#[Itara's voice claim]
fashion-noodle · 5 years
Voice Meme:  Itara Irispyre
Bold what applies to your muse italicize situational ones. Feel free to add your own suggestions and carry it on.
► ACCENT “country” │ “backwoods” │ “sailor” │ “noble” │ foreign speaker  | ishgardian | ul’dahn | gridanian | limsa lominsan | ala mhigan | garlean | thavnairian | dalmascan | doman | hingan  
Itara does the best she can to not have any accent at all.  But, when she’s been drinking (or is otherwise inibrated) it comes out.  And concidering her general state these days… that’s pretty much constantly.  The severity of the accent depends on the level of intoxication.  A mild buzz gets her with a slight country drawl, but once she starts getting properly sloshed she will start mushing words together like a really backwoods girl (full y'all'd've, style).  She’s also spent a significant amount of time in Limsa and around Pirates, so she can get a bit of that sort of inflection on some words, and has picked up a good deal of the slang.
► ELOQUENCE educated │ uneducated │ doesn’t use conjunctions │ shortens words │ just makes up their own words! │ old English │dependent on mood or setting
Itara doesn’t have a very expansive vocabulary and doesn’t often speak in a grammatically correct way (to the ever irritation of Grammerly).  She often mispronounces words (especially foreign words) or uses words with the wrong meanings. And as I mentioned before, she will straight up combine words to make new ones.
► TONE loud │ soft │ room volume │ high pitched │ low pitched │seductive │velvety │ speech impediment │ abrasive │ gruff │ shrill │ booming │ matter-of-fact │ toneless │ husky │gravelly │ breathy │ nasal │ barking │ chatty │ condescending │ musical │ suave │ world-weary │brash │ authoritative
Most are surprised when I tell them that Itara’s voice is supposed to be fairly… annoying.  She’s loud and shrill, and her voice tends more high pitched than the seductive velvety way most expect form a character like her. Especially her laugh.  We’ve all heard the woman laughing to loud at a restaurant and its like nails through the ears… That’s Itara.   And the drunker she gets the louder she gets.  Not that she can’t be seductive, and she often does take on a smoothness that dulls some of the sharp notes of her voice, its just not the default.
► HABITS refers to self in third person │ incorporates different languages/terms/sayings │ uses gender-specific terms │ adapts to audience │ changes pitch around animals or children│ shifts tone when lying │ gives others nicknames │ uses terms of respect towards others
Itara rarely calls people by their real name (unless she’s mad at them).  If she knows them well they’ll end up with a specific nickname usually.  And she has certain pet names she uses for different races in general (Au’ra girls are all “dolls”, Miqo’te boys are all “kits”).  At the very least a person is a “darling” or a “dear”. If she’s not using pet names, it’s a sure sign that she doesn’t like you, even if her smiling face says otherwise.
A few other fun habits Itara has:  She does not introduce herself unless forced.  She will dodge doing so as long as possible. And in general, doesn’t like talking about herself (but she loves it when other people talk about her). Itara doesn’t say “please” or “thank you” (A constant struggle for my ever-polite ass during rp) and as a general rule is void of any manners.  And she will say what could be said in one word in 15.  She likes to ramble and chatter on endlessly.
Itara’s speech has a very specific set of rules I have to follow and if we are ever rping and it seems im taking too long to reply… likely I typed something and then realized it was either 1) too fancy for Itara or 2) too polite  and thus had to re-write the whole damn thing.    I really wish I had a dollar for every time I typed something and then went “nope, that words too big for Itara” and had to think of something else XD
Voice Claim:  Krysten Ritter (specifically as Chloe form Don’t Trust the B in Apt 23) 
Tagged by: @sedatayuun and @mischiefandmystics  Thanks for the tag!  I enjoyed reading about your boys!
I’m going to tagggg.... (i never can think of people ugggg) @egrine @lazarusffxiv @shroudwayman @talysings @savothesewercat @danteredstonexiv and @carmen-ffxiv and everyone else who wants to do it!  and please tag me, i love reading these things!
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disrepairhouse · 6 years
Chapter 16 - Art Museum
Itara let out a long, exasperated sigh as Sparky unlocked their hotel room and let the three of them in.  The room was decently sized, with two queen-sized beds, a bathroom, small closet, and sitting area with a couch, lounge chair, and coffee table. Across the couch against the far wall was a much nicer, larger TV than Itara had been expecting with a mini-fridge fitted into part of the stand with a number of snacks and drinks pre-packed into it.  There was plenty of space for movement and while Itara went about exploring where they’d be staying for the next few days—including the snacks—Sceira walked around, doing the same by feeling out corners with her long, piggy-tailed pincers. Metal, on the other hand, scanned the room and checked the location of the sockets, wondering how well a hotel system would handle his charging needs.  Knowing they would be amongst a number of mortals in tightly packed areas, he hadn’t exactly been able to bring a full charging station for the four-day trip.
Itara had dropped all her bags by the door, only bothering to toss her backpack on the nearest bed, but Sceira placed hers carefully inside the door of the closet.  Once she had the snacks properly investigated, and realized the hotel would charge extra if she touched them, Itara flopped herself onto the bed she had chosen and stared up at the ceiling.  At least the hotel was nice and the beds were comfy, and the TV was big, but the idea of having to share all of it with Sceira of all people heavily degraded its worth.
While she was mulling it over, Sceira had completed her rundown of the room and continued over to the beds… sitting beside Itara, much to her dismay.  Glaring up over at the other girl, Itara hissed, “go sit on your own bed, this one’s mine.”
“There are only two beds, Itara,” the pseudo-scorpion commented, as if that was supposed to explain her decision.
Sceira turned towards her now, less for the purpose of making eye contact and more so Itara could see the look of disbelief on her face. “There are three of us and two beds, it makes more sense for us to share a bed, seeing as we’re smaller.  Unless you’d… rather share one with your… guardian?”
Itara sat up, looking between Sceira and Sparky, who had taken to a window to inspect their surroundings further.  He looked back towards them with an eyebrow rose, but said nothing.  Itara shook her head, facing Sceira again, “Sparky doesn’t sleep on beds,” waving the thought away, she continued, “He can have the couch or something.  He spends most his time on the couch at home, anyway.”
“What makes you think I don’t want one of the beds?” Metal grinned, turning just enough to side-eye Itara, who glowered.  He didn’t actually have any interest in their sleeping quarters, he’d already decided the chair was closest to an outlet and would be the most inconspicuous way to charge during the nights, but he also greatly enjoyed making Itara’s life more difficult than it needed to be. Especially since it was her fault he was there in the first place.
“Because you never sleep… on a bed!” Itara exclaimed, frustrated.
Metal turned around fully and grinned, shrugging and looking off, “well, this is supposed to be a vacation, isn’t it?”  He only opened one eye to see the look on her face, which was exactly as flustered as he’d hoped.  He knew he had her cornered.
Itara’s cheeks puffed up and her face reddened, stammering for a moment.  Getting a calm look back, she reached over, pushing Sceira away from her. “Fine.  Then Sceira can sleep on the couch.  I claim this bed and I refuse to share.”
