#[2. tbh hes mostly just mad that he has to be in the same catagory as the fucking. like. onceler and dancing banana LAWL]
Buck how do you feel about being a tumblr sexyman, ya fuckin texyman
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In all honesty? After doin' some diggin'- ah don't understand whats wit ya varmints n' this whole... "tumblr sexyman" thing. And frankly, ah'm a little insulted that yer puttin' me in t' same category as a buncha glorified broomsticks and seemingly any kinda man or woman or banana y'all can get yer hands on. Y'all parading 'round t' streets wit this- yer nuisances at best.
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Y' see? Y'all can fight t' yer hearts content, if ya really want to- but ah ain't gonna be y'alls prized hog. Ah ain't easy pickin's- and I'd rather focus on... other things. Now, if you'll ex-
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Tibs- Tiberius, eh? Well... Even if we ain't at t' same rankin'... or department... ah greatly admire t' work he does. Most suits- especially those city-folk suits- hardly have t' the kinda dedication n' skills that he's got- let alone respect those traits. But Tibs- anyone wit a good head on their shoulders aughta take note n' admire t' work he does. He's a damn good detective too- never thought ah'd meet one in real life- but by cog, if y' could see 'im in action... it's somethin' else, ah'll say that. Chances are, fer th' pests readin' this, y'all wouldn't even 'ppricate it. T' fact that he's takin' care o' Redd n Andrew too- fatherhood ain't easy, yet he just- grabbed t' bull by the horns n took the reins, just like that-! Not t' mention he's got quite t' nice set o' claw-
We know what you are, Buck.
... Then say it t' my face.
[OOC: @ask-tiberius-cadell for those who don't know of Tiberius]
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