#[ ur welcome i am always here 2 save the day ]
roleplayfinder · 3 hours
Hello everyone! 🔪 I’m a 25, female writer here to ask for some 18+ writing partners as I do not interact with minors! As for what I’m looking for today, I would love to do a group plot! I have a few writing rules and stipulations but really, it’s nothing too much. I’ll get into those with you really quickly and then we’ll get to the type of plot I’m offering!
Okay, here are my few stipulations.
1.) Please have a decent grasp of literacy, no text talk in the roleplay (unless it is a literal text between our characters) such as u, urs, tho, thru, y, r, etc.
2.) NSFW welcomed but not required. We can always fade to black moment and then move the plot forward from there. Just don’t make these plots all about smut!
3.) Please do not control my character or anyone else’s characters, we have our own respective characters to add to the story, you control yours and yours alone. That being said, you are more than welcome to introduce two characters per person! It is not required.
4.) Please be respectful! No shaming another person’s characters! That is not why we’re here.
5.) As this is going to be a group plot, i askk that you please keep drama to yourselves outside of roleplay! if we can’t act like adults, then this isn’t going to work and will be completely different to enjoy a cohesive roleplay.
As for rules, that’s about all I have! I am an avid lover of romance, fluff, angst, drama, hurt, comfort. Literally give me all of it! That being said, I cannot write a slow burn to save my life, I tend to get just a little bit too impatient for them. I prefer medium to fast pace in the way of romance. I’m also totally okay with darker themes, but we can discuss this more in depth too.
Now onto what I am looking for in terms of plot.
I’m looking to do a group plot with hopefully anywhere from 5-8 people! if we get more takers, i’d be more than happy to expand the numbers! I’m wanting to do a campy sort of slasher plot. A bunch of college students rent out a big cabin/house in the middle of nowhere and a couple days into it, people start dying. yes, i will be appointing 1-2 people to be the slasher depending on numbers! the person/persons chosen must not tell. i will accept ocs of any and all types! please do not hesitate to join! i’m so looking forward to potentially interacting with you all! like this and i will reach out!
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prpfz · 11 hours
Hello everyone! 🔪 I’m a 25, female writer here to ask for some 18+ writing partners as I do not interact with minors! As for what I’m looking for today, I would love to do a group plot! I have a few writing rules and stipulations but really, it’s nothing too much. I’ll get into those with you really quickly and then we’ll get to the type of plot I’m offering!
Okay, here are my few stipulations.
1.) Please have a decent grasp of literacy, no text talk in the roleplay (unless it is a literal text between our characters) such as u, urs, tho, thru, y, r, etc.
2.) NSFW welcomed but not required. We can always fade to black moment and then move the plot forward from there. Just don’t make these plots all about smut!
3.) Please do not control my character or anyone else’s characters, we have our own respective characters to add to the story, you control yours and yours alone. That being said, you are more than welcome to introduce two characters per person! It is not required.
4.) Please be respectful! No shaming another person’s characters! That is not why we’re here.
5.) As this is going to be a group plot, i askk that you please keep drama to yourselves outside of roleplay! if we can’t act like adults, then this isn’t going to work and will be completely different to enjoy a cohesive roleplay.
As for rules, that’s about all I have! I am an avid lover of romance, fluff, angst, drama, hurt, comfort. Literally give me all of it! That being said, I cannot write a slow burn to save my life, I tend to get just a little bit too impatient for them. I prefer medium to fast pace in the way of romance. I’m also totally okay with darker themes, but we can discuss this more in depth too.
Now onto what I am looking for in terms of plot.
I’m looking to do a group plot with hopefully anywhere from 5-8 people! if we get more takers, i’d be more than happy to expand the numbers! I’m wanting to do a campy sort of slasher plot. A bunch of college students rent out a big cabin/house in the middle of nowhere and a couple days into it, people start dying. yes, i will be appointing 1-2 people to be the slasher depending on numbers! the person/persons chosen must not tell. i will accept ocs of any and all types! please do not hesitate to join! i’m so looking forward to potentially interacting with you all! like this and i will reach out!
give a like and anon will get back to you
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findroleplay · 1 year
Hello everyone! I’m a 24, female writer here to ask for some 18+ writing partners as I do not interact with minors! As for what I’m looking for today, I would love to write some original roleplays! I have a few writing rules and stipulations but really, it’s nothing too much. I’ll get into those with you really quickly and then we’ll get to the types of plots I’m after!
Okay, here are my few stipulations.
1.) Please have a decent grasp of literacy, no text talk in the roleplay (unless it is a literal text between our characters) such as u, urs, tho, thru, y, r, etc.
2.) Please do NOT force me to write NSFW if I am not feeling it at that moment. I won’t expect you to either if you are absolutely not feeling it. We can always fade to black moment and then move the plot forward from there. This is not to say I won’t welcome NSFW, just don’t want it to be a big part of the plot.
3.) Please do not control my character, we have our own respective characters to add to the story, you control yours and I control mine. If there’s anything you want to have my character do, talk to me! We can happily work through the plot that way with little to no resistance.
4.) Please don’t try to get me to change my characters. (this has happened to me far more than I care to admit to)
5.) Note that I have a busy work schedule. I cannot always do rapid fire, please just be patient with me! I always try to get out at least one post a day. Sometimes it doesn’t always work that way. If I haven’t posted or communicated in two or three days, please reach out to me!
6.) Realistic faceclaims only please!
7.) MXF ONLY! i would prefer the female role! this is nothing against other pairings, but this is what i want for these plots.
As for rules, that’s about all I have! I love to fangirl over my writes, I will literally spam you with playlists, headcanons, all of it. I love to love every piece of our story. I will literally be the biggest fangirl that you have ever seen. I am an avid lover of fantasy, horror, romance, fluff, angst, drama, hurt, comfort. Literally give me all of it! That being said, I cannot write a slow burn to save my life, I tend to get just a little bit too impatient for them. I prefer medium to fast pace in the way of romance.
Now onto what I am looking for in terms of plot. I’m just gonna list a general basis of my ideas and we can sort through options together!
1.) Something having to do with medieval fantasy! I have been so all about fantasy lately. We can definitely collaborate here.
2.) Best friends to lovers but make it so angsty. Whether it’s unrequited love, trauma, or other things, I want something here that’s gonna make me want to ugly cry over these guys.
tag is: corpsese
thank you!
ALSO! if you have messaged me before about plotting, PLEASE reach back out! i’ve had some big health issues and some other family issues that have kept me busy and i am so sorry!
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bishie-haven · 1 year
Asmo Appreciation Week, Day 2: Best Cards, Part 1!
Welcome back, everyone!
So...Obey Me's cards, eh? Some are good, some are not-so-good, some send people into screaming frenzies, some send others into...other types of screaming frenzies.
When it comes to Asmo and his cards, I take it seriously. Since 2021, I've had a goal of collecting every card the game has released of him, and it's actually going pretty well. The same applies with Nightbringer; last night I put many stockpiled D-Energy cans to good use and grinded enough to get his UR+ achievable from the Hard Ruri Tunes missions!
Which leads me to today's topic: which of the lusty boy's cards do I think is the best?
It took so much strength to pick. And in the end, I couldn't choose just 5, just 7, or even just 10. Nope, I'm going all out and showing my TOP 20 cards! Because Tumblr has a limit on how many images can be used in a single post, today I'm going to be revealing the first half of the cards, from #20-#11, with the top 10 coming very soon.
A couple of things before I start. I did not include any of the NB-exclusive cards in this list, as those three I want to save for another day. And two, I am not basing my ranking on any of the Devilgrams attached to the cards, as some of them I have yet to obtain. I may mention them for some that I do own, but the basis of these ranking is on the art of the cards, the theming included, and meaningful context around its release. Lastly, all of the images here were found on the fandom's unofficial card-logging site, Karasu-OS.
Anyway, let's begin!
To start with, I have a couple of honorable mentions that just barely missed the cutoff:
HM 1: HLD, the New Dream Team! (Toys event SSR)
That event with the onesies was definitely one of the more chaotic ones, that's for sure. And while it's not one of my favorite sets, I always liked Asmo's pink bunny outfit. It's so floppy and derp that I can't help but smile.