Metal snorted and turned back towards the window, “I’ll leave that between the two of you, then.”
Sceira jumped to her feet and scowled at Itara, who crossed her arms and looked away stubbornly.  “I am not sleeping on the couch, Itara!  The bed is plenty big enough for both of us!  You’re barely even bigger than one of the pillows!”
Once again, Itara’s face flushed up.  Sure, the beds were built human-sized, since the hotel got both human and mobian visitors, meaning any mobian visitor had plenty of space and could easily fit several onto one bed.  The ones in their room could likely even fit three or four humans, depending on their size, but even so Itara was still sensitive about her size and took it as a slight rather than an observation.  “I’ll show you ‘bigger than a pillow’ when I suffocate you with one!”
“That doesn’t even make sense,” Sceira scoffed, “besides, you can’t.  Not only would that cause you plenty of trouble, but I’m more than certain I’m stronger than you.  You don’t need to see to know of your many blunders in PE.”
“THAT’S IT!”  With no more words, Itara dove from the bed and jumped for Sceira.  She knew full well that she had no physical strength to speak of, she was clumsy and incredibly easy to knock around, but it mattered little to her at the moment as both she and Sceira hit the ground.  She went for the other girl’s throat first, but Sceira grabbed her wrists before she could get far and held her back long enough to knock her off to the side.
While the two wrestled it out on the ground, Metal simply glanced back and out the window, debating to himself if he should break the fight up.  He was supposed to be some sort of chaperone to an entire group of the small children, letting a fight break out almost immediately upon arrival at their destination might look bad on him.  Then again, he didn’t exactly volunteer for this in the first place and it was no concern to him whether Itara and her little mortal friends fought.  Maybe if she came back with some kind of injury it would teach RK a lesson about putting him in charge of the brat.  Again.
Then again, the possessed doll’s description of a ‘momma bear’ was an accurate enough one for RK regarding the tiny hedgehog and mobians had a tendency to do far more damage during fights than most humans.  Even at younger ages.  He’d learned that quickly enough dealing with Tails.  If she came home with injuries, lesson as it may be, it’d also get him hit.  He had no problem with a fight, for the most part, he was built to destroy and a good fight sounded like the exact kind of stress relief he needed right now… but not a fight with RK.  Soft as RK had gotten over the years, his fist hadn’t and he’d already been punched twice now since his reactivation.  He didn’t necessarily want to make it a third so soon.  Sighing in annoyance, he turned back around, finding one of the scorpion’s pigtails wrapped tightly around the little hedgehog’s neck and almost smirked.
“Alright, alright, that’s enough, you two,” he sighed, walking over and picking them both up by the backs of their shirts, shaking the pigtail loose and watching Itara gasp for breath.  “As much as I enjoy a good fight, now isn’t the time.”  Sceira cooled down the quickest and quickly apologized, prompting Metal to put her back down first, but Itara only got angrier once her breath returned.  Holding her up further, he raised an eyebrow, “you just enjoy getting choked out, don’t you?”
“P-Put me d-down, Sparky!” she hissed, coughing afterwards.
“And what if I don’t feel like it?”  She growled in response, but Metal walked over and set her down on the bed.  “We’re supposed to be taking off again soon so both of you need to calm down.  Go… wash off or… something.”  Sceira nodded quietly and walked off to the bathroom, but Itara crossed her arms and looked away.  Once the bathroom door shut, Metal just grinned and leaned over, lowering his voice, “You ought to learn to actually fight before you start things you can’t finish.”
“Sh-shut up.”
Metal shrugged, readying himself to face the insanity of the rest of the third graders again while waiting for the two children to finish getting ready, themselves. No further words were spoken between the two of them, Metal only commanding them to follow once Sceira returned from the bathroom and they were ready to go.  He wasn’t exactly ecstatic about the idea of leading a bunch of third graders around Gaia’s domain, either, but perhaps he could learn something about the current state of the world while they were out.
The three headed back down to the hotel lobby where most the other students were already standing around waiting, chatting amongst themselves, while the chaperones for each group hovered nearby.  Camilla was standing further away from her group, talking with her mother, neither seeming all that pleased, either, but Itara paid it no mind.  Instead, she decided to take another look at the stack of papers to find out which group was theirs.  There were two clusters of children without obvious chaperones, since not everyone was back in the lobby yet, but she pointed them out soon enough and Metal lurked reluctantly near them.  Itara and Sceira continued all the way to the rest of the group, but Metal remained at a distance.
Once everyone was gathered again, the head teacher got everyone’s attention, went over the schedule for the rest of the day, and explained how they were getting from each place.  The first stop was the major art museum, a short bus ride further into the city, then from there they would be walking to a nearby park for lunch, and then another short walk to a shopping center for a ‘cultural scavenger hunt’, led by the chaperones.  Itara was most distraught over the idea of walking for long periods, for a number of reasons, but she hadn’t missed the look of utter disinterest on Metal’s face when the scavenger hunt was brought up.  She wanted to laugh at him, but knew it’d come back on her all too easily without RK around.
The kids who had taken the bus down packed back into it, while the kids who had taken the cars went back to them once they were given another set of directions for their drivers.  Itara and Metal wasted less time getting onto the bus this time to avoid the dead center again.  Not that they could avoid being surrounded altogether, but at least they could sit towards the front so it was a quick and easy on and off.  Itara debated whether she wanted to sit by Metal again, but realized easily enough that there weren’t many other options and plopped down beside him with a disgruntled huff.
“Get on the inside,” he demanded, eyeing her.  He refused to be locked in any more than he already would be.
“Well then why did you sit down first?” Itara huffed back, crawling over him to the inside of the seat and shuffling out of her backpack.
“Because I originally intended to sit here alone.”
“Yeah, well, it’s either you or some other classmate I don’t care about since there aren’t enough seats for both of us to sit alone.”
“That’s hardly my concern.”
“It is now.”
There was a moment of silence as they eyed one another before they both turned away in disgust.  Itara shuffled around in the seat to get comfortable again, opening her backpack to pull Kipper out, who was still stuffed into the main pocket, and wrapped him up tightly in her arms as she pulled her legs up to her chest. Admittedly, she had been expecting the doll to cause some kind of problem by now, since he never stayed this quiet for this long even when she was at school, but she was at least grateful for it. Then again…
Tilting her head to the side to look the doll in the eyes, she glanced around, waiting for the bus to get loud with chatter before whispering, “Wanna help me get back at Sceira?”
The red gem on the doll’s head lit up and the dead felt eyes came briefly to life, before returning back to their doll-like state, though the gem remained glowing.  He was listening.  Glancing up at Metal, she shuffled closer to the window and curled in on herself more, whispering her ideas into the little doll’s cotton-stuffed ears, watching one of them twitch in response, and smiling when she got a confirmation nod. If she couldn’t fight Sceira directly, then she would just fight indirectly.  It’s what she did best, after all.
