#[I finally bring back the Luds for him to try and be cool.]
ofstarsandskies · 2 months
@broadswordandpistol to balance out your lowkey sad mask post--
Hm, people were giving him (or rather, his mask) some odd looks ever since he swapped with Julius. He'd admit, the glow effect was unique, but ignore that and it looked kinda similar to the others.
Still, for the time being, he'd prop his mask off to the side so he wasn't fumbling around thanks to the ant-sized eye holes.
"Oh, Alvin! Did you pick up a mask earlier?" He couldn't see one on him, but maybe he tucked it away for now. "I picked a Lulu one, but I traded with Nii-san while he's working the stand. We had a few customers spot the glow from the kitchen and get creeped out..."
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However the reason, he happily showed off his black-and-yellow glowing horned oni mask. "Does mine make me look cool and dangerous like my brother?"
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Big Hero 7: The Series
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Big Hero 7 S2
Something Fluffy
*At the local landfill Noodle Burger Boy is with Trina looking for parts to upgrade since the appearances and attacks of people transforming to monsters began. Especially with the news of Orso Knox and his 'death' in the hands of Big Hero 7.*
N.B.B:*Picks up a hardware* Will I like this? Nah. *Picks up a shiny wheel* Ooh`! Golly sis! What about this?
Trina: We want to upgrade, not lame-grade.
N.B.B: Its shiny.
*As N.B.B stores it in his head.*
Trina: Its like trying to have a conversation with a blender.
* And when she gets searching, Trina picks up a wind turbine.*
Trina: Hello there! This might work.
Hiro: Trina, figured I find you in the trash.
*And above the bots are Hiro and Baymax in their super suits, having heard that the word that Trina and NBB would be lurking somewhere.*
Baymax: Many items here are recyclable.
Trina: That's what I'm doing Hugs. Self improvement.
NBB: Sis says we are keeping up with the 'biologicals'.
Trina: Got to! Every loser in town is going monster these days.
Hiro: Don't I know it.
NBB: Time to scrap!
*Trina throws a metal pole to Baymax to which he catches it with his hands.*
Baymax: Scrap?
Hiro; I think he's making a joke.
Baymax: Oh! Trash is also referred to as scrap. Synanons.
NBB:Hee hee. Hee hee.
*Before Hiro could warn Baymax NBB knocks Baymax to the trash with his laser eyes.*
Trina: And that's our cue to leave. Lets go bro.
NBB: That sounds swell sis!
Hiro: Baymax! Rocket Fist!
*Baymax launches his rocket fist to the robotic duo where it knocks them out.*
trina: Always gotta have the last word don't you?
NBB: I feel real shiny!
*Trina picks NBB up before the super duo could.*
Baymax: We are due at the symposium in eleven minutes. You are covered in garbage
Hiro: Right... *Strains to pull himself out with moderate success.* Let me just *Then he falls deeper inside.*
Baymax: Perhaps it would be advisable to-
*That's when Baymax falls to the trash himself, though not as deep.*
Baymax: Oh no.
*The symposium is about a duo interview with Alistair Krei and Liv Amara themselves with Bluff Dunder. The main guests being students from SFIT.*
Dunder: Any more questions for our tech pioneers Alistair Krei and Liv Amara?
Student: Uh... this is a question for Liv?
Krei:*Mumbles under breath* Great... another one.
Student: A big fan, probably biggest, how is Sycorax doing since the Monster attack destroyed most of your work?
*Krei's eyes turn to Liv as he waits for her response to that question. If he hadn't been informed about what truly happened at the incident and what Orso Knox had said, he would have smirked at her discomfort... but all he felt is disgust. The only satisfaction he has is now Liv's reputation is under scrutiny since that day. While it had lessened, there were still questions about it.*
Liv: It has been a long road to repair the damage. But thankfully we have recovered half of our research and are on the verge of finding new ones! My workers had been recovering well and are now back in action.
Hiro: *Mumbling in distaste* Yeah, back to creating monsters that nearly killed us and bribing my girlfriend to work for you again.
Cora: Hiro, be quiet...*Sniffs before her face slightly cringes* Whats that smell?
Baymax: We fell into garbage.
Gogo: Finally someone is asking a real question about Liv Amara.
Cora: Yeah.. the same question over and over...
Hiro: Challenge accepted.
Cora: Wait! *Pulls out a bottle of perfume* If you're gonna ask Amara, at least make yourself smell decent.
*After spraying him in perfume Hiro walks down to ask next.*
Dunder: Aww, looks like we have a question from that little boy.
*Some of the students chuckle but Cora was not amused, crossing her arms and frowning at their laughter.*
Hiro: Miss Amara, you guys never talk about what you guys actually do?
Liv: Sycorax invests in the future. Were you even listening Hiro?
Hiro:No, I heard that, I mean whats the product that you make?
Liv: Oh *Chuckles* who really wants to hear about the minutia reprogramming serum and its effects on recovanent DNA? But fantastic question! Who's next?
