#[SERAPHINA] ~That Little Thorn In My Side~
sapphic-scylla · 10 months
Short update to Sera’s story this season, but nonetheless, a fun little blurb to write. Enjoy! @ebevkisk
Depths of Sorrow
“No, I WILL NOT allow it. She will not spit her lies in our ears again.”
Saint-14 stormed out of the room. As Zavala, Saladin, and Sloane all departed, Sera took that to mean the meeting was over. Sera let Piper drift to her hand and transmatted them back to their apartment. Sera lived a few miles out from the wall in a complex in the Botza District. The area had recently reopened to the public and, since Sera had established herself as not only the Queen’s Mercy, but also as a deep personal friend to the Eliksni, it seemed only fitting that she lived mere blocks away from the Eliksni sector of the Last City.
Her brain was swimming and not because she’d spent the last few months in Titan’s methane seas, but Ahsa had spilled the news that perhaps the only saving grace to contend against the Final Shape was the resurrection of Savathûn, the Witch Queen.
Sera was an adept sifter of lies, but even still, it was hard to read a creature who had made her entire existence about being the universe’s greatest mystery. Savathûn had put Osiris in a coma and shredded Sagira. As well meaning as she may have been, Savathûn was still very dangerous.
Sera tossed her satchel to the floor and flopped onto the bed. She pulled up the sleeve on her arm to reveal the Hive rune that had been carved into her flesh several years ago and watched it faintly glow green just as it had ever since. Ice crawled across her fingertips as her emotions flared in upset distaste and confusion.
“The world does not hesitate to drop us further just as we seek to climb.” A voice said in the darkness.
Completely unsurprised, Sera gave a heavy sigh. “You know, Eris, you could just send a message.”
Sera could hear a faint smile. “And what would be the fun in that? Though, fun is not exactly the word that comes to mind when Savathûn’s fingertips come clawing at our brains once again.”
Sera sat up. “I figured you would be the first they called. What do you make of this? You’re one of the few that are aware of my predicament as well as this risk we have to take, what with us having to rely once again on the Witch Queen to keep us afloat?”
Eris gave a disapproving sneer. “Germaine and I have given much thought to this. We must have a knife to her throat at all times. We cannot afford any more missteps as far as the hive are concerned. Not only that, but now that Xivu Arath has begun making more bold moves, that Wicked Implement you carry bodes ill for our good favor.”
Sera looked over at the scout rifle that sat in the corner. Her hive rune had flared as she touched the weapon the first time.
“She would not have marked you for no reason, guardian. Savathûn does not make uncalculated decisions. Especially not in the realm of labeling the most prolific Ice Mage in the Vanguard who has been a thorn in her side since she woke up. Keep a trained eye out. You, me, and Germaine must remain vigilant. She will play our game this time.”
Sera gave Eris a hug. “I trust you. I don’t know how this will play out, but I can’t help feeling we have an advantage this time. She’s a snake, but even snakes can be trained.”
Eris gave a malevolent cackle. “You speak truths. Now, I must take my leave. Surely, Zavala will want to hear my opinions on this development. Remember, guardian. Knife to her throat.” And with that, she vanished.
Sera watched the empty space for a second as she felt the chilling power of Stasis swirl around her fingertips once more. Frost and crystals ran up her arm as she felt her anger well up once more.
She didn’t like it, but the Witch Queen was their only shot. However, she had felt the chill of death once and Seraphina would not hesitate to make her feel it again.
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xhelenaxleblancx · 5 years
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katatty · 3 years
Do you have a favourite of Camellia's many lovers or are you equally attached to all those relationships? And for Pleasantview uhh rant a little about Chaz and Juliette? Idk if I'd really call them a "ship" per se but like, the dynamic of the two of them is fascinating to me sfdjgsdfjh - simhealing
Ooooh, Camellia! It’s too early for me to really have made up my mind much about who I think the best match for her is, I do have some thoughts. I can’t see her and Wedge working out longterm, he’s a hopeless romantic and I think they would probably want different things out of a relationship. I’m not super sure about her and Margot either, they have a lot in common and are pretty compatible in theory but, idk, I like Margot with Pyxis so much and was really holding out for them to fall in love, now that they have Camellia is honestly a thorn in my side lmao! She and Orion are fine, I quite like them actually and Camellia lowkey seems like she’s had a crush on him since she was a teenager, she was forever rolling wants for him? It’s cute.