HM 2: Memories and Pale Shades (Cursed Seed SSR)
This event...oh boy. Remember when I said that release context played a part in my ranking? This is one where it's a bit clear. The art and composition is beautiful, being fed a dango and admiring the blossoming trees, but the circumstances that this card came out in spoiled a bit of the joy it would normally have. Still, the positives still weighed out enough for it to land here with a good word.
Now then, on to the list!
#20: Party Hopping
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It's cards like this that get the wheels in my brain turning. A funny thing about cards is that their image sometimes doesn't match the Devilgram attached or even the event or Nightmare entirely. Even without having the card in my possession (yet), cards like this let my imagination run wild in terms of what is happening in the image. Why is Asmo dressed like Little Red Riding Hood? Why is he crying? Did he come from a party? Did something happen before or after it? The card itself is simple, but allows for lots of mental creativity.
#19: Asmo Gives Back <3
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This one unfortunately got held back by the initial design of the card. For some reason, that blue suit of his just irks me... But the unlocked DF version makes up for it in spades. For as much of a party animal Asmo is described to be, we don't see him much in any kind of club or bar setting with the works attached in art. This card remedied that, showing him flushed and happily drinking away, clothes rustled around and overall giving proof of a good time for his special day.
#18: Illuminating My Love
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This is an example of simplicity reigning supreme. Both of the card versions don't have anything special with outfits, just casual and demon forms, but it's the actions that hit it in the feels for me. Small lights, whether it be from fairy lights or tiny candles, bring a sense of warmth to both of the card arts. And considering these were released for Devil Day '22, warmth and love are the perfect things to feel when it comes to these.
#17: Asmos and the Fox Mask?
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Much like #19, this is one where one design makes up for another, but this time for a different reason. I'll admit I wasn't the biggest fan of the yokai-style theming the DF unlock was attached to, but that is mainly just personal preference. The initial art given though? AMAZING. This is the start of where theming starts to be a basis for why I like a card, and to start it off, I LOVE masquerade balls. And this be one of many cards you see where Asmo is wearing a dress, get used to it.
#16: The Annoying Influencer
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Another type of simplistic card, but this one gets bonus points for bringing ALL the color, enough that some may find it a bit annoying (eh? get it? I'll stop). Another birthday card, it warms my heart whenever I see images of Asmo enjoying a treat or any food in general. One of the tropes thrown around a lot involves him going on diets often to keep his figure, so to see him openly enjoying snacks he likes (especially here, with his favorite Surprise Guest item!) will always make me just a bit happier.
#15: A Gorgeous Phantom Thief
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There was a time when I adored the Phantom Thief and Detective trope in stories, a sort of cat-and-mouse game, if you will. Also usually having a Tuxedo Mask-esque aesthetic about them, it always felt like you were on the edge of your seat, waiting for what would happen next. And while this is another card that I don't own as of now, I can still imagine the picture in my head of this lovely man wanting to steal every rare diamond and gem in existence, but the one thing he can't seem to take so easily is your heart.
#14: Looking at Someone
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WHY DID THIS CARD NIGHTMARE HAVE TO BE SO SHORT?! Outside of the screaming, this is one of the cards I would be ecstatic to own, if only the circumstances on its release weren't so daunting with no re-release in sight. But even so, it's another example of simplicity being all you need. Asmo surrounded one of his most iconic motifs, makeup as far as the eye can see with a relaxed look on his face is really all I need when it comes to this card.
#13: Asmo and a Treasure Chest
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Both of these images, the themes, expressions..."shoot through my heart" indeed... While pirates aren't my favorite universe to dabble into (similar to yokai in terms of preference), the two art features given to this card of the same thing go beyond my choices and SLAY me. Double revolvers on the initial, and...THIS...on the DF unlock? Oh anyone in the three realms take me now!
#12: That Special Someone
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Oh the nostalgia! Even if it's only 4 years ago, the initial set of cards will always be special to me, and this particular initial UR is no exception. It was definitely a tricky sucker to get, taking me almost THREE YEARS to get lucky in Chapter A, and it still remains part of some of my best teams to this day. And the theming gives another combination of fitting the character (you can't expect someone with their own private bathroom to NOT have a shot of themselves in the tub), and my own secret tastes (self-care and beauty elements are addictive to me).
#11: Catch the Lost Bunnies!
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Rounding out the first half is the inverse of the following card. Instead of taking nearly three years, this sucker came home on a FREE single pull! I have never had better luck on that gacha since then, and I'm glad it came from this lovely card. Bunnies and rabbits are Asmo's secondary animal motif (the primary being scorpions), and combining this with the bunny boy event happening at the same time, it's just a celebration of two different kinds of cuties! I wanna cuddle them both!
And with that, I have to hold the breaks. But don't worry, soon we'll go through the second half, the top 10 of the bunch. Which cards can top these? Have any guesses?
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playtimeprincey · 9 months
old acct pin, saving in case im about to go under hehe
new pinned !! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
Hiii it's princey!! 21 subby cuntboy fagthing ^_^ welcome 2 my playhouse!!
he/they!!! genderfuckery afoot but i am a boy!! you can tease me about anything else but pls respect my identity!
minors DNI obviously
#princeyposts <- my forever tag, if u follow this tag you can catch me even when i havta remake!!
♡ heres what princey looks like! ♡
♡ kinks n other palace rules♡
💚 faves!! 💚 ddlb/brocon n all things fauxcest, free use!!, royalty kink, petplay (big dogs and little puppies im pspspsing you directly to my holes), roughhousing, praise kink!!, light degradation (call me dumb!! objectify me!!), cnc, intox, somno, breeding and knotting!!, kidnapping/stockholm syndrome, will add to this later <3
⚠️treading lightly⚠️hard impact/painplay, bloodplay (vampire/monster/fictional slashers alwayysssss get a green tho!), feminization- not detrans, watersports
❌limits lie here❌raceplay, scat/vomit, anything w disordered eating, 99.7% of misgendering or detrans stuff, most birthing content
DNI strictly for raceplay and ED stuff, the others can interact which arent moral judgements but for my own comfort and safety
all else is fair game for now :3
i talk a lot abt cnc and kidnapping and coercion and somno and intox and ddlb and all manners of icky play that play heavy into power dynamics and control , but let me be extremely clear that consent is always, always vital, and boundaries must be explicitly communicated and respected.
lots of talk abt guy's pussies n boycunt and manbreeding etc etc
you are always welcome 2 call me ur son, ur little brother, ur baby, ur puppy ur bunny ur kitty etc etc im not looking for anything serious or offsite but lets get weird n possessive while we hang out ;3
slowly getting more comfy sending/posing lewdy pics but not quite yet explicit nudes!! srry if im slow w dms <3 but anons/ asks r always open and i get to those lots faster!! send prompts and threats and the ickiest thing u can think of or just tell me about your day! ^_^
hot tip: i end my anons with some combination of 👑💙💌 depending on if any of those r already taken
if u made it all the way thru my ramblings im blowing u a kiss and/or kissing u with tongue and/or blowing u. pick ur poison xox
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crushed-starlight · 10 months
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welcome back to me stealing ideas from @about-the-two-of-us !!
todays episode: i might turn this into a more general digital diary about my social life, rather than focusing so much on crushes. ysee this is what happens when i have to spend a whole half-day without meadow lmao
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anyway !! here’s updates :D
meadow went away for the weekend to visit a friend :(( so we couldn't hang out BUT before their train we still went to class together and made jokes about the place they’re visiting and they left their snacks in my bag so i got to see them briefly again to give them back right before they left n we hugged goodbye at the place we first hung out aaaa
that was last weekend, n since then a ton of wild lore has happened !! its been literally 4 days how is any of this real.