*Hiro tries to ask another question but soon Cora joins in, her eyes filled with judgement.*
Dunder: Oh! Looks like our next guest is the girl who survived the rampage! How are you little girl?
Cora: Dandy Mr. Dunder *To Liv* Miss Amara, I have to agree with Hiro on this one. When I was your intern for that day all I've been instructed is to search for unique genetic coding of the cuttlefish and how they expand their bodies and squirt ink... but you never clarified any ideas for a product that you make based on those findings... or had you even planned to make said product at all?
Liv: Well, lets just say that its a WIP at the moment, and I must say that I loved the effort you showed. I was glad to have you as my intern that day. I wish you the best, Who's next?-
Cora: But there's also the fact that Orso Knox was still in his monster form at the time. Two months ago you claimed that you are two to three weeks from a breakthrough... but when I was... kidnapped... he was still a monster. Have you been busy with other projects to even assist Mr. Knox?
Liv: You see-
Cora: Or was it that you were keeping him in a cell like an animal? Also... Hiro and I stumbled across this patch *pulls out a the patch they found* it was on Nedd Lud, and the only other patch I've seen is at Sycorax-
*Hiro comes back down and grabs the microphone as he hears the tone of Cora's voice grow hostile as Liv Amara's eyes start to be impatient and annoyed.*
Hiro: Ummm hey! Its getting late and I promised your dad I would take you home before curfew-
Cora: I have one more question Miss Amara...
Liv: *Eyes with small suspicion* And what would it be Cora?
Cora: Mr. Knox first went to Frederickson manor... then Krei Tech... then the award ceremony…. of all the times Orso Knox came through his appointments to meet the people he was supposed to see... why did he only attack you?
*Mr. Dunder looks at Liv Amara with slightly raised eyes as Krei looks between Liv and Cora, his hands gripping each other as he waited for something to happen.*
Hiro: And he's here! Come on Cora! Lets go!
*He quickly drags Cora upstairs and to the exit joined by Wasabi, Gogo and Baymax. Dunder looks at Liv Amara, who has been quiet since Cora phrased the question.*
Dunder: I believe that's all the time we have for now. Join us next time!
* Once outside the symposium, Gogo gives Cora a smack upside the head*
Cora: Ow!
Gogo: What were you thinking Cora?
Cora: What?
Wasabi: Loosing your cool like that? Do you want Liv Amara to know that you're suspicious of her?
Hiro: If she figures out you know what happened to Orso Knox she'll hurt you or worse! Use that brain of yours!
Cora:... *Sighs sadly* You're right guys... it was foolish of me...… I should've thought of things more carefully than just springing up and doing it like that...
Hiro: Come on Cora, lets just go home. I really meant it that I promised your dad that I bring you home before curfew.
Cora: Yeah... wanna stay over for dinner you guys? My treat..
*Later on at Sycorax Liv Amara is studying the liquids while she hums a birthday song as she places them all onto a tray.*
Liv: And perfect... as usual.
*She throws the lever which combines all the liquids into a container.*
Liv: Isn't it beautiful?
*The machine completes to 100 percent as it finishes creating Liv Amara's new creature.*
Chris: What is it?
Liv: Meet our new insurance policy.
*The door opens up to reveal the creature inside.*
Chris: It... is.. so.. adorable!
*The creature is a little tadpole like creature with lotus blossom shaped ears on its head.*
Miyaoi: Miyaoi.
Chris: I heard about what that little girl said to you... you still want her in this team?
Liv: You and I both know we're only adding her to Sycorax because of her book. I'll get her to trust me again, and once I get close enough to learn all its juicy secrets her grandmother and mother wrote... you and I would have to make Cora have a little... accident at work.
*She pulls up the holograms of the photo, then of the book, and finally of Cora herself. The last image sparking out before it dies down in shocks and sparks.*
*The next day, Hiro is at the table working up his assignments while Cora is bring back glasses of water. However, when she was about to get close, Karmi shows up out of nowhere frightening Cora and making her spill the glasses. Hiro hears the yelp and looks up to see Karmi in front of Cora.*
Cora: Um… can I help you?...
Karmi: Why were you attacking Liv with your baseless accusations?
Cora: Baseless? Karmi, you were there. At the ceremony and the Sycorax attack, you saw it happen.
Karmi: That monster only attacked because it was already going crazy before Liv Amara came to help as did I! I helped Big Hero 7! Also, it was your fault for going near him in the first place!
Cora: That was my fault and I admit it! But what were you doing in the meantime he was there? While he was still trapped in that cell like an animal? Nothing!
Karmi: That's probably because he's already too far gone! Ugh, I still can't believe that even now Liv Amara is sending you get well presents after the attack and you still act like she's evil you ungrateful little-!
*Hiro gets up to quiet the storm.*
Hiro: Um Karmi, maybe you should-
Karmi: *to Hiro* This doesn't involve you!
