xhelenaxleblancx ¡ 5 years
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xhelenaxleblancx ¡ 5 years
xcharmedxheirsx :
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Oh, you’d like that – Wouldn’t you?” Seraphina wasn’t STUPID. She was an honor roll valedictorian with two collegiate degrees. And more than recognized the way she played right into this REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY. Dropping her objections over the name Princess out of SPITE. “I’m not going anywhere.” Okay. Maybe she was stupid. Those words could’ve been BETTER CHOSEN. She’d just left a huge opening to trap her within her own EGOTISTICAL STUBBORNESS. “Why not?” Mocking laughter. “You really are a sociopath, huh? The fucking TERRIBLE KIND.” Not that Seraphina intended on turning to this bitch or… ANYONE about the mental scars her brother’s mangled corpse had left on her already fucked up mind. But it would’ve been nice to see some fucking REMORSE. “Sure, whatever. Drink and fuck. Drink and fuck. Like you didn’t kill my brother.” Judgmental scoff – Head of gold and mahogany hair shaking in DISGUST. “You know I thought we were FRIENDS once…”
MORE THAN FRIENDS… Her conscience kicked. And that wasn’t even the worst part. The worst part was in how those black eyes still spoke something BEAUTIFUL to her. “Yeah, well, I can damn sure face you now.” Albeit not without GREAT DIFFICULTY. “In fact I dare you. I dare you to kill me. You can do me two favors. End my misery and leave no shadow of a doubt just what kind of MONSTER you are.” Detached swig of beer spoke more in return to Seraphina than ANY aword could. Not that Helena was lost for them. “You know between crime, drugs and Richard, I figured you might have figured out the kind of things MONEY can do by now.” A very real threat. Perhaps even a WARNING. Considering she DID have private investigators on the case. The more space Helena stole away with a sense of COCKSURE ENTITLEMENT the further beneath her skin the redhead burrowed. Making a nice little home for herself deep inside the NETWORK OF VEINS running throughout her body. “A-As for why I’m here, I believe I made that pretty CLEAR.” And the more Helena spoke the more she wanted to STICK TO IT. “I’m gonna make sure that you never have another FUN DAY in your miserable little life.” Her own confidence was the first to waver. Not completely. Not a lot. And she patched it up within SECONDS. But Helena for all her lack of education and ability to tie her shoes, was one of the most AWARE & CALCULATING bitches on the planet. And thus far the only one who had ever KEPT UP WITH HER. She was sure to pick up on it. “Yeah. Get rid of it!”
Despite the assured finality of her words, Sera couldn’t quite shake that sinking feeling that she just signed her own DEATH WARRANT. There was just something in Helena’s voice. Helena’s smile. Helena’s eyes. Something she herself was yet to witness. Were these the infamous SHARK EYES? What had she just invited upon herself? Hissing torture (PLEASURE) told her the answer. And so did that ever-so-slight delay between Helena CLAWING at her thigh. And any effort Sera followed that very action up with. She even bit her lip to silence her moan. WAS INFURIATING. “Yeah if you wanted to fuck me you might have at least waited til the before murdering my brother.” With that Seraphina was curving herself and propelling her body out of the seat. Leaning over to look down upon the redhead. “Cause all you’ve done is make THAT the very LAST thing I want…” Well. Helena made it so that Seraphina didn’t want to WANT IT. Which guilt and pride was calling that EVIDENCE ENOUGH. If only for her own denial-ridden peace of mind. “You are right about one thing, though. A beer sounds nice.” A few seconds passed by – LINGERING & CRUCIAL before Sera even attempted to tear chestnuts away once more.
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          “Yup, I’m a big bad evil sociopath.” HONEST TO GOD -- Helena couldn’t give two shits about Sera staying or walking away. All she cared about was her freedom to TORMENT the poor thing with cute little pet-names. The kind that would make her pussy drip in ways that made her SICK -- Because the BITCH was doing everything in her power to convince herself she was here for some VENDETTA & that everything between the two of them had VANISHED with Benjy’s death. Her suffocating guilt wouldn’t allow her to give in -- Which, who could really blame the girl? If the roles were reversed & her sister-in-law had been the main suspect in Delilah’s murder case, the only ‘kinky-times’ they’d be spending together would be with Helena’s hands wrapped ‘round that pretty throat watching her SLOWLY SUFFOCATE TO DEATH. Oh, how it must eat Seraphina up inside. Knowing that she still cares about the disgusting sociopath who allegedly killed her big brother. This was precisely why feelings were STUPID. “We were friends once. Then y’accused me a’ murderin’ yer abusive dickbag of a brother an’ that kind a’ put a damper on shit.” Pause, swig, swish, swallow, “Did it ever occur ta ya that I jus’ don’t feel bad that he’s gone an’ that don’t gotta mean I killed ‘im?” Maybe somewhere deep, deep, DEEP DOWN inside, Helena felt a sliver of remorse -- Or rather, sympathy. She’d always had a soft-spot for her sister-in-law & she knew that the girl LOVED Benjy (for whatever reason). When the RICH CUNT had the audacity to dare her to kill her, the redhead LAUGHED in her motherfucking face. “I ain’t gon' kill ya! Yer the only one in yer stupid family I kinda like. Hell! Yer one a’ the only folks in this godforsaken town I kinda like.” 
          “Y'bein’ here ain’t gonna stop me from havin’ fun, princess. I’ll fuck a whore right on top a’ ya. Make her cum in yer face.” Tone shifted, MORE SERIOUS, “An’ why’re ya here makin’ MY life Hell? Lilah’s jus’ as suspicious as me, ain’t she?” Not entirely true, considering her past crimes, but considering THE TRUTH, her sister was way more fucking culpable. Egotistical narcissist was convinced she’d poked a hole in Sera’s logic -- PROVING (in her mind), that she 100% did miss & want to spend time with HER. Her next move, probably wasn’t the smartest -- Especially if the other had secret agents, or whatever the fuck they were called, listening in. Tone lowered & black nails clacked across the thick glass of her beer. “I did kill my daddy. Think y’already know that. He threatened ta rape my underage sissy, like he’d done ta me all ma’ life, an’ I did what I had ta do.” Voice was COLD & CALLOUS, “An’ I did kill Richie. ‘Cause he treated me jus’ like daddy an’ I got sick an’ tired a’ it. An’---” Helena swallowed her words before anything about Grace SLIPPED. She wasn’t drunk enough to justify telling this bitch about something so damn important to her. “An’ I didn’t kill yer brother.” 
          SCRUTINIZING COALS drank in every slight response Goldilocks had to her actions -- The hiss, the bite of her lip, the HESITATION, & even the way she LEAPT outta her seat like it was made of lava -- In her attempts to make it seem like she didn’t WANT HER, Seraphina was doing the exact opposite. Cute, really. “YOU drink beer?” She’d only ever seen the other sipping on expensive champagne or other pricey liquors that she’d never even heard of -- More likely than not, the dirty-blonde DIDN’T drink beer, she just wanted to get buzzed & have an excuse for whatever guilt-ridden mistakes she committed tonight. Sliding off the seat, she sprung to feet & swiftly filled the space between their bodies -- Hips & chests GHOSTING -- “I’ll get ya one, kitten. Bartender gives ‘em ta me for free.” Not for free, for...SERVICES. Way her lips curled like the Cheshire Cat & black eyes sparkled with SIN & MISCHIEF should have alarmed Sera -- Left hand reached up, slithering across her sister-in-law’s exposed clavicle, digging nails in & dragging red tracks up her throat & along the nape of her neck behind gold locks -- “Gon’ need ‘nother one anyhow. We can share the last a’ this.” Lifting the bottle to her lips, she backed the rest of the beer, keeping it in her mouth & pushing up on tiptoes -- CRASHING lips against the taller girl’s with BRUISING FORCE. Releasing the bitter booze into her mouth along with her tongue -- Waiting for her to bite it off like that crazy slut at the party (the one Sera had paid to reject her). 