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monday evening jiji and odie hung out in my dorm and watched some youtube videos from a channel that odie and i rly like that we're trying to introduce jiji to !! those two r always so kind to me im rly glad i have them as friends rn. otherwise the stuff w meadow would be way more taxing i think
tuesday evening i went over to meadow's place after class !! i played a game they introduced me to (they like backseat gaming for this one hehe) and he gave me tons of tips on how to get a good build n i ended up getting further than i ever have before on my last run of the evening !!
and on wednesday (yesterday) meadow and i went on a mini shopping trip after class, then went back to their dorm again for a mini movie marathon !! we got through the first 2 hunger games movies since i hadn't seen them before and meadow is hype to watch the new one that just came out. i rly enjoyed them !! not my favorites ever but i can totally see what the hype is about. and for bonus points, one of my 2 best friends from before uni ,, we'll call them fish (new character alert !!) watched them too super recently so i can talk to them abt it !! fish is the coolest and im gonna be around them more this winter since i'm goin back to their town for a while :D but fr meadow and i watched the first 2 movies in his bed under the covers :,D not quite cuddling bc im a COWARD but squished up next to each other sharing snacks :3 thats still a win in my book !!
aaaaaaaaaaand then came earlier today >< i had a class with goose which was fun but she dipped after that to go study and i walked home alone. when i got back meadow started messaging me that someone they met on their weekend away (a friend of a friend) was messaging them n theyre DOWN BAD. they were GUSHING TO ME AND ITWAS TORTURE i am in actual hell !!!!!!!! turns out hearing ur crush gush about their crush ,, kinda hurts your soul in a way that you feel !! the conversation ended but now im thinkin i should rly confess soon just to save myself the trouble ;; idk how long its healthy to stay in friendship limbo like this.
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findyourrp · 1 year
Hello everyone! I’m a 24, female writer here to ask for some 18+ writing partners as I do not interact with minors! As for what I’m looking for today, I would love to write some original roleplays! I have a few writing rules and stipulations but really, it’s nothing too much. I’ll get into those with you really quickly and then we’ll get to the types of plots I’m after!
Okay, here are my few stipulations.
1.) Please have a decent grasp of literacy, no text talk in the roleplay (unless it is a literal text between our characters) such as u, urs, tho, thru, y, r, etc.
2.) NSFW welcomed but not required. We can always fade to black moment and then move the plot forward from there. Just don’t make these plots all about smut!
3.) Please do not control my character, we have our own respective characters to add to the story, you control yours and I control mine. If there’s anything you want to have my character do, talk to me! We can happily work through the plot that way with little to no resistance.
4.) Please don’t try to get me to change my characters. (this has happened to me far more than I care to admit to)
5.) Note that I have a busy work schedule. I cannot always do rapid fire, please just be patient with me! I always try to get out at least one post a day. Sometimes it doesn’t always work that way. If I haven’t posted or communicated in two or three days, please reach out to me!
As for rules, that’s about all I have! I love to fangirl over my writes, I will literally spam you with playlists, headcanons, all of it. I love to love every piece of our story. I will literally be the biggest fangirl that you have ever seen. I am an avid lover of romance, fluff, angst, drama, hurt, comfort. Literally give me all of it! That being said, I cannot write a slow burn to save my life, I tend to get just a little bit too impatient for them. I prefer medium to fast pace in the way of romance. I’m also totally okay with darker themes, but we can discuss this more in depth too.
Now onto what I am looking for in terms of plot. I’m just gonna list a general basis of my ideas.
1.) Childhood friends to lovers: Our characters have been close since before they can remember. Life took them on different paths and now they’re reuniting and discovering there’s a little more than friendship between them.
2.) Lost Souls who found one another: Our characters are both running. From their past, from people (take that as you will), from themselves and they bump into each other. They quickly realize just how much they’re alike and they start running together. (this is like one of those cheesy runaway plots where they bounce from place to place.).
Now I am looking to write a female character and my current preferred pairing is male x female. i have nothing against any other pairings but this is just what i’m craving at this moment.
Discord is my preferred platform to write on! Add me or like this and I’ll reach out! I look forward to writing with you!
(send ask following the rules next time.)
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🗣️❔📝 for the wip ask game!! :0
🗣️Talk about your favourite WIP
OHHHHH. DREAMSTUCK. Dreamstuck is my favourite wip, no question. It is a thriving crop and I am its loving and caring farmer. It's so cringe (affectionate) and I am so badly invested in it. It's a love letter to both source materials, Homestuck and DSMP. I love both of them, and while the original creators (Dream and Hussie) turned out to be assholes, everyone else who was involved in them poured their entire souls into these two stories and I love just. Showing that. Taking apart the best bits from the Homestuck story which is so nuanced and complicated and took great care and time to make, and placing it on these silly little Minecraft roleplay characters that have so much heart poured into their acting and storylines. I'm just. Yeah. Dreamstuck. <3
❔Choose a random WIP and talk about it.
hmmmmm. u know what. I'm taking this opportunity to rant about my Escape from Furnace wip because the fandom consists of like maybe 4 people so there's no one to talk about it to. Pull up a chair bro
ok ok. ur not gonna understand this unless you've read the books but w/e SO THERE'S THIS GUY NAMED GARY OWENS, RIGHT. He's a 17 year old and he dies in like the third book and he's an asshole who beats the shit out of people with no remorse. The only hint of a real character under all that is when he makes an offhand casual comment about his dad beating him, and later when he see him crying after the wheezers started their procedures on him, and lemme tell u. I ran with that. He survives in this AU which I have dubbed the Almost Everyone Lives AU because I also wanted to save two other characters who died. Because I love them. and I'm going to give this troubled teenager who committed patricide a good healing arc ok. He's the oldest kid who was put in Furnace Penitentiary in the time frame of the series and i think he'll definitely have a crisis about turning 18 while Alex and Zee are still like 14-15. my guy's got issues <3 my little scrimble scorblo
📝Share a snippet of an unposted WIP, with or without context
FUCK IT. FURNACE FIC CHAPTER 7. because i haven't made any headway on my next trigun fic so i have nothing 2 post at all for that, and my humanstuck fic would make no sense out of context. SO HERE'S GARY OWENS IF U DON'T CHEER AND CLAP FOR HIM RIGHT NOW I'M BLOWING THIS WHOLE WEBSITE UP
“Get to the point,” Gary snaps.
Bodie just smirks. “But you’re okay. You may not have made a good leader, but you’d still make a damn good Skull.”
He sets down the crisps. Another Skull immediately snatches up the bag and digs in as Bodie rummages around in his pocket. He pulls out a black scrap of cloth, a crudely painted skull on the front. Kevin’s old bandanna, the one Gary took from him on his first day.
“It’s not like we’ll be doing much for crime from here on out anyway,” Bodie says. “Ain’t much point to it, now that the world’s gone to shit. And yous ain’t takin’ back the leadership position, that’s mine. But this is still yours if you want it. You earned it. Once a Skull, always a Skull.”
Gary stares at it in disbelief. First he finds out Bodie is still alive after their escape, and then he wants to offer Gary a spot in the Skulls again?
“You’re really just dropping bomb after bomb on me today, aren’t you?”
Bodie snorts. “Guess so. It’s alright if you don’t want it. I wouldn’t blame yous.”
Gary carefully takes the bandanna like it’s something special—which it sort of is, if he thinks about it. How many Skulls have worn this bandanna? How many members has this been passed down through, stolen from, claimed as a prize after a brawl?
He can’t think of anything to say, so he just says “Thanks.”
Bodie smiles. He slings an arm over Gary’s shoulder. “Welcome back, Owens.”
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garoujo · 2 years
good morning, sweet girl. i better get the most kisses :( i miss my baby:((( idea 💡, we stay in bed all day and sleep together 🥹. i feel like i’ve hardly gotten to spend time with you lately :(((
- gojo <3
i am so sorry, sobs, i think we’re in different time zones but i am trying to respond as quick as i can 🥹🥹🥹
- gojo mod <3
good morning ‘toru ! did u sleep wellll i hope so ^3^ giving u so many kisses rn cause u deserve them all sm duh < 3 missing u just as much promise . it’s okay i’m always gonna be here waiting 4 u wenever u visit gonna be yours anyway >_<
[omgosh mod pls don’t apologise its okay ! i promise there’s no pressure or anything 2 be responding 24 / 7 ur welcome in my blog always n i’ll save ur spot if u ever get busy mwah <3]
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darkrpfinders · 42 minutes
Hello everyone! 🔪 I’m a 25 female writer here to ask for some 18+ writing partners as I do not interact with minors! As for what I’m looking for today, I would love to do a group plot! I have a few writing rules and stipulations but really, it’s nothing too much. I’ll get into those with you really quickly and then we’ll get to the type of plot I’m offering!
