chaoticspeedarch · 4 years
headcanon + flow of time
[ The flow of time has been rather cruel towards Kendall.
Kendall’s DIED BEFORE; because of that, he was actually in suspended animation for SIX YEARS– meaning that he should physically be six years older than he actually is. But he’s not, because his body was kept from rotting due to a bunch of chaos energy ( i.e a chaos control centred on well, the entirety of Mobius [ unknown to christopher ivo at the time ] )!!
So while Kendall looked 15 when he was revived, he should have been 21 – no one else except for Christopher Ivo Robotnik had aged during those 6 years.
It also why he’s so wise & mature: because mentally he’s technically six years older than he looks physically. Kendall just, doesn’t remember this, but his mentality shows it. It’s weird to explain, but, although his physical body didn’t age, his soul/being had changed in those six years despite being ‘dead’.
Kendall has a lot of things about him, that I’ve considered and really fine-tuned over just this last year alone. I have a lot of stuff about him in general that I’ve to even touch upon. I’ve hinted, here and there, but it’s not been concretely said. Yet! ]
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chaoticspeedarch · 4 years
What Color is Your Soulmark?
The color you fit most is Blue!
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Seen as the most popular favorite color, and for a good reason, the blue soulcolor is admired by many, even if they aren’t conscious of it. Friendly, loyal, and always there when you need them, the blue soulcolor is a people pleaser with a heart of gold.
People with this soul color are charismatic in a small way, choosing to speak as much as they listen, and take a genuine interest in people. They look past beauty and see the hidden soul under the skin. Loyal to a fault, they often downplay other’s negative traits as “quirks” and choose to see the best in everyone. They often miss social cues and overstay their welcome without meaning to.
While they might not seem the type to some, the blue soulcolor is likely to fall into fits of depression and self loathing. This is because they have high expectations and hold themselves to strong moral conduct, and failing that moral conduct means failing other people. Even if it’s not their fault, they will choose to take the blame.
When gathering a group of friends, this color likes stability and harmony. They hold onto friendships from their childhood, even if their interests shift, and have a hard time letting people go. Changes in relationships scare them. They will be the first friend to show up at your house when you need them, whether they live a short distance or not.
The color you fit most is Indigo!
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  Often mistaken for having a purple or blue glow, those who have indigo soulcolors are serious, confident, and strong willed. They know what they want to achieve and set out to do so. They are often introverted and seek balance, setting a strong moral code for themselves and others.
This type admires respect over adoration. They are often social advocates for those who need it and believe peace can only be achieved when everyone is working together, not just a powerful select few. This makes them powerful enemies but a powerful group of close friends, as their charismatic personality to do what’s right attracts people to them.
Since they are constantly trying to differentiate themselves from blue and violet soulcolors, indigo soulcolors are often less friendly and nurturing on the outside, but on the inside, they’re tender and supportive. They prefer to keep those who break their outer wall closer than most.
Due to their uncompromising sense of justice, the indigo soulcolor often starts arguments that might not need to be started, uprooting things just because they don’t like them or playing “devil’s advocate” when unnecessary. Despite telling others to get over it, they rarely ever do so and hold grudges for a long period of time.
The color you fit most is Green!
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Loyal, down to earth, and friendly, the green personality type lives a “live and let live” lifestyle. They are calming to be around and choose to listen and observe more than they speak. This type tends to be a shoulder to cry on in times of need, and they often take care of others before themselves.
When working, they see the big picture instead of little details. This makes them lose faith in their projects if they’re moving too slow or not achieving what they want, and they often jump from topic to topic without meaning to.
Green soulcolors are emotionally intelligent, and they pay attention to body language and verbal cues. If you’re lying, they’ll be the first to know. They are honest about themselves and their motives, being the most sincere color out there. However, they are less likely to give themselves credit and often brush off compliments.
This color is people oriented and loves to be friendly. They are also people pleasers and don’t like to stir up conflict, and they will often choose to go along with an idea they hate as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone. Since they are so loyal, they don’t tend to see the bad in those they care about, and it often gets them into trouble when dealing with toxic people.
The color you fit most is Orange!
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Out of all the colors, people with an orange soul color are the most social. They are happiest around people and prefer to be out partying than sitting at home on a Friday night. They are never short of friends and get to know people all over the world.
Orange soulcolored people are always looking to excite themselves and often do dangerous or thrilling things to feel alive. They are heavily competitive and excel in sports and physical activities. They rarely self reflect, preferring to stay in the here and now instead of dreaming about the future.
