman hapise girdiği vakit.. Bir de o zmanlar öyle anılarım var ki çok var. Bunu biraz gülerken de söylüyordu. Yani geldi yaşadık o zman kızgındik şimdi düşününce gülümsüyorum öyle bir gülümsemeydi.
Her neyse :)
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leenaevilin · 2 years
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[Announcement] こくみん共済 coop ホール/スペース・ゼロ提携公演 舞台「アオアシ」(kokumin kyousai coop hall / space zero teikei kouen butai aoashi)
the show will be running from May 18th, 2022 to May 22nd, 2022 (Tokyo) @ こくみん共済 coop ホール / スペース・ゼロ (Kokumin Kyousai coop Hall / Space zero)
Aoi as Aoi Ashito (青井葦人) Hiramatsu Raima Ootomo Eisaku (大友栄作) Suzuki Yuuta as Tachibana Souichirou (橘総一朗) Nagata Kaoru as Togashi Keiji (冨樫慶司) Shimura Reo as Takeshima Ryuuichi (竹島龍一) Miyazato Sol as Asari Martis Jun (朝利マーチス淳) Tsuchiya Naotake as Kuroda Kanpei (黒田勘平) Fukushi Nobuki as Motoki Yuuma (本木遊馬) Tanaka Toshihiko as Kuribayashi Haruhisa (栗林晴久) Hashimoto Zenitsu as Akutsu Nagisa (阿久津渚) Hatani Shouta as Kaneda Akinori (金田晃教) Kikuchi Hayato as Nakano Junnousuke (中野淳之介) Oikawa Kou as Mutou Chiaki (武藤千秋)
Takada Jun as Satake Kouji (佐竹晃司) Tani Yoshiki as Tsukishima Aki (月島亜希) Ukai Mondo as Date Nozomi (伊達望) Fujiwara Yuuki as Fukuda Tatsuya (福田達也)
Shirosawa Kanae as Ichijou Hana (一条花) Akimoto Honoka as Kaidou Anri (海堂杏里)
homepage natalie
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crazyclownthanos · 3 years
My Sunshines! ☀️
I added this bc I don’t have enough interesting things 😵‍💫
@flow3rbudz SHESSS MY EVERYTHING. Also my favorite sister :D I tagged her new blog bc she asked 😌 a lovely person!!! And a great writer too!!! Always a love to chat with
@simpingforthisonedeer GAH MY ASIAN SISTER. Julius simp as you can tell from the username :p has some of the best artworks ever!!! Her Oc Aika is super duper amazing!! Plus her research on demonology is second to none (・∀・)
@clovertitan my favorite German-partying-drunk older sister writes the best short pieces!!! Relatable :p on an adult level. Won’t be afraid to beat your door if you insult any of her kins. SEND HER DARK CONTENT AND ILL WONT BE AFRAID TO CALL. Super pretty but she isn’t single (`_´)ゞ
@eme-eleff HARDWORKING BIG SISSSSS also my Charlotte to my Sol :p one of the biggest Charlotte x Yami shippers I know, honest 😚 doesn’t post writing on her tumblr but post lots of writings on Wattpad.
@thoughtfullyrainynightmare AMAZING WRITER IDOL BIG SISSSSSS recently got the ring on her finger so congratulate her >:3 has one of the past writings fiddles ever!!! Solara is an obvious girlboss like the power she contains is on whole another level like wowza (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
@lyranova MY SWEET KIND AND SELFLESS BIG SISSSS deserves the absolute world ❤️ works hard!!! Her writing and hc are always a pleasure to see 🥰 she’s just a complete sweetheart words cannot continue on how amazing she is. Also writing for children of the future!!! A series I definitely recommend and her series featuring the great and powerful Neva in fractured Diamond! Don’t be afraid to leave some Yuno content in her inbox
@darkcloakedinfinitevoid MY MOMMMMMM an actual mom in real life too :o has her strong opinions which is like girlpower slay. Her writing is amazing!!! It works well and always know how to drive the audience to wanting more. Writes for Jujutsu Kaisen and Black Clover, which I reminds me I need to start watching JuJutsu kaisen :p
@bowandcurtsey AAAAAHHH MY NUMBER ONE MORAL SUPPORT BIG SISSSS probably has some of the best writing in history!!!! Can write for days, probably T^T too nice I swear, best ship is definitely Sekke x Aine
@melissa-novachrono SLIGHTLY OLDER GEEKY BIG SISSSSS multifandom writer over here 😗✌️ has some of the cutest drawings!!! Escpeically the one of marx ina suit don’t be afraid to leave some Marx content in her inbox!!!
