chaoticspeedarch · 4 years
[ from here ]
Oh. Well.
Kendall sounded upset.
An exhale left Miles, and he lifted a hand almost lazily to push aside some of his bangs.
“Looks like Kendall’s memories came back… Hah…” a shaking smile crossed Miles’ face. Damn angel: it had sworn that nothing could revert that magic they had cast on Kendall, to get him to forget Ivo entirely.. Had it lied to Miles?
Now he had two options: confront Kendall ( who would more than likely attack Miles; he sure sounded bitter ), or run away. Honestly? Second option sounded more enticing. Miles had never been one for physical combat anyhow.
Though. He could always send in more demons and angels to bring Kendall back. Yea. That sounded better. If not that, then, at least separate Kendall and Ivo more.
Would give Miles more time to figure out his back-up plan.
“What a bore.” he motioned with a hand, as though wanting to swat away this entire problem. With that, more demons summoned & appeared where Kendall was – currently the ‘leader’ had been torn between running to find Ivo & back-tracking to kick the shit out of Miles.
Kendall had been running through the darkened hallways of the base. Somehow, there had been a power outage, and the generators weren’t kicking in. More importantly, Kendall’s memories of Ivo had returned to him, mid-run. The urge to find Miles and beat him was rising, but so was that desire to find Ivo and see him again.
It had felt like ages; like forever.
Though, that’d been interrupted by the sudden appearance of many demons and angelic creatures. He caught a glimpse of Miles’ energy signature; which meant that these had been summoned by the little brat--!! No doubt to slow Kendall down, or worse, bring Kendall to Miles and away from Ivo...
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“GET OUT OF MY WAY!!” he dashed forward, katana at the ready, and began to slash through the ranks. There were a lot of them; even as Kendall cut one down, another seemed to pop up and take its place. His grip on the katana increased, and a desperate, yet thrilled, look crossed Kendall’s eyes. So, they wanted a fight, huh?!
One of the demons managed to parry Kendall’s blade, pushed it back for a split second, which left him open. Then, the barrage began: Kendall was hit, once, twice, thrice -- he stumbled, his body being lightly pushed from side to side with each attack. Blood splattered along the floor, a bit of the walls. Kendall kept his footing, and let out a scream as he cut back against the attacks.
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His eyes began to shine an almost otherworldly glow, only heightened by the dark surroundings of the building. With force, Kendall slashed his katana, and a rather large crescent of dark red chaos plasma rushed out of the blade. It tore through some of the rank and file. He kept at it, with each slash, Kendall’s energy drained, but he-- he stumbled, but continued running forward.
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chaoticspeedarch · 4 years
“Ah, the puppy dog face. Check mate, huh?”
Soft Sentence Starters
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“Ah, it actually worked!” Kendall hadn’t thought pulling such an expression would be successful, but here they were. Hmm. He’d have to keep that in mind for next time~!!
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A grin crossed his features, and he leaned over, voice a mixture of teasing yet fond, “So! What do I win?” Kendall hadn’t even realised they’d been competing for something: he had honestly just wanted to test out that expression. To see if it’d work.
Sorta also to see if he could be ‘cute’, but that was another topic entirely.
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chaoticspeedarch · 4 years
I think its cute how you fawn over Ivo
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“Heh, thanks!!”
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…Wait. Kendall stands there, and you’d swear visible mathematics were swirling around his head as he thought, thought….
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“I don’t fawn necessarily..” Oh Kendall, you totally fawn. Without quite meaning to, but– point still stands.
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chaoticspeedarch · 4 years
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Kendall’s sat there, looking rather serious. Wait. Was this some kind of game, or test, or something? Did Ivo seriously expect Kendall to guess what he thought of him?
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Or was he being teased? Maybe he was overthinking this...!!
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chaoticspeedarch · 4 years
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“ Finally!! Thank you!”
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chaoticspeedarch · 4 years
“He's bringing you down. You know that.”
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“No, Miles. I don’t know that.” Kendall sounded irritated; just, done. No matter how he tried, Miles just wouldn’t listen. It felt like trying to talk with ones own shadow. Kendall exhaled, and lifted a hand to ruffle at his own hair.
