#[ we can be heros - kickstotheside]
ducknotinarow · 3 years
[drake/fenton] “  stay the night with me.  ”
|Softer prompts | Drake yawned heavily and rubbed at his eyes trying to force the feeling away but he had been at this stakeout for a few days straight now. Which was clearly showing the wear on the masked mallard. He just couldn't afford to let it be known that he was this tried. At least not around Gizmoduck that is. That annoying dotter would start telling him he needed to rest. Say to take it easy and worse of all that he could handle it himself. Yeah like Drake was going to let that happen no way in hell, would he? God, his eyes felt so heavy right now though. After finding some clue Drake went back with Gizmo as the bucket metal head was looking it over trying to see what they could learn. Drake at least was resting his feet and sitting down. The room was kept pretty dark outside all the screens and lights of the place. Vision getting blurry as it started to make Drake think of how the lights of the city looked from his own hideout or even on the top of the building when he was on the hunt. How cool the night air was against his feathers. Soon he felt himself being shaken enough to startle him as his body jolted suddenly. The chair giving way as he made it tip back and fall over. Drake knocking his head against the ground slightly hissing in pain as he peeked an eye open to see, Fenton now, face looking over him. Nice enough to ask if he was fine, Drake just swatted his hand at him trying to hide the blush daring to show on his face as he moved to sit up. "I was till you went and decided to scare the life outta me, when'd you take your armor off? you were just over at the monitor a second ago." Fenton slightly corrected him on the time frame, seemed Drake had taken a bit of a snooze for a bit there when Fento went to check on him. "Ah well-Did you find anything yet?' Drake asked to change the subject. Only for Fenton to say it'll take his scanners and such sometimes to run the analysis. "Hmm maybe I should call it night then pick this back up tomorrow well the computers do their business." Moving to stand up, easily eyeing the worried glance Fenton was giving. "What now?"
“  stay the night with me.  ”
Ture to his character as they just blathered that thought out without anything else to explain the line of thinking. Fenton picking up on that as started to backtrack and fill in the gaps in his meaning. Jeez, this guy is always so in his head. "Fenton" Drake said to get his attention but it didn't matter they were trapped in a cycle of nonsensical speech right now. Drake just grabbed their beak to shut him up. "Fine, just stop talking."
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ducknotinarow · 3 years
[drake/fenton] “  i want you here.  ”
softer prompts
Being a hero came with a lot like a rival who outshined you with out even having to try. Soon as the great Gizmoduck came around all would cheer and root for the flying tin can. He was the darling after all and everyone just ate him up. What hack he needed a full on metal casing to even do anything. Nothing like drake himself who went into actual danger with out protection!
He didn't get why the bucket head kept coming into his city, maybe just to rub his frame in the mallards face. The never! Of course they took over his latest case nothing to big just a minor fight with some eggheads trying to lift some materials from the shipping yard. Gizmoduck though didn't seem to be around after Drake took care of clean up and had them tied up ready for the cops to show. Drake shouldn't care that the tin head wasn't around and yet. He was standing around scanning the area with his eyes looking out for him. Crook weren’t going on anywhere so he decided to take a look, out of curiosity only clearly. Didn’t need to go far finding them sitting out resting against some storage cubes. Was he hurt? Drake walked on over, arms at his side, chest puffed out as he carried pride in his stride. Soon wearing off when they noticed Gizmo took his helmet off, seeing Fenton’s face how it was hanging. Bags under his eyes as dark as the sky of the city. It was humanizing to Drake. “Oh uh sorry Fent I’ll leave you be cops should be here soon and-” Pausing when he felt a tug at his cape, turning over his shoulder to see Fenton had grabbed him. Something clearly didn’t seem right. “Did you take a bad hit there? Shees and here I though that metal around you would keep you safe from all of that. Guess not even the Gizmo suit is up to par.” No response though. This was weird sure they didn't take Drake’s bait often but right now he just wasn’t reacting at all. he seemed so worn and torn down as if the spirt had be ripped out from him instead. Suddenly they turned too look at him. Call him soft but even Drake being the hero he was could leave his rival sitting around like this. A heavy sigh and he knew what he was going to be doing. ------ Back at the watch tower he let LP know he was going to out longer due to his unexpected guest in the tower right now. Guess it was good he never got rid of the bed he once used. Walking past the suit Fenton left on the ground, course mumbling about it in turn as he went to check on them. Wanted to lay down some rules before he headed back home. But the sight of Fenton sitting in the window of the tower. Jeez, he took off his hat and removed his mask before walking over and bugging the other duck so he could sit with them. Fenton never shut up really so him be so quite was aggravating to Drake. “Are you going to tell me why you got that stupid look on you’re face?” Drake blurted out suddenly. Nothing. “Well you don’t seem hurt so not an injury I take it?” Nothing. “Did you get fired from you cozy job?” Nothing. Drake rolled his eyes and went to leave when Fenton’s hand reached over and grabbed on Drake’s own. “  i want you here. ”
Drake blinked a moment, thinking about it that was the most he heard them say since they got tangled up in his job eailer. Something wasn’t right with them. Drake sighed and stayed put looking out to the city before them. “You know, this part of why I set my base in the bridge I love staring at the city lights like this.” He was just talking not sure what to say but Fenton seemed to appreciate it. “The city is kind of beautiful from far away, if you ignore the high crime rate. All the litter, the smog in the air-” he went on to list off as he counted on his fingers. A slight chuckle from the duck beside him got him to look over to Fenton, seeing that smile crack on their bill, the glow of the city casting to his face. Not Gizmoduck but Fenton’s. He cleared his throat and looked forward actting like he didn’t just have that moment. “Schools are a bit under preforming too, the suburbs are not as bad but still a bit annoying.”  He pressed on Fenton seeming to enjoy the conversation even if Drake felt he was rambling, for once.
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