Dealing with an orange soul colored person is pretty easy. They don’t hold grudges over simple things and prefer not to judge others. In fact, they’re most likely to ignore stereotypes and befriend anyone that will talk to them, regardless of sexuality, race, gender, or mark.
Due to their nature of never wanting to settle, they never stay committed to something for long, often bouncing from interest to interest. This causes them to constantly be looking for the next thrill, and they often grow bored with their environment quickly. Schedules are not their strong suit. They are also the most likely to give up on something should it not give them a sense of purpose.
tagged by: @chaosworthy tagging: @dreggmxn / @familylightfox / @pluviatempestas / @gottagcfxst
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chaoticspeedarch · 4 years
𝐶 𝐻 𝐴 𝑅 𝐴 𝐶 𝑇 𝐸 𝑅   𝑆 𝑇 𝑈 𝐷 𝑌  
                repost  &  tag  away !  
        BOLD all that applies to your muse.         italicized  -  applicable in some way.
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• eyes:     blue  |  green |  brown  |  hazel  |  gray  |  gray-blue  |  other
• hair: blond  |  sandy  |  brown  |  black  |  auburn  |  ginger  |  grey  |  white  |  multi-color | other; navy blue • body type: skinny  | slender | slim  |  built |  curvy  |  athletic |  average  |  muscular  |  pudgy  |  overweight | • skin:     pale  |  light  |  fair   |  freckled  |  tan  |  olive  |  medium  |  dark  |  discolored  |  other • gender:     male  |  female  |  trans  |  cis  |  agender  |  demigender  |  genderfluid  |  other  | doesn’t like labels |  don’t have any definite headcanon either way • sexuality:   heterosexual  |  homosexual  |  bisexual |  pansexual  |  asexual  |  demisexual  |  other  |  unsure  |  doesn’t like labels • romantic orientation: homoromantic  |  heteroromantic  |  biromantic  |   panromantic |  aromantic  |  demiromantic |  unsure  | doesn’t like labels
• species: human  |  undead  |  shapeshifter  |  demon  |  angel  |  witch  |  ghost  |  incubus / succubus  |  werewolf  |  alien  |  mutant  |  android  | other; was once an anthro hedgehog mobian • education: high school  |  college  |  university  |  master’s degree  |  PhD  |  other; made it to middle school before he dropped out due to war.
• i’ve been: in love |  hurt  |  ill |  mentally abused |  bullied |  physically abused  |  tortured |  brainwashed  |  shot
• positive traits: affectionate |  adventurous  |  athletic |  brave  |  careful  |  charming  | confident |  creative |  cunning  |  determined  |  forgiving  |  generous  |  honest  |  humorous |  intelligent  |  loyal  |  modest  |  patient  |  selfless  |  polite  |  down-to-earth |  diligent  | romantic  |  moral  | fun-loving  |  charismatic  |  calm • negative traits:    aggressive |  bossy  |  cynical  |  envious  |  shy  |  fearful |  greedy  |  gullible  |  jealous  | impatient  |  impulsive  |  cocky | reckless |  insecure  |  irresponsible | mistrustful  |  paranoid  |  possessive  |  sarcastic  |  self-conscious |  selfish  |  swears  | unstable  |  clumsy |  rebellious  |  emotional  |  vengeful  |  anxious  |  self-sabotaging  |  self-sacrificing |  moody  |  peevish  |  angry  |  pessimistic |  slacker  |  thin skinned  | overly dramatic |  argumentative
• living situation: lives alone  |  lives with parent(s) / guardian | lives with significant other | lives with a friend(s)  |  drifter |  homeless  |  lives with children; niece  |  other • parents/guardian: mother (deceased) | father (deceased) |  adoptive |  aunt  |  uncle  |  foster  |  grandmother  | grandfather  | other • sibling(s):    sister(s) [ amy, rouge, cream ]  | brother(s) [ tails, knuckles ]  |  none  | other • relationship:  single  |  crushing  |  dating  |  engaged  |  married  |  separated  | it’s complicated  ( all are verse dependent!! )
• i have a(n): developmental disorder  |  learning disorder |  personality disorder  |  mental disorder  |  anxiety disorder |  sleep disorder   | eating disorder | behavioral disorder  | substance-related disorder |  PTSD |  mental disability  |  physical disability  |  other  |  none
• things i’ve done before: had alcohol | smoked |  stolen  | done drugs  | self-harmed | starved |  had sex | had a threesome  |  had a one-night stand | gotten into a fist fight | gone to the hospital |  gone to jail  |  used a fake ID  |  played hooky |  gone to a rave  |  killed someone  |  had someone try to kill me
TAGGED BY: @antihedgehog​
Tagging: @familylightfox​ / @dreggmxn​ / @hcrofraid​ / @spywithjeweleyes​
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chaoticspeedarch · 4 years
78, 82, 91
How emotionally stable is your character?