Okay, here are my few stipulations.
1.) Please have a decent grasp of literacy, no text talk in the roleplay (unless it is a literal text between our characters) such as u, urs, tho, thru, y, r, etc.
2.) NSFW welcomed but not required. We can always fade to black moment and then move the plot forward from there. Just don’t make these plots all about smut!
3.) Please do not control my character or anyone else’s characters, we have our own respective characters to add to the story, you control yours and yours alone. That being said, you are more than welcome to introduce two characters per person! It is not required.
4.) Please be respectful! No shaming another person’s characters! That is not why we’re here.
5.) As this is going to be a group plot, i askk that you please keep drama to yourselves outside of roleplay! if we can’t act like adults, then this isn’t going to work and will be completely different to enjoy a cohesive roleplay.
As for rules, that’s about all I have! I am an avid lover of romance, fluff, angst, drama, hurt, comfort. Literally give me all of it! That being said, I cannot write a slow burn to save my life, I tend to get just a little bit too impatient for them. I prefer medium to fast pace in the way of romance. I’m also totally okay with darker themes, but we can discuss this more in depth too.
Now onto what I am looking for in terms of plot.
I’m looking to do a group plot with hopefully anywhere from 5-8 people! if we get more takers, i’d be more than happy to expand the numbers! I’m wanting to do a campy sort of slasher plot. A bunch of college students rent out a big cabin/house in the middle of nowhere and a couple days into it, people start dying. yes, i will be appointing 1-2 people to be the slasher depending on numbers! the person/persons chosen must not tell. i will accept ocs of any and all types! please do not hesitate to join! i’m so looking forward to potentially interacting with you all! like this and i will reach out!
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buzzerbeaterbin · 9 months
I cannot express how LAUGHABLE of a venture it was to expect myself to ever reasonably keep up with essentially a 6 days/week workout routine in the midst of the biggest life transition I'm experiencing thus far. This semester we are focusing on fitting in a 1 hour session only 2-3x/week, that hits both strength training AND cardio - the name of the game is efficiency!!! Aerobic, weight-bearing, heart-rate elevating, fat-burning, full body, FUNCTIONAL, ATHLETIC. I'm accepting that certain other goals (e.g. flexibility) will have to take a backseat for the time being. It's looking like a lot of HIIT, double compounds (e.g. squat to shoulder press), minimal equipment ->
I'm done with waiting in lines for popular machines!!! WHO HAS THE TIME!!! I've also learned the value of simplifying your needs as much as possible the so that your ability to stay consistent with your workouts is not limited to exclusive, fancy equipment that ties you down to a particular studio/gym e.g. kind of a meme but I got so used to the hip thrust machine at my giant suburban gym just to basically never see it again. I PRAY for the day I am able to rely on body weight calisthenics alone, but until then, there's so much magic in a bare-bones bench + dumbbells gym, and almost everywhere you go will have that
on that note, a lot of solidcore moves can be done with sliding discs, youre welcome
for the first time in an extremely long time, one of my primary goals this time around is actually weight loss - there's a whole lot more I can say about this but for now, one of the primary reasons is the fact that I will be in Korea for the first time ever this summer ifykyk lol. but starvation is never the means nor the ends, especially given how much GLUCOSE my brain requires during these long days. I'm approaching this as a fun challenge to see how I can be the most efficient (time and money) with my fuel
snack hunt saga:
the biggest revelation = The Only Bean Edamame Beans, they have a 11g protein :110cal ratio (same ratio as those pure protein bars) and go down wayyy better bc it's real food and not processed powder (I'm still learning to tolerate protein powder). They come individually packed too so SO good for on the go!!!!
I've been liking TJ's flavored cashews too - not the best macro profile (like all nuts) but are so easy to pack for a study session and don't go bad quickly
MEDJOOL DATES every once in a while i remember again that nuggets of heaven exist and are so filling so quickly
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biaswreckingfics · 2 years
hi bae its been a v long time 🥹🥹 ive been rly busy catching up w my own life and i sorta stopped my kpop phase in nov but i am back as happy as ever being a sunwoo biased 🤭🤭
i see u have a new series !!!!!! im so excited(this is an understatement tbh im even more hyped than that) its been so boring wlo anyth fun to readd++i rly like ur writing style:)) can i know when is the first chap gna b uploaded hehe ofc no rush🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️ i hope uve been doing great and taking care of urself !!! rly missed reading ur ffs they make me happy idk how many times ive re read blurred lines;(
i saw tbz's stage yesterday for daejeon and i went crazy bro tbz in a racecar concept?!?!?!?!?!? i didnt think that ill live to a day where i see KIM FREAKING SUNWOO in that kind of outfits AND his starting for his cover stage oml kill me alr i love him too much im gg feral fhebdubefins and we cant forget ab him in the bear costume he made my day😤😤 theres so many things i wna talk about him but i dont rly have friends to do that cause their js gna judge me LMAO but if i do it here my msg is gna b fr long af so ill save u a hassle unless ur rly interested 😋😋
thanku for reading this and have a great day/night/afternoon/evening aheaaaad 🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️
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photo creds from twt !!(oops the first photo isnt vertical)
OMG HELLO!!! WELCOME BACK, MY FELLOW SUNWOO STAN!! ❤️❤️ I understand the need to take a break and focus on life, but I'm also so happy you've been drawn back into the fold lol 😈😈
Asdfghjkl 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️ thank you so much for missing/liking my writing!! Also, I have good news!! The first chapter is already out 🤭🤭 (I'm responding to this late, I'm so sorry ❤️), and I'm currently working on chapter 2 right now!!
I haven't read Blurred Lines since writing it, but I've been LIVING thanks to the comments on Wattpad lmao. They lose their minds over certain things that happen and it's always so funny 😂😂
*keyboard smash but I won't actually type since I've already done it once*
The bear costume!! Please!! I was crying laughing 💀💀💀 he's so funny. I love him 😭😭😭. Also, I'm ALWAYS WILLING TO TALK/LISTEN ABOUT SUNWOO!! ALWAYS!! COME TO ME!! TELL ME THE THINGS!!
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wiyodreamz · 4 years
𝑽𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒅 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 | 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑺𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒉𝒘𝒂 [02]
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⌜Nari is a college student at Seokhye University. One day she got off on the wrong foot with Seonghwa, throws her coffee on him and curses him out. Later that day she signs up for an internship at Hwa Corp. That same day, she learns that the same guy she threw her coffee at, is the CEO of that company. How will things go for Nari if she has a target on her back from that encounter? ⌟ Office AU
01 | 02
A/N: if you want to be on my taglist, dm or send me an ask with ur user.
Contains: fluff, angst, smut, alcohol drinking, cursing, and more as the story goes on.
Seonghwa X Fem!reader
Warnings: alcohol consumption and a heated makeout session
Tag list: @seonghwaskitten
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Nari felt like she could hibernate after these few weeks. Mr.Park, or his real name Seonghwa which she learned from the workers, has been pushing her to her limits in the past week.
She was working on a PPT and then at the last minute before she had to hand it to him, he made her start all over again, making her want to hit her head on the wall for hours. Her appearance even shows that she was exhausted too.
“Did you just roll out of bed just to come here?” Dani remarked as she laughed at Nari appearance. Nari had very noticeable eye bags, even with makeup on.
“I’m not in the fucking mood Dani” she said as she glared at Dani and sat down at her desk.
“Ooh! A temper I see” Dani said in a snarky tone and then sat down at her desk.
“How many hours of sleep have you been getting, Nari?” Sunji asked as she looked at Nari concerned.
“About an hour or two, but the day he made me redo the ppt, I only got 30 minutes. So I’ve been functioning off coffee” she answered.
“Nari you’ll hurt yourself doing all those things! You looked stress...” Sunji trailed off as she looked and saw Dani glaring at her to be quiet.
“I know that I’ll have to stay up and finish the other things too, plus the stuff I have to do towards school to” she said as yawned sleepily.
