#[Arcelia Frascona]
sins-of-the-sea · 8 months
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Takes one look at Nemona. And Eri. And Tulip. And Iono. And Katy. And-
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"Oh ho ho ho, my oh my!! Seems like our daughter has found some closet keys!~"
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"Look out, little Sing-Lung, you've got competition in some of the cutest girls in Paldea."
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Despite being orphaned with his older brother San-Gwong, eight year old Hui Sing-Lung was living a fairly idyllic and happy life with his best friend Arcelia Frascona while living in a Jesuit mission in Guangzhou (Canton), China. But on a cold winter's day in 1710, a Devil rose from the sea and destroyed much of the port town with seven yaogaui representing human vice stealing souls left and right. As the Jesuit mission burns down, Sing-Lung witnesses the demon dubbed Xurong brutally slay San-Gwong right before his eyes. It is through the heroic actions of Captain Mortimer Hurley that Sing-Lung was rescued and removed from Guangzhou before he would be killed too... though the Crew of the Barracuda would lose its Captain. Forever indebted for the rescue, Sing-Lung joins the Barracuda under the newly captained Ravyn Hurley to the ends of the earth, hoping to move on from the tragedies of Guangzhou...
Until August 18, 1721, in Kingston, Jamaica. As Sing and the rest of the Barracuda attempt a normal life, the magic compass la Brujula has been found, and the Voyage of the Devil's Eye begins. Sing-Lung then changes his initial plans to move on from his loss in Guangzhou.... and focuses on revenge against Xurong--aka Pride--aka Wang Ruixiong--for the murder of San-Gwong.
Updated/redrawn concept artwork of Sing-Lung from 2005. The bobcut was CappnRob's idea, which gives Sing-Lung a more unique silhouette.
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sins-of-the-sea · 8 months
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Arcelia shakes a fist while her Florgato mimics her. "Asshole!!"
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"YOUNG LADY!! Where did you learn that language?! Uncle Guy, isn't it? You should never call anyone such a way, that is inappropriate and absolutely-"
Arcelia points at the giant Bombirdier dropping massive boulders everywhere, to the point it injures people and other Pokemon alike. For fun.
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Josep gets his Houndoom ready. "ASSHOLE!!"
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
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“-=Dream beautifully, Guy. Dream of the beautiful wedding you’d have with San-Gwong, as though the Razing never happened. Dream of us by your side, supporting you. Dream of lotus flowers decorating the ship. Dream of Arcelia and Sing-Lung joining us and happily cheering you on. Dream of a love that stood against the test of time…=-”
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
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"Thought you might like this in particular given the attention to detail to the anatomy and how he thought of putting feathers while keeping some lizardy detail, @paleobird."
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"That is incredible! I never thought of using cling-film to put in minute details that soften the tool marks while still making them noticeable!"
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"Aren't you glad Arcelia wasn't born during the age of Barney and Friends being popular among children?"
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"More like popular to bash him. And even then, it wouldn't matter to me either way. Only that our writer, being a 90s child, definitely felt the hatred on full blast during the time."
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sins-of-the-sea · 2 years
1708, Guangzhou, China
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“Papa! Mama! Guess what??”
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“What is it, Nena?”
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“Sing-Lung and I are going to get married!”
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Josep drops his book. “WHAT?!”
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Abena decides to indulge in her six-year-old daughter’s declaration by pressing her hands to her face. “Nena!! My baby girl! You’re going to get married already?!”
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“Yes! At the Mission! Father Fu-Lam says he’ll marry us and we’ll have lots of little babies!”
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“Will you?!~”
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“Whose idea was this?! You just met Sing-Lung, it’s too soon to get married now, Nena!”
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“Mine! I asked her to marry me! And she said yes!”
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“I am not allowing this-!”
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“Pep, just play along.”
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“Oh, I am playing along, love, watch me.
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“What?! What?!”
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“This young man has asked Arcelia to marry him. Without asking our permission first.”
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Guy gasps. “How dare you! Stepping over her father and mother without their permission to take Arcelia’s hand in marriage?! That is absolutely improper! Unforgiveable! I will not allow it!
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“If you’re going to marry Arcelia, you have to defeat me in combat. To the death!”
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“To the death?!”
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“That’s right! Come at me, little man! I can take you in with my eyes closed! En garde! Show me your moves!”
