#time to get rid of it and never look back
dcxdpdabbles · 14 hours
More cave boy? <3 <3 <3
Constantine kept throwing him long looks. Ever since the core test, the British man couldn't stop staring. Sometimes, he would glance at him, look away to shake his head, and then quickly glance back and start the whole cycle over.
Danny wasn't really sure why he was behaving this way. Much less why John Constantine felt the need to send a message to everyone in the magical community a message.
There was a large group of people wearing the most ridiculous outfits he'd ever seen—and his parents ran around in jumpsuits daily—peeking at him from every window, doorway, and, in that one girl's case, a shadow. They all stared at him like a natural miracle was happening before their eyes.
If you asked Danny, the worst part was that they didn't say anything. They just stood there, menacingly, in silence, staring. Bruce and the others had tried to get rid of them, but all the magic-user had done was a scurry to the edge of Bruce's property and camp out there.
He was sure he saw a boy with a cat praying to him at one point. The boy fully bowing low, hand on the ground, and muttering in ghost speech of gratitude for being in his presence.
Danny couldn't figure out why.
Constantine had yet to be evident on the issue either.
The man had been much more focused on explaining why he had been so disrespectful when he first woke.
Apparently, the day they found his cave, he had detected overworld energy in such high density and frankly alarming robust levels. He had assumed that a demon, an evil ghost, or even a trickster god had targeted the alternative version of Bruce Wayne.
Everyone knew the phrase "Get noticed by a higher being" never ended well in any legend, regardless of where the myth originated. Humans have always suffered in some way in those tales—most times, the human's death was the best possible outcome.
It would make sense why Danny had been thrown into a different dimension despite being a mere civilian—or as civilian as a version of Bruce Wayne could be if this was the case. He was worried that the young boy was in danger from forces far beyond human compression and had decked his room with every protective ward he knew.
He had almost demanded Danny be moved to the House of Mysteries since the death covering him had been so thickly layered over his soul. Then Danny woke up, making it evident that he was the cause of the energy, not the guiding light attracting the power like a month to the flame.
Then Constantine figured that Danny had been killed by the higher being who was done playing with him. Whatever happened in that cave meant that Bruce's alternative had lost, and now that higher being was pretending to be Danny.
The reason?
When Danny had first been found getting dangerously close to the Batcave, Constantine had been one of the first Bruce had called for some tests (tests that he was unconscious for while being held in that glass cage). He had confirmed that Danny had no magical power, so they wrote him off as meta.
The second time Constantine saw his unconscious body, he was significantly less human because he had been Phantom for literal days until he passed out. His magic had been reported as such, so Constantine had reacted accordingly, believing that the Ghost King seal was the only deserving revenge for the boy he allowed to perish in such a horrific manner.
He wanted Danny's body back from whatever was pretending to be him when he woke. Constantine just wanted to help him rest. He was not expected to threaten the King with his own seal and apologized profoundly once the confusion was cleared up.
Danny had no idea what the magic trench coat man was talking about. What King Seal? That was the badly done carvings he did with Jazz two summers ago!
What King's Guard? That's just a badly drawn photo of Fright Knight that Dan made!
What King's Cry? That's just a recording of Danny singing badly to a radio song Tucker made!
None of this made sense, especially this royal mystical treatment he received. Thankfully, the Waynes were on his side about it. They still treated him like Brucie, but there was one notable difference.
"You're majesty," Jason said with a mocking bow. "Your carriage awaits."
Danny frowns. "What?"
"Tim finished your ship."
"Oh," Danny stood quickly, a rush of impatience and slight wonder overwhelmingly developing in his chest. He'd been here for literal months, almost a full year. Danny never gave up on his idea of going home, but that was more of a stubborn hope that he would see his world again.
With each passing day, he felt that his home was getting further and further away.
And now, here it was, within reach. He didn't know what to do with that knowledge. Other than race down to the cave with his heart beating a mile a minute. He's so close. So close.
Out of his eye, he spots a woman in the window wearing a strange outfit and pressing her hands against the glass. Her silver bracelets gleam as she offers him a quick smile.
Danny swears he had seen her coming and going through the manor when he was pretending to be simple Brucie- Wonder something- but she now offers him a deep down on her knee bow. He checks Jason's reaction, but seeing that he hasn't noticed, he walks by her with a tiny head nod.
He cares more about going home, not manners.
"Hey Danny," Jason calls, falling in step with him. "I've been meaning to ask. But.....your parents are alive, and everything thinks you're this big shot in the afterlife....are you like me?"
"No, I'm caucasian," Danny tells him while mindlessly changing the arms of the clock that should open the Batcave to him.
Jason laughs. "No, kid. I mean about dying."
Danny squints up at him with confusion. "You're not a ghost."
"No, but I did die. I just came back." Jason tells him with another laugh, but this one is bitter. Danny considers the question, then shakes his head.
"No, I technically never left. I died and lived and died and lived and died and lived again." He makes a circle with his hands. "It's a cycle of being on the line between worlds, not one side completely on any given day."
"You are a god then." Damian comments, suddenly at Danny's elbow. Danny has no idea where the kid came from, only barely stopping himself from screaming as the younger boy puffs up his chest. "Of course, my father would be a god."
"Wait, if Bruce is a god in one world, maybe he has the potential to turn into a god in everyone. That would explain how he strengthens the more people know of him- the more they believe in him." Tim calls from across the cave, where he is typing on the computer.
He pauses and twists around with a look of manic curiosity. "That could mean he passed along powers to his children- Jason, what if Bruce made you a demi-god that day he adopted you, and that's how you came back? That's how all of us come back!"
"The dots are connecting," Dick shouts from the top of the cave, waving his two forefingers around. Danny had no idea why he felt the need to climb high places to do the splits between two rock formations, but he found that Dick tended to do that often. "The Justice League was right....we bats aren't human!"
Danny raised a hand. "I'm not a god. I'm not a King. I'm just a kid from Amity Park who wants to go home."
The others don't pay him any mind, so Danny leaves the Bats to gather around and compare notes. All he can see is the ship resting on a ledge. It resembles Fenton Tech so much that for a second, he feels an overwhelming sense of homesickness.
Soon, he thinks, running his hand on the smooth metal. Soon, I'll be home.
"I call dibs on the godhood of delinquents!"
"You can't just call dibs on godhood, Duke."
"Yes, I can. I have two godly fathers now, which means I have double the demi-god. I'm a mostly-god; I outrank you, Tim."
"I am Stephine, the demi-god of purple!"
"Steph, what does that even mean?
"All things purple answer to me."
As soon as the Waynes focus.
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c3berus · 3 days
𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐑 𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 — price, gaz & simon SHORT angst.
𝘴𝘺𝘯𝘰𝘱𝘴𝘪𝘴: you’re soap’s identical and grieving twin brother and you’d do anything to get your boys happy again, even if it meant that you disappeared.
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2 months.. that’s how long it’s been since you two have got into one of your brotherly scuffles.
60 days..that’s how long it’s been since you’ve heard johnny’s obnoxious laughing .
1,440 hours..that’s how long it’s been since simon looked at you.
86,400 minutes..fucking hell that’s how long it’s been since you’ve shared a bed with your husband.
and 5,184,000 seconds..that’s how long it’s been since you became a stranger to your own boys.
you knew why they didn’t want to associate with you— you looked exactly like Johnny. you knew when they saw you, they saw your brother— cold, dead, soaking in his blood, reliving his life in seven long and emotion filled minutes. you knew they couldn’t help but grieve but god did it hurt any less. you knew that you were a key reminder of exactly what they lost.
but did that give them the right to treat you like this? like a stranger? you didn’t want that. you wanted a sense of familiarity. you wanted to grieve with them— to cry and remember with them. which is what lead you here— holding a pair of clippers with the initials ‘J.M’ carved into the side in the sloppy handwriting you knew too well. you gripped the clippers tighter knuckles turning white and you took a deep breath and removed the towel from the mirror.
you physically shuddered at the sight that greeted you. you looked miserable, hell you were miserable, you were on the brink of a breakdown and you had to do something about it. your eyes had horrible bags, themselves being bloodshot. your hair untamed and unkept, you tore your eyes away from the mirror, eyes blurred over with unshed tears. his blue eyes was what disturbed you, except they were yours. but yours were a pathetic replica that would never match the weight of his, they would never come close.
you turned the clippers on giving yourself one last pathetic once over before lifting the clippers to your hair. clump by clump and sob by sob johnny was back. johnny was home. your boys would be happy and everything would be normal. you’d make sure of it.
even if it meant you disappeared with his return..
even if you wouldn’t be able to welcome him back yourself..
even if you had to wipe every trace of your being or break and bend every piece of flesh and bone to bring your baby brother home.
you’d do it one thousand times over. you’d consume his very being from his mannerisms to his golden retriever like nature, you’d do it. you did it. you rid all of your clothes and instead took on his, a little tight fitting but who cares? you cut your hair to be just as it was two months ago. you took back up on some hobbies, the ones you had two months ago.
simon immediately greeted you with a hug, it almost made you nauseous, you almost wanted to claw his hands off of you with how much his touch was foreign. instead, you embraced him with just as much passion.
kyle broke down before punching your shoulder and cracking jokes.
and your husba-‘good to have you back soap’ oh..
that sent a slimmer of pain through your body. when your husband looked at you he didn’t see you. he saw johnny. you know he did, those eyes? he didn’t see his husband. you looked exactly like him, you acted like him, got his exact tattoos. you hated how sick and twisted you were to do this but as they say..grieving actions are the worst— best remedy. as time went on, it hurt less, yo-no johnny felt welcomed.
johnny was welcome.
johnny was happy.
johnny was home.
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paranoiastudio · 2 days
My dear friend
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pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x f!reader
warnings: +18 smut, virginity loss, p in v, dirty talk, masturbation, oral (m for f), creampie
word count: 2,5k
English is not my first language, sorry about mistakes
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All mothers say that choosing a profitable match is extremely important for any lady. Your mother always said that strong love is built on friendship and mutual respect between people. You believed that marriage is not as important as many people think and always called yourself different, unable to become a victim of this system.
- You’re so beautiful... - The words that escaped Benedict’s lips make you tremble in his arms. - I am the happiest men in the world, my love.
This evening you agreed to his proposal to marry him. When you first met Benedict Bridgerton at the ball last season, you never thought it would go this far. At first you saw him as a pleasant companion and a strong figure who could protect you from annoying gentlemen.
Once upon a time, the mere thought of a man touching you caused an unpleasant shiver. And now you are lewdly clinging to Benedict and reaching out for another kiss, wanting to get as much as possible.
- Little greedy thing... - Benedict bites your earlobe. - You have no idea how many things I would like to do with you, but we won’t do that today.
- Why? - You’re breathing heavily, your chest is heaving, the skin that’s not covered by the fabric of your dress is a little red. - I want you, Benedict.
A muffled moan reaches your ears and you feel the weight of his desire through the fabric of your clothes, Bridgerton presses against your thigh, shamefully rubbing himself against you.
You saw ancient statues and paintings, looked at the drawings in your father’s medical atlases, but you still felt unprepared for what nature gave you.
- You are teasing me. - Benedict’s lips find yours again and you shamelessly allow him to penetrate your mouth with his tongue, his beautiful hand wrapping around the back of your head and pulling you closer. - How about an engagement gift, my dear?
You just nod vigorously, unable to say a word. Benedict smiles, accepting your answer, and, taking your hand, leads you a little deeper into the garden labyrinth, where no one will see you.
Finding a beautiful carved shop in a dark corner, Bridgerton plops down in the middle and pulls you towards him. You, holding your dress, sit on top of him, your pussy squeezing at the feeling of his strong and warm thigh, which twitched slightly and sent sparks to the very center of your arousal.
- Show me how much you want... I must to see... - You look into the man’s eyes and believe that he needs it. He appears ill: he is breathing deeply, his hair is tousled, and his vest is unbuttoned. He looks at you with dark and shiny eyes, moving his worried gaze over your face.
- What do I need to do? - You knew that Benedict is clearly much more experienced in this matter. Your words sent a jolt of excitement through Benedict’s already hard cock, you looked so innocent and slutty at the same time.
He helps you lift up all your skirts and get rid of your underwear, with a slow movement he sits you back on his thigh and you moan, feeling the thick fabric of your pants with your naked pussy.
-You can ride me, honey. Fuck yourself on my leg. - Your body seems to know what needs to be done and you move your hips immediately, clinging your sore clitoris to your trousers. - Oh, my girl...
Benedict wraps one arm around your waist, the other holding your hip and helping you catch the pace. Your thighs quickly begin to burn from the unusual position, but you cannot stop, looking into the face of your beloved man, who caught your every breath and moan.
- Nice job on hips, miss. - Benedict smiles and lifts the dress higher, exposing your most intimate parts to the cold evening air.
- God, I... - You feel a familiar feeling inside, you’ve already experienced this before, the same feeling appeared when you touched yourself at night.
Knowing how good it will be, you speed up and moan from the tension throughout your body. Benedict watches where your bodies touch, your juices staining his pants, but he doesn't care; you moan and squirm on him in the dark corner of the garden, but he doesn’t care; he's ready to cum in his pants at any moment, but he doesn't care.
- The Lord will forgive me for this weakness, right, my girl? - Benedict reaches out and touches your clit terribly slowly, watching your beautiful eyes widen. - You are the most beautiful sin that one can succumb to.
The feeling of someone else's hand is completely different: Benedict touches you lightly and carefully, studying you. His fingers are much thicker and longer than yours, and they flutter as quickly as when he draws. The thought that you are like his creation only excites you even more.
- God, what are you doing to me? - Benedict accelerates the movement on the clitoris and you scream, the echo of your scream will forever remain in this garden labyrinth.
What are you doing with it? You're now chasing your orgasm, rubbing yourself on the thigh of someone who isn't even your husband yet, nearly naked and so loud you'd think you wanted to get caught. And Benedict asks what are you doing with him? What is this man doing to you?!
- Please... - You don’t know what you’re asking for, only squeezing Benedict’s shoulders tighter.
-Are you close? - He leans forward and wraps both arms around you. -Cum for me, darling. Cum on my leg, show me.
You whimper and suddenly freeze for a second, only to shudder in the next moment and several more times run your womb dripping with lubricant over the expensive fabric, the stains on which cannot be unnoticed.
- It was... - You open your eyes and still see flashes before your eyes. This is much stronger than the times when you touched yourself; Next to Benedict you are like an exposed nerve, sensitive to everything in the world.
- Magical. - The man kisses you on the corner of your lips, takes you off his leg and straightens your outfit. -You did so well, my girl.
You giggle, hiding your red face from embarrassment and excitement on Benedict’s shoulder. He holds you in his arms and gently strokes you until you stop shaking.
- When I did it myself, the feelings were different... - You look at the stars, playing with your gloved fingers with Benedict’s fingers.
- Did you do it yourself? - You hear the smile in his voice. - Mrs. Bridgerton, you surprise me. On our wedding night you will show me everything, understand?
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- You can’t imagine how amazing you look now. - You hear Benedict as if from under water, you’re so carried away.
Having promised you that you would show him how you played with yourself, he wasn’t joking at all. As soon as your husband undressed you in what is now your shared bedroom, he remembered his words and now you are lying naked on the large bed and caressing your slippery folds, allowing Benedict to see absolutely everything.
- Fuck! - You squeeze your bare chest. The orgasm is so close and you intend to catch it, after such an exhausting and long day, you wanted to get a release as quickly as possible.
- My dear wife is angry... - Benedict licks his lips and crawls closer to you. - This is unacceptable.