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xhelenaxleblancx ¡ 5 years
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Caroline in fight mode
requested by sparkssparkssparks 
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xhelenaxleblancx ¡ 5 years
☆゚Sentences → Affection
❝ You look tense, lie down and I’ll give you a massage. ❞  
❝ Come on, I like ruffling your hair! ❞  
❝ Your nose gets so pink during winter…I have to kiss it. ❞  
❝ Sorry, I didn’t know you were awake, you just looked so cute I wanted to kiss you. ❞
❝ Are you ticklish here? ❞
❝ Oh, I didn’t know you were so sensitive here. ❞  
❝ I like tracing the lines in your palm, it’s…distracting. ❞  
❝ It’s just so easy to pick you up! ❞  
❝ Do you want to join me in my blanket fort? ❞  
❝ …so that’s where all the pillows went. Mind if I lay with you? ❞  
❝ Your skin is so soft… ❞
❝ This is a really scary movie… A—are you sure you aren’t scared? ❞  
❝ My shirt is way too big on you…but it’s cute. ❞
❝ Oh, did someone get lonely? ❞
❝ I don’t know how we keep ending up in each other’s beds… ❞
❝ C’mere, did you have a bad night? You can sleep here. ❞  
❝ The toll here is one kiss. ❞
❝ You know, I really like your eyes. ❞
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xhelenaxleblancx ¡ 5 years
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51K notes ¡ View notes
xhelenaxleblancx ¡ 5 years
seesgood :
SHE WAS NEVER SUPPOSED TO CARE THIS MUCH. that was the fact of it. the shitty reality that she was facing now. this wasn’t ever supposed to be anything. helena was a one time fuck against the school. an experiment. a release. an addiction that she was, at some point, supposed to kick. she wasn’t supposed to be the person that she breathed easier around. the person that she wanted to talk to about the endless bullshit in her life. and even if she only ever got a SNIPPY RETORT, even if the advice was usually ‘fuck ‘em’ —– at least it was something. someone on her side. and some nights —- the worst nights —- she had to lay awake and wonder if that was all she was worth. a snippy retort, a senseless fuck, a body to hurt and get off on and then abandon without THINKING TWICE. and it was her fault, really. she’d been the one that started expecting more, wanting more. she’d been the one that had thrown a fucking wrench into their whole arrangement. what the hell was she thinking inviting helena and her little sister to live with her when all they were supposed to be were fuck buddies? 
and now here they were. her breath coming in ragged little pants, tears burning just behind her lids. except this time they wouldn’t fall into her pillow. this time she wouldn’t have to contain her sobs into her pillow and pretend it didn’t cut deep whenever someone mentioned that they’d TOLD HER SO. this time she couldn’t let it happen. her words were meant to be comforting, they were meant to ease the tension and the pain and the tears. they were meant to make things BETTER. but her words were still slurred, she tasted bitter and vile and wrong. 
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BUT SHE KISSED BACK. hard. feeling a few tears slip out of her eyes and trail down her cheeks. her fingers dug into helena’s jaw, mouth moving with determination against hers. automatically, caroline’s hands fell to the back of hel’s thighs, hoisting her up and positioning her easily onto the bathroom counter as she deepened the kiss. there was nothing SOFT about it. it was all teeth and dominance and anger. pain manifesting in the only way she could express it. not for the first time, she wished the human wasn’t so fucking FRAGILE. wasn’t so BREAKABLE. but even as tough as she was, hel was small. undeniably vulnerable in every way that it counted in this cursed town.  ❝ you won’t leave again, ❞  she meant for it to sound firm, her mouth pulling from the redhead’s as she took in a few breaths, forehead resting against hers. she meant for the words to sound tough. controlling. like the ULTIMATUM was implied. but they just sounded…small. insecure. like she was hanging every last shred of hope she had on the answer that would come at their wake.  ❝ not like this. ❞  she couldn’t take it again. couldn’t do ALL OF THIS over again. not on top of everything else.  ❝ and you’re gonna try to get clean, okay? not for me, for delilah. she needs you, alright? i’m a…shitty substitute. and until then, ❞  she pulled back, licking her lips and taking a half-step back.  ❝ you’re gonna make it up to me. you’re gonna be nice, ❞  A NEAR IMPOSSIBLE TASK,  ❝ and you’re gonna buy me french fries. and tell me i look cute instead of insulting me. and…and… ❞  she tried to think of more but she fell short, eyes closing for a moment.  ❝ i was really FUCKING worried, okay? —- if you ever do that again i’m gonna track down every dealer and string them up by their intestines. swear to god. ❞
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          Fact that she hadn’t been FLUNG across the room & Caroline had actually KISSED BACK was a step in the right direction -- Helena knew that she didn’t deserve the taste of them sweet lips on her own, & she wouldn’t have even BLAMED the other for pushing her away & insisting they fight through shit instead (okay, the egotistical side of her might’ve), but she would have UNDERSTOOD. On some level. In all her years on this planet, she found avoidance was the best solution for discomfort & emotional pain -- Her favorite way to avoid was to FUCK. Pleasurable hiss whistled through teeth when nails scraped burning red tracks across her jawline -- HURT SO GOOD. “Mmmph.” Helena couldn’t tell if that sound was arousal or having the wind damn-near knocked outta her lungs when Blondie used her superhuman strength & speed to twist them ‘round & slam the ‘bag of bones’ down onto the counter-top. Whatever it was, she sure as shit WASN’T BITCHING. Toothpick legs instinctively wrapped ‘round that thin waist -- Heels finding purchase just at the base of Caroline’s spine. Using all the vigor her doped-out, emaciated body possessed, to hold her firmly in place. Not that she’d have any say if the vampire wanted to put space between their bodies. It was the INFURIATING REALITY of fucking someone who would always be physically superior to you -- Took certain thrills outta the equation. Like tying her to a bed & fucking her raw. What fun would THAT be? She’d snap cuffs in two & easily rip leather, rope, or cloth bindings. Still, there were other thrills that couldn’t be had with ANY OTHER whore -- Blood-sharing (without risk), healing, & an immortal body to use, abuse, & play with til her sick & twisted heart’s content. But, that really wasn’t all Caroline Forbes was to her (despite what she tried to convince herself). This girl was her SAVIOR. She’d freed her from the shackles of her father & more importantly, she’d freed Delilah. GRINDING & CLACKING of teeth echoed off the tiled walls & Helena wasted no time digging heels in & shoving her tongue into that hot, waiting mouth -- Exploring every delicious inch. Nipping at lips until they SEVERED & BLED -- Craving that thick tang of iron she was all but addicted to -- Nails burrowed into scalp, blonde locks tangling ‘round skeletal digits & RIPPING FREE. Pierced & exposed tits pressing flush against Caroline’s chest through her clothes -- Wet hair dripping all over the fucking place. Making a mess. Goosebumps rising across freckled flesh. If it weren’t for the LITERAL & FIGURATIVE HIGH, she would’ve undoubtedly been freezing her fucking ass off -- Naked straight out a cold shower. 
