#v;; Winnego Morderca
ofstarsandskies · 8 months
Bad End+ Skit -- Elle's Adopted Father(?)
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After many an hour fiddling with such and such, I made a thing that is related to a thread I was going to start with @thosetaleskids. But even without context of the post, I thought it'd be fun to shed light on how BE+ Victor treats BE+ Ludger. In that it's not great. lol
Enjoy friends!
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ofstarsandskies · 5 months
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"Sharknado... I still don't have fond memories of that..." Ludger never fired so many bullets at one target in all his life. But at least the shark died before it ate them...! And he made some friends too before they all died!
"Though I wonder if Nii-san was there, would he have solved the problem--"
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"I would have stabbed that tornado's source until it regretted ever threatening your life."
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"N-Nii-san--um, I'm glad! You're always the best, Nii-san...!" His brother always found a way to surprise him...
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ofstarsandskies · 1 year
@forgottenluck || Mom & Dad are fighting again over this
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"What would you want me to call your constant tantrums then?" Julius said, his unnatural emotionally detached shell on full display. "Am I supposed to reward you because you've only done step one: recognize the problem? If you want help, save the excuses of why you haven't changed and show me what's supposedly changed about--"
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"--Getting into constant arguments doesn't help either, Julius!" Ludger had to take a breath himself before he made this a three-way shouting match. With Julius now quiet, he could mediate a little, "Nii-san, I know you're being so cavalier about this because you want to act as a counterbalance. But there's a difference between excusing bad behavior and picking fights! You have to meet people halfway."
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--But it had no effect on Julius. If anything, he dropped the mask to show his visible disappointment in both him and Koun, "Just as you met your old friends halfway?"
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"That..." Ludger couldn't help tearing up a little, having that thrown back at him by his brother. "...I-I just... I want the fighting to stop. Please." He didn't want to keep making both Koun's and Julius' lives miserable due to his selfish actions.
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ofstarsandskies · 9 days
@in-sum from this ask
Of all times to be caught wandering near the defunct parts of Trigleph...
The first thunder crack might as well have been a shotgun blast inches from his ear. The rain following suit pelted down relentlessly, forcing them to shutter into the first unlocked building they could find. All the immediate rooms were barren save for piles of dust and dead bugs.
"I'm okay-- I just hope my GHS didn't get soaked too," He'd check, but he'd probably send it to electronic heaven handling it with his soaked hands. "Um, I think I have an idea for an improv towel, but I'll warn you: it's gonna be weird."
Star put his theory to the test by checking each room's windows. A few tries in, he found his target: a window with a ratty curtain that reached the floor. Tearing it down, a heap of dust pelted his face and stuck to his wet palms. Better than nothing... maybe.
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"This is probably the best we're gonna get," Star tries to laugh as he presents his spoils(?). "Up to you if you wanna use it, but I-I won't blame you if it's not worth it."
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ofstarsandskies · 15 days
Meanwhile, as more quiz answers come in. . .
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ofstarsandskies · 5 months
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@ad-simul [Ohno Sharknado senpai noticed--]
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"O-Oh, um, my... imaginary friend, Zig! He's very interested in what happened at Spring Rise, and I forgot to update him! No worries!" No need to start a second Sharknadopocalypse....
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ofstarsandskies · 4 months
@coolrpblog [I had a thought for a Random Starter for Julius, and you know me and Bad End.]
"Still there..." Ludger says as he looks out the window and draws the blinds. With how much urgency Julius placed on reaching Canaan before Bisley accomplished his mission, he thought it might be settled overnight. Either that, or...
--Doesn't matter. I have my brother, and we'll spend however long either he or this world has left.
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Though when he looks at his brother, Ludger has a thought: there's still a lot unsaid between them. The J-Disks he recovered per Bisley's orders proved that. Ludger's also shared maybe a few passing words about his time with Jude and his friends. Maybe now, with how the world is... they can let it all out.
"Um... Nii-san, there's something I want to do," "Since we don't know what'll happen to us, I think we should share everything we haven't told each other. No judgments, no fingers, we just air everything so we don't regret it."