Grabbing your hips, Benedict slams into your wet pussy and hums lowly, caressing you so intensely that you don’t even have time to warn him and cum on the man’s face so hard that your toes involuntarily curl.
- I didn’t even have time to really touch you. - The man chuckles, collecting droplets of your excitement on his finger. - You are so sensitive, my dear, tempting you will be a real pleasure.
- No, please, I want it so much... - You almost choke on your saliva, afraid that Benedict will really decide to mock you.
- Don't worry so much. - He ends up on top and deftly spreads your legs with his knee. When did he take off his clothes? You wanted to do it yourself, but it seems like you really lost track of time. - Today I will make you mine, we will have time to play another day, right?
You hug your husband with all your limbs and raise your hips, not at all afraid of what is about to happen. The maids and married friends shared some details, but the overall image was still a little blurry. You knew only one thing for sure: you have never wanted to do this with anyone more than now with Benedict Bridgerton, your new husband.
- You may be hurt, my love. I don’t... - Benedict leans on his elbows. - I won’t be able to take this pain for myself, but I promise that this won’t happen again.
You nod as if you completely understood what he was talking about, and Benedict, trying not to frighten you with the expectation, thrusts his hips forward, penetrating almost completely inside. Your nails dig into his thin skin on his shoulders, you squeeze your whole body, only then realizing that it would be easier to relax.
-Are you okay? - Benedict freezes the moment you look up at him again. He haven't seen eyes full of love and tenderness more than yours.
- Everything is fine, just a little unpleasant. - You exhale through your nose and completely relax. - Are you in pain?
There was sweat on Benedict's forehead, he hadn't moved since he was inside you. You run your hand through his soft hair and the man reaches for your touch and moans softly.
- Not at all. - He places a light kiss on your forehead and moves his pelvis slightly. - It’s so nice inside you that I’m afraid I won’t last long.
The meaning of his words, like many other words that described the relationship between a man and a woman, was not entirely clear to you, but the tone in which he spoke to you made you tremble.
- Ooo! - You squeeze Benedict and he can’t help but sigh with pleasure. - You will destroy me.
You pull your husband to you and kiss him passionately, repeating the movements with your tongue that you managed to remember during the many kisses that you shared before.
- Tell me if it hurts, okay? - He will receive confirmation from you, Benedict makes several shallow thrusts and you both feel how your velvet walls stretch, letting the man in deeper.
- You can move faster. - You catch your husband’s gaze and move closer to his movements. It’s like a wave that energetically but gently washes you, the sandy shore, from all sides. - Please make me yours, Benedict.
These words and your big innocent eyes made Bridgerton growl with desire, he increases the speed, penetrating into you faster and faster, touching more and more new points.
You hear your bodies touching wet slaps and groan dully, feeling something familiar and at the same time completely unknown. You never ended up with something (or someone) inside.
- Benedict, I...
- It's okay, my love. Just let go, I'm holding you. - You look into his eyes until they close with pleasure. Squeezing Benedict's cock felt amazing, you could feel your pussy literally singing around him and trying to milk him for every last drop.
- Please! Forgive me, fill me, I want more... - You push the sticky hair out of your face and spread your legs wider, allowing your husband to rub your clitoris with his free hand.
- Yes? - Benedict doesn’t stop, wanting to give you the most wonderful first time he could ever have. - Do you want me to fill you, sweet girl? Do you want to give birth to my child?
- More than anything else, please... - You meow and squeeze your chest, trying to ease this overwhelming tension. - I want to cum so bad!
- Come on baby, get my dick wet. - These dirty words made your pussy clench again and this moment became your death. The wave engulfed you, knocking you off balance until you lost your vision. You scream and squeeze Benedict so tightly that marks from your nails will probably appear on his shoulders.
Before you have time to recover from this state, Benedict picks you up and puts you on all fours, eagerly examining the view in front of him. Your plump and wet pussy throbbed invitingly in front of him and the man was not ready to retreat.
Leaning forward, he wraps his lips around your bud and sucks on the hot flesh. You suddenly kick and only slam your sweet pussy harder into the man’s face. He takes your ass, holding you and spreading your buttocks to the sides, plays with you with his tongue and you make a new batch of indecent sounds.
- The most beautiful woman in the world. - Benedict changes position and enters you from behind, immediately picking up a wild pace. You feel his balls slapping against your thighs, Benedict penetrates you with loud pops, your leaking pussy wets him every minute, easing the friction.
- Benedict, this is so good... - Saliva dripping onto the expensive sheets, you pressed your face against the cool fabric and only accepted your husband’s large cock, which moved behind you at an unrelenting pace.
- I'll cum inside you, my dear. I will fill you with my seed... - Ben grabs you by the throat and forces you up, his hand continues to move down. - Right here.
He wraps his large hand around you and rubs your clit again, catching your pathetic whimpers in his kiss. You jump up and down in anticipation, wanting to get everything he promises you. You want everything!
- You’ll be swollen with my baby, and when your beautiful pussy is rested, I’ll fuck another baby inside you. I will fuck you every day, wherever you want. Would you like it?
- Y-yes, please.
- That's right, my little slut. Only mine! - Ben squeezes your waist tighter, you feel that his thrusts are not so accurate and fast, he was close. - Come on, sweetie, take it all like a good girl.
Warm cum coats you from the inside, you hear the squelching sound with which Ben continued to take you, pushing the cum back inside.
You fall face first into the bed, your ass left in the air and you feel the remnants of your passion running down your leg. Benedict strokes your back and helps you sit down on the bed, remaining next to you.
- When can we do this again? - And again you look at Benedict with your huge eyes, batting your eyelashes as if you weren’t just screaming under him like a whore, ready to let Bridgerton fill you in any way he wants.
- I will need a little time. - Ben laughs, playing with your thin hand. - We have the whole night ahead of us, and I still have so much to show you.
- My cousin told me that I can put you in my mouth. Will you let me?
- God! - Benedict ends up on top of you and kisses you. - You're just a treasure.
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grind-pantera · 3 days
Future. ( Noa x Human!Reader ) Part 8.
I keep waiting for it to get better GUYS
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Title: Future. Fandom: ( Kingdom of the ) Planet of the Apes. Rating: T. ( Violence, injury, blood, eyyyyy. ) Pairing: Implied! Noa x Human! Reader. Words: 6.4K+ Summary: Demise comes in a lot of forms. Read the Series Here.
Noa must have sent Eagle Sun in his place, choosing to not even bother saying goodbye as you stared at the bird sitting on the back of the horse you were gearing up to depart on. He surely seemed intent on watching as you placed your satchel and freshly filled water gorge onto one of the twining hooks in the back for safe keeping during your travels, going as far as to peck at the item as if to say ‘you’re not leaving, you can’t leave’.
He had been here, you deduced by the fact that there was a freshly rolled blanket mounted on the back carrier of the horse, along with enough provisions to last you at least a week, if not more if you rationed, a few spearheads and a few water gorges, all full. It was clear that Noa hadn’t slept the night before, opting to do something to keep himself busy before you chose to leave. He had no idea when, but he must have figured you’d leave before first light so as to not make a spectacle out of it anymore.
Like it was one to even begin with, rolling your eyes, you tightened the blanket hap-hazardly, subconsciously dallying enough to give you a bit more time to think about what was waiting for you beyond the bushes and safety net that Noa had casted over you for so long.
You adjusted the bag that Noa had given you. Not even bothering a kind thought towards it, there were no good intentions put behind the items in your eyes anymore, it felt hollow and shallow like you were stepping into a lake that appeared deep on the surface but was nothing more than a mere puddle. Noa most likely gave you these things out of ridding himself of guilt if you ended up dead, your face contorted uncomfortably at the idea but it felt right. Let Echo leave with food, some small weapons and small items to help out and if they die on their own, then oh well, at least Noa did what he needed to do so as to not cause your death directly.
Contemplating for a moment as you were in a staredown with the Eagle, you chose to not pet his head goodbye as a means to burning the bridges, as uncomfortable it was to think about and as sad it was for Eagle Sun who had no real position in all of this, Noa’s decision was always Eagle Sun’s and the Ape had to know this choice… Not even a choice. This demand that you leave was going to affect more than just Noa and yourself. This place… Your home for nearly a year, your belongings all fitting into one small bag…
The juxtaposition was clear, the more you thought about it, the more you thought about your Human aspects against their Ape adjacent aspects. You never should have stayed here, you should have never taken the sweetness of the offer that Noa gave. Temptation was a fault of Humans, more than evident now as you felt your heart skip a beat. You turned your back to the horse to get one more good look at what you were abandoning.
The sweeping towers of the clan, eclipsed with running vines up the sides and posts that elevated it high into the air, the lush green landscape peppered deliciously with wildflowers that grew to your mid-calf that surrounded the clan itself and gave it blissed paradise away from the rest of the valley, the rush of the river only a few meters away from the horse paddock, roaring back at you the intricate conversations that you and Noa shared, all shattered into small shards that you wanted to pick up, but with every attempt, it left your hands a bloody mess, and the more you tried to hold, the worse it got.
An hourglass where there was no sand anymore, having been heated by anger and aggression to the point where it was now an hourglass that was responsible for small slivers of glass encased memories. You wanted to look at them through rose-colored eyes, but it was impossible now with the remembrance of your words in conflict with Noa’s, to the point where words themselves no longer made sense as you had re-played them over and over again.
Your eyes lingered on the horizon for a few moments, the sun barely making its presence known along the twinkling dip of the Earth. It was on the cusp of dawn, the sky above you shifting to a mild pink with a richly deep undertone of midnight blue. You hadn’t slept at all the night before, but you let your fire die out on its own out of neglect. It felt good to do, to know that it was dying because you were choosing to not stroke it back to life, with every ember that flittered from orange to ashen, you felt a grotesque satisfaction wave over you. Death brought new beginnings, you whispered to yourself and squeezed your eyes shut but Death also meant the end to something. There was no point for slumber once Noa tore away from you, refusing to even look back as he took his leave from your hut.
You tried to keep your eyes focused and alert as you got the horse ready, as you went to the river to dip a cloth in it for your wrist, to reflect in solitude for only a moment as if the hours of your self-deprecation after Noa left wasn’t enough, as if the minutes it took you to shove things into your bag meant nothing anymore. Your feet felt heavy when making it to the embankment of the river itself, your shoulders torn inwards with equivocation.
The water bounced around your fingers as you dipped it into the shoreline, crisping against a smoothed pebble. Just one, small enough for you to tuck into the wrapped nature of your wrist bandage for safe keeping. You had no idea what to do with it, but you wanted something to remind you of the bitterness that began springing in you at the realization that nothing was sentimental to these Apes, nothing meant anything. Clenching your jaw at that, you steered your train of thought but found it still obsessing over Noa.
Not a goodbye, not a yearning action towards you anymore as if you were expecting a whole departure party. You were selfish, you tore into your own self as a means to dull the vague pained prospect that you were leaving everything you had wanted, and then more. Selfish to think that this could have worked, that months ago, you were willing to give it a chance once actual emotions began seeping into conversations with Noa. He never cared - you yelled inside, he never cared, and he was more selfish than you were trying to hold on even tighter. You figured it would be him who came out on top - he was built to hang, built to hold on. With one glance that meant more than any other, you began sweating, your hands slipping and you were no longer to hang or hold on anymore. Noa won.
Turning back around as you tried with meager desperations to remember the moments, the good and the bad, remember the kindness that you had received while here, along with the toppled glares of the Elders who were not happy at your presence at all, going as far as to convince Noa time and time ago to just let you loose… Bitterly, you smiled at that and brought your hand up to lightly brush the side of the horse. They were going to be so happy once the sun rose and you were no longer there, no longer a ticking-time threat.
You would miss the entire village, but this… Tightening your grip onto the saddle, you rose your body with a grunt and a small cry at the nature of your wrist bending in any position other than stagnantly flat, your knuckles flashed white at what happened the night before as you grabbed the reins and steadied your balance. Anger bubbled to the surface as you dropped your eyelids down to encase your vision with your wounded wrist, now tightly tied into a cloth that had been dipped in fresh and crisp river as a means to help the swelling go down.
As if you were any better, any less selfish, you thought to yourself and let your hands glide along the side of Noa’s horse to calm them down in your presence as you adjusted yourself on top of the saddle. You weren’t their owner, they were begging you to jump off and to just stay, and that’s all you wanted. To fall, even onto your knees and beg to stay. Fluttering your good wrist against the reins, you began trotting to the east, down the dirt pathway used by many Apes over the generations of Noa’s clan, now kissing you a farewell as Noa himself refused to even see you off.
Noa would tell Anaya and Soona what happened, you imagined and drew a deep breath in, holding it painfully long to the point where it felt like your lungs were going to explode. At least, he would tell them what they wanted to hear, you wondered for a split second just how much of a villain in all of this you were about to come but tried to shake that vicious thought out of your mind. There was no sense in thinking about that, you were never going to see them again.
You urged the horse forward and with a wild but tamed neigh, they began trotting away.
You turned your head, tears stinging at the back of your eyelids.
You could still see the clan in all its glory, tightening your hands onto the reins you contemplated going back a few times. Going back and apologizing and asking for forgiveness in hopes that you would be allowed to stay.
Not because you were selfish.
But because you couldn’t imagine yourself anywhere else, being anyone else.
It was home.
A few minutes later, you turned your head once you were in the embellishment of the woods, tears now encasing your entire cheeks, down the slope of your face and off your chin to drip onto your hands.
Just the tops of the tree-bungalows.
A few minutes later, you turned your head, reminding yourself that it wasn’t worth crying over. He didn't want you there anymore than you wanted to be there when you were first picked up by Noa, Anaya and Soona.
Nothing, just forested trees sweeping your vision from all sides, darkened and musky as the sun began rising in the direction you were headed. ●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・●・○・
Noa racked himself through the coals, holding onto his heart in the only way he knew how as he had watched you prepare to leave. Always, even after what happened, what you said to him and what he had done to you, he watched, waited, perhaps even hoped that you’d come to your senses first, as you always did, and come back to him. That you’d be able to rationalize it all and tell him why your departure was not a good idea, something outside of the self-absorbed realm of not wanting to die if you were out on your own.
It was surely one of those Echo things - Noa never understood it, the sudden surge of codependency you had towards each other, having only shifted a few months ago in the peak of the Summer months. You were the rational one, you kept yourself grounded and by proxy, you kept Noa there too. But now, there was nothing holding him down, nothing to grab onto as if your hand was still reaching for him in dead space.
The tree he chose to watch you from was far enough away that the darkened fur of his body was able to camouflage him, but it was close enough that he was able to see the scape of your face, the timid rise and fall of your shoulders, your scanning glance that was seeped around the edges with darkened circles and redness lingering around the creases of your eyelids. Noa felt bile hit the back of his throat, heaving his chest a bit more adamantly as to remind himself that your words had to be right. You hadn’t slept, by the looks of it and the appearance of your stance behind incredibly slumped in like you didn't have the energy to stand up straight.
He knew that you were aware of the bag of picked provisions he left for you, having gone there an hour prior to prepare the items and set the horse saddle on, something he knew you were incapable of doing with your Echo strength. How he wanted to chuckle at that, but he felt desolate inside when you simply looked into the bag, no evident reaction on your face other than your brows pulling in on themselves, before you continued on your way.
You spared it no more attention and mounted the horse with delicate ease. His green gaze stared at your wrist, embarked with white fabric that you had to tear one of your old shirts apart for. It tied neatly around your thumb, giving you the dexterity needed to grasp things but it was obvious how pained it was. He had done that, and all the times he had thought of hurting you in the graces of pleasure seemed to fade into oblivion in his open mind.