@succulentsunrise MY FEMININE BIG SISSSSS just she’s just 👌 the biggest Mereoleona simp!!!! So kind and welcoming ☺️ I love her writing!!!! She definitely knows how articulate her writing well. Also her OC Tani is super badass!!! And her other OC Luka is such a cute smolll bean
@ckjwnnbc MY BOOK WORM BIG SISSSS like always so supportive and always reads everybody works!!!! Isn’t a writer but love to read and reblog them!!! Def knows how to make you smile
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sol-tani · 8 months
✷𓂃𓈒 let the sun in !
get to know the writer.
hello everyone, my name is sol & i’m twenty ! and I identify as female, and use she/they pronouns. I am mexican, and I speak both english and spanish. I am currently in university and may go mia due to that. note : this is a placeholder till I make a carrd. . .
likes : anime (tokrev, hq!!, soul eater, one piece, hxh, aot, ohshc, and more), webtoons, kpop, talking about music, extroverted so making new friends/meeting new people, and more so send an ask to know more !
dislikes : spam likers (you will be blocked!), racists, blank blogs, ppl who write smut for minors, more to be added!
sunshines : ( tokrev ) MITSUYA, both HAITANI’S, sanzu, waka, occasionally draken, mikey, inui, and many more.
( one piece ) monster trio, shanks, more to be added as I read the manga – just started reading it so not far in.
( haikyuu!! ) KUROO, HINATA, BOKUTO, iwazumi, akaashi, wakatoshi, SUNARIN, osamu & more – it changes a lot !
( windbreaker ) JAY JO, minu, VINNY, shelly, JOKER, hyuk, & more!
( others & non-anime ) skz/svt/lssrfm, itadori yuuji, armin, eren, levi, iñaki godoy, gojo satoru, & others I can’t remember rn!
note : I am caught up and done with tokrev both manga/anime but i am not done with one piece as I just started reading it – so some requests I may not do. update: I am caught up on windbreaker and done with hq!
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imasallstars · 3 years
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The cover art for「THE IDOLM@STER SHINY COLORS COLORFUL FE@THERS -Sol-」album has been released and the album is set to be released on 10th of March 2021. It will feature the solo songs of the Sol Group idols, along with a title track sung by them!
The crossfade of the album is located here. You will also be able to listen to each song in-game before the official crossfade is released!
Tr.01 Thousand Night Aria  Lyrics: Erica Masaki Music:&Arrange: Kentaro Fujii (HANO), Naoki Tani (HANO)  Singer(s): Sakuya Shirase (CV: Anna Yamaki) Tr.02  Damascus Cocktail  Lyrics: Shin Furuya Music&Arrange: Jun Suyama  Singer(s): Natsuha Arisugawa (CV: Akiho Suzumoto) Tr.03  Darling You!  Lyrics: Suzuna Shizuki Music&Arrange: Tadahiro Minami  Singer(s): Chiyuki Kuwayama (CV: Noriko Shibatani) Tr.04  Blue Sky Cider  Lyrics: Tomohiro Akiura Music: Yuuki Shoutaro, YUU for YOU  Arrange: YUU for YOU  Singer(s): Hinana Ichikawa (CV: Miho Okasaki) Tr.05  SOS  Lyrics: Yu Shimoji Music&Arrange: Shuhei Mutsuki  Singer(s): Fuyuko Mayuzumi (CV: Eri Yukimura)     Tr.06  Bleach For Overpurity  Lyrics: Shin Furuya Music&Arrange: Katsumi Onishi  Singer(s): Juri Saijo (CV: Mariko Nagai)     Tr.07  HAREBARE!!  Lyrics: Akiko Watanabe Music&Arrange: Katsumi Onishi  Singer(s): Meguru Hachimiya (CV: Mayu Mineda)   Tr.08  statice  Lyrics: Tomohiro Akiura  Music: Masaki Iehara, Jam9 Arrange: Masaki Iehara  Singer(s): Toru Asakura (CV: Yuu Wakui) Tr.09  SOLAR WAY  Lyrics: Shin Furuya Music&Arrange: Yusuke Itagaki  Singer(s): Team.Sol