That depends on the verse Kendall is in. Generally? Kendall gives off the air of being emotionally stable: confident, content, mature, thoughtful. But. He isn’t that way, not completely. If we’re really sitting down to think about it, Kendall is pretty fragile emotionally. He’s been a child soldier, witnessed & fought in countless battles that ended in death or destruction. He watched his parents & friends when he was a kid being murdered.
He never let anyone know this, for years. Kendall was under the self-imposed and world-imposed notion that he had to be a ‘hero’ and that meant ‘strength’. That meant he had to be strong, he had to be stable and a pillar for others. He couldn’t doubt or show fear. He couldn’t worry or cry. He couldn’t express anger or helplessness. For the world ( both Mobius & then Earth when he got there ).
Not to say that his confidence and strength are lies: they aren’t. Kendall truly is kind, and gentle. He does care. But depending on the verse, he can develop a number of different ways. I guess you’d consider it different what-if scenarios. How Kendall reacts in one verse isn’t necessarily how he’d react in another.
Overall, Kendall is very tired: emotionally and mentally. Although he canonically was at peace for a long, long time  [ 8 or 9 years? ]  before “Ivo” ( Miles. ) brought chaos into the world & essentially destroyed humanity, Kendall couldn’t truly find peace within himself. He was too haunted and burdened by all the hardships he’d needed to face, time and time again, and never confided in others about.
He loves the world; he loves his friends. He would sacrifice anything for those he cares about ( to what degrees depends on the verse, again ). That’s his greatest strength but also a crutch. Kendall has a lot of signs of a hero complex, or something akin to it. He feels like he has to be the saviour of others: it’s all he’s known outside of fighting. Once that’s taken from him, what else does he have?
He lived his life wondering if he’d even be who he is without all the wars, the fighting, that ‘hero’ badge he was given. If he even would have the friends he came to have, or the life he’d lived. Eventually, part of him came to loathe being called a ‘hero’, for different, varied reasons. He never publicly spoke out about this ( depending on the verse ).
Due to all the fighting & things that he knew from such a young age, Kendall came to enjoy violence and fighting. Part of him was happy when the world went to hell due to “Ivo” and the demons & angels. This became a rather large, guilt to Kendall. It felt like a huge shame and weight on him, because of his status as a hero ( what kind of hero enjoys fighting or gets excited by it? ). For years, he lived with this. Of course he hid it well, but there’s a reason that Kendall rushed headlong into fights with Ivo, or why he always seemed so ‘confident’ in fighting ( he was revelling in it ). Depending on verse, he either keeps this hidden, or just, fully embraces it and doesn’t look back.
Of course there’s a lot more about Kendall, but I feel this has gone on enough lmao. I hope that helps to delve into just a bit about him!! I think about these kind of things a lot, given I’ve had Kendall as a muse since around 2010.
What are your character’s sleeping preferences?
Kendall prefers to sleep on his stomach or his back. Although, he tends to curl up on his side and sleep that way; both as a mobian hedgehog and now as a human. He tends to enjoy when the room is cool, but with a lot of blankets? Kendall’s a fan of soft pillows. He also likes a bit of noise, so maybe a fan, or the window open with the sound of nature.
For a long time in his life, Kendall preferred sleeping outdoors: he was constantly on the move due to fighting, or just exploring his surroundings. It wasn’t until after returning from Soleanna that Kendall really settled into, sleeping in his home. While he doesn’t sleep outside nearly as often, he will actually fall asleep quicker sleeping out in nature than he will in a bed. Old habits, all that.
What type of music does your character like?
Kendall enjoys softer music: but that depends on his mood. He tends to listen to music that’ll compliment his emotions: soft for when he’s relaxing or feeling good, melancholic for whenever he wants to cry or just, be still. Really intense, loud music for whenever he’s angry or wanting to get pumped up. I’ve mentioned a few songs he likes, but can’t be arsed to find more right now.
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chaoticspeedarch · 4 years
Send a ‘💤’ to take a peek at a dream my muse might have!
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...Where, was he? Kendall blinked, and glanced around: he was suspended in mid-air, in this massive void of just, blank space. White, blank nothingness.
--Words; distorted, so far away. Words he couldn’t quite understand. Then, the white void grew dull, duller still. Until it was pitch black. Darkness.