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Arcelia turns to her father, who is snort-laughing so hard he can’t breathe. “Papa! That’s not how it goes!”
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“It is now, Nena. We are rough and tough sailors at sea. Sing-Lung needs to prove himself as one first before I give you away.”
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“Mama, stop him!”
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“I can’t go against your father and your uncle, Nena~. Captain’s orders.”
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“I can’t fight Mr. Guy to the death! You’re San-Gwong’s friend! I’ll make him sad!”
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“Then you have to prove to me you’re strong enough to marry Arcelia now, little man. Come on. Fight me. Show me you are worthy enough to be Arcelia’s husband.”
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“Okay, I will!”
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“Sing-Lung, no!!”
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sins-of-the-sea · 2 years
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“Is there really??” Arcelia doesn’t know this girl, but she is more than happy and willing to make a new friend! She lowers herself as quietly as she can while covering her head so her golden curls don’t announce to the world of her heritage. “How cute!” she whispers, her hands covering her mouth.
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“Sing-Lung! Come look over here! There’s a mouse sleeping in a flower!”
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“Oooh! I want to see!” The other boy comes forward to stand next to Xiuying to see the little mousie.
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
Speaking of Arcelia....
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Dealing with your nieces/nephews as tiny children be like
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
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Questions for Immortals/Ancients
👶Do you have children? If you don’t, do you think they would be like you?
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".... Only one. And in many ways she was like me. The best parts of me. The parts of me I didn't know I had until I saw her grow before my eyes.
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"El meu tresor. La meva nena.
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"Her name was Arcelia, my only child, and the only one of Abena's she was able to carry fully into term healthy and alive. Born and raised in China, as the local Chinese wouldn't care much about the product of two foreigners, even with mixed parents--especially a mix that was heavily maligned and unsafe to be public with. Her eight years with us was the happiest I ever had. To have flesh and blood to hold in my hands and not have an ounce of hatred towards. To give me hope and love in life. She was the apple of my eye, the light in my heart. And I miss her very.... very dearly...."
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
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"I don't get the trend of going around calling people 'baby girl' who aren't their daughters. I mean, that's what I called Arcelia, besides 'Nena'."
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
1710, Guangzhou, China.
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“Wow, daai go!! You actually got me and Arcelia gimmel rings?!”
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“I sure did, daai daai! You’ve been doing so well with your studies and working for Mr. Rashid these past few months, I decided to get you a pair for you two!”
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“Wow!! Thank you so much, San-Gwong!! Let’s get married now, Sing-Lung!”
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“Hold on, Arcelia! Sing-Lung still hasn’t beaten me to the death in battle.”
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“Uncle Guy!! You and Papa made that up so I won’t get married right away!”
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“Who said we made it up?”
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“I do!”
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“Well, Captain’s orders, you little booger! Remember that when you get married, we go sail the world and may not see you for a good while! So Sing-Lung has to prove he’s a good enough husband to beat up any bad guys who want to have their way with you!”
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“Don’t worry, Arcelia! I’ve been practicing kung fu with the Shaolin monks who visit Father Fu-Lam in the Mission!”
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“Have at you, Monsieur Guy! I am ready!”
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“Ready, little man??”
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Sing-Lung throws a punch… and Guy just pulls his arm to trip him while tapping his butt with the scabbard of his smallsword. Sing-Lung goes down onto the dust in a flash. “AH!!”
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San-Gwong laughs as he leans onto a wall while Guy swings the scabbard in a flashy manner. Just for kicks. “Got a long way to go still, little man!~”
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“Drat!! Just you wait, Arcelia!! I’ll train some more and I’ll be a worthy husband for you!”
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“You don’t have to do that! What if I train with you? Then maybe I can kick Uncle Guy’s butt myself and we can get married!”
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“You two are so eager!”
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“Can I keep the gimmel rings for now, daai go? Until then?”
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“Ohh… why not. It’ll teach you responsibility. If you lose these rings, I am not getting you another. And then what are you going to do? Buy your own?”
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“I’ll be responsible! I’ll hold onto these real tight and never lose them! I’ll fulfill my promise to you, Arcelia! I swear!”
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“I can’t wait! I’ll get stronger too! And we’ll get married and Mama and Papa and all my Uncles won’t worry about me when they go back to the world!”
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“All right, you two. Dinner is waiting at Rashid’s restaurant. You can’t keep Uncle Giovanni waiting or he’ll get upset.”