He would bite your neck and make you bleed, tearing at the tender spots until you were lifeless under him.
He would hold your body close to him and feel the shattering of every single one of your ribs before you slumped against his own self.
He would place his forehead against your own in a bid of apology and forgiveness and in the process, you would turn away, afraid to be touched, afraid to be near him.
Baited in self-deprecation once more, he watched you wordlessly set off into the woods, Eagle Sun soaring above your head in a bid to follow you until you were out of Eagle Clan territory. It would take you to the end of the day, Noa figured, factoring in small breaks he knew you were going to need on the back of the horse, and then… Eagle Sun would return to bid Noa news on your venture before he encased himself in loneliness and an astringent prospect that it would take no time at all to forget this. To forget Echo. To forget you.
“You’re just an animal.”
Maybe he was.
Noa felt himself flurring, in and out of a conscious state and without intending anymore damage as he had felt the delectation of your bones crunching under his strength, you had been dropped to the floor, on your side and made quite an impact to the point where Noa could sense the bruising already taking form on your hips and side, eradicating heat running through your ribs as you tried to breath, tried to hold yourself up and had a hard time relinquishing to the adrenaline that was coursing through you, a reaction to his subvertant aggression. It was going to dim, Noa knew that, and your wrist was going to become more distressed and dressed elegantly with sharpened purples, reds and blacks in an attempt to heal the unhealable.
Through pupil-blow eyes, he just looked at you and panted, the bristling of fur on his shoulders rolling through his entire being with a shuffle of electricity through his spine, his shackled feet stagnant but spaced in irritation, his shoulders broadened and intimidating. He liked it; the view of your tears. The struggle you went through as you tried to process what happened, holding onto the pressure point he so willingly took into his grasp, intentionally too tight, intentionally holding you up like a fish caught on a hook so he could look at the prize he once thought he had.
Noa could feel the scratch-marks you left on the side of his hand from where you had tried to get him to let you go, not deeply ingrained to bleed but shallow enough that it was a discomfort to the Ape. You were selfish, Noa thought to himself and narrowed his eyes. Selfish just like he was and you deserved what he did, just like he deserved your harsh words.
Noa expected more. Expected you to snap back at him, and realistically, he wanted you to. Tear him down just to piece him back together out of desperation once you realize what you were losing. Grab onto his shoulders, Noa begged, dig your fingernails into me, make me bleed, make me submit. You hurt me, I hurt you, so you should hurt me back! If I’m nothing more than an animal to you, then I’ll act like it. I hurt you, you hurt me, back and forth until one of us submits to the other. Irrationality never rested well with the Eagle Clan leader.
“I need to think of my Clan’s Future,” His words were torn, a fork in the road. Pragmatism wrestled with primal intent touched with optimism. “Was not when I asked… You to say…” His next set of words came out more biting than before, the pure flinch you radiated at the infliction was something Noa felt was going to be remembered for years to come, “When I w… wanted you to stay.”
Noa savored every bitter drop of it to the very end, at least until he left and was shattered and torn to the reality of what had just happened as you left his view, tangling yourself into the woods on his horse. He counted every trot of the horse. One foot, two, three, four until he was unable to see you anymore and he focused on hearing them instead. One, two, three… There was nothing more for him, nothing lingering in the air.
Your laugh. Noa drew a small breath in to torture himself with dissatisfaction of not entirely inflating his lungs, your smile… He’d forget them with time, but he didn't want to. Just like he had already forgotten his Father’s embrace, his voice on the very cusp of being lost to time, all of you… Will become distant, one year from now, two into three… He wondered then, what he would remember. Your scent would become one with the trees as a breeze rolled through the land, sweet and inviting him to sit blissed in reminiscent melancholy of what could have been. He wanted that.
Actually, if Noa were honest he wanted to chase after you. Mount Anaya’s horse, telling the Ape he’d be back shortly and run away in hopes that he’s able to track you, one of the many skills that Noa possessed to near perfection. There was no point - You’d never come back to him as if you were ever his to begin with, the Chimp scoffed at that. He was not inherently selfish but oh, how he wanted to be… Just for a few minutes to convince himself to get you to selfishly stay with him. He knew the idea was outlandish.
You couldn’t bear him an heir for the Eagle Clan’s longevity and he knew that but still, he’d be willing to risk it just to have you, just for the chance to know what it felt like, to know how it felt like to have your affection tossed towards him. Selfish. You were right. He was selfish. You were just an Echo to everyone else, they never saw, heard or felt you like he had… Every place you had touched him burned, soldering into his skin unbearable to the position that Noa wanted to scream. He was never going to experience that again.
Just like Noa himself, you were incredibly boar-headed in your decisions especially if they were made for you. You’d rather sit back and take it than try to come up with an argument against it because it was hard to do that when you didn't know all the details, all the feelings that were going into it. Noa made this. Noa demanded this decision be reality. Noa needed to think of Anaya… Soona… Dar… The entire Eagle Clan rested on his shoulders, he knew but there was nothing counting towards the agony that drenched over him when he thought about what was said the night before and what he had done to you. Looking down pensively at his hand, he collapsed his fingers into a fist and brought it harshly down onto the tree-branch he was sitting on.
He was sure he was going to forget as time was a funny thing.
But that was the thing… Noa… didn't want to.
Three Months Later.
Grunting, you felt your back slam against the hard bark of a tree trunk that had to have been at least three feet behind you, your head whiplashing forward and then backwards once again, tweaking the tender muscles of your neck along with blunting the back of your head with the momentum. You weren’t bleeding, at least you were unable to feel any trinkles against the back of your head, but it hurt enough for your eyes to squeeze shut.
Gasping, nothing came to fruition from the pure force you had been pushed back with. Waves of stinging hit your senses and your ears felt like they were whistling at the highest pitch possible. Your horse sputtered to your left, tied to a low sitting tree-trunk for the night as you so often did to keep her from roaming too far during the nights. She stayed close, but with lacking skills at tracking, finding her in the mornings was a proven difficulty for you so you began tying her up a month or so ago.
Frantically in the heat of a hunt, you looked for something to protect yourself with. Something sharp? They were all in your satchel, the few spear heads that a certain Ape had provided for you. Something used more for fishing, but you wished you had one you knew as you could swipe at the figure that was talking to another, taking in stride their plans as you were left rather inebriated from being galvanized against a tree.
You tried again, to more success. You were able to breathe, the air seeping into your lungs feeling more heated as you staggered on your feet, trying to keep yourself balanced enough to address the situation, address whomever had chosen to attack in the middle of the night, your fire barely a crest of orange. From the bits and pieces you were able to recall, feeling a tinge of wetness coming from your ear with a mild curse as you had begun bleeding, confirming that you had hit your head that hard, you were attacked mid-sleep. Whoever this was, sitting in the darkness far enough away that you weren’t able to make out any details, waited until you were at your most vulnerable and then made their move.
Shakily, your hand connected with the side of your face and you wiped some of the blood away from trailing down the trace of your jawline. Unable to move, you focused your eyes on the figures. Three, maybe a fourth. Heart sinking into your chest, your eyes widened with realization. They had to be Apes, there was no other reason to attack you unless they had been stalking you the entire day and chose to attack you when it was going to be the easiest to kill you.
These ones had to be sadistic, pushing you against a tree and watching as you cowered, eyes falling between your satchel on the horse's back, their blackened figures and the dim nature of your fire. They hadn’t allowed themselves the pure satisfaction of gutting you alive and then tying you to the backs of their stallions to display that they were able to successfully hunt a Human. Maybe they were waiting until---
A wall of blood hit your tongue. You must have bitten down on it when you were tossed like a rag doll. Spitting out a bit onto the ground, the figures all looked at you before resuming their mild conversation. Whatever they were saying, you were unable to detect as you dropped onto your knees. Slowly at first, and then faster as you quite literally hurled yourself up, hoping that you were able to get a bit more momentum from a crouched position, start and darted aimlessly towards your horse. You just needed a weapon, something, something.
Your ribs were encased by an arm, but before you got a clearer view at it, you were parallel to the ground and swiped down aggressively, back colliding into the mud with a crunched sound of your body and the mud splattering. Once again, not hard enough to break anything, but it left you breathless as you grimaced, your ribs encapsulating in agony as you drew to breath in again. A gurgle hit the back of your throat, a mixture of your saliva and blood, eyes going in and and out of focus no matter how hard you tried to entrance yourself to stay altered on one fixated item.
“Are you sure this is the one?”
Squinting your eyes at the sky, you forced yourself to take note of the voice. Was it… Scratchy? Chopped around the words as if they were unsure of the pronunciation. Tilting your head to the side, you found yourself with a mouth full of mud as you looked over at the figure who had slowed and stopped your attempt at defending yourself.
“Where else did they get a horse like this? It’s obviously been trained!”
Another voice. Softer, but still hardened around the edges with ferality.
Definitely Ape, you decided and shut your eyes for a split second as you willed your body not to fail you as you turned to rest onto your stomach, picking yourself up onto your hands and knees, the saliva and blood mixture leaking onto the ground from your open mouth now unable to close properly from mild swelling.
Your… Your satchel! One of them was holding it against their chest and in their arms, your mind flashing back to the moment that Noa had given it to you. The brushing of your fingertips against his own as he handed it over, the reserve he held as you analyzed it and thanked him… Well, if you were going to get killed by a few blood-thirsty Apes, at least you had the satisfaction of that being your last good thought, you muttered sarcastically to yourself. It was torn apart, the curdled nature of your cry mixing into the tearing captivating their attention back to you rather than drawing on about the spearheads and the small pieces of dried fish you had managed to ration over the last three months.
Being picked up by a handful of your hair, your eyes braced shut in preparation of coming face to face with the Apes sent to kill you. Wanting to bitterly thank them for taking you out of your misery, you refrained from making a snappy comment and felt your scalp begin to burn as you were lifted enough to be face to face with whomever was grasping at you. Your mouth parted, lips conforming into a low setting frown as you cried out again, reaching your hand up in some desperate attempt to get them to stop holding you by your hair, to get them to drop you. You were pleading to be dropped back onto the ground as your eyes frantically opened so you could meet your demise.
Human. The eyes were human, even for an Ape. If you had the time to think about it, that was true for all Apes. Their most Human aspect was always the eyes, the gateway to the soul, the shattering of gazes against your face. They had to be green, they were always green, you bargained with yourself. The blurred edges of your vision and periphery were not helping your cause as your eyes shut again, sweeping away the notion of tears as sweat now dropped into your retinas causing you to see red and engage in a fiery sensation against your pupils.
This was it, you thought to yourself. You were… You were going to join your friends who had died a year prior, you were going to have to beg their forgiveness for not being able to save them, you were going to have to come to terms with everything that had happened, all the selfishness you had taken for yourself. Gasping again, you couldn’t bring yourself to open your eyes, suddenly flushed with the known. They were going to kill you and you didn't want to see their face, you didn't want to give them the pure undiluted satisfaction of seeing your eyes, the reflection of their actions in them as they cut your throat open. Noa!
Noa… You straggled your feet below your body once you were lifted completely off the ground by your hair, aiding in the hurt by holding onto their wrists so all the pressures of your body weren’t just hanging on by the grasp they had on your scalp. Noa wasn’t going to know what happened to you. Not that it mattered anymore, not that he cared as he was the one who let you leave, he was the one to do this to you!!
Your mind was going a thousand miles an hour, you weren’t able to focus on one simple thing anymore. Noa did this to you, he… He wanted you to die, just an Echo, afraid, alone… Tears fell from under your eyelids, draping your face into a muddy piece of art as the streaks of salty water scarred down your cheeks. But you couldn’t stop yourself. The idea still remained. You… You wanted him to be happy. You wanted him to… be… happy….You wished… that he would find someone, someone better than you, someone selfless and not self-absorbed.
“You need to tell us where your little Ape town is,” Your breath caught in your throat and you were suddenly placed back on the ground, this time on your knees. The release of your hair didn't come, but the sweet relief of pitch-black death also didn't take over. “And we might just spare your life.”
“We’ve been watching you,” There was suddenly a sharpness against your jugular. Knife. Human. “We know you came from that direction. Sorta… Hoped you’d turn back and go home, but you never did. Did the Apes not like their pet?”
‘I’m surprised they didn't just kill it.’ That was accompanied by a few cackles, your lips furling into a snarl at the implications.
Swallowing hard against the blade, you felt it scapple in just enough to cause a bit of prickled blood to surface under the touch. “Let me go.” Straining that out, you found your voice unrecognizable. It was gruff, you couldn’t really remember the last time you had said something other than a passing phrase to your only companion, your horse. Finally, you let your eyes open and you could see who had their hands on you.
“We really didn't want to hurt you.” It was a male. Dominating and strong in stature, his voice dripping with malice and draped deliciously with unbridled possessiveness. He was dark haired and they were set into dreads and tied up loosely with twine - the easiest way to deal with hair now-a-days when washing was so far and in-between.
His eyes… It had to have been your imagination seeing them green because now, even in the dim lighting coming from your dying fire and the scape of stars and crested moon, they were nothing but black. Drawn around the edges to the point of blown out dilation and they scavenged your face, preening at the cuts along your cheekbones, the blistering welt on your lips and the shell of your ear, painted red. “You know, humans are too rare now-a-days, it’d be a shame to kill such a pretty one.”
Yapping once your hair was released, you crumpled onto the ground, back onto all fours as you began taking in deep and shallow breaths. You couldn’t breathe. You couldn’t think, process, REMEMBER the last time you had actually seen a Human, let alone four. Groups were common, you knew that, you had been a part of one and they tended to stick to larger quantities.
There was safety in numbers, you were told time and time again. Your friends--- your… Your friends had been the last ones, their voices so torn and in the distance of your mind that you found it difficult to recall at all how they must have sounded, but you missed their voices regardless. Grasping the ground below with dirty fingers, your eyes widened with realization as his words finally resonated in his mind.
They were… after the Clan. They wanted to know where the Clan was, most likely to destroy. You scrambled on all fours, trying to tear yourself away from the man in front of you, but before you were able to get very far, your calf, the one that had been tenderly cared for by Noa himself, was dug into, your flesh screaming at you as the knife came into contact with the scar that was already there from your Ape attack.
Right through the fabric of your pants, you looked down shudderingly at the jilted weapon embedded in your body. Crying out as the man grasped right below the knife entry point, he tugged you back towards him and ardently flipped you into your back so he could crouch right next to it, staring down at you without remorse or even recourse to any of his actions against the same species. There were stories of Human groups like this - the most radical minds seeking power over the Apes by forms of aggression. You grew up hearing about them, hearing about the Ape Villages and Colonies being torn to shreds with fire and pillage.
You had just assumed it was a way to scare you as a child, to never fall into that mindset. Apes were to be feared, and they would kill you if you killed one of them. There was no way that Humanity would fall that far… That they were willing to take the Earth back by matters of War. Three-hundred years had done nothing, you yearned your hands out in a bid to grab something to stop yourself from fluttering in and out of lucidity. Without words, the knife in your calf twisted to the right, seeping a bit deeper towards the hilt and then to the left, back upwards. Terror ripped through you at the penetration, your shouts being heard and absorbed happily. “Just tell us where it is and we’ll leave you alone.”
A repeated phrase you imagined he said often. You rested your head back, gritting your teeth, “I-I… Do-Don’t know what the hell you’re---”
In one foul swoop, the knife left your body before entering again, this time on the adjacent calf. As your scar had been slightly numb to feeling and felt incredibly pressurized at being cut open again and you were able to bear the brute force of it, this one left your entire body to convulse against the muddy ground, your hands flying upwards to grab the man’s hand to stop the injury, your eyes pressing into each other as your teeth bared themselves and you let out a drilling and agonistic howl.