Kendall floated, stared ahead. He wanted to cry out: to scream out, in what? in anger? in frustration? in terror? His vocals wouldn’t work; nothing wanted to work.
All at once, that darkness pulled inward, into a concentrated mass of white light. That orb of white light expanded, glowing intensely, before it shattered into pieces. Pieces that shot outwards, far, far away, vanishing. One of those pieces catapulted towards Kendall, then phased through him.
Everything faded away, then; but the sound of a heartbeat resounded, echoed deeply in Kendall’s hearing.
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chaoticspeedarch · 4 years
“You’re actually afraid to be alone, aren’t you?”
[ questions to nag at him with ]
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…That was…. true, but–
He had been alone for so long growing up. Before he’d met Tails, Amy, Knuckles & the others. In some senses, despite being surrounded by people, he still felt alone.
He was petrified by the idea of being abandoned; yet, Kendall was expected to be able to take care of himself. He was a hero. He saved everybody. Surely, he could handle being by himself. Besides, hadn’t he always wanted to just, run around, travel the world? By himself?
Maybe. To some degree; to some degree, Kendall had enjoyed being by himself. But it was just, natural, to want others to be nearby. Still. He wanted someone to be by him, selfishly. To just be by his side, period. To never leave him–
No. That was, it should be wrong. Kendall inhaled, then exhaled lowly. His eyes darted off to the side, and he smiled. He smiled because he was afraid, so afraid, but he couldn’t show it. Kendall had learned to smile through the hardships. He had to be strong, for others. To be a pillar, that others could rely on.
That meant, facing fear head on. Silently. By himself.
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“Y’know, I think everybody is? Sorta, I mean. At points, right? But I’ve got my friends, and you know, I’m not truly alone,” liar. “Someone’s always wanting to track me down for something, so. I’m usually easy to find in a crowd,” coward.
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chaoticspeedarch · 4 years
WHAT’S YOUR SOCIAL LINK ? to  find  your  secondary  &  third  tarot  cards,  scroll  down to  your  result  page  to  your answers & find them via the result  totals.
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Primary: The Hierophant
The Hierophant is a symbol of education, authority, conservatism, obedience to rules and relationship with the divine. You are a person who interprets sacred mysteries or esoteric principles. You are matured enough, quite wise and logical. However, you are somehow associated and obsessed with the past.
Secondary: The Emperor
Emperor symbolises the desire to control one's surroundings, and its appearance could suggest that one is trying too hard to achieve this, possibly causing trouble for others; some elements in life are just not controllable. Often times, you are troubled by something very personal, and don’t know how to deal with it.
Third: The Magician
The Magician is associated with action, initiative, self-confidence, manipulation and power (more specifically, the power to harness one's talents). You prefer being the right-hand men of someone you are close to or you look up to.
A tragedy in your life must have shaped you unto who you are right now and how you live your life. You prefer dynamic and theatrical situations rather than solemn and quiet paces of life. A downside in your character is that you may possibly be perverted most of the time and easily fall in love or have crushes on other people you admire.
[ Kravitz’s thoughts on the main route results: LMAO!! I really love this, though!! It shows how Kendall lets people see him, but then his inner layers are the secondary and third. The Emperor has to be a favourite result in this, of mine! ]
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Primary: The Devil
The Devil Arcana represents the urge to do selfish, impulsive, violent things, and being a slave to ones' own impulse and feelings. Occasionally, it is also portrayed as a symbol of temptation. The positive aspect, however, represents a healthy bond or commitment. You are often "devilish": you tend to be greedy, proud, lustful, or otherwise of poor character. You are most likely to go for an antisocial tendency, often not caring much for the needs or well-being of others.
Secondary: The Chariot
The Chariot Arcana is a symbol of victory, conquest, self-assertion, control, war and command. You are typically a very driven individual, who has a personal goal that you aim to achieve at any cost. It is not uncommon for Chariot characters to be short-tempered or aggressive.
Third: The Emperor
Emperor symbolises the desire to control one's surroundings, and its appearance could suggest that one is trying too hard to achieve this, possibly causing trouble for others; some elements in life are just not controllable. Often times, you are troubled by something very personal, and don’t know how to deal with it.