But honestly, I gotta admit, I like her and Seraphina the most! They seem like they are both the types to want to get as much as they can out of life, definitely on the same page relationship-wise. I also just find Camellia’s pseudo-intellectual mannerisms and floral aesthetic contrasts with this bright blue punky alien in a really fun way? But we’ll see! It’s early days still, any of these relationships could suprise me!
Meanwhile aaaaaa Chaz/Juliette is definitely a dymanic/coupling that has thrown me for a loop I am really enjoying, I’m glad you find them interesting too! Juliette imo after Romeo’s death isn’t particularly bothered about romantic loyalty any more, she likes Junior quite a lot but at the end of the day he’s a means to an end and if flirting with other people will win her an advantage she��ll go for it. She has quite the manipulative streak and probably figures Chaz is going to be easy to manipulate.
And maybe that’s the case! But I’m actually not 100% sure, Chaz does have the Criminal Mastermind LTW and I think isn’t totally naive as to what’s really going on. Maybe he’s more of a social climber than he’s letting on and figures the Capps are his ticket to a better life.
Basically they are both using each other a little. There’s definitely a bit of a mutual attraction there, but they only have the one bolt, and I think a lot of their flirting is more smoozing than anything (Chaz did roll the schmoozer trait, which is colouring this interpretation!) I’m really interested to see how it develops.
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Vaako Redo Chapter 4- Betrayals: Real or Otherwise
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“What do you mean you can’t execute her? We were not married by your law, yet now you tell me she is protected by it?” Never had he hated his father more than he did right then.
“I’m sorry, but my hands are tied.” He wiped his hands to signal that that was the end of the discussion.
“My King, we both know that is bullshit. You had your first wife, the Queen, killed after she failed to produce an heir. Certainly there had been laws protecting her?” You knew more than you should have, but the late Queen, Siberius’ mother, had told you many of the palace’s dirty secrets.
“You speak out of turn and out of place. This is your only warning.” Siberius came to your side. It wasn’t that you wanted to kill the woman, but the excuses being made were ridiculous.
“I second what Natalia has said. I am well within my rights to say so too!” He was spitting mad. It appeared that since the queen had died, the King was out of control.
“I don’t give a damn about your rights. You are not one of us anymore.” That hit you like a ton of bricks, you knew it stung Siberius as well.
“Dame Vaako was never one of you, yet you care what about happens to her? What happened to ‘he is my son and I would do anything for him?” He was confused, angry, and humiliated.
“Because you chose her again!” You knew that voice. After all these years, she still hadn’t managed to get over the fact you had won, Seraphina.
“I wasn’t talking to you!” Siberius didn’t give a damn about her opinion.
“It’s great to be the king.” You never did figure how a man could be so cruel to his only son. “And you will watch how you address the King’s Consort.”
“Oh, she’s your new toy! Got it. I see what’s happening here. Thank you for your time.” You grabbed Siberius’ arm and dragged him backward before he could say anything else.
You dragged him back to the stables in silence, not wanting anyone to hear what you had to say. You had no one left to trust it seemed. The King had made his move; you had been playing a chess game with him all along and he was about to win. You turned to him with tears streaming down your face. It seemed as though all you did lately was cry. You were afraid. As soon as he left, you would be in danger. Seraphina hated you and the King detested you as well.
“Please, don’t leave me here with them again,” you knew you couldn’t go with them and you knew he couldn’t stay. The plea hadn’t been for him necessarily but rather thinking out loud. “I am as good as dead the moment you leave here.”
