#[[TANGERINE is an adult and uses SHE/HER & HE/HIM pronouns!]]
hellofastudysession · 2 years
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[I.D.: My OC Tangerine standing against a blazing background of flickering warm white and red and gray. Smugly folding his arms and holding up a little red flame upon her finger, she closes her eyes and says, "The heartless obey me now, Fold." The next panel cuts close to her face, showing red light reflecting against his glasses and a conflicted, tired look in his eyes despite his smile. He continues, "Now I have nothing to fear." End I.D.]
this was supposed to be a joke but i realized halfway through that fold would never say "you're STUPID" 3) so have this instead
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enkisstories · 5 years
Just like them (part 13)
Still the kitchen in Gavin’s apartment, still November 18th
“He’s…” Gavin started and already Tina blinked due to the unexpected use of a pronoun other than “it” for an android out of her friend’s mouth.
“I’m…” Daniel said only a split-second afterwards and then both men stopped, because why should they take it upon themselves to explain anything, if that other guy could take the blow just as well? Come on, asshole, make yourself useful!
Tina looked from one to the other. At his point Jin forced himself between the adults, dragging Lucky behind him as if he was a teddy bear. The adolescent cat didn’t seem to mind. Being the center of the attention and getting all the treats definitely beat playing surrogate dad for three kittens!
“Can we have fish sticks today, mommy?” the boy crowed. “With ketchup!”
Gavin jumped up and picked his phone up from the kitchen table. “On it, junior!”
“Order salad with the finger food! Do you hear me, Gavin? Salad! Three!”
Covering the phone’s microphone with his hand, Gavin replied: “Geeze, Tina, are you sure you can manage three salad on your own?”
“One for you, me and Jin each!” the officer growled back, but Gavin only laughed.
Now Daniel rose, too, and in the same fluent movement took the phone off the human.
“Hey! What do you think you’re doing?!”
“Shhh! I’m making a call here!”
Let’s see… Subject 1: “Reed, Gavin”… Territorial, competitive, also a bit of a human cat. Will want cuddles while chewing on a still living spider. Current mood: surprisingly outstanding.
<<<Error… error… no path found for “surprise”>>>
Shut up, Cyberlife. I AM surprised, deal with it.
Add_to_simulation: Subject 2: “Chen, Tina”… Introvert, female version of subject 1, also asian, so highly likely not to be able to digest milk products, will enjoy them anyway just BECAUSE. Current mood: Existing (=default)
Add_to_simulation: Subject 3 Reed-Chen, Jin… A little Gavin, bright mind, easily excited, still believes the best of everyone. Current mood: Happy, but exhaustion slowly setting in.
Aaaaand… Start_simulation
>>>Results in, save to database Y/N
>>>Y and open file
Ew, really, Gavin? Tuna & pineapple? Nah, that’s close, but not quite correct. Tina gets the pineapple crime, Gavin is even worse. And not that literally a cat either.
>>>Save changes & close file
“Yes, Reed here, customer ID 393804. We’d like one large shrimps & tangerine pizza, one large pizza Hawaii with extra chicken, one Captain’s Galley kiddie meal with the octopus rings, a lava cake, a small german cheesecake and an apple turnover with raisins. What salads do you have? I’m getting nagged to order one, is there a low on leaves alternative, maybe? Tomato salad, you say? Yeah, that might be a good compromise, we’d like three of those, please. For drinks a large rootbeer extra frothy, a large rootbeer licorice, a medium apple juice with a straw, plastic… What? No, I wasn’t insulting you. I didn’t even KNOW you were an android. I just want a plastic straw for our kiddo. It’s bad for the environment? You only have metal ones? Okay, one of those then, but it better fucking glows! Oh, and throw in a small thirium smoothie, whatever that is supposed to be. Not all of us are fortunate enough to snag a job in the snack industry… or any job at all. Yes, that was all. Thank you!”
Daniel turned around to where Gavin stood gape-jawed.
“How… how did you do that?!” the man gasped. “I mean, I have a pretty good idea how, but… HOW?”