[ Kravitz’s thoughts on Ivo’s Route results: Oh boy!! I love, love, love this!! Lmao this really is if Kendall just, didn’t care about anyone except himself, Ivo, and his own selfish tendencies!! At least one of the arcanas are similar? Of course he got the top two aggressive results!! My fighty, violent son. ]
VOLT & HARMONY ROUTE KENDALL ( @familylightfox )
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Primary: The Justice
The Justice Arcana symbolises a strict allegory of justice, objectivity, rationality and analysis. You are concerned with matters of fairness, and otherwise are a very stoic individual. You are being called to account for your actions and will be judged accordingly. If you have acted in alignment with your Higher Self and for the greater good of others, you have nothing to worry about.
However, if you haven’t, you will be called out and made to own up to your actions. A level of compassion and understanding accompany Justice, and although you may have done something you regret, this arcana suggests that you will be treated fairly and without bias. Be ready to take responsibility for your actions and stand accountable for the ensuing consequences.
Secondary: The Fortune
The Fortune Arcana symbolises Fate and varying luck, fortunes and opportunities. What goes up will go down, what goes down will go up. You are aware of your fate, and attempt to seize your own destiny in spite of your seemingly-locked fate. Thus, you are typically involved with making important choices and decisions.
Third: The Empress
The Empress represents motherly, prosperity, creativity, sexuality, abundance, fertility and comfort which most often observed in maintaining peace. Often belongs to people of authority or wise and motherly figures.  Femininity translates in many ways – elegance, sensuality, fertility, creative expression, nurturing – and is necessary for creating balance in both men and women.
The Empress calls on you to connect with your feminine energy. Create beauty in your life. Connect with your senses through taste, touch, sound, smell and sight. Draw on these senses to experience pleasure and deep fulfilment. Treat yourself to a day spa, learn massage, enjoy a fine restaurant or spend more time with your partner. Discover different approaches to expressing yourself creatively, be it through painting, music, drama or other art forms. This may be the perfect chance to take up a new hobby that enables you to access this part of yourself. 
[ Kravitz’s thoughts on Volt & Harmony’s Route results: God, Volt and Harmony really help Kendall stabilise? If that makes sense. Like, he just lets himself surround with love, from both of them. It helps Kendall to ground himself, and to let himself become someone that can live without being a leader, without needing to be horribly aggressive. He can just be, and Volt and Harmony are there for him. G o d. I adore these results!! ]
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chaoticspeedarch · 5 years
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[ This is just a reference post for myself, but feel free to like it if you’re so inclined! I don’t really mind, plus it’s nice to know that people think its neat? I sometimes wonder if I just overthink this crap lmao.
Okay! So!
I wanted a way, a physical, tangible way to differentiate between the various routes that Kendall experiences. Of course, there’s Kendall’s attitude-- Kendall himself is different depending on the route. Not only Kendall, but those associated with Kendall as NPCs ( Miles, Ivo, etc. ) are different as well.
That’s all fine & dandy. But I felt that it might be tough to keep track of that. So! I thought of something: WHAT IF KENDALL’S ENERGY / SPIRIT COLOUR WAS DIFFERENT & COINCIDED WITH WHO HE WAS WITH IN THE ROUTES?
So, this is just a master list of that. I’ll update it as more routes are added / if routes end up changing or evolving over time ( they no doubt will )!
LAST UPDATED: July 8th, 2019
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IVO ROUTE: Kendall’s energy is A LIGHT, BLOOD RED SHADE.
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More to be added! These can and may change depending on how the routes progress!! ] 
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chaoticspeedarch · 5 years
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Your pain takes the shape of ghosts, haunting you, always there. No one would believe you if you told them, or understand even if they did. You don't know how to make them go away, or what they want. They just follow you, casting shadows over all you do, being your fears and the embodiment of all you've lost or are afraid of losing. They can't touch you though... Can they?
tagged  by   :   @solfading tagging   :  @dreggmxn / @spywithjeweleyes / @s1lentsnip3r / @a-wind-of-freedom
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chaoticspeedarch · 5 years
So the fool awakens.
It was all a blur; Kendall remembering seeing Ivo, then leaving the gymnasium, the hallway, spinning, sound of footsteps. Nothing. Quiet.
He inhaled sharply, Kendall’s eyes opening, trying to adjust to the dim light of the lamp overhead. Quiet; he felt a bed beneath him. He wasn’t sweating, as much now…
“So, the fool awakens.”
Ivo’s voice nearly caused Kendall to leapt out of his own skin, had he the energy to move. As it was, he glanced over. Ivo was, sitting there, leaning back against the chair, red long cloak jacket but no sunglasses. Ivo had removed them. He always did, whenever around Kendall.
“….W-What are you– where am….?” Kendall shook, as he tried to sit up. Ivo reached over, moving, and gently yet firmly put a hand onto Kendall’s chest, pushing him back down.
