#[[ aaron's a hot mess emotionally but he's really good at hiding it ]]
revexant · 3 years
i’ve discussed it before, but aaron does have some ptsd due to past events - for him pokemon battling is hard to observe because he’s accustomed to more violent combat that has resulted in deaths before. when he was young he had nightmares quite frequently; those have lessened over the years but he still has them from time to time, and even in the modern day watching people battle can be quite difficult for him, let alone doing it himself. this is problematic because his turtwig does want to battle, and has a bad tendency to challenge people or pokemon he runs into. this is the one thing they disagree over and while it hasn’t been too bad so far he’s worried that he’s holding his partner back, but at the same time he just isn’t ready emotionally for it. 
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callabang · 3 years
Fic Rec: Recovery
assorted definitions of healing
All my ribbons and my medals and my trophies | Anonymous
Jeff leans in and rests their foreheads together. “It’s really gonna be fine. You’re a great player.”
Mike wants to snort, wants to yell at him because for the past fifteen days, that’s all Jeff’s been saying. Mike wants to ask him if he needs glasses. “Yeah,” He just says, around the lump in his throat.
notes: this one is tough & painful but the climax is one hundred percent worth it! mike and jeff’s relationship is beautifully written and the rock-solidness of it in the end of so powerful
Faster (series) | lightgetsin
"Okay," he says, "You know how when you're on a breakaway, and you've got a couple D-men on you? Like, right behind you. You can't see them, but you can feel them right there coming for you?" Jamie nods. "The only thing to do is to be faster than them." Tyler says. "You can't turn and look, you can't slow down. You've just . . . you've just got to skate harder. It's like that."
notes: a somewhat unorthodox but very poignant and real depiction of coping with past trauma, in a way that feels like an pitch-perfect characterization choice.
dig a hole, fill it up | inlovewithnight
Going up to the NHL was supposed to be a new start. Everything would be different there.
It wasn't quite that simple, but Aaron had help to figure it out. 
notes: really lovely and moving look at aftermath and healing. i love the dynamics between aaron and willie and megan, especially in relation to the age difference and the guidance and support they provide
I Will Weather the Storm | escherzo
“Stress fracture.” Boone sighs, scrubbing a hand through the short hairs at the nape of his neck. “Could be three months. Five, at worst.”
“Shit,” Ryan says. “No surgery though?”
“Nope. They don’t think so anyway. Got lucky there, eh?” Boone’s smile turns rueful. “As long as we don’t go stir-crazy being stuck here together all winter, I might be alright yet.”
notes: i read this fic for the first time on a friend’s recommendation and didn’t know who the characters were, but i will still blown away by the atmosphere and palpable feelings of care that suffuse this story
You're Still Picking Me Up | loochskywalker
Mitch is 26 when he retires from the NHL. His brain a jumbled mess of pieces that won't fit together no matter how many doctors try to make them. He was supposed to be great. He was supposed to be a legend.
Instead he goes to Vermont. Instead, he goes to see Matt Martin.
notes: a story of healing and acceptance all-around. i love the setting in this fic and the fact that both mitch and matt are healing in their own ways 
came around for a one night thing (and i never left) | whitchbhitch
Carter's thumb pauses on what should be just a fairly standard picture of some abs and a chest, a neck and head turned to the side, the picture cut out to just show his jawline. The guy looks good, built, like his muscle isn't just for show, thick in the waist and no defined abs, even though it's obvious he's very strong. That's all fine, but it doesn't explain what caught Carter's eye. The profile name is just one letter, J, and all the bio says is "here come dat boi !" It's the meme that does it.
(Or, Carter grows, heals, and gets his man.)
notes: this is part of a larger series but i think you can read this on its own! the depth of emotion in this one is especially good juxtaposed with the very hot sex scenes, and it deals with grief in a very real and active way
They Say Love Heals All Wounds | Deastar
“Geno? Are you okay? Physically,” Sid asks, which is good, because Zhenya doesn’t think he can put into words how he’s feeling emotionally. He imagines saying, The person I’ve loved for ten years finally took me to bed last night, but it turns out he didn’t want to, and now I can read his mind. No, thank you. “Feel fine,” Zhenya answers. “Even head feel fine.” And suddenly he realizes how fucking odd that is: he was concussed, and the room is brightly lit – he should be hiding under a blanket right now. He narrows his eyes and asks, “Sid, why head feel fine? What happen to concussion?” Sid takes a halting step closer to the bed and says, “Our bond, it’s—it’s a healing bond.” “Holy mother of God,” Zhenya breathes. So. They’re definitely not breaking the bond, then.
notes: i haven’t read this one in some time but it’s such a classic, both in terms of sid/geno and in terms of hrpf in general. a really unique premise feat. sid and geno actively working and healing together
so collect your scars and wear them well | addandsubtract
It’s been two months when Connor gets on a plane and flies to Arizona. He tells his parents, and they don’t like it at all, but he goes anyway. He has a cane, a strict PT schedule, and an ounce of pot cleverly hidden in his luggage. It’ll be warmer there. It’s January in Toronto, and he aches all the time.
notes: an incredible fic about relying on others and being kind to yourself
This Time Next Year | Oplopanax
Tyson Barrie, one of the very rare Omegas born only into ultra observant religious communities, finds himself pregnant after the death of his husband Gabriel Landeskog and to survive in 1870s Denver, must marry Nathan MacKinnon.
notes: i’ve rec’d this before, which makes sense because it’s so so good. an incredibly expansive fic about how people work through and make the best of some really tough situations 
puttin' on my shades (to cover up my eyes) | electrumqueen
The kid - McLeod - sways against Taylor's shoulder. “I want to go home,” he says.
“What you want is a glass of water and two Advil,” Taylor says. “Trust me on this, kid.”
“Okay,” the kid says. He hiccups.
notes: this fic was my inspiration for a recovery rec list! really painful and poignant, deals with a whole mess of complicated emotions amongst a whole mess of people. the relationships (romantic and platonic, past and present) in this are incredible 
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