          Just as shit had started getting good, the other tore their lips apart & cut through the SEXUAL TENSION with emotional torment, “I--” Weak nod & her grip loosened on hair as their foreheads met -- Helena found herself lost in the oceans that were Caroline’s eyes. So pretty. So sad. Salty tears still wet on them porcelain cheeks, “Not like this again.” PROMISES weren’t something the commitment-phobe made lightly -- With a reckless nature, fleeting mind, & short-lived highs, she could never state wholeheartedly that she wouldn’t RUN AWAY. She could get lost in the passion of a moment & fuck it all up again. She could DIE. (Wasn’t like she had control over that). They could wind up hating each other’s guts & break up---‘We ain’t even datin’.’ Mind nagged. POINT WAS, the only thing she could control was how she handled it -- If that time came & she left again, for any reason, she would go to Caroline first & TRY to talk about it. “Yeah, I---I gotta get better for her. I don’t wan’be like daddy.” Was her BIGGEST FEAR. Using Delilah had been a smart move, whether that was the blonde’s intention or not, because Helena loved her sister more than ANYONE. And she knew the young girl would be ASHAMED. It was half the reason she’d been terrified to come back after falling off the deep end. Heavy lids fluttered shut & for just a moment she allowed herself to slip into the comfort of the other girl -- Breathing in her scent & resting hands at the nape of her neck, just behind silky strands. For all intents and purposes, she was CLINGING. Teeniest chuckle & a quirk of her lips, “Y’ain’t givin’ yerself ‘nuff credit, pun’kin. Lilah loves ya. Wouldn’t a’ left her with ya if I didn’t think y’were good with her. If I didn’t trust ya ta take care a’ her jus’ as good---If not better than me.” Would that CONFESSION work for or against her? 
          Did she just fucking whimper like a wounded puppy-dog when Caroline pulled away? NO! She’d never admit it. Not in a zillion years. She’d blame the hallucinogens & take that shit with her to her grave. FUCKING PATHETIC. “Be nice? Gross. I dunno how ta do that.” Beanpole limbs dangled off the edge of the counter -- Eyes cracking open & roaming slowly back up to the other’s face. She was TEETERING on the edge -- Like one of them weeble-wobble thingies. Back & forth, back & forth. God willing, she wouldn’t tumble like Humpty Dumpty & plummet to the floor. “French fries I can do, but do I gotta call y’cute?” Leaning forward, she reached for Caroline’s hand -- Interlocking digits (out of necessity she told herself), & YANKING her closer. Legs once again draping ‘round her hips, “Ain’t really a fan a’ that word. How ‘bout I call ya---” Cock of the head & she scrunched her face in thought, taking a moment to inspect & analyze the other closely, “Pretty? Beautiful? Kind? Lovin’? Breathtakin’? Strong? I’d say sexy but y’won’t count that. Still true.” APPRECIATIVE LAUGHTER & she finally lost her balance & pivoted skull first into the mirror behind her -- Pulling Caroline with her & wrapping a heavy, clumsy arm ‘round them shoulders to hold her in place against her chest. Cold steel piercing & hard nipple pressed to her chin. “Ouch.” Noncommittal & joking response to having CONKED the back of her head. Helena couldn’t actually feel it. “S’it weird that I think tha’s really fuckin’ hot? An y’say my horror movies’re bad.” 
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xhelenaxleblancx ¡ 5 years
xcharmedxheirsx :
@xhelenaxleblancx​ | Cont.
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In truth, there wasn’t going to be any rhyme or reason that would EVER justify Delilah’s question. At least not in ways that wouldn’t risk pushing Helena closer toward Seraphina. But the question was STUCK in her brain. Like a bullet that splintered on entry. And nothing made her sadder than admitting she DIDN’T KNOW THE ANSWER. (She used to always know the answer…) Spy of urgency broke through what would’ve been an otherwise EXPRESSIONLESS MASK when her big sissy began to choke. It took the form of an IMMEDIATE flash up of panicked and studying voids. Had her red-haired older sister not recovered she’d have rushed forward and applied the Heimlich Manoeuvre. She could not – WOULD NOT – risk any such circmstance. And that wasn’t JUST a product of her OCD. THANKFULLY, Hel did clear her oesaphagus and once-alert eyes dimmed back to TYPICAL EMPTINESS. Shrug of dainty shoulders offered the sociopath her first reply. “Jus’ got ta wonderin’, I guess.” The only acceptable rhyme or reason was NO rhyme or reason. “Dr-Drinking, I, uh…” Was it really RIGHT for Delilah to act offended? After all the girl DID HAVE fourteen beers chilling in the fridge as they spoke. (Her sister always looked so cute eating breakfast…) “Ain’t had a drink in three days, thank ya very much.” A rather depressing statistic considering she used to go THREE MONTHS without touching alcohol, and only did so at either special occasions or parties her sissy had dragged her to. “I…” PAUSE. Furrow of her brow. She didn’t like that answer. And pushing TOO HARD would spoil the indifference she was supposed to be conveying. Black eyes held their sisterly counterparts. “Our own ways?” Follow up framed with CURIOSITY. Hiding the very real fear that the twisted bundle of psychopathy might have been about to REGRET that question.
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          “Ain’t try’na offend y’sissy. Jus’ usually when y’get all weird ‘bout us, s’cause yer drunk an’ shit.” There was NO WAY IN HELL, her baby sister had just “got to wonderin’” about something like that. If she eliminated all familial aspects of their relationship, & looked at Delilah like she was just another one of her PLAYTHINGS, (Albeit a reluctant one), the answer was crystal clear for why she’d ask something like that. JEALOUSY. Helena had fucked ‘round with multiple whores at the same time -- When they started asking about the others, it wasn’t EVER outta pure fucking curiosity. Oh no, no, no. Add into the equation her sibling’s psychopathic predisposition & you got a whole MESS OF TROUBLE. Helena peered for a moment longer into those matching endless pits before forfeiting the unspoken staring-contest. NONCHALANT SHRUG of her own skeletal shoulders & she refocused on the bowl of mushy cereal. Swirling her spoon ‘round in it & scooping up another bite-full. “Yeah, in yer own ways. M’sure y’know what I mean if y’think ‘bout it. Yer a smart gal.” SHOVELING the food into her mouth, she swallowed soggy carbs easily -- “Jus’ look at the two a’ you.” ANOTHER BITE. “S’like comparin’ apples ta oranges. Totally different, but I like both flavors.”
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xhelenaxleblancx ¡ 5 years
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xhelenaxleblancx ¡ 5 years
xcharmedxheirsx :
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remained knitted. Eyes remained SKEPTICAL. She knew what she wanted to ask. She wanted to ask if Helena believed her. Knowing Delilah. But that just made her fear if Helena herself WANTED to believe Delilah. Or if she WANTED it to be another one of her PSYCHOPATHIC PLOYS. And just like that Seraphina had full ascended to the pinnacle of her paranoia and was facing down that helter-skelter spiral into ROCK BOTTOM. Movements became shiftier. More restless. Breathing more erratic. Gum being chewed at, knee bobbing anxiously. “Right… RIGHT…” Hand rubbed at her lips and jaws before she spoke. “Thank you for that…” She needed to at least get THAT out first. Before she forgot. “I… I don’t know what to say, though. I don’t trust her…” Which, between the lines, could only read as: I don’t trust YOU. Since it otherwise wouldn’t have MATTERED if Delilah had ulterior motives. “I don’t know if  could handle that. Shit I’d be here in Vegas all alone, too…” Not that she wasn’t USED to spending Christmas alone. The Washingtons always made time for Thanksgiving, despite never having ANYTHING to be thankful FOR. But never Christmas. Unless HOITY-TOITY Christmas Galas counted. In which the family spent more time NETWORKING than anything else. “How do YOU feel about it all?” Perhaps she should’ve asked that question FIRST.
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          “Yeah, uh. Jus’ didn’t seem right ta not talk ta ya first. Y’know?” Helena LeBlanc might’ve dropped outta high school, but she wasn’t STUPID -- There was a reason she’d decided to speak with Seraphina about this before ditching town. Nagging voice inside her head was screaming that she LOVED HER. Sociopath preferred the term, LOYALTY. Her & her plaything had been through Hell & back together -- They’d ran away from home, forsaken their families, & made a PACT to get her daughter back. Much as it stung to think about, Delilah hadn’t been there for her in the ways Sera had. To just leave the poor thing here, ALONE, over the Holidays, didn’t sit right with her. In fact, when the other said the words, her stomach LURCHED. Pitiful nod, “I don’t want y’here alone neither.” Christmas didn’t really mean jack-diddly-squat to her -- This time of the year was RIDDLED WITH PTSD. Memories of the Bible closet, beatings, praising Jesus, & daddy sneaking into her room to FIX HER in the name of the Lord. But for her sissy & mama, the birth of their savior meant everything -- “I---” How did she feel? Brows knit together in contemplation, “Guess I jus’ want what I always wanted. Y’all ta get along. Don’t want y’ta be alone here, an’ I don’t want her ta be alone there.” 
