#[[ also he got so embarrassed at the sex-related questions x'D ]]
countlessrealities · 1 year
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@advnterccs sent: 💕 { For the Mortys 🤭 } Ship meme: in-depth edition || Selectively accepting !
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[[ Replies under "read more" because my Morty ranted A LOT and it got really long xD ]]
How did they meet? ~ "T-Through our Ricks. T-They someone managed to, uh, split the timeline, b-by accident, you know? S-Something about a...portal gun malfunction. An-And all of a sudden t-there were two of everyone. M-Me included."
Who flirted with who first? ~ "I-I'm...not sure. W-We sort of complimented each other an-and stuff, b-but it wasn't real flirting? W-We don't really flirt even now tha-that we're together. J-Just from time to time, y-you know? We...are still learning how, uh, t-to do it properly. Haha..."
Was it love at first sight or a slowburn romance? ~ "S-Slowburn. W-We didn't like each other right away. A-Also because I...I didn't know that I, you know, l-like guys yet. O-Or maybe I did an-and didn't want to admit. B-But FM is the first boy I-I've ever had a real crush on, s-so...it too some time. An-And even after we realised out feelings...i-it took a while for us to tell each other. I-I mean, we even kissed thrice before, uh, g-getting together."
Did they start dating right away or were they friends before things became romantic? ~ "F-Friends. W-We got close really fast an-and he was my best friend, b-before I start to...feel more. An-And I think that's a good thing. B-Because even now that he is my boyfriend, h-he's still my best friend. I-It allows us to be more...comfortable w-with each other, in general."
What was their first date? ~ "I-It wasn't an official date, b-but...FM invited me to go with him to this p-pumpkin patch fair. W-We took pictures an-and strolled around the stands and...w-we got a ride on the Ferris Wheel. I-I asked the guy manning it i-if he could stop it w-when we reached the top an-and...he did, so we...watched t-the landscape and I...I kissed him."
What are their favourite things to do on date nights? ~ "I-It depends on where we are. W-We go to the movies at times, o-or out on some planet, b-but for the most we do home m-movie nights and play videogames. O-Or read comics."
Do they still go on dates after being together for a while? ~ "W-We've been together only for a few moments, b-but yeah, we still do. I-I just like doing things with him an-and dates are fun. T-They are an excuse to do that an-and also do something different, f-from time to time. An-And, uh, we can get...you know. Romantic."
What is their love language? ~ "I-I think...quality time together an-and being there for each other w-when needed? W-We also tell each other nice things an-and that's good b-because...neither of us is really used to it. T-To be praised and stuff, I-I mean."
Who kissed who first? ~ "I-I did. O-On the Ferris Wheel, as I said."
Who started the relationship? ~ "B-Both of us, sort of? W-We both planned to ask on N-New Year's Eve, b-but I guess technically it was me, b-because I asked first. An-And we kissed at midnight. I-It was...great. I-I've never felt like that. G-Giddy. H-Happy."
Monogamy or Polyamory? ~ "I-It's a bit too soon for...that. I-I don't know. I'm content w-with just him, b-but I see the Ricks being i-in an open relationship an-and...I don't know, i-it seems to make them closer, somehow? S-So maybe, when we'll be older...W-We'll talk about it. I-I think I'd be okay with being open."
Are they/do they plan on getting married? ~ "A-Again, it's too soon t-to think about this. B-But...I mean, the only marriage I've seen it's my parents and...l-let's say that it's not very...inspiring. An-And Rick keeps going on about how m-marriage is a trap and ruins relationships, s-so...I probably won't be the one to mention it. I-If we ever get there."
Who proposed? Was it a yes or no? ~ "A-As I said, I'm not very interested i-in getting married. B-But if in the future FM wanted to an-and he asked, I-I'd say yes. I-If it's what makes him happy, I-I don't mind."
Do they want kids? Who brought it up first? ~ "Aw g-geez, I don't know. Tha-That's...I'm fourteen. K-Kids are a big thing. So...uh, who knows?"
Do they already have kids, together or from previous relationships? ~ "W-We don't technically have kids together, b-but they...I mean, there's M-Morty Jr. an-and Naruto, an-and since we are the same person...t-they are technically the kids o-of both of us? ...I-I don't know, thinking about it gives me a headache."