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ink--theory · 3 years
For the oc ask meme: 1 and your agents
1. What is/are your OC’s nickname(s) and how did it come about?
The agents have a lot of nicknames they refer to each other, whether referring to one individually or more than 2 (it’s a long list so i’m just listing a few of them)
Ananke: 3, Ana, Nan, Bunbun (from Lua and Elio, due to the bun on her head), Mi Estrellita (Anita), Dumpling (Shion)
Lua: 3, 2 and a half (due to his short stature), Lulu (Ananke), Tani, Miso Soup (Shion), Gremlin (Marie and Aran), Luna (Anita)
Manzanita: 4, Anita, Ani, Anything referring the her being the youngest and the shortest (baby face, short stack, etc.), Pigtails, Pumpkin (Ananke), Apple of my Eye, Darling, My Muse, etc. (Shion), Mela (Aran)
Aranciata: 4, Aran, Mr. Grumpypants, Cici (By Elio who still doesn’t know that the “ci” in his name is pronounced as “tch”), Cranky Doodle (Lua), Big bro (by all of the younger agents), Naranjita (Anita), Gnocchi (Shion)
Shion: 8, Anything referring to plants/flowers (tulip, lily, etc.), Bizocho, Querida, Muñeca, etc. (Anita), Doodle Bug (Ananke)
Elio: 8, Eli, Cuddle monster, Sunshine (Lua), Freckles, Strawberry Shortcake (Shion), Sweet Pea (Ananke), Sol (Anita)
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spiritsncrystals · 4 years
Misawa :D
What i like about him/don't like about him:
Can we give him kudos for being the only fucking person with enough guts to hold six bloody decks in which he is constantly trying to modulate to be better each time
I like how he's supposed to be the smart kid of the bunch and literally takes being the genius to heart because only three people can connect science or math and dueling him, zweinstein and daitojiki/amanuel i mean literally i mean ok the writers started not giving two shits about him after season 1 but in theory he got a good life, praised for being smart, got to work with a duel scientist and got to live a happy life with his tiger waifu.
What i don't like about him has to be more at fault of the writers, come season two they just decide to mock his existence even going as far as having characters actually go oh right misawa exists which eventually lead to him getting desperate thus why he wanted to join the SoL i mean technically he was one of the few who didn't need to be beaten to get konked outta brainwashing (or did that actually even have a brainwashing effect on him for whatever reason and he just decides yeah I'm gonna stick in)
But man they could've developed him way better (heck even tagforce makes fun of him)
What i like about his design:
Well tbh there's nothing really about him design wise that totally sticks out other than the deck holders he literally has stuck on his inner jacket that kinda looks like dynamite which i think shadyvox's abridged actually even joked at.
I mean when they found him in the spirit dimension i thought he didn't look too bad just neaten the hair and lose the beard and its a decent look.
Do i prefer dub or sub names:
I mean technically the only change from the sub to the dub with his name is that misawa became his surname and that daichi got changed to bastion which kinda sounds posh as fuck ok Harrington Rosewood is worse but that's bc he's supposed to sound like a fancy schmancy
But i call him misawa more.