Hiro: Actually it does. You're harassing my girlfriend over a job she quit and over questions! Would you just leave us alone already?! A lot of crazy things are happening lately and the last thing we want is to deal with you!
Karmi:... I'm watching you two...
*She stomps her way out, leaving those two alone as Cora lets out a sigh of relief.*
Cora: Thanks Hiro... I've would've lost my cool there...
Hiro: Karmi can throw what ever spiteful thing she could at me, but there's no way I'm just letting her take out her attitude to you.
Cora:... but she did have a point... this is only things we saw... Meet up the gang.
*The gang later appear to discuss about what to do with Liv Amara and the discoveries they learned.*
Wasabi: OK, I checked in with Commander Carter and he said that while our suspicions and what we found is good info about Liv Amara, we can't storm in and bring her to jail.
Fred: Its not like with Steamer since he has openly admitted to being evil. Liv Amara has public opinion and investors by her side.
Honey Lemon: That's right, she's too high profiled. Big Hero 7 can't do anything to her if we don't have actual proof.
Hiro: Then all we need to do is find evidence about Liv Amara's acts and we should be able to stop her!
Gogo: How? The only proof we have is Orso Knox and one, he's already far into the ocean, and two; the only one who could understand him is Cora.
Cora: And we can't risk his life, who knows what she would do if she finds out he's alive? What can we do?
Hiro: Now all we can do is stop the monsters attacks and look for any evidence to stop her.
*That's when Cora's phone rings up with a news report.*
Dunder: Breaking news! San Fransokyo is being invaded-
Hiro; *Groans* seriously? this soon?
Cora: time to suit up.
Fred: Ooh~! Ultra Armor up!
*Soon they all suit up with the armor Hiro made at the Sycorax attack, now adding Cora's suit. Now she could squirt harmless ink out of her finger tips to blind the criminal and added the ability to swim swifter than a dolphin. They all arrive at the center of town ready for battle... only to find it completely normal.*
Fred: Ummm….where's the invasion?
*Honey Lemon pulls up her phone to check out what the invasion truly is about.*
Dunder: I repeat! San Fransokyo is being invaded by these guys.
*Soon footage of the creatures Liv Amara created is shown, happily playing with children and being as adorable as puppies.*
Dunder: Miyaoi, adorable.
Honey Lemon: Oh they're so cute I can't even stand it!
*Hiro turns to Cora to show that she's struggling to keep a straight face as she sees the Miyaoi.*
Baymax: I do not understand. What makes this creature cute?
Honey Lemon: Its like how puppies are cute! Or stickers! Or you!
Baymax: I was designed to appear friendly and non threating. Is that cute?
Cora: And huggable. Like Tadashi said when you and Hiro first met.
Fred: Totally agree. I gotta be honest, ultra armor you is pretty threatening. But marshmallow you, premo-cute!
*Honey Lemon continues to squeal in happiness over the adorableness while Cora shakes to control herself from loosing herself to the adorableness to which Hiro is the first to break the ice.*
Hiro: Just because they look cute doesn't mean they're not dangerous!
Gogo: Negative world view, I like where you're going with this.
Cora: *shakes herself off* You're right Hiro! For all we know, this could be a gremlin situation!
Wasabi: Gremlin?
Fred: Oh yeah! Like that movie! They appear super cute until you feed them after midnight! Then they're super freaky and destroy the entire town!
Baymax: I suggest gathering more data.
Hiro: Yeah, Baymax is right. We need a miyaoi.
Honey Lemon: Yay!
*The next day, the gang gather round to capture a Miyoi. Hiro, Wasabi, Cora and Baymax,pair off to capture the Miyoi throughout the park, the city, through Mole's hideout, and making the classic box trap. As of while Gogo, Honey Lemon, and Fred are at the alleys looking for a Miyoi.*
Gogo: Anything?
Fred: Nope, and remember, nothing gets by me.
*A Miyoi got passed by Fred. Luckily Gogo hears the sound of another Miyoi close by.*
Gogo: What was that?
*Gogo peeks around the corner to see the fluffy tail of the Miyoi in a box. Gogo makes gestures to silently signal Fred and her girlfriend Honey Lemon about the Miyoi. Except she failed to realize that neither of them have any idea about hand signals about a plan.*
Gogo: OK, just follow my lead!
*Gogo and Honey Lemon step over and hide while Fred does the same, only to trip over himself and land into garbage bags. But hope is not lost as Gogo spots a box moving through.*
Gogo: Gotcha!
*The Miyoi purrs as the three aww...which surprised Fred and Honey Lemon because she actually cooed at the little cutie.*
Gogo: What? I feel things... sometimes.
*The four others go to the lab to meet up with the other three as they check the news. It seems all of San Fransokyo is all wrapped around the Miyoi.*
Hiro: I gotta admit, if this was a plan by Liv Amara to throw people off her scent she's done a good job.
Cora: Definitely Babe.
Baymax: It is because they are cute like Honey Lemon said.