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xhelenaxleblancx ¡ 5 years
seesgood :
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Caroline snorted out a bit of a laugh, rolling her eyes and reaching out to playfully swat Helena.  ❝ No, ❞  At least she was joking. At least…she hoped she was joking. If they hadn’t been talking about a house full of vampires with enhanced senses, she might have considered it.  ❝ I do, but you have a tendency to be a little bit hard to swallow the first couple hundred times. ❞  Beneath that, she knew the human had a good heart  ( even if she herself would deny it ).  But that discovery had taken months. And even then, she knew it was a rarity that she’d even gotten that far.   ❝ Maybe, ❞  With an easy smile, Caroline draped her arms around Helena’s shoulders, leaning in closer to her and pecking her lightly on the nose.  ❝ If you behave, we can do that thing you like afterwards? ❞
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          “Aw, shucks.” Helena sang, accentuating her Southern twang with faux-heartbreak -- Wasn’t like she’d actually been anticipating her girlfriend agreeing to such a TABOO ACT. Especially around the friends she seemed so desperate to impress. Even if Caroline somehow managed to be quiet (impossible feat for anyone being fucked by her), they’d still smell her arousal with them vampy-noses of theirs. “Twelve inches s’always pretty fuckin' hard ta swallow no matter how much practice---” Redhead CAUGHT HERSELF, “Tha’s the kind a’ shit y’don’t want me ta say, ain’t it?” Head lulled back & dark obsidian pools darted up to catch them captivating baby-blues when her girl wrapped slender arms ‘round her starved shoulders -- Upturned, freckle-speckled nose SCRUNCHED & WIGGLED after Caroline kissed it. Such a sweet gesture, it would probably rot the teeth outta her fucking skull, but she didn’t push away. She didn’t pull closer either. “Hm.” Incisors sunk into her bottom-lip, devilish smirk stretching & mischief glimmering in her eyes, “Fine. I play the role a’ yer good ‘lil girlfriend, an’ then y'let me take it out on that hot ‘lil bod a’ yers after. Deal?” Roll from heels onto tiptoes & she NIPPED HARSHLY at the blonde’s bottom lip. 
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xhelenaxleblancx ¡ 5 years
xcharmedxheirsx :
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“Phss!!” Hissing breath paired with teeth finding gums. There was nothing so equally (nor intensely) TERRIFYING & AROUSING than those very words. Almost as if Helena was speaking directly to the two deepest darkest parts of Delilah’s WRESTLING-YET-SUBMISSIVE conscience. Delilah honestly couldn’t tell whether growing murmurs in the crowd – Especially the JUDGMENTS & GAGS – were supressing her conscience or pissing her off. More like a double-edged SWORD OF DAMOCLES, doing both: Igniting each side and burning her at both ends. She at least knew how badly she COVETED those moans pouring from her big sister’s throat. No matter the degree with which they UNNERVED HER. “B-But won’t it jus’ make it worst if they… They…” Skin blanched. If she didn’t put a stop to this now. Everyone in town would know her secret. Would know that Delilah LeBlanc was little more than a FILTHY, SINFUL DYKE that got off on the FORBIDDEN PLEASURES of her very own FLESH & BLOOD. Shaking hand only grasped at her ‘ass ever more roughly. “’s not a good idea. Not here…” Was she still keeping her own voice down? Did it even MATTER anymore? More importantly… “‘m g-glad…” She made damn sure that those words were WHISPERED. She was after all her sister’s pet. And public or otherwise. When her big sister praised her, she returned her GRATITUDE. Jutting hips and crashing bone gave Delilah a little jolt – Adding extension to her own grinding waist. Exposing the flex and roll of her toned stomach as she she pressed back in INSTINCTIVE RETURN. “‘m so scared. ‘s… ‘s hard ta…” Relax. Hard to even say the word. “Y-Y’will?” STUPID QUESTION. But Delilah hardly held enough control of her pleasure-addled mind to realize. “From all a’ ‘em?” That was a little more rational at least. “F-From me?” Half-conscienctious WRIGGLE made her point. After all, both sisters knew that if anyone was going to KILL or at the very least MAIME Delilah in the aftermath of tonight… It was going to be DELILAH HERSELF. “I-I…” Throat was so fucking dry from pleasured gasps. “Th-Thank you…” Words didn’t sound ENTIRELY convinced. Perhaps because she KNEW & FEARED the very things she could – LIKELY WOULD – inflict upon her sister’s mental state come morning.
Still from CURSES to MOANS to PRAISE, and the HUMS & WHIMPERS & WHINES that Delilah came unglued with. It could not have been more transparent for the redhead to see which side of her sister’s religiously knotted and psychopathically twisted mind was WINNING. Another roll of her hips – Flexing her tender stomach muscles. She’d always been a quick learner – One of the many reasons she’d been DADDY’S FAVORITE LITTLE GIRL. And insecure or otherwise, mimicry was quickly turning into personal momentum. Another sign of her ailing conscience and aggressively spreading darkness. “I-I…” Words caught in her throat, swallowed down alongside TENSION UNTOLD. Paired with a submissive nod. Before nails dug deeper – HARDER. Per request. A trial by fire aided to completion by the THREATENINGLY UNBIDDEN-YET-WELCOMINGLY TANTALIZING swipe of her clit. Gasping groan escaping with. Entire body shifting in a mix of ANXIETY & PLEASURE. “S-So wet…” Whispers sounded almost strangled. But Delilah couldn’t help herself. As much as she wanted to swallow her euphoria she was just too WOUND UP & DESPERATE – Everything felt too fucking exhilarating. She HAD to to speak up. And yet, as much as she wanted to speak up… there was equivalent of a DECADE of fear, paranoia, judgment and more importantly self-loathing that s SMOTHERED IT. Delilah LeBlanc would forever be a PARADOX. A paradox that tipped her head minutely when her own sister BIT at her earlobe. Exposing her jugular all the while tugging back against stretched and burning flesh. HURT SO GOOD. “Ahh! Hss. H-Helena… S-Sissy…” Tilt of her head also saw a dipping of GUILT-INFUSED eyeballs. Black swirling with something a little extra TABOO. She couldn’t bear to look at the crowd. All their judgy little eyes and gazes filled with murderous intent. And yet (here was the paradox again) she couldn’t shake the image of their attentions from her mind. For as much as it DISGUSTED her and for as much she DREADED what was to come. She absolutely ACHED for this. Pleasure SHOOTING up and down her spine for this. Causing it to arch involuntarily. WET CUNT bucking up and bringing a premature rub of Helena’s digits against her WANTING – WAITING – clit. If only God wasn’t about to smite her down to Hell for all eternity. This would be a DREAM COME TRUE. (Because in her mind Seraphina was ABSOLUTELY in the crowd. And was ABSOLUTELY heartbroken.)