Your body lifted itself up in a crunch before you splayed back onto the ground and tired to tear away, even going as far as thinking that if you were fast enough to move your leg, you could shatter your entire calf open to get relief from the torture of being stabbed.
“Be better if you just showed us.” He ampled his touch against the knife. “Or, I guess we could just spank your horse and they’ll take us right where we need to go.” His words were confirmation for you. This… Thing in front of you enjoyed the chase, enjoyed the torture. He was so easily able to just get the horse to take him where he wanted to go but you were being beaten instead, unable to relinquish any information and that just made the thrill all the more high for him.
“No!” You whimpered, lifting your body up but the man pressed onto your shoulders with hardness and you were unable to actually sit. “I-I don’t know wha-what you’re talking about, I’m just tra-traveling on my own!”
There was no point in lying but it felt good to say as if you were protecting the Clan itself. Demise was coming, for you, for them… Tears flushed into your eyes at that. The Clan, so beautiful and encased in your memory… In flames, your hands grasping at the ashes and tearing them against your face in a desperate bid to save them. Noa… Noa… He'd hate you, even more than he already did. All his suspicions about you would become valid in his eyes. The fear he had to trust you justified as Humans remarked into his village and destroyed everything he had sorely fought for after his Father passed.
He'd hate you.
Noa would hate you, probably for the rest of his life.
Lips parting as you tried to gasp for some air, you thought... How much you hated yourself.
“Y-you may as well just kill me.” You grunted finally, ashamed of the indication that your words gave. You knew the way back to the Clan, you hadn’t left the area, unable to grasp a concept at leaving what you had known for so long, even before you were offered refuge. Realizing now, you had made a mistake. You should have mounted the horse and trailed off into the unknown. You shouldn’t have been scared, you shouldn’t have been afraid but a smaller part of you stayed in hopes that he’d… He’d…
A coughed cry left your lips as you felt like you were drowning on your own spit. You stayed nearby because you wanted Noa to come for you. In your delusions, he always came for you. Even the first time, even when you didn't know each other and you were so convinced that he was going to kill you. Even now.
Your eyes looked at the man in front of you once more and out of the corner of your eye you swore you saw the fluttering nature of an Eagle perched in the trees of darkness. That close to death, you thought morbidly, that you were seeing things.
It wasn’t the Apes, you realized with momentous waves of sickness flooding all your senses. From the way that your eyes blurred, the way that your fingers and toes felt numb like they weren’t getting enough blood flow, your hearing was shot from the impact your head took against the tree…
It wasn’t the Apes you needed to be afraid of. It was Man.
●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・●・●・○・ TAGLIST:
@ohwaitimthewriter @hera-annwn @saturnnie-03 @filliandkili
@hadesbabygurl @supergoat12 @moonchild1433
@kaenalsha @unsteady-bitch @whamsworld
@yummyfanta @nuhteyam @babylockley @edynmeyer1  @callsignwidow 
144 notes · View notes
starshideurfics · 3 days
Buzzed, Buzzing - part 2
part 1
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Buzzed, Buzzing
JQ, you can’t go dropping TWO horny photoshoots on us in less than a week!
steddie, omegaverse, Buzzed part 2, mdni 🔞
Finally being with Eddie is a dream. At least for the week he’s in town, fully foregoing Steve’s guest room and its comfy mattress.
Instead, it’s a week of Eddie wrapped around Steve each night, skin touching skin, bodies sated in a bone-deep way Steve’s never felt before.
A week of waking up to Eddie’s lips on his neck, to whispers of, “Morning, Puppy,” and sleepy yawns, arms tugging him closer and closer.
A week of Robin saying, “I’m happy for you, truly, but could you try going five minutes without swapping spit?!” only for Eddie to look her dead in the eye and lick whatever part of Steve is closest to his mouth.
A week of Steve floating on a cloud of affection and hormones.
Then Eddie has to leave, head to Chicago and buckle down for long days filming.
Steve mopes their whole last morning, sneaking shirts out of Eddie’s suitcase until the alpha relents and dumps out his dirty laundry. “Put ‘em all in your nest, I can get new shirts.”
Steve purrs, gathers the shirts, and herds Eddie back to his room for a last quickie before Eddie’s Uber arrives.
Being apart sucks. They videochat daily, text constantly, but Steve still misses Eddie every second he’s gone. So, he’s back where he started, mooning over pics on his phone, scenting at Eddie’s boxers as he works three fingers into his aching pussy.
He’s holding out, but Steve is counting down the days until shooting wraps, when Eddie would fly straight to Indy.
Steve’s on his lunch break, typing out a response to Eddie’s latest text as he shove pretzel thins and hummus in his mouth, when his phone starts buzzing.
Robin is calling, from the other end of the building. “Hey, Robbie, need me to get you a coke zero?” he asks instead of saying hello.
“Don’t tell me you got rid of your Munson-stalking web alert, because that’s the only reason I can think of for why you aren’t freaking out!”
He did, not really needing it when he has Eddie checking in with him at least hourly. “What? Robin, I’m texting with Eddie right now, what do you think I missed?”
“Just, look him up; your ADHD gremlin boyfriend probably forgot to mention it!”
Steve opens google, starts typing Eddie’s name and only gets as far as “ED” before autofill finishes it for him.
A new photoshoot and accompanying interview. Steve gets caught by a photo of Eddie eating a peach. It’s such a thirst trap, but it makes Steve smile.
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Besides, there are other notes, but Steve’s scent has always been peach-forward. It might be a coincidence. Steve doesn’t think it is.
He reads the interview; about his current project, lots on the movie coming out next month that filmed a year ago, and his costars including a chill cat.
But right under the peach picture is a question about his personal life, how he stays grounded and connected when he’s constantly moving around for work. 
Eddie starts, as he always does, with Wayne, his friends, his charity work, the arts scholarship he funds.
“The truth is that it’s all for my partner. Like, I want to put good into the world, help kids like me who didn’t have the best start in life, but my focus is on being good enough for him, being the kind of person he can be proud of.” 
The journalist asks him to elaborate.
She writes about Eddie’s smile, the small one where he averts his gaze, emotions too big to share. “I dunno, just that he’s got me beat by a mile—he’s a teacher, middle school, you know, the worst time in a kid’s life. And he loves it!”
More words on Eddie’s laugh and kind eyes.
“So, yeah, the people I love, the people who love me, that’s how I keep my head on straight. That’s what it’s all about, right? Family, friends. Pack.”
Steve’s vision goes blurry on the last little paragraph. He wipes the tears from his eyes and pulls out his phone.
Just read the article! I’ve always been proud of you ❤️
Three little dots appear immediately to show Eddie’s typing, but they disappear and instead Steve’s phone buzzes with a call.
“I forgot that was coming out today! I should have warned you!”
Steve grins. “It’s okay.”
“It’s not, but thank you. And it wasn’t too much? I’m trying to keep my private life private, but if I can’t talk to you, I wanna talk about you. All the time. Because I fucking miss you, Puppy.”
“It’s okay,” Steve reiterates. “I miss you, too. So much. Wish you were here.”
The whine he lets out makes Eddie chuckle, low and dark. “Wish I had you here, could show you how much I miss you. At least you’ve got some new visual aides, but maybe tonight, when I call you could show me… Get your fingers wet for me.”
Steve lets out another breathy whine. “Yeah, want that.” He presses his legs together, tries to tamp down the feelings of desire before he gets too wet at work. “Miss your fingers, though.”
“Good,” Eddie husks. Steve can hear him lick his lips, so he knows Eddie’s nervous. “And it was supposed to be a surprise. But I’ve got the weekend off. My flight gets in at 9 on Friday night.”
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typicalopposite · 3 days
Ooooooo just thought of some double angst potential
Gerrard is giving Buck a really hard time… like just absolutely not letting up on him. It’s worse on him than everyone else but he does it enough in the shadows to make sure Buck is the only one to realize it. He can read Buck like an open book, he knows he won’t tell… everyone else is having to deal with Gerrard’s bullshit, too. So what if he is getting the blunt end of it. Better him than them.
Buck is left exhausted.
Tommy clocks it immediately.
He begs Buck to go to someone. Go to Frank, surely he can pull some strings. Go to the chief, he didn’t like Gerrard swooping in and stealing Bobby’s job anyway. Go to his team, they will 100% rally together with him.
Buck insists everything is fine. He can handle it; its under control. No one needs to fight his battle for him, and he doesn’t want his problem to become everyone else’s problem…
So Tommy lets it go… kind of.
He goes to Bobby.
He feels grimey going behind Bucks back but he doesn’t know what to do and Bobby is already working with the higher ups—who’s heads were all gone over in the whole scheme to keep Bobby gone—to get his family back. So that’s how Tommy ends up outside the house Bobby and Athena are renting.
“What do you mean Gerrard’s doing something to Buck…” Bobby asks, voice low and threatening in a way Tommy doesn’t think he’s ever heard it before. He’s instantly up and looking for his keys.
“Wait, stop!” Tommy blocks the door and Bobby gives him a warning look, and yeah… Tommy sees that adopted father/son feeling definitely goes both ways. “I don’t even know if I’m right about this… Buck won’t talk to me. He won’t talk to anyone.”
Flash forward and Bobby meets Buck for lunch. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen Buck look so empty and distant. He just wants to hug him and tell him it is all going to get fixed—he doesn’t know if it is… he’s trying but this all seems so much bigger than just an alleged discipline deficit…
“Talk to me, kid…” Bobby finally says. “Whatever is going on… we can work through it… you don’t have to deal with it—”
“Alone?” Buck finishes for him. He turns bloodshot tired eyes up to Bobby and lets out a halfhearted laugh. “How can you even sit there and say that to me like it’s not exactly what you did…”
“Hey, that’s…”
“Don’t you dare say it’s different!” And then his eyes are tearing up and he’s shoving back from tables and storming off… but Bobby knows that the only thing he has to show for trying to keep his problems away from the people he cared about… was a slew of new problems that directly affected the very people he was trying to protect.
“Buck stop!” He yells and jumps up from the table to catch him. Buck stops walking; Bobby could swear he looks relieved when he turns back around. “You’re right, kid… I hid a big thing from you—from all of you… and I was wrong. It was stupid, and selfish… and it backfired big time,” he offers a smile… Buck gives one back. “Don’t make the same mistakes I did. If something is bothering you… speak up.”
So it turns out Gerrard singled out the one person who—in his words—had already “turned his back on his team”. He’s been trying to get information of the others, on Bobby… hell even on members from other stations (Harbor specifically included) who have helped them in the past with their brave(read: illegal) escapades. Buck won’t give in; Gerrard won’t give up. He is trying everything to get under Bucks skin from just the horrid homophobic slurs… the blatant racism he has Buck terrified to speak up on… putting far to much of a work load on his shoulders… to getting his hands on Tommy’s schedule just so he can make sure Bucks never lines up.
Bobby is LIVID… he won’t let this man—this monster—get away with this. “We’re gonna get rid of him once and for all…” he vows to Buck.
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turbulentscrawl · 2 days
Since the topic of body hcs and body hair hcs overall...may I ask what do you think survivors smell like? I've seen some people differ and I just wanna know your thoughts ;w;
Also, we've gotta be honest. They *will* stink at times, specially after matches. But hey that's only but natural so *shrugs*.
They definitely smell more distinct than I think we'd be used to in general, yeah. And I DON'T think most of them smell unique enough to say how they're different from others, specifically, but there are a few things to consider, if we're looking at it a little more realistically:
More regular cleanliness was becoming normal in the 1800s, when most of the survivors were from, but the actual frequency of bathing varied by class and career. Showering daily still was not common until the 1900s, though. Even without any concerns about water supply in the manor, I would imagine most of them average a full clean-up maybe twice a week? A little more for those who get into actual filth on their days off. (looking at Emma, since she digs in the dirt and spend a lot of time outside.)
Deodorent was not invented until 1888, and didn't become popular until the 1930s or so. And most early deodorents didn't come with much in the way of additional scents, rather they just killed bacteria that caused excess body odors. Most of the people in the manor would not have used this, except perhaps the latest arrivals like Frederick and Alice. Instead, before deodorant, people took steps like shaving their underarms to prevent more sweat and bad scents, and used products like perfume and talcum powder to freshen up and get rid of odors.
Fancier soaps were around in the 1800s, but were used sparingly and economically. The lower class especially would have made their own ashen lye soap to bathe and wash their clothes. (Which, if you've never smelled unscented lye soap, is not pleasant to the nose imo. It's a bit of a pungent chemical smell, mixed with the scent of whatever the soap base was, which was usually lard and olive oil.) More expensive soaps could have been made from things like almond oil, coconut oil, or goat's milk, plus herbs or extracts for something much better smelling.
There's not a ton of hard labor to do in the manor, which would keep some people from working up so much of a sweat, but there's not likely an AC there. On the plus side, I don't imagine there's too much weather fluctuation in the manor for the sake of keeping the passage of time as confusing as possible, which also means it's not getting too hot. Most of the temperature changes you experience would be on the maps. I also don't think a lot of the Hunters would sweat! Any of those who have been dead and were brought back probably don't perspire anymore, though they may have the slightest hint of something off about them.
In short...yeah there's definitely more BO than we're used to in most modern settings. Most of the people in the manor are going to smell pretty natural--which won't always be offensive to the nose, mind you, since they say the smell of someone who's right for you will smell GOOD--plus some talcum/baby power or perfume scents to 'soften the blow' a bit. (Though it wasn't really in fashion to DROWN yourself in perfume by most of these peoples' time, so I think only a few people might lay it on too thick. Mary or Vera, for instance.)
And some people probably maintain very small scent hints about their professions or lives before the manor, just to distinguish them up close. Luchino has a touch of carbolic acid on his clothes, from sterilizing tools in the lab. Norton still smells of coal and minerals, just a touch. Victor smells a bit like sun-heated dog due to walking around outside all day with Wick, and Ithaqua like snowy pine trees from his years wandering and guarding winter woods. You get the idea.
I won't say who I think smells the worst or the best because that;s just too subjective--especially since I've revealed I don't like the smell of lye which is probably what most of them would have used LOL. But I'm definitely not one to say 'let's fully suspend our disbelief and say Naib smells freshly showered and uses Old Spice 😜'.
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lilianalovespink · 3 days
just thinking about....
sunshine × grumpy but it's Simon × reader and it ends... Badly.
CW-; Toxic! Simon, Reader is punished for having normal emotions, implied Suicide
☆You're this excited, lively, cheerful thing that Simon watches from afar, not daring to get close.
☆He always watches you when he's home from missions, he knows nothing about your personal life (like your name or family situation), but he does know your favourite scent based off what shampoo you buy at the, to him, far too large drug store you frequent.
☆And you're so sweet, so funny, he always sees you out and about with a smile on your face and surrounded by other people. Even when you're alone, you're on your phone seemingly texting or chatting with friends.
☆ A kind soul like no other, you crinkle your pretty nose when people cut in line or harass others, always speaking out against it.
☆ You're everything he isn't. Sweet, funny, cheerful, honest and with a strong sense for justice and he's scared that, should he get close, you'll be ruined by him. So he stays away. And despite him being a man of his size, build and amount of scar tissue, you don't notice him at your favourite stores or on the bus you take.
☆ He finds comfort in it, in the stability you and your cheerful little self being when he's home. He thinks that, watching you and observing your habits is more calming and helps him sleep better than his melatonin does.