Wasabi: I agree, about the Liv Amara plan I mean. To me they look like a bed of hot bacteria. I'm not falling for the whole cute act.
Hiro: No, we are not!... huh?
*The four turn around to see that the three had found the Miyoi and are playing with it with a laser pointer.*
Hiro: Seriously guys?
Gogo: Hey, Baymax said we needed data. There's our data. and its so cute.
Hiro: That doesn't explain the toys or the treats or the laser pointer behind Fred's back?
Fred: Oh that's cause we're keeping him. Forever.
Minimax: Friend Fred. I have kept a list of things your mother has banned from the house: all animals with fur, all animals with feathers, all animals with scales, certain tree nuts.
Fred: Oh... right. Thanks Minimax.
Minimax: You're minimaximum welcome!
Fred: We're still keeping him forever... just not in my house.
Honey Lemon: Ooh! Gogo and I can keep him at our place...maybe?
Gogo:*Cooing at the Miyoi* Who's my fuzzy wuzzy? *Normal voice to Honey Lemon* Yeah, sure whatever.
Honey Lemon: Even Gogo can't say no to these adorable eyes.
Cora: Oh no... Gogo fell for the cute... the apocalypse is coming.
Baymax: Are large eyes the indicators of cuteness?
Fred: Haha yeah they are! Right up to being extra round and fuzzy! *To Miyoi in cutesy voice* With your widdle face and our eeny weeny titsy little feet!
Baymax: I see footsize is also a factor.
Minimax: Indeed, I am adorable.
Baymax: I have noted this in my database.
Hiro: Guys! Can we please just focus! We don't know anything about this little guy!
Cora: You're forgetting that it could be trap!
*But they were too wrapped up about the Miyoi to listen to them anymore. Cora sighs before Hiro places a hand on her shoulder. Soon they and Baymax walk towards Grandville's office. Only to see Grandville... cooing at her very own Miyoi… which stunned them to silence... And then they lock the door to leave them in peace.*
Hiro; Its official...
Cora: Everyone's gone for the cuteness... Is there anyone else that could help us with this thing?
Baymax: What about Karmi?
Hiro: Baymax, you saw us earlier. Karmi already hates our guts, and since the Orso Knox incident she's been a complete bitch to us!
Cora: Asking for her help is the equivalent of a raindrop falling to the sea.
Baymax: And what does that mean?
Cora: It means nothing can help us!
Baymax: I do not understand why you two do not like the Miyoi. Do you not want to scratch their chins?
Hiro: Liv is messing with us big time! Look!
*Hiro pulls out his phone to show text pictures of Cass holding a Miyoi, with a sad Mochi ignored in the background.*
Cora: Poor Mochi... even Aunt Cass can't stop falling for them...
Hiro: Something big is going to happen, I just know it!
*Just then Baymax's belly lights up with Wasabi's face on it.*
Wasabi: We have a problem!
*Hiro, Cora, and Baymax run as fast as they could back to the lab where the see the chibi sized Miyoi is now... bigger than they were... and its sitting on Fred's lap*
Fred: It- Grew!
Hiro: I hate to say I told you so.
*Gogo finally pulls the Bigyoi off Fred which then lands on Gogo.*
Gogo: Then don't.
Hiro: But I did ah-!
*The Bigyoi launches itself at Hiro to which Cora immediately tries to push it off.*
Hiro: Fred? What did you feed it?
Fred: I gave him a bunch of tofu nuggets.
Cora: So it is a gremlin scenario.
Gogo: Tofu nuggets?
Fred: Heathcliff always said its good for growing boys and I guess he was right because his boy is grown!
Hiro: If this Miyoi got big, then what about the others?
Honey Lemon: Maybe its just ours?
Baymax: It is not.
*Baymax pulls out the news channel to show Dunder and footage of the suddenly enlarged Miyoi across town.*
Dunder: Breaking news! It looks like our darling Miyoi are all grown up and destroying the city...but come on. Adorbs.
Cora: We better call Grandmama. She would know about this.
*Soon enough Kaguya is at the lab with the other students.*
Kaguya: Alright now, you want me to study over what is making these pests grow?
Cora: Yes! Thank you!
Kaguya: I would need some equipment though.
Hiro: *Sighs* I know a place...
*Karmi is at the bio lab when she hears the door open. she turns around to see Cora and Hiro with Baymax.*
Karmi: What do you two want?
Cora: Could we borrow your equipment please?
Karmi: And why should I help you and Hiro, fish breath?
Kaguya: *stepping out behind Baymax* Because I require some equipment for study and your behavior is not helping.
Karmi: *Remembers the deadly glare at the lunch area when they first met and strains a nervous smile* Oh! Hehe... you didn't mention its for your grandmother! Of course you can borrow it! Just don't break it please?
*Kaguya walks forward and looks at the biotech student.*
Kaguya: I require Privacy young lady.
Karmi: Oh... OK...