Favourite card he used:
The guys got six different decks but i suppose I'd say water dragon bc i like how it's literally chemistry but w gas dino's making a giant H20 dragon
Too bad we never saw a fire dragon like the opening hinted to him having
Favourite scene he was in:
Yknow despite all the shunning s2 gave him i think he got a little time to shine in s3, considering he was the one who figured out that zweinstein had meant that Rainbow dragon should fight the phantasms for enough energy to be produced in order to be able to send everyone else back home (yet nobody figured it would mean Johan would have to stay behind, sad indeed) and i mean hey in 148 he actually gave a pretty good explanation to the whole dimensional situation (ok tania helped a bit but he's the genius) and did kinda explain that the haou situation was supposedly yubels doing as well as the whole two sides of the same coin anatomy about judai and haou being connected (i still don't exactly agree with it but it's one of the few things I'm screw the cannon about)
Least favourite scene he was in:
As much as i like him and his relationship with tania i think it was ep36 but the fact that he was so bloody love struck by her that he was in a daze in which he put jam on his omnirice drank wostershire and tobacco sauce without giving the blink of an eye just felt wrong. I mean he wasn't even phased by the tobacco sauce clearly that should've had some effect.
Also i know a lotta people find the absolutely rediculous thing I'm about to mention amusing but
LIKE HE DIDN'T EVEN KEEP HIS PANTS ON i mean luckily he wasn't facing the viewer while he was running so it didn't get gross otherwise pretty sure even the sub would've censored that, haven seen that episode in the dub but I'm assuming that they cut his nakedness bc they didn't want smol kids seeing a naked boy with white hair running about on their TV screens
Whitetigershipping: (Misawa x Tania) hey she might be a tiger at heart but as manjoume said after misawa realises he fell in love with a tiger "she was a great woman"
Plus i mean when she came back in s3 guess what he decides to do, stay with her (tbh that's probably one of the most hinted at to be cannon ships i ship other than spiritship from a analytical perspective) i also find it cute how in ep35 she's calling him misa-poo (ok judai dotes on calling him that but that's more bc he doesn't get its supposed to be a affectionate nickname hence why when he duels her he asks call me yuki-poo) and then in ep36 he's calling her tani-poo i think they're the only two characters who have proper affectionate nicknames for each other from a cannon standard (dearest judai n all that stuff doesn't really count tbh)
There is really nothing wrong with loving a tiger woman
Misawa x Asuka - I'm not exactly sure what this is called but i see this only really playing out with the manga personalities, probably because since manjo is a badass in the manga and has no time for crushes on asuka who do they decide to give a crush on asuka? Misawa i mean personally I only own one volume of the manga and have literally read up to just before the other American DA students come over (I'm not exactly fond of the personalities of atleast 3 out of the 5 of them bc obviously edo is one too along with the boys who were the respective champions of the regional Da's so that's pretty much why I've not read further) but I'm sure if they get a chance to full on bond i could see them getting together i mean hey he knows chivalry so that's pretty good
Hornetshipping (Misawa x manjoume) I'm not the biggest hornetshipper but I thought i should probably acknowledge this one plus someone had the funniest misinterpret of the name thinking it was Horneyshipping instead of hornet which is worth a mention (kudos kiga) but in honesty it is a pretty interesting pairing, the genius who solidated the loose streak of the snobby rich ass manjo and the sharp yet less snobby rich kid manjo definitely a curious one
I honestly don't really have one unless people see misawa and regie from the manga as a thing (considering he bested her in the quarterfinals of the tournament where the winner would duel ryo) i just really don't like her so it might be a little biased
I'm just gonna give primaryshipping an acknowledgement don't really ship it but kudos for being the only OT3 with misawa i know
Would i fuck marry or kill?:
Sorry but I wouldn't kill him and tania can do the other two taking fuck into its more oof meaning (what they're mature it'll be fine well other than people complaining about a guy fucking a tiger lady)
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dandylion240 · 5 years
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The night before (1 of 3)
After the introductions were done and most were in bed asleep a few were still up. Emerson joined the Aiden’s to watch the cooking show they were engrossed in. 