“Besides. Ivo’s… never mind.” He could tell that this wouldn’t lead anywhere. For whatever his reasons, Miles was insistent on hating Ivo.
Kendall’s brows furrowed, and a deep frown tugged at his expression. He just stared across at Miles, almost silently daring the younger man to keep at it. See where it got him.
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chaoticspeedarch · 4 years
WHAT’S YOUR SOCIAL LINK ? to  find  your  secondary  &  third  tarot  cards,  scroll  down to  your  result  page  to  your answers & find them via the result  totals.
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Primary: The Hierophant
The Hierophant is a symbol of education, authority, conservatism, obedience to rules and relationship with the divine. You are a person who interprets sacred mysteries or esoteric principles. You are matured enough, quite wise and logical. However, you are somehow associated and obsessed with the past.
Secondary: The Emperor
Emperor symbolises the desire to control one's surroundings, and its appearance could suggest that one is trying too hard to achieve this, possibly causing trouble for others; some elements in life are just not controllable. Often times, you are troubled by something very personal, and don’t know how to deal with it.
Third: The Magician
The Magician is associated with action, initiative, self-confidence, manipulation and power (more specifically, the power to harness one's talents). You prefer being the right-hand men of someone you are close to or you look up to.
A tragedy in your life must have shaped you unto who you are right now and how you live your life. You prefer dynamic and theatrical situations rather than solemn and quiet paces of life. A downside in your character is that you may possibly be perverted most of the time and easily fall in love or have crushes on other people you admire.
[ Kravitz’s thoughts on the main route results: LMAO!! I really love this, though!! It shows how Kendall lets people see him, but then his inner layers are the secondary and third. The Emperor has to be a favourite result in this, of mine! ]
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Primary: The Devil
The Devil Arcana represents the urge to do selfish, impulsive, violent things, and being a slave to ones' own impulse and feelings. Occasionally, it is also portrayed as a symbol of temptation. The positive aspect, however, represents a healthy bond or commitment. You are often "devilish": you tend to be greedy, proud, lustful, or otherwise of poor character. You are most likely to go for an antisocial tendency, often not caring much for the needs or well-being of others.
Secondary: The Chariot
The Chariot Arcana is a symbol of victory, conquest, self-assertion, control, war and command. You are typically a very driven individual, who has a personal goal that you aim to achieve at any cost. It is not uncommon for Chariot characters to be short-tempered or aggressive.
Third: The Emperor
Emperor symbolises the desire to control one's surroundings, and its appearance could suggest that one is trying too hard to achieve this, possibly causing trouble for others; some elements in life are just not controllable. Often times, you are troubled by something very personal, and don’t know how to deal with it.
[ Kravitz’s thoughts on Ivo’s Route results: Oh boy!! I love, love, love this!! Lmao this really is if Kendall just, didn’t care about anyone except himself, Ivo, and his own selfish tendencies!! At least one of the arcanas are similar? Of course he got the top two aggressive results!! My fighty, violent son. ]
VOLT & HARMONY ROUTE KENDALL ( @familylightfox )
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Primary: The Justice
The Justice Arcana symbolises a strict allegory of justice, objectivity, rationality and analysis. You are concerned with matters of fairness, and otherwise are a very stoic individual. You are being called to account for your actions and will be judged accordingly. If you have acted in alignment with your Higher Self and for the greater good of others, you have nothing to worry about.
However, if you haven’t, you will be called out and made to own up to your actions. A level of compassion and understanding accompany Justice, and although you may have done something you regret, this arcana suggests that you will be treated fairly and without bias. Be ready to take responsibility for your actions and stand accountable for the ensuing consequences.
Secondary: The Fortune
The Fortune Arcana symbolises Fate and varying luck, fortunes and opportunities. What goes up will go down, what goes down will go up. You are aware of your fate, and attempt to seize your own destiny in spite of your seemingly-locked fate. Thus, you are typically involved with making important choices and decisions.