*Karmi slowly walks out the door before she flat out runs out when she sees a large Miyoi heading her way. After Honey Lemon and Cora place the Miyoi at the top of the table Hiro goes over to Kaguya who is soon at work at figuring out what the Miyoi actually are. After snipping a bit of their fur Kaguya looks under the microscope and notes down some interesting features.*
Kaguya; It seems that this creature's fur is composed of fungi. They are more closely related to plants then animal. Baymax would you scan for any features?
Baymax: Scanning. Looking for hybrid characteristics.
*Baymax scans the creature and finds results.*
Baymax: The Mayoi are photosynthetic.
Kaguya: Exactly, they survive off sunlight but they can process any other food it consumes which means...
Honey Lemon: The excessive growing!
Kaguya: Nanochemical isolations... that's how plants communicate... fungi itself have their own network that they use to communicate to each other to signal where any fertile soil is available..
Cora: Grandmama… If the Mayoi are fungi that communicate and search to expand their spores... does that mean?-
*The group turn their heads to see the Miyoi grow larger in size. *
Hiro: Can you reverse this Kaguya!?
Kaguya: Give me time!
Cora: We don't have it Grandmama! Lets go!
*They all run out the room as the Miyoi soon fill up the room, breaking every equipment inside.*
Cora:... Karmi's gonna kill us...
Kaguya: You deal with the mayoi now! And gather up sea water if you can!
Honey Lemon: Sea water? What for?
Kaguya: A large gallon of sea water would kill the fungi and stop spreading its spores!
Honey Lemon: *Shocked at what she's hearing* We have to what?!
*Somewhere in the city a mother is playing with her baby when she sees a large shadow of the Miyoi. She quickly runs off with her baby as the other members of Big Hero 7, already in their ultra suits, trying to stop the Miyoi.*
Wasabi: Remember when they were small? I miss that!
*Fred crawls his way out of the Miyoi's mouth as they struggle to fight the monsters off. As of while Hiro, Cora, Honey Lemon, and Baymax suit up and fly towards the rest of the gang.*
Honey Lemon: I don't know about this, do we really have to kill them?
Cora: Honey Lemon, they're the gremlins at this point!
Hiro: But where are we gonna get a large sum of salt water in such a short time?!
Cora: I say we corral these guys gently and send them to the bay. If these guys are plants I could find a song that they would follow! Research shows that plants respond positively to music!
Hiro: Sounds great! *Via com link* OK guys, we just left the campus and we're gonna need you all to gather the Miyoi to the center of town!
Fred: We got it Hiro!
*And soon one by one, they all lead the miyoi to the center of town with their laser blades, using themselves as fetching sticks, and frisbees. The four arrive at the top
Hiro: Good job guys, we just need to keep them happy and relaxed-
*That is when all the towns' lights change their vibrant colors to an ominous green.*
Cora: Whats going on?...
*Soon all the Miyoi are in a deep trance that they could not be bothered with the others. That is when on the big screen, Mr. Sparkles appears back.*
Mr. Sparkles: Hello San Fransokyo!
Mr. Sparkles: Are you all enjoying my adorable little gifts? Except they're not so little anymore are they?!
Fred: No!
*Gogo pulls Fred out of the Miyoi's mouth. Hiro wraps his arm around Cora as the teen couple look at the crazy manchild with suspicion.*
Mr. Sparkles: That's right San Fransokyo! I've been cooking up all sorts of monster surprises! It was me!
Wasabi: The Miyoi aren't moving!*Straining as he pushes the miyoi hard*
Mr. Sparkles: Enjoyed Momakase? Love the Hybagon? Disturbed by High Voltage's new fishy appearance? And who could forget Orso Knox?!
Hiro: *Not believing it for a second* Sparkles is behind the monsters?
Mr. Sparkles: All me kid! *Notices Cora* You look a little familiar though-
*Cora punches away the camera drone in retort.*
Mr. Sparkles: Ooh~ Feisty!
*soon Mr. Sparkles appears in person.*
Mr. Sparkles: Watch me work!
*And soon his eyes glow an ominous green as fungi grows from his head as his skin turns green. He walks off the building to fall which causes everyone to gasp.*
Hiro: Baymax?!
*Baymax flies forward to catch Sparkles but a miyoi catches him first.*
Mr. Sparkles: The main attraction starts now! Can you guess what it is? Its me! Destroying the city with my fat fur babies!
*And soon all the Miyoi's height increased from being slightly adorable to being terrifying.*
Gogo: How is he doing this?
Wasabi: Its like he's controlling them?!
Hiro: Vibrations! Sparkles is communicating with the miyoi!
Cora: And by using nanochemical osolation!
Fred: Could you explain it in comic book terms please?
Honey Lemon:Its psedo-telepathy.
Fred: Mind control? That's number eight of my top ten list of super powers!
Wasabi: And number one on our lists of problems! How do we stop it?
Cora: Salt water!
Gogo: where are we gonna get salt water?!
Honey Lemon: And I can't produce enough to stop them!