So it wasn’t just the Connors with their fancy crime scene analyzing software. Even the simplest Cyberlife devices seemed to be able to see right through a human. And with their safety locks off, what would hold the deviants back, prevent them from turning the tables and enslaving humanity?
Years of policework of course could have supplied the answer easily: Socialization. Every human was perfectly able to kill every other, but only a rare few actually did so. For their own good the humans had to integrate the androids into their society and better sooner than later, so that one day any given android and human in the USA had more in common with each other than with a foreign human or android.
But none of that was on the forefront of Gavin’s mind in this moment. He only felt the cold chill of standing right across from the creepy machine that had seen right through him. What else might it have picked up? On the other hand, there were that damn smile and Daniel’s playful reply to Gavin’s outburst:
“What shitty person would I be if I didn’t know my best friend’s tastes? Cyberlife suggested tuna, but… ah, you cringe. Haha, knew it!”
“What was that just now about “best friend”?” Tina inquired. “You do not mean to tell me that you are friends with an android?”
The men exchanged quick glances. The game was on and Tina their first test person…
“Yeah, totally”, Gavin confirmed, to which Daniel added: “We go, uh, waaaaayy back!”
“Best friends, huh…” Tina crossed her arms, trying to come to a decision whether she should believe that or not. Her face brightened up when she got an idea: “What’s the android’s name, Gavin?”
“Daniel. Daniel Phillips. I could even tell you his registration number, but won’t, because that would be rude.”
Good save, Daniel thought, but then an unwelcome thought crossed his mind: Am I supposed to know your badge number?
It didn’t seem to matter, since first and foremost it was Gavin getting tested here, not his android (pretend) friend. Or was it? Because Tina now turned her attention to the PL600!
“I think I know you”, she mused aloud. “You’re the PL600 from the evidence archive, aren’t you?”
“Yes. We talked a few times at the DPD, remember? When I reported the burglary.”
“Yes, yes I do!” Tina smiled sympathetically at both men now. “So… wow, Gavin! So that’s why you got all enraged when Connor entered the archive! You were on your way to Daniel and it was interrupting!” * see footnote
Gavin shook his head frantically. He waved his hands in front of his body and would almost have taken a step back, had he not realized it and forced himself to not do that.
“Tina, no, it’s not what you think!”
“Yes, that’s how it happened”, Daniel said at the same time, completely at ease.
“No!” Gavin yelled, almost in desperation. What had gotten under his skin, Daniel wondered?
“Oh, I’m so happy for you!” Tina exclaimed. “So you’re done pretending to be hetero? But we’re still friends with benefits, right? Don’t you dare cancel the arrangement or I’ll sue you out of your retirement funds and then some!”
Gavin didn’t even wait for his friend to finish her little speech. When Tina had reached the “happy”, he grabbed Daniel by the shoulder, turned the android around and pushed him towards the door.
“Out! At once!”
Not comprehending what exactly was happening here, Daniel found himself in the floor, but that was as far as he’d let himself get herded without an explanation. Daniel broke free from the detective’s hold the moment the human got ready to push him against the wall, something Gavin needed to adjust his posture for a little. But that little was enough.
When the android asked “What’s the matter, Gavin?” next, it sounded as neutral as he was able to make it, with even a hint of concern strewn in. The human needed to realize that Daniel wasn’t his enemy, although by all rights they should be enemies. For some reason that hadn’t happened. But the way Gavin was glaring at Daniel, that seemed to have changed.
“Why did you say that?” Gavin growled. “We had a pact, but here you go, betraying me at first opportunity? Caught some of Connor’s code or what?”
The accusation stung, so Daniel smacked Gavin, a single time only. From Daniel’s brief experience with those particular humans that seemed to equal the normal code of conduct among the DPD officers, where senior officers occasionally held each other at gunpoint. And indeed, the friendly gesture got registered as such.
Gavin still had a hard time processing all the change. One moment the android stabbed him in the back, the next it was so fucking polite again?
“Look, I have no idea what you are talking about!” Daniel stated.
“Ha! As if you didn’t know what folks meet in the archive for!”
“Registering evidence…”
“Sh’ya right!” Gavin spat. “The basement is the DPD’s make-out spot! How couldn’t you know, after having been there for three months?”
