#[[ boone -- musing ]]
thebramblewood · 10 months
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Introducing... The Reapers: Isaiah Swain (vox/guitar), Myra "Rabbit" Rutherford (keys/vox), Nik Tham-Boon (drums), Ange Northwood (bass), and Ulrike Faust (guitar), with Helena Zhao as the ultimate groupie and some guy mutilating the sound.
Bonus and transcript under the cut!
@sims4thehoes I used one of your bases as the sound guy! 😘
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Isaiah: [taps] "Is this thing even on?"
Ulrike: "How hard can it be to adjust the fucking levels?!?"
Rabbit: "I will come over there and rip those controls from your COLD DEAD HANDS!"
Ange: [glowers silently]
Nik: [crash!BANG!smash!CLANG!]
Some Guy: "Uh... yeah. So what were you guys asking for again?"
Helena: "Let me in that booth, you imbecile! I don't have a clue about sound engineering, and I bet I could still do it better than you!"
Ulrike: "That's my girl."
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aamusedly · 28 days
@renoxvated from BOONE.
Boone had been up bright and early by the looks of the entire course he'd set up for Roy; bottles and cans largely, in different areas all around the ridge they'd camped out underneath the night before. He hadn't been sleeping well since leaving Novac-- not that that made a difference. Up at the crack of dawn no matter what.
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"I made coffee," the sniper offered, and glanced down to the pot on the fire. "Have some if you want it, then take your rifle."
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formshaper · 10 months
askbox call! there's no licking in this one, don't worry. no, in this one lord morpheus will grant your muse a boon, or a dream--and perhaps he will be standing in their room when they wake.
edit: closed!
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c0mplex-heroes · 10 months
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Lucy was usually open to any job she could take in the universe. Given she was a wanted criminal, it wasn't like she could afford to be picky with work or morals. Assassinations, heists, bodyguarding, smuggling were just a few options left open to her.
For this particular job, it was a classic smuggling. Just a few shipping crates, a simple drop off. So why did she have to look? The minute she'd seen the logo on the cybernetic parts, the merc disappeared.
For the lone soul who found her, they'd find a woman with her head in her hands - shaking and alone. Her head filled with memories she'd rather forget.
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scftdevil · 8 months
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new muse alert (because i have no self control of course) allison stuart (dianna agron, nature tour guide, bisexual) echo hancock (ellie bamber, nanny, queer) lev federov (tom hardy, son of koschei, bisexual) mina afshar (sarah shahi, housewife, bisexual) claire leigh (natalia dyer, history major, pansexual) boone leigh (drew starkey, weed dealer, homosexual) (as per usual, like this post for a starter from one of these new muses. note: claire and boone are returning siblings.)
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wasteland-muses · 11 months
@courier2lw cont. from (X)
The thanks was met with a noncommittal hum, or maybe huff would better describe the curt sound Boone let out as he shook the guys, West's hand. It wasn't that he didn't appreciate it, hell Boone could count on one hand the amount of time he had gotten a thanks for his work in general, let alone thanks from a passing stranger. He wasn't a people person, he wasn't easy to approach, and that wasn't even including the fact that he worked at night. Only fools traveled at night, and yet Boone had shot his fair share of fools since coming here.
"Boone. Craig. Whatever." Wasn't like they were friends, he didn't need friends. "No place to really buy dinner around here, you'll have to take a rain check." Wait no, that sounded like he was making future plans, Boone wasn't stupid enough to do that, especially not with some random wanderer who did things like messing with radioactive isotopes with the same ease that he fired his rifle. He couldn't afford to get attached, not again. Not after what happened with Clara...
Clara...hm, maybe...maybe this guy was exactly what Boone needed...
"Got more than enough brahmin steaks back at my place. Ain't the best cook, but I make do." More than enough was an understatement, the entire town near up to their damn eyeballs in the meat after that whole little mystery with Dusty McBride's livestock. Boone was especially buried in the stuff, it having been a 'thanks' after he finally managed to shoot the nightkin that had been killing the poor things. No need to mention he had gone out of his way to do it, the McBride's ranch not even visible from his perch in the dino. He just so happened to take his break around the same time the attacks had been happening night after night, it being dumb luck and a full moon's light that allowed him to catch the faint flicker of warped air that signaled someone was using a stealth boy, it tipping the sniper off on just where to take his shot and end the whole thing; nothing more, nothing less. Can't let them think he's nice, that he cares. Not when he was still waiting for his due, and not while he knew at least one of them had something to do with what happened to Carla...