*Gogo tries to knock out Mr. Sparkles but a miyoi hands blocks her path.*
Mr. Sparkles: Did I mention I can see whatever the miyoi see? I have eyes at the back of my head! not literally since its an idiom! Never stop learning! Say bye bye to Big Hero 7 folks!
*The gang scatter around to avoid the miyoi until one of them knocks out Hiro and Cora off Baymax.*
Big Hero 7: Alpha! Aqua Girl!
Baymax: Oh no!
*Baymax zooms to rescue them before they could hit the ground. But when Baymax grabs them to shield them from the impact they are at the mercy of the miyoi. Before it could strike it down, a blast of salt water hits the Miyoi which causes it to quickly disintegrate, leaving the three to feel only tiny drops of water.*
Sparkles: Plot twist! Who's this?
Liv: Liv Amara! And I am here to save this city.
*This catches the other hero's attention when she said that.*
Fred: What?
Liv: I saw the trouble on tv so I created a synthesized orb that contains the salt water to destroy them.
*She reaches her hand out to the two teens, to which Cora takes first... with a rather tight grip.*
Liv: Oof!... tight grip you got there.
*Cora picks up Hiro with the same mistrusting eyes as his girlfriend's.*
Sparkles: Sorry I asked, crush her!
*The Miyoi charge but Liv Amara quickly shoots out the compressed salt water to destroy the Miyoi. A car comes out with Christ driving, the trunk opening to reveal the same machines for Big Hero 7.*
Liv:Now come on!
*And so the entire team set out to destroy these beasts one by one, all that remains of them were pieces of fungi draining down the sewage. Soon there was only one left, and its carrying Mr. Sparkles in the back. With that Fred jumps up high and squirts the salt water to the last miyoi.*
Mr. Sparkles: This is not how I saw things going!
*Baymax catches the man before he gently sets him down. Cora climbs down to see Mr. Sparkles with a rather terrifying death glare.*
Mr. Sparkles: What?
*Cora punches him square in the jaw.*
Sparkles: What was that for?
Cora: Reasons.
Sparkles: Ugh... stupid brat...Oh well!
*He soon jumps up and bounces out of here.*
Sparkles: I'll come up next time for more super monster mashups!
*And so the team is left staring at the water running through the floor while Liv Amara gets all the praise. And with that the city is saved.*
Dunder: In conclusion we are very lucky to have Liv Amara in our fair city.
*The gang are at the dining hall the next day discussing about last night's events.*
Honey Lemon: Since Mr. Sparkles took credit for the monsters, that would make Liv a Hero.
Gogo: She's more insidious then we thought. Krei was right about her all along.
Baymax: Hiro, Cora. I created an image to present something cute for you two to cheer up. Perhaps it will soothe you both.
*The image he created... was not cute at all. Cora clings to Hiro tightly in slight fear.*
Cora: Hiro I'm scared!
Hiro; Uh.. thanks Baymax! That's... very special...
Baymax: Yes, he is a good boy.
Wasabi: So we can all agree that Liv Amara partnered up with Sparkles to make all of this happen!
Fred: Liv showing up to be the surprise hero is a typical villain fake out. Ugh... at least *Coughs out Obakes name to muffle* was more original.
Gogo: Exposing her actions is gonna be tougher than we thought.
Cora: We know that Liv Amara created those monsters to attack the city...
Hiro: But the question is, what is her end game?
*At Sycorax labs, Liv is at her private lab where she opens up a secret passage to reveal at the end of the hall a pod containing someone inside.*
Liv: I won't let you down... After I get all of San Fransokyo bowing at my feet and Nozako's fortune, all of our dreams will come true.
A.N: And that's Something Fluffy? How do you enjoy this twist of events? See ya next time!
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turtle-pen · 6 years
Can you explain what happened between Ganon and Bowz or link to any posts that detail it? I hear it referenced every so often but I'm actually not too sure what happened.
That’s cool, we’ve only ever hinted at it but never really outright stated what happened!
Well hmm. [Thinking emoji]
- Basically Ganon waltzed into Bowz’s life. I don’t think we had the specifics of how they hooked up, but most likely during the events of the earlier Smash games (Melee or 64). I can only assume as royalty and cool dark wizard guys, they’ve exchanged talks with one another in an upper class setting prior to their official dating.
At this point Bowz had gotten most of, if not all of, the koopalings together. 
- Ganon and him started dating and it was… bad. Bowz was head over heels for him and would do anything he asked with little to no hesitation. But Ganon is very… toxic for him. Veeery very toxic. (X)
(Example A: Bowz and Ganon were having issue with communication between Hylian/Gerudo and Darklandian. Bowz suggested they study one another’s language, but immediately that was rejected because Darklandian is a Frankenstein’d hodgepodge filthy language and he refuses to learn it. To which Bowz was like “……Kay.” And learned Hylian for Ganon instead of meeting in the middle.