“Come with us?” Siberius had pulled you close, shielding you from the world that was steadily crumbling around you. He knew you wouldn’t agree to it, but he would give anything to have you by his side, conquering worlds till Underverse come.
“I wish it was that easy…” you didn’t get a chance to finish your thought because you heard stomping. You jumped, already edgy and Siberius positioned himself in front of you.  It was Riddick.
“Vaako. We are leaving. Get ready.” he was stomping about. He was furious that the King was trying to get even over something so far in the past.
“I can’t leave. Not without her. I lost her once, I refuse to let it happen again.” He was still standing there all defensive. He had clearly already thought about what you had said. Riddick had never seen this from Vaako, though he hadn’t had much reason to protect Dame Vaako, her death would have been a blessing to all.
“Dame Vaako has to die.” Riddick was stating the obvious, but he was looking directly at you.
“If I kill her, I am dead before you can make it back to the armada. If I am dead, no one will be around to protect my son.” Riddick paused and stared for a minute. Siberius turned to look at you. It was clear by the look on his face, he thought you had moved on with someone new. He stepped away from you in disgust.
“Siberius, please.” He waved you away. He felt the biggest betrayal in his life had been dropped on him and by the one person he thought he could trust unconditionally.
“Riddick, we have to leave.” He was turned away from you and his shoulders told you he was furious. You felt as though you had just shattered into a trillion little pieces and the dam that you had tried to keep from collapsing gave way to an endless river of tears.
“He is a Vaako,” you yelled, hot, salty tears streaming down your face. You were mad that he could ever think that you would be able to move on from him. After everything you had been through. “He is your son.”
Riddick looked you over in contemplation and nodded to Vaako.
“She’s telling the truth, Vaako. What’s the boy’s name?” Siberius still refused to face you. He was torn. If you were telling the truth, he had a son with the woman he loved without question. If you were telling the truth, he had created a life and violated the Necro faith.
“Draven, but he’s hidden away and concealed under a false name. My sister has him. She named him Thorn Grey.” You approached Siberius as you spoke and placed a hand on his shoulder. “She was married, and it wouldn’t have been odd for her to have a child.” Vakko turned to you with a look you couldn’t read. “Please, say something!” you pleaded with him, but his face was as dark as it had been when they had arrived.
“I have a son.” His voice was very flat, and you weren’t sure if he was happy or disappointed by the revelation.
“Yes, and now we are both in extreme danger.” You couldn’t tell if at this point Siberius cared or not, but it had to be said. You had crossed the line for him and you had done so without thinking of your son, now you had to protect him from your mistake.
“You keep what you kill.” Riddick said it as though it should have been the most obvious thing. “You kill Dame Vakko, you become Dame Vaako.”
“Is that what you want, Siberius?” You weren’t hopeful after his reaction to having a child in a faith that hates the living. Since he now would be responsible for two, it was his choice. You held your breath.
“More than anything in all of Underverse.” A wave of relief washed over you.
“Riddick, if I do this, I want a promise that you will go retrieve Draven and keep him safe. I also want your word as Lord Marshal that no harm will come to him once we rejoin the armada.” You looked him in the eye.
“Done. Now go kill the bitch so we can leave.” You wrote down his location and handed it to Riddick.
“I have a son.” This time with feeling.
Taglist: @cuddlememerrick @schatzi-89
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peter-btw-parker · 6 years
Random Tags Rules: Always post the rules. Answer the 11 random questions posted for you. Create 11 new ones and tag 11 people. Let the person who tagged you know that you answered.
Tagged by: @princessunicorn13 @b-oota
Questions below...
Bre’s Questions
What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a psychologist/psytherapist
Any favorite book recommendations? Always! Let’s see... Leven Thumps, Charlie Bone, Ranger’s Apprentice, A Court of Thorns and Roses, Throne of Glass, The Door Within, Seraphina... too many XD
Who is your favorite Disney character? Probably... Princess Eilonwy from The Black Cauldron
Favorite villain? Maleficent. 