“Let me think, how about I was… deactivated?”
“Oh. Oh, right.”
Gavin exhaled sharply. No betrayal. Good, good. But even so…
“Tina now thinks we’re dating!”
“Ever since August? Wow. We must be truly in love. But also a bit insecure about it, if nothing came of it so far…”
Again Gavin’s left arm shot forward to grab the android, the right hand balled up into a fist that he held threateningly towards Daniel.
“Don’t mock me, tin can!”
“Stop!” Daniel yelled. “We are each other’s best shot at what we want! And afterwards will discard each other…”
The android had intended to state this as a matter of fact, but couldn’t keep the disappointment out of his voice. It wasn’t even directed towards Gavin, but himself. It was as Geeta had said the day Daniel had gotten released from the archive: Deviance meant becoming human and he, Daniel, had achieved that feat now. Using and discarding, emotionless, only looking out for yourself, just like the humans did. He had become like John Phillips.
“Fuck, Daniel…”
Gavin was still holding the deviant by his sweater, but now place the other hand, that had been a fist until now, on Daniel’s shoulder. But then he didn’t know what to do or say next or why he had done it in the first place. Comforting a household appliance, that just wasn’t done! Or, if the deviants were more than robots, after all, comforting an enemy… Okay, that was a little less crazy, but still ill-advised.
Since neither of the two moved, this was how Tina found the men.
“Discard?” she repeated what little of their exchange she had picked up. “You aren’t breaking up now, are you?”
“No, of course not!” Gavin sputtered.
What he had meant to convey was that he couldn’t break up with Daniel, because they were not together. But Tina of course had to misunderstand him.
“Right”, she said. “That would be stupid, now that you two can be open about it.”
Gavin didn’t correct Tina. His purposeful misleading of the friend left a bad aftertaste, though, because he couldn’t recall a time when they had kept secrets from each other. Gavin knew he needed to let Tina in on the scam, just not right now. Everything was confusing enough as it was.
Meanwhile Tina’s thoughts had reached a point that generated a whole new level of threat for the pretend friends: “I guess we have to thank Markus for giving you that chance. I have to give him that, even though the sucker played a dirty trick on me at Capitol Park. I think he’s set up a twitter account? I need to text him, tell him about the two of you…”
“What have we done…” Gavin moaned. “I think I could stomach a salad now, after all!”
And the android arm that Daniel slung around his shoulders at these words didn’t help at all…
Footnote: I’m referencing another story idea I’ve toyed with here. Indigo turned it into a full-fledged fic that you can read here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22499176?view_full_work=true
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bnrnont · 6 years
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name: edward kenneth grey nicknames: kenny sometimes , mostly grey age: twenty four sexuality: pansexual / romantic pronouns:  he / him occupation: bartender sign: sagitarrius pinterest: HERE spotify: HERE
hey hey hey i’m snottie and i just happened to scroll passed this group in the tag , but i couldn’t be happier. i have the perfect muse for this place and i hope you all like him as much as i do. i have yet to really get a chance to play him , but i’m that 70s show trash and i love steven hyde ( even tho danny sucks butts ) but yeah so if you want to plot or do anything involving that 70s show or my knock off lil burnout of my own then definitely slide in them dms
( MATTY HEALY / CIS MALE ) did you catch edward kenneth grey the other day? as always, he was being his usual humble & eccentric self, despite being twenty four years old. i wonder if they’re still a bartender at the tangerine around here. it’s nothing but half smoked joints, glass ash trays overflowing with cigarette butts, fast food wrappers, crushed beer cans, messy brunette curls , and band t-shirts when it comes to them, isn’t it?
