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theerastour · 1 year
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reputation eras tour icons (like/reblog if you save 💜)
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missdcalls · 6 months
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"listen - our professor made it clear that the partners he selected were final. there won't be any switching or bartering to get someone new. so why don't we just...accept that, and work together on getting the best grade we can get?" carter's eyes are pleading with the other, but with how they've been - he isn't sure he's going to be able to win them over. // @persephonyed (based loosely on x)
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rising-dawn · 1 year
ੈ♡˳ for @peonyumi​ <3
usually, dawn loved valentine’s day. a whole day to celebrate love. but this year, his heart felt lost and confused. he hadn’t spoken to the one person he wanted to spend this day with more than anything in weeks, and he feared he was losing her. he thought sharing that kiss was the step that would lead them from a friendship and pining for more to being able to have a real relationship. that’s what he had hoped anyway. but now he didn’t even know if she felt the same way about him as he did about her.
all night he had been carefully scanning the crowd for the familiar blush of yumi’s cheeks and the sound of her laugh he had easily committed to memory. he had wanted to give her space, not wanting to make her uncomfortable by giving her unwanted attention, but in all honesty, he didn’t even know what she wanted. he had hoped tonight he would be harder to avoid and he could at least muster up the courage to ask her if he truly needed to move on or not. not that it would be that easy. it seemed that every little thing made him think of her. he had seen a sign on the side of the road for a mummy exhibit in a nearby museum and couldn’t help but think about the excited rants she would go on about archaeological breakthroughs where he may not have understood most of the words, but he definitely understood the way her eyes lit up so brightly. he had been so lost in thought until finally he heard it, that beautiful laugh that he had become so accustomed to bringing out of her himself.
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gcldcnhour · 1 year
@seolinah plot: here muse: richie porter
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"right, so." richie clears his throat, tongue running across his teeth as he leaned toward her. "i'll be upfront with you, i was supposed to woo ya, get ya alone and then..." his head tilts as if to indicate what he meant. "but your husband, he's the real piece of work, wouldn't shut the fuck up about how ugly and awful you were." but with a swift motion of his hands he's clearing that statement. "he was projecting." the smile is back, enticing her, "and now i'm here to offer you a double-cross on him."
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glittersgcld · 1 year
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Though he knew she had considerable strength of her own, Tyler caged Ophelia against him in with a firm grip. He pulled her backside against his front, his considerable length pressing into her through their layers. “I’m going to give you a head start,” he breathed into her ear. The woods were thick and inviting, if a bit haunting, when there were only a handful of days left before the full moon. And Tyler felt like hunting. “When I catch you, I get to have you right then and there.” // @desirousdreamers​
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gcldcnhour-a · 2 years
@ofmymanymuses​ muse: levi clarke  inspo: jersey giant by tyler childers & elle king 
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he held onto their hands tightly, “but if you ever get the notion that you need me, let me know.” he smiled if what sadly, “cause it’s just two hours to get there, babe. i can make it back about an hour or so.”
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woednesdayaddams · 1 year
@nancewheelr said : " you can't just sneak up on me ! "
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nancy’s words ring familiar when they reach her ear drums. sneaking up became a reoccuring theme, as she often finds herself doing that to peers and strangers alike. it’s only natural, to hunt the prey by observing it carefully before attacking. and wednesday tend to be a menace to society, which led her to show off just how unexpected she could be, how much terror she can inflict, how dark it is for her to hide in one’s shadow before she struck them down. alas, that wasn’t the case with nancy wheeler — no ulterior, dark motives behind. she just approached her, admittedly in a quiet manner so that her presence would not be sensed until she wanted it to be revealed. perhaps, wheeler was right, but wednesday wouldn’t admit it.
