#[[ he had to drag her in x'D ]]
countlessrealities · 2 months
Al, since you just so casually admitted to wanting to sleep with Vox, I think the next logical step is to go in for a kiss. That's way less painful than copulating with him
Unprompted asks || Always accepting !
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The first response to the words is an awfully high-pitch burst of static, loud and piercing enough to cause more than one pair of ears to bleed. The sound slowly dies down, but a dull buzzing is left in the background, ready to spike up again.
A warning and a threat.
Alastor doesn't answer right away. Instead, he twirls his microphone in his hand until a bunch of tentacles drag in a screeching Vaggie.
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"Alastor! What the fuck?! Let me go!" The former Exorcist yells, hitting the shadows with the pole of her spear. She could slash through them with the blade, but she doesn't want to cause real harm...yet.
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"My dear, thank you for joining us! I'm sure that you'll be a delightful guest star," Alastor starts, his gaze holding none of the fake friendliness that his tone carries. "So, you said that the little game we played earlier was just that. A game. Yet, now people are asking about it. Care to set them straight? Since you caused this...utterly unnecessary fuss I'm stuck dealing with."
Vaggie pinches the bridge of her nose. Of course he's involving her. This is petty revenge and it's obvious. Now she's regretting having forced him to answer that ask. On the other hand, though, she can sympathise with his annoyance. People should really know when not to cross a line.
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"Al, they know it was a game. They know you didn't mean it," she sighs in exasperation. Still, deep down, she can't help wondering which idiots kept provoking the Radio Demon of all people. Definitely someone with a second-death wish. "But we are in Hell. People are bound to be assholes. You give them an opening, they are going to take it. You know that better than anyone. Exploiting others' weaknesses, mistakes and whatnot it's like your thing. So tell them to go fuck themselves and be done with it."
Alastor seems to ponder her words for a moment and eventually offers her a nod. Brushing it off is the best course of action.
"Oh, you're the voice of reason in the middle of this senseless mayhem, Vaggie! I knew that I could count on you!" There's definitely a hint of sarcasm in his tone. "Well, my dear listener, I believe that you have your answer. Never going to happen."
His voice is as cutting as his teeth, the shadows receding as he fully slips back into his creepily charming persona.
"I'm as likely to kiss that boastful flat abomination of modern technology as our Vaggie is to kiss...oh, I don't know...Adam, mayhaps?"
An awkward silence follows as Vaggie cringes a little. She gets why he has picked her former comrade, but that was quite the unlucky choice.
"Uh, funny story," she starts after clearing her throat. "You see, I've technically kissed Adam a while ago. On the cheek, but yeah, it still counts I guess."
She doesn't think she has ever seen the grin on Alastor's face look so horrified.
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"Yup, you kind of walked straight into it, but hey, you couldn't have known, so why don't we...HEY!"
The former Exorcist gets cut off mid-sentence as the Radio Demon snatches the spear out of her hand. She tries to grab it back, but Alastor is already melting away in the shadows, heading who knows where. It's only then that she realises that she's holding his microphone in the place of her weapon.
What in the Heavens is she supposed to do with that?!
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"...Okay, I guess I'm the...temporary replacement radio host?" She can't believe that fucker. "What were we doing? Q&A? Alright, I can do that. Hit me?"
{ @holoharbinger / @creationtainted - mentioned }
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seyaryminamoto · 1 year
Zuko has showed quite the character development over the course of the story. However, I can’t help but wonder if he will fall back into his old ways ? Will he fight Azula over the throne now that things are in a chaotic state?
Hmmm... well, as usual, under the cut because this sounds like very distant and dangerous territory, haha.
You know, I might try to be mysterious all I want but the truth might be a little obvious if you think about the story's direction so far, haha.
So to make this more interesting, let's stroll through the history of Gladiator's development: initially, I had no idea where this story was going past the Combustion Man confrontation. Now that we all saw it happen, I can safely say that my first real goal in the story was always that seemingly world-ending battle between Sokka and Combustion Man, the battle that seals the fate of the Gladiator League and changes the story's rhythm irremediably, for it was always going to happen as a consequence of Sokka and Azula's relationship being discovered. I did hope Sokka might rise enough in the ranking to rival him? But as the story progressed, I realized that was going to be very difficult, no matter how many events and points boots I gave him, haha.
