#send me 👤+ a character name for my muse’s opinion on that character meme;;
tricksheart · 1 year
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Send me 👤+ a character name for my muse’s opinion on that character.
@more-than-a-princess said: 👤+ Sonia (even though she likes Akira's worst food enemy, chocolate).
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"Sonia is....complicated. Like I get her country for liking and being obsessed over something harmless but for them to laws that punish people for not liking chocolate or just the concept of hating it in Sonia's case of being in denial of differences is something I dislike about her. Although I'd admit she's doing her best to come around. Hell, she's even told be about her aversion to sour food and drinks, which I also can't imagine anyone disliking that but I get it. Not everyone is going to like the same thing. That's what makes us, us you know?".
Akira sighs, not really liking the next part either to come but he has to say it.
"I just wished she let me wallow in my misery sometimes. Her being too overly positive reminds me on how much I hate it. My mom Maya is the same way. I wished she show some despair once in a while. Not like she should change how she is but you know, it's okay to have your hair down once in awhile. Maybe if she trusted me more or just let her talk about things might help. Then again, I really don't think my actual talent in what I am in this school would go with that concept. Not everyone trusts a thief, especially an ultimate one".
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alastors-radioshow · 3 years
👤 + Sir Pentious (what's your muse thoughts on this character meme)
Send me 👤+ a character name for my muse’s opinion on that character
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"Hmm.. I have the feeling that I should know who this fellow is, but the memory of him escapes me~ However, upon scouring my mind, I do seem to recall that he is awfully well dressed! And that he has some kind of flying contraption. An airship, I believe? But if I have had any significant interaction with him, it simply does not exist in my mind! Horribly sorry, dear~"
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bxttenbound-archive · 3 years
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Anonymous asked: 👤+the mun
Send me 👤+ a character name for my muse’s opinion on that character
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“ She’s a complete meme. Honestly I can’t understand why she doesn’t just go walk out into the middle of the night, find a castle, and read a trashy romance novel so she can also be a vampire. She reminds me too much of how I used to be even down to the horrible older sibling. Blood hell, I wish I could turn her at this rate just so she could go find a castle of her own to take over. “
“ Really she is a lost soul, not quite sure of where she’s going and living out how she wishes she could be through me. In a way we are very similar but also very different. I love the characterization and life she’s given me but she really does need to work on herself or else there won’t be anything that’s her anymore. “
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hazbinxdisaster · 3 years
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ask meme || accepting
@von-eldritch​ asked: 👤 + Hellsa, for Charlie (but only if u wanna)
Send me 👤+ a character name for my muse’s opinion on that character
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“SHE’S SO... FRUSTRATING TO DEAL WITH. Ever since I dated her brother, she’s HATED me. Thinks I’m going to whore myself out to everyone else whose related to her. I try to be polite every time I see her but all I get is her shitty comebacks and judgement. I’m a patient woman, but she is EXHAUSTING.”
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tricksheart · 2 years
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Send me 👤+ a character name for my muse’s opinion on that character.
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( accepting )
@electricea said: 👤 + Maruki?
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"We....We don't talk about THERAPY DAD". Hurt. Betrayed. Fragile Trust shattered. Blames himself for not talking to the group about Maruki's confession that he had been manipulating everyone from the beginning. Hates researchers and scientists now almost as much as people on the force. Wishes he never met the guy. Disgust at holding a person's life hostage in exchange for making someone agree to a reality controlled by the good ole doctor. Did Akira mentioned being betrayed by the only adult besides Yoshida that wasn't an asshole to him about his current situation? A swirl of emotions that only draw out to one thing. Contempt.
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tricksheart · 2 years
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Send me 👤+ a character name for my muse’s opinion on that character.
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( accepting )
@more-than-a-princess said: 👤+ Sonia (even though she likes Akira's worst food enemy, chocolate).
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She's good in small doses. And that's not a lie. When he's at the academy Sonia's more tolerable because there are more people than just Akira there. But when the dust settles and the princess makes stops at the café where the barista had learned all his talents from, it's a different story. Especially because of the fact he would be arrest in a country for not liking food. It wasn't a crime to be a picky eater. Maybe if he was in his main verse, Akira would give them all a change of heart, despite not checking it over with his teammates on the situation. They would probably tell him to pretend to eat the chocolates offered to him and dispose of them secretly later. Or Akira could just give all the chocolates to Sonia and call it even. Can't be locked up if you pretend to be kind and give them to the princess instead in a show of gratitude or something along those lines.
"She somewhat resembles my mom to be honest. While being positive is great and all, I rather not sweep emotions under a rug and pretend they don't exist. And hey, sometimes people need to be reflective on themselves. I do find her interests in demons to be refreshing though. I just don't want her finding out certain things about me that deal with that. Or my hidden talent. I want that under wraps too. If I did that it would shatter my 'mysterious vibes' that I have going on. I'm empty inside so this and some fleeting moments of anger is all that I have to hold on to at this time".
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tricksheart · 2 years
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Send me 👤+ a character name for my muse’s opinion on that character.
( accepting )
@zhonde​ said:  tell me what akira thinks of hubert.
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“He’s extremely loyal, just like Dedue in some sense. They can’t be persuaded like Hilda can and completely abandon Claude. Then again, Hilda isn’t Mr. Crafty’s retainer or anything, so there is no real connection like the other two that are by Edelgard’s and Dimitri’s side respectfully. His devotion is admirable that’s for sure but other than that, I really don’t understand him or his reasons for aiding both Edgelgard and those who slither in the dark. Or killing his father. I’m sure he had his reasons but Hubert is so unreadable at times, like Claude is, it’s really frustrating. Then again, not everyone voices their opinion like blunt Felix does, myself included.” 
‘Sorry Felix but you are being thrown under the bus for this’. “I guess I can call myself his rival in dark magic only. I haven’t seen anyone else pick up the mantle when changing battle classes, as those seals are very hard to come by normally. Really though, Edelgard doesn’t deserve him frankly and I can’t be the only one who feels that way. What a waste since he and I will NEVER be on the same side of the war, no matter what path I take from here on out”. ‘Also, his voice reminds me of someone, a guy that prefers delicious pancakes perhaps? In a past life or a world where Fodlan doesn’t exist. Hmmm. How strange’.
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