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“You two go ahead. We’ll catch up.”
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“Okay! See you later, Uncle Guy! Mr. San-Gwong!”
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“Don’t be late! I learned how to make baozi today and I want you to taste it!”
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“You made baozi?! How dare you learn that before me! We’ll meet with you in a moment!
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“Save some for me! See you all later!”
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Guy then waits for the children to be out of their sight. “So, what is it, San-Gwong? Do you want to hit the alley to snog or-
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“...Wha-.... but didn’t you give Sing-Lung-...”
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“I bought two pairs of gimmel rings! Hear me out on my idea!”
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sins-of-the-sea · 2 years
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“So then Guan Yu would be locked in the battle against King Arthur, and King Arthur was about to say something that made Guan Yu mad, but then Aphrodite borrowed Gu Dasao’s hanfu and tried to yell at them both that this fight is pointless. But Thor got mad that Aphrodite came in to stop the fight, so he tried to steal Zeus’ lighting, which made Hephaestus be so mad he went to Cao Cao-”
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“How on earth do you keep up with all these figures, young lady?! A what kind of nonsense story are you-”
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“What happened when Thor stole Zeus’ lightning?! What did Hephaestus do with Cao Cao?! Did they lay a trap?! Did they start another war? What happened?!”
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sins-of-the-sea · 2 years
🔪, 📫, and 👊 For Arcelia, about Ignatius or Xiuying :D
🔪 for the eulogy my muse would give for yours.
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"Uh… what's a eulogy?" Arcelia would rub the back of her head. "I guess… they were good people and good friends! We played a lot! And the games were fun! Can't wait for them to come back after being blown up!
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"Wait, what do you mean people don't come back when they blow up? Uncle Ruixiong and Uncle Guy come back all the time!"
📫 for a letter my muse would write about yours to a third party.
Everything is written in hanzi.
Dear Mrs. Cheung,
I made new friends! They are very nice! Xiuying is very kind to me and Ignashus (sic) is really nice. I think they are really good and friendly and they smell good too. I like Xiuying's hair and Ignashus is kind of cute. I hope you can meet them and we all be friends!
👊 for what my muse would say upon hearing yours has been arrested.
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"Bye, Mama! Bye, Papa! Bye Uncle Guy! I'm gonna borrow these fireworks and break Xiuying and Ignatius out of jail! I got some eggs to throw at the Manchus too! And I'm taking Sing-Lung with me! Don't tell San-Gwong! I'll be back before dinner!"
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sins-of-the-sea · 2 years
Orchid playfully growls, gently pawing at Frascona's covers and tugging at them, wanting him to wake up!
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Dammit! It's cold in the cabin! "Oof!!
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"What do you need, Nena??" Frascona slips out as though he was momentarily thinking someone else was tugging at his blanket to urge him to wake up. He realizes his mistake and looks upon Orchid... and realizes that calling her 'nena' is technically not incorrect. What was a momentary bit of sadness turned to loving warmth.
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"Well, good morning, Orquidia. Are you hungry?"
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sins-of-the-sea · 2 years
1708, Guangzhou, China
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“Wow! You two are really fast! You even included the sunset in the very background!”
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“We have you for a great teacher, Mr. Guy!”
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“Yeah! I want to show this to Mama and Papa!”
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“What about you, Mr. San-Gwong? You barely even filled in the beach, and it’s the step where you can be loose with the colors as you want.”
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“Can we take this time to paint anything we want now, Mr. Guy?”
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“Oh, sure! Feel free but don’t waste the paints! Then we can all go home when San is done.”
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“I’m going to paint you, Sing-Lung!”
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“Then I’ll paint you too!”
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“Aiyaa. They’re perfect for each other. Do you think they’ll make a good husband and wife in the future, Mr. Guy?”
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“Too soon to tell. Maybe they’re just really good friends today and Sing or Arcelia will end up liking someone else instead. Here. Where are you having a problem?”
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“I think I’m applying the paint too thickly, and my horizon line is too high….”
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“You can still fix that. Here. Your tan paint is a bit too thick, but not so thick that it can’t be corrected with reds and purples. And you can always add water to your paints. It’s always better to apply too thinly then add layers as you go along then when you apply too thick to begin with. Here. I’ll show you.”
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“You’re really good, Mr. Guy! Have you had a teacher to teach you all this?”