“Y-Yer right… ‘s-’s no secret…” And yet LIFELONG INSECURITY. Or rather a perceived indifference to her own physical prettiness bent into an INTENSE DISGUST of herself sexually in part due to biblical teachings and daddy’s abuse. Had left Delilah with a bias toward her SISTER being the hot and desirable one. And Delilah being the one with the smarts to pave herself a BRIGHT FUTURE. (What a waste.) That internalized aversion to her own sexuality paired with Helena’s VERY TRANSPARENT leanings toward Seraphina Autumn Washington. Absolutely left Delilah with significantly less wind in her eternally deflated sails. She just needed to HEAR IT. Predictably, Helena had outdone herself in even THAT. Offering affirmation with an evidential curse, groaning in pleasure when bony digits claimed its pleasure’s worth of orange strands. Torn from the sociopath’s scalp. “I-It doesn’t… W-Was gonna be another STUPID QUESTION.” She had to downplay it now. No way her sister wouldn’t see the writing on the wall. It was in big caps – SPITE SERAPHINA. “A-An’…” There was no part two. Just the girl of her dreams had four fingers slipping through her AROUSAL-DRENCHED folds in front of AT LEAST 99% of the popluation that Delilah had long-repressed visions of DEFYING & DESTROYING. “Fuck…” Body fell back a little bit, held up by the wiry form of Helena LeBlanc. She’d not even so much as REGISTERED the released restraint on her hand. Which continued to unabashedly palm at her sister’s tight, bony ass ABSENTMINDEDLY. Again words failed, Delilah reduced to a series of breathy moans and pitiful whimpers. Her head eventually – SHAKILY – nodded in response. Brow sheening with sweat. Tensed up stomach and rhythmic hips responsible for the NEEDY GRINDING of her own cunt against her sister’s intrusive fingers and palm. The paradox? Her conscience was SCREAMING AT HER. Trying to beat in some sense that Jesus’s should NOT have been THIS EASY to shake off tonight. But the truth was she– “AH-AH-AHHH! FUCK!” That broke through her barricades. Itches be damned. Termites be damned. Counting be damned. Anxiety be damned. Eternal damnation be damned. “H-HELENA!” The crowd undoubtedly heard those moans. And Delilah just continued to grind herself against the tight circles her sister massaged into her PULSATING CLIT. Hollow breaths bleeding out all the same. The hand buried in her sister’s hairs practically cradling that greedy mouth and sharp teeth against SENSITIVE & EXPOSED flesh. By this point she was very much near the brink of COLLAPSING IN TO ECSTASY. Kick. Kick. Kick. Tried her conscience. Failed her conscience. Leaving Helena to bite, mark and fuck her to at LEISUREFUL WHIM. When a brave and troubling little bitch brought stillment to once-active hips.
                     ‘HMPH! And to think Judgy McLiarLilah only outed me in                                middle school cause she wanted to FUCK HER OWN SISTER.’
Of course it had to be Butch Mandy. Helena’s pets were too OBEDIENT. And the church congregation was too… CHURCH-Y. If anyone was going to speak up and shake Lilah’s fragile confidence. It was going to be born of a GRUDGE. And apparently Mandy was still holding HERS. Even still. Newly stricken-fear in her heart only meshed with fresh JOLTS of pleasure coarsing from the very core of her being. And the burning sting that accompanied the hickies Helena had been DECORATING her baby sister with. Curling her toes and edging her ever-closer to cumming in her jeans. Spilling juices over big sis’s fingers. And the dancefloor they had been the sole occupants of – UNTIL NOW.
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          “Each an’ every one a’ ‘em. No one messes with my precious baby.” Only one who had ever DARED & not had her teeth SMASHED IN had been Seraphina. That was because, in many ways her criticism was unselfish & justified. Her pet always had owner’s best interest in mind. She loved her. When it wasn’t justified, Helena did PUT HER IN HER PLACE, “Specially from yerself. Ain’t gon’ let no one hurt ya, princess. Even if I gotta watch ya all night long an’ tie yer arms ta the bed.” Was that a THREAT or a PROMISE? “Jus’--Jus’ keep breathin’ an’ focus on me, sissy. Not on those assholes. Focus on how good it feels. Feels good, don’t it?” Her own breathing was LABORED -- Gasps, moans, & growls interrupting words. But, how the fuck was she meant to keep a level-head & take care of her younger sibling when she was making them INTOXICATING NOISES? Whimpering & whining like a pathetic puppy-dog. Needy & desperate for more. FOR HER. Was moments like this, that the shell of a human, nearly felt COMPLETE. Of course, there was still that niggling conscience screeching Seraphina’s name in her skull & tugging at her optic nerves -- Come the sobriety of sunrise, she’d have the decency to feel GUILTY. Right now, it all felt TOO GOOD. So she swatted that pesky voice away like a fly & deliberately sped the gyrations of her pelvis in rhythm with her sister’s movements. Inexperienced girl was actually popping her ass in and out with each thrust -- “Shit. Yer gettin’ good at that.” Lids fluttered & a LUSTY GROAN trickled off her tongue & rushed hotly across Delilah’s throat, “Fuck, yer ass---Mm.. Don’t stop. Keep rollin’ it like that.” Helena asked the next question without LOGICALLY thinking it through, “Benjy ever fuck yer hot ‘lil ass?” Didn’t take a rocket-scientist to figure out Blue’s Clues -- Benjamin & her little sister had ZERO REASON to partake in anal. For the two of them (minus his cheating), sex was about PROCREATION > PLEASURE. What made her question even stupider was that she’d risked bringing up Lilah’s dead ex-husband (attached heavily to Seraphina) & RUINING THE MOOD. Luckily, her baby sissy seemed too far gone to the delicious darkness of incestuous sin. 
          CADAVEROUS DEVIANT easily filled in the blanks to Delilah’s EQUALLY STUPID question -- What if Sera is in the crowd? Her sister didn’t even have to say it for her to TENSE UP ever-so-slightly -- If it weren’t for the wet & sticky arousal coating her digits & her own thrumming clit aching for release, she might have HESITATED. ‘The fuck would she come ta a place like this? This ain’t her kind a’ thing.’ Internally, she convinced herself she had NOTHING to worry about. Seraphina would choose a high-end club or bar if she decided to go out to one -- Not some dinky little hick shit-hole filled with the TRASH of society. She’d have to be STALKING HER specifically to show up here -- ‘She’s stalked ya b’fore...’ War in her mind was brought to a screeching halt when the brunette fell back against her in the THROES OF DESIRE. & when she screamed her name in pleasure, it was all over. 
          HISS & GROWL -- “Fuck. Love when kitty screams my name.” Redhead lavished the porcelain skin of her sister’s neck in DEEP BITES & DARK BRUISES. Sucking harder. Sinking teeth further. Breaking flesh & tasting tantalizing iron on the tip of her tongue. Lilah was bleeding. Drowning in her own SELFISH HUNGER, she hardly registered when Mandy waltzed up to them & began spitting barbed insults in their direction. Everyone who was anyone in this town knew who the DYKE was -- Her sister had ruined this FAT & MANLY bitch’s life. Embarrassed her in front of everyone. Made her parents fucking disown her. Didn’t help that the chick was ugly as sin -- At least Helena had been hot enough to get away with her scandals. Sex-addict would fuck anything with legs, but she sure as shit wouldn’t touch Mandy -- Not with a TWELVE-FOOT POLE. “Jus’ ignore her, baby girl. Yer so close.” She rasped, lapping away at fresh blood as it drizzled outta puncture wounds -- Humming at the taste & BRAZENLY slithering her left hand ‘neath the thin fabric of Delilah’s top. Black nails scraping across her toned abdomen -- Muscles TENSING & TWITCHING. “Cum for me.” Black holes, swimming with animosity, darted over to the BITCH who was still going off on her baby sissy. She hoped she could see the murderous rage behind her gaze. She hoped it would scare the worthless dyke off. IT DIDN’T. Mandy was now going off on Helena about that time she’d tried to hook up with her & been rejected. Saying she’d turned her down ‘cause she wasn’t her SISTER. A running narrative in all of the insults she slung their way. “Fuck.” Her sibling’s hips might’ve stilled, but the older of the two was still GREEDILY GRINDING against that tight ass -- Pierced clit brushing denim with each & every thrust. She was getting close too. Arousal was already SPILLING outta Lilah’s cunt -- FUCK. She loved the way it felt. Only wished she was inside of her. Harder, faster, tighter, more deliberate circles -- Fingertips pushed under the lacy bra her sissy was wearing & she captured one of them pretty pink nipples ‘tween her index & middle finger, PINCHING HARD. Mandy was getting brave. Inching closer. Getting up in her sister’s face. Teensy-weensy sociopath turned her attention back to Delilah, never slowing the pace of her vicious assault to that sensitive bundle of nerves -- SLUT was so wet for her, fingers were slipping & splashing around, making it kinda difficult to intensely focus on just the right spot, but she was AN EXPERT. “Ignore that fat-ass carpet-muncher an’ look at me.” Demand, “Kiss me an’ cum with me.” 