Least favorite fictional character? Tamlin from A Court of Thorns and Roses
What superpower would you wish for if given a chance to choose? Shapeshifting
Favorite family member? I feel bad for answering this XD It’s kind of my little brother (3 years old) right now. He calls me by a nickname no one’s used since I was little and he absolutely loves doing things with me. He’s also the most random person I know XD
Do you give second chances? It really depends on the situation but yes, I do try and give people second chances.
Is there someone you miss right now? I one of my best friends. We talked about everything together and now she’s on the west coast for college :(
Where have you always dreamed of going? Either London or New Zealand. One for the culture and architecture, the other for it’s gorgeaous scenary.
Do you plan on having kids? If so, how many? Yes, and maybe 4 or 5? No more than 5 though
Lindsay’s Questions
if you could play any character in any movie, musical, show, or book being turned into any of those, who would you be and why? I think it would be incredibly cool to play Seraphina from Seraphina. She’s amazing and brilliant but also very average looking. She doesn’t try to stand our or being anything she’s not, and she goes through so many struggles because of who her mother was and who she is. And book 2... I cried...
favorite song lyrics? “How bout I jump out the window?” from Humbug by Owl City. Favorite Christmas song XD
you’re in a hot air balloon, sailing over any city in the world with the 3 people of your choice, where are you and who are you with? The city would be... Orlando, Florida because I want to know what Disney World looks like from the air XD I’d want to be there with my mom, my friend Taylor, and my second younger sister
if you were a sticky note on someone’s fridge, what color would you be, what would you say, and whose fridge would you be on? I would be a green sticky note, probably saying something incredibly sarcastic or punny (You legs will always lift you up), and I’d want to be on my friend Dottie’s drifge cause she “hates” my dumb jokes XD
a stranger walks up to you and claims to be a famous person, asking you for a favor. You recognize the name, but they still look completely foreign to you. Who is it, and how embarrassed are you? Would you do the favor? First thought was Tom Holland Let’s see... well, I’d be embarressed no matter who they were, no I would probbaly not do the favor. And the person would honestly probably be someone that literally anyone would recognize but because I forget the name to a face, I wouldn’t realize it XD
you see your least favorite teacher on the news for receiving an award for being an amazing teacher. Your reaction? Roll my eyes, scream “are you kidding me?! He’s the reason I hate math!” then go to Netflix or something
what’s one line from a book, movie, tv show, etc. that means a lot to you, and why? It can be funny, serious, made you cry, be a joke among your friends, etc. 
if you eat donuts, what’s your favorite? If not, tell me about your favorite sweet! I used to really love glazed donuts but for the sake of my health and being healthy, I no longer eat them. Kit Kats on the other hand... I can’t stay away from those if you paid me
do you like lotion? Why or why not? Not on my hands because then they feel slimey to me, but anywhere else is fine
what is one show/movie you would reboot and why? Pretend like it’ll live up to it’s name and hype. Percy freaking Jackson! They destroyed the movie and somehow thought that making a second one would end well *smh* I refuse to watch them and constantly ask my mom if we can break the discs
favorite vine or video you think is funny? Either the one where Obama says “Thanks Obama” after trying to dip a large cookie into a glass, or one where and owl is talking to this lady and saying “drugs” in a weird voice with a weird head angle. 
My Questions
1.) Which book character do you most find yourself acting like?
2.) If you’ve taken the Hogwarts House test, did your result reflect what you believe you are? If you haven’t, what house do you think you are?
3.) What comes to mind, memory wise, when you see the word “pillow?”
4.) Why is it your favorrite color?
5.) Replace your favorite book character with your best friend. How much will change? What will stay the same?
6.) Last thing you binge watched on Netflix (or anything else)?
7.) Favorite background/side character and why?
8.) What is a name that you’ve always admired?
9.) How good of a liar are you? How often does it get you in trouble?
10.) Fondest memory?
11.) How often do you take time to do something that is 100% just for you? No obligations, no requirements, no one stanidng over your shoulder watching.