"Would you do that for me?"
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ofstarsandskies · 1 month
@mistralxsoul || For that planned starter ;U
Halfway through reading a partnership request, Ludger heard Vera's voice over the PA requesting a meeting for 'an urgent matter'. He told her she was free to come at her earliest convenience, which so happened to be less than ten minutes. Though when she entered, she had a taller gentleman with her he couldn't recognize.
"President Kresnik, this is Mr. Flynn Scifo. He and his unit will be acting as your personal security until further notice. Arrangements for pay and hours have already been made, so please only concern yourself with your safety."
Already...? Ludger swore they only talked about this a few days ago. And with her strict requirements, he thought it'd at least take a week to find someone who hit every point. But given Spirius' importance to Elympios, he can't blame her for wanting to rush this process along.
"I understand. Thank you for working well beyond expectations for the company, Vera." With a bow, Vera exits the office, leaving him and Flynn to speak in confidence.
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"I apologize for the rushed arrangements. Vera and I discussed changing personnel, but I didn't realize she already contacted someone!" Though despite the awkward beginning, Ludger offers his hand in greeting. "But regardless, it's nice to meet you, Mr. Scifo. My private life isn't very exciting, so do rest assured I shouldn't be too much trouble."
With intros out of the way... he'll try to break the ice a bit, "If I may ask, what made you take this request? There's no wrong answers so please speak your mind."
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ofstarsandskies · 5 months
@broadswordandpistol to balance out your lowkey sad mask post--
Hm, people were giving him (or rather, his mask) some odd looks ever since he swapped with Julius. He'd admit, the glow effect was unique, but ignore that and it looked kinda similar to the others.
Still, for the time being, he'd prop his mask off to the side so he wasn't fumbling around thanks to the ant-sized eye holes.
"Oh, Alvin! Did you pick up a mask earlier?" He couldn't see one on him, but maybe he tucked it away for now. "I picked a Lulu one, but I traded with Nii-san while he's working the stand. We had a few customers spot the glow from the kitchen and get creeped out..."
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However the reason, he happily showed off his black-and-yellow glowing horned oni mask. "Does mine make me look cool and dangerous like my brother?"
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ofstarsandskies · 5 months
@bravewolfvesperia from Dis Ask (cause hey cute Ludger & Yuri timez)
Call him crazy for analyzing a stranger he'd meet once every new nights or so, but something seemed off about Yuri today. He wasn't shy about drinking a bit harder than Julius would let Ludger do, though today... the glasses were piling up. Of course it wasn't his business to dictate how much someone's drinking, but it felt right to ask. Maybe he could help or at least be an extra ear to listen if it was due to a problem.
And seems he guessed right: Yuri got stuck with a job his heart wasn't into anymore. From his tone, he couldn't just back out of it either; their world had a million and one ways to force someone into a corner, so Ludger was sadly not surprised. Blaming himself for falling into a bad hole, however, Ludger'd have to correct!
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"Hah, don't I know that feeling," He leaned back for a quick head count before continuing, "Don't take this as a knock against Spirius, but becoming an Agent despite my brother telling me not to? Worst mistake of my life. And now that mistake's my whole life."
His job as VP-turned-CEO, all because Bisley asked him to 'lead his people' while he finished Origin's Trial. And with him dying in Canaan, well... Ludger's definitely leading Bakur's people! Except now he's doing so with a blindfold on and zero experience leading a company on par with the Elympion government. Thank Origin Vera was still alive...
"Still... I know if I quit just after President Bakur's passing, I'd hurt a lot of people. So I'm giving it my best!... with lots of guidance from Bakur's old secretary--" ...Wasn't he supposed to be assuring Yuri? Yet here he was going off about his life. If Yuri tuned him out, no blames had.
"M-My point is I'm sure you can twist your bad job into a positive!" Though that's all nonsense for the morning; for now, Ludger'd wave over the tender and make an offer, "But in the meantime, if you want something strong to feel better tonight, let me buy this round. Don't worry about price-- just point and I'll pay."