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xhelenaxleblancx ¡ 5 years
seesgood :
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       ❝ I’M NOT —- ❞  she hates that it’s something hel even has to ask. except, well, it wouldn’t be the first time caroline snuck a look at her girlfriend’s    (  GIRLFRIEND !  )    phone. and well, in all fairness it wouldn’t be the first time she’d found something ether. texts from various slutty-sounding girls, pictures, other things she doesn’t want to dig deeper for. BUT THIS TIME, her intentions are totally innocent.   ❝ look i’m just trying to find that picture i took of us at the falls because i want to send it to myself. ❞  when she looks up, the television has already been switched and it’s too late to argue. instead of the happy-go-lucky TLC show she’d had on, it’s now some girl getting BRUTALLY murdered. the blonde winces,  ❝ seriously? this is…graphic. ❞
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          “---I mean y’are.” Whatever reason behind it, didn’t change the very fact that Caroline WAS currently going through her phone. For the FIRST TIME IN HER LIFE, Helena LeBlanc could say with absolute certainty, she had nothing to hide -- She’d meticulously sifted through her contacts & removed, well, basically ALL OF THEM. Mama, Brit (as a friend only she’d made sure to tell her), & her girlfriend were all that was left. Was kinda SAD & PATHETIC how few people she had in her life that actually gave a shit about her outside of sex. Realization that her existence was EMPTY had been difficult to swallow, but she’d done so like a champ. “If ya say so. Should be at the back a’ the gallery.” Again, for the most part her camera roll was VACANT. She’d kept the nude pics & vids of HERSELF, but everything else besides her, Caroline, & Delilah had been swept clean. How long this dedication & loyalty would last was beyond her, but for now, she was giving everything she had. Blondie’s wince earned A SARCASTIC LAUGH from the itsy-bitsy redhead, “Yer kiddin’ right? Y’know yer a vampire, dont’cha? M’sure ya seen way fuckin’ worse than that. Hell, I’ve seen worse than that.” Wave of her finger at the screen & she dropped her tiny hand behind the other’s back -- Fingertips ghosting gently across her spine through fabric. As if she were trying to PROTECT HER from the morbidity. Was she trying to protect her?
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xhelenaxleblancx ¡ 5 years
xcharmedxheirsx :
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“Literally the princess now…” Words were spoken with DISGUST. Truth be told, the only good thing about her life prior to her brother’s death was that her name WASN’T on her father’s will. With him gone, not only was she sentenced to a miserable MARRIAGE. She was also sentenced to a miserable LIFE. “And I’d rather you not call me it.” Like the redhead would CARE. If anything Sera had only pushed Helena to use it MORE. Which was the exact opposite of what those PESKY BUTTERFLIES in her heart could handle right now. “So, what? You gonna keep throwing yourself into newer whores and more beer bottoms than you count. Like you don’t have a care in the world?” DUH. If Sera’s mind was even mentally capable of being its usual calculating self, she’d maybe have found a way to get UNDER the other girl’s skin. But alas. “They have their eyes on you. ALL OF YOU. Your mother included. And I know at least ONE of you is a black widow.” She’d have been LYING if she tried to claim Helena’s indifference hadn’t at all taken her aback. And the sheer length of time that Helena DISRESPECTFULLY REFUSED to meet her eyes was more than a little INFURIATING. Crease of her lip and clenched up jaw would be evidence of that. “Yeah? Well I’m not scared of you anymore, either.” Not STRICTLY TRUE. She was technically more terrified than ever. Rather she knew that if she died tonight, it would be OH-TOO-CONSPICUOUS.  Especially with her private investigators and the current allegations. “Helena LeBlanc. Always so cocky. Trust me. I’m gonna make it Hell for as long as I live.” Kick in the gut when spoke of RESURRECTION & CONFESSIONS. It had been bad enough the girl had scooched an inch closer. Helena had arrived first. Helena had the window seat. And that meant Seraphina had the room to BACK AWAY. And yet she didn’t. She told herself it was DEFIANCE. That she had to hold her ground. Her heart HAMMERING a thousand paces a second. Now the bitch was PSYCHOANALYZING and it didn’t matter how much truth those words held they had to be refuted ABSOLUTELY. “This isn’t about bringing him back. Its about putting you away. And there’s nothing you can do to prove your innocence.” Words were spoken with a certain… DETERMINATION. But she’d be DAMNED if she wasn’t taken off-guard by the brash knock of shoulders. Chestnuts broke from BEAUTIFUL black holes to where Helena’s bone had made contact with her flesh. “M-Missed you?” Stutter in her voice – Combined with FORCED INCREDULITY – spoke volumes. “E-Excuse? Are you out of your MIND?” (Or was Sera out of hers?) “None of this is CUTE – Okay?” Voice made attempt to harden but the erratic SCATTERING OF DOUBT was something she’d never prepared herself to hide. Because, even now, Seraphina had no idea she even held it. Would Helena be able to SENSE IT? “I’m not here being cute. I’m not here because I miss you. That bet? You can double it. Get rid of it. It doesn’t MATTER anymore. Hell, you won’t be fucking ANYONE if I have my way.” Again her words sounded oh so sure on the outside. Even to Sera….
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          “Last I checked, s’a free country. If I wanna call ya princess, I’m gonna. Y’can always jus’ walk away.” Lips tangled ever-so-slightly -- Helena LeBlanc had always liked a GOOD CHALLENGE. Sera had never HATED her more & thus the deranged lunatic had never WANTED her more. Call her fucked in the head, but she was convinced every human on the face of this planet was incapable of resisting her charms -- Which included the bitch whose brother’s rib-cage had been SMASHED OPEN by her own baby sissy. “Why not?” Apathetic shrug of starved shoulders & a roll of her eyes at the not-so-veiled THREAT. “What difference s’it gon’ make ta them piggies if m’out gettin’ wasted an’ fuckin’ whores? Let ‘em watch. Kind a’ in ta that.”  
          All space had been ELIMINATED -- Arms & legs brushing. She cocked her head to the side & searched them captivating chestnuts for evidence to contradict UNWAVERING words. “Think yer still plenty scared a’ me, honey.” Bottle met lips & she swallowed another swig -- Feeling it burning in her belly. Beer didn’t HIT AS HARD as Vodka, but it made her feel fuzzy & light, “Jus’ not scared m’gonna kill ya or nothin’.” Helena had her THEORIES about her sister-in-law’s feelings, but decided to leave it at that -- Purely to piss her the fuck off. “An’ there ain’t nothin’ y’can do ta prove my guilt. So why y’even talkin’ ta me?” Seemed she’d hit the nail on the head -- Just like that, Goldilocks was ANXIOUSLY AVERTING her eyes & tripping over words DEFENSIVELY. Insisting that there was nothing CUTE about this situation. Which, was ironic to the scrawny fucker, ‘cause the more Seraphina rambled on about it not being cute, the CUTER it was. “Duh I’m outta my mind. I’m fuckin’ certifiable. That don’t mean I ain’t right.” Narcissist was under the impression she was ALWAYS RIGHT. And just like that, the younger girl said them magic words -- Freeing Helena from the confines of the bet & giving her POWER. “Get rid a’ it? I like the sound a’ that.” STUPID BET & PRIDE had been the only things keeping her from making advances on the pretty little thing. Tongue darted across lips -- Mischievous pits focused INTENSELY on the other’s face while she INSOLENTLY slipped her free hand ‘neath the table & scraped black nails viciously from Sera’s knee all the way up her thigh. Making damn sure she felt it & it HURT. “C’mooon. Think we should fuck at least once. For ol’ times’ sake.” 
