#[ thread : juliette mila lebeau ]
cfakihiros · 6 years
@synergiies !
“Whoa -” Aki stumbles back half a step the Jules-shaped blur launches at him. If he hadn’t recognised her scent before he saw her it would be a completely different story, but some smells are so deeply ingrained into his memory he’s not likely to ever forget them and Jules’ is one of them. He blinks a couple of times in surprise at the way the other is holding onto him before he moves his arms to wrap around her in return, careful in his movements as he has been ever since he was brought back to Paragon. He doesn’t trust himself anymore; every movement is painstakingly considered now, to make sure he doesn’t do anything he’ll regret.
This is Jules, though - he’d never hurt her, he couldn’t. He simply hugs her back, taking a moment to settle back into the familiar feeling of one of his closest friends holding him. “I’m fine, I’m not hurt.” He assures her, his voice soft - though he’s very carefully avoiding saying he’s okay. He’s not sure he is, or that he will be for a while, but.. not hurt is a good start.
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cfarayner · 6 years
@synergiies !
“Uh..” Adrianne feels her cheeks burning at the sight of the other girl watching her, immediately feeling self conscious. She’d been busily sketching away, smudging some extra shading on the page before looking up to see her. Out in space, her appearance isn’t that strange - if anything, people think she looks too human. On Earth.. things are a little different. Her bright yellow eyes, her pointed ears, it tends to draw unpleasant attention. Almost on instinct she pulls absently at her hair to make sure her ears are covered, not wanting to give the girl - or anyone else - a reason to stare. The thought that the girl might be interested in her art doesn’t even cross her mind for a moment. “Can I.. help you with something?” She asks as politely as she can manage, though her voice soft and uncertain as she glances over at the other.
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cfakihiros · 6 years
@synergiies !
“I should have known you would be here.” Aki says with an amused grin on his face as he hops over the back of the couch and lands lightly beside her. Most of his attendance at the Institute had been a waste of time, but somehow Juliette was one of the few people who made stick around bearable. She’s of the few people he’d feel comfortable calling a friend, really - not that he’d ever say that.
“So, I heard a rumour.” He starts casually, offering her the packet of gummy bears he’s been snacking on as he wandered around the building. “A little birdie told me you hit that Stark kid. When did you become a badass, Jules?”
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cfakihiros · 6 years
@synergiies !
“Okay, so -” Aki starts as they wait for their lunch. getting away from the campus was probably the best thing for him right now - between everyone’s panic and the shifts in everyone’s emotional states, he’s been struggling to stay on top of things. “You’re used to this whole.. family thing, right?” He asks, his words slow and more than a little hesitant. It’s not that Aki hasn’t been around family before, but his seems to be growing by the day and he’s not sure he’s ready for that.
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cfarayner · 6 years
@synergiies !
“Jules?! Oh no-” Adrianne manages to swerve through the air out of the way just in time to avoid an energy blast. She’s fortunate that her ring kept her protected from the gas, but not everyone on campus has been so lucky - and by the looks of things, Jules is one of them. She hovers in the air hesitantly, a frown on her face as she watches her friend clearly struggling.
After a few moment she tries to fly in again, slow and steady so she has plenty of time to avoid anymore blasts in her direction, and lands on the ground nearby. Not close enough to scare or startle her, but enough so that Jules knows she’s not alone. “Jules! Are you okay??”
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