☆ But then he notices a change. Gradual and slow, but your alone much more often until he sees you go weeks without meeting your friends. Your other habits stay the same, but they feel like you're doing them out of routine, the smile only coming on when you talk to other people but never there when you're alone.
☆ And when he finds you sitting on the playground swing set in the late evening, just staring at the sand, tears in your eyes, he knows that something is wrong.
☆ Suddenly that bubble you seemed to float in, that air of joy and airheaded-ness you had about you is no longer a bubble, but a metal cage, keeping you trapped. He can see how miserable you are, sniffling into your jacket sleeve before full blown tears cascade down your face.
☆ And that Sunshine-Aura that protected you from his greedy, rough hands is gone. So he finally approaches.
☆ Of course you recognize him, but you don't seem to suspect anything is wrong until he's got you in his apartment, sitting on the smoke stained couch, sobbing into your hands.
☆ You had had a falling out with nearly all your friends, he soon learns, and you're so lonely. Not at all what his little sunshine used to be.
☆ And he promises to be there for you, because he feels bad for you. You've been calming him all this time, helping him, he feels obliged to help you.
☆ Little did he know how quickly he'd grow tired of you. All your energy and positivity is either gone and you're a sniffling mess, or it seems obsessively fixated on him. Where'd his happy girl go? The excited little sunshine always out to help others, but never clingy, always just a ray of sunshine, temporary and yet incredibly pleasant.
☆ But when the sun stays for too long, it gets too hot to fast. And no one likes that, Simon thinks. When the sunshine is too focused on one spot, and lasts too long, that spot burns. Ants under a magnifying glass. And he hates it. Makes his skin itch.
☆So, now he doesn't want to get rid of you, he's hoping with enough help you'll return back to your old self, find new friends, be a happy little sunshine who never even looks at him, but he also doesn't like being around you.
☆ He leaves to go on Missions more often than what is required, leaving you all alone and each time he comes back, you're like a starved little puppy, hungry for his attention and it makes him nauseous.
☆Why are you so needy? You're supposed to be a free spirited, positive little sunshine, not whatever this is. Be positive and optimistic and emotional, don't cling to him.
☆And he can't help but let it show. Luckily, he thinks, you're a bit stupid, so you can't tell he doesn't like this, that is unleash he comes back from one of his missions and he cannot deal with your desperation so, he kicks you out.
☆"Don't have the energy for you. Barely 'ave enough for myself." He reasons as you stand there, little heart shattered as you stumble out of his apartment and he finally takes a breather.
☆ He's hoping that you'll finally move on from him and get all positive again, give him something nice to watch but... That's not what you do. At first, he pays no attention to you. He sometimes sees you, here and there, and you look... Fine. No big changes in your appearance, so he assumes you're fine.
★ When he comes home from his next mission, he's almost relieved to see you seem to be moving out, your things being taken out of your apartment. But you're nowhere to be seen.
★It isn't until he, almost on accident, stumbles across your name in the newspaper that he knows what happened, his eyes wide, hands gripping the paper tightly.
★This wasn't right. You were a ray of sunshine and he stayed away, he didn't ruin you, so why... But he knows why. Sunshine is temporary. As pleasant as it feels on his scarred skin, it isn't meant to stay. Eventually, night falls. He just didn't know that the sunshine wouldn't rise again.
★ And as guilty as he kind of wishes he would feel, he doesn't. You're another weight onto the crippling guilt of having killed as many as he does, and he won't feel the sunlight again without thinking of you, but that doesn't mean his world stops turning. He's a lieutenant through and through. He'll keep marching.
https://988lifeline.org/ (<-if you're struggling, please seek out help.)
(AN; before you try to come @ me for anything, I'm writing this out of the perspective of someone who has struggled with suicide & my mental health in general. I'm not trying to romanticize it, or use it as a way to portray someone in a certain way, it's not a story device, it's an ending because I've been struggling with thoughts like these, and I feel like somehow, writing it down in a fictional scenario helps.)
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mariaofdoranelle · 23 hours
so ummmmm........will we be blessed with more of the booty-call dare????? asking for a friend (me) ❤️👀😍❤️👀👀
Leia, my love, there is NOTHING I wouldn’t write for you. Especially when I’m having this much fun heheheh
The Booty-Call Dare - part 2
Read part 1 here!
Warnings: physical injury
Words: 1,6k
Rowan hung up his phone, confused and a little dizzy after Aelin’s call.
He barely paid any attention to the weight he was lifting in the bench press, that phone call took all the space in his mind.
In the years they’ve been friends, Rowan never, ever even dared to expect her to booty-call him. Not that he didn’t want it, of course.
It wasn’t news that Rowan had a crush on Aelin—who didn’t?
He grunted through the burning in his arms, it seemed like today was one of those rare days in which gym failed to empty his brain.
And then something dawned on him, like he was finally able to see through the mist: Aelin had just scheduled what sounded very explicitly like a hookup, about 58 minutes from now. For whatever reason, out of all the hang outs they had, tonight she needed him naked—in her own words, to ‘bang’.
In the few times he dared to entertain the thought of something romantic happening between them, Rowan never thought she’d just call him and very bluntly—
Wait, what the fuck was he still doing here at the gym?
At the exact same moment realization hit, Rowan lost his grip on the weight and watched as it crashed on his chest.
At first he winced at the sudden crushing feeling, but quickly rolled the barbell off his torso. Rowan had no time to be in pain—he needed to get his ass home and get rid of this post-gym horrid smell for Aelin.
Rowan only noticed the two gym bros that ran to help him when they were already pulling the weight off him. He showed his appreciation in brief words—he had somewhere to go, after all.
“Dude, you okay?” one of the guys asked, brows furrowed in concern as he watched Rowan get up and leave.
He would be in about 57 minutes.
The following hour was a blur. One quarter of it was the longest shower of his life, but between driving home, cleaning the apartment, changing his bedsheets and getting the wine ready, Rowan barely had time to look at himself in the mirror before Aelin got there.
She didn’t say anything at first, just looked at him with a small smirk from under her lashes in a way that made his brain short-circuit. In a red wrap dress with her natural hair falling in gentle waves over her shoulders, she looked like present from the gods, wrapped just for him. She took a small step forward, hesitantly watching him, and that’s when Rowan lost his patience.
He gently pulled her face to his, one hand on her cheek and another on her neck, and watched it as her eyes slowly closed, her mouth soft and ready for him. When their lips touched—shit, feeling her pillowy lips was almost too much, and so far from that he used to imagine.
Aelin brushed her hands over his chest to his shoulder without breaking them apart, which made him stiffen, but he roughened up the kiss so she wouldn’t notice. Whatever happened at the gym, he could brush aside for a few hours. Rowan could die tomorrow, but he was still fucking Aelin tonight.
But then she put both hands on his chest again and literally pushed him inside the house, which brought a sharp burst of pain. He masked his flinch by turning around to lock the house, but it was enough to buy him time. One not-so-deep breath, one good wince and he turned back around to her, ready to go.
“Hi,” she said in a suggestive tone he’d never heard before—maybe he heard another girl use it, but never so perfect, so Aelin.
“Hey, yourself,” Rowan whispered, tugging her hair behind her ear.
Aelin’s hand went from her hair to the ends of his shoulders, and instead of basking on the motion, he went rigid, too worried she might slide her hands over his chest again.
She stopped almost immediately, her head tilting in confusion. “You good?”
“Perfect.” Rowan leaned to kiss her again, but stopped halfway. “You good?”
“Perfect.” Aelin gave him an intimate, radiant smile and resumed their kiss.
She tugged him by the neck, leaning her back against the wall and bringing him with her. This kiss felt more heated, it felt like something shifted as Rowan bit her lip and Aelin pulled the short strands of his hair, as if that torturous hunger for each other alone made the world stop.
She took the air out of his lungs in a way that made it physically impossible to breathe, and that’s how perfect his Fireheart felt tonight.
While sucking the skin of his neck, she fumbled with the buttons of his short-sleeved shirt and gaped when it was wide open.
“Rowan, your chest—“
“I know,” he said and kissed her again. Rowan took good care of his body, he wasn’t shy about it.
“No, that’s not…” Aelin pushed him back gently this time and stared into his chest with widened eyes.
He looked down to find that an explosion of red and purple adorned his chest, in a shape that resembled the barbell that fell on him an hour ago.
“This looks like some fighting pit shit,” Aelin murmured, then looked straight into his eyes and snapped, “You’re not fucking around with that, are you?”
Because of her visible distress, Rowan told her a cleaner, less horny version of his story.
“A weight—what weight?” Aelin sized the bruise across his chest and asked, “That one you do with two hands? How heavy was it?”
“Heavy.” Giving her the real answer wouldn’t help on his case.
Aelin squeezed her eyes shut and her shoulders dropped with a heavy sigh, as if whatever she was considering pained her.
“Put your shirt back on.”
“I— what?”
She picked his shirt from the floor and stood behind him to help him get dressed. “Try not to move your torso, just—“ Rowan thrust his arms out behind him to aid her, but it only made her curse under her breath and urge him to be careful.
The prospect of fucking Aelin must’ve worked like an adrenaline shot, because once it was off the table, his ribs started hurting like a bitch. The doctor put him on painkillers now, which turned excruciating pain into a discomfort of sorts.
Trapped in this ER—more precisely, between one wall and three sides of the privacy curtain the nurse had closed—Rowan was glad he had Aelin to look at. She only left his side when absolutely required to, during his X-Ray, and now waited for the results with him, on a chair while he sat on a hospital bed, naked from the waist up.
They didn’t talk much, not if he excluded the amount of times she called him an idiot for dropping that weight; in fact, the last real conversation they had was that godsdamned phone call. Apart from holding his hand and some casual touches here and there, Rowan had no idea where he stood with her anymore. Every look she gave him was a kaleidoscope of worry and appreciation and something else he couldn’t pinpoint, it was absolutely nerve-wrecking now that his mental energy wasn’t channeled into his own physical pain.
Rowan cleared his throat. “About our phone call.”
“What about it?”
He looked down at that bruise that looked worse by the minute. “I’m pretty sure this thing is gonna compromise my performance tonight.”
Aelin blinked, her face morphing in a way that ‘disbelief’ didn’t sound enough to what she seemed to feel.
“Rowan, you’re injured. There won’t be a performance at all.”
Shit. He suspected that might happen, but he didn’t anticipate this crumpling weight on his chest when the answer finally came.
He had one chance, one job to do. And he fucking ruined it.
“I’m sorry. I know I won’t be able to do that in a way you deserve and…” Rowan pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to think of a way to screw this up less than he already did. “Do you think we can at least salvage the friendship?”
Aelin tilted her head, a silent sign that she lost him.
Feeling his cheeks heat, Rowan explained, “You have… urges that I can’t meet in the timeframe you need me to.”
“What? No!” She straightened in her seat and kept strong eye contact as she said, “I booty-called you. It’s a sacred rite in modern society, I can’t un-booty-call you now.
Rowan was about to put his own desire aside and call out that insane logic when the sound of Dr. Towers opening their privacy curtain interrupted the conversation.
Black sheet against luminous board, two imperceptible stripes disturbing the transparent that symbolized his bones meant that he was fucked. Two broken bones, two women glaring at him in that curtained cubicle; Dr. Towers had a bland, teacher-like sort of death stare, but he avoided meeting Aelin’s—especially when the doctor warned that his tiny fracture could’ve been much worse, given the amount of weight he lifted.
“I want you in bed for a week, in the very least. The pain you feel will tell a lot of what to do and when, but no strenuous activities for the next six weeks.”
Aelin raised her hand to ask, “What about strenuous activities in bed?”
“Well, that depends on how strenuous this activity is,” the doctor said, struggling not to laugh. “Let’s give it two to three weeks if you go easy on him.”
Dr. Towers put too much faith in him. Rowan would easily break two more ribs just to fuck Aelin tonight.
A/N: 🕊️ goodbye goodbye goodbye their fuckfest was bigger than the whole sky 🕊️
You can get notified when I update by either turning notifications on for @mariaofdoranelle-fics or entering my (sometimes glitchy) tag list!!
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lonely-parrot · 3 days
Just you and me
@jegulus-microfic june prompts
Day 18: Date
Word count : 772
Summary: James desperately tries to get Reg on a date, but the poor sap as trust issues/ quick angst, fluffy ending
Regulus has had a lot of fun these last few weeks.
Every day his bookshop is open, at four p.m., James enters the door with a pastry and a coffee in his hand – and most importantly, a sunny smile. And every day he gives them to Regulus, while asking this single question: “hey, wouldn’t you like to go on a date, just you and me?”
And every time, Regulus answers no.
Regulus kind of hates himself sometimes.
Because it’s fun to see James pouts, and it’s fun to see him offer his treat anyway, and to hear him chats Regulus’ ears off until 5 p.m., but he’d like, oh, how he’d like to say yes to James. To say, take me wherever you want, take me however you want, let me forget I can’t trust anyone.
He doesn’t trust people to stay. The only person he trusted with all his heart was his brother and…
He can’t trust.
But James comes back. He asks the question, and when the answer comes, inevitably, he doesn’t stay mad. He talks, he talks. And by the end of his visits, he always buys a book.
“You know,” he says one day to Regulus, who leans closer to him, he can’t help it, he always leans closer to James, “I have bought so many books, that I think I’ll be forced to buy another appartement, just to be able to stack them all up.”
 Regulus is helpless when it comes to James, James Potter since he finally was able to learn the man’s last name, something that shouldn’t have warmed his heart so much.
James comes, again and again, probably ruining himself by the number of books and pastries he bought in a year, and Regulus is stuck in his ‘no’ pattern, and he wants to say yes, but he can’t. He never will be.
And, then, one day, James doesn’t come.
Regulus should have seen it coming. A year of James Potter. A year with the sun had to come to an end, right? Regulus doesn’t deserve the sun. Regulus Black doesn’t deserve good.
But, maybe, James just had to work, that day.
Maybe, because you know, it’s weird for someone to always be free.
Right. That must be that.
It must be, because he doesn’t come the next day either, and he can’t leave Regulus. He can’t. Regulus knows people easily get rid of him. He doesn’t matter to anyone, but James Potter spent one hour of almost every day to talk to Regulus. So, he had to matter at a point? Or was he just a game James got tired of playing?
No. He must be working.
Why hasn’t he said yes? How difficult was it?
Why hasn’t he asked for his phone numbers during all the year they spent side by side?
Maybe he’s dead.
Regulus checks the news, the paper.
No James Potter appears.
“I’m sorry, I should’ve warned you.”
James is here. James. Is. Here. Regulus doesn’t breathe. He’s mad. And relieved; he’s still alive.
“I… I don’t think I can keep up with the asking you on a date thing. It was too much. For me. I’m sorry. I should’ve realised it sooner. But… I still really like you. Maybe, we could be friends? I bothered you for a year and I didn’t even get your number. I’m sorry. Maybe you don’t want me to be your friend. I haven’t been the best human being.”
“Your silence speaks for itself. I’m going.”
He walks towards the door.
“I really would have loved to love you.”
He leaves the shop.
Regulus is alone.
He just had to say yes.
He’s in a movie in a mere second. He runs. It rains.
James is still under it, getting soaked, his eyes are red, and Regulus thinks he’s been crying.
James’ body freezes.
“I… I want to go on a date with you. You and me. Yes.”
James turns. His messy hair are slack on his head, but he’s still as beautiful as ever.
“Did you say what I heard you say?”
“Yes. James, I have a question for you…”
James looks at him, through his wet glasses.
“Hey, wouldn’t you like to go on a date, just you and me?”
James is crying, but he’s running, not in the opposite direction but towards Regulus. He’s running and he stops a centimetre before colliding into Regulus.