Example B: The first time that Bowz finally convinced him to visit the castle, (to which throughout the entire visit he was very judgey…), they settled into a room and he asked about the disgustingly colorful little minions running around like they owned the place. O which Bowz was like “My kids?” and Ganon was like “Is that what you call them?” And this WHIPPED AF KOOPA KING WAS LIKE “….” I think I had Wendy overhear this convo)
- The koopz and Junior HAAAATED him. They hated him more than they hated anything in the world. The environment in the home got incredibly tense and hostile. Honestly I wouldn’t say to the extent it was a trigger for them, but Bowz even bring up Ganon or stuff he did with him or whatever would make them see red. Which lead to a lot of arguments and fighting.
- There was a break up after the events of the Subspace Emissary. (X) (X) Things remained tense cause Bowz kept trying to (and sometimes successfully) crawl back to Ganon afterwards. Like I said, whipped af. The koopz and Junior were very emotionally drained by this.
- It got to the point where the koopalings split up for a short stint. Idk maybe a month or two? The Bowz mun actually references it a few times. (X) I feel like it’s because Bowz successfully gets back together with Ganon AGAIN and it just becomes the last straw between all of them.
Iggy wants to leave cause like fuck this? And cause of his attachment to Lemmy, he wants to take him with him too. Roy begrudgingly goes with him cause they’re best friends and he knows how Iggy is.
Wendy’s feeling like absolute trash through this whole thing and holes herself up in her room. At this point Lud and her are kneedeep in their rivalry but a ceasefire happens and they’re each other’s only comfort through this whole ordeal. (To a point where Ludwig ugly cries on Wendy for a little bit, something none of the other koopz have seen)
Larry gets uh. Pretty… messed up for a while. He’s not doing the stuff he did during this time anymore.
Morton tries to be the rock between them and keep them all together but, being mildly controlling, only messes up things more and he ends up isolated to his own elements.
Who the FUCK knows where Junior is in all of this, I sure don’t.
- The koopz’ split-up gives Bowz the motivation to finally cut Ganon the hell off for good.* Those runaway boys come back after a while, and the koopz make sure that every bit of Ganon is out of the castle. No photos, no numbers, nothing, and Bowz is all for it. Even if his heart stings still. But they’re more important to him than that Gerudo asswagon.
*Results may vary
Which brings up to where we are today. Which is… Bowz is still… crushing hard on Ganon but keeps himself vigilant and busy with other things and tries not to think of him anymore.
Ganon’s motivations at first were to expand his reach across kingdoms but after seeing Bowz fall right into his hands, he was like “This is fun.”
And because of this, every once in a while he tries to poke the hornets nest again.
But don’t worry, the koopz have emergency plans for any possibility. Mostly they involve maiming either Ganon or Bowz.
tl;dr -
-Dated cause of early smash-Ganon’s super toxic and the koopz hate him-Broke up cause of Subspace Emissary betrayal-On-again/off-again dating-Family breaks apart-Bowz puts his foot down against Ganon and mends the pieces-They’re on the look out for that douchey pig man
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crystalelemental · 7 years
Well, it’s finally done.  After all these years of just refusing to play the damn game, I beat Dark Souls 2 in its entirety.  Which means, I have now beaten the entire series to 100% completion, and it is time to make a decision.
I’ll start with the game itself.  I know a lot of people identify it as the jankiest, and that it just doesn’t function right.  I’m not quite sure I’d agree with that entirely?  It’s definitely weird, though.  Like, when adaptability is low and your roll sucks, you’ll be rolling through something but still take damage for reasons.  That’s kinda shitty.  And it’s only really fixable by keeping low weight and trying to allocate points there early on.  So we hope you enjoy playing melee only for most of the game.  Not that it makes sense to do anything else anyway.
What is a major problem is how many times your slow-ass character is surrounded by like 5 enemies.  Look, the Souls series is weird.  A single boss with big attacks is not really that threatening, but a room of three normal enemies is a death sentence if you aggro them all simultaneously.  There are a ton of bosses where the only real difficulty is crowd control.  Skeleton Lords, Ruin Sentinels, Looking Glass Knight, Twin Dragonriders, Throne Defender and Watcher, Duke’s Dear Freya, Executioner’s Chariot (which extra sucks because adds are infinite unless you kill the necromancers), Darklurker, the fucking Belfry Gargoyles, Royal Rat Authority.  Then in NG+ you get Lost Sinner summoning help, and the DLC introduces all kinds of fresh hell for you, like Elana (who I actually love, but only from lore standpoint), Lud and Zallen, the Ivory King, and the ganksquad.  So much of this game is difficulty by suddenly being surrounded by too many units, and there are locations that are outright impossible to get through without a bow or spells to draw one person at a time (the run to Velstadt and the Ancient Dragon most notably).