Anyway, I digress: at that stage of building up the story, Zuko became a wild card I had no idea what to do with. For a long time, I wanted him in the South Pole. I thought it could be interesting if he found Aang indeed, but didn't just drag him back to the Fire Nation right away. How to make that happen, how to realistically develop Zuko to not be that impulsive? I didn't know right away (fortunately, my Zuki shipping buddy helped me see the light with that particular problem before long!). I actually pondered making Zuko a gladiator, fighting as the Blue Spirit (a relatively popular concept back when the story was still starting out, people REALLY loved this idea... and the minute I started writing Zuko directly, I realized it was never going to work, haha). I remember that, back when I had no idea what I'd do for the future of the story (aka, Part 3 wasn't even a blip in the radar because I was just LOST in my ultimate narrative direction back in year 1, haha), I even considered Zuko and Aang being the ones fighting Ozai, and Sokka and Azula were basically just together and reuniting? But the thing is that their reunion was going to be different back then, because... shit, this all sounds so ridiculous right now XD but at a point in time, I had in mind that Ozai would basically steal Sokka from Azula and make him his own gladiator (again, something that just made zero sense with Ozai's character). Azula would've been left bereft of what to do, and I even pondered her teaming up with Katara to save Sokka from Ozai while Zuko and Aang basically started a coup... all of which made so very little sense! I had no idea how Azula and Katara would join forces, no idea how Aang and Zuko would get that far, no clue how Sokka and Azula would be "reuniting", considering that Sokka was going to be right in the same Palace as Azula all along?? ... So, uh, yeah. That kind of weird shit went through my head.
Let that be a lesson on NOT sticking with your gut instincts in storytelling every time: marinate your ideas! Test other possibilities! Sometimes you'll strike gold right away... but if you don't, be open to other ideas. If I hadn't been? I would've fucked up this story BIG TIME x'D
So, in all of that, one of the prominent problems was obviously Zuko: wtf was I going to do with this guy if not THAT? I was rewriting his character from scratch and I knew where I'd take him by the end of Part 1, but I wasn't 100% sure of where he would go from there. After my Zuki shipping associate helped me see the light, his story became much stronger once I brought him and Suki together, and the South Pole story also became that much better because them being there would make things much more dynamic for Katara and Aang (and then also for Kino).
But the ultimate direction for Zuko isn't really something my friend could help me with, because even though she sparked the idea of Whaletail Island, I took that to a whole other level once I backtracked on the "and then they sailed away and Katara and Sokka didn't reunite" concept (which, yes, was the original way that arc was going to wrap up X'D again, as a storyteller, it's good to go against your initial impulses at times, it can be soooo much better when you do that...). We always did want Azula and Zuko's relationship to improve... but my friend certainly believed that Zuko would be fighting for the Fire Lord hairpiece and throne quite hard, and I was a little unsure of what to make of that.
Thus, for a long time, after I finally started figuring out Part 3 and how things would turn out by then, I thought I might have to write Zuko and Azula having a huge, long, tedious discussion over which of them would be better suited for the role of Fire Lord, and the decision would have been basically left to other people once they put all they could offer on the table. Back then, the idea that Zuko would have become embittered and frustrated if he lost the throne certainly was prevalent...
... But I'd dare say I'm very pleased to have discarded that concept entirely :'D
Back then, I didn't have the Southern Air Temple arc in mind. That I didn't plot that one from the get-go sure didn't help, either xD so, putting that together with the extended Azula-Zuko bonding in Whaletail Island, adding as well how much more thorough Zuko's growth wound up being all across the story... and we get a Zuko who doesn't believe his entire existence is justified by sitting on that throne.
Gladiator's Zuko has stopped basing his identity on succeeding his father as Fire Lord and proving himself better than the failure Ozai thinks he is. He already proved it plenty as it is: he has a family that loves him, he's part of a community that he earned his place in, friends who cherish him and that he bonded with on his own, even a crazy brother-like bond with a dork like Kino, for whom he's basically a hero (even if Kino doesn't go all the way to hero-worship other than for comedic purposes, the guy can defy Zuko and disagree with him when he wants to...). So, does he need Ozai's approval at this point? Does his identity hinge on it that much? Or on someone else's approval?