“You collapsed out in the hallway. I expect that it was a mixture of panic and dehydration.”
“…H-How did I get here?”
Ivo just stared down at him, and replied, voice oddly smooth and serious, “Why. You floated of course.”
“…F-Floated? But I don’t have–”
“I carried you here.”
Kendall stalled, his brows furrowing. He exhaled, then leaned his head against the pillow, staring up at the ceiling.
“You are going to kill yourself at this rate.”
“I’ll be–”
“If you lie to me and say you’ll be ‘fine’ I am going to punch your vocals in so you will never speak those deceitful words again.”
Kendall went silent. His gaze flicked from the ceiling, over to where Ivo was. He had moved, to sit on the edge of the bed. Kendall looked away from Ivo, and didn’t really know, what else to say, so--
“Do you believe in multiple realities.”
Brows furrowing and his expression skewing in some confusion, surprise, Kendall glanced over at Ivo.
“Uh, I mean... the multiverse exists, so. Yeah? I-I guess?”
Ivo reached over, and gently brushed some of the hair away from Kendall’s forehead. He was still warm.
“If I told you, in one of these realities, you were truly happy. Would you believe it.”
Kendall looked away from Ivo then, and laughed, almost immediately; not long, just short. Maybe it was shock? Just the idea of actually being happy, really happy?
“Sure, why not, Ivo. So. In this mystical other reality, why am I happy?”
Kendall expected an answer, so he was confused when he didn’t get one. He glanced over, and stopped. Ivo was just staring at him, but there was something about his gaze that looked-- adoring, affectionate, almost yearning.
“Uh, Ivo?”
“I doubt you would believe me if I were to tell you.” Ivo exhaled, and pulled away from Kendall. Kendall moved, and reached out, actually grabbed at Ivo’s arm. Ivo paused, but didn’t look back to Kendall.
“Wait a second. Don’t, you’re not leaving are you? Are you... is everything okay?”
“Why. It almost sounds as though you want me to stay.”
Kendall’s face flushed, and he let go of Ivo’s arm, huffing almost poutily as he glanced away.
Ivo smiled, and stood up while placing his sunglasses on and pulling his jacket back on. He paused, then looked down at Kendall.
He opened his mouth, but then seemed to decide against it. This was not then. This was not there. It was useless dwelling on what would never be.
By the time Kendall finally calmed down enough to look over again, Ivo was gone.
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chaoticspeedarch · 5 years
and now, a speech from kendall!
Kendall was waiting off to the wings of the stage in the gymnasium of the school. Miles was up there, giving some information so the group would know what their next plan of ‘attack’ was against the demons and angels.
Kendall was sweating, chest ached. He glanced down at the cue cards that Miles had written over for him, but his vision blurred, the words seemed to shake a bit. Kendall blinked it away,
“–And now, a speech, from Kendall!” Miles motioned towards Kendall, and stepped away from the podium, clapping. Others clapped, cheered for Kendall, as he walked up the small steps.
Kendall put on a smile, waving to people as he stepped up to the podium, set the cards down. Kendall gripped at the sides of the stand, his throat feeling tighter, he felt hot, then cold…
Kendall glanced up, the sound of his own breathing was deep in his ears. Silence, people were staring up at him. Expectantly.
He exhaled, and began, “G-good job out there today, everyone,” Kendall cleared his throat, hearing that thickness to his voice, he spoke louder, knowing he had to. Expected to.
“we’ve, been through some experiences, these last couple of months. B-But I’m here to tell you, not to worry.”
“You rock Kendall!”
“Hero! Hero! Hero!”
Kendall’s fingers twitched, a low exhale leaving him, it shaking. Miles stepped forward, “Hey. Ken. Get it together?” Miles was leaning over to Kendall, whispering to him, “come on. People need to hear this from you. You know that.”
Kendall’s face paled, and he glanced over, to the back of the room. Maybe looking for the exit. Instead, he saw Ivo leaning against the wall of the room, no one else seemed to notice him. Or maybe they couldn’t see him. Ivo regarded Kendall, before he smiled.
Kendall stumbled away from the podium, almost hurriedly, and Miles stepped closer, “where are you–”
“Bathroom.” it was low, then Kendall jogged off. Miles chuckled nervously, and stepped up to the podium, addressing their group,
“Who knew heroes could get stage fright?” the group laughed, clearly thinking it was just a small joke, nothing serious. It was Kendall, he could do anything.
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chaoticspeedarch · 5 years
kendall can do this! he's the world's hero!