Emerson: what are you watching?
Aiden: worst sim cooks in Del Sol
A.T.: can you believe that guy can’t even toast bread. I mean how difficult is it to put bread in a toaster?
( @tiny-tany-thaanos @klauseconfessions )
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nikatyler · 5 years
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It’s time for another week of replies. I don’t know what to talk about today, other than I just finished my English homework and kinda hate my English teacher now. But it’s fine.
As you might have noticed, the queue now starts two hours earlier than it used to. That’s because I’ve encountred a wonderful glitch. You might have heard about it. Tumblr basically invented time travel. Posts which were queued to be posted between 9-10 pm CET were sent to the past. Some people suggested turning off the “new post types” or whatever. I did that, but it didn’t help.
This website will never cease to amaze me. Just when you thought you couldn’t be more frustrated...it comes up with something new.
jackssims replied to your photo “Oh hey, long time no replies. And these are the first ones of this...”
@ the reference: it’s to the song “Ironic” by Alanis Morissette! “It’s like rain on your wedding day / It’s a free ride and you’ve already paid” are parts of the chorus
Oh. OH. See I figured it would be a song, I just couldn’t remember for the life of me which one. Now I listened to it and I feel dumb because of course I know this song
In fact, who DOESN’T know this song
myopiccc replied to your photoset “Don’t deny it, Dawn. You like it.”
LOL! She's got me anyway!
She loves this dork with all her heart
fataleromeo replied to your photoset “Ross: “Happy birthday, Sunset. I have a little gift for you. It’s...”
oooooh love the who reference! ����
jackssims replied to your photoset “Ross: “Happy birthday, Sunset. I have a little gift for you. It’s...”
The Doctor Who reference tho
I had to
simlovinggirl replied to your photoset “My little girl is growing up. She’s going to be an adult. How is that...”
Seriously, where did the time go? I remember when he was a teen just going around kissin' on everyone xD
No joke, I feel the same?? His wild kissing phase happened like half a year ago in my game and it still feels like yesterday
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Wouldn’t it be nice if they could…I don’t know, maybe slow dance...”
Ts3 waited till the Seasons ts4... nobody knows till thenXD
EA please, if you’re reading this...give us slow dance. Please. I don’t care about anything else. I know a lot of people scream for cars. What are cars good for? Give me slow dancing. And cuddling in bed. Just some cute couple animations in general. Please
Btw unrelated but yeah I don’t care about cars and I would be totally fine without them. There I said it. Also if you guys want cars that’s okay, we don’t have to fight about it.
memesplayssims replied to your photoset
i found the posts from my queue 5 days ago on my blog so your posts may be far back on your blog
Mine were sent on a time travel trip to 16th December 2018 lmao. Tumblr, you ain’t the Doctor, please stop.
alfalfalegacy replied to your photo
Heart eyes ������
I knooooow! I took some cute pictures of them today and...I’m dead. All the quads’ couples are so cute what the heck
cafeheart replied to your photoset “Sunset: “I wanted to talk to you about something. I know you told me...”
i thought i loved ross and caleb but boy are these two blowing them out of the water real fukcin quick!!!
I liked the development Ross and Caleb had. Sunset and Dawn got less of it. But that doesn’t mean I love them less. They’re awesome. At the moment in my game, they’re already engaged and...wow I love focusing on them.
cafeheart replied to your photoset “Sunset: “You’re gonna…sit on me? Do you know how these things are...”
jesus christ dawn's face in the second image
Looks like an angel but is actually a devil
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset
They are so cute!
And wait till you see their children
unstablesims replied to your photoset “There’s nothing quite like getting a massage from the older sister of...”
careful or she will break ur neck lmao
God yes that’s highly possible
justkeeponsimming replied to your photo “~ Del Sol Valley”
This screenshot is so pretty!