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“Hm? Uh-uh, I mean-
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“No. I taught myself.”
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“You taught yourself?! You’re really smart!! And talented!!”
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“Er-... thanks….”
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“And you know a lot of things too! You’re really good with the most stubborn horses at the Mission stables, can pick out mistakes people make in almost anything and help correct them, and can speak many languages! You’re really incredible!”
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“I-I thank you, S-San, I-I do…. C-can we get back to the painting?”
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“Huh? What’s wrong?”
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“I’m… not used to being complimented like that.”
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“Really? Don’t people see what you can do?”
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“I-... look. People see me all the time. I don’t paint or help around with the horses every waking hour of the day. I do other things. Things people don’t usually like. Or want to see.”
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“I’m not a good person, Mr. San-Gwong. There is a reason I bury my face in books and scoop horse manure rather than be a doctor like Phoebus or a merchant like Rashid.”
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San-Gwong stares in confusion. “...Why would you say that? Being a doctor or merchant or even a scholar or painter doesn’t mean if you’re a good person or not. I think you’re a good person. I think you’re an amazing person!”
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Guy blanks out for a moment. “...T-Truly?”
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“You’re kind, you’re considerate, you look out for me and my brother, you’re really patient, you always seem to light up the room, and you are very-”
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“Stop. Please stop.”
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“You don’t know me. You don’t know anything about me. That one time we had at the lotus pond–I invited you for a bit of fun. Nothing more. Nothing less.”
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“....What we did at the lotus pond. Meant… nothing to you?”
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Guy looks down at San-Gwong’s painting with deep, tangible melancholy in his eyes and movement. “I didn’t say that. Please. Can we stop? Either we focus on your painting or we stop altogether…”
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“No!! Please! Tell me what I’m doing wrong with my painting! I’d like to finish this before Sing and I then go back to the Mission!”
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“All right.
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“Now see here, what you can do with this area, you can add a bit more red, now with this dab of paint here-”
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San-Gwong listens deeply with the lesson, though he could not help but eye his teacher more than his canvas as the session continues.
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sins-of-the-sea · 2 years
1708, Guangzhou, China
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“I’m truly sorry if Sing-Lung caused any trouble for your crew and family, Mr. Guy.”
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“I’m not!”
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“Shut up, Sing!! Do you have any idea how many people are going to try to urge me to get married now?”
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“But you should! I want a big sister! Or at least a mom!”
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“Don’t rush things, kid. San-Gwong will find someone eventually, and you can be big enough to marry Arcelia, or anyone you want.”
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“I want to marry Sing-Lung now!”
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“Oh you be quiet, you have your education to finish first. Papa and Mama worked hard for you to make sure you have a good future so when we leave Guangzhou for the world again, you’ll be in good hands.”
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“But I’m in good hands now!”
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“Don’t rush things, Arcelia. Do you want your family to leave you behind in Guangzhou for the world already?”
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“There. See? Wait maybe ten to twelve more years, then we’ll find you a good husband, or at least see if Sing-Lung is worthy to marry you then.”
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“I’m worthy to marry her now!”
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“Still gotta beat me in a fight, little man.”
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“Either way, thanks for sending Sing-Lung back home. Will we have another painting lesson this afternoon?”
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“Oh! W-well, of course…!”
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“Hey, I want to have a painting lesson too!”
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“Me too! We can paint a tree! Or a flower! Can we join you and Mr. Guy tonight, daai go?”
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“U-uh… sure we can. But that is after lunch. And you still have to do your own studies right after, Sing-Lung.”
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“I’ll study hard! And I’ll get rich so no one has to worry about me and Arcelia!”
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“You really are determined to marry her, aren’t you?”
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“Yes! I’ll buy gimmel rings and everything! Like how the foreigners do it here!”
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“Gimmel rings? You’re really observant of foreign rituals, kid.”
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“Yeah! I’ll get some for you too, daai go!”
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“W-What?! What for?!”
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“For you to give to a girl you like so I can have a big sister.”
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“Let’s not-!!”
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“Let’s go pick some out, Arcelia! It’ll be my promise to you!”
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“Hey, come on, rings are expensive! Where are you going to get the money for them?!”
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“I’ll steal them.”
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“Your kid brother’s quite the handful, isn’t he?~”
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“I don’t know what I’m going to do with him.”
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