Kendall was thrown backwards by the rather large, disgusting amalgamation of demons and angels. He tumbled, gagging as his body rolled along the street. Eventually, Kendall came to a stop, face down, and he coughed, exhaling.
“Kendall can do this! He’s the world’s hero!” He heard the shouting voices, of by-standers; nearby groups of people that followed Kendall. His chest ached. It ached from that bodily pain, but also those words.
“Get up Kendall! You have to get up!”
“We’re counting on you! We all believe in you!!”
His arms shaken, Kendall began to rise onto his feet. Onto his feet, to cheers, to praise, to people shouting his name in desperation: not for him, but for their sake. Kendall stumbled, but held his ground.
His shoulders felt weighted, leaded, with those expectations. Kendall’s hands shook.
“You can beat that thing, Kendall! You’re our hero!”
“Yeah, kick its ass!”
“Don’t let it win!!”
His hearing ebbed in and out; not from the physical damage, but from the realisation. The realisation that this would always be his life. Eyes, watching him. Voices, screaming at him. Hope, placed on him.
He didn’t want to do this. That shaking on his katana kept going, before Kendall adjusted his grip, palms tightened. Enough.
You’ve never lived for yourself.
A scream leaving him, Kendall dashed forward, and dodged one of the amalgamations’ massive claws as it cut into the street, causing rubble to fly violently into the air. Kendall leapt upwards, landing on those crumbled pieces of debris before using that as a jumping off point.
His katana glowed with an emerald green spark of energy before it erupted in that source. Another yell left Kendall as he slashed the sword downwards, cutting clean from the amalgamations’ head down to its groin. He ripped the blade away from them then, and stumbled backwards.
The massive creature let out a roar of rage before it glowed and exploded as Kendall focused on that energy remnant he had purposefully left along the jagged wound. He raised his arm, shielding himself from the aftershock, and once his hearing ebbed back in, he was bombarded by the sound of cheering.
People rushed at Kendall, hugging at him and crying and shouting about how he’d never lose, how he was perfect, how he was a hero, their hero.
Kendall stood there, and smiled at them, but the expression didn’t reach his eyes.
No one noticed.
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chaoticspeedarch · 5 years
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▌What is your real name? “Kendall Maurice Rennard.”
▌What is your real name? “Ken-- wait. I already answered this. Why are you asking me twice?”
▌Do you know why you were called that? “No idea?”
▌Are you single or taken? “Single.” ( Kravitz says: Depends on the verse!! )
▌Have any abilities or powers? “Yup. I’ve got wind magic, chaos energy and mystic energy that I can utilise whenever I need it. I’m also pretty fast, durable and I can heal. Well, I can heal depending on the severity of the wound. If it’s a really deep, intense wound, then my body needs to pass out in order for my energies to properly redirect to the area it has to heal. Pretty inconvenient, but hey, least I’m not dead yet.”
▌What’s your eye colour? “It used to be green, now it’s a golden yellow colour.”
▌How about your hair colour?     “A deep, midnight blue. Depends on lighting, really, it can look a tad lighter in certain months, I’ve found.”
▌Have you any family members? “Yeah, my younger brother Miles, and really, my entire group of friends. They’re all like family t’me. I love ‘em dearly.”
▌Oh? What about pets? “Uh, do summons count? Haha, then yeah! I’ve got like, a good 50 demons and angels in my soul at all times. They’re good friends too, it’s nice to have that company, y’know?”
▌That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me about something you don’t like. “...Uh, no? Why would I tell that to a complete stranger?”
▌Do you have any hobbies/activities you like to do? “I used to like reading a lot, cooking, baking, gardening. Can’t, really do that nowadays. So uh. Hunting, I guess? Oh and summoning. It’s actually pretty fun, trying to figure out how to convince a demon or angel to join your team. They’re all unique and have their own preferences, so it can be tough to talk with them, at times.”
▌Ever hurt anyone before? “Of course. Who hasn’t?”
▌Ever killed anyone before? “Yup. I have.”
▌What kind of animal are you? “I used to be a hedgehog, actually. If you’re talking metaphorically or spiritually, Amy’s told me that I most resemble a lion? So. I guess that.”
▌Name some of your worst habits. “Uh, nope. Next.”
▌Do you look up to anyone at all? “Knuckles.”
▌Gay, straight, or bisexual?     “Demisexual.”
▌Do you go to school? “I did when I was a real young kid. Most of the stuff I know, I’ve learned on my own.”
▌Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day? “Huh. You know what? I’ve never thought about that. I dunno. Maybe?”