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xhelenaxleblancx ¡ 5 years
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          There was VERY LITTLE that could have PREPARED Helena for her baby sissy’s seemingly random question -- Redhead almost choked to death on a spoonful of cereal it was so SPORADIC & ODD. Coughing a few times to clear her throat, she swallowed down the food & hesitated on answering -- There was no RIGHT thing to say. She was stuck between a rock & a hard place. On one hand, she could OUTRIGHT LIE, but her conscience (as quiet as it was) wouldn’t allow her to do that. Playing both sides always ended in inevitable disaster. She’d learned that first-hand many times before. If she told Seraphina she was sexier when they were alone together & did the same with Lilah, well, the truth would come out faster than Mandy was forced to. “Where’s this comin’ from sissy?” Helena chose the DEFLECTION TACTIC -- Wiping droplets of milk from her chin & staring up into mirrored black voids, “Y’been drinkin’ again? Kind a’ early, don’t’cha think?” HYPOCRITE. “I dunno what ta say, baby girl. Yer both sexy in yer own ways.” Fair compromise?
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xhelenaxleblancx ¡ 5 years
@xcharmedxheirsx | TO SERAPHINA 
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          “Yeah, she says she wants ta get back ta bein’ sissys like we used ta be. Says she wants ta say sorry ‘bout all the bullshit that happened on Thanksgivin’.” Seraphina’s tone was NOTICEABLY ACCUSATORY -- And it was absolutely justified. Delilah was a calculating psychopath & she very well could (and probably would) be using this as an opportunity to push herself BETWEEN THEM. Especially considering her near-slip of the tongue during the argument that night. Skeletal digits carded anxiously through fiery locks -- “Told her I had ta talk ta you an’ that I’d call her back. She was nice ‘bout it.” TOO NICE.
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xhelenaxleblancx ¡ 5 years
xcharmedxheirsx :
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To call Seraphina CONFLICTED would be the understatement of the year. Hell of the entire last DECADE. And oh what a fucking decade it had been. Married off to a narcissistic dick. Just to see her brother choose a scarlet lettered bimbo from the trailer park to be the love of HIS LIFE. And then to catch feelings (gross) for that bimbo’s blood stained red flag of a sister. And now after years of on and off bonding and burgeoning sexuality that she’d had to cap for her brother’s sake… She’d been asked to identify the MESS OF FLESH AND BONE some SICK & TWISTED PSYCHOPATH had left of him. Suffice to say, her heart had been thoroughly shattered. Yeah you could sure as shit bet Sera had buried those years with Helena down DEEP. In a mad attempt to combat the GUILT of being in love with her brother’s potential mutilator. She’d also becoming intensely obsessed with proving that both members of that FREAKISH SISTER ACT perpetrated the crime. Sleeping meds had become her only chance of sleeping at all. “You know…” Words spoken to capture Helena’s attention. “I don’t even know why I’m SURPRISED. Guess I just figured you’d keep your head down all things considered…” Any resonance of familiarity her tone had once gained was GONE. “Hope you realize I’m gonna make your life a living hell until you finally get sent there.” Brain silenced the part that HOPED it was wrong. Prayed to a God it was having a hard time believing in right now. That Helena was innocent. And that Hell was the LAST PLACE she’d end up.
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          “Wha’s that, princess?” Helena didn’t even LOOK at the other when she spoke. Last person she wanted to be around these days was Seraphina -- Mostly because of the CONFLICTING FEELINGS. She didn’t exactly feel bad for what she & Lilah had done to Benjy, but she felt bad that she didn’t feel bad. If that made any fucking sense. Pissed her the fuck off. Try as she might to HATE her sister-in-law (which some part of her did), she couldn’t help but sympathize & put herself into those expensive ass designer shoes. WORSE, being around her meant constantly being ON GUARD -- One slip of the mask & the bitch would have her sister in jail & take the kids away. Rim of her beer met lips & she backed a thick gulp -- Finally casting a glance in the RICH CUNT’S direction, “If y’think ‘m the type ta keep my head down ‘cause ‘m bein’ accused a’ murder, y’never knew me at all. This ain’t my first rodeo.” IN FACT, this was the third murder investigation her name had been involved with -- Which was precisely why she would be the one to go down with the ship if they found evidence. She’d take the BLAME if it meant PROTECTING Delilah. Obsidian caught chestnuts & she scooted closer to the other, smiling shamelessly (and a tad drunkenly), “I ain’t scared a’ ya, Sera. If y’need ta make my life Hell, I get it. But, it ain’t gon’ bring ‘im back. An’ it ain’t gon’ make me confess ta nothin’ that didn’t happen.” Pesky tug at her heartstrings & a kick of GUILT. Another swig off her beer & she BRAVELY (arrogantly) nudged the dirty-blonde’s shoulder with her own, “S’okay if ya missed me, y’know. Usin’ this as an excuse ta talk ta me again? Kind a’ cute.” Redhead wasn’t simply PLAYING with fire -- She was downright DANCING IN IT.
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xhelenaxleblancx ¡ 5 years
xcharmedxheirsx :
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Salacious growls only made it harder for Delilah to think – TO BREATHE. Heart and pulse pounding away beneath. The only thing suffocating that dirty, shame-ridden VERMIN feeling that Delilah had been BARELY SURVIVING all her life. Still, as black voids studied the crowd, masked apprehension (for she would not allow THEM to glimpse it) swirling in oft-empty eyes. And with each harsh swallow that the young psychopath attempted to wet her throat with. Her hips continued to REACT. If her grinding hadn’t been so clunky and directionless, she’d have called it SECOND NATURE or MUSCLE MEMORY. But truthfully it was just DESIRE. “’k-’Kay…” Words came with a stutter and a deep breath. But that only spiked her anxiety higher. Failing to count to seven. “’m… ‘m scared…” Finally she got one off. Not PERFECT. Not SEVEN. And that was EATING AWAY AT HER. But she’d breathed. And nodded. “We’re jus’… Two sisters dancin’…” No they weren’t. And the way canines found the inside of her gum when said sister slipped her fingers beneath lacy lingerie. The way those same lacy garment SOAKED WITH AROUSAL. Said it all. She didn’t answer right away. More like COULDN’T. Breath all caught. And it dawned on her that this was the most sober she’d ever been outside of those lust-fueled nights where Helena couldn’t HELP herself. And Delilah didn’t WANT her to. Twang of her lingerie’s waistband brought her back round and she offered the weakest confirmative nod in answer – ALL SHE COULD MUSTER. “I,uh, I-I jus’…” Another painful swallow. Scratching by this point growing evermore frantic. “I-Is it smart ta give ‘em m-more f-fuel?” What a FRANKLY LUDICROUS question to ask her big sister. Helena LeBlanc believed in two things: One, blunt and uncensored HONESTY. And two, doing the very thing she had been wrongly accused of because FUCK IT. Why not do the crime if you’re gonna have to do the time anyway. Plus it was TRUE. There had been rumors for as long as ignorant gaggles of kids and their judgy parents laid eyes upon them. Most of the TEETH Helena knocked out belonged to that very same group. (Because they were the ones to first push Delilah into an incestuous PANIC.) And then there was the way Helena ground up against her. Raw passion the likes she’d never felt FOR OR WITH anyone else. And she once more found herself questioning the difference between a God with UNFAIR & TORTUROUS trials. And the WHISPER of the Devil on her shoulder drawing her down the highway to hell. And scariest part? She felt like LUCIFER right now… “Mmh…” Moan was soft. Not too loud. But Helena would surely hear it. The sharp inhale, however. Perhaps would prove more noticeable. Delilah could hardly CARE. Helena had just cursed nirvanically. In response to her body. Her actions. Her existence.  It was GOD’S FAULT if her lungs weren’t capable of withstanding that.