“Moon Nari! As your friend I declare that once you get off work, you take a nice long shower to relax and sleep in until you can no more tomorrow! Because me and you are going out somewhere to distress!” Yunho declared as he stood up and that caused everyone to look at him. “And he’s at least nice enough to get us Fridays off.”
“Yunho you know I-“
“Nari we’re going tomorrow, no complaints or excuses!”
Nari laid back into her chair and rubbed her eyes. Taking a nice long shower and sleeping in sounds like heaven right now. She decided it would be best to with Yunho and she mostly can’t say no when he gets like that. She nodded sleepily at home and went back to working at her desk.
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She was currently eating lunch and the same guy who made coffee came up and sat down in front of her.
“Are you sleeping okay?” He asked as he looked at her.
“I am” she said, not really wanting to make a conversation right at that moment.
“I can tell that you’re lying. Your eye bags or messy hair doesn’t help” he said. “Oh I’m sorry, my name is Hongjoong.”
Nari looked at him, “it’s fine. I’m Nari.”
“Aren’t you like close friends with Mr.Park?” She asked.
“Yeah I am. I never really see him work anyone as hard as he’s doing to you. Did you happen to piss him off or something?” He asked.
“Yeah, I sort of threw my coffee at home one morning” she admitted.
“You’re that coffee girl he’s always been complaining about?!” He asked shocked as she nodded.
“Yeah, now I wish I could go back in time and stop myself from doing that” she said as continued eating. She heard the clicking of shoes and looked up to see Mr.Park staring down at her coldly.
“Yah intern! I need these copied right now!” He said as he slammed a stack of papers right in front of her.
“Yah Mr.Park! Can she at least finish her lunch first and if she doesn’t have them to you ten minutes after her lunch, you can scold me alright?” Hongjoong suggested ad Mr.Park clenched his jaw and then sighed.
“You better be lucky that Hongjoong saved your ass” he said and then walked away.
“Thank you!” She said with a tired smile.
“You’re welcome and you better eat quickly, because even though we’re friends, he won’t hesitate to scold me harsh.”
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It was now the end of the day and Nari, for the first time, she left with the other interns instead of staying over.
“You guys aren’t leaving yet” Mr.Park said as he came out his office. “Ms.Lee hand them the papers.”
“What are these papers for?” Dani asked as she looked at it.
“These papers are what rank you’re in” he said. “I’m also ranking you guys on your time management, workmanship, and how hard you’ve been working.”
“You’re ranking us?” San, a classmate that’s also going for the internship asked
“Of course, that’s how I’ll choose you guys in the end.”
Nari looked down at her paper to see her rank, but was angry at her rank. She was 10th, the last rank. How much time she put in while doing the work she was asked even overdoing it, the nights she stayed up to fix things up for him and other workers, and even staying a few hours over after everyone left. She crumpled the paper which made everyone turn their attention over to her.
“Aw, are you mad that you didn’t get the rank you wanted?” Dani asked in a mocking tone as Nari glared at her and saw the smirk Mr.Park was wearing.
She stormed away, despite hearing Yunho calling after here and made her way back to her apartment.
“How could he do that?! Ordering me around and stressing me out and giving me that last rank?! THE LAST RANK?!” She thought angrily as she walked inside her apartment building.
She followed Yunho’s advice and went inside the shower. The hot water felt so refreshing on her tense muscles, she swore she could fall asleep right then and there.
Once she got out the shower and into her pajamas, she felt relaxed and calm, but that feeling went away once she saw the balled up paper that fell from her coat pocket. She took it and threw it in the trash.
“Fuck you Mr.Park” she said angrily and then got into her bed. After a long time, she was going to get a full nights rest.
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Nari was enjoying the amount of sleep she was getting, until her phone kept blowing up. She whined when she had to get up and go get her phone. She saw many text from Yunho
From Yunho [2:46 P.M.]: r u awake yet?
From Yunho [2:48 P.M.]: i see ur actually sleeping in
To Yunho [2:49 P.M.]: yeah i just woke up not to long ago. what do you need?
From Yunho [2:51 P.M.]: we’re going tonight like i planned yesterday.
To Yunho [2:52 P.M.]: like on a date??
From Yunho [2:53 P.M.]: of course not! we’re going to a dance club!
To Yunho [2:55 P.M.]: yunho, you do know I don’t do clubs or dance right?
From Yunho [2:57 P.M.]: well you better be ready at 7 because that’s the time I’m picking you up at.
The conversation soon ended and Nari thought she could spare a few more hours of sleep, she definitely deserves it by how hard she works.
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It was now a couple of hours before Yunho came to get Nari. She decided to put on a simple dark red dress, that wasn’t too tight fitting on her. As she finishing getting ready, she saw Yunho’s car outside her apartment.
She grabbed her purse that had all her things that had her information on it just in case she was too drunk to respond to them, or they just find her asleep outside on the convenience store table. That has happened before. She walked outside and got into Yunho’s car.
“Still can’t believe I convinced you to go out” he said as he turned towards her.
“Most likely forced me too” she said as she crossed her arms. “I need it though”
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The two soon arrived at a club. Nari could already smell the alcohol from the outside, she knew that the smell would be even stronger when they walk in and she was right. People were already drunk and were drunkily dancing on the dance floor.
“I don’t really want to dance, so I’m just going to sit at the bar” she told Yunho as he nodded.
“Once you’re ready to go, just send me a text or find me” he said and then disappeared on the dance floor.
She sighed and sat on one of the barstools as she looked over everyone getting drunk off their minds. She played with her hands nervously and turned towards the bartender. “Can I just have something random?”
The bartender nodded and went to go make the drink.
“Aah, classic Nari. Always doing this randomly” a voice said beside her. She turned to see her ex, Minhyuck, staring at her.
“What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be with that girl you cheated on me with?” She asked as she sipped on the drink that was brought to her.
“Come on! It was a misunderstanding” he said as he leaned his body towards her.
“So seeing you deep inside another girl is a misunderstanding?” She asked in a state of shock. “Wow you’re ridiculous!”
He smirked at her. “And besides, I broke up with her.”
Nari watched him down his drink and intrigued on why he broke up with her. Minhyuck wasn’t the type of person to break up with a girl, he most likely cheats on them. “What did she do?”
“She was very distant and I honestly got very bored of her” he said as he swirled his second drink. “And I’ve miss you.”
Nari scoffed and rolled her eyes as she drunk the last of drink. “I haven’t missed you.”
She stared at her empty glass and decided to order another one, but Minhyuck stopped her. “Just put it on my tab.”
The bartender nodded and went back to their job. Nari turned to him. “So I guess you’re a regular here?”
“Yeah and I’m friends with the bartenders here. They owe me for the things I did for them” he said as he drink his new drink.
The two chatted for awhile. Nari hated to admit it, but Minhyuck was great person to conversation with, despite his personality and the things he’s done in the past.
As the minutes go on, Nari felt herself get more intoxicated. She felt Minhyuck hands on her thighs, but she didn’t due to her being intoxicated. He then leaned in and kissed her on the lips and she returned the kiss. If Nari was sober, she would’ve slapped him right then and there. But her drunken state told her to continue. Soon the kiss turned into a heated make out session, Minhyuck’s hand was creeping closer and closer to her core.
She felt dizzy and like she would faint any second, but that didn’t stop Minhyuck from kissing her neck.
“Min...Minhyuck can you please stop. I feel dizzy.” But once when she said that, her vision started getting blurry and she felt someone carry her.
The person who was carrying here suddenly dropped her and soon dropped to the ground right beside her.
“I’m glad I was keeping my eye on you bastard!” The voice said as they punched the person on the ground and then pick Nari up, she soon fainted after that.
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Nari then woke up in a different setting that wasn’t her bedroom. She looked up and saw a more fancy bedroom, with a super huge window that showed Seoul. She looked down and saw she was wearing a shirt that was very large on her and saw black sweat pants. She can hear the shower coming from the bathroom and a note on the bedside table.
Take this medicine and eat this granola bar. You can see yourself out.
She took the pain medicine for her hangover and ate the granola bar and walked into the living room. It was bigger than her whole apartment and she made her way to door. It wasn’t hard to find her shoes, since hers were the only female shoes in the pile of men shoes, and walked out the apartment. She mentally told herself to run away if she sees Minhyuck in a place.