That said...this is probably the easiest of the games.  Not for any sensible reason like bosses just being easier or anything.  It’s because you can power-level like a motherfucker, and are almost encouraged to do so.  Levels scale so minimally that, at around level 200, you still only need around 50,000 souls to level.  That is not a high bar to set, and level 200 means you can pack a lot of different tools, including your melee weapon of choice, spells of choice, and still have a good HP pool and a solid roll.  Not gonna lie: actually love this fact.  I think that the series as a whole suffers from not really allowing you to mix-and-match sets.  A lot of things require specification, and quality builds are notoriously Not That Good.  So being able to fairly easily cap most relevant stats in the first playthrough is fantastic.
That said, then you have the negative: Soul Memory.  So, in this game, you can be summoned to help a player fight a boss, to regain your humanity without using the finite consumable Effigies.  This is good, because going hollow means your HP gets cut pretty sharply, up to 50% of your max life.  Which is stupid as hell, but whatever.  Now, to be summoned, you need to be in the right tier as other players.  Meaning that, if you want to be summoned reliably to fight Old Iron King, you need to be...not at Soul Memory 800k.  Otherwise it takes like 3 days to get your 30 sunlight medals you need for that spell to get the trophies.  Not that I’m bitter.  Basically, as you fight the boss, you gain more souls, which puts you at a higher soul memory, which puts you out of range of typical players, so you can’t really farm reliably or recover humanity reliably from easier bosses.  I like the idea of encouraging co-op, but the soul memory system is awful.  It probably also influences invasions, but fuck invaders.  If you invade people, you’re a piece of shit and I hope your system bricks.
As the last thing to note: the major complain I often see is “why are so many bosses just armored sword man; what is this, Smash 4?”  Which is super legit.  There are a lot of bosses that are just different variants on knight.  Especially in the main game, this made it really easy to reach Velstadt...and basically beat him no damage.  Because you know what’s happening now.  You know how the knight fight goes, and there’s nothing all that unique.  It’s very same-y.  Of course, this does nothing to stop me from getting my shit pushed in like 37 times against Fume Knight, but honestly fuck that asshole.
Lore-wise, I feel like this is the weakest of the games, but I also feel like it’s closest to what I would want out of a sequel.  I’m serious.  I think that DS1 presented a fairly complete story, that didn’t really have a need for continuation in this way.  DS2′s focus on bringing all these references to DS1 back is obnoxious, and the thing that holds it back the most.  Focus on kingdoms within the world all you want.  Focus on this entirely separate place called Drangleic and have it focus on all this unique stuff, in a place that doesn’t even know what the hell Lordran is or why the curse is showing up.  But keeping it separate was really what is lacking here.  Why is Ornstein just here?  Just hanging out?  Why is the statue for the Warriors of Sunlight still here when nothing else remained, and why is it near fucking Earthen Peak of all damn places?  Why do the four great lord souls from DS1 just show up on NG+ with the new four great souls?  Just keep them separate.  You didn’t have to do this.
There is, however, one thing I actually like that’s a tie-in, and that’s the queens.  I like the idea of Manus’ defeat resulting in the creation of these beings of the abyss showing up, and trying in their own ways to bring things back to the Dark.  It’s something that ties in nicely, but isn’t just a shallow reference without meaning.  It also helps that they’re pretty cool.  Elana is, as I mentioned, my favorite, which has a lot to do with her trying to poison a dragon to death.  Fuck that dragon up, girl.  Stupid bitch lizard ain’t got shit.  She’s also just the most outright conniving of the four, I think.
Overall, it’s not a terrible game, but it does feel very different.  I think the main thing I take away is that it’s still very much a Dark Souls game.  It’s all focused around difficulty meaning dying a lot, but this time with added penalties in the form of hollowing, and soul memory fucking literally everything up by putting you out of summon range whenever you suck and have to re-do runs to the boss, or try to farm levels to handle a problem.  Magic is still boring a shit, and this game is almost the worst offender considering all my best spell options were just throwing Dark Orb at shit until it stopped breathing because it was fast and had a stupidly high number of casts compared to everything else in the game.  I still feel like boss health is way too goddamn high given how unforgiving the game is toward any mistake in a fight, and how little variation there often is in a moveset.  I’ve said before that I enjoy this series largely because it’s an active playing process that lets you build up your character, and that stat allocations are something I adore above all else, but it’s just not doing it for me.  I’ve played about every type of build I can, in every game.  Magic is always boring and way less effective than heavy armor with a stick.  Melee weapons function very differently, but every major boss still boils down to learn pattern, dodge or block, attack one or maybe two times then back to defense so you don’t eat shit, repeat for 15 minutes until dead.  It’s...kinda boring by now.
Which leads me to this: I’m trading this entire series in for Etrian Odyssey V on Tuesday.  I don’t hate the games, but I find there is no further enjoyment to be had here.  I’m more invested in completing a build, which leads to a lot of time just spent grinding, and I experience more frustration with getting through a run than anything else, since the series has become more of a placeholder between games than something I actually want to play on its own.  In a weird way, it’s almost become too effective of a placeholder, and I could probably accomplish more significant things or branch out a bit instead of just replaying these whenever I’m bored and waiting on something else to come out.  So, I’m done.  I’m trading it all in, and honestly, thank god.
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