Thanks to Guru Pathik's lessons, it really doesn't. After all the self-reflection Zuko did in that arc, this guy has reached the strongest state of balance I have EVER written him in, in ANY storyline. Even my most optimistic Zuko characterizations in canon settings, or even my non-ATLA AUs, are nowhere near as fulfilling, balanced and mature as the current Zuko in Gladiator. This is a guy who finds his mother, she tells him a LOT of wild and disturbing things, and he still manages to keep his center, even as he processes the reality of what had been going on in his life when he was a child and he was too young to pick up on any of it. It's a guy who can love his uncle without forgetting that he has done TERRIBLE THINGS. A guy who, regardless of their many differences, has grown to cherish his sister and truly wants to save her.
So... for him? The throne is not this big prize that justifies his very existence anymore. He knows he's much more than a prospect Fire Lord -- and he knows his sister is much more than that, too. Neither one is going to approach the burden and responsibility of becoming Fire Lord with the same childish attitude as in canon. They've both come way too far to treat it as some competition where they have to constantly measure against each other to prove which sibling is "better". Both have solid things to bring to the table as Fire Lords, and both will have to think about, above all else, if they want to become Fire Lord at all!
So, to answer your question more specifically...
There MAY be a fight. That fight wouldn't be like what we saw in canon. It wouldn't be chaotic, it wouldn't be overly violent, it wouldn't be the ugliest sides of these two characters colliding in a battle of mutual hubris... no, it would be a battle to conform to traditions to determine the fate of the Fire Nation. It would be a battle that truly would show how far they have come, how much they have grown, and how much respect and genuine appreciation they have for each other. Neither one would step into the dueling area under the belief that they must crush/kill/destroy the other.
And that they can do comes as the result of a ton of character growth and development for these two, in which, unbeknownst to them, they have broken the cycle of abuse in their generation, putting an end to the absolutely catastrophic mess the Fire Nation's Royal Family has constantly been engulfed by. That toxicity, as seen frequently in Ozai's flashbacks, finally comes to an end when both Zuko and Azula learn to break free from that ideology, from the terrible weights of expectations of their family, and learn to see the world through much clearer eyes than any of their relatives ever did.
... I hope that's a satisfactory answer :'D
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sae-you-sae-me · 7 years
Hi, I've seen RFA reacting to mc listening to kpop. So how about MC finding RFA+Saeran+V listening to kpop? I know since theyre Korean, it's regular music. But it's funny to see which groups they listen to:3 thank you so much for everything. ahaha sae-yoongi-buns x'D
LOL, that’s so true…hope you enjoy these hcs! Sorry it took forever~
You were out doing a quick grocery run
But ended up coming home earlier than you thought
When you open the door, Zen was cleaning and vacuuming
Me Gustas Tu by Gfriend was blasting on his speakers
He was doing the dance moves and everything
So you just watch and purposely accidentally takes a video
When Zen spins around and sees you, he’s tripping over everything trying to turn it off
“It’s for a show,” he tries to explain.
“Uh-Huh, Sure.”
For the next week, you use the video for blackmail
“Aww, babe, I don’t wanna take out the garbage again!”
The video begins to play and he’s out the door like lightning
After awhile, you find yourself humming along
It’s not long before you’re jamming together
You had come to visit him since he had been locking himself up to study lately
He left his window open and you can hear Bad by Infinite coming through
You giggle and ring the doorbell
He thinks it’s just the mailman, so he leaves the music on
When he opens the door and sees you standing there, his eyes go wide
He didn’t expect you..and the music was still going
“O-oh! Haha…the music…it’s just on some weird shuffle. Must’ve added this by accident.”
You almost believe him until the next song comes on
The Eye by Infinite blasts from him room
He’s so embarrassed, he can’t look you in the eye for half an hour
You feel bad, so you just say, “I bet your bias is Sungjong.”
He looks very offended
“I’ll have you know…It’s Sunggyu.”
She brought home some extra paperwork
So, you didn’t want to bother her
She put in her headphones and set to work
After a few hours, you brought her a cup of coffee
Your presence startled her and she jerked awkwardly, making her headphones unplug from her phone
Beautiful by Monsta X blasted into the open air
You two stare at each other for a few long moments
Jaehee just quietly says, “There’s a reason I have headphones on.”
Finally pulling yourself together, you manage, “Jaehee, what are you listening to?!”
She gathers her headphones off the ground
“Beautiful melodies….Stan Monsta X, MC. Stan talent.”
He asked you to help test out a new stereo system he bought for his place
He says to play something off his phone
You find a playlist named, “Jammin’ Han”
You don’t know what to think so you just click it
Eyes, Nose, and Lips by Taeyang starts blasting throughout his home
He was upstairs when it started, and you expected him to rush down to turn it off
Instead, he casually comes down and is humming it
He’s fixing a wire and smiles up at you, “I didn’t know you enjoyed this song as well.”