She was going to take the rest of the days to find out who that mystery man was and thank him for saving her.
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findroleplay · 1 year
Hello everyone! I’m a 24, female writer here to ask for some 18+ writing partners as I do not interact with minors! As for what I’m looking for today, I would love to write some original roleplays! I have a few writing rules and stipulations but really, it’s nothing too much. I’ll get into those with you really quickly and then we’ll get to the types of plots I’m after!
Okay, here are my few stipulations.
1.) Please have a decent grasp of literacy, no text talk in the roleplay (unless it is a literal text between our characters) such as u, urs, tho, thru, y, r, etc.
2.) NSFW welcomed but not required. We can always fade to black moment and then move the plot forward from there. Just don’t make these plots all about smut!
3.) Please do not control my character, we have our own respective characters to add to the story, you control yours and I control mine. If there’s anything you want to have my character do, talk to me! We can happily work through the plot that way with little to no resistance.
4.) Please don’t try to get me to change my characters. (this has happened to me far more than I care to admit to)
5.) Note that I have a busy work schedule. I cannot always do rapid fire, please just be patient with me! I always try to get out at least one post a day. Sometimes it doesn’t always work that way. If I haven’t posted or communicated in two or three days, please reach out to me!
As for rules, that’s about all I have! I love to fangirl over my writes, I will literally spam you with playlists, headcanons, all of it. I love to love every piece of our story. I will literally be the biggest fangirl that you have ever seen. I am an avid lover of romance, fluff, angst, drama, hurt, comfort. Literally give me all of it! That being said, I cannot write a slow burn to save my life, I tend to get just a little bit too impatient for them. I prefer medium to fast pace in the way of romance. I’m also totally okay with darker themes, but we can discuss this more in depth too.
Now onto what I am looking for in terms of plot. I’m just gonna list a general basis of my ideas.
1.) Childhood friends to lovers: Our characters have been close since before they can remember. Life took them on different paths and now they’re reuniting and discovering there’s a little more than friendship between them.
2.) Lost Souls who found one another: Our characters are both running. From their past, from people (take that as you will), from themselves and they bump into each other. They quickly realize just how much they’re alike and they start running together. (this is like one of those cheesy runaway plots where they bounce from place to place.).
Now I am looking to write a female character and my current preferred pairing is male x female. i have nothing against any other pairings but this is just what i’m craving at this moment.
Discord is my preferred platform to write on! Add me or like this and I’ll reach out! I look forward to writing with you!
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three years pt 2
read it here or on my Ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/users/nolongerironicteen/works or read my other works too 
You put your car in park and sighed. Finally, you were home after longer than you wanted to admit. But you were happy nonetheless. Which meant you were finally going to address the elephant in the room with Neji. Instead of texting till three am you could finally discuss what you were. You looked at your parents' house in front of you as you got out of the car.
    “(Y/N)!” your mom called from the open kitchen window.
You smiled wide and you trekked up the driveway. The house was quiet save your mom’s washing in the kitchen. You found your way in there and gave her a huge hug.
    “Where’s dad?”
    “In the backyard, he’s doing some gardening and collecting the vegetables for me. You can go see.”
You figured unpacking your car can wait for later. You wanted to go see your dad. You kissed your mom on the cheek before going outside. You were thrown through a loop to not see your dad, but see your friends all there.
    “Welcome home!” they shouted.
You doubled back smiling before rushing to hug them all. You were overwhelmed. You might have only seen them like two weeks ago you were happy to be home. Even if it was only a little while.
    “We missed you.” Naruto laughed pulling you in for another hug.
    “We saw her like a week ago?” Sai replied, confused.
You ruffled Sai’s hair when a set of arms wrapped around your middle. You tensed up before smelling the familiar smell of cigarettes.
    “For?” Shikamaru asked.
    “Dating my keyboard player. Smoking. Or where you spending time with Azuma seeing your godchild?”
    “The latter.”
You rolled your eyes and he let you go but not without rubbing his cheek to yours and pulling away. You huffed and backed away. You didn’t get far before bumping into something cold. A set of hands-on the back of your elbows.
    “You got a tattoo?”
You spun around and checked out the inside of your elbow blushing.
    “I uh yeah. I have four actually.”
He looked impressed. Not deterred, he grabbed your arm and saw the grl pwr tattoo on the inside of your elbow. You and Temari have matching ones since you two were two women who basically front a band. You have three others. You have a paper airplane on the back of your shoulder, a galaxy piece on your side, and on your thigh, there was a storm cloud that under a UV or blacklight made the lighting bolt shine. Neji smiled at you. You heard someone gag behind you. You had the vaguest feeling it was Kiba. You turned around and pulled your eye and stuck your tongue at him. He hugged you and you laughed.
You spent the afternoon with your friends and parents until you were nearly falling asleep where you sat. You didn’t realize how tired you were until you let yourself relax against Neji. The night grew colder and the party moved inside. It quickly became a quiet night after that, movies and drinks and crashing on the couch. Well you crashed on the couch everyone else went home to Shikamaru’s to get their car or ride home. Neji once everyone was ready to go brought you to your bedroom and kissed you goodnight before leaving.
    “Are you going to ask her?” Lee asked.
    “Ask her what?” Sai asked guiding Ino to Shikamaru’s.
     “Ask (Y/N) out properly.”
Neji glared at Lee and pulled his jacket closed. He ignored the question which Shikamaru didn’t like. He imposed himself over Neji but Neji was just slightly, only slightly taller. Shikamaru crossed his arms and glared. Which in itself is nerve-inducing.
    “Well, Neji what are your plans with my best friend?”
    “If you must know, I like her. Clearly. So I wish to ask her out.”
    “Hurt her and your ass is mine.”
    “I don’t like you like that at all but I would never, I’m not Koma.”
Shikamaru gave one glare and then nodded. Neji waisted until he looked away to silently release his breath.
    “There’s your answer Lee. Be safe getting back you guys text the group when you all make it back home.” Shikamaru waved before going inside.
Neji gathered Hinata, Naruto, Lee, and TenTen and headed to everyone’s respective homes. He and Lee lived together, Hinata and Naruto lived together, and TenTen lived in the same building at Neji and Lee. Neji didn’t let anyone talk on the car ride back. He didn’t wish to speak about his love life with anyone anymore. Once in the comfort of his own apartment he let his hair down and groaned.
    “Neji- I’m sorry. You guys were just so cozy.”
    “Lee I’m not upset with you. I mean you were just speaking about what you saw.” Neji replied while pulling off his jacket. “She’s back for a year while some of her bandmates finish school. I have time but no time when I can’t even talk to her about my feelings!” Neji flopped onto the sofa neglecting to take off his shoes.
    “You could talk maybe Guy and Kakashi-sensei.” Lee sat by him.
Neji didn’t hate that idea. It would have been better than talking to his own father. Not that he didn’t want to, but he didn’t think his dad could help. His mom made the first move on his dad. But with Guy-sensei it was an accident with him and Kakashi but probably better advice than his father so maybe Lee was onto something there.
       menace to sobriety
the boulder
    Neji and I are home.
    As am I.
    Naruto and me too.
    Kiba is drunk on the floor of his house crying to Akimaru about the boy in facepaint?
fur culture
pencil ****
    Ino and Sakura are trying to dye their hair.
*eye roll*
    They’re getting along?
pencil ***
    sauske isn’t here to fight over. i'm on watch duty..
omnipotent friend
    dont let them make bad choices they’ll regret in like 5 minutes.
*eye roll*
     or you could.
omnipotent friend
    ill remove you
*eye roll*
    not ur chat
        fur culture changed the admin to omnipotent friend
*eye roll*
    im in danger
The chat died down after that and you fell back asleep. Neji laughed. This chat has bounced admin to admin and the nicknames change often enough to keep anyone entertained. Neji himself got ready for bed. Rock Lee stayed up a bit longer than him to do some work for his up-and-coming school week. He was student teaching this week.