Itching intensified for the younger sibling, who honestly could never – Would never – Tell whether the increased itch had any correlation with GOD’S WRATH. Gratitude trapped within guarded disbelief when the time came for Helena to offer an ALTERNATIVE. And my GOD was Delilah not prepared. Within seconds she had her hand down Helena’s pants. Palm flat and restricted against denim-clad asscheeks in her sister’s back pocket. “S-Sissy…” Tremor in her voice evidenced her NERVES. “I…” This was all starting to become a little too real for the Princess of Denial. There was no DENYING tonight tomorrow. The first squeeze was PANIC. Finger tips pressing, grasping, nails clawing at the other half of her genepool through that tight, delectable, bony ass. It took a minute for it to even REGISTER. And another several for her to breathe enough and relax her hand. Spare hand meanwhile was not yet bundling itself up in her big sister’s LUSCIOUS locks. Instead tensing and untensing. Delilah was trying to focus her mind there. To count each clench. But it was all still too FUCKING loud. And now she was losing herself to the sinful allure of Helena LeBlanc.”O-Okay…” A daring shudder of a word. She was losing control. “I-I’ll try…” Mostly she was just going to try and keep control. Brainbustingly, Delilah still had mind enough to recognize that Helena had MAINTAINED grip and control of her left hand. The one Hel had slipped on down her back pocket. Seemed she wasn’t the only one playing dirty. Still she had her– FREEZE UP. Nails burrowed back into Helena’s ass. Attempting to pierce through denim and  find the flesh they craved. “S-Sissy…” That was undeniably a MOAN. A weak and unsure moan. But a moan nonetheless. “W-What’re ya…” As if it wasn’t OBVIOUS. She was going to fuck her right here on the dancefloor. Exactly how Delilah had predicted it. Thin  fingers finally reached up, tangling themselves all up in and around Helena’s hair. Clenching up and mindlessly TEARING some of the strands from roots. She was just growing more and more panicked. And now her own hips were bucking forward. Anticipating her sissy’s FORBIDDEN TOUCH. “A-An’ they won’t kill me?” A laughable question to say the least. Considering how the very girl asking it was by far the most dangerous woman in Texas right now. HER SISTER INCLUDED. Oh, God. How hard her stomach was tensing right the fuck now. “Y-You wan’…” She trailed. Or rather failed to finish quite abruptly. Those lips and that breath had been taunting and teasing ever since they started… AHEM. ‘Dancing. Quote-Unquote. And finally lips, teeth and tongue had found their way to her ear. “Mmh…” It was the honest to God true that Delilah LeBlanc had never been THIS turned on. “Phsss…” Hiss of borderline frustration and pleasure. Paired with another sharp intake. Nails DAMAGING THEMSELVES the denim of Helena’s jeans. And hair-wrapped bone wrenching at Helena’s hair. Yanking it to the side. “M-Me?” As if it wasn’t obvious by how the LITTLE BALL OF BLOOD AND LUST who had basically mothered her all her life was stroking her shaven mound. And manipulating her way down to her throbbing clit and dripping entrance. Another harsh thrust, bone grinding against bone continuing to PUPPETEER Delilah’s body and mind. Driving her deeper and deeper into arousal and sin. “W-What if…” That final question didn’t die. Nor was it cut off. That final question was WITHDRAWN by conscious decision. Because the truth was. She didn’t CARE if Seraphina was in the crowd. Hell she HOPED the bitch would find them. Then she really would just be another whore in the crowd.
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          “They’re gon’ talk no matta’ what, may as well give ‘em somethin’ ta talk ‘bout.” Her baby sissy was TEETERING on the edge of ANXIETY & AROUSAL -- One wrong move & she could push her in the opposite to desired direction. Teensy-weensy sociopath was taking her time, manipulating the situation on the spot, & most importantly WINNING. Knowing, cocky smirk played on her lips. Black pools swimming with HUNGER & DELIGHT when her sister physically froze up & literally lost her breath & ability to speak. Left hand still firmly holding Delilah’s in place, she moaned -- BRAZEN & EMPHATIC -- Many of the onlookers had to have heard it over the music. How could they blame her when the prettiest girl on the planet was CLAWING at her ass through jeans? “Oh yeah, this was a good idea. Y’should always jus’ dig them nails in ta me ‘stead a’ yerself. Feels good.” SICK FUCK got off on PAIN -- Her younger sibling was more aware of that fact than any family member ever should be. She knew what she was doing (even if it was primarily panic-driven). “Yeah, pun’kin?” As if she needed to ask. “Yer so fuckin’ hot when y’moan for me.” Pace of her hips INTENSIFIED -- Hollow bones slapping & smacking at ass-cheeks through fabric. Throbbing clit just barely rubbing up against the inside of her jeans with each THRUST. Wasn’t much, but with the addition of those nails & the verbal pleasure leaking out of her sister’s mouth, she could probably cum. Not that she’d DARE do that until Lilah was READY. Most would call her egotistical, but she’d never been selfish with her whores. They always came first. (Though, considering that was what she got off on, in a way it was still selfish as fuck). “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” Half-chant, half-pant -- “S’--S’okay sissy. Jus’ relax. I got ya. Don’t worry ‘bout ‘em. I’ll protect ya jus’ like I always did.” If any of these RELIGIOUS BASTARDS confronted them, teased them, or so much as looked at her sister wrong---She’d just knock their motherfucking teeth out. SIMPLE.
          Way Delilah’s nails RETRACTED only to LATCH ON AGAIN (like a cat), left the redhead a sweaty, needy, moaning mess. Pierced nipples straining against her T-shirt. Little psycho might as well have been teasing her, but she didn’t demand more. NO, NO, NO. She’d let her baby move at her own tempo. Panic was okay, a panic attack wasn’t. There wasn’t a cure on the face of the Earth that would ease the guilt she’d feel if she caused that -- Instead, she’d PRAISE & ENCOURAGE. “Mmm... Good girl. Hurts so good, kitten. Harder.” Slender digits pushed deeper. Brushing the top of Lilah’s clit & already feeling slick arousal smeared across fingertips. “Shit. Yer so fuckin’ wet for ME.” Teeth CHOMPED DOWN viciously on her sissy’s earlobe -- This was no longer just dancing & everyone in the crowded room was very aware. Neglected pets looked HEARTBROKEN & FURIOUS. Worse, were the Jesus-loving homophobic assholes who were all chirping away & shooting glares at them. The whole goddamn town would know about the LeBlanc family’s newest scandal come sunrise. Helena couldn’t give a shit less if she TRIED -- “Duh I wan’ya, sissy. Always have. That ain’t a fuckin’ surprise or nothin’. Mm. Fuck. So gooood.” Fingers were RIPPING AT ROOTS & the sting that ran through her scalp was downright addictive -- Yeah, this was HEAVEN. “What if what?” Finally, she released her grip on the younger girl’s hand -- Praying (ironically) that she would continue GROPING at her ass -- Fingers of her right hand dipped further. Slipping through drenched folds & skillfully finding Delilah’s swollen clit. “Don’t think y’ever been so wet b’fore. Fuckin’ Christ.” (Bad choice of words?) “Y’get off on this, huh? Havin’ ‘em watch?” Small, AGONIZINGLY SLOW circles were rubbed into her sister’s sensitive bundle of nerves. Hot mouth lowered to her throat. Delivering open-mouthed kisses, nipping, & sucking marks into pale flesh. 
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