“Yes. Can I hug you?”
Regulus nods, and when James’ arms encircle him, it feels like the world is righting itself up. Regulus breathes for the first time ever, his nose in James’ neck.
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holylulusworld · 15 hours
Indecent Proposal (23)
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Summary: Your boyfriend wants to be part of their empire. You are the pawn he’s willing to sacrifice.
Pairing: Mobster!Stucky x fem!Reader
Characters: M'Baku
Warnings: established Stucky, caring mobsters, pregnant reader, polyamory, fluff, angst, implied character’s death, gore (blood, multiple stabbing), implied torture
Indecent Proposal (22)
Indecent Proposal masterlist
Please heed the warnings for this part!
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“What do think, Alpine? Will your daddies come back soon? It’s been a few hours now,” you press the white furball to your chest. You nuzzle the cat’s head and sigh. “You’re very fluffy. No wonder Bucky likes you so much.”
Alpine allows you to place them in your lap. The cat repeatedly nuzzles your swollen belly and purrs low in its throat. “You like the babies already, huh? I bet you will love it when they grab you with their chubby hands.”
You chuckle. “Be patient, sweetie. They won’t hurt you, promised. Maybe they want to cuddle you. You’re just so…fluffy and pretty.”
Kissing the cat’s head you sniffle. “Do you think they are alright? I hope so. I can’t raise two kids knowing their daddies are…” You shake your head. “No. We don’t think about it, Y/N. Steve and Bucky promised to come back to you, and they will.”
Alpine lifts its head to look at you. The white furball meows loudly before lying back down. “You think so too, right Alpine? Soon they will be back.”
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“Come on, do your worst,” Rumlow laughs in Bucky’s face. He knows this is the end, but he won’t go down crying. “I have the truth on my side.”
“You see,” Bucky presses the tip of his knife into Rumlow’s chest, drawing the first droplets of blood. “I get that you wanted to avenge the woman you loved.” He circles Rumlow, while M’Baku aims his handgun at his head to make sure Rumlow doesn’t try anything stupid.
“I would’ve done the same if anyone harmed Steve, and I did,” Bucky stops right in front of Rumlow to ram his knife into the man’s shoulder. Rumlow winces when Bucky twists the knife. “I showed mercy when she tried to get rid of my husband.”
“Mercy,” Rumlow spits in Bucky’s face. “She’s dead!”
“Yeah, because that bitch was batshit crazy!” M’Baku growls. “Bucky and I had to drag her off Steve! She was like a feral animal only because Bucky’s dick was too good.”
“Thanks, man,” Bucky laughs at M’Baku’s comment. “I appreciate your praise, but we have more important things to do right now.”
“Buck—” Steve huffs.
“What I tried to tell you is that I understand where you are coming from, Rumlow,” Bucky slides the knife back out. He watches the blood paint Rumlow’s shirt red.
“But, you didn’t go after us,” Steve rams another knife into Rumlow’s side, stabbing him twice before retracting the knife. “You tried to not only kill our wife, but our unborn children too.”
“Stop toying with that piece of shit. He’s not worth your time. Bastard tried to kill the sweet woman and her babies because his girlfriend found a better dick and went crazy.”
In the background, the rest of the men chuckle. M’Baku is not wrong. There is no use in wasting time on Rumlow and his unjustified revenge campaign.
Rumlow wheezes, he feels lightheaded. He’s close to passing out when Bucky slaps him across the face. “Don’t you dare pass out on me? You won’t get away so easily. What kind of man goes after a woman and her unborn babies?”
“A pathetic little man not getting over the fact his woman wanted something more than him,” Steve wraps his hand around Rumlow’s throat from behind. “You see, no one gets in between me, Bucky, and Y/N. Not you. Not your girl. No one.”
“You made one mistake,” Bucky twirls the knife before stabbing Rumlow’s other shoulder, “you came to our town and tried to hurt what belongs to us.”
“You don’t hurt a woman to avenge another,” Steve whispers in Rumlow’s ear as he slowly sinks his knife into Rumlow’s back. “Do you know why Bucky let her go after she tried to kill me?” He twists the knife meanly. “Because he would never hurt a woman.”
“To be fair, I killed that fake nurse,” Bucky smirks darkly. He twists the knife, earning a yelp from Rumlow. “I don’t know if it was your idea, or hers. But that one is on you. I’d never killed her if she didn’t try to kill our wife and babies.”
“Buck let’s end this,” Steve looks at his husband. He doesn’t want to drag Rumlow’s end out. “We are done here, aren’t we.”
“Not yet…”
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You hear voices, and then heavy footsteps. Your heartbeat quickens and you hold your breath. Is this the moment you’ve been waiting for, or did your men’s enemies win the upper hand?
“Alpine, you punk,” Bucky curses in front of the bedroom. “Why are you wearing a diamond necklace? Hey, did you rob our wife?”
Steve chuckles while his husband fights with Alpine over the necklace. “Well, it suits the furry beast.”
“STEVIE! BUCKY!” You open the door to look at your men. Bucky is busy tugging at the necklace around Alpine’s neck while Steve watches his husband with amusement. “You’re back!”
Looking them up and down you frown. They look uninjured and are in a good mood. It seems everything went according to plan. “Why did you not call? Me and Alpine were worried sick. You missed lunch, and dinner!”
Hands on your hips you rant about missed dinners, worrying you and the poor cat, and anything in between.
“Aw, we have missed you too, Y/N,” Steve takes the chance to hug you first. His husband is still busy scolding the poor cat for stealing your necklace. “I see you found a way to kill the time.”
“Alpine kept me company. Giving the pretty kitty my diamond necklace was the least I could do. Doesn’t Alpine look good? I brushed their fur, and we watched movies together.” You hide your face in Steve’s chest, inhaling his scent deeply. “You smell good, Stevie.”
“I smell good too, baby doll,” Bucky pecks your neck. He hides that Steve and he showered and changed clothes after disposing of Rumlow’s body. “How can we make things up to you?”
You smirk. “I know a way…”
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violet3006 · 2 days
Love Potion
Jason and Y/n have been childhood friends for a long time. After coming back from the dead, Jason realized his feelings for Y/n were more than a childhood friend.Everyone knows this, but Y/n that was until Jason was hit with a love potion.
Jason X Childhood Reader [Male]
Y/n was the only one Jason truly wanted to see when he was brought back. The moment he was brought back and was thrown out into the world, he ran straight to him, looking for him. The moment he found him, it was a whole bear hug so tight that Y/n was struggling to breathe. He only let go after Dick told him that Y/n was turning blue.
Dick and Y/N were hanging out at Y/N's place. Dick was telling Y/n all his regrets for letting Jason go that day while Y/n listened to his cries. After all these years, Y/n struggled to handle the loss of his childhood friend, but with others struggling, he didn’t want to burden them.
So he listens to Dick, not noticing the sounds of his window opening as a whole ass man jumps on top of him, squeezing the shit out of him as he struggles. He recalls Jason always reminding him to lock his window no matter how high his apartment was, but this very moment he regrets not listening to his dear friend.
Dick, noticing that Y/N was turning blue, turned to the stranger and shouted to let Y/N go, explaining that Y/n couldn’t breathe, and that seemed to do the trick as the unknown man let go of Y/N.
"Y/n, Im so sorry.” He held Y/n up, trying to see if the man was still breathing. After seeing Y/n move, he brought him down to face him, smiling like a complete idiot while facing Y/n.
"Uh, sir, mind letting me go?” came Y/N's voice, trying to breathe, but instead of letting go, Jason held up his hand to Y/N's face as he moved his hand slowly to Y/N's lips. Y/n watch this whole process all while trying to recall any memories of this man.
“It’s me,” Jason said, noticing the confused man. “It’s me, my love,” he repeated.
Y/n steps back for a bit, hearing the nickname.
The only person allowed to call him was his beloved childhood friend. Feeling a bit pissed, he was going to punch the dude until
"Idiot, it's me. It's Jason, your Jason,” he repeated once again.
“My Jason?” Confused, he looked up at the man.
"Yes, it's me, your Jason. I’m back, and you can’t get rid of me,” he said, hugging him, trying to keep the tears inside.
“My Jason…n-no.” Trying to keep his voice stable, he tried to reach for his face, trying to see if it was actually him.
"Yes, you dumb dumb." Jason couldn’t hold it in anymore. As tears poured down, he let go of Y/N as Y/N reached for his mask.
With a shaking hand, he brought the mask down and was met with deep blue eyes staring right at him.
“Y-you…YOU IDIOT” as y/n cried, Jason couldn’t help but hold him tight so tightly. “Don’t leave me again, you idiot." After awhile of crying, he held him so tightly, thinking that if he let go, Y/N would disappear.
Jason held him so tightly, hoping that Y/N would never let go and that they could stay like this forever. As he listened to their heartbeat, he prayed that Y/N would always be with him and that Y/N would always look at him.
That was when Jason's eyes widen for a bit, thinking about why he wanted this, why he wanted him...
Dick watched as this whole play happened and couldn’t even speak as he watched the two boys crying into each other and holding each other for support.
One is afraid to let go while one is finally happy to have them back. He watched in the corner, long forgotten, but he didn’t mind because he realized something that night. He saw Jason's deep blue eyes looking at Y/N. He saw the way the young boy hugged Y/N so tightly. He saw the tears on Jason's face that night. He saw as Jason's eyes opened for a sec., then went wide after awhile. As he stared at his friend that night, he saw a young man realizing his feelings for his childhood friend.
“I believe you should confess.”
 “And I believe you should shut the fuck up,” Jason said as he kicked open the vent.
“No, I agree with Damian here. Confess before it's too late; it's really stupid watching you embarrass yourself,” Tim said, watching them try to sneak into the hideout out of poison ivy.
“At least someone has common sense here." Damian rolls his eyes behind Jason as they crawl through the vent.
It has been over three years since Jason realized his feelings for his childhood friend, and while he wants to disagree with his brother, he knows he can't.
Jason has made a fool of himself every time Y/n was near by, and somehow everyone knew, but Y/n, damn it, even the whole team knows of his feelings for his childhood friend.
Yet Y/N was the only person who couldn’t see it.
“I just don’t understand how Y/N can’t see it,” complained Damian, who had been watching them for awhile.
When Damian joined the family, he knew right away, it might have been because of his training, but the way Jason stared at Y/N for hours was really obvious, but yet Y/N didn’t seem to understand, which pissed Damian off as he watched his brother act all sweet and disgusting over Y/N.
He watched Jason, who never, and I mean never care how mean he is to others, be a complete sweetheart to Y/N like one time
Jason was pissed as fuck. We came back from a mission, and it was a complete fail because we weren’t communicating, or more like, I just didn’t follow their order. 😒
But that mission failed so badly. Jason was giving us the death stare, but mostly me.🙄
“Listen here, you demon child." Jason walked up to me, pointing his finger at my forehead.
“We work as a team here, you piece of sh*t; we can’t have you running off on your own.”
"Well, Todd, I work differently, which means I don’t take orders from a fucking murder.”
“Fucking kid, let me repeat myself in case your stupid brain can’t comprehend.”
I watch as Jason walks to the front, looking at all of us.
“I’m not here because I care; I’m here for business, and you need me. That's why if we want this to work, you listen to me, which means you don’t fucking complain.”
"Jason, we understand you are pissed, but for this mission to work, we need to work as a team, and that means well... We should all have a voice in this." Dick tries to find the right word to not anger Jason, who looks like he doesn’t care if someone drops dead right now.
“Dick is correct, Jason," said father, who has been listening this whole time, walking out of the darkness.
“I call you over because we need you for this mission, but I also need you to be a team member.”
"Well, Batman, as you can see, I am working as a team, but they can’t seem to understand." Jason pointed at us.
"No, you are ordering them; you are not trying to see their point of view, Jason." father tried to reason with Jason, but that made him more pissed.
“Ugh, you know what fuck y'all." Jason, who was already mad enough, pushed Batman out of the way as he tried to leave the bat cave.
And you probably expected it, but Y/N walks right in the moment he tries to walk out.
“Jason?” Y/N question: watching all of us, then looking at Jason, who seems angry at first.
But the moment he saw Y/N, he became a different person.
"Y/n, why are you here?" Jason asked, walking over to Y/N and reaching out to him for a hug.
Y/N hugged back as Jason relaxed
"Oh, I’m here to help Batman with the mission; are you here to help too?” Y/N asks while smiling way too brightly.
“Uuh…yes” Jason tried smiling, but it didn’t reach his face.
Y/N noticed and then looked at us, or more like Batman, who looked at him.
They seem to be communicating with their eyes because, next thing we know, Jason is being hugged again. He seems to have frozen for a bit when Y/N let go. He seems like a kick puppy, but he turns to us and apologizes, saying that he will try to communicate and hear us out as a team. Then he apologizes to Batman for pushing him.
He turned and looked at Y/N for a bit, and when he saw them smile, he smiled too, going over to them like a puppy, asking for praise, which Y/N did just that.
It was disgusting.
After that, we never let Y/N go anywhere when Jason did a mission with us. If there was a happy Jason, then there was a happy mission.
But sadly, today Y/N couldn’t make it, so now we have a grumpy Jason.
“Demon kid, do you hear that?” Jason, stop his fucking ass right in front of my face.
"Shit, get out, Hood! Robin! Leave the vent  now." Tim yelled as I was pushing out the vent.
Damian was pushed out of the vent while he looked up, complaining, but before he could say anything, he saw a pass out Jason.
Robin runs over Jason, seeing pink sand everywhere, while confused, thinking it was useless information. He grabs Jason, getting the fuck out of this crazy green house.
But what he didn’t know was that that pink sand he saw had a big effect on a human body, and poor Jason, poor Jason
“Where is he?” Y/N is rushing to the bat cave, trying to find his childhood friend.
It wasn’t difficult when he saw a group of bats surrounding a bed. He rushed over as Damian was explaining what happened.
“And before I knew it, he pushed me out of the vent, and then I saw him pass out,” he explained.
“That is weird. Jason is a strong young man, and you telling me some pink sand made him pass out?” Asked Batman
“I believe so, father.”
“Maybe that pink sand means something?” Dick said he was watching his brother.
“Or Jason is weak as fuck,” Tim said, but shut up as Y/N gave him the death stare.
“Jason is not weak; he is a strong man.”
Y/N is holding Jason's hand and grabbing a towel to wipe the sweat. He turns to Jason, trying to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and at that very moment, Jason opens his eyes.
They both stared at each other before Y/N smiled and hugged Jason. What Y/N didn’t notice was that his deep blue eyes were pink for a second, which was noticeable to Batman.
Jason blinks a few times before grabbing Y/N and flipping him over. As shocked as Y/N was, he couldn’t even say anything before Jason's thumb slowly touches his bottom lips.
The bats watch in confusion. not sure if they should leave the room or not.
“j-Jason?” Y/N tried to wiggle his way out but was hugged by Jason's left arm, holding him in place while Jason's right hand was holding Y/N's face.
"Y/n, my beautiful y/n,” he whispered into Y/n's ears.
“UuUuhhh, help y'all." Y/N shouted, trying to get the bat's attention, who seemed to be as lost as he was.
But the moment they step a bit closer, Jason turns to them.
Dead quiet
Everyone froze
“Now… I’m not scared of Todd, but that boy is possessive as fuck." Damian crosses his legs with his arms crossed. Damian gives a "tch.”
“My son is one of a kind; he seems to take after me. I’m proud." Bruce said an arm cross while smiling or having a proud smile on his face.
“No… I give no fuck he can have Y/n. My life is  precious." Tim said he was drinking a cup of coffee while he watched Jason hug the shit out of Y/N.