The drive over to the museum was much shorter than the drive from Soleanna, even with the heavier traffic, making some of the mobian children question why they couldn’t just run or fly over.  Even Metal scoffed that it would have taken him less time to run to the museum than it took the bus to even get started, but Itara shook her head, pulling her backpack back on while keeping Kipper in her arms.  As someone less… stable than other mobians, she, like most her human classmates, preferred the ride over.  Metal, however, once again wasted no time getting off the bus once the doors were open. He was out and waiting on the sidewalk before even Itara realized he’d left.  She couldn’t wait to see him have to keep pace with a bunch of tiny third-grader legs for the scavenger hunt.
With the same awe and confusion, the rest of the kids filed out of the bus, watching the antsy blue hedgehog as they did, some of them quietly whispering amongst themselves about topics Itara hoped to High Hell he couldn’t hear.  As entertaining as it would be to watch him go ballistic on her classmates, they didn’t need a short end to this trip right now.  Not yet.  Shuffling quietly over to him, the rest of their group following before long, the teacher once again announced the plans for the museum in further depth. They were to be quiet, courteous, and fill out a worksheet about specific works of art while they were there. Each group’s packets were different, with focuses on different pieces, that they would then be creating a small presentation for the other groups and the museum patrons, something the school had worked out with the curators before the trip.
Itara silently raged at the idea.  She hated presentations.  She hated group projects even more.  Looking around at her group, she scowled off to the side, hoping she could convince them to maybe not force her to talk during whatever presentation they would be doing.  It was embarrassing enough dealing with her stutter in front of her classmates, to embarrass herself in front of an entire museum of strangers sounded horrifying. She wanted nothing to do with it.
With the packets handed out, the teacher dismissed all the groups and the droves of small children entered the museum, in their somewhat separate groups, to find the answers to their packets.  They had two hours to get it all together, then they were supposed to meet back up in the museum’s main lobby.  Itara scanned the questions as they walked, Metal Sonic staying as far from any one person as he could manage without escaping altogether. Quickening her pace to catch back up with him, she reached up and pulled on his sleeve to get his attention.
“What.”  He sounded as frustrated as he looked.
Itara held the packet up to him, “You know these… you can just- look all this up, can’t you?”
He looked down at the packet with an eyebrow rose, scanning the questions before looking up again, scoffing, “of course I can.  But I won’t.”
“Why not?  The faster we get these answered, the sooner we can escape elsewhere until the presentation.”
“Because, dear little hedgehog,” Metal smirked down at her with a narrowed eye, “what would you learn if I just gave you the answers?”
Itara frowned, narrowing her eyes back, “Like any of this matters to me in the first place.  None of this is related to Gaia.”
“I’m fairly certain I saw a question on there about a painting of Gaia.”
“I already know full well what both Dark and Light Gaia look like, a painting of him is of no interest to me!”
“Shh, don’t yell in a museum.”  He was having too much fun mocking her and she was going to get him back for it.   Huffing angrily, she looked away from him, following silently as they continued their way through the museum.  One of the other kids in her group went to grab a map for them so they could figure out where each of their works should be located and Itara decided to point out the quickest route through to hit them all and circle back.
While they walked, they crossed paths with other groups often enough, sometimes ending up going the same way for a little while, causing the groups to merge.  Itara continued to remain on the outskirts of all of them, only listening in or searching out the answers for the packet and having no interest otherwise in the conversations going on.  However, during one of the merges, it ended up being Sceira’s original group, with Susan and Camilla, that they ended up on the same path as.  Itara had even less interest in everything happening than she had before.  Sceira and Camilla, of course, grouped back up and chatted about what they’d found so far, while Susan walked far behind them all, her signature look of patronizing disinterest never leaving her face.
The group stopped in front of a large painting of a green and purple, shadowy figure floating and watching over a corner of the earth from space.  The figure, itself, was vague in shape, several times larger than the earth and almost snake or worm-like in its perceived motion.  The title of the piece was ‘Life and Destruction’, and there was a small description in the museum guide book about it being theorized that it was some kind of Ancient God, though it had never been confirmed which one. The other children had a discussion amongst themselves about it, since their packet questions asked for their own opinions on the matter, but Itara once again remained out of it.  She knew who it was.
It wasn’t uncommon for the Ancient Gods to give life as often as they destroyed it, Chaos only went rampant because the Chao were attacked, even Solaris only held a grudge because his power was tainted by humans. But between the title, the colors, and the familiar purple-glowing tendrils floating around the head of the figure, Itara knew it was Dark Gaia, specifically.  Gaia was said to be in a constant back and forth with itself, split into Light and Dark, Creation and Destruction.  Dark Gaia awakened only once every thousand years to destroy what Light Gaia had created, then go back to sleep and let the cycle continue.
She had seen the previous iteration of that cycle once. Dark Gaia had an extremely recognizable figure when you’ve seen it in person, even for an uncertain, vague painting. Maybe she should explain this to her group, ensure that they had the right answer, at least.  If she was going to be involved with some kind of presentation of information, she could at least make sure they had the right answers. She knew nothing about art, but she could at least explain some of the history in them, if it came up.
While she walked over to the group to correct their incorrect assumptions about the Ancient God in question, Susan inched towards Metal, who was doing his own research towards the back of the room.  She’d been watching them all with a sharp eye and, after listening to Itara’s apparent certainty regarding the painting, felt the need to investigate.  As she approached, Metal’s proximity meter alerted him to her presence and he minimized the window he’d been looking at and turned a bored eye to the human woman. RK had warned him about this one, she seemed to be suspicious of them, unlike Lynda.  Well, or so RK said.  Metal wasn’t entirely convinced their nosy neighbor wasn’t equally suspicious, he would watch what he said around either.
“You’re Itara’s… guardian, correct?”  There was a certain spitefulness in her voice that put Metal on guard with her.  It was entirely unlike Lynda’s, who just appeared to be nosy, instead she sounded exactly as suspicious as Metal thought them all to be.
“I suppose that’s what I’ve become for this trip,” he responded with equal levels of disdain, hoping to prove he didn’t fear her prodding the way the others might.  He wouldn’t give away their true natures, of course, but it took more than a nosy human to put him on edge.
“You were at the New Year’s Party, as well, were you not?”
“Briefly.”  RK wasn’t particularly happy with him after that event.  Not that it mattered.
“So what is Itara to you, then?  You don’t sound overly pleased about being called her guardian.”
Metal glanced over, studying the look on her face and the tone of her voice.  There was no doubt about it, she was digging.  She was looking for something specific.  He couldn’t determine what just yet, but he recognized the tone easily enough.  It wasn’t unlike the Doctor’s at some points, making him quite disinterested in talking further with such people.  He’d had enough of them.  He was too busy trying to drag Itara’s plots out to deal with the humans.
“I don’t believe that’s any of your business.  Now, don’t you think you should get back to your children?  They seem to be taking off,” he motioned towards the group that had joined them as they continued towards another hallway while his own remained stationary in front of the painting.  Susan eyed him coldly, but said nothing and followed after them, disappearing beyond the door soon enough.  Metal gave a short mental nod of affirmation, but shook it away when Itara approached him.
“We’re just about done with our packets, Sparky.  We just have one more statue to find and we can head off to the lobby, how much time do we have left?”
“Mm, thirty-two minutes,” Metal glared down at her afterwards, “I’m getting tired of this nickname you’ve given me, as well.”