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ofstarsandskies · 4 months
Reflecting on One's Past
As Ludger toiled away at his apartment partitioning, he couldn't help looking out his bedroom window. The night sky always had a way of calming him whenever he woke up in a fit, assuming he didn't wake Julius up already. Those fits got better as he met people like Kazuya, Scion, Moon, and... it's kinda funny how long he could make that list. Longer than his old list.
He hoped all of them were doing alright, whatever they were doing. Too bad a good few, they were either too busy to bother or he just had no idea where they went. But as long as they were happy... it's fine.
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Still, as he stared out at the stars, the nostalgia had him thinking.
I wonder what the Ludger just a year ago would think of how I'm doing now. I know he'd be surprised to hear there's three apartments to our name now, but... would he be happy we've gone down this road? Would he wonder how we we're still here?
...As long as Julius was alive, I'm sure he'd find some way to smile, I hope. I can't say he deserves it, but someone's got to tell him others feel differently.
Somehow, he's smiling at the thought.
"Still, I don't think he'd envy trying to make this puzzle work..." Three adults, one adult who NEEDS a housekeeper, two kids, a Great Spirit, and a demon who'd eventually need a bed that wasn't in his head. Curse sentimental value not letting him buy a super house like Victor's to house his colorful cast of characters....
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ofstarsandskies · 5 months
Spring Festitales 2024 -- A Fleeting Feeling
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As the Kresnik brothers left the beach, Ludger felt something. A fleeting voice in his head which came and went as soon as he noticed its presence.
What it wanted or why it spoke to him, he couldn't say. It's as if a lightning bolt struck then vanished with the thunder's crack. Whatever its intentions, he can't help wondering if he should tell anyone about it.
Everyone's already worn out, He ultimately concluded as he walked back to the stand, side-by-side with his brother (and their two troublemakers). They don't need to worry about me. If there's anyone to worry about, it's Zig. Even Victor's saying things about him.
His brother nudges his shoulder, asking if he's hurt anywhere from the Sharknado attack. Ludger forces a smile and assures he's fine; if anything, he's the least hurt out of everyone thanks to Julius. The glass from the dunk tank would've hit them both if Julius hadn't dove after him.
Julius isn't convinced--he knows that slight droop in his big brother's eyebrows--yet he lets it go "for now"; they need to eat a warm meal and rest this whole affair off.
...When I was like that on the beach, were you scared of me? Ludger wants to ask, but he doesn't.
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ofstarsandskies · 5 months
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At the sound of the Mutton Man, Ludger's already throwing his hands up in surrender, "I-I haven't said anything bad about your wares for years! No need to assume anything bad, I've even sent Zig to check your mutton out! R-Right Zig?"
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"Sounds about right."
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"S-See? So, um, don't worry-- your mutton is still the best in Rieze Maxia and Elympios!"
Would that be enough? He still remembers the other Ivar who got cleaved for disrespecting the Mutton Man's authority. No way does Ludger want to be next; he's content with life and his family now.
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ofstarsandskies · 6 months
Victor stormed into Ludger and Julius' apartment, the visible parts of his face bearing a terrifying expression. His gun pointed in Ludger's face. "Who is this AT-LOW?!" he demanded, voice harsh.
However, a moment later he caught sight of Elle on the couch, her curious eyes upon him, and he immediately lowered his gun and tamed his expression and voice. "Honey, Daddy's going to go have a serious conversation with Ludger. Watch over Rollo, now."
With that, he began to drag Ludger out of his own apartment and into the park across the street. Since they were in public, he wasn't going to bring his gun out again, but he still got very close into Ludger's personal space to demand once again, "Who is this AT-LOW person?!" in a low voice.
@warmthofthehearthfire || RIP Atsuro pranking Victor too gud
"One Elle-Style Soup, coming up!" Ludger said, reaching over to the coat rack for his favorite apron.
--A great mistake, as he now stared down a cocked pistol with a livid Victor as its master.