▌Do you have any fanboys/fangirls? “What kind of question-- Haa... Yeah. I did, once.”
▌What are you most afraid of? “Dude. What is with all these weirdly personal questions? Cut it out!”
▌What do you usually wear? “My... clothes?”
▌Do you love someone? “Uhhhhh, what?” ( Kravitz says: He loves Ivo, or Volt, depending on verse. )
▌When was the last time you wet yourself? “WHY WOULD YOU ASK THAT?!”
▌What class are you? “Money doesn’t really exist in this world anymore, so. Doesn’t matter?”
▌How many friends do you have? “Golly, let’s see... Miles, Amy, Knuckles, Rouge, Shadow, Silver, Chris, Big, Vector, Charmy, Espio, Cream, Sally, Rotor, Antoine, Bunny... lots of people!”
▌What are your thoughts on pie? “It’s great. Love pie.”
▌Favourite drink? “Whiskey. I shouldn’t indulge in it as much, but I do.”
▌What’s your favourite place? “Sitting on a higher elevation, just watching the sun, the clouds, or the stars. I prefer sunsets.”
▌Are you into someone~? “HAHAHA. No.”
▌Would you rather swim in the lake or in the ocean? “Ocean.”
▌What’s your type? “Seriously? Stop.”
▌Camping or indoors? “Both.”
Tagged by: @s1lentsnip3r Tagging: @dreggmxn / @projectlightfox / @spywithjeweleyes / @thewayfaringhero
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chaoticspeedarch · 5 years
Bold is always true.
Bold Strike is always true but also not something muse admits freely.
Itallics is sometimes true.
Plain strike is something muse would never do / doesn’t like.
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is submissive | is dominant | prefers to top | prefers to bottom | likes to switch | identifies as heterosexual | identifies as homosexual | identifies as bisexual | identifies as pansexual | identifies as demisexual | identifies as asexual | enjoys sex with men/male-identifying | enjoys sex with women/female-identifying | enjoys sex with multiple people at one time | initiates | waits for partner to initiate | spits | swallows | prefers sex in the morning | prefers sex at night | prefers sex any time | no sex drive | low sex drive | average sex drive | high sex drive | hypersexual
small build | medium build | athletic build | muscular build | curvy build | voluptuous build | stocky build | chubby | fat | boxers | briefs | boxer-briefs | wears lingerie | goes ‘commando’ | shaves/waxes | doesn’t shave/wax | cup size a-c | cup size d-f | 1-5" in length | 6-9“ in length | 10” or over in length
is silent/makes little to no sounds | is very quiet | is very loud | grows in volume over time | bites hand / partner / pillow to muffle themselves | calls out partner’s name | curses | fakes/exaggerates | prefers a quiet partner | prefers a loud partner | is turned on by dirty talk | is turned off by dirty talk
having their hands pinned | pinning their partner hands | having their hair pulled | pulling their partner’s hair | being watched (by their partner) | being watched (by a third party) | watching their partner | receiving oral | giving oral | calling their partner ‘daddy’ | being called ‘daddy’ | giving praise | receiving praise | biting / marking | being bitten / marked | spanking | being spanked | teasing | being teased | having toys used on them | using toys on their partner | giving anal | receiving anal | choking | being choked | dirty talk | being tied up | tying their partner up | being worshiped | worshiping their partner | humiliating | being humiliated | degrading | being degraded | knife play | blood play | being pegged | pegging their partner | whipping | being whipped | none of the above
in a bedroom | in a shower / bath | in a pool/ocean | in a kitchen | in a bathroom (home) | in a bathroom (public) | in a car | in a tent | in an alleyway | in a field / forest | at a school | in an empty / abandoned building | in a library | on a rooftop / terrace | in a dressing room | in an elevator | in a parking lot | at a museum | at a cemetery | at a beach | in a closet | at a hospital
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chaoticspeedarch · 4 years
What the fuck is wrong with you?
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crippling loneliness
you have approximately zero friends irl and you go insane at the thought of someone holding your hand. i love you but watching bad netflix shows isnt a coping mechanism.
tagged by: @pluviatempestas​ tagging: whoever wants to!! i never know if tagging people might be irritating or put pressure on them lmao.
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chaoticspeedarch · 4 years
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Random headcanon for Kendall’s birthday: He’s the type of guy to say “howdy”. Just, because. Yes he’s a lot more serious nowadays, and a bit quieter given his main verse has gone to hell, but he’s still a dork god dammit and no amount of hardship will change that entirely.
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