“What, you want me to call you by your full name? Here?  Amongst people?” Itara hissed, lowering her voice and glancing back towards the rest of the group, mostly wary of Sceira.  Metal frowned, debating it.
“Then why doesn’t RK have a ridiculous nickname?”
“Because he’s been inactive for decades and RK already technically is a nickname.  Robo-Knux isn’t exactly his built-in name, after all.  Not that this is the place for this discussion.”  She turned around towards the hallway they needed to continue in, shrugging and tossing over her shoulder, “you’re just gonna hafta deal with it for now, Sparks.”  Though, with her head turned over her shoulder and her eyes closed, it barely took the length of that final sentence before she tripped over her shoes and plummeted face-first into the tile ground.  Much to Metal’s amusement.
“Perhaps you’re right.  Some nicknames are worth it,” he grinned, getting a scowl from the little hedgehog as she pushed herself back up.  “Left-foot.”
“D-Don’t you dare!”
“Don’t I dare… what?” Metal’s grin only widened as her face reddened in frustration, “Come on, you had packets to finish, didn’t you? Best get on our way.”  He led the way back out of the room, leaving Itara to mumble and pout her way out.  If she was going to give him embarrassing nicknames that he had no choice but to go by for now, then he would return the favor.  She gave him plenty opportunities to exploit it, after all.  Now that he thought about it, Mephiles wasn’t exactly all that graceful on his feet when he had to actually walk, either.  Perhaps there was a reason the half-God was always floating in that black mist of his.
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dariuskinkaid-xiv · 7 years
Larka traced the scar carefully, a small frown marring her pale features. "How did you get this, Darius?"
Darius wasn’t used to people touching his face. Only recently had the awkward feeling that grew when Itara had done so gone away. There was something akin to that absence of distress when Larka touched his cheek, though. He gave her as much of a side glance as he could, spoon lifting something into his mouth. His eyes moved to the circlet he normally wore as she asked, the article sitting on the table in front of him. The lacquered headpiece still had a little luster to it even having been worn in plenty of fights. Finally, the highlander’s voice escaped him…
“Xalea’s horn…”
Memories flooded his mind for a moment…
An Auri group looking for a fresh start in Limsa…People trying to poach them, claiming they were ‘exotic’…This strange feeling carrying Darius’s feet despite the fight not being his…The Xalea in the group stating Darius was ‘just another poacher’…The idea of literally 'locking horns with said Xalea…
Then the feeling hit the Highlander. The tip of the man’s horn biting deep into Darius’s cheek as they wrestled. That day, Darius learned that those extra parts were a lot more sensitive than they appeared. What Darius hadn’t realized was he had been recounting the whole thing out loud…
“…so I smacked him on both horns and watched him stumble for a moment before I rammed my head so hard against the bridge'a his nose…”
The Auri had stopped him, recognizing both his strength and selflessness as crimson poured from his cheek. They had stated that he displayed ferocity akin to that of their kinsman, awarding him his own 'horns'. He literally reached up as he spoke, meaning to wipe lifeblood away.
“So I walked away with that scar and those horns…sorry…my stories really aren’t all that great…”
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fashion-noodle · 5 years
Itara Irispyre - Voice Reference
Bold what applies. Italicize situational. Feel free to add your own suggestions and carry it on.
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► ACCENT country │ backwoods │ sailor │ noble │ foreign speaker | the Queen’s English │accent-neutral
Itara has worked hard to eliminate her deep Shroud accent.  She did so mostly to seem more sophisticated.  This all falls apart as soon as she starts to drink or gets very emotional.  The drunker she is, the thicker her accent. 
► ELOQUENCE educated │ uneducated │ doesn’t use conjunctions │ shortens words │ just makes up their own words │ old English │dependent on mood or setting | stutters
Itara’s vocabulary is very limited due to her limited education.  And when drinking she just kinda mushes words together.  Y'all'd've style.
► TONE loud │ soft │ room volume │ high pitched │ low pitched │seductive │velvety │ speech impediment │ abrasive │ gruff │ shrill │ booming │ matter-of-fact │ toneless │ husky │ gravelly │ breathy │ nasal │ barking │ chatty │ condescending │ musical │ suave │ world-weary |  brash │ authoritative
► HABITS refers to self in third person │ incorporates different languages/terms/sayings │ uses gender-specific terms │ adapts to audience │ changes pitch around animals or children │ shifts tone when lying │ gives others nicknames │ uses terms of respect towards others
Itara’s lies are smooth as silk.  They come out of her lips like any other word, practiced and easy. 
Most of what you see of Itara is a lie.  
She gives nicknames to basically everyone she meets, whether that is a pet name like Kitten, or darling, or something more specific like Plum blossom.   She will use terms of respect when she feels like she needs to in order to get what she wants.  The perfect example:  Mr. Popito.
► VOICE REFERENCE Krysten Ritter specifically as Chole in Don’t trust the B in Apartment 23 (if you ever catch her without the mask... its more like Jessica Jones)
Tagged by: @hellsbovnd
I’m tagging:  @eaotheelf @rhalgr @not-another-universe @savagehymn     @lazarusffxiv @eorzeuh   and really everyone I rp with.  please, I want to see! if we have ever rp’d tell me!
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fashion-noodle · 6 years
A Better Picture of Itara
I saw this going around and I just wanted to share~
Face Claim: Morena Baccarin 
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Body Claim: Sadie Marquardt  
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Voice Claim: Krysten Ritter (specifically her role as Chloe below) 
These are who I use as references when I’m drawing Itara, and people who fit my mental image of her as best as possible.  
Additionally, while I wouldn’t put her as a voice claim Carole Lombard has really become a strong influencer for Itara.  She looks and behaves similarly to how I imagine Itara to.  
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fashion-noodle · 5 years
LFRP- Itara Irispyre +
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Hello, RPers on Crystal!  I’m so happy to have so many new people to possibly RP with!    I have 3 RP Blogs of wonderful characters that I hope some of you would like to play with.  ^_^
This one here @fashion-noodle is for my main character  Itara Irispyre-
A flirty dancer, whose smiling face and carefree attitude hides even more troubles than she has addictions. 
I have @bad-girls-of-balmung  which holds my alts, who all need so much love -A shroud runaway trying to hide as an Ishgardian, a bandit with no morals, a green adventurer looking to prove herself, a Doman refugee trying to find her place in the world, an explosives expert trying to have a blast, and a Seeker of the Sun trying to find a new family.
And then there is @dusk-bunnie which hold my Mateus Alt- A sweet little country girl trying to survive in Ul’dah. 
Please visits my other blogs for more information on each character (or send me a message if one catches your eye!) 