“And this is where I just sit and watch.” Dick smiled with popcorn in his hand, watching the drama play out.
Y/N sighs as he watches Jason hugging him from behind. It has been over 3 days, and Jason has been so different.
The first day, Jason wouldn’t let him leave the bed, and when he tired to leave at night, Jason would start weeping, and he just didn’t have the heart to leave Jason like that.
The second day, they finally left the bed, but Jason was so clingy. Y/N can barely walk without stepping on Jason's feet, but Jason didn’t mind, it seemed, but it was difficult going anywhere.
The third day, Y/N just wanted to relax, so he tried to hide from Jason, who found him right away and is now hugging him from behind. He read pride and prejustice while Y/N was on his phone.
From the information that was given to him, Jason was hit with a love potion, and we weren’t sure how long it would last. That's why they sent out Dick and Tim on the mission to get poison ivy.
"Y/n, my love." Jason's voice was so deep, Y/N could just fall asleep from it.
“Yeah, Jason,” you answer back.
“Do you find me annoying like this?" Jason's head was down a bit, so Y/N couldn’t see him.
To be honest, Y/N was loving this. He had a crush on Jason for awhile, maybe the moment he saw Jason in that creepy alleyway, but he never had the heart to confess, afraid of rejection.
The moment Jason reached out to him in that alleyway, he wanted Jason all to himself, but he didn’t want to be selfish. Jason was a free bird, a bird that would never look at him.
A bird that was meant for another bird, not a loser like him
“My love?” Jason turns Y/N around so he can see him better. A kiss on the forehead
“My darling” A kiss on the cheek, he stared at Y/N for a bit.
“My one and only” before going in... A kiss on the lips
Before realizing what just happened, Y/N touched his lips, his face turning bright red as he tried to understand what just happened.
“I love you, Y/N. I love you, and I want you to understand my feelings for you.”
“My feelings for you are love, as in, I love you not as a friend but as someone who wants to spend my whole life with you, my love.”
“j-JASON” pushing Jason, I tried to get away.
“Y/N please” Jason is tearing up as he watches Y/N's confused face. He knew confessing was going to destroy their relationship, but he just couldn’t hold it in forever.
"Jason, stop. You don’t understand you are under a spell.”
“I’m not! I know my feelings for you are real. I loved you for so long. You don’t understand the pain I go through because of this feeling.”
“j-jason” a small whisper, but Jason could still hear it.
“Every day I wake up wondering what you are doing. I get up wanting to see you the moment I open my eyes. When you are not around, I become concerned. When I see you with another, I get so jealous that I just want to kiss you then and there and tell them to leave. Tell them that you are mine.”
“This isn’t a love spell; it is my feelings for you. This is my true feeling for you, my love.”
Y/N, who could barely hold it in, was about to burst, wanting to tell Jason that he feels the same, wanting to tell him that he loves him too, but he knew... He knew it was all because of the love potion that made him say this.
“You don’t love me, Jason; it's the love potion.”
“Then…then can you kiss me, please?" Jason deep voice was now a small whisper voice.
“…just a kiss”
“Yeah, just a kiss.”
“Y/n… can you answer me honestly do you love me"   Jason, whose head was down, looked up at Y/N. Now they were staring right at each other.
Y/N could never lie to Jason. The moment the spell was gone, Jason would forget everything.
The moment the spell was done, Y/N would never let his true feelings out, not even if Jason found someone one day.
He will watch as Jason starts a future with someone who will never be him.
“I have always loved you, and I will continue to love you.” With that, a single kiss was placed on Jason's lips.
When they parted ways, they both stared at each other, but before anything could be said, the door swung wide open.
Dick and Tim have opened the door, looking straight at us.
"Gentleman, can we please have your attention?" Dick did a little bow while Tim leaned on the door.
“We have found poison ivy and asked about the potion, but to our great surprise—“
Dick said while letting Tim speak next.
“She never made a love potion; the pink sand was actually a boom to make you unconscious, but it has some side effects.“
“And that side effect is?” Y/N asks, but instead of Dick and Tim answering
“One true desire will show." Jason completes the sentence.
Jason, who knows already, was watching Y/N. 
Y/N is trying to gather everything, slowly but surely unfolding what Jason meant.
“You confess your love; you can’t take it back now." Jason moved closer to Y/N's face, an inch away.
“This now means we are lovers; no take back; you can’t return me; we are going to be together forever." Jason whispered to Y/N.
He kisses Y/N on the lips, and before he knows it, Y/N jumps at him, hugging him. He feels the wet tear from Y/N as the kiss becomes sloppy.
Finally, they were together all the time he had to wait. It was finally worth the wait as Y/N whispered love and affection while he hugged Y/N, trying not to cry of happiness at this moment.
“I still find them disgusting.”
"Oh, be happy for your brother Damian.”
“How did he know it was one desire?”
“Because he was the one who threw the potion on himself, duh.”
“He did? How come I didn’t know?”
"It's called a plan, Tim; not everyone is supposed to know.”
“Dude made a whole mission just so he could get Y/N dang.”
“I’m proud of him; he finally got him.”
The boys all turn their hands, looking over at their dad, who is watching Jason and Y/N, knowing the real meaning of what he just said.
Bruce fell for someone, but that person ran away when Bruce was on a mission. Now ten years have passed, and Bruce is still looking for them, but for now he watches proudly as his son keeps his lover close, never letting them go ever again. Jason will not make the same mistake as Bruce.
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Charlie isn't used to aftercare. I mean, all he's ever had is the most vanilla, pants-around-your-ankles, socks-still-on, Mr-Frog-playing-in-the-background sex. It doesn't feel necessary and, to be honest, the only thing he wants after it's over is to fall asleep or go pee.
Then he starts dating Pim and, after a while (longer than he's willing to admit; the switch was harder to make than expected), they become intimate. And then Charlie is hit with a tenderness that he has never experienced. Because yes, it's the same vanilla, pants-around-your-ankles, socks-still-on, Mr-Frog-playing-in-the-background sex as always, but Pim still insists on treating him like his blushing bride. Pim acts like he just took Charlie's virginity every time they "make love" (and he calls it that, ugh)
The first time, while they're still trying to find their breaths and Charlie is convinced they'll turn their backs to each other to get some sleep at any second, Pim presses himself against his side and wraps his arms around him and looks at him like he hung the moon.
"Sorry, dude, can't go again," he tells him when Pim gives him a peck on the shoulder, because why else would he do that? When his previous partners got like that, it meant they were ready for round two.
But Pim just nods an exhausted "no, no, neither can I" and sighs blissfully and holy shit. He just wanted to know how he was feeling. And even though he seems to be super tired as well, he still gets out of bed and comes back with a glass of water and snacks. Charlie wonders for a second if he said something that implied he wanted any of that. No, of course he didn't.
Then Pim watches as he chugs down his water and gently puts the glass on the nightstand, as if Charlie shouldn't lift one finger in his frankly normal state. And leaves again and returns with some wipes and cleans him up and kisses his nose before going to get rid of them.
He also spoons him to sleep, watching over his shoulder as he doom scrolls on his phone and nuzzling his shoulder and temple till he has no option but to stop and relax into unconsciousness.
Charlie doesn't really process any of this till the next morning, like "what the fuck was that?" Pim brings him breakfast to bed and asks how he felt and if he did something that made him uncomfortable or there's something they should discuss to make it better next time??? All while making it clear that it was amazing for him, btw, he just wants to confirm it was also amazing for Charlie.
It's probably a first time thing. Pim isn't used to sex, he doesn't get laid that often and sees it as the ultimate act of love, so he made a huge deal out of it. Except it isn't a first time thing. It's an every time thing. Not only that, but Pim also seems to take mental notes of what Charlie favors more or less. He was particularly eager to eat a certain type of snack? Ok, that must be his favorite, and he should give it to him on special occasions or when he's had an stressful day. He flinched a little when he gave him that peck beneath his chin? Ok, probably too sensitive of a spot to kiss when he just had an orgasm. And he's right every. single. time.
Charlie is a bit aprehensive at the beginning. Like, idk, this feels a little too gay for him. But Pim is so set on this little ritual he has no choice but to play along, letting him shower him in affection and nodding absently when he asks if he liked it again. And soon enough, he finds himself secretly enjoying it, to the point he doubts he could ever fall asleep right after sex without someone holding him and wiping the sweat off his forehead again.
One night, though, he gets curious and, while Pim is bringing him in on top of him so they're chest to chest and he can kiss the side of his face and nose, asks him why does he do all this, what's the point, why does he feel he has to.
Pim is a little taken a back for a moment and then just... chuckles it off. As if he had been told a funny joke.
"What do you mean, Charlie? I do it because you're my best friend in the world and I want to make you feel as special as you make me feel. Why wouldn't I want that for someone I love?"
Charlie snorts and hides his face on the pillow next to Pim's head, laughing it off with a variation of "you're so corny, man." But deep inside, he could never let anyone know how grateful he is. How he wouldn't trade this for anything.
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harrywavycurly · 3 days
Southern Comfort Part 4: Fiddlesticks
Masterlist: Here
CW: None
A/N: Harry might’ve just fallen in love but who knows? I hope y’all enjoy and this is mainly just giving his side of the phone call✨
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Harry rubs at the back of his neck as he looks at the clock in his kitchen as it changes to eight fifty nine, now all he has to do is wait arguably the longest minute of his life before he can hit the call button on your contact page he has ready to go on the screen of his phone. He can’t remember the last time he felt this nervous for a phone call that wasn’t related to his career. He can’t exactly explain why he finds himself wanting to talk to you ever since he wound up with your number three nights ago but he knows it has something to do with the fact he can be himself with you since you don’t know exactly who he is minus the few details he’s given. You accept him and all his little quirks because as he’s learned over the last day or so, you have a few of your own as well. While he wants to try to learn everything there is to know about you he knows it’s not exactly fair since he can’t share everything about himself with you, or at least not yet. He shakes his head to rid himself of the thoughts swirling around in it as he looks at the clock.
Harry reaches for his phone the moment he sees the numbers change to show that it’s finally nine. He puts his thumb over your contact ready to hit the call button when he feels his heartbeat quicken as he sees the words My Texas Tornado flash across his phone screen causing his eyes to go wide as he realizes that you’re the one calling him. He almost drops his phone trying to hit answer while bringing it up to his ear, he gathers himself a bit before he tries to quietly clears his throat.
“Hello-” before Harry can finish his greeting your voice is coming through his phone introducing yourself to him, finally giving him your actual name and he swears he’s never heard a sweeter sound and it takes him off guard making him have to grip the edge of his countertop for support. “It’s lovely to finally uhm meet you but you do know I was set to call you right? You didn’t have to-”
“It’s nice to meet you too sugar plum.” Harry smiles at how thick your accent is, almost like he can picture each word practically rolling off your tongue. “But I did wait five minutes for you to call and then decided I should take things into my own hands.” He looks at his clock and feels his brows furrow when he sees it still says nine in the morning, he looks down at his watch to check if it says the same thing and it does.
“Five minutes? Love it’s just now a minute past nine.” He explains as he runs a hand through his hair and that’s when he hears it for the first time, your laugh. It’s loud but also soft as it hits his ears and swiftly moves to the top of the list of one of his favorite sounds. He feels himself grin as he tries to picture what you look like when you laugh because if the sound is anything to go off of he just knows you look absolutely beautiful when you laugh.
“Oh fiddlesticks I forgot I set my clock five minutes fast so I’m never late to anything.” Harry can’t help but chuckle as you explain yourself. “Don’t you laugh at me Harry that’s not polite and you’re a gentleman remember?” He feels his cheeks get hot when you say his name and he’s very thankful in this moment that he lives alone because he can’t imagine how silly he looks all flush faced and giggly while just standing in his kitchen with his phone up to his ear.
“My apologies love but you just said fiddlesticks how was I supposed to hear that and not laugh?” He asks as he quickly pulls the phone away from his ear so he can put you on speaker before placing it on the counter next to his electric kettle. He hears you let out a huff and then some shuffling and what he can only assume is the sound of a door closing making him raise an eyebrow at his phone.
“Why don’t they make mugs easier to hold while also talking on the phone and trying to lock your front door?” He doesn’t know if you’re actually asking him or not but he likes the way your voice sounds when you’re flustered. “Like I have a purse and all that but you can’t go putting a coffee mug in your purse or that’ll get really messy really quickly.” He hears the sound of your keys jiggling as you place them back into your purse.
“Well they do have those things called handles that are supposed to be good for that sort of thing.” He can practically hear you rolling your eyes and that makes him fight the urge to laugh. “Off to the store?” He asks as he grabs his phone and heads for his living room.
“You have a good memory honeybuns.” Harry smiles and shakes his head at the petname having difficulty picking which one he likes the best now that he’s heard them all in your sweet thick southern accent that he has decided reminds him oddly enough of honey.
“I want to say thank you but in all honesty you did just tell me these plans yesterday.” He admits as he places the phone on his coffee table before sitting on the couch and leaning forward so his elbows are resting on his knees and his hands are clasped together so he can rest his chin on them.
“What time is your meeting?” Harry hears a faint sound of a bell that lets him know you’ve entered a shop of some sort. “Hold on for a moment sugar.” Before he can say anything in response he hears some shuffling and then the sound of someone’s voice saying your name. “Hey Kathy! I’m just seeing how Teddy’s feeling?” Harry leans back so he can get comfortable on the couch as he listens to you talk to Kathy. “Oh bless his little heart.” He feels his face drop at the slight sadness in your voice. “Well let me know if y’all need anything okay? And tell him we miss him in class and can’t wait for him to be back whenever he gets to feeling better.” Harry can just tell by the tone of your voice that you’re being sincere.
“Is Teddy feeling poorly?” He asks once there’s a few moments of silence letting him know your conversation with Kathy was over.
“Is that how you say he’s sick? If so then yes poor Teddy has the flu and just can’t seem to shake it so I’m gonna make him some of my chicken soup and his mom Kathy some banana bread.” Your answer makes Harry wonder if this is something you do all the time, make soup for the sick kids in your class and banana bread for people you know. “You think everyone likes chocolate chips in their banana bread?” Harry chuckles as he hears you let out a huff and the sound of a pen clicks in the background.
“I’d say maybe do half with and half without just to be safe?” He suggests as he looks down at his watch and sees it’s now half past nine. “Have you even made it to the store yet love?” He hears you take a sip of your coffee and he can just imagine you standing in the middle of a grocery aisle with your list and coffee mug in one hand and your phone in the other while contemplating if you should add chocolate chips to the whole pan of banana bread or not.
“I happen to live down the street from my favorite grocery store so don’t worry honey I’ve been here a good ten minutes already.” Harry smiles as he hears you take another sip of your coffee. “What time is your meeting sugar? Are you ready for it? I don’t want you getting your ass kicked and name taken again.” Harry’s head leans back as he laughs causing his hand to fall to his stomach, he can tell by the way your voice has a tinge of worry to it you’re being serious and that’s what makes him laugh even harder because the words you just said don’t match the sincerity of your voice. “If you don’t stop laughing at me I’ll make you add ten dollars to the douche bag jar Harry.” That’s what does it, Harry full on starts cackling as he slaps his hand on his leg and he feels the wetness gathering in the corners of his eyes as he squeezes them closed.
“I’m sorry love.” He tries to sound genuine but he knows it’s no use because he’s still half laughing as he speaks. “You sound so worried but you’re also saying things like kick ass and take names so it’s just a little jarring.” He explains as he hears you drop something into a cart as he tries to get himself together on the couch.