Third: The Empress
The Empress represents motherly, prosperity, creativity, sexuality, abundance, fertility and comfort which most often observed in maintaining peace. Often belongs to people of authority or wise and motherly figures.  Femininity translates in many ways – elegance, sensuality, fertility, creative expression, nurturing – and is necessary for creating balance in both men and women.
The Empress calls on you to connect with your feminine energy. Create beauty in your life. Connect with your senses through taste, touch, sound, smell and sight. Draw on these senses to experience pleasure and deep fulfilment. Treat yourself to a day spa, learn massage, enjoy a fine restaurant or spend more time with your partner. Discover different approaches to expressing yourself creatively, be it through painting, music, drama or other art forms. This may be the perfect chance to take up a new hobby that enables you to access this part of yourself. 
[ Kravitz’s thoughts on Volt & Harmony’s Route results: God, Volt and Harmony really help Kendall stabilise? If that makes sense. Like, he just lets himself surround with love, from both of them. It helps Kendall to ground himself, and to let himself become someone that can live without being a leader, without needing to be horribly aggressive. He can just be, and Volt and Harmony are there for him. G o d. I adore these results!! ]
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chaoticspeedarch · 5 years
Of course Ivo had been listening in: how could he not~?
Ivo was there, seemingly out of nowhere, as he tended to do. Why not take this hypothetical and make it truth!?
He grabbed at the front of Kendall’s hair, via his bangs, and yanked his head upwards.
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Kendall barely let out a gasp, before that sound was cut off by lips overtaking his own. Kendall’s eyes widened considerably, a reddened expression rising to his ears and his cheeks as it registered that Ivo was kissing him--
An almost thrilled exhale left Ivo as he pulled back, especially since Kendall had bit at his lower lip. Some slight blood, but Ivo’s gaze narrowed, his fingers shifting against the hair still clamped in his palm,
“So feisty.”
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chaoticspeedarch · 5 years
Anybody, ever, in Ivo’s route:  Hey maybe you shouldn’t be around Ivo it might be bad for your health.
Kendall: Just stares into the camera as though he’s on the office.
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chaoticspeedarch · 5 years
#{ technically Kendall asked for it so. }
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chaoticspeedarch · 5 years
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[ This is just a reference post for myself, but feel free to like it if you’re so inclined! I don’t really mind, plus it’s nice to know that people think its neat? I sometimes wonder if I just overthink this crap lmao.
Okay! So!
I wanted a way, a physical, tangible way to differentiate between the various routes that Kendall experiences. Of course, there’s Kendall’s attitude-- Kendall himself is different depending on the route. Not only Kendall, but those associated with Kendall as NPCs ( Miles, Ivo, etc. ) are different as well.
That’s all fine & dandy. But I felt that it might be tough to keep track of that. So! I thought of something: WHAT IF KENDALL’S ENERGY / SPIRIT COLOUR WAS DIFFERENT & COINCIDED WITH WHO HE WAS WITH IN THE ROUTES?
So, this is just a master list of that. I’ll update it as more routes are added / if routes end up changing or evolving over time ( they no doubt will )!
LAST UPDATED: July 8th, 2019
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IVO ROUTE: Kendall’s energy is A LIGHT, BLOOD RED SHADE.
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More to be added! These can and may change depending on how the routes progress!! ] 
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chaoticspeedarch · 5 years
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He’s just sort of observing Ivo fooling off with his robotic ‘son’.
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chaoticspeedarch · 5 years
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I am a collapsing star with tunnel vision But only for you But only for you My head is stripped just like a screw that's been tightened too many times When I think of you When I think of you
                                                                 I'm here at the beginning of the end                                                                  Oh, the end of infinity with you                                                                 I'm here at the beginning of the end                                                                 Oh, the end of infinity with you                                              
                                Write our names in the wet concrete
           penned together by   Anthony & Kravitz
young vers. of THIS PROMO
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chaoticspeedarch · 5 years
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[ Wow I can’t believe Kendall’s going to faint from embarrassment due to a certain Doctor. ]
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chaoticspeedarch · 5 years
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chaoticspeedarch · 5 years
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