Boone didn't speak after the invitation to his home, his expression as unreadable as ever as he watched West from behind his sunglasses. There was no reason to speak anymore, his offer had been extended, the ball in West's court. If he agreed was when the sniper would open up more, create idle chatter to try and parse out just who this guy was and if he might be able to help him with his problem. That was one good thing about strangers, they might just be the only people in this town he could trust anymore...
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of-invisible-ties · 2 years
@nobleburn​ II Starter Call
"Aren’t you one of the kids who was at my seminar last week?”
Jeralt really didn’t know why the church even bothered putting him up to it. He never had much of a mind for teaching, but they asked, and he had to oblige. Even more bafflingly, his own child told him to start teaching kids about horseback-riding and lances. Sometimes, he wondered just what the hell his kid was thinking. 
“As I recall, you’re the only who asked all the good questions.”
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“Seems like horseback-riding is something you’re serious about. If you want, I can arrange for you to train with some knights who know their stuff. What do you say?”
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lunasmusemenagerie · 1 month
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Name : Boone Armstrong
Race : human
Type : OC
FC : Garrett Hedlund
Boone orginally was a marine before the turn. He was on leave when the world went to 'hell in a hand basket'. He was able to contact his brother, who was in medical school at the time, and together they were able to make their way into a group of other survivors out of Lousiana. the bayous were a good deterrent but, the hordes were huge.
the group became known as the fireflies, and gathered together soldiers, doctors, and a few scientists. together, they moved out to Salt Lake city to a compound with a full stocked lab, and good defenses. trying their best to find a way to end the virus or create a vaccine to protect the still living.
Boone was one of the heads of protection and security. keeping an eye of defenses and leading groups out for extra supplies.
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futurefind · 4 months
//psspsspsses everyone who likes to write on discord in 1:1s like:
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fellstcr · 5 months
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||. byleth being consistently caught up with all of her threads is always such a nice little feeling ~
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auraunbound · 10 months
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The figure in the mist, approaching on the horizon... no one should be out this far in the wastelands around Vacuo. It must be a mirage...
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aamusedly · 15 days
The route up North towards Jacobstown seemed to be a sort of novelty to Craig Boone, and that was for one very obvious reason: the trees.
There was a strange, awe-inspiring divinity in the lush underbrush and fruiting fronds, the smell of dirt and foliage and flowers near overwhelming.
Boone's infatuation with it was obvious, of course, because he hadn't moved from where he stood staring up at one of those flowering trees for a while now. A hand reached up to settle on the bark, and he gave a heavy sniff.
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"...Never seen anything like this."
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dcviated · 11 months
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icons only :: open
send things for muses to react using only 3-5 icons
@thebreakfastmuses sent: Icons Only + Iino has come to strip Harima of those dress code violating-sunglasses.
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c0mplex-heroes · 2 years
@niratias asked " "I'd kill for a peaceful night's sleep." || from Cayne, to Lucy or Kimiko "
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"You and me both buddy. You and me both..." Lucy trails off downing the rest of her beer. The mercenary's certainly looking a picture, sporting a black eye and a bandage right hand. Some would show concern, but to her it was just another Tuesday.
"Must have had a really shit week if you're actively choosing to find the crappiest dive bar in the area. Either that or your income doesn't afford the luxury of choice."
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favcritecriime · 1 year
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@deathfought asked: “I was so sure, but now I just don’t know.” - Boone to Mike
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"Don't we all have our doubts sometimes?" The way the world was now, it was easy too question if one was still on the right path, if the right decision was made, because the real question was, what exactly is the right thing nowadays? Mike really didn't know and even though, things never were only black and white the lines were more blurred than ever.
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wasteland-muses · 11 months
@standingxbear cont. from (X)
Were the courier's other companions that resided at the 38 here, they would no doubt have something to say about the stellar conversation happening between the two men, Boone giving nothing but a hum of acknowledgment at the answer to his question, and nothing but silence at the reassurance the thing in the bag was dead. He didn't really care, not unless it posed an obvious threat. Nothing could survive that much blood loss anyways, especially if the amount soaked into the bag was all from the gecko. Boone had the misfortune of experience to attribute to the knowledge of just how much blood something could lose before they were too far gone.
Even after the question was asked of him, Boone didn't jump to answer, the sniper taking a moment to poke at the fire with a nearby stick saved for such a purpose before setting it back to the side. "Bit of both. Left a day or so ago, decided to turn back after catching wind of a legion raiding party that might be heading this way. Want to make sure my bullet's there to greet them the moment their heads come over that horizon." Well, there was no real question as to where his loyalties lied...
"...How about you? Come all this way just to shoot a gecko?" The faintest hint of a smile at that, all the time Boone had spent around the courier and their friends companions since getting picked up in Novac back towards the start of all this cracking through the rubble of the usually stony man, no matter how much he tried to fight it.
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