“Actually…I just played it off of one of your playlists…”
His eyes grow wide and he gets really flustered
You think it’s because his playlist actually has a lot more mainstream and trot songs than you would’ve expected him to listen to
But no…he’s mortified that you found out what he named his playlist
What a dork
You guys wanted some snacks, so he says to hop on his car
Only, he forgot the bluetooth on his phone was still connected to that particular car
Ice Cream Cake by Red Velvet starts blasting
After you get over your initial heart attack and lower the volume, you just stare at him
He doesn’t say anything
He’s just looking out the window in utter shame and embarrassment
There’s just a long awkward silence before you start giggling
“Do you know the dance moves too?”
“Well, turn it up, fam!” you say as you jump out of the car and start doing the dance in the garage
Cue him blasting it and dancing with you
You both are horrible, but who cares
Saeran walks in to check what’s up with the noise
He sees you both and slowly backs away before he ends up being dragged into something stupid
You stop by his house unexpectedly one day
He was still in the shower, and unbeknownst to him, you can hear his speakers blasting
The faint echoes of Not Today by BTS comes from the bathroom
You almost want to scream when you hear him yell, “Chong! Jojun! Balsa!” in a high pitched voice
You’re nice enough not to record him
But you do sit close to the door and listen as he finishes the song
He trips over you on his way out
Thankfully he’s already dressed not seeing any of that…not today
You grin, “I didn’t know you had a hidden talent of rapping….NOT.”
He jumps up and starts running after you
You run from him so long, you two end up being wiped on the couch
He finally grabs your phone, thinking you had recorded him
When he finds no video, he just screams in a pillow
So much for that shower
He’s editing his photos in the dining room one day
He usually listened to Mozart or classical jazz most of the time
So you were quite surprised when you heard a familiar tune coming through the speakers
You turn it up so you could hear it better, and you recognized it as Prism by Shinee
V said he started listening to them when you mentioned of their music
You remember only vaguely talking about them, and you didn’t think he would get so into them
You start scrolling through his playlist and see songs from EXO, f(x), Super Junior, amongst others
You realize you accidentally turned him into a kpop stan
Check out our other headcanons~ Masterlist
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
Hey there girl! How ya doing? I hope things are going alright for ya~ So, here's the scenario: Sonic has to work as a spy for GUN to save the world and this gets Amy pretty swoony and giggly lol. Sonic notices and teases her, making it a bit fun with some British mannerism here and there (here we go down that AU route! Vroom vroom! XD) I can't wait to see what make of this x'D sorry if it's confusing! (Ily hehehe)
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(x)I hope you don’t mind, I’m going SO AU with this XD
British mannerisms, omg, I got this on standby, let me just pull it out real quick and-
“Sonic, you’re the only one that billionaire will trust inside his deluxe super suite. Since you’re famous, and an animal, he’ll be more likely to trust you than a normal human. We’ve equipped you with-”
“A dapper lookin’ suit.”
“….Ehem, with specialized gadgets and a microphone in your ear. This way, we’ll have constant communications-”
“You can have constant communication with your eyes alone~”
“…W-who is that?” The woman turned to a man behind her, who briefed her on who Amy Rose was, and why she was in the crowd.
“She’s his escort into the party, where were hoping only Sonic gets the invitation to go to the targets floor…”
“R-right…” she turned back to Sonic, seeing him standing and looking pretty sharp, a confident, egoistical look on his face, as one eye was drooped and the other looked ready to hear more briefing, but getting bored of just standing around with his hands behind his back.
“Well, Sonic. You’ll be entilted to all the rights of a spy, meaning all the dangers too.”
“Ehem, s’cuse me? I heard a rumor of espionage and I’m pretty sure my badge is fake. Could you have your new recruit search me for concealed weapons?”
The woman twitched an eyebrow up, having it quiver for a moment before anger marks flared on her forehead, and the man behind her sweat dropped.
“We need you to feed us direct link while alone with him, get as much data as you can-”
“You can be a fly on my wall~”
“You can track my every move, so long as you promise to take me out quietly~”
“OKAY, THAT’S IT!” she pulled out a gun as the men swarmed her, trying to keep her calm as Amy giggled.