More information on my main, Itara, below: 
The Basics ––– –
Age: 24ish
Birthday:  June 9th
Race:  Duskwight Elezen (Shroud born)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Marital Status: Devoiced
Physical Appearance ––– –
Face Claim: Morena Baccarin (link)
Body Claim: Sadie Marquardt  (link)  
Voice Claim: Krysten Ritter (link)
Hair: Silver blue lightning at the tips
Eyes: Gold
Height: 6′ 2′
Build: Curvy (More so than character model allows)
Distinguishing Marks:  Beauty mark
Common Accessories:  A white lily in her hair, anything shimmery/shiny 
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Personal ––– –
Profession: Dancer [Bellydance style, does not sing] also works as a bartender.  Actress
Hobbies: Drinking, Gambling, Partying, Minor Alchemy, Botany, Tea Making
Languages: Common
Residence: Currently crashing in the Goblet (Doesn’t have own permanent residence) 
Birthplace:  South Shroud
Religion: Agnostic
Patron Deity:  Nymeia (It's complicated)
Fears: Commitment, insignificance, growing old/ugly, restraints
Relationships ––– -
Spouse: None (Generally non-commital)
Children: None
Parents:  Orphaned, adopted father deceased
Siblings: Adopted siblings deceased or estranged [Aniselle de Cavernes believed to be deceased]
Other Relatives: None
Pets:  None
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: Occasional  Drugs: Frequently, all kinds Alcohol: OFTEN
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RP Hooks ––– –
Party Pal:  Itara parties.  Hard.  Drinks, drugs, etc.  It's a good way to meet her and maybe stir up some trouble.
Fans:  Itara has been performing since she was around 13 summers, starting with the little tavern in the South Shroud she grew up in.  She has also been known to perform in Limsa at the Drowning Wench and to have shows at the Gold Saucer.  She’s also been known to perform at other places around Eorzea, little bars, and small venues mostly.  Even if you have never seen me perform in game (a thing I hope to do more soon) you are welcome to have had your character be a fan (or not even) or to have seen her before.
A Little Tavern that Burned:  Itara grew up in a little tavern nestled in the hills between the South Shroud and Thanalan.  This Tavern welcomed all people but catered mostly to pirates, poacher, and bandits.  This tavern was built on the mouth of a system of caves which the owner used to smuggle goods throughout Eorzea.  This place burned down shortly before the calamity, but it gives lots of opportunities to have a history with Itara!   Any of the mentioned group or anyone involved with the criminal underground of the Shroud or Thanalan could know Itara from her days living/working/dancing at this place. Additionally, the owner of this Tavern took in orphans to work the place.  Many of these orphans went on to be other things once reaching the age to do so, so I’m open to working “siblings.”
Former Pirate:  Itara worked as a pirate for less than a year, but I’m sure she rubbed shoulders with a few pirates during that time. Following her time on the ship she continued to work for a pirate, laundering his money through bars she ran for him.  These venues are now closed and she has cut contacts.  Maybe some people are angry about this?
Crimes and Drugs:  Do you like drugs?  So does Itara!  She actually makes her own blends of potions that function similarly to MDMA.  Itara is not a good alchemist, so they are about as clean and safe as homemade meth.  Designer drugs are her thing, but she isn’t really a dealer, she makes them mostly for herself, but if someone wanted to buy... she would sell.  Itara is also involved with the criminal underworld and has deep contacts.  She's a good person to go to if you want anything illegal, from drugs to hitmen. 
Friends with Mischief:  Due to time growing up in the South Shroud she made good friends with poacher and bandits.  While her relationship with poachers is now strained she maintains good relations with many bandits and often brings supplies to the Redbelly hive. 
Trouble in Kugane: During Itara’s trip to the East with her now ex-husband she got very bored and thus got in a lot of trouble.  It's likely that she seduced married people into cheating, got into deep gambling debt, rain up large drinking tabs, made promises she couldn’t keep, and probably slipped a few shiny things into her pocket... and probably other things as well!  So if you are eastern based and have an idea for how Itara may have crossed you or someone you know... LET ME KNOW! 
More to come! I’m working on some more plots and I’m always open to ideas.  So if you think Itara might work into a plot line you want for your character don’t be afraid to ask!  She’s more of a side character and i work best working within other people’s stories!
Contact Information  ––– –
Discord on request, Tumblr IM Welcome, In game tells and walk-ups are welcome!
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art links (in order of appearance) @amaipetisu @keelime-art @rif-art
28 notes · View notes
fashion-noodle · 6 years
LFRP - Itara Irispyre
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I’m newish to Balmung so I thought maybe it would be good to put myself out there and find some new contacts!  \o/ new friends!
The Basics ––– –
Age: 24ish
Birthday:  June 9th
Race:  Duskwight Elezen (Shroud born)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Marital Status: Devoiced
Physical Appearance ––– –
Face Claim: Morena Baccarin (link)
Body Claim: Sadie Marquardt  (link)  
Voice Claim: Krysten Ritter (link)
Hair: Silver blue lightning at the tips
Eyes: Gold
Height: 6′ 2′
Build: Curvy (More so than character model allows)
Distinguishing Marks:  Beauty mark
Common Accessories:  A white lily in her hair, anything shimmery/shiny 
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Personal ––– –
Profession: Dancer [Bellydance style, does not sing] also works as a bartender
Hobbies: Drinking, Gambling, Partying, Minor Alchemy, Botany, Tea Making
Languages: Common
Residence: Currently crashing in the Goblet (Doesn’t have own permanent residence) 
Birthplace:  South Shroud
Religion: Agnostic
Patron Deity:  Nymeia (It's complicated)
Fears: Commitment, insignificance, growing old/ugly, restraints
Relationships ––– -
Spouse: None (Generally non-commital)
Children: None
Parents:  Orphaned, adopted father deceased
Siblings: Adopted siblings deceased or estranged [Aniselle de Cavernes believed to be deceased]
Other Relatives: None
Pets:  None
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: Occasional  Drugs: Frequently, all kinds Alcohol: OFTEN
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RP Hooks ––– –
Party Pal:  Itara parties.  Hard.  Drinks, drugs, etc.  It's a good way to meet her and maybe stir up some trouble.
Fans:  Itara has been performing since she was around 13 summers, starting with the little tavern in the South Shroud she grew up in.  She has also been known to perform in Limsa at the Drowning Wench and to have shows at the Gold Saucer.  She’s also been known to perform at other places around Eorzea, little bars, and small venues mostly.  Even if you have never seen me perform in game (a thing I hope to do more soon) you are welcome to have had your character be a fan (or not even) or to have seen her before.
A Little Tavern that Burned:  Itara grew up in a little tavern nestled in the hills between the South Shroud and Thanalan.  This Tavern welcomed all people but catered mostly to pirates, poacher, and bandits.  This tavern was built on the mouth of a system of caves which the owner used to smuggle goods throughout Eorzea.  This place burned down shortly before the calamity, but it gives lots of opportunities to have a history with Itara!   Any of the mentioned group or anyone involved with the criminal underground of the Shroud or Thanalan could know Itara from her days living/working/dancing at this place. Additionally, the owner of this Tavern took in orphans to work the place.  Many of these orphans went on to be other things once reaching the age to do so, so I’m open to working “siblings.”
Former Pirate:  Itara worked as a pirate for less than a year, but I’m sure she rubbed shoulders with a few pirates during that time. Following her time on the ship she continued to work for a pirate, laundering his money through bars she ran for him.  These venues are now closed and she has cut contacts.  Maybe some people are angry about this?