“i approached you.” a statement to clarify her actions, although she did tip toe her way to reach nancy. “it’s not my responsibility that you didn’t see me coming.” a shrug is given whilst dark, obsidian hues stare right at nancy — or through her, as her vision tended to defocus every now and then. wednesday didn’t approach mike’s sister without a proper intention. a question perhaps would be a better term to wednesday’s hidden reasons. “anyway,” she continued, “my intention was to ask you something.” the contents dark and twisted, of a world that didn’t develop, or one that is yet to come. wednesday could vividly remember the contents of her prophetic vision, the town of hawkins painted red, a pool of blood standing where water used to run, the ashes of its historical buildings taken by the wind, forgotten, as if it wasn’t even there.
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leakywright · 2 years
closed starter: @sassa-fiske​ where: greer’s birthday party  when: sometime during the night
it was a fucking night, leaky knew that. and it was a night that was testing him all around. it seemed like everyone was going off the deep end, and he was on edge, especially after that text from greer. as leaky walked through the crowd, he wondered if he was the only one to receive one, if anyone else was this close to having their secrets revealed to the world.  and so leaky was staying sober, though the itch in his mind demanded a drink, needing something to take the edge off, to make everything disappear. but he knew what happened. and so he refrained. 
but as he came up on a group seated on some chairs, lounged out, he recognized sassa in the bunch and decided that she might be someone to help ease the panic in his chest. “sassa!” he called out with a smile and wave as he infiltrated the group. “ohhh it looks like y’all got games goin’ on.” and then he seated himself next to her, flashing her a smile. “don’t mind me just butting in.” he nudged her arm. “so what are we playing?”
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love-shutdown · 2 years
@kleinstar​ // starter!
Interacting with humans was...kinda boring. It was more like Goyou’s thing, to be interested in but...Goyou wasn’t exactly here. Which meant Agape had to be the one to do it, so he could tell the other program about it later. Plus there wasn’t exactly a great way to avoid talking to people in a big strange city like this. Especially, when he didn’t have an Internet connection.
He hadn’t found anyone with answers yet, which meant he had to be asking more questions. Strange for him to be doing so suddenly again, but this was a different sort of question-asking. 
Well. At least this human looked smart enough.
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“‘scuse me! I’m sort of new here. Do you know what’s going on with everything? I’m not used to being in a city like this.”
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fogcursed · 2 years
Every so often, a new killer enters the fog.
This one doesn’t look like much of a killer, Charlotte thinks. But what does she know? Sometimes it’s those who look the most innocent who’re the most vicious of all.
Charlotte knows that well. After all of the people who have hunted her down, her and her brother... the cruelty of humans has been burned into her mind and soul. She’ll never forgive them. Never understand them. What did the Deshayes do wrong? From the moment of their birth, they were destined to be hunted, fated for torture, happiness forever out of their grasp.
Well, no more. Charlotte is done being prey.
Charlotte doesn’t know for sure if this one’s new, or if they just haven’t met until now. Either way, it doesn’t make much difference to her. She feels herself recoiling in disgust all the same.
“...What’s with that look? Do you have something to say to me?”
@killedsoft ( starter from charlotte! )
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oneyeclosed · 2 years
@ssvperboy liked for a starter
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“i saw you looking for the side door. you didn't wanna stick around for the rest of the night?”
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rising-dawn · 1 year
ੈ♡˳ for @ofxiang​​ !
it was honestly an accident. should dawn have gone out alone? no, but he really needed a bit to clear his head. how was he supposed to know he would stumble upon a bar on his walk? how was he supposed to know one drink to relax his mind would turn into three would turn into six? how was he supposed to know that orlando was much more of a party than he had previously thought? and how was he supposed to know that the walk back would be way more difficult to navigate than the walk there? he could hardly be blamed for the circumstances that had ended up with him sat on the curb on a random street in orlando in the middle of the night. 
when he had pulled out his phone to finally attempt to call for help, he had to think through who would get him in the least trouble for this. his manager would be the best option to come find him but then he would never be allowed out of his sight again. nikolai however, he could trust to not only still be awake but could get him home without anyone else having to find out about it, surely able to rely on his own experience with his party habits. not to mention, his was the first number he found, and dawn’s foggy brain was not handling fine motor skills the best at the moment. “hyuuuung,” he whined, as soon as the call connected. “i think i’m lost...”