Sonic rolled his eyes, “I got this.” he puffed up his suit jacket’s collar a bit and walked over to Amy in the crowd, leaning on the rail.
“Miss Rose, you’re making my mission rather difficult. I would highly advise you to keep your facts to yourself.” he winked to her, giving her the best british voice he could as she swooned, before jumping over it and taking her arm, waving to the people with another wink.
“Got it! Dangerous, super stealthy, and keep Amy under control. I’ve got this.” he shrugged, and then took off for the mission.
Walking into the party, Sonic kept up the act of ‘super spy’ as he talked in his headset.
“Amy, do you copy?”
“That melodious british accent is starting to take it’s toil on my delicate nature~” Amy placed a hand to her heart, before sipping a bit of her drink and looking around, distant from him.
“Heh. You’re far more bold than I would suppose a proper lady to be~” Sonic dropped his voice a bit, melting her even more with his deep, suave tone.
“Emm… Has anyone ever told you you’re quite the charmer.” Amy did her impression of a british woman, as he had to cover his chuckle and place his hands together and lean on the bar, closing his eyes as his smile was perfectly hidden behind his hands.
He opened his eyes, “Have you spotted him yet?”
“Not yet, love. But patience always kept the bird’s up before morning break.”
“What? Do they queue all day for that nasty little worm?” His british was spot on then, and Amy had to hold in a squee, even hearing the british word for ‘waiting in a line’ made her think Sonic knew more accents than she did.
“How did you do that so well?” she chimed, walking around now and pretending to socialize, as she suddenly spotted the man.
She flipped her beautifully dress to the side, walking away from him but acting like she was high aristocratic, dragging her trail around.
“You look positively radiant.” Sonic saw her at the corner of his eye as he was also searching, but hadn’t spotted her yet.
“You saw that little flare, did ya?” she went back to her american accent, before smirking and tilting her head to the side, “He’s that way.”
“Bbbzzz, Sonic? Do you read us? The party’s almost over!”
“Don’t worry, we’ve got this.”
Sonic maneuvered himself through the crowd, getting to the man.
“Excuse me.”
“Oh, pardon me.”
“Ah! Are you..?”
Sonic smiled, waiting for it.
“Sonic The Hedgehog!”
“The one and only.” he bowed, politely as Amy listened in on their conversation, turning her back to them and ordering another drink of water.
“Wow! I would have never thought my invitation would reach you! Well, considering you don’t truly own an address.” he gestured out, before turning to his friends. “I had to send it to each of his friends, for good measure.”
They chuckled like gentlemen, before he pulled Sonic in under his arm a moment, “I have an exciting proposition for you! But before I get to that, you must show me your moves with women!”
“W…Women?” Sonic sweat dropped under his arm-lock a bit, speaking through a gritted smile that looked completely faked and forced.
“Why yes! Someone as dashing and charming as the one known as the ‘hero’ of the whole planet must have some good pick-up lines!” The man patted his back, as the G.U.N soldier spoke again in his ear.
“Bbbzz-Sonic? This is clearly a trap. He’s trying to determine whether to use you or get rid of you. You have to prove some form of loyalty, go ahead and impress him! bttzzz…”
“Ehem.” Sonic cleared his throat, before looking nervous, that’s when Amy’s voice also cleared on the microphone.
He looked over her way, as she stuck out her leg with her high heels, and positioned herself to look very appealing.
Sonic smiled, and turned confidentially to the men.
“Do you see that pink delight? Sitting up near that table over there?”
Sonic flicked his head her way as the men stared, before their eyes caught her leg and stared a moment.
“I’ll have her madly in love with me by the end of this dance.” he took a waiter’s drink, drank it, turned around and spat it out quietly as he hated the taste and put it back on the tray, before walking through the crowd to her.
“I hate to intrude~” Sonic sat by her, letting her leg stay up on the chair next to her.
She grinned to him, motioning her drink in a swirling motion.
“Are you going to have me in love by one dance alone, Sonic?” She dipped the cup over her face to make her look alluring, before drinking it and letting the mystery carry over for the onwatchers, knowing they were looking.
She moved her upright leg down and moved to the seat it was once on, closer to Sonic, and put an arm around him.
“Is this too fast?” she seemed to worry a moment, but Sonic just wrapped an arm around her waist, making her lose her feminine touch of british grandeur and blush.
“I am fast.” 
Getting up, the two walked to the dance floor.