Crimes and Drugs:  Do you like drugs?  So does Itara!  She actually makes her own blends of potions that function similarly to MDMA.  Itara is not a good alchemist, so they are about as clean and safe as homemade meth.  Designer drugs are her thing, but she isn’t really a dealer, she makes them mostly for herself, but if someone wanted to buy... she would sell.  Itara is also involved with the criminal underworld and has deep contacts.  She's a good person to go to if you want anything illegal, from drugs to hitmen. 
Friends with Mischief:  Due to time growing up in the South Shroud she made good friends with poacher and bandits.  While her relationship with poachers is now strained she maintains good relations with many bandits and often brings supplies to the Redbelly hive. 
Trouble in Kugane: During Itara’s trip to the East with her now ex-husband she got very bored and thus got in a lot of trouble.  It's likely that she seduced married people into cheating, got into deep gambling debt, rain up large drinking tabs, made promises she couldn’t keep, and probably slipped a few shiny things into her pocket... and probably other things as well!  So if you are eastern based and have an idea for how Itara may have crossed you or someone you know... LET ME KNOW! 
More to come! I’m working on some more plots and I’m always open to ideas.  So if you think Itara might work into a plot line you want for your character don’t be afraid to ask!  She’s more of a side character and i work best working within other people’s stories!
Contact Information  ––– –
Discord on request, Tumblr IM Welcome, In game tells and walk-ups are welcome!
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art links (in order of appearance) @amaipetisu @keelime-art @rif-art
77 notes · View notes
disrepairhouse · 5 years
Chapter 39 - Return
Lynda didn’t understand a single topic of conversation happening around her.  Robots, time travel, other worlds, the awakened Gods, Robotnik, the flood at Station Square.  She hadn’t moved from her collapsed position on the living room couch, Simon sat curled up beside her, as RK questioned the ponytailed robot that had saved them from the golem.  It almost sounded like RK was in Station Square when Chaos awoke, but that made no sense.  That was all the way across the ocean, he was out looking for Itara in Spagonia when that happened, how could he have been in Station Square?  When Sparky joined them from beyond the garage door, her confusion only grew.  He threatened the robot again, but somehow his entire arm was covered in bright blue electricity.  How was he doing that?
At some point, Lynda had no idea how long it’d been, RK sent Sparky back ‘downstairs’ and after a short moment another knock came from the door.  The fox that had been with Sparky and Itara when they returned appeared behind it, looking worse for wear, and explained that downtown was completely overrun by the monsters and that he’d been warned by an unseen voice to get out.  He glanced around the room and gave a courteous nod to her, but turned back to RK to ask about Itara.  A lot of conversations today seemed to be focused around the so far still absent little hedgehog and finally, Lynda wanted to know why.
She pulled Simon’s grip from her arm and stood up, grabbing the attention of the others, and finally questioned, “RK… what is going on?”
The three went silent but, with a heavy reluctance, RK sighed.  “I suppose trying to hide all this now would be pointless,” he admitted with a glance towards the closed garage door Metal had disappeared behind.  He debated where to even begin but motioned back towards the couch, “maybe you should sit down.”
“I’ve been sitting down,” Lynda argued.
RK studied her expression.  She was quite obviously scared, but there was a determination for the truth in her eyes.  He nodded and slowly began, “We’re not… normal mobians.  None of us are.  Well, Ned here is, but Sparky- Metal, and I, are actually robots.  ‘Sparky’ is actually Metal Sonic.”  He stopped briefly to gauge her response, inwardly wincing when she – expectantly – looked horrified.  But he continued, “I came from the same line, I’m a robotic counterpart to Knuckles.  ‘RK’ is short for Robot Knuckles, or Metal Knuckles, as was my original designation. We’ve been rogue and hiding from Robotnik for a long time now, though.  I’ve been inactive for years but the base I was stored in was destroyed and I was damaged in my attempt to escape.  Itara was the one who found, repaired, and reactivated me and I’ve been watching over her since.”
He stopped again to watch the human woman’s response, wary of how she’d react.  Her eyes glazed over as she stared off, nearly losing her footing and had to grab onto the arm of the couch to remain standing.  When she focused back in, she eyed him cautiously, “So… you’ve been a Robotnik robot this entire time?”  There was less suspicion than RK expected, and far more disappointment.  He would never fully understand her.
He nodded and continued, “Zero here is also a robot, but apparently he isn’t from our world,” he looked over at the stranger robot, who stood, listening, with his arms crossed.  He nodded in confirmation when RK looked to him.
“I’ve been working for this Robotnik since my arrival in this world as he claimed to be the only one who could get me home again. Among other things he’s told me over the past few months, I believe this was a lie,” Zero explained, “The time traveler may have just as much potential to get me home and, quite frankly, is the more trustworthy of the two.”
“That’s another thing,” Lynda interrupted, a glare replaced her previously baffled expression, “you keep referring to Itara as a time traveler.  What on earth are you talking about?”
RK sighed, though before he could explain, Metal returned from the basement and looked around at the group suspiciously. RK cast him a sideway glance but returned his attention to Lynda to explain, “Itara… isn’t a normal mobian, either. She’s not a robot like us-.”
“You told her?!” Metal hissed, sparking right back up with all the rage RK had expected.  Lynda jumped at the response but RK turned to face him with a strange calmness.
“You think it honestly matters at this point, Metal? The Gods are awake, the earth is being destroyed as we speak, Crisis City is happening again, and Itara is missing. Besides, she’s been sitting right here this entire time, I think the ruse is up.”
Metal huffed and growled, searching for an argument, but eventually threw his arms up and stormed off to the kitchen.  He wasn’t happy about so much being revealed all of a sudden, but RK had a point, what did it matter?
RK shook his head at the pouting bot but finished his explanation, “Itara isn’t a robot like us, she’s organic, but she’s also… not exactly mortal.  She was created by Metal in Robotnik’s lab a long time ago, from a shard of Solaris. There’s a lot there to explain and I don’t think I could properly explain all of it in any conceivable amount of time, but Itara used to have powers she – up until yesterday, at least – could no longer control.  Including time travel.  And I imagine that’s where she’s vanished to, why she’s not here now.  I think her powers reactivated with Solaris’ reappearance and she traveled through time.  Which is why I haven’t gone to find her.  I can’t.”
Once again, Lynda leaned back against the couch to support herself.  RK watched her closely to catch her if she fell, but as she desperately tried to grasp what he was saying a small squeak of a noise sparked up from behind her.  All eyes fell to the cowering human boy as he hadn’t made a noise since arriving and was finally uncurling from his spot on the couch.  RK watched curiously, but Metal’s eyes narrowed suspiciously from the dining room where he’d retreated to.  They watched as the human kid went through what appeared to be a great mental battle before he finally stood up and walked over beside his mom, shoulders dropped, avoiding everyone’s gaze.
Lynda shifted to wrap her arms around him again as she assumed he was upset about his friend’s disappearance, but when she tried to comfort him by saying the hedgehog girl would be back, he shook his head. With a heavy sigh, he finally looked up at RK with wide, red, puffy eyes and the most dejected, guilty look he’d seen on the boy.  “It’s my fault,” Simon whimpered.
