zangyo · 7 months
Sentence Starters; accepting || @mundmutter
“   right  when  i  gave  up ,   that’s  when  i  met  you .   ”
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     ❝I’M GLAD YOU DIDN’T.❞ He didn’t ask her what those words meant nor did he prod. He merely accepted what was said as if nothing at all peculiar was stated. He was hesitant as his gaze slipped downwards, lingering upon her hand for a moment before he reached out, holding it gently within his own. ❝Otherwise, we would not have had the chance to meet, nor would have gotten to know you.❞ Not the ‘terrifying’ woman that he knew she could be (as all sorcerers could be), but as she was – as just Qistina, the woman who loved birds, dogs, and children. ❝This is a selfish request, and you may ignore it if you wish…but…I hope you continue going forward.❞ It was hard, he knew, to do that when it came to this line of work. No matter how powerful you may be, it was heavy. He knew this for a fact from merely observing others…as well as looking inward in regards to himself. Nanami offered a soft squeeze to that smaller hand, so deceptively delicate within his grasp. ❝There are many who rely on you, after all.❞
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