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therelignedstars · 5 months
@lowerqualityrp asked: ❝  i’m not threatening you.  ❞ (Mayhaps from Drowsy or Bruce? I'm pretty open, tho!)
"Good, cause I don't want to hurt you. You're a sweet guy, and I have a deep respect for your brother. So I wouldn't harm you anyway." She says, facing away from Bruce as she worked on his car. "What did you do to mess your car up this bad? When Charles said it got damaged, I didn't think it would be this bad." She sighs, still assessing the engine for damage.
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petalstorm · 5 months
STARTER   ♡   @dreams-of-fate Verse: Hider of Truth Status: Private  &&.  Jules + Dongsun
What started out as a university requirement, led to quite some excitement for Jules. Her assignment was to find a place to have a week of 'Unpaid internship' at, with the intentions of returning to university afterwards and writing a paper on the discoveries within that career path as well as the daily expenses required to keep the said job running. While initially this felt like a massive drag, the more she began to look into potential places, the more she felt herself get excited by the mere idea of trying out something new. Something away from her usual life, trying something she perhaps wouldn't be that good at too. She eventually settled on a local kindergarten. Though she was inexperienced, she loved kids and found herself thinking she would get the most fullfillment out of working in such an environment.
She knocked on the door of the teacher's room to announce her arrival before opening the door, peeking inside to see if anyone was there to begin with only to spot a male teacher whom she assumed she'd be following for the week. 'Hi, I contacted someone over the phone a while back? I'm meant to shadow someone for a week.' She gently announced, hoping he was the owner of the voice she'd talked to earlier. 'I hope I'm not too early?'
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cstarling · 7 months
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HARVEY DENT: I WARNED YOU THIS WOULD HAPPEN. and yet, the warning had not gotten through clarice's thick plate of hope. the wall that kept her believing that there was good in everyone, in spite of their flaws. she thought they had some things in common, her and harvey - the biggest being their want to do good in a place there was already so much bad in. they fought and lost, every single day, and a person could only fight for so long before that hope and goodness turned sour. and as much as she'd like to keep herself from becoming bitter, and jaded, gotham was making it hard for her. she imagined it was the same for him, as well. 'you did,' clarice agrees, crossing her arms over her chest, hands squeezing her sides - a woman keeping herself together. she's glancing down at the newspaper. heading questions whether the fbi is filled with corrupt agents, and the black and white photo of clarice starling makes her look incredibly guilty. brows furrow as she glances up at harvey. 'but it doesn't change anything, sir. i'm aware of what i fight for. this article means nothin' t'me,' not the complete truth, but she says it like she means it. @coinofsilver.
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kansaisdragon · 2 years
54. REFUGE : for one muse to shelter the other from enemies. ( jane )
One Word Prompts : [x]
IF THERE WAS ONE THING THAT MADE RYUJI’S BLOOD BOIL, it was witnessing thugs target random civilians on the street ⸺ an unfortunately common sight with where he hailed from, but all the same, it didn’t make him any less belligerent to see a group of men harassing a woman that was no doubt just minding her own damn business. 
There was no way he could have known of her capabilities, of course; Ryuji was by no means the heroic type either, being yakuza through and through, but he wasn’t without his honour as a man. Without so much as a second THOUGHT, he was already cracking his knuckles by the time he went and put his hulking frame between Jane and the closest of the group of thugs. A sickening thud followed followed the first punch he threw, leaving room for no questions about him unceremoniously inserting himself into the situation.
Their assailant staggered back, popping their jaw, and it was in that time Ryuji took the time to finally acknowledge the stranger, peering back at her from over his shoulder.
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      ❝ ⸺ They didn’t hurt ya, did they? ❞
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