Baffled confusion spread through the room at the admittance.  RK’s head tilted to the side as he questioned, “What do you mean?  What was?”
“Itara taking off… it was our fault,” Simon whimpered again, “when we took off at the festival, we went to this walkthrough across the street and one of those monsters attacked the building.  It followed us into the alleyway, it almost killed us, but… but Itara…”  His eyes filled with tears again as he his face scrunched up, hiccupping the rest of the way through his explanation, “she saved us from the thing… but we were so scared… because she summoned these creatures that looked exactly like the other one!  Camilla started yelling at her and I didn’t say anything, I was just scared, I’m sorry! It’s our fault she disappeared!” His explanation turned into incomprehensible bawling before long, but they understood well enough.
Lynda bent down to comfort him, to try and soften his crying, while RK sighed.  Metal got up from the dining room chair to rejoin them again, glaring down at the crying boy while Ned reached over to pat the boy on the head to help his mother calm him down.  While Metal made no attempt to hide his anger at the human boy, RK managed to keep his own fury off his face.  They were kids, after all, even adults panicked and froze up when under attack, it wasn’t surprising that kids would react brashly in that kind of situation.  But it also didn’t change the fact that he knew Itara would take something like that hard.  She was just starting to open up to her friends, and they turn on her at the first sign of her powers.  Coupled with Solaris finally showing his face, he knew why she would take off in such a hurry.  But what if she got stuck?  What if she only had enough power for one trip?  She gave half of it to Kipper, after all, and time travel took a lot out of her.
But what could he even do about it?
If she didn’t seek him or Metal out in the past, they would have no reason to search for her.  But in her recent mental state, especially with Solaris’ reappearance, she shouldn’t be alone.  Yet he could do nothing but wait for her return.  He was worried enough with her disappearance originally, now he was in a downright panic.  Maybe he could get some idea where she ended up, if she ended up in the past, by checking his and Metal’s memories.  Some hint of her reappearance somewhere in the past that they hadn’t noticed before because they had no reason to.  He suspected she was likely the one who warned Ned to come over, meaning she was still in the recent past at some point, but the fact that she kept herself hidden from him and didn’t return with him concerned him.
With a quick shake of his head, he turned for the basement door, “Metal, come with me.  I want to search your memories for signs of Itara.  I can’t imagine she traveled far in the state she was in, meaning she’s likely still around Soleanna.  If she went back, we may have seen signs of her.  If she went forward there’s nothing we can do, but I want to at least check.  I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before.”  Metal nodded and followed with a final glare towards the human kid, but upon turning around found the other robot following, as well.
“I’ll offer my assistance,” Zero added, getting sideways glances from both other robots, “it benefits me to find her, as well. I’ve been doing my own research since separating from Robotnik, specifically searching for the time traveler, it’s possible I passed her at some point.”
RK nodded but Metal only watched him suspiciously. He didn’t trust this other robot. He still didn’t want him in their house, let alone their base.  But RK was right, none of it would matter if the destruction kept up.  Their best shot at even surviving this chaos was to find the tiny child so if the other robot was going to help in that endeavor, he would only watch him carefully instead of arguing.  Behind him, he could hear Ned attempting to console the two humans and ushering them back to the couch to sit down.  The old fox was strangely calm considering everything going on and everything they just revealed.  Though, he supposed Itara already let the antique shop owner in on their secret before. That wouldn’t have come as much surprise to him, but he was still an oddly accepting old fox, all things considered. Metal wondered if this was why RK got so close to him in the first place.
The walk down to the lab was silent, but once the three robots reached the massive computer and charging stations, RK dropped down into the chair at the console and instructed Metal to plug in as he did the same.  He could easily read the distress in the echidna’s body language and tone and wondered if they would actually find signs of the missing child or not.  If they did, it would at least confirm her location in time, but what would it matter?  They still couldn’t do anything about it.  They would still have to wait for her to return on her own, whether they knew where she was or not.  But he would keep this thought to himself.  Antsy RKs often meant punchy RKs.
Admittedly, though he would never voice or convey this in any way, even he was a tad concerned about the tiny child’s disappearance. He saw on multiple occasions the state of her mentality lately.  The panic attacks, the doubt, the mental adjustments.  She was far from stable and now she was entirely out of their reach. If anyone ever caught on, he would simply claim he was concerned for the state of the timelines and his own existence, but he couldn’t fully hide his fury at the other children for turning on her like they did.  He’d heard and seen plenty of Camilla’s antagonizing of the little time traveler, long before she ever knew her true nature, and Metal had no doubt in his mind she would turn on her at some point.  He just wished he’d been there to punt the little brat across the globe for it.
Metal and RK hooked up to the computer to scan memory files while Zero sat nearby to do the same on his own.  It was a mostly silent process, none of them being overly interested in unnecessary conversation, but it was impossible to miss RK’s increased unease.  Though he hardly said anything, the impatient tap of his fingers on the desk, the frantic search through memory files, and the scowl that never quite left his face all said everything he wasn’t.  However, just as Metal debated dragging the other bot out of his thoughts, the door to the lab opened and closed at the top of the stairs, pulling both Metal and Zero’s attention.  RK remained glued to his search.
A scowl touched Metal’s face when he saw the legs descend from the upper floor but turned back towards the computer when the small child fully appeared.  He had nothing to say to the human child.  He didn’t much appreciate having anyone else in their lab, but the stranger robot was already in there, anyway.  What difference did a human child make at this point?
Zero, however, kept his sights on the child as he shuffled uncomfortably towards them.  He was unaware of the relationship between this child and the other one, and wondered how much he was truly to blame for her disappearance, despite his earlier explanation, not that it much concerned him.  The other two, however, seemed to disregard the child’s presence altogether.
Simon looked up between the three robots once he reached them.  He studied the cables going from two of them to the computer, the endless stream of video files displayed on the towering computer screen, and the third apparent robot that had joined them.  He flinched when he caught sight of Metal’s glare but looked to RK, instead, and frowned. “Can… can I help… with anything?” He felt bad for Itara going missing. He wasn’t sure how, but he wanted to help.  She was his friend and, as far as he was concerned, it was his and Sceira’s and Camilla’s fault she left.  He only got a scoff from Metal, but finally, RK glanced back at him.
“I don’t think there’s much you can do, Simon,” RK stated, his tone far more irritated than Simon had ever heard it.
There was silence again for a few minutes as Simon shuffled around uncomfortably, but eventually spoke up again, “So you’re… robots?” All three robots cast him a long sideways glance but it was RK who nodded, though he said nothing else.  “And you used to work for Robotnik?”  RK nodded again, but Simon’s gaze fell on Metal, specifically.  The blue bot caught the movement easily enough and shot him a warning glare, sending Simon’s gaze right back to RK.  “Is that why Itara was in the higher grade’s robotics class?”
RK sighed, annoyed with the questioning, but answered, “It’s one reason, yes.”
There was a brief silence, but RK knew enough by now to know it wasn’t the end of the questioning and just as he expected, Simon spoke up again after a few minutes of thought, “if Itara was created by Metal from a piece of Solaris… who were the mobians that brought her to school that one time?  The ones that died in the fire?”
