#[ the ultimate barista. DANGANROPNA verse ]
tricksheart · 1 year
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Send me 👤+ a character name for my muse’s opinion on that character.
@more-than-a-princess said: 👤+ Sonia (even though she likes Akira's worst food enemy, chocolate).
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"Sonia is....complicated. Like I get her country for liking and being obsessed over something harmless but for them to laws that punish people for not liking chocolate or just the concept of hating it in Sonia's case of being in denial of differences is something I dislike about her. Although I'd admit she's doing her best to come around. Hell, she's even told be about her aversion to sour food and drinks, which I also can't imagine anyone disliking that but I get it. Not everyone is going to like the same thing. That's what makes us, us you know?".
Akira sighs, not really liking the next part either to come but he has to say it.
"I just wished she let me wallow in my misery sometimes. Her being too overly positive reminds me on how much I hate it. My mom Maya is the same way. I wished she show some despair once in a while. Not like she should change how she is but you know, it's okay to have your hair down once in awhile. Maybe if she trusted me more or just let her talk about things might help. Then again, I really don't think my actual talent in what I am in this school would go with that concept. Not everyone trusts a thief, especially an ultimate one".
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