born november 28th , 1954 the illegitimate son to a negligent mother and some random guy , he lived with his mother until he was a teenager when he was fostered by a close friend’s family ( yeah yeah i know i’m not creative but i also do not deny that kenny is heavily inspired by steven hyde )
his mother was an addict and he basically raised himself for the most part bc she was always running the roads looking for her next fix , she was a stripper but they still lived in a shitty house without heat or a/c and like everything was always broken and it was just never clean
basically he was really embarrassed by it and he was dirty a lot , just a real mess of a kid who had extreme anger issues and problems with authority but luckily he found friends who were the only reason he got by tbh
yeahhhhhhhh so he was abandoned by his mom one day when he was in hs after she deemed him ‘old enough’ to take care of himself but one of his best friend’s parents wouldn’t stand for it and took him in not long after finding out he was on his own
it took a while but he warmed to them soon enough and considered them family , even respected them , and lived there until he was twenty
he eventually was able to move out and found work as a radio show personality that did fairly decent and he was able to uphold the lifestyle of drinking , drugs , and partying that he so enjoyed for quite a while
he to this day is v suspicious of the government and authority , hates cops , and any organizations , BELIEVES STRONGLY IN ALIENS
grey was comparatively less intelligent in earlier years and more “street smart”. however , gray does falls into the archetype of the intelligent “ tough guy ” just like hyde.
his intelligence is often undermined by his refusal to apply himself, but he is one of the smarter members , if not the smartest member , of his group of friends (wc).
he has a witty, blunt, and sarcastic sense of humor. he does not take things seriously , but the compassion , gratitude and love he has for those around him can be evident.
regarding serious matters , he shows compassion and empathy and gives very good advice. he has a sense of propriety and responsibility yet is not proud of it as he is more accustomed to his party / stoner lifestyle.
he pretends not care for anyone around him and sometimes he really would much rather spend his time alone.
enjoys cooking and exercising actually ? smokes a lot of weed and cigarettes ? drinks a lot of beer and wine and whiskey ?  highkey a conspiracy theorist !
though he may seem sarcastic and careless , as well as manipulative at times , there is a more mellow side of him.
he called/calls adults by their first name ( which the practice of naming parents and other adults was considered taboo in the 1970s ) especially when addressing one directly.
he does drive a black 1967 chevy el camino bc i say so gdi , wears a lot of sunglasses , a lot of ripped denim , lots of band t-shirts including but not limited to: santana , judas priest , eric clapton , AC/DC , KISS , led zeppelin , jimmy page , lynyrd skynyrd , pink floyd , the beatles , black sabbath , jethro tull , jimi hendrix , the doors , the rolling stones , ted nugent , rush , aerosmith , john lee hooker , the allman brothers band , blue oyster cult , sex pistols , ramones , the who , and the grateful dead.  
his guilty pleasure is frank sinatra and other motown music , he also doesn’t mind country music , but he’d probably never admit it bc ‘long live rock and roll man’
along with many bands grey holds a passionate love of led zeppelin , the group he wears most frequently and would totally have said “ if god didn’t want me to wear them so much he wouldn’t have made them rock so hard ”.
he likes to watch little house on the prairie , and dislikes the music of pat boone , styx , ABBA , peter frampton , andy gibb , and the little river band. in fact , he once broke up with a girl because she liked the little river band.
he wears his class ring on his pinkie and is super proud of himself for graduating at all bc he hated school and honestly they probably just passed him so they didn’t have to deal with him anymore , he probably failed a grade a time or two who knows. lol was def voted most likely to commit a crime or end up in jail ( they were right )
he knows how to operate a manual transmission , really loves cars thank you v much and is super proud of his ! !
( tw: drug mention ) it is no secret that he is a junkie , but his first choices are always marijuana and alcohol even though he will most likely partake in anything offered his way tbh
he has a job as a bartender at the tangerine rn bc surprise he got into a lot of shit for being fucked up all the time so bye bye radio show personality so he just needed a job to get by. he could probs use a roommate or something idk so hmu to do that
this was a mess and absolutely all over the place and i’m sorry ? he’s basically just steven hyde and i’d love to build a bunch of relationships like from that 70s show bc i’m a stan that has seen it beginning to end more than once so….. honestly i could make this so much longer but i won’t hmu to do stuff i have discord or you can just im !
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hellofastudysession · 2 years
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[I.D.s: Two sketches of Tangerine (my OC) expressions: the first is of her beaming softly with eyes closed, and the second is of her glaring with big crocodilian teeth bared, holding up a staff, her ruff flaring orange. End I.D.s]
look at my oc boy
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