The next morning everyone woke to a few changes in the group chat. You changed a few nicknames and the title
       the void calls me forth
    (y/n)! how dare you call me a gremlin.
void keeper
    bc im not kiba and you will not bully me
pretty boy
    im pretty?
    i like this more.
fur culture
    I deserve this honestly. All though these were good changes. neji is pretty, sai clever pun and shikamaru deserved it. you should have been this admin from the start
    we told you that from the start, and two she came up with half the original nicknames
the boulder
    teenagers scare me.
You snorted and walked down the stairs. Kiba just accepted his fate. It was almost perfect. Your mom left you a note about her plans for the day. Your father was there for the day but he was engrossed in work. You ate something quickly and popped your head in to say hello to him. He waved at you and went about your day.
n. hyuuga
    Good morning. Can you meet me at The Blossom for coffee?
    sure. totally. see you in ten?
n. hyuuga
    Yes. Of course. Cannot wait.
You smiled to yourself walking down the stairs. Your mom was gone for the day. You could hear the television on. You popped your head in to see your dad watching a show about rocks. You smiled while he just read in his rocker the noise in the background. You leaned on the frame waiting for him to notice you. It takes him a moment before he looks up from his book and he smiles.
    “What’s up buttercup?”
    “I’m going to get coffee, do you need anything while I’m out?”
He shakes his head no.
    “Go have fun. I’ll see you later.”
You smiled and blew him a kiss. Walking into the kitchen you grabbed your jacket and purse off the coat rack. You slipped your phone into your jacket pocket and started on your walk. The great thing is The Blossom was a five-minute walk from your house. The walk, while short, gave you time to reflect. You thought about Neji. You probably always liked him, it went through phases where you liked him more than a friend, but then Koma happened. That six months of your life where Neji didn’t cross your mind. But now it all seems to be falling into place.
As you approached the cafe, Neji was already there. He looked beautifully aloof. You quietly walked up to him while he scrolled on his phone. His light skin contrasting against his dark hair and the bright red t-shirt and checkered pants to match. You honestly were a mixture of both impressed and intimidated by him. He always looked like he had his life together. You looked down at yourself and how you were dressed. You layered tights under overalls with a baggy sweater on top. You felt like you weren’t dressed well enough to compete with him. He looked up at you and smiled. He gently pulled you to him and kissed your forehead. You weren’t sure what you two were but you were content.
    “This is my treat, come on.”  He smiled opening the door for you, “I picked this place because no one would come here or neither do I think our friends care enough to find us. This place has chai lattes and oat milk which I know are your favorites.”
You smiled, cheeks becoming redder.
    “You remembered?”
    “Of course,” he responded. It’s because I love you. But he didn’t let her know that.
You held onto the crook of his elbow whilst he ordered. He ended up ordering for both of you while you had a small smile on your features. He ordered the chai latte for you and a simple London fog drink. You weren’t expecting that. As if he read your mind.
    “I had a small cup of coffee before I decided to ask you out. Do you want anything else?” he asked.
    “Do you want to split a coffee cake?”
Neji nodded. His eyes lit up like you hung the stars in the sky. You felt very on par with Neji, finally. You and he walked over to a table situated in the corner by the window. It was a kind of chilly morning for how early in September that it was. You rested your head on your hand looking between him and the window before you asked.
    “Don’t you work on Monday? Like a new startup position at a family-owned accounting firm?” You asked, smirking.
Neji smiled at your question crossing his legs and leaning over to rest his head on his hands, thinking for a moment to formulate an answer for you.
    “Yes but technically no. My days got changed because I’m going back to school for my masters so my uncle has me working sparingly.”
    “Your masters? That’s great!” you smiled excitedly.
He looked very bemusingly at you. He offered a hand to you to hold across the table. The two of you shared the cake and drinks in silence. No need to talk currently. The two of you spoke sparingly and worked on individual projects. You worked on songs and he worked on some classwork.
    “Neji. What are we?” you asked.
The keyboard clicking stopped. You felt your body tense. Had you pushed a boundary? He was hesitating and you were getting progressively more anxious. He started wringing his hands, but you quietly waited for him to answer you. Seconds felt like hours to you waiting.
    “I-I knew this was coming but I-” He sighed softly, “I was just trying to feel out how you felt before I spoke to you about me.” Neji explained, “(Y/N) I have liked you probably since I was fifteen. But our lives never seemed to line up. Call it destiny if you will always seem to escape me. I dated, you dated. I got scared of my feelings for you but not anymore I can’t. I don’t want to. I- I want to take care of you, and be with you and support you.” He ended up just muttering to himself.
Your heart clenched watching him. You smiled that he was being honest with you. Even though he was avoiding your eye contact. You reached out to grab his hand to get his attention. He slowly let you coax his hand into yours while you figured out how to respond.
    “Thank you, Neji for being honest with me. I know how you feel. You bore your feelings to me for how you feel. I accept your feelings.” you replied, smiling. “And I- I would love nothing more than this to work out. It would need work. Between music and you being in school again it won’t be easy, and I’m sorry for that. I wish I can be more for you.”
    “You’re perfect enough.” He brought your hand to his lips to kiss. “You are worth the work.”
Kiba was passing by when he stopped and did a double-take. He was convinced that he saw you and Neji but he wasn’t sure.
       the void calls me forth
fur culture
    r (y/n) and neji on a date?
    why would that be ur concern if they were kiba?
fur culture
    b/c im not being left out of this revelation once it happens like i was when lee came out. also i see them..
Kiba was squinting at the frosted glass window. Neither you nor Neji knew what was going on in that chat; both of you had your phones picked up. Kiba needed to know so he quietly snuck into the cafe and to a booth on the other side of the store from you two. Not that you would have noticed, either way, you and Neji were in your own little world. It looked like a date to Kiba.
       the void calls me forth
        glasses has left the chat
Neji laughed to himself at something you said. He then leaned in to grasp your chin to press a soft kiss to your mouth. Not wanting to push you. Kiba could hardly believe it. He got up and slipped into the bathroom.
       the void calls me forth
fur culture
    Holy- DUDE
You felt your phone vibrate and Neji felt his too. You both grabbed your phones and checked the messages. His eyes shot up and scanned for Kiba keenly aware. You were confused. You also looked over the messages and glared.
    “He’s here somewhere.” you groaned.
Neji pinched the bridge of his nose and looked at you almost apologetically.
    “I’m sorry.”
You shook your head. You grabbed his back and yours and pulled him from the cafe.
    “Don’t be sorry. I know where we can go where no one will find us.”
You and Neji dipped through the streets. He allowed himself to be pulled by you while you brought him to a home. He didn’t recognize this house. You explained it was your grandfather’s home, but he wasn’t home. You had a treehouse in the backyard that you wanted to show him. He was surprised to see this.
    “I know.”
You climbed up the rope ladder and Neji followed closely as you went up. Inside the treehouse, it looked older but sometimes you still come up to be alone or to play music. Neji stood hunched because it was made for you who had never been very tall. He looked around and smiled.
    “Finally.” he groaned.
He grabbed your face softly and kissed you properly. You gasped quietly and he kept one hand on your face and the other on your waist to make sure this was real. You both needed air eventually and he actually started to giggle. You laughed and the two of you spent the afternoon in the early fall air laughing, stealing kisses, and being in each other's presence.
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takurotan · 3 years
FEH Book V, Chapter 11: Deceit
Part 1: Desolation
MID_SCENARIO_OPENING: Reghin: Ur...rrgh... FighterAX_M: ...cess Reginn! Princess Reginn! Reghin: Hmm? ...Wh-where are we?! What happened? Sharon: We're at the Emblian imperial villa. You were struck unconscious and have been asleep for days… I'm so happy to see you awake! I was so worried about you! Reghin: I-I'm sorry. I feel all right now! Wait—I've been asleep?! I have to go after my brothers! Sharon: No, wait, Princess Reginn! You still need to rest. You shouldn't be up and moving yet! Besides, my brother and the others are following up on what your brothers are doing! Alfons: Ah! We've just returned! ...I see Princess Reginn has returned to us as well. Sharon: Oh! Welcome back! Reghin: Can you tell me anything about the situation with Niðavellir, or my brothers? Alfons: The truth is...we have no answers yet. But when you feel up to it, I do hope you will join us as we venture back into Niðavellir. Reghin: Niðavellir...