@im-forever-a-fangirl @sugacraving @tom-holla @spider-bih @solartchalla @five-foot-two-joanne @ribbonsandchocolate @the-crime-fighting-spider @kaliforniacoastalteens @zendmylife @spidey-mantom
Sorry for such a long post! XD
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xhelenaxleblancx · 5 years
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xhelenaxleblancx · 5 years
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xhelenaxleblancx · 5 years
@xcharmedxheirsx | TO SERAPHINA 
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          “Yeah, she says she wants ta get back ta bein’ sissys like we used ta be. Says she wants ta say sorry ‘bout all the bullshit that happened on Thanksgivin’.” Seraphina’s tone was NOTICEABLY ACCUSATORY -- And it was absolutely justified. Delilah was a calculating psychopath & she very well could (and probably would) be using this as an opportunity to push herself BETWEEN THEM. Especially considering her near-slip of the tongue during the argument that night. Skeletal digits carded anxiously through fiery locks -- “Told her I had ta talk ta you an’ that I’d call her back. She was nice ‘bout it.” TOO NICE.
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xhelenaxleblancx · 5 years
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xhelenaxleblancx · 5 years
@xcharmedxheirsx | TO SERAPHINA & ARTIE? lol
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          It wasn’t until Seraphina’s DOUCHEBAG OF A HUSBAND was standing directly in front of her, towering over her tiny form & glaring her down, that Helena dragged her LEWD GAZE away from exposed flesh. Was she meant to feel bad for checking out his woman? Was she meant to CARE about her “reputation”? “Chh. Tha’s gotta be the first fuckin’ time y’ever called her pretty an’ it ain’t for the right reasons, buddy.” Words were spat sarcastically -- Dark empty holes traveling up to meet his -- No signs of doubt or hesitation. Spoken with the confidence only a TRUE NARCISSIST could possess. “Gal with my reputation, it’d be a disservice not ta check her out. Y’should know by now I’ll fuck anythin’ with a pair a’ legs. Don’t mean nothin’.” That was said ENTIRELY for Seraphina’s sake. 
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xhelenaxleblancx · 5 years
@xcharmedxheirsx | TO SERAPHINA
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          “Y’know, Lilah said yer new look makes y'look fake an’ disposable.” 
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xhelenaxleblancx · 5 years
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xhelenaxleblancx · 5 years
@xcharmedxheirsx | TO SERAPHINA & DELILAH
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          “Oh c’mon, y’all can jus’ take turns. M’tiny but I can keep up.” Half-joke, half-serious. Truth is, EVEN HELENA isn’t certain how she’d feel about a relationship with these two at the same time. Sharing wasn’t her thing & even if they were fine with her being the center-piece (and the only one who got ALL the attention), she’d still have to deal with their CRAZY ASS DRAMA. 
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xhelenaxleblancx · 5 years
@xcharmedxheirsx | To Seraphina
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          “So, y’gon' tell me why y’stole my shirt? An’ when?” 
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xhelenaxleblancx · 5 years
@xcharmedxheirsx | To Sera
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HELENA: Wat u say 2 a slumber party jus u n me? HELENA: We can do all the cheesy shit from the movies. HELENA: Gotta b @ a hotel tho. Less u got a place. 
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xhelenaxleblancx · 5 years
@xcharmedxheirsx | TO SERAPHINA 
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          “I ain’t a pedo or nothin’ but I gotta know, did ya diddle yer lady parts ta me that night too?” TRY AS SHE MIGHT to remember Seraphina -- That evening was a blur & her main focus had been getting close to Benjy and RUINING him for Delilah. “Somethin’ like that.” Helena didn’t believe in FATE -- Still, everything had happened for a reason & their fathers combined efforts, had at the very least, made it possible for her little sister to marry Seraphina’s big brother -- So yeah, they kinda did cause this, HUH? “So that night at the New Years party, when y’paid that bitch ta kiss an’ ditch me---Were y’doin’ that ‘cause y’were jealous? I would a’ kissed ya if ya let me.”
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