“I just don’t want you to get beat up that’s all.” Harry nods as he wipes at his eyes and takes a few deep breaths finally feeling his laughing fit coming to an end.
“My meeting is at ten thirty and I’m prepared for it don’t worry it’s just a check up to make sure we are on track with things timing wise and I know that we are because oddly enough I’m ahead of schedule with a few things.” He tries to pick his words carefully as he hears you drop a few more things into your cart.
“Oh see now that’s how you flirt with someone sugar plum.” Harry feels his hands get sweaty at your words.
“Saying I’m ahead of schedule does it for you huh?” He hears you make a fake soft whispering moaning type noise and he feels his mouth drop open.
“Oh yeah that’s exactly what does it for me.” Everything in Harry’s mind knows you’re messing with him but that doesn’t stop him from feeling like the wind just got knocked out of him as you tease him causing your accent to sound even thicker as your voice goes lower. “What things are you checking up on in this meeting?” He appreciates you quickly moving the conversation along because he honestly wasn’t sure he was going to be able to do it himself.
“Uh well I’m not-”
“I get it sugar plum you don’t have to tell me.”Harry smiles at how understanding you are as he fumbles over his words. He briefly looks down at his watch and feels his smile instantly drops.
“I’m sorry to have to leave you in the middle of your grocery shop but I’m afraid I have to head off in a minute.” He hears you let out a fake huff of annoyance that makes him chuckle as he stands up and grabs his phone off the coffee table so he can head for his front door where he keeps his car keys and wallet.
“I truly don’t know how I’ll manage the rest of my day without you laughing in my ear but I’ll do my best to get by.” Harry rolls his eyes at your teasing words as he grabs his wallet. “Have a good meeting honeybuns.”
“Thanks love you enjoy the rest of your shopping trip and let me know how your banana bread comes out.” He can practically hear you smile as he speaks while he slips his wallet into his back pocket.
“I will sugar don’t worry.” He hears you drop another item into your cart. “Well go on and say bye and hang up or you’ll never get off the phone.” Harry chuckles at how blunt you are with your honesty because it’s true, if he doesn’t hang up now he’d happily spend the rest of the day on the phone with you.
“Bye love.” With that he hangs up the phone and smiles when he sees your name on his screen before he slides it into his pocket. “I’m so fucked.” He mumbles to himself with a smile as he grabs his keys and heads out the front door.
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bloddysnow · 14 hours
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Please read while listening to this. I promise everything will be different.
Pairings: Xavier x reader
Night. The subway rumbles on the rails, its rhythmic knock merges with the background while you sit, looking indidently at your reflection in the window. The bright light in the floods everything around. Your hands lie on knees, fingers twitch nervously, sometimes squeezing the fabric of clothes, as if in search of comfort.
Passengers around seem immersed in their worlds, passionate about phones, books or conversations. Their faces merge into a monotonous mass of indifferent expressions. You lean back in a cold, firm seat, trying to calm your fast-paced thoughts. Every breath is given with difficulty, as if an unknown weight is pressing on the chest. Thoughts take you to a dark abyss filled with despair and hopelessness. The idea of ending everything sweeps through your head, a short flash in the overwhelming darkness. This is a thought, both frightening and strangely comforting, promising to get rid of unbearable pain.
You close your eyes, hoping to find a respite in the dark. But instead, images of your problems and failures pop up in front of you, each of which reminds you how tired you are. Tears come to your eyes, and you blink quickly, not letting them spill.
You feel heavy on your shoulder. At first, this feeling is barely noticeable, like a slight pressure, but it quickly becomes apparent. You turn your head slightly and notice that it's the head of another passenger who seems to have dozed off and involuntarily leaned on you.
His breathing is smooth and calm, and you can feel his warmth. His facial features are soft and relaxed, as if he is immersed in a deep and restful sleep. You notice how the light plays on his hair, and you can't help but notice how beautifully they fall on his forehead.
He looks so serene that for a moment all your worries and gloomy thoughts recede into the background. You watch his chest rise and fall rhythmically, his breathing is smooth and quiet. You smile, noticing the small details - his long eyelashes, barely noticeable shadow of a smile on his lips.
This unexpected contact makes you forget about your thoughts for a moment. His presence, though unfamiliar, brings some strange consolation. The warmth of his body and the weight of his head on your shoulder remind you that you are not alone in this world. It seems that the whole world is frozen around you. You're afraid to move so you don't wake him up. Again, taking a deep breath, you close your eyes, trying to focus on this new feeling.
You opened your eyes, and you feel awakening when a voice loudly announces the next subway station through the speakers. The initial feeling of light disorientation slowly gives way to the realisation that you spent a few moments in a short dream.
You're slowly looking around...but the stranger who was napping disappeared, leaving behind only a feeling of a short-term presence.
You've never slept in public places, but that time something was different. Perhaps it was his warmth or the tranquillity of his breath nearby, which allowed you to relax and fall asleep. It was your first memory of a dream in the subway.
But when you're about to get up, you notice something on yourself. It's a jacket...a jacket of that unfamiliar guy.
You look at it in surprise, feeling a wave of mixed emotions rising inside. The jacket is soft and warm, slightly smells like cologne, which further reinforces the feeling that he was here recently. Apparently, he left it so you wouldn't freeze while you were sleeping.
A small piece of paper falls out of the jacket pocket. You lift it from the floor, smoothing it out and see that this letter is written with illegible handwriting. You've read it and you know who it's from. You can't help but have a soft, happy smile on your lips.
With a jacket in your hands and a smile on your lips, you left the subway and feel light in your heart.
Hi. I know it's strange that I'm leaving a letter, but thank you for letting me sleep on you. I've never slept so hard yet, believe me. And I apologise if my head was too heavy. Hehe))
I take the subway every night and if it's a fate, we'll meet again. I'd like to.
Please support me by liking and reblogging what you read. Keep me motivated to write more <3
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sweetchildcloud · 2 days
My little flame
Synopsis: He doesn't believe in soulmates or bonds as he comfort you from a nightmare
Contents:Dabi x Anon! reader-cute-fluff-denial-tsundere[Dabi]-mention of self-harm [reader]-neurodivergent [reader]
i'm no english native so sorry for some mistakes
please reblog 🔁 and like❤️
P.s: i just tought how Dabi would be with an neurodivergent SO despite is persona and ego hshshsh
@muzansslxt @candy69gurl @kiwicopia @satorkive @ponderingmoonlight
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After an entire week of having you around, Dabi found himself begrudgingly growing attached to you. It bothered him, how your presence seemed to linger in his thoughts even when he wasn't around you.
He did his best to suppress it, to act like his usual apathetic self, but there were small moments when he slipped up. Glances that lingered a bit too long, a hint of concern in his voice when you were too quiet, a protective instinct he couldn't shake.
Dabi found himself observing you more closely than he would care to admit. He noticed the way you flinched at loud noises and how you avoided looking at your reflection in mirrors. The sight of your self-harm scars made his jaw clench with every passing day.
He knew he should care less. You were supposed to be just an inconvenience, a weakness he didn't need. But then again… You were his soulmate, his destined partner.
Despite himself, Dabi began to make small adjustments to accommodate you. He made sure to keep the volume of the TV down when you were around, and he made a point to get rid of any sharp objects that might tempt you. He even caught himself making sure there was always food in the fridge for you, even though he would never admit it.
And yet, every time he caught himself doing these things, he would curse himself for caring so much. But he just couldn't help himself.
He refused to acknowledge aloud that he was growing fond of you, even though his actions betrayed him. Whenever he saw you curled in a ball on the couch, he found himself wanting to wrap his arms around you, to protect you from the demons that haunted you.
But then he'd remember who he was, a villain, a heartless killer. And he pushed those thoughts aside, reminding himself that caring for you was a weakness, a liability he couldn't afford.
The nights were the worst. Dabi would toss and turn in bed, your presence lingering in his thoughts. He'd hear your quiet sobs in the other room and it would take every ounce of willpower he had not to barge in and pull you into his arms.
It was a constant battle between his logical side, the one that told him he was a villain and shouldn't care, and his soul, which was drawn to you like a magnet.
Dabi was jolted awake by the sound of his door creaking open. He sat up in bed, the sheets pooling around him, as you entered the room, clutching a stuffed toy in your arms. In the dim light, he could tell it was the plushie he had begrudgingly purchased for you after you mentioned how much it looked like him.
"What are you doing in here?" He grumbled, his voice thick with sleep.
He watched as you approached his bed, your face flushed and tear-streaked. Instinctively, he shifted over to make room for you, gesturing for you to climb onto the bed. "Don't just stand there. Get on."
You widened your eyes at his gesture a bit before you hided your face behind the stuffed toy,it seemed you didn't wanted to disturb him.
Dabi rolled his eyes at your hesitation. "Don't play coy now" he said, gesturing again for you to climb into bed. "You came here for a reason, and it's obviously not to admire me in my natural state."
He patted the spot beside him. "Come on, I won't bite… Unless you want me to."
As you sat next to him on the bed, clutching the toy, Dabi couldn't help but notice the redness in your cheeks at his teasing comment. A faint smile tugged at the corner of his lips.
He leaned back against the pillows, draping one arm behind his head. "You going to tell me why you're crying at ass o'clock in the morning, or do I have to guess?" He watched as you played with the toy, your fingers nervously fiddling with its soft fabric. He wanted to reach out and touch you, to pull you into his arms and soothe your tears, but he clenched his fist at his side, reminding himself of the boundaries he should uphold.
"i had a nightmare" you finally spoke
Dabi raised an eyebrow, a hint of surprise on his face at the sound of your voice. It was rare for you to speak up, and he secretly treasured the fact that you felt comfortable enough around him to do so.
"Nightmare, huh?" he said, trying to sound nonchalant. "What was it about this time?" He glanced at the stuffed toy in your possession. "Did it happen to involve me, by any chance?" he asked, a hint of amusement in his voice. He watched as your grip on the toy tightened, and he could tell that his guess was spot on. He mentally cursed at himself for feeling satisfied that his presence seemed to have an impact on you, even in your dreams.
"you….killed me in my dream.." you sniffed "it was by accident and you looked so…sad when you did.."
Dabi's expression hardened, an unexpected pang of guilt stabbing through him at your words. He hadn't expected to feel anything at the mention of your dream, but the idea of killing you, even unintentionally, made his stomach churn.
"It was just a dream" he muttered, more for his own sake than for yours. "Nothing like that is going to happen, alright?"
He reached out and gently tugged the toy from your hands, placing it on the bedside table. "Come here" he said, patting the space next to him, indicating that he wanted you to move closer.
He wrapped his arms around your fragile figure, pulling your trembling body against his chest. For a moment, he allowed himself to nuzzle his face into your hair, breathing in your scent. "It was just a dream" he repeated, his voice softer this time. "I'm not going to kill you, okay? So stop crying." He muttered, his fingers running through your hair, a comforting gesture that he didn't know he was capable of. "And quit having these damn nightmares that involve me. It's a pain in the ass." a giggle escaped your lips as you snuggle on his neck "ass" you repeted giggling cutely
Dabi rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but be secretly pleased at the sound of your laughter. "Yeah, yeah, you're a little smartass, ain't you?" He chuckled, his chest rumbling against your ear.
"Don't go using my language, though. It doesn't suit you." you giggled again at his cuss words as you repeated again "smartass"
Dabi groaned a little, pretending to be annoyed but secretly finding your repetition endearing. "You're supposed to be asleep, you know" he chided, running his hand up and down your back in slow, soothing motions.
"Not sitting here saying swear words like a little parrot."
He buried his face in your hair again, inhaling your scent. "But I guess I can't complain if it's coming out of a cute little mouth like yours" he mumbled, the words slipping out before he could stop himself.
"you think i'm cute?"
"Ugh" Dabi grumbled, his annoyance sounding half-hearted. He shifted, pulling you even closer so that there was no space between your bodies. "I didn't say that."
But the way his hand continued to stroke your back betrayed him, his touch tender despite his gruff exterior. "Don't get it twisted. I just meant… for a crybaby, you're not completely horrible to look at."
He tried to keep his tone light, but the truth was he found you absolutely adorable in this vulnerable state. The way you sought comfort from him, the way you held onto his every word, it tugged at his heartstrings in a way he didn't want to admit.
"Now quit trying to get compliments out of me, or I'll kick you out of this bed" he warned, gently tugging on your hair playfully.
"i like your compliments" You cooed "nobody ever did" Dabi felt a pang in his chest at your words. It was a stark reminder of the life you'd led before meeting him, a life filled with neglect and loneliness.
He grumbled, trying to maintain his aloof facade. "Don't get used to it. I'm not some damn compliment dispenser."
Truth be told, the thought of being the only one to ever praise you sent a strange flutter through his heart.
He pulled you even closer, his grip around you tightening almost possessively. "You're just easy to please, that's all" he muttered, his breath warm against your skin.
He paused for a moment, contemplating his next words before continuing. "It's not like I care about making you happy or anything. I'm just…tolerating you" he added, his voice lacking its usual bite.
Dabi knew he was lying to himself. Deep down, he couldn't deny the flicker of protectiveness he felt towards you. He found himself wanting to shield you from the world, to make sure you were safe and cared for. But he pushed that feeling down, refusing to acknowledge the growing tenderness in his heart.
He pressed a kiss to the top of your head, his lips lingering for a moment before he spoke again. "Just… go to sleep, alright? And don't have any more stupid dreams about me."
Dabi let out a soft sigh as you settled against his chest, your warm body fitting perfectly against his. He could feel his heartbeat quickening, the steady rhythm betraying the casual facade he was trying to maintain.
He wrapped his arms around you, holding you tight. "Be warned," he muttered, his voice low and slightly gruff. "If you snore, I won't hesitate to kick you off the bed." "you won't" you chimed
Dabi stifled a chuckle, his chest rumbling with amusement. "Oh, really? And what makes you so sure, smartass?"
He remembered the previous times you had spent the night in his bed, and how he'd discovered that you snored softly in your sleep. Despite his threats to kick you out, he had never followed through, always finding some excuse to keep you by his side.
"I mean it this time." he tried to sound firm, but there was no real conviction in his voice. "I'll shove your cute little butt off these sheets if I hear a single snore from you."
He gave your butt a gentle pat for emphasis, a small smirk playing on his lips.
Dabi cursed inwardly as he realized you had already fallen asleep, the soft sound of your snoring filling the room. It should have annoyed him, but instead, it sent an unexpected pang of warmth through his chest.
He watched you sleep, his gaze softening despite his attempts to maintain his cool demeanor. He couldn't help but admire the way your eyelashes rested against your cheeks, the way your breath tickled his skin.
Quietly, he pulled you closer, wrapping his arms around you protectively. "Damn it" he mumbled to himself. "You're making it hard to keep my distance."
He buried his nose in your hair, inhaling your scent and feeling the steady rise and fall of your breath against his chest. The sound of your snoring, so peaceful and innocent, brought a strange comfort to him.
He allowed himself to relax, his tense muscles melting into the mattress. For the first time in a long while, he felt... at ease.
"Sleep well, smartass" he whispered, his voice barely audible. "But not too loud. I need some shut-eye too."
With a resigned sigh, Dabi settled back against the pillows, his grip on you never loosening. The last thing he wanted was to admit it, but he found himself liking the feeling of you in his arms. The warmth of your body against his, the gentle sound of your snoring, it felt foreign yet strangely familiar.
He closed his eyes, letting the exhaustion wash over him. But even as he drifted off to sleep, his hold on you remained firm and protective, as if he was afraid you'd slip away from him.
© sweetchildcloud all rights reserved. do not copy, repost, translate, or modify my work without my permission. thank you for reading and supporting my work
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