Del Sol Valley is very pretty. I’d say the lots are a disappointment, but the scenery around is gorgeous.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “~ Del Sol Valley”
Thanks! Even though I’m not sure if this is something to congratulate me for, I mean I’m just an obsessed sims freak who completed her sims 4 collection :D Shoutout to my grandparents for giving me money for my birthday and shoutout to Origin for having these ridiculous big sales.
Would I sell my soul to EA? I hate to admit it but possibly
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Sunset: “Today is going to be eventful, don’t you think?” Caleb: “It...”
Poor Caleb(
I feel bad for him. Actually bad. I even feel a little bad for not quitting without saving.
melien replied to your post “Okay, I follow you because your sims are amazing, and I think I'm one...”
melien replied to your photo
Ahhh I love Myra so much. She’s the only one who can handle Lydia, let’s be real (god I can’t wait to show their little story!). She deserves an award, just like Sharon (as I said yesterday on the ask).
Hmm, Putting Up with a Dumbass Award sounds like something many of the sims in my game should win. 
melien replied to your photoset “Things I’ve never expected to see: This”
Battle of the bumps
I hate this
melien  replied to your photoset “The baby should be here soon and I’m excited. Even though I didn’t...”
Could you bless my game with some aliens? I never get alien babies like ever
Try naming a sim Caleb, that works, they like Calebs
jackssims replied to your photoset “Do I have to? What’s the point if I’m going to be…you know…young...”
This still works, since you’re still fulfilling the requirements of the gen!
dandylion240 replied to your photoset “Do I have to? What’s the point if I’m going to be…you know…young...”
Works for me XD
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Do I have to? What’s the point if I’m going to be…you know…young...”
It` like reblogging "If you not reblog smth bad happens" and deleting it straight away - still countsXD
That’s exactly what I thought too. Glad we’re on the same page :D And yeah, comparing it to that is pretty accurate, I didn’t even realize. Well, in this case, his “old age” will stay “reblogged” for a bit. But still, it’s basically the same thing!
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chiseler · 5 years
The seventh edition of Zis. Boom. Bah. is entitled . . . Bird of Paradise
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Sol Hoopii
Scene 1 Mike Hanapi & The Llima Islanders - Hilo Hula (Hilo Hanakahi) The Sol Hoopii Trio - Uheuhene Kalama's Quartet - Tu-tu-e, Tu-tu-hoi George Ku Trio - Ku Kuu Lei
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Leo Soileau  Scene 2 Dennis McGee & Sady Courville - Vous m'avez donné votre parole Bartmont Montet & Joswell Dupuis - Je me suis en alle Cléoma Breaux and Joe Falcon - Le Vieux Soulard et sa femme Leo Soileau - Demain c'est pas Dimanche
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Jimmie Rodgers 
Scene 3 Jimmie Davis - Tom Cat and Pussy Blues Gene Autry - Do Right Daddy Blues Jimmie Rodgers - What's-It Cliff Carlisle - Sal's Got a Meatskin
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Jim & Bob, The Genial Hawaiians  Scene 4 Sol K. Bright & His Hollywaiians - Heat Wave Nelstone's Hawaiians - Just Because King Bennie Nawahi - May Day is Lei Day in Hawaii Jim & Bob, The Genial Hawaiians - Coffee in the Morning
Scene 5 Troupe Razanalakona - Zovy Mpilalao Malagasy - Fikasakasana ny eto an-tany Hira Malaza Taloha - Rambalamanana Mpilalao De Fenoarivo - Maraina ny andro
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Scene 6 Patsy Montana - When the Flowers of Montana Are Blooming Jules Allen - The Cowtrail to Mexico Wilf Carter - The Roundup in the Fall Girls of the Golden West - The Dying Cowboy On the Prairie
by RJ Lambert
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solarsought · 5 years
The 100 Muses Permanent Starter Calls
Katherine Jordan Alaska Chambers Gina Martin Emori Tani John Mbege Viola Orson Isla Sinclair Helena Murphy Sol kom Floukru Finnick kom Floukru
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