Do they have any routines/rituals in their relationship? ~ "W-We usually hang out w-when the Ricks are busy with each other. W-We go in one of our rooms an-and talk or read comics or-or play videogames. I-If the weather is nice, w-we go for a walk in the park or-or to get ice cream. An-And well, I guess that there are the adventure. E-Even if those are, like, a group activity. An-And sometimes we have sleepovers."
How do they take care of each other when they are sick/hurt? ~ "I-It doesn't happen too often, a-also because the Ricks fix us if...if we get too hurt, b-but...The other visit the sick one an-and keeps him company, g-gets him food and water, tha-that sort of thing. B-But it's mostly being there, s-so he doesn't have to be alone."
How do they like to spend time together? ~ "I-It's pretty much I've already said. V-Videogames, movies, comics, walks. F-FM really like plants, s-so at times we go to the botanical garden o-or ask the Ricks to let us go t-to some other dimension w-where there are a lot of plants. Uh, safe places, o-of course."
What are their favourite non-sexual forms of intimacy? ~ "F-For me it's cuddling. I-I just like it when we hold each other in bed or-or lean against each other w-watching TV. An-And I...I like giving him little kisses. Y-You know, on the cheek or-or on the back of his hand. H-He always blushes a little an-and that's so cute."
What are some of their favourite things about their partner? ~ "Oh geez, I...I-I don't think there are specific things? I-I just like him. B-But I guess...H-He's so nice and brave. An-And he's super supportive. S-So understanding and patient. An-And...he accepts me. E-Even the fucked up stuff. H-He sees me, understands me an-and still wants me. H-He makes me feel good about myself. N-No one has ever done that."
How do they comfort the other when they are upset? ~ "W-We let each other vent, i-if we need to, o-or we distract each other with our favourite things. W-We also get each other little presents, t-to cheer us up. W-We're just there for each other, y-you know? I-I'd do whatever he needs an-and he'd do the same for me."
Who buys the other spontaneous gifts? ~ "W-We both do. W-We like bringing each other stuff. L-Like pretty things or funny ones w-we find during adventures o-or at some space bazaar. An-And then we give each other special gifts f-for the holidays or the anniversaries."
What position do they sleep in? ~ "I-It depends. U-Usually facing each other, h-holding hands o-of holding each other. A-At times we spoon."
Do they bathe/shower together? ~ "Uuuuh, I-I...no. W-We don't. N-Not yet, I-I guess. B-But I...I'd like to do that. S-Some day. An-And I think...I think FM would be fine with it. U-Uh, more than fine. J-Just...we're not there yet. I-It's still a little, uh, awkward, b-being undressed around each other."
Do they do anything else in the bath/shower other than wash? ~ "A-As I said we don't bathe o-or shower together yet, b-but...I...I mean. W-When we will, after a while, I-I guess that we could...kiss? An-And sit on each other's lap. An-And...who knows...Haha..."
In the bedroom - Vanilla, a little spice, or kinky af? ~ "W-W-We still haven't...you know. S-So...I don't...I mean. W-We are, uh, curious, so...I-I guess it wouldn't be just...plain. W-Well, at first yeah, b-but I guess...later on, w-we'd try...stuff?"
For applicable ships - who tops/bottoms?
For applicable ships - who is more dominant/submissive?
What is their favourite sex position?
Do either of them enjoy bringing sex toys into the bedroom? ~ "A-As I said, I-I can see us...experimenting. Uh."
Favourite place to have sex?
Most adventurous place they’ve had sex?
How often do they fight? What about? ~ "W-We didn't have big fights yet. I-I don't think that we have had actual fights. J-Just some misunderstandings. An-And it wasn't about super important stuff. I-I know that we'll have real fights, s-sooner or later. B-But I like to think tha-that we'll work it out together."
Have they ever broken up? ~ "N-No. An-And I hope we never do."
Messy breakup, amicable split, remain friends, ride or die or til death do us part? ~ "I-I want to spend all my life with him. I-If he wants to. N-No matter how long that will be. T-The longer, the better."
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