After almost forgetting the mission from how much fun they were having dancing, Amy having to same him from some bad footwork that she then made look fancy, Sonic brought her over to the man.
“Gentlemen, meet my new friend.” he looked down to her, as she shook out her quills and laughed, hanging off of Sonic like her usual love-sick doting.
The men were amazed, she was fawning like normal, but they didn’t know that.
“He’s quite the man, Mister.” she lowered her voice to be more mature, suddenly putting Sonic’s mind in a bit of bafflement.
He stared down at her as she performed her little illusion.
“He’s quite the treat for a party. Tell me, are you planning to keep him around?” she looked back up at his eyes, enchanting the men at how dearly in love she looked.
Sonic smiled, genuinely this time, because he knew that look was pure Amy, and not some act.
“You are a sight.” he shook his head, speaking in a lower whisper, but seeming slightly touched at her honesty in how she was swooning for him.
“Hee.” she giggled, before leaning closer and being just loud enough for the men to hear her. “That’s not the only sight I can offer…~” she then moved closer, letting him know the implied meaning before whisking herself away, hearing the G.U.N soldier applaud her before telling her to get out of there.
Sonic was frozen a moment, before the Soldier shouted out for him to speak and get a grip.
“Ehem, quite the woman.” Sonic tried to continue, but his mind was racing on how Amy had never acted that way before. He put his hands in his pockets after scratching his head a moment, looking off after her as the men actually opened their mouths in amazement.
She was dolled up alright, but the fact that her usual ‘innocent’ nature could so easily be twisted by her made his brain almost stutter at the new.
If she wanted to be… she could be quite…
“Splendid, Mr. Hedgehog.” the man, almost looking slightly jealous at how well that went, drank his drink to avoid the slight frustration in his voice. “I won’t lie, I was hoping for some form of struggle from her.”
“Most do try, but as always, they fail at truly hiding their… excited… feelings.” Sonic nodded, before stepping closer to the men. “Forgive me for intruding on the topic with another of my own, but… Wasn’t there something you’d like to discuss with me?” he was trying to be smooth with the transition, even going for an overall appeal, but his abruptness made the men stare a moment, as the man he was targeting put his glass down on the bar.
“My, they weren’t kidding when they said you were restless. Zipping from one thing to another and unable to remain quaint and still.” The man was leaning on the bar before getting up, motioning his finger in a zig-zag to show how Sonic lept around so much.
“Manners, Hedgehog! bbtttz…”
“You’ll have to forgive my quick nature, I’m not one to queue around for an answer.” he kid, as his charm got the men back on his side.
The target laughed, “Alright, Mr. Hedgehog. Then we’ll move straight to business! I wouldn’t want to keep you from your … charming new conquest, now do I?”
The men put an arm around him and led him up to the target’s floor… just what G.U.N wanted.
“Be safe… Sonic.”
Amy’s voice was in his microphone, going back to her usual self, as Sonic thought about her a moment but couldn’t talk back to her right now, not in the mist of danger…
“I’ll be waiting for you… like I always do.”
He closed his eyes as he walked into the elevator.
Thank you… Amy.
Another prompt based upon this one (x)
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thedarcydichotomy · 7 years
Darcy and Hunter and twilight (the time of day not the movie X'D)
*defies you*
“What the bloody hell is this?” Hunter demanded when he walked in to the room. The sun was just disappearing, putting the room in that odd light level right between day and night. He was far more interested in the array of bottles and shot glasses Darcy was lining up on the table than waxing lyrical about sunsets and fading light.
“It’s almost twilight,” Darcy said, hands on hips as she observed her boozy spread. “And it’s January, and I have a tradition in January.”
“You have a tradition in January..?” Hunter repeated, glancing at the bottles again. “Looks like one hell of a tradition.”
“Oh it is,” Darcy nodded. “Yep. At twilight we watch Twilight and drink. A lot. It’s a game.”
“A…” Hunter was no stranger to drinking games, but he’d never partaken in one whilst watching a movie. 
Then again he’d never seen Twilight, only heard about it, so maybe drinking was the only way.
“A game, yep,” Darcy nodded brusquely. “Skye’s coming and bringing a giant plate of sliders,  Jemma’s apparently deigning to accept American candy and has a bucket of twizzlers, and I’ve talked Phil in to picking us up pizza in about an hour. It’s gonna be awesome.”
Hunter’s lips twitched - he would very much like to stick around to see the ladies getting drunk. 