MID_SCENARIO_MAP_BEGIN: Reghin: *gasp* Wh-what happened here? The capital is a smoking ruin! Sharon: There are bodies everywhere… H-how awful! FighterAX_M: Is that you...Princess Reginn? H-have you returned? Reghin: Yes, I'm here. Can you tell me what happened? FighterAX_M: It was...a monster. A ghastly thing I've never seen before in all my life attacked as if from nowhere… Please... Princess Reginn… You must...save Niðavellir. Reghin: H-hey! Stay with me! ...Stay with me! … I don't understand. Who could have done such a terr— BATTLE_STING FighterAX_M: GRAAAGHH! Sharon: What is that?! Fafnir2: RRRAAAAHHH! Alfons: The monster—it's back! Anna: It could destroy all of Niðavellir! Not even the capital was safe... Reghin: Wait... Brother? That… That's Fáfnir! Sharon: What?! How is that possible? Reghin: What happened to you, Fáfnir? Brother, please! Sharon: Wait—don't get too close, Princess Reginn! He's dangerous! Alfons: Oh no! Princess Reginn!
MID_SCENARIO_MAP_END: Fafnir2: Unngh... Reghin: Fáfnir! Get a hold of yourself! It's me, Reginn—your sister! Fafnir2: Re...ginn? Otr: GET AWAY FROM HIM! BATTLE_STING Reghin: Ó-Ótr?!
Part 2: Nowhere Left
MID_SCENARIO_OPENING: Otr: You've come to kill him, admit it! TRAITOR! Please, Brother, do as you please. You are king, after all. I will handle this rabble. Fafnir2: Urrgh... Uuwagh! Reghin: Fáfnir, no! Wait! Why, Ótr? Why aren't you trying to stop him?! Alfons: Explain this, Ótr! What has become of Fáfnir? What did this?! Otr: This is one of the gifts of the Crown of the Dvergar. It possesses any who wear it—any who it judges unworthy. The crown makes a ruin of their mind and body, protecting the kingdom from would-be usurpers. That fact is what allowed the royal family to rule for generation after generation. Reghin: Y-you knew this would happen?! Why didn't you stop it?! Otr: Stop it? ...Why would I? Without the Crown of the Dvergar, my beloved brother might have regained control of his mind. And then...then he might remember where he came from! He'd seek out the summoner for help, and— Sharon: How does this have anything to do with [Summoner]?! Alfons: ...No. It can't be! But if— Hmm… Aha. I see... Then Fáfnir is— Otr: He was summoned during one of Eitri's experiments. Reghin: Fáfnir is...from another world?! Like...a Hero? Otr: My brother is everything to me, you see. I cannot live without him! And yet...he still searches for the home he should have forgotten long ago… I hope to make something clear to him. No matter what he does, he has no other place to go. He is already home—with me. Anna: What are you talking about?! He has to get back to his world as soon as possible! Let us help! Otr: ...Have you not been listening? Fáfnir is not going anywhere! Look for yourself! He's finally forgotten about those things that matter so little. Like where he's from—and who you are, Reginn. Isn't that wonderful?! Finally, I am what matters, and I alone! Reghin: Ótr, no... Otr: Heh heh heh haahhh… Ah, but I mustn't let my guard down just yet… First, I need to make sure everyone but me—you all, that is—is dead. Of course you understand that I cannot rest easy while the summoner still lives. I have no need of a weapon that can destroy gates if I destroy the source of the gates themselves! Alfons: ...It seems the time for talk has passed. Princess Reginn, are you prepared for what comes next? Reghin: ...I'm ready! Alfons: Let's go, [Summoner]!
MID_SCENARIO_MAP_END: Otr: Urgh... Not done...yet. I can...still fight!
Part 3: Fallen Noble
MID_SCENARIO_MAP_BEGIN: Constanze: Though House Nuvelle has fallen, it is still every noble's duty to provide for the commonfolk.
Part 4: Ashen Valiant
MID_SCENARIO_MAP_BEGIN: Euris: I don't even know much about where I come from—or why I have this Crest.
Part 5: Everything, Lost
MID_SCENARIO_OPENING: Otr: Damn it... This is it, then... Reghin: W-wait! Or Ótr will die!_ Alfons: Step away from him, Princess Reginn... Reghin: No! I won't let you kill him! Just...give me time to talk to him! Otr: Reginn... Reghin: Give Gramr to me, Ótr! There's still time. We can return Fáfnir to normal, and the three of us can live together again… Don't you...want that? Otr: Reginn… Heh... Haha— *cough* You really do not understand, do you... Hahahaha... Reghin: What are you talking about? Otr: It doesn't matter what you do now, I'm going to die here—so I might as well let you in on a little secret… I killed your parents. Reghin: Wh-what?! But they— They were your parents too! Otr: No. I simply let you and Fáfnir assume, as you were happy to do... You are no family of mine. Reghin: I... I don't...understand. Otr: My parents lived inside the walls of Niðavellir's castle. My father lived as a distant relative of the king. Only...the truth was, he was nothing more than a commoner with a face the nobles found pleasant. A face, they thought, that looked so much like thiers. The royals were eager to claim him as their own... The sheer arrogance… Laughable, isn't it? So, I was born and raised in the castle. One night, my parents opened the rear gate for some new visitors… They told me to show them how to find the king without being noticed. For me, it was literal child's play. I did as I was told without question. Alfons: Then...that means, Niðavellir's coup was— Otr: My parents were used by the people who wanted to kill the royal family… I'm sure they told my father they would make him king. It only took an instant for the hall to be awash with blood. I had no idea what was happening. I was confused, but I knew it was dangerous to stay where I stood… In the commotion, I took the king and queen's crying baby from the cradle and ran away. ...That baby was you. Sharon: So, Princess Reginn has always been a princess of Niðavellir, from the very start?! Reghin: That...that can't be true. I don't believe it. Otr: Why would I lie? You were able to enter the Tower of Niðavellir. What more proof do you need? The gates there never opened for either of us.
MID_SCENARIO_MAP_BEGIN: $WmMPID_アルフォンス,ch00_01_ Alfons: Take Gramr from him now, Princess Reginn. Reghin: What? Now? Alfons: Yes. Fáfnir's rampage has already destroyed much of the kingdom! Recovery from this disaster will take a long time as it is. With you, their princess, returned, the people will have something to rally around—to hope for. Then the work of rebuilding can truly begin. But first, Fáfnir has to be stopped. And you have to be the one to do it. If you defeat him, no one will argue your right to the throne. Reghin: You want...me? To defeat...Fáfnir? Otr: No! You can't! I won't allow it! You were never anything more than a sniveling crybaby! ...I hate you! You get everything I ever wanted, all without ever lifting a finger! And now... Now you want to take my brother from me too?! Reghin: Ótr… Otr: Just go! Leave us! You and all your little friends. Leave this kingdom now!
MID_SCENARIO_MAP_END: Otr: Just...go... Alfons: We will be taking Gramr from you now, Ótr. Otr: Damn it... Why...why don't you just...kill me already?! Reghin: Ótr, don't say such— Otr:  tried, you know... To get rid of you... All this time. I wanted to kill you. Because of you...I've only known...pain and suffering… I lost my mother and father...was chased out of the castle...forced to dig through garbage to survive… But then...then Fáfnir came… And he saved me… I knew that...if he was king...I could be happy...and I would never have to worry again… And yet you managed to ruin even that... Again, you take everything from me… Everything but...but... Hngh! B-Brother?! ...Brother, where are you? Reghin: Ótr, wait! Don't— _ Otr: STAY AWAY FROM ME! I won't let you take my brother from me! Reghin: ...Ótr. ...You were my brother too, Ótr. You were always so kind and did so much... I always admired that. I loved you for that... Otr: ...
MID_SCENARIO_ENDING: Fafnir2: Unnnghh... Aaa-AARRGH... Otr: Bro...ther... I am so glad you've come… I promise... to never leave you. Just... Hold me close… Like when...we were younger... Fafnir2: Ghhnngk... Auogh… AAA-AAUUOOOGH! BATTLE_STING Otr: ...Urk! Bro...thh-hhh… … ...
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