A much longer silence filled the room as RK kept his sights on the computer screen before him.  Not only did he not know how to explain that complicated of a situation to a small child that wasn’t actually several hundred years old, but he wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to, either.  The mobian parents and Itara’s creation were sore topics to all three of them and not even Metal wanted to delve into any of it. Eventually, RK shook his head and grumbled, “don’t worry about it, Simon.  Look, just-,” he sighed and sat up to turn back to the kid.  He was trying to keep his frustration off his face. He knew the kids weren’t the only reason Itara took off, Solaris was the bulk of the problem, even if the response from her friends didn’t help, and he didn’t want Simon to think he blamed him for it.  He was frustrated with them, especially Camilla and if he ever saw Susan and her little brat again he might consider feeding them to a Biter, but he knew it wasn’t Simon’s fault.
As he reached over to disconnect from the computer so he could scoot Simon back upstairs to his mother, though, a proximity notification popped up on the computer screen.  Someone, or something, was outside the house again.  He almost hoped it was another monster so he could punch it, since Zero took out the last one before he could get to it and didn’t offer a fight, himself.  But as he reached over to adjust the camera to find out, his twitching claws froze.
He suddenly knew exactly where Itara went.
He said nothing as he lowered the defense barrier and ignored the accusatory glare from Metal as well as the questioning from Simon.  He should have realized that would ultimately be her goal with the ability to time travel again.  If anything, he had feared that it would be and going so far back so quickly would be what got her stuck in the past.  He’d seen her travel more than two-hundred years before, but she’d been out of practice, not to mention the missing half.
Then there was the physical danger, itself. She had neither Kipper nor him to protect her right now, they didn’t know she was travelling again until now. Kipper may still not know.  But he should have expected this, nonetheless. He continued to ignore the looks and questions from Ned and Lynda, who were sitting at the dining table now, Ned still trying to calm the barely functioning woman, as he crossed from the hallway to the doorway.  He reached it within seconds of the first knock and mentally prepared himself for yet another awkward conversation, pulling the door open before long.
The two hedgehogs behind the door stared up at him, recognition touched both their expressions, in wildly different degrees.  The woman, the same burgundy red as Itara, with the same style of wild spines and lighter streaks, her clothes torn from fighting, stared up at him with unhindered shock while her teal, male counterpart only narrowed his eyes with the realization.  He looked almost as pristine as the first time RK had met him, eight months ago, with little more than a singed spine that was nearly invisible in the tightly pulled-back ponytail.  The male was the first to collect himself but the woman was the first to break the silence.
“Where is… Itara?”  Her shock turned to defensive fury but RK threw his hands up.
“There’s a lot to talk about.  Follow me downstairs so I can put the defenses back up,” RK explained as he moved aside to let them in, which they did easily enough. He glanced around outside, in hopes that Itara would reappear now that her goal was accomplished, but when there was no such luck he closed and locked the door and led the way back to the basement.
Ned and Lynda got up to see who had come this time, but RK only shook his head to their questions with a promise to explain later, and continued downstairs.  Perhaps the newly arrived hedgehogs, the newly alive hedgehogs, could answer the questions they’d been after.  Kelly never truly came off the defensive as she followed him down, and RK figured Mira was as on guard as she was, he was simply better at hiding it.  However, the teal hedgehog’s dead stare finally broke when they reached the bottom stair, a scowl crept across his face as he stopped short, and when RK looked back to ask why, he realized all too easily.
Of course Mira would recognize Metal Sonic.
“Why is Metal Sonic here?” Mira hissed, the question urged Kelly to jump between them, fists up and ready to strike.  Their appearance drew Metal and Zero’s attention as they looked back, Zero only watched with caution while Metal sighed.
“Like I said,” RK stated, “there’s a lot to talk about.  Metal won’t hurt you, so why don’t we just sit down and try to get everything figured out.”
“I suppose your appearance answers the question of the missing time traveler, though.”  Metal stated as he turned to scan the computer screen before reaching over to unplug from it.
“Time traveler?” Kelly questioned, her head tilting to the side.
Mira stared them down with heavy scrutiny, studied the room and the robots, including the one he didn’t recognize, but finally motioned for RK to lead again and waved his wife’s fists down. She lowered her stance with great reluctance, but continued to eye the robots with the same heavy suspicion. Mira searched out a place to sit while RK returned to the computer chair to work out where to begin.  He’d forgotten about Simon, who had gotten himself comfortable on the lab floor, until he spoke up again.
“Hey!  Wait a minute!  Aren’t you Itara’s parents?!  I thought you died?!”
Kelly jumped at the rather sudden accusation, but Mira’s eyes narrowed further at the human child sat cross-legged on the floor between Zero and Metal.  “Died?”
“In the fire!  We were just talking about it!”
“Simon, go upstairs to your mom,” RK growled and pointed for the stairs, getting a series of ‘buts’ from the child before he finally left, pouting.  With a huff and a sigh, he leaned back to rub his head.  Metal smirked, but said nothing.
“Alright, I want answers,” Mira demanded, “What is going on?  What did he mean ‘died’?  Why is Metal Sonic here?  And where is Itara?”
RK shook his head and sat up again to meet Mira’s gaze, “I’ll explain what I can, but first I want to know… should I explain it in front of Kelly?”
Mira, for probably the first time RK could recall in the short time he’d known the cool-toned hedgehog, visibly hitched.  It was brief, his gaze straightened shortly after, but RK saw it and apparently so did Kelly.  She looked between them, her brows furrowed, confusion written clear as day across her face in stark contrast to Mira’s fixed gaze, “What? Why wouldn’t you?”  She turned to Mira, causing his eyes to dart away, “Mira?”
With a heavy sigh, Mira’s shoulders dropped ever so slightly as he responded, “Yes, I suppose I can’t keep this hidden any longer, can I?  Please, explain it.  To both of us.”  Kelly’s expression only grew more confused while RK nodded and sat back to explain everything they hadn’t had time to so long ago and everything that had happened since.  He figured everyone present already had bits and pieces of the whole story and knowing the rest would only help them deal with the current crisis of the Gods, as well as finding Itara.
So, he explained Solaris’ split and the creation of Mephiles and Iblis.  He explained the scepter and Robotnik’s experiments to extract a piece of it – though he kept Metal Sonic out of the details due to the fact that he’d been the one to kidnap the little hedgehog girl once known as Itara, Mira and Kelly’s real daughter – and his success in creating what was now the piece of Solaris going by Itara.  He explained the timelines, his rescue and repairs by the little time traveler, and the fate of the previous world.  He explained the reset and the repairs of Metal Sonic, the fated meeting with the mobian parents, the fire, and their unfortunate deaths in what he supposed was now an alternate timeline.  He explained everything up to the day of the festival, up to Solaris’ sudden reappearance and Itara’s disappearance.  He hoped, with Mira and Kelly knowing the truth, and even Zero knowing the full extent of the situation, they could get to the bottom of it quicker.  He honestly didn’t know what they could do about the Gods but, maybe, just maybe, they could at least locate the missing girl before she got hurt or stuck.
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