“So, this Twilight party girls only?” He asked casually, and Darcy shot him a knowing look. 
“I’m so inclined to say yes and tell you if you wanna come you have to get your drag on, but no. Everyone’s invited. The more people shouting at Edward for being a creeper the better. Plus I’m willing to pay you in smuggled Belgium chocolate if you get Fitz to come. He probably shouldn’t actually play - that many shots might do him in - but it’d be good to get more of the team involved.”
Hunter’s mouth had opened to protest at the idea of drag  - he’d do a lot of things, but that wasn’t one of them - but when Darcy’s direction turned more towards inclusion he shut it again, a twitch of a smile coming at her inclusion of Fitz.
“Yeah ok, I’ll bring Fitz, you bring chocolate, sounds like a deal to me.”
Darcy grinned before turning to the TV, but her attention was caught by the sky outside - the stars were just starting to peek through the velvety blue as twilight descended.
“It’s pretty isn’t it, this time of day.”
“Yeah, guess it is,” Hunter agreed. 
“But you just wanna see your team mates getting tipsy right?”
“I dunno,” he said, crossing his arms and looking out the window. “Right incentives, I could definitely be more inclined to stargaze.”
“Right incentive huh?” Darcy asked, then gave a thoughtful hum. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
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seyaryminamoto · 1 year
These latest chapters have been pure brilliance. Azula stealing Rei was also really funny. Azula should someday invent the Avatar world's version of Child Protective Services, I know its not quite the same thing here, but near enough. I'd fallen behind so reading all the latest chapies in two sittings was a pleasure. I even had to remember I had a legit account here, I almost messaged as an anon again. Well, now for one of my usual random questions. What's your top 5 favorite OCs to write?
X'D glad you've enjoyed the chaos! While Part 3 starts out in such a heavy way, I feel like it hits its stride pretty quickly (probably because I really didn't want to drag out the hopeless misery any longer than necessary...). Rei provided a wonderful change of pace in Azula's story, the impact she's had on Azula is always lots of fun to write, and the development of that bond never fails to make me happy. I went out of my way to make a meme about it, some time ago...
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Azula creating a Child Protective Services system sounds like something no one in the world would imagine Azula would do, not even Azula herself... and yet it sounds like a legitimate possibility as things stand x'D
As for your question... favorite OCs? Ooh boy...
Well, I think Rei would be #1 right now. She's just gold without even knowing it. I don't know how she won over my heart as fast as she did, but she just did. That's her secret superpower, I suspect. She's a really good remedy for all the hardships we've been dealing with, and giving Azula another unique bond with a character is always great <3
Xin Long is probably #2, though writing him as of late makes my heart hurt for obvious reasons... but he was always crazy fun to write. Writing his draconic monologues cracked me up every time, he's wonderfully chaotic and straightforward, writing this dork was always gratifying.
Might be sad that he'd be so low, but our #3 is Rui Shi... oh, Rui Shi. Don't we all miss our good man Rui Shi. *wipes tear*
I'll bestow #4 to Kino and I hope he takes the spot with pride, he's really fun to write too. It can be tricky sometimes to choose what to do with him, I really don't want Kino to feel redundant, or too comic relief, but we'll give him more chances to shine in the future for sure. He's great at easing up many heavy atmospheres, gotta love our reckless Fire Nation army deserter for that.
... I'm gonna go on an impulsive one right now and give an answer that might sound really weird right now to close up my top 5: my #5 is Anorak. Yep. That's who. Why? I think it will become clear relatively soon... though not too soon. To be 100% honest, I didn't even think I'd care about this character remotely as much as I've grown to... but a plot twist I devised for him recently has changed things, big time. I have a surprisingly large soft spot in my heart for this guy, crazy as it might be.
As for runner-ups... I feel bad for leaving him out of a top 5, but Renkai probably would have been right after Anorak, at least! The Priestess of the Flames is also an important one to mention because, as much as she's not a character we've seen often... she's basically one of my old OCs from my original stories, repurposed for Gladiator xD so I have a soft spot for her too and always enjoy writing her. I also reeeeally love Mei Xun, she's a very interesting character to work with. Naturally, all of Azula's guards deserve credit here, they're such a loveable group even though I didn't really set out with the intent of making them loveable x'D Seethus is also quite interesting to write, but unfortunately Ozai isn't giving him enough material to work with lately. More things to begrudge him for, I guess (?)
Anyway, hope that's a decent list :D
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