"H-Huh?!" Ludger couldn't really process what started this whole situation before Victor forced him to march outside and interrogate him without forcing Elle to watch. The gun went away, thank Origin, but personal space and indoor voices weren't anywhere in sight.
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"AT-LOW...?" The question was genuine at first. But when he thought over the nickname, it clicked. "O-Oh, him! He's an old classmate I reconnected with recently! We've only talked online, so I don't know his real name or where he lives. Sorry, I forget he changes usernames a lot; last I knew, he went by 'Loyal Nerdlinger'."
"What's, um, got you interested in him?" He had a guess, but he didn't want to risk revealing more than Atsuro already did.
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ofstarsandskies · 9 months
@intelligenceunseen || Sorry for the wait, but here's that starter!
Today's stock holder meeting dragged on forever. Investors expected them to somehow cut a deal with Helioborg for exclusive rights to sell despite the <99% success rate Spirius products promised. Eventually he smoothed the problems over with promises Spirius had a healthy relationship with Head Researcher Balan, but yeesh. Going home from work never felt better.
There's almost no hustle and bustle on the walkway in spite of being peak rush hour. Did the police force people to evacuate for something....? Whatever the reason, he'd rush through to avoid causing any trouble--
"LUDGER KRESNIK!" A shout turns his head. A big mistake; when he turns back, multiple Exodus agents, guns ready, block his way. "Your continued support for a bi-national workforce is destroying this country! You'll be--!"
In an instant, the Exodus agent's demands stop, each of them falling forward with several cuts along their backs. What... just happened? How'd anyone respond this quick? I didn't request backup!
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When he processed the scene before him, Ludger caught something--or rather, someone--slipping back into the alley behind them. "W-Wait, don't go yet! I haven't even thanked you for saving me!" He called after the mysterious person, hoping in vain they'd heed his words before Ludger lost them.
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ofstarsandskies · 6 months
🌟 Ludger! Can't leave little bro out!
🌟 Drop one of my characters’ names in my inbox and I’ll tell you 10 facts about them 🌟 || @outofthisgxlaxy (Ludger couldn't let Elle beat him long)
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Sometimes, Ludger tries calling himself to see if that might somehow connect him to another Ludger's phone instead. The one time it worked, he connected with a Ludger who wasn't related to the Trial. Sometimes he wonders if that Ludger ever found out who his "long lost twin brother" really is...
Ludger still uses the first post he ever bought for special occasions. Anytime something chips or rusts, he's quick to pay for repairs/polishing.
Now that he has Julius' room unlock code, Ludger pretends not to know it but will check Julius' room for hidden Royal Cat Food cans when Julius isn't home. Last he remembers, he was on the 271st can.
Everyone in his new little family has been taught the Hymn of Proof as a "secret family handshake". Each person was also asked to make their own set of lyrics based on their most important thing. Ludger's version is about protecting Julius.
While he adores his Ardent Brave Vesperias, Ludger does own a set of Castor Twin Swords. They're mainly a display piece or for when he's trying to keep a low profile (hard to with his Vesperias, which do emit their own lightsource).
Ludger's favorite flower to grow is called the Ornithogalum, as they involve two of his favorite things: stars, and white, his (which he stole from Julius) signature color! He's tried dyeing a few green, but hasn't been successful yet.
Much to Julius and Elle's dismays, he did eventually neuter Lulu. When you're the ruler of 100 other cats, you have no idea how many kittens this cat might have behind your back. The older Elle assures him it was a good choice, though.
After associating his old ringtone with his monetary issues, Ludger does now employ unique ringtones for everyone who calls. Nova's is still ol' Eternal Mind though, just cause it feels weird for it to be anything else.
At times, Ludger does have trouble with nightmares flashing back to that fateful day in Marksburg. In them though, he either imagines himself too late or losing to his friends and watching Julius sacrifice himself after all.
"My love life? W-Well, right now my date is self-improvement! I don't want my future partner to have to deal with any of my baggage. And I'm still learning to really trust other